Page 1: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient


These smoothie recipes can help you increase your milk supply, manage those sugar cravings and lose the baby weight. 

RECIPE BOOKcurb the cravings. lose weight

Page 2: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient

I created Milk Dust because I've helped hundreds of mamas through my blogs, program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient amounts of protein, but that would also nourish them, help their milk supply, and minimize the sugar cravings. One of the biggest challenges mamas came to me with were the sugar cravings and hunger. Protein helps satiate hunger because it takes time and energy to digest. Protein itself helps reduce sugar cravings by giving you that "full" feeling. Milk Dust also has specific minerals like Chromium and Magnesium to help reduce sugar cravings. There are also amazing ingredients like cinnamon bark and Turmeric to balance blood sugar. None of the protein powders had all of this, the full package specifically for postpartum mamas. Weight loss protein powders contained chemicals and caffeine, while lactation protein powders didn't contain the nutrients and protein amounts I think are necessary for postpartum mamas. Many mamas struggle with dairy, and find their babies are allergic to dairy, so I also needed to work with plant- based proteins to provide the protein. Luckily, pea-protein isolate is an amazing, full- amino acid profile protein that digests well.  I am confident that I was able to lose the baby weight, stay very active and run lots of miles, while never suffering a low-milk supply because of my nutrient-dense diet. I realize that my habits are not of the norm, and many mamas need something to help them. I thoroughly believe in the power of nutrition to support our postpartum bodies, lactation and nourishment for baby. Eating a nutrient-dense diet isn't always easy for new mommies. I found myself grabbing anything with one hand, and snacking on left overs if I didn't have something quick, simple and yummy. Milk Dust is so simple, clean and full of nutrients, it doesn't take a lot of prep work, cooking or cleaning.  In addition to the nutritional elements for milk supply, I loaded the powder with the lactogenic herbs I personally had the most success with, and that science has proven. This includes fenugreek, brewers yeast, flax seeds and milk thistle. I know not every mama benefits from all of these, but I found them all so helpful, and many studies have proven them to have positive affects on milk supply. With the combination of the galactagogue herbs, and the nutrients, and hopefully a nutrient- dense diet, you will find health, healing, and lots of milk in this season with baby.  Milk Dust won't solve all your problems, and there are still issues, genetic and hormonal that need doctors attention, but the goal is to provide most mamas with a lactation protein powder that helps curb sugar cravings and nourish new mamas. 


a word from founder

- Katie Pickettmom of 3, founder + nutrition coach

Page 3: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient


milk supply + nutrition


Page 4: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient

Milk supply and nutrition are related more than many mamas realize:  Breastfeeding mamas need more nutrients to sustain healing, postpartum recovery and milk production. There is a term, postnatal depletion, which is rarely discussed, but very important to every mother's health, milk production, cognitive function and energy levels.  Each mama is different. Some produce milk with little nutrients, some need nutritional and supplemental help.  Producing a healthy milk supply depends on hormonal balance, genetics and mama's nutritional state. If mama is in a state of depletion once baby arrives (which most mamas are because towards the end of pregnancy, baby's require a lot of nutritional support) mamas tend to stock up on calories due to extreme hunger, but forget to stock up on nutrients. Because most mamas crave sugar and carbs, many foods with low nutritional value, are consumed to relieve hunger and satisfy cravings, but this results in a cycle of nutrient depletion and thus more cravings. Your body signals cravings because it wants nutrients to support you and your baby. With the chemical confusions in processed foods, cravings are often confused with needing sugar and carbs, rather than fruits and vegetables.  Milk Dust is here to help mamas restore nutrient deficiencies, offer a healthy, full-amino acid profile of proteins, and provide nutrients and minerals that help curb sugar cravings and hunger.  In addition to nourishing, it also boosts your milk supply. With herbs like fenugreek, milk thistle, brewers yeast. fennel seed and flax seeds, you can help your body produce lots of milk, even when you are still working on replenishing your nutrient stores.  Lactation smoothies are a fast, realistic way to replenish nutrient stores, boost your milk supply, satisfy sugar cravings and lose the extra weight gained during pregnancy.  Milk Dust offers a full amino acid profile of protein through pea protein isolate. It adds in chia seeds, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds for additional omega-3 fatty acids. There are organic fruits and veggies, minerals like chromium, magnesium, folate (L-Methylfolate) and herbs like tumeric and cinnamon bark to reduce sugar cravings. All of this is sweetened with natural sweeteners like cane juice, stevia and monk fruit.  Because of the strong presence of herbs for lactation like brewers yeast and cinnamon bark, there is a sweet, warm flavor with a hint of cinnamon.  These recipes are specifically created because they taste AMAZING, and they offer mama exactly what she needs to boost milk supply and manage cravings for weight loss. 


Page 5: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient


smoothie recipes


Page 6: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient

How to use smoothies with a healthy diet:  Smoothies can be made one-handed, and blended even with just ice, a non- dairy milk and Milk Dust. This makes getting a nutrient-dense snack or meal in really fast, easy and effective. Milk Dust is your best friend - a helper, but a supplement is made to be combined with a healthy diet.  You can eat a healthy diet, and help Milk Dust work better by focusing on fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, nuts, beans and nutrient-dense carbohydrates like quinoa. By taking out the processed foods, sweets, crackers and chips, you can get in a lot more nutrients in less calories, and reduce cravings. If you need help with diet, shoot us an email, and we can refer you to some programs that will help you through eating healthy while breastfeeding.  Starting with smoothies is a great beginning to healing as well. Our bodies need nutrients to heal from birth, our minds need nutrients to function on little sleep, and our babies need nutrients from our breast milk. By eating a nutrient-dense diet, you are doing so much more than eating healthy. Food nourishes your body to build your life as a mother in a healthy, happy and thriving way.  Let's get into the smoothie ebook, to get you going on your journey to weight loss, lots of milk and a nourished mama!


Page 7: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient

Very Berry Smoothie:  1 cup frozen berry blend of raspberries, strawberries and blueberries 1 handful of fresh spinach 1/4 frozen banana  1 scoop of Milk Dust 1/2 - 3/4 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice)  Blend everything together in a blender and enjoy!  Mean Green Smoothie:  3/4 of an avocado (fresh) 2 big handfuls of spinach and smash into blender 1/2 cup frozen cauliflower 1 scoop Milk Dust 3/4 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice) Blend all ingredients together and enjoy! This one is super green, and super creamy. 


Smoothie Recipes

Page 8: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient

Blueberry Spinach Treat:  1 cup fresh blueberries 1 handful of fresh spinach 1/4 frozen avocado or banana  1 scoop of Milk Dust 1/2 - 3/4 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice)  Blend everything together in a blender and enjoy!  Apple Pie Dessert:  1/2 small/medium gala apple 1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce 1 frozen banana 1 scoop Milk Dust 3/4 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice) Blend all ingredients together and enjoy! This one is super green, and super creamy. 


Smoothie Recipes

Page 9: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient

Mexican Hot Chocolate:  1 cup almond milk ice cubes 1/2 frozen banana 1-2 TBS cocoa powder pinch of cinnamon 1 scoop of Milk Dust 1/2 - 3/4 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice)  Blend everything together in a blender and enjoy!  Pumpkin Pie:  1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1/2 cup frozen almond milk ice cubes 1/2 frozen banana 1 scoop Milk Dust 3/4 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice) Blend all ingredients together and enjoy! This one is super green, and super creamy. 


Smoothie Recipes

Page 10: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient

Red Dragon Fruit: 1/ cup frozen dragon fruit 1/2 cup frozen raspberries 1/2 frozen banana 1 scoop of Milk Dust 1/2 - 3/4 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice)  Blend everything together in a blender and enjoy!  Vanilla Cream:  1/2 frozen banana 1/2  cup frozen cauliflower 1 scoop Milk Dust 3/4 cup - 1 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice) 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Blend all ingredients together and enjoy! This one is super green, and super creamy. 


Smoothie Recipes

Page 11: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient

Strawberry Cream:  1/2 cup frozen strawberries 1/2 frozen banana 1 scoop of Milk Dust 1/2 - 3/4 cup coconut cream or almond milk creamer (or non-dairy milk of your choice)  Blend everything together in a blender and enjoy!  Straight Kale:  1/2 frozen banana 1/2  cup - 1 cup fresh Kale (removed from stalks if possible) 1 scoop Milk Dust 3/4 cup - 1 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice) Blend all ingredients together and enjoy! This one is super green, and super creamy. 


Smoothie Recipes

Page 12: milk dust lactation smoothie recipe book - Weight Loss · program and app to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found that there wasn't a protein powder to help mamas get sufficient

Peanut Butter Dream:  2 TBSP melted peanut butter (not hot, but turn peanut butter liquid) 1/2 frozen banana 1 scoop of Milk Dust 1/2 - 3/4 cup coconut cream or almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice)  Blend everything together in a blender and enjoy!  Chocolate Mint: 1/2 frozen banana 2 TBSP cocoa powder 1-2 drops mint extract 1 scoop Milk Dust 3/4 cup - 1 cup almond milk (or non-dairy milk of your choice) Blend all ingredients together and enjoy! This one is super green, and super creamy. 


Smoothie Recipes