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    1. Please fill out the Application Form legibly.

    2. Print it out and handwrite it with dark colored ink.

    3. Answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability.

    4. Please write only on the printed side of the Application Form, but feel free to attach additional sheets if


    5. Attach a recent photograph of yourself (passport size) and a photocopy of your NRIC or Passport (page

    comprising personal particulars).

    6. Only successful applicants will be called for an audition/interview.

    7. Please mail your completed Application Form to:

    The Producer

    Million Dollar Money Drop

    MediaCorp TV Singapore Pte. Ltd.

    Annex Building Level 2

    Caldecott Broadcast Centre

    Andrew Road

    Singapore 299939

    Alternatively, you may return your completed Application Form to the MediaCorp reception at the above address.

    8. If you are called for the audition/interview, for verification purposes, please bring along:

    (a) your NRIC or Passport; and

    (b) a recent passport size photo (similar to the photo submitted with your Application Form).

    The Application Begins on the Next Page

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this Application Form.



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    Name (in full): _______________________________________________________________________

    Name to be addressed on screen: ____________________ *NRIC/Passport No.: _________________ Date of Birth: ____________________ (DD/MM/YY) Age: __________________________________

    Tel (Home): _____________________ Gender: F / M

    (Office): _____________________ Race: _________________________________

    (Mobile): ____________________

    Home Address: _______________________________________________________________________

    Postal code: ( )

    Email: __________________________ Nationality: _____________________

    Are you a Permanent Resident of Singapore? Yes No

    Place of birth: _______________

    * delete accordingly

    Part I: About Me

    1(a) Are you currently

    Studying Employed


    Others please specify:_____________________

    1(b) If you are employed, who is your current employer and what is your current occupation? Tell us more. ____________________________________________________________________________________________


    2) How much do you currently earn?


    3) Please list your last three jobs and employers:




    4a) List the schools you have attended at each level:

    Primary: _______________________________________

    Secondary: _____________________________________

    Pre-University: __________________________________

    Tertiary: __________________________________

    University/Postgraduate: ___________________________


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    Others please specify:_____________________________


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    13) How competitive are you in your every day life?



    14) List 3 bad habits you have.



    15) What are some of your hobbies and interests?



    16) Which of the following interests you? (Please circle):




    17) What is your unique and personal motivation for wanting to be on the show?



    18) How will you prepare for this show if you were selected?



    19) Who is the most important person in your life, and why?



    20) What is the most daring and dangerous thing you have ever done? Please elaborate.



    21) Describe your most embarrassing moment: ___________________________________________________________________________________________


    22) What is the weirdest thing about you?




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    23) Where is your dream vacation, and why?



    24) Do you have any lucky charms / rituals? If YES please give details.




    25) If you had Aladdins lamp and 3 wishes, what would you wish for? (Rule: you cant wish for money or more





    26) Please use this space to tell us a little bit more about yourself, e.g. any unrealised dreams or unfulfilled





    27) Underline the words that best describe you:

    Confident Happy Ruthless Aggressive Sweet Calm Greedy Helpful Alert

    Intelligent Risk taker Enthusiastic Outgoing Humble Ambitious Friendly

    Funny Lucky Optimistic Witty Introvert Nasty Superstitious

    28) If you won a large amount of money how would you spend it?

    a) Sensibly:_____________________________________________________________________________

    b) Frivolously:___________________________________________________________________________

    29) Please tick the answers to the following.

    a) Do you save money regularly?

    YES NO


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    b) Do you enjoy driving at a high speed?

    YES NO

    c) Are you cautious in unusual situations?

    YES NO

    d) Would you be careful to declare everything at customs if you had been travelling abroad?

    YES NO

    e) Do you sometimes put money on races, lottery and the like?

    YES NO

    If YES please give details:



    30) Which TV character or personality can you identify best with and why?



    31a) What is the largest amount of money you have ever won? Please specify which game.


    31b) What is the largest amount of money you have ever lost? Please specify which game.


    32) Have you appeared on any game/talk/reality shows that have aired in the past 2 years, or which may air withinthe next year? _______________ If YES, please fill in the following:

    [Use the back of this sheet if additional space is necessary.]

    33) Have you applied to be on any TV shows in the past year?

    YES NO

    Show Name

    Air Date(Include Recording Date if not yet aired)

    Description / Amount won


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    If YES, which ones?



    34) Are you currently being considered for any other reality shows, including, without limitation, an game or

    contest shows?

    YES NO

    If YES, which ones? __________________________________________________________________________


    35) Have you ever appeared in any magazines, publicly disseminated photographs, advertisements, or theinternet?If yes, please describe:



    36) Have you ever created a website or posted any material on a website? If yes, please describe the website(s)you created and/or the materials you posted.



    Part II: Your Game Partner

    37) Tell us more about the relationship you have with your game partner.

    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    38) Why do you think you are a good couple to play this game?



    39) Tell us something about him/her that he/she thinks you do not know about.



    __ 40) Describe your partner in 10 words



    41) Is there something about your partner you would like changed? Why?



    42) Which is more important to you: Winning the game or losing the friendship?


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    43) Is your partner a risk-taker or safe?



    44) What is the most frequent reason for arguments in this relationship?



    45) Who will usually have the final say when there is a disagreement?



    46) What makes this relationship work? Or not work?




    Part III: Your Availability

    Please circle all the dates you are available. Please note that recording will take the entire day.

    2 July (Sat) 3 July (Sun) 4 July (Mon) 5 July (Tue)

    6 July (Wed) 8 July (Fri) 9 July (Sat) 10 July (Sun) 11 July (Mon)

    Will you be leaving Singapore within the next 4 months? If yes, please provide the dates below: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    Part IV: Important Information

    1) What kind of loans do you have? (Please tick all options that are relevant)Car loanHouseStudyRenovationPersonalOthers please specify:______________________


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    2) Are you in debt? What kind of debt? (Credit card etc.)


    3) Have you ever been declared bankrupt? When?


    4) Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offences?

    YES NO

    If YES, please describe in detail, tell us when and where the event occurred, and what the outcome was: ___________________________________________________________________________________________


    5) Have you ever had or has anyone tried to obtain a restraining order against you?

    YES NO

    If YES, please give details, including, without limitation, date(s), place(s), name of party seeking the restrainingorder and relationship of such party to you, etc.



    6) Is there any pending litigation against you?

    YES NO

    If YES, please describe when and where the event(s) occurred, the other party(ies) to the lawsuit(s), whether you

    were the plaintiff or defendant, the nature of the case(s), and the outcome. ___________________________________________________________________________________________


    7) Have you ever been the subject of disciplinary proceedings/ actions in school, in National Service, at work or in any other context?

    YES NO

    If YES, describe in detail, including, without limitation, date(s), place(s), the setting, the exact nature of thecharges and proceedings, and the actions taken in connection with the charges and/or proceedings.


    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Have you ever done or been involved in anything that would reflect negatively on you or on the Program, theProducers and/or the television network/station that broadcast the Program if you are chosen to participate in theProgram?

    YES NO

    If YES, please explain in detail, including, without limitation, date(s), place(s), person(s) involved and their relationship to you, context, setting, publicity (if any) and the exact nature of the incident(s).




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    9) Do you know anyone else who is applying to be on the Program (other than your supporters)?

    YES NO

    If YES, (please list their name(s) and number(s)_____________________________________________________


    10) Is there anyone among your family/friends/colleagues that would object to your appearing on television?

    YES NO

    If YES, please identify all such persons, including your relationship with them and the reason they would object. ___________________________________________________________________________________________


    11) Do you know anyone who is now, or in the past TWO years, been an officer, employee, agent or representative of:

    (a) MediaCorp TV Singapore Pte. Ltd., Endemol International B.V or any of their respective parent, subsidiary or

    affiliated companies;

    (b) Any MediaCorp television station or channel that airs or that may air the Million Dollar Money Drop (the


    (c) Any sponsor of the Program, any party supplying prizes for the Program or such sponsors or suppliers

    advertising agency; or

    (d) Any party supplying services to the Program.

    If YES, pleas give details below:



    PART V: Eligibility Requirements, Contestant Selection and Application Terms & Conditions(A) Eligibility Requirements:

    To play in Million Dollar Money Drop, you must satisfy the following eligibility requirements:

    1. You must be 21 years of age or older (as of 1 July 2011) and a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore.

    2. Neither you nor any member of your immediate and extended family or anyone living in your household may

    be or have been within the last year employees, officers, directors or agents of any of the following:

    (a) MediaCorp TV Singapore Pte. Ltd., Endemol International B.V or any of their respective parent, subsidiary or

    affiliated companies;

    (b) Any sponsor of the Program, any party supplying prizes for the Program or such sponsors or suppliers

    advertising agency; or


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    (c) Any party supplying services to the Program.

    3. You must not have been a previous contestant in the Program. However, the Producers reserve the right to

    invite any contestant(s) back for special or additional episodes of the Program. In which event, if you are so

    invited, you undertake to participate in the production of such special/additional episodes.

    4. You must understand and be conversant in English.

    5. The foregoing notwithstanding, you acknowledge and agree that the Producers reserve the right at any time to

    disqualify or render ineligible: (a) any contestant found, at the Producers discretion, to be in breach of any of the

    above eligibility requirements; or (b) any contestant, determined at the Producers discretion, to be sufficiently

    connected with the Producers, their parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies, any other party related to the

    production, casting, distribution, sponsorship or administration of the Program, such that his/her participation in

    the Program could create the appearance of impropriety. You further accept that the Producers decision in this

    regard shall be final and not subject to enquiries, challenge or appeal.

    (B) Contestant Selection:

    1. You must complete and sign the Producers official Million Dollar Money Drop Application Form and

    attend one (1) or more audition/interview sessions as notified by the Producers. Please note that only successful

    applicants will be notified.

    2. The Producers, in their discretion: (a) shall determine which applicants auditioned/ interviewed will be placed

    into the pool of eligible potential contestants (Audition Player Pool); and (b) shall select contestants from the

    Audition Player Pool to become finalists for episodes of the Program (each, a Finalist).

    3. Selection of Finalists and contestants shall be made by the Producers based on such criteria as the Producers

    shall determine in their sole discretion. The Producers are not obligated to select anyone, even if such person

    meets all eligibility requirements and all criteria for selection. You agree that the Producers decisions regarding

    the selection of Finalists and contestants are final and not subject to challenge or appeal.

    4. All Finalists shall complete, sign and return all documentation in the form and manner required by the

    Producers, including without limitation release and consent forms, before the recording of the Program. Failure to

    sign and return such documentation shall render the Finalist disqualified from the Program.

    (C) Application Terms & Conditions

    The following additional terms and conditions shall apply:

    1. By submitting the Application Form andapplying to participate in the Program,you consent and agree to be bound by all

    the terms and conditions set out in thisApplication Form (collectively, Terms &Conditions), the Million Dollar Money


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    Drop rules (Program Rules) and youacknowledge that the interests of theProgram shall override those of anycontestant.

    2. The Terms & Conditions shall apply to allstages of the Program and productionthereof.

    3. Auditions/interviews for successful applicantsare tentatively scheduled in May and June 2011.The production schedule of the Program for Finalists is tentatively scheduled from [2 July] to[10 July], with details to be provided to theFinalists at a later stage. You shall make yourself available to participate in the Program and

    production thereof at the times and locationsrequired by the Producers and you agree to abide

    by the rules, regulations, fire and safety

    regulations and security arrangements as may beimposed or devised. You shall bear all costs andexpenses relating to your attendance for the

    production of the Program and/or for any other events or activities related to the Program.

    4. If you fail to attend briefing sessions,rehearsals, recording sessions or other events,activities and time schedules related to theProgram, you shall be disqualified if the reasonsfor such absence are found to be unacceptable bythe Producers.

    5. You shall at all times comply strictly withthe Producers specifications/ requirements(whether oral or written) as to your appearance,skills, attire and/or accessories. A failure to meetany such specifications/ requirements shall resultin disqualification from the Program.

    6. All details submitted in the Application Formshall be deemed to be current. In the event of anychange of such details, you shall notify theProducers promptly.

    7. You shall make full and honest disclosure of the particulars requested in the Application Form.You understand that any false particulars or willfulsuppression of material facts will render you liablefor disqualification.

    8. All photographs and any other recordings or materials (Applicants Materials) submitted

    pursuant to this application shall be the property of the Producers who may, without further referenceto you, use such photographs for purposes in

    connection with any promotion, marketing, publicityor obtaining sponsorship of the Program.

    9. You understand and accept that personal particulars and information stated in theApplication Form and any informationsupplied by you may be used by the Producersfor purposes in connection with the promotion,marketing, publicity or obtaining sponsorshipof the Program for broadcasting and theexploitation of the Program throughout theworld. You consent to the disclosure by theProducers of such personal information and

    particulars to third parties, including but notlimited to the media, judges, sponsors and the


    10. As a condition to entry and participation in theProgram, you represent and warrant that you have notentered into any contractual or other arrangementwhich might prohibit or prevent you from participatingin the Program, broadcast, promotion, sponsorship or distribution thereof.

    11. Your non-compliance with any of the Termsand Conditions and/or any Program Rulesshall immediately disqualify you from further

    participation at any stage of the Program, andany cash and prizes won shall be forfeited andreturned.

    12. Any non-cash prizes won by you at theProgram shall not be transferable nor exchangeable for cash or otherwise. You shallnot transfer, exchange or redeem any non-cash

    prizes won, and such prizes can only by used by you only at such times as specified by theProducers or, if applicable, the sponsors of theProgram or prizes.

    13. Your refusal to accept any prizes (be it cash or non-cash prizes) prior to delivery shall release theProducer from all obligations to you in connectionwith the prizes. In addition, you shall fulfill allobligations (if any) specified by the Program and/or

    prize sponsors of the Program.

    14. For the avoidance of doubt, the selection of contestants and Finalists, the conduct and productionof the Program shall at all times be at the Producerssole and absolute discretion and you agree and acceptthat the Producers decision at all stages of and on allmatters or disputes relating to the Program is final.You undertake to abide by the Producers decision(s)


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    and you agree and accept that no enquiries,challenges or appeals, verbal or written, shall beentertained.

    15. The Producers reserve the right to change theformat of the Program as they deem fit includingwithout limitation changing the dates, times andvenues of auditions/ interviews/ production,registration, adding auditions/rounds to theProgram and requesting re-recording from you.

    16. You shall not at any time make any personalappearance, give any interview, allow publication,in any media (be it on-line, print, visual or audio),nor disclose any information or details whatsoever concerning yourself, prize winners, the Program,the Producers, or their related companies, officers,licensees and/or agents without the prior writtenconsent and approval of the Producers.

    17. You are required to refrain from wearingany clothing items bearing designer or sports logos or bearing the name or likeness of a celebrity, living or dead, or

    bearing any offensive language and/or graphics during any part of the recordingof the Program. You shall also not use or say anything whatsoever during theProgram that seeks to promote any person,entity products or services.

    18. You undertake that your contribution tothe Program including without limitationany the Applicants Materials shall notand do not infringe any rights (includingcopyrights) of, or defame or embarrassany person or company and you shallindemnify the Producers from and againstall claims arising from a breach of thisterm.

    19. Should any prizes of the Program besponsored, the Producers do not undertakeany responsibility to ensure that such

    prizes will be delivered by the sponsors toany prize winner. In the event that thesponsor fails or refuses, for whatever reason, to deliver or transfer the prize or make good on its promise or offer to the

    prize winner, the Producers shall not beliable or responsible for losses (of anynature whatsoever) arising form suchfailure or refusal.

    20. The Producers shall have no liability to acontestant who is unable to attend or take part in theProgram for whatever reason and the Producers shall

    be entitled to disqualify, and at their discretion replace,any such contestant at any time therefore.

    21. No weapons, alcohol or non-prescriptioncontrolled substances will be permitted at theProducers recording studios or any other premisesused for the Program or during any part of theProgram.

    22. No fees, royalties, residuals or other considerationwill be payable to you in respect of your participationin the Program, in any special or additional episodes of the Program, any broadcast subsequent rebroadcast or retransmission or any other use by the Producers (or any assignees or licensees) of the Program or any partthereof in any manner or media now known or

    hereafter invented.

    23. The Producers shall be under no liabilitywhatsoever in respect of any loss, damage or injurysustained by you at any stage of the Program, unlesssuch loss, damage or injury is caused by theProducers gross negligence.

    24. With full title guarantee you assign irrevocably tothe Producers (including present assignment of futurecopyright) the entire copyright and all other rights of whatsoever nature to your contribution in and to the

    Program and to the Applicants Materials, such thatthe Producer shall be entitled to use and exploit andlicense others to use and exploit such contribution byall means and in all media and formats whether nowknown or hereafter invented throughout the Universefor the full period of copyright including anyextensions and renewals thereto and thereafter insofar as is possible in perpetuity. Furthermore you grantirrevocably, all consents and waivers as required bythe Copyright Act of the Republic of Singapore as may

    be amended from time to time (the Act ) or anysimilar laws of any jurisdiction to enable the Producers

    to make fullest use of your contribution in and to theProgram without restriction.

    25. You hereby waive irrevocably in respect of your contribution to the Program any and all moral rightswhich you may have now or in the future including butwithout limitation any of your rights under the Act or any similar laws of any jurisdiction and acknowledgethe Producers right to use your name, likeness andvoice and any of your biographical details,

    photographs and recordings separately from or inconjunction with the Program or the sponsorship


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    thereof in all media and formats throughout theUniverse including, but not by way of limitationon Program, related web-sites or other onlinemedia and in advertising, publicity, sponsorshipand exploitation material.

    26. You acknowledge and agree that the Producersare not obliged to record your contribution to theProgram and/or include you in the broadcastversion thereof.

    27. You acknowledge and agree that it is anoffence to give or agree to give any member of the

    production team, any representatives of theProducers, or any other party associated in anymanner with the Program, any part of your prizewinnings or anything else of value to arrange your appearance on the Program.

    28. The Producers reserve the right to amend or vary any of the Terms and Conditions or any of the Program Rules without prior notice to you.

    29. In the event of any inconsistency between theTerms and Conditions and the Program Rules, theTerms and Conditions shall prevail.

    30. You shall indemnify and keep the Producersindemnified from and against any and all loss,damage, claims and /or costs (including costs on a fullindemnity basis) suffered and/or incurred by theProducers as a result of your breach of any of theTerms & Conditions.

    31. The Terms and Conditions shall be governed byand constructed in accordance with Singapore Law.You irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive

    jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.

    32. No third party shall have any rights to enforceany of the provisions under the Terms and

    Conditions against the Producers under theContracts (Rights of Third Party) Act of theRepublic of Singapore.


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    PART VI: Applicants Agreement & Declaration

    I, (Name: ______________________________ ,*NRIC/Passport No.:_________________) hereby confirmand declare that:

    1. All information given in this Application Form is true and correct. I understand that should there beany changes to the information provided, I shall inform the Producers immediately.

    2. I have read, understood and agree to abide and be bound by the Terms & Conditions and theProgramme Rules.

    ________________________________ ___________________________ Signature Date

    * delete accordingly

    Thank you for your time and effort in completing the Application Form.Dont forget to attach:

    (a) a photocopy of your NRIC or Passport (page comprising personal particulars) ; and(b) your recent passport-size photo.
