Page 1: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center


Military Geophysics

Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE14 June 2011

This briefing is classifiedUNCLASSIFIED

Page 2: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center



Applications Key geophysical sensing needs Key geophysical analytic needs Challenges Lessons learned



Page 3: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center



Treaty monitoring

Battlespace awareness

Land (and below), sea, air

Detect, locate, characterize

Clandestine tunnel detection

Broad, low resolution detection

Moderate resolution location

High fidelity local interrogation



Page 4: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center

Key Geophysical Sensing Needs Sensing in a non-lab environment

DoD does not typically build vaults Sensor networks

Common communications Pre-processing on node prior to exfil

Size and power matter Trade-offs (minimize reduction in sensitivity or bandwidth)

More robust and resilient sensors No reduction in sensitivity Example: sensitivity locked until sensor is in place

Stability Sensors that do not require frequent or lengthy calibrations

No soaker hoses Noise cancellation versus isolation Advanced sensor concepts for noise reduction

Common GPS time for all



Page 5: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center

Key Geophysical Analysis Needs

Sirles, et. al: “Advancements In Subsurface Modeling Using Seismic Refraction Data”, SAGEEP 2006.

Depth of seismic sources Without placing sensor over the top of the source

Integrated infrasound and meteorological data Rapid computation, interpretation of local & regional synthetics

Helps most with moving networks Workflow optimized analytical environment More tsunamigenic source function and propagation work Cross-domain data fusion (no single geophysical method is applicable everywhere)

Seismic (active and passive) Acoustic, Infrasound Electromagnetic Induction Resistivity Ground penetrating radar

Global database of future sensor deployments Direct download of .css data files

Versus seed format download and unpack



Page 6: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center

Geotechnical Challenges & Factors

Chaos Material (clays, magnetite, salt) Faults, fractures, joints, bedding, paleochannels Groundwater level Seismic velocity Conductivity



Page 7: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center

Environmental Challenges & Factors

Vegetative cover Terrain Rain Space available



Page 8: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center

Man-made Clutter Challenges & Factors Urban chaos Utilities

Underground Power, Telephone, Cable Water, Sewer, Gas Stray current

Overhead - Power Vehicles Structures, Fences



Page 9: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center

Lessons Learned(Field Horror Stories)



Changing batteries Pulling data cards Equipment quantity and logistics Planning Weather Animal life Self interference & friendly fire

Page 10: Military Geophysics Mr. Gunnar J. Radel, PE 14 June 2011 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED

Underground Facility Analysis Center
