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CloudFlare, Nginx, uWSGI, Celery

Our Django tricks

2015-02-09 København - Lorenzo Setale at Django Meetup #9

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Lorenzo Setale

Proud Full Stack Developer, Startupper, Blogger and Italian since 1993

Working as CTO at

Page 3: MinbilDinbil Django Speed Tricks allows every car owner to earn some money by sharing their car with the neighborhood.

P2P Car Sharing Service

Photo from Shutterstock

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A lot of people involved=

Complex project

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‣ Render the HTML page

‣ Perform the API call

‣ Transform the request in a query

‣ Calculate distances between search location and the cars

‣ Get the JSON with the details for each car

‣ Return the JSON list of cars.

‣ Render the API results using knockout.js and jQuery

Actions and external API calls behind a search request

Search flow

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‣ Calculate details (verify dates, prices and discounts)

‣ Send SMS & Email notification

‣ Update the insurance

‣ Notify the support team about the booking

‣ Update tracking services ( Google Analytics / Mixpanel )

‣ Perform payment

Actions and external API calls when a user book a car

New Booking flow

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Speed is crucial

Photo By PistolPeet ( )

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‣ Synchronous and Delayed tasks using Celery

‣ Smart load balancing with Nginx

‣ The brave spartan uWSGI configuration

‣ Cache implementations ( Server-side, CDN and Browser )

(even if there are other ways of doing it)

This is how we made everything faster

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Synchronous vs Delayed

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Celery is a task queue with focus on real-time processing.It helps us to delay what is not really connected to the success of the process behind the single API/Request.

A sweet guide to implement Celery with Django:

Delayed = use a Celery Task

Hint: Define what should be delayed

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# notifications/ # django-celery>=3.0.23,<3.0.99

@celery.task(default_retry_delay=60, ignore_result=False) def send_sms(recipient, text, user_sms, **kwargs): "This task will send an sms message.” try: send_sms_api(recipient, text, user_sms) except Exception, e: send_sms.retry( args=[recipient, text, user_sms], countdown=60, max_retries=5, exc=e, kwargs=kwargs )

Retry in case of error.Using the Celery Task method .retry() we can perform the task again, in case of failure: In this way even if the process is detached form the main thread, we are sure that we will perform it even if it fails

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# Bookings slower (old) class Booking(models.Model): def notify_booking_created(): # Wait until the Clickatell API returns send_sms_api(recipient, text, user_sms)

Before & After

# Bookings faster (new: Using Celery) from .tasks import send_sms

class Booking(models.Model): def notify_booking_created(): # Ask a worker to perform this for you. send_sms.delay(recipient, text, user_sms)

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Smart Load Balancing

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TL;DR - Define which machine should elaborate what

Smart load balancing with NGINX

Load Balancer

Admin uWSGI …

Request Admin Request

The official guide to use uWSGI with Django and NGINX:

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# NGINX configuration file

upstream backend { server uwsgi.local:8080 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=15s; server uwsgi1.local:8080 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=15s; } server { listen 80; server_name;

location / { proxy_pass http://backend; }

location ~* “/admin/“ { proxy_pass http://uwsgi.local:8080; } }

NGINX load balancer NGINX is a great reverse proxy server, that can work as a load balancer too. In some cases, some requests should be distributed some others should go only to specific machines.

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The “spartan” uWSGI(that commit suicide to save the server)

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uWSGI is a fast, self-healing application container server. It will help to spawn the processes to handle the requests with Django code.

The official guide to use uWSGI with Django and NGINX:

TL;DR - uWSGI = “spawn” django servers

Use uWSGI to deploy your project

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{ "uwsgi": { // #[…]

"logformat": "[%(ltime)][%(vszM) MB] %(method) %(status) - %(uri)", "workers": 3,

"max-worker-lifetime": 300, "max-requests": 100,

"reload-on-as": 512, "reload-on-rss": 384, } }

uWSGI Configuration

The configuration below will set requests, time and memory limit: in case the process/worker will be reloaded or restarted gracefully. In this way you will avoid servers hungry of resources.

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Cache everywhereBrowser + CDN, NGINX

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Set-up cache in base of custom rules and user authentication using these HTTP headers: ‣ Cache-Control

‣ Vary

‣ Expires

A sweet guide to implement Cache-Control with Django: Source Code:

TL;DR - Define Cache-Control header in a smart way

Use django-smartcc middleware

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# MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += [ 'smart_cache_control.middleware.SmartCacheControlMiddleware' ]

SCC_CUSTOM_URL_CACHE = ( (r'/api/search$', 'public', 60*30), )

SCC_MAX_AGE_PUBLIC = 60*60*24*7 # 7 Days SCC_MAX_AGE_PRIVATE = 0

Configure django-smartcc middleware

This django middleware will force cache headers if we define some rules. In the following code the /api/search is always considered as public and cached for a maximum of 1800 seconds (30 minutes).

$ pip install -U django-smartcc

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TL;DR - As my mother, NGINX says things only once!

Cache using NGINX


The official guide to use uWSGI with Django and NGINX:




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# Cache settings proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache keys_zone=uwsgiCache:30m; proxy_ignore_headers Cache-Control; proxy_cache_key "$scheme://$host$request_uri$is_args$args";

add_header X-Cached $upstream_cache_status;

# Disabled cache when editing a car location ~* "(/api/search|api/car)" { proxy_cache_min_uses 1; proxy_cache_valid 200 15m; proxy_pass http://backend; }

NGINX cache rules

The best practice is to save the requests in cache only for specific requests (like really static pages or API calls) for an amount of time that is reasonable, to not deal with the invalidation of the cache.

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Request saved by CloudFlare Cached( Without django-smartcc )

8.8% Cached

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Request saved by CloudFlare Cached( With django-smartcc )

28.45% Cached

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Pingdom RUM statistics(Without Cache and Celery)

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Pingdom RUM statistics(With Cache and Celery)

45.4% Faster

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Do you need a car?

Coupon for 10% of discount!

Photo from Shutterstock

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Tak!Photo from Shutterstock

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Lorenzo Setale

email [email protected] +45 30 14 45 29twitter @koalalorenzo


CTO at
