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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Process Manufacturing Production and Logistics

Varighed: 3 Days Kursus Kode: M80309


This three-day instructor-led course provides learners with knowledge about Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Process Manufacturing Productionand Logistics. The purpose of this course is to give learners an overview of the business processes and the functionalities available in theProcess manufacturing module of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Students will have the opportunity to use the application to perform typicalend-user tasks.


The intended audience is the users typically working for a Microsoft Dynamics partner that is selling, consulting, implementing, and supportingMicrosoft Dynamics AX 2012 - Process Manufacturing Production and Logistics.


After completing this course, students will be able to: Create formula for the packed product with reference of bulk item.

Explain the process manufacturing features and create the Firm and consolidate the planned orders associated to a bulk itemsetups at the released products level. and packed product in the Planned order form.

Explain a formula item and how it differs from a Bill of Material Process the bulk and packed order and review the inventory.(BOM) item.

Add and remove the bulk or packed order in the Consolidated batchCreate a product at the enterprise level. orders form.

Configure setups at the released product level. Define the setup for creating a Catch Weight (CW) item.

Create and apply a product template. Create an inventory transaction with a partial visibility catch weightitem.

Describe production types that are defined for any item, at thereleased product level. Create an inventory transaction with a full visibility catch weight item.

Know the difference between a formula item and a planning item. Explain the use of catch weight in different transactions.

Define the formula lines and versions. Define a batch disposition code and its related setups.

Explain the use of a formula and a route in multisite production Define setup to integrate a batch disposition code with qualityscenario. management.

Explain the features and structural elements of the formula. Configure a batch disposition code associated to partial or fullblocking of inventory.

Define a formula level with an example of a formula at multiplelevels. Reset a disposition code for inventory batches manually.

Define a formula at multiple sites. Define shelf life and its related setups.

Define formula line types. Configure the shelf life at the released product level.

Describe the formula features in formula lines. Reserve inventory batches using the shelf life setup.

Describe different access methods to create and maintain a Explain the same batch reservation and its need for masterformula. planning.

Define different version control methods available in formula Explain batch attributes and

Create a batch attribute for an item.Describe how to copy a formula from other formula versions.

Assign product specific and customer specific batch attributes.

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Modify a formula version by changing the yield percentage orformula size. Reserve batches by batch attributes.

Define the steps to edit a formula using the formula designer. Update inventory batch attribute manually.

Create a formula version using scalable and percentage Update inventory batch attribute automatically using quality ordercontrolled options in the formula lines.

Explain the batch attribute groups.Describe how to use a plan group to substitute items in formulalines. Explain AVL and define its related setups.

Setup step consumption and its use in batch order processing Define item-vendor relationship and its period of validity.and in a formula calculation.

Inquire and validate an approved vendor list in different forms.Describe batch order costing.

Explain the necessity for a vendor batch update and its requiredExplain the prerequisites for formula calculation. setup.

Explain the steps to create and activate item prices. Perform a purchase registration with a vendor batch update.

Calculate a cost price and sales price using a formula Define commodity pricing and its purpose.calculation.

Define the setups required for commodity pricing.Describe the enhancements in a formula calculation relating tothe process manufacturing. Setup the pricing calculation for commodity items.

Estimate a cost price and sales price in a batch order and sales Create price and margin data for a formula item.order.

View the commodity price calculation and update it in the tradeExplain the stages of the batch order life cycle. agreement.

Explain how a batch order can be processed using the Define product compliance and configure its necessary setups inManufacturing Execution System (MES). Inventory and warehouse management.

Define the setup and report an unplanned co-product and Associate product compliance setups for a specific item at theby-product in a batch order. released products level.

Explain a rework batch order and the steps to process a rework Update the product safety data sheet for a specific item at thebatch order. released product level.

Define the process manufacturing functionalities adhering to Validate the product safety compliance data sheet during purchasemaster planning. and sales order processing.

Explain multisite planning and its prerequisites. Explain rebates and their setup.

Perform Master Planning across the sites within a legal entity. Create item rebate groups and customer rebate groups.

Describe intercompany planning and create the required setups. Create a rebate agreements to a customer.

Define downstream source plans in master plans. Process rebates to a customer.

Describe key transactions that trigger multi company planning. Define the setup relating to advanced warehouse management forcatch weight products.

Describe methods to create intercompany sales orders.Perform pallet transport for an inbound warehouse management

Define co-products and their prerequisites for planning. process in catch weight unit

Plan co-products using a planning item. Describe the setups for reservation in process manufacturing.

Plan co-products with a formula item.

Explain the purpose and benefits of containerized packaging.

Create bulk item conversion.


Before attending this course, students must have completedthe following courses or have equivalent knowledge:

80300: Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics AX 201280305: Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

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80306: Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics AX 201280339: Bill of Materials in Microsoft Dynamics AX 201280423: Master Planning in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (availablein 2012)80314: Discrete Manufacturing Basics in Microsoft Dynamics AX201280315: Discrete Manufacturing Advanced in Microsoft DynamicsAX 2012

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Module 1: Process manufacturing Overview Module 5: Containerized Packaging Lab : Set Up an Approved Vendor by Itemline line and Create the Purchase agreement

lineThis module provides a general overview of This module provides a general overview ofProcess Manufacturing setups available in Containerized packaging in Microsoft After completing this module, students willMicrosoft Dynamics AX 2012. Dynamics AX 2012. be able to:line line line

Explain process manufacturing and create

Lessons Lessons the necessary setup at the releasedline line products level

Process Manufacturing Process Manufacturing Explain a formula item and how it differsProcess Manufacturing and Prerequisite Process Manufacturing and Prerequisite from a Bill of Material (BOM) item.Setups Setups Create a product at the enterprise level.General Concepts General Concepts Configure released products.Formula Features and Elements Formula Features and Elements Create and apply a product template.Formula Form Accessed from Different Formula Form Accessed from Different Describe production types that are definedForms Forms for any item, at the released product level.Formula Versions Formula Versions Explain the difference between a formulaCopy Formula Versions Copy Formula Versions item and planning item.Modify Formula Versions Modify Formula Versions Define formula lines and versions.Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formula Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formula Explain the use of a formula and a route inDesigner Designer multisite production scenarios.Create Formula Versions with Scalable and Create Formula Versions with Scalable Explain the features and structuralpercentage Controlled Options and percentage Controlled Options elements of a formula.Use of Plan Group in Formula Lines Use of Plan Group in Formula Lines Define a formula level with an example of aStep Consumption Step Consumption formula at multiple levels.Batch Order Costing Batch Order Costing Define a formula at multiple sites.Prerequisites For a Formula Calculation Prerequisites For a Formula Calculation Define formula line types.Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Price for Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Price Describe the formula features in formulaFormula Items for Formula Items lines.Formula Calculation Enhancements Formula Calculation Enhancements Describe different access methods toPrice Estimation in Batch Order and Sales Price Estimation in Batch Order and create and maintain a formula.Order Sales Order Define different version control methodsBatch Order Life Cycle Batch Order Life Cycle that are available in formula management.Process a Batch Order Using the Process a Batch Order Using the Describe how to copy a formula from otherManufacturing Execution System Manufacturing Execution System formula versions.Report Unplanned Co-Products and Report Unplanned Co-Products and Modify a formula version by changing theBy-Products in a Batch Order By-Products in a Batch Order yield percentage or formula size.Rework a Batch Order Rework a Batch Order Define the steps to edit a formula using theMaster Planning Specific to Process Master Planning Specific to Process formula designer.Manufacturing Manufacturing Create a formula version using scalableMultisite Master Planning and its Multisite Master Planning and its and percentage controlled options in thePrerequisites Prerequisites formula lines.Perform Master Planning Across Sites Perform Master Planning Across Sites Describe how to use a plan group toIntercompany Planning Intercompany Planning substitute items in formula lines.Co-product Planning and Production Co-product Planning and Production Set up step consumption and its use inPlanning Co-Products Using Planning Item Planning Co-Products Using Planning batch order processing and in a formulaPlanning Co-Products with Formula Item Item calculation.Containerized Packaging Planning Co-Products with Formula Item Describe batch order costing.Setup for Containerized Packaging Containerized Packaging Explain the prerequisites for formulaFirm and Consolidate the Planned Batch Setup for Containerized Packaging calculation.Order Firm and Consolidate the Planned Batch Explain the steps to create and activateAdd or Remove the Batch Order from the Order item prices.Consolidated Batch Order Add or Remove the Batch Order from the Calculate a cost price and sales priceBatch Disposition Code Consolidated Batch Order using a formula calculation.Shelf Life Management Batch Disposition Code Describe the enhancements in a formulaSame Batch Reservation Shelf Life Management calculation relating to processBatch Attributes Same Batch Reservation manufacturing.Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory and Batch Attributes Estimate a cost price and sales price in aWarehouse Management Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory and batch order and sales order.Batch Attributes by Product Specific and Warehouse Management Explain the stages of the batch order lifeCustomer Specific Batch Attributes by Product Specific and cycle.Batch Attribute Groups Customer Specific Explain how a batch order can beApproved Vendor List Batch Attribute Groups processed using the Manufacturing

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Approved Vendor List in Released Products Approved Vendor List Execution System (MES).Form Approved Vendor List in Released Define the setup and report an unplannedValidate the Approved Vendor Check in Products Form co-product and by-product in a batchVarious Forms Validate the Approved Vendor Check in order.Vendor Batch Update Various Forms Explain a rework batch order and the stepsCommodity Pricing Vendor Batch Update to process a rework batch order.Product Compliance and its Setup Commodity Pricing Define the process manufacturingAssociate Product Compliance to Released Product Compliance and its Setup functionalities adhering to master planning.Products Associate Product Compliance to Explain multisite planning and itsValidate the Product Safety Data Sheet Released Products prerequisites.Information in Purchase and Sales Orders Validate the Product Safety Data Sheet Perform Master Planning across the sitesSame Batch Reservation Information in Purchase and Sales within a legal entity.Rebates Orders Describe intercompany planning andRebate Agreements Same Batch Reservation create the required setups.Rebates Process Cycle Rebates Define downstream source plans in masterCatch Weight in Advanced Warehouse Rebate Agreements plans.Management Functions Rebates Process Cycle Describe key transactions that triggerReservation in Advanced Warehouse Catch Weight in Advanced Warehouse multi-company planning.Management for Process Manufacturing Management Functions Describe methods to create intercompany

Reservation in Advanced Warehouse sales orders.After completing this module, students will Management for Process Manufacturing Define co-products and their prerequisitesbe able to: for planning.line Lab : Configuration of the Bulk Item Plan co-products using a planning item.

Explain process manufacturing and create Conversion Plan co-products with a formula item.the necessary setup at the released line Explain the purpose and benefits ofproducts level containerized packaging.Explain a formula item and how it differs Lab : Processing the Consolidated Batch Create bulk item conversion.from a Bill of Material (BOM) item. Order Create formula for the packed product withCreate a product at the enterprise level. line reference of bulk item.Configure released products. Firm and consolidate the planned ordersCreate and apply a product template. After completing this module, students will associated to a bulk item and packedDescribe production types that are defined be able to: product in the Planned orders form.for any item, at the released product level. line Process the bulk and packed order andExplain the difference between a formula Explain process manufacturing and review the inventory.item and planning item. create the necessary setup at the Add and remove the bulk or packed orderDefine formula lines and versions. released products level in the Consolidated batch orders form.Explain the use of a formula and a route in Explain a formula item and how it differs Define the setup for creating a Catchmultisite production scenarios. from a Bill of Material (BOM) item. Weight (CW) item.Explain the features and structural elements Create a product at the enterprise level. Create an inventory transaction with aof a formula. Configure released products. partial visibility catch weight item.Define a formula level with an example of a Create and apply a product template. Create an inventory transaction with a fullformula at multiple levels. Describe production types that are visibility catch weight item.Define a formula at multiple sites. defined for any item, at the released Explain the use of catch weight in differentDefine formula line types. product level. transactions.Describe the formula features in formula Explain the difference between a formula Define a batch disposition code and itslines. item and planning item. related setups.Describe different access methods to create Define formula lines and versions. Define setup to integrate a batchand maintain a formula. Explain the use of a formula and a route disposition code with quality management.Define different version control methods that in multisite production scenarios. Configure a batch disposition codeare available in formula management. Explain the features and structural associated to partial or full blocking ofDescribe how to copy a formula from other elements of a formula. inventory.formula versions. Define a formula level with an example of Reset a disposition code for inventoryModify a formula version by changing the a formula at multiple levels. batches manually.yield percentage or formula size. Define a formula at multiple sites. Define shelf life and its related setupsDefine the steps to edit a formula using the Define formula line types. Configure the shelf life at the releasedformula designer. Describe the formula features in formula product level.Create a formula version using scalable and lines. Reserve inventory batches using the shelfpercentage controlled options in the formula Describe different access methods to life setup.lines. create and maintain a formula. Explain the same batch reservation and itsDescribe how to use a plan group to Define different version control methods need for master planning.substitute items in formula lines. that are available in formula Explain batch attributes and setups.Set up step consumption and its use in management. Create a batch attribute for an item.batch order processing and in a formula Describe how to copy a formula from Assign product specific and customercalculation. other formula versions. specific batch attributes.Describe batch order costing. Modify a formula version by changing the Reserve batches by batch attributes.Explain the prerequisites for formula yield percentage or formula size. Update inventory batch attribute manually.

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calculation. Define the steps to edit a formula using Update inventory batch attributeExplain the steps to create and activate item the formula designer. automatically using quality orderprices. Create a formula version using scalable Explain the batch attribute groups.Calculate a cost price and sales price using and percentage controlled options in the Explain Approved Vendor List (AVL) anda formula calculation. formula lines. define its related setups.Describe the enhancements in a formula Describe how to use a plan group to Define item-vendor relationship and itscalculation relating to process substitute items in formula lines. period of validity.manufacturing. Set up step consumption and its use in Inquire and validate an approved vendorEstimate a cost price and sales price in a batch order processing and in a formula list in different forms.batch order and sales order. calculation. Explain the necessity for a vendor batchExplain the stages of the batch order life Describe batch order costing. update and its required setup.cycle. Explain the prerequisites for formula Perform a purchase registration with aExplain how a batch order can be processed calculation. vendor batch update.using the Manufacturing Execution System Explain the steps to create and activate Define commodity pricing and its purpose.(MES). item prices. Define the setups required for commodityDefine the setup and report an unplanned Calculate a cost price and sales price and by-product in a batch order. using a formula calculation. Set up the pricing calculation forExplain a rework batch order and the steps Describe the enhancements in a formula commodity process a rework batch order. calculation relating to process Create price and margin data for a formulaDefine the process manufacturing manufacturing. item.functionalities adhering to master planning. Estimate a cost price and sales price in a View the commodity price calculation andExplain multisite planning and its batch order and sales order. update it in the trade agreement.prerequisites. Explain the stages of the batch order life Define product compliance and configurePerform Master Planning across the sites cycle. its necessary setups in Inventory andwithin a legal entity. Explain how a batch order can be warehouse management.Describe intercompany planning and create processed using the Manufacturing Associate product compliance setups for athe required setups. Execution System (MES). specific item at the released productsDefine downstream source plans in master Define the setup and report an unplanned level.plans. co-product and by-product in a batch Update the product safety data sheet for aDescribe key transactions that trigger order. specific item at the released product level.multi-company planning. Explain a rework batch order and the Validate the product safety complianceDescribe methods to create intercompany steps to process a rework batch order. data sheet during purchase and salessales orders. Define the process manufacturing order processing.Define co-products and their prerequisites functionalities adhering to master Explain rebates and their setup.for planning. planning. Create item rebate groups and customerPlan co-products using a planning item. Explain multisite planning and its rebate groups.Plan co-products with a formula item. prerequisites. Create a rebate agreements to aExplain the purpose and benefits of Perform Master Planning across the sites customer.containerized packaging. within a legal entity. Process rebates to a customer.Create bulk item conversion. Describe intercompany planning and Define the setup relating to advancedCreate formula for the packed product with create the required setups. warehouse management for catch weightreference of bulk item. Define downstream source plans in products.Firm and consolidate the planned orders master plans. Perform pallet transport for an inboundassociated to a bulk item and packed Describe key transactions that trigger warehouse management process in catchproduct in the Planned orders form. multi-company planning. weight unit.Process the bulk and packed order and Describe methods to create Describe the setup for reservation inreview the inventory. intercompany sales orders. process manufacturing.Add and remove the bulk or packed order in Define co-products and their Perform sales shipment using advancedthe Consolidated batch orders form. prerequisites for planning. warehouse management function withDefine the setup for creating a Catch Weight Plan co-products using a planning item. FEFO date-controlled and same batch(CW) item. Plan co-products with a formula item. reservation.Create an inventory transaction with a partial Explain the purpose and benefits ofvisibility catch weight item. containerized packaging. Module 10: Commodity PricingCreate an inventory transaction with a full Create bulk item conversion. linevisibility catch weight item. Create formula for the packed productExplain the use of catch weight in different with reference of bulk item. This module provides a general overview oftransactions. Firm and consolidate the planned orders Commodity pricing in Microsoft Dynamics AXDefine a batch disposition code and its associated to a bulk item and packed 2012.related setups. product in the Planned orders form. lineDefine setup to integrate a batch disposition Process the bulk and packed order andcode with quality management. review the inventory. LessonsConfigure a batch disposition code Add and remove the bulk or packed order lineassociated to partial or full blocking of in the Consolidated batch orders form. Process Manufacturinginventory. Define the setup for creating a Catch Process Manufacturing and PrerequisiteReset a disposition code for inventory Weight (CW) item. Setupsbatches manually. Create an inventory transaction with a General Concepts

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Define shelf life and its related setups partial visibility catch weight item. Formula Features and ElementsConfigure the shelf life at the released Create an inventory transaction with a full Formula Form Accessed from Differentproduct level. visibility catch weight item. FormsReserve inventory batches using the shelf Explain the use of catch weight in Formula Versionslife setup. different transactions. Copy Formula VersionsExplain the same batch reservation and its Define a batch disposition code and its Modify Formula Versionsneed for master planning. related setups. Edit the Formula Lines Using the FormulaExplain batch attributes and setups. Define setup to integrate a batch DesignerCreate a batch attribute for an item. disposition code with quality Create Formula Versions with ScalableAssign product specific and customer management. and percentage Controlled Optionsspecific batch attributes. Configure a batch disposition code Use of Plan Group in Formula LinesReserve batches by batch attributes. associated to partial or full blocking of Step ConsumptionUpdate inventory batch attribute manually. inventory. Batch Order CostingUpdate inventory batch attribute Reset a disposition code for inventory Prerequisites For a Formula Calculationautomatically using quality order batches manually. Calculate the Cost Price and Sales PriceExplain the batch attribute groups. Define shelf life and its related setups for Formula ItemsExplain Approved Vendor List (AVL) and Configure the shelf life at the released Formula Calculation Enhancementsdefine its related setups. product level. Price Estimation in Batch Order and SalesDefine item-vendor relationship and its Reserve inventory batches using the Orderperiod of validity. shelf life setup. Batch Order Life CycleInquire and validate an approved vendor list Explain the same batch reservation and Process a Batch Order Using thein different forms. its need for master planning. Manufacturing Execution SystemExplain the necessity for a vendor batch Explain batch attributes and setups. Report Unplanned Co-Products andupdate and its required setup. Create a batch attribute for an item. By-Products in a Batch OrderPerform a purchase registration with a Assign product specific and customer Rework a Batch Ordervendor batch update. specific batch attributes. Master Planning Specific to ProcessDefine commodity pricing and its purpose. Reserve batches by batch attributes. ManufacturingDefine the setups required for commodity Update inventory batch attribute Multisite Master Planning and itspricing. manually. PrerequisitesSet up the pricing calculation for commodity Update inventory batch attribute Perform Master Planning Across Sitesitems. automatically using quality order Intercompany PlanningCreate price and margin data for a formula Explain the batch attribute groups. Co-product Planning and Productionitem. Explain Approved Vendor List (AVL) and Planning Co-Products Using Planning ItemView the commodity price calculation and define its related setups. Planning Co-Products with Formula Itemupdate it in the trade agreement. Define item-vendor relationship and its Containerized PackagingDefine product compliance and configure its period of validity. Setup for Containerized Packagingnecessary setups in Inventory and Inquire and validate an approved vendor Firm and Consolidate the Planned Batchwarehouse management. list in different forms. OrderAssociate product compliance setups for a Explain the necessity for a vendor batch Add or Remove the Batch Order from thespecific item at the released products level. update and its required setup. Consolidated Batch OrderUpdate the product safety data sheet for a Perform a purchase registration with a Batch Disposition Codespecific item at the released product level. vendor batch update. Shelf Life ManagementValidate the product safety compliance data Define commodity pricing and its Same Batch Reservationsheet during purchase and sales order purpose. Batch Attributesprocessing. Define the setups required for commodity Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory andExplain rebates and their setup. pricing. Warehouse ManagementCreate item rebate groups and customer Set up the pricing calculation for Batch Attributes by Product Specific andrebate groups. commodity items. Customer SpecificCreate a rebate agreements to a customer. Create price and margin data for a Batch Attribute GroupsProcess rebates to a customer. formula item. Approved Vendor ListDefine the setup relating to advanced View the commodity price calculation and Approved Vendor List in Releasedwarehouse management for catch weight update it in the trade agreement. Products Formproducts. Define product compliance and configure Validate the Approved Vendor Check inPerform pallet transport for an inbound its necessary setups in Inventory and Various Formswarehouse management process in catch warehouse management. Vendor Batch Updateweight unit. Associate product compliance setups for Commodity PricingDescribe the setup for reservation in a specific item at the released products Product Compliance and its Setupprocess manufacturing. level. Associate Product Compliance toPerform sales shipment using advanced Update the product safety data sheet for Released Productswarehouse management function with FEFO a specific item at the released product Validate the Product Safety Data Sheetdate-controlled and same batch reservation. level. Information in Purchase and Sales Orders

Validate the product safety compliance Same Batch Reservation

Module 2: Formula Management data sheet during purchase and sales Rebatesline order processing. Rebate Agreements

Explain rebates and their setup. Rebates Process CycleThis module introduces participants to the Create item rebate groups and customer Catch Weight in Advanced Warehouse

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Formula Management in Microsoft Dynamics rebate groups. Management FunctionsAX 2012. Create a rebate agreements to a Reservation in Advanced Warehouseline customer. Management for Process Manufacturing

Process rebates to a customer.

Lessons Define the setup relating to advanced After completing this module, students willline warehouse management for catch weight be able to:

Process Manufacturing products. lineProcess Manufacturing and Prerequisite Perform pallet transport for an inbound Explain process manufacturing and createSetups warehouse management process in the necessary setup at the releasedGeneral Concepts catch weight unit. products levelFormula Features and Elements Describe the setup for reservation in Explain a formula item and how it differsFormula Form Accessed from Different process manufacturing. from a Bill of Material (BOM) item.Forms Perform sales shipment using advanced Create a product at the enterprise level.Formula Versions warehouse management function with Configure released products.Copy Formula Versions FEFO date-controlled and same batch Create and apply a product template.Modify Formula Versions reservation. Describe production types that are definedEdit the Formula Lines Using the Formula for any item, at the released product level.Designer Module 6: Catch Weight Explain the difference between a formulaCreate Formula Versions with Scalable and line item and planning item.percentage Controlled Options Define formula lines and versions.Use of Plan Group in Formula Lines This module provides a general overview of Explain the use of a formula and a route inStep Consumption Catch weight in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 multisite production scenarios.Batch Order Costing line Explain the features and structuralPrerequisites For a Formula Calculation elements of a formula.Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Price for Lessons Define a formula level with an example of aFormula Items line formula at multiple levels.Formula Calculation Enhancements Pre-conditions for a Catch Weight Item Define a formula at multiple sites.Price Estimation in Batch Order and Sales Partial Visibility Catch Weight Item Define formula line types.Order Full Visibility Catch Weight Item Describe the formula features in formulaBatch Order Life Cycle Use of Catch Weight in Different lines.Process a Batch Order Using the Transactions Describe different access methods toManufacturing Execution System create and maintain a formula.Report Unplanned Co-Products and Lab : Partial Visibility Catch Weight Item Define different version control methodsBy-Products in a Batch Order line that are available in formula management.Rework a Batch Order Describe how to copy a formula from otherMaster Planning Specific to Process Lab : Full Visibility Catch Weight Item formula versions.Manufacturing line Modify a formula version by changing theMultisite Master Planning and its yield percentage or formula size.Prerequisites After completing this module, students will Define the steps to edit a formula using thePerform Master Planning Across Sites be able to: formula designer.Intercompany Planning line Create a formula version using scalableCo-product Planning and Production Explain process manufacturing and and percentage controlled options in thePlanning Co-Products Using Planning Item create the necessary setup at the formula lines.Planning Co-Products with Formula Item released products level Describe how to use a plan group toContainerized Packaging Explain a formula item and how it differs substitute items in formula lines.Setup for Containerized Packaging from a Bill of Material (BOM) item. Set up step consumption and its use inFirm and Consolidate the Planned Batch Create a product at the enterprise level. batch order processing and in a formulaOrder Configure released products. calculation.Add or Remove the Batch Order from the Create and apply a product template. Describe batch order costing.Consolidated Batch Order Describe production types that are Explain the prerequisites for formulaBatch Disposition Code defined for any item, at the released calculation.Shelf Life Management product level. Explain the steps to create and activateSame Batch Reservation Explain the difference between a formula item prices.Batch Attributes item and planning item. Calculate a cost price and sales priceCreate a Batch Attribute in Inventory and Define formula lines and versions. using a formula calculation.Warehouse Management Explain the use of a formula and a route Describe the enhancements in a formulaBatch Attributes by Product Specific and in multisite production scenarios. calculation relating to processCustomer Specific Explain the features and structural manufacturing.Batch Attribute Groups elements of a formula. Estimate a cost price and sales price in aApproved Vendor List Define a formula level with an example of batch order and sales order.Approved Vendor List in Released Products a formula at multiple levels. Explain the stages of the batch order lifeForm Define a formula at multiple sites. cycle.Validate the Approved Vendor Check in Define formula line types. Explain how a batch order can beVarious Forms Describe the formula features in formula processed using the ManufacturingVendor Batch Update lines. Execution System (MES).Commodity Pricing Describe different access methods to Define the setup and report an unplanned

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Product Compliance and its Setup create and maintain a formula. co-product and by-product in a batchAssociate Product Compliance to Released Define different version control methods order.Products that are available in formula Explain a rework batch order and the stepsValidate the Product Safety Data Sheet management. to process a rework batch order.Information in Purchase and Sales Orders Describe how to copy a formula from Define the process manufacturingSame Batch Reservation other formula versions. functionalities adhering to master planning.Rebates Modify a formula version by changing the Explain multisite planning and itsRebate Agreements yield percentage or formula size. prerequisites.Rebates Process Cycle Define the steps to edit a formula using Perform Master Planning across the sitesCatch Weight in Advanced Warehouse the formula designer. within a legal entity.Management Functions Create a formula version using scalable Describe intercompany planning andReservation in Advanced Warehouse and percentage controlled options in the create the required setups.Management for Process Manufacturing formula lines. Define downstream source plans in master

Describe how to use a plan group to plans.

Lab : Create a Formula with a Version from substitute items in formula lines. Describe key transactions that trigger

the Released Products Form Set up step consumption and its use in multi-company planning.line batch order processing and in a formula Describe methods to create intercompany

calculation. sales orders.Lab : Create a Formula Version with Describe batch order costing. Define co-products and their prerequisitesPercentage Controlled Option Explain the prerequisites for formula for planning.line calculation. Plan co-products using a planning item.

Explain the steps to create and activate Plan co-products with a formula item.

Lab : Use of Plan Groups in Formula Lines item prices. Explain the purpose and benefits ofline Calculate a cost price and sales price containerized packaging.

using a formula calculation. Create bulk item conversion.

Lab : Create a Formula Version for Multiple Describe the enhancements in a formula Create formula for the packed product with

Batch Sizes Using Step Consumption calculation relating to process reference of bulk item.line manufacturing. Firm and consolidate the planned orders

Estimate a cost price and sales price in a associated to a bulk item and packedAfter completing this module, students will batch order and sales order. product in the Planned orders able to: Explain the stages of the batch order life Process the bulk and packed order andline cycle. review the inventory.

Explain process manufacturing and create Explain how a batch order can be Add and remove the bulk or packed orderthe necessary setup at the released processed using the Manufacturing in the Consolidated batch orders form.products level Execution System (MES). Define the setup for creating a CatchExplain a formula item and how it differs Define the setup and report an unplanned Weight (CW) item.from a Bill of Material (BOM) item. co-product and by-product in a batch Create an inventory transaction with aCreate a product at the enterprise level. order. partial visibility catch weight item.Configure released products. Explain a rework batch order and the Create an inventory transaction with a fullCreate and apply a product template. steps to process a rework batch order. visibility catch weight item.Describe production types that are defined Define the process manufacturing Explain the use of catch weight in differentfor any item, at the released product level. functionalities adhering to master transactions.Explain the difference between a formula planning. Define a batch disposition code and itsitem and planning item. Explain multisite planning and its related setups.Define formula lines and versions. prerequisites. Define setup to integrate a batchExplain the use of a formula and a route in Perform Master Planning across the sites disposition code with quality management.multisite production scenarios. within a legal entity. Configure a batch disposition codeExplain the features and structural elements Describe intercompany planning and associated to partial or full blocking ofof a formula. create the required setups. inventory.Define a formula level with an example of a Define downstream source plans in Reset a disposition code for inventoryformula at multiple levels. master plans. batches manually.Define a formula at multiple sites. Describe key transactions that trigger Define shelf life and its related setupsDefine formula line types. multi-company planning. Configure the shelf life at the releasedDescribe the formula features in formula Describe methods to create product level.lines. intercompany sales orders. Reserve inventory batches using the shelfDescribe different access methods to create Define co-products and their life setup.and maintain a formula. prerequisites for planning. Explain the same batch reservation and itsDefine different version control methods that Plan co-products using a planning item. need for master planning.are available in formula management. Plan co-products with a formula item. Explain batch attributes and setups.Describe how to copy a formula from other Explain the purpose and benefits of Create a batch attribute for an item.formula versions. containerized packaging. Assign product specific and customerModify a formula version by changing the Create bulk item conversion. specific batch attributes.yield percentage or formula size. Create formula for the packed product Reserve batches by batch attributes.Define the steps to edit a formula using the with reference of bulk item. Update inventory batch attribute manually.formula designer. Firm and consolidate the planned orders Update inventory batch attributeCreate a formula version using scalable and associated to a bulk item and packed automatically using quality order

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percentage controlled options in the formula product in the Planned orders form. Explain the batch attribute groups.lines. Process the bulk and packed order and Explain Approved Vendor List (AVL) andDescribe how to use a plan group to review the inventory. define its related setups.substitute items in formula lines. Add and remove the bulk or packed order Define item-vendor relationship and itsSet up step consumption and its use in in the Consolidated batch orders form. period of validity.batch order processing and in a formula Define the setup for creating a Catch Inquire and validate an approved vendorcalculation. Weight (CW) item. list in different forms.Describe batch order costing. Create an inventory transaction with a Explain the necessity for a vendor batchExplain the prerequisites for formula partial visibility catch weight item. update and its required setup.calculation. Create an inventory transaction with a full Perform a purchase registration with aExplain the steps to create and activate item visibility catch weight item. vendor batch update.prices. Explain the use of catch weight in Define commodity pricing and its purpose.Calculate a cost price and sales price using different transactions. Define the setups required for commoditya formula calculation. Define a batch disposition code and its pricing.Describe the enhancements in a formula related setups. Set up the pricing calculation forcalculation relating to process Define setup to integrate a batch commodity items.manufacturing. disposition code with quality Create price and margin data for a formulaEstimate a cost price and sales price in a management. item.batch order and sales order. Configure a batch disposition code View the commodity price calculation andExplain the stages of the batch order life associated to partial or full blocking of update it in the trade agreement.cycle. inventory. Define product compliance and configureExplain how a batch order can be processed Reset a disposition code for inventory its necessary setups in Inventory andusing the Manufacturing Execution System batches manually. warehouse management.(MES). Define shelf life and its related setups Associate product compliance setups for aDefine the setup and report an unplanned Configure the shelf life at the released specific item at the released productsco-product and by-product in a batch order. product level. level.Explain a rework batch order and the steps Reserve inventory batches using the Update the product safety data sheet for ato process a rework batch order. shelf life setup. specific item at the released product level.Define the process manufacturing Explain the same batch reservation and Validate the product safety compliancefunctionalities adhering to master planning. its need for master planning. data sheet during purchase and salesExplain multisite planning and its Explain batch attributes and setups. order processing.prerequisites. Create a batch attribute for an item. Explain rebates and their setup.Perform Master Planning across the sites Assign product specific and customer Create item rebate groups and customerwithin a legal entity. specific batch attributes. rebate groups.Describe intercompany planning and create Reserve batches by batch attributes. Create a rebate agreements to athe required setups. Update inventory batch attribute customer.Define downstream source plans in master manually. Process rebates to a customer.plans. Update inventory batch attribute Define the setup relating to advancedDescribe key transactions that trigger automatically using quality order warehouse management for catch weightmulti-company planning. Explain the batch attribute groups. products.Describe methods to create intercompany Explain Approved Vendor List (AVL) and Perform pallet transport for an inboundsales orders. define its related setups. warehouse management process in catchDefine co-products and their prerequisites Define item-vendor relationship and its weight unit.for planning. period of validity. Describe the setup for reservation inPlan co-products using a planning item. Inquire and validate an approved vendor process manufacturing.Plan co-products with a formula item. list in different forms. Perform sales shipment using advancedExplain the purpose and benefits of Explain the necessity for a vendor batch warehouse management function withcontainerized packaging. update and its required setup. FEFO date-controlled and same batchCreate bulk item conversion. Perform a purchase registration with a reservation.Create formula for the packed product with vendor batch update.reference of bulk item. Define commodity pricing and its Module 11: Product ComplianceFirm and consolidate the planned orders purpose. lineassociated to a bulk item and packed Define the setups required for commodityproduct in the Planned orders form. pricing. This module provides a general overview ofProcess the bulk and packed order and Set up the pricing calculation for Product compliance in Microsoft Dynamicsreview the inventory. commodity items. AX 2012.Add and remove the bulk or packed order in Create price and margin data for a linethe Consolidated batch orders form. formula item.Define the setup for creating a Catch Weight View the commodity price calculation and Lessons(CW) item. update it in the trade agreement. lineCreate an inventory transaction with a partial Define product compliance and configure Process Manufacturingvisibility catch weight item. its necessary setups in Inventory and Process Manufacturing and PrerequisiteCreate an inventory transaction with a full warehouse management. Setupsvisibility catch weight item. Associate product compliance setups for General ConceptsExplain the use of catch weight in different a specific item at the released products Formula Features and Elementstransactions. level. Formula Form Accessed from Different

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Define a batch disposition code and its Update the product safety data sheet for Formsrelated setups. a specific item at the released product Formula VersionsDefine setup to integrate a batch disposition level. Copy Formula Versionscode with quality management. Validate the product safety compliance Modify Formula VersionsConfigure a batch disposition code data sheet during purchase and sales Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formulaassociated to partial or full blocking of order processing. Designerinventory. Explain rebates and their setup. Create Formula Versions with ScalableReset a disposition code for inventory Create item rebate groups and customer and percentage Controlled Optionsbatches manually. rebate groups. Use of Plan Group in Formula LinesDefine shelf life and its related setups Create a rebate agreements to a Step ConsumptionConfigure the shelf life at the released customer. Batch Order Costingproduct level. Process rebates to a customer. Prerequisites For a Formula CalculationReserve inventory batches using the shelf Define the setup relating to advanced Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Pricelife setup. warehouse management for catch weight for Formula ItemsExplain the same batch reservation and its products. Formula Calculation Enhancementsneed for master planning. Perform pallet transport for an inbound Price Estimation in Batch Order and SalesExplain batch attributes and setups. warehouse management process in OrderCreate a batch attribute for an item. catch weight unit. Batch Order Life CycleAssign product specific and customer Describe the setup for reservation in Process a Batch Order Using thespecific batch attributes. process manufacturing. Manufacturing Execution SystemReserve batches by batch attributes. Perform sales shipment using advanced Report Unplanned Co-Products andUpdate inventory batch attribute manually. warehouse management function with By-Products in a Batch OrderUpdate inventory batch attribute FEFO date-controlled and same batch Rework a Batch Orderautomatically using quality order reservation. Master Planning Specific to ProcessExplain the batch attribute groups. ManufacturingExplain Approved Vendor List (AVL) and Module 7: Lot and Batch Control Multisite Master Planning and itsdefine its related setups. line PrerequisitesDefine item-vendor relationship and its Perform Master Planning Across Sitesperiod of validity. This module provides a general overview of Intercompany PlanningInquire and validate an approved vendor list Lot and Batch control in Microsoft Dynamics Co-product Planning and Productionin different forms. AX 2012. Planning Co-Products Using Planning ItemExplain the necessity for a vendor batch line Planning Co-Products with Formula Itemupdate and its required setup. Containerized PackagingPerform a purchase registration with a Lessons Setup for Containerized Packagingvendor batch update. line Firm and Consolidate the Planned BatchDefine commodity pricing and its purpose. Process Manufacturing OrderDefine the setups required for commodity Process Manufacturing and Prerequisite Add or Remove the Batch Order from thepricing. Setups Consolidated Batch OrderSet up the pricing calculation for commodity General Concepts Batch Disposition Codeitems. Formula Features and Elements Shelf Life ManagementCreate price and margin data for a formula Formula Form Accessed from Different Same Batch Reservationitem. Forms Batch AttributesView the commodity price calculation and Formula Versions Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory andupdate it in the trade agreement. Copy Formula Versions Warehouse ManagementDefine product compliance and configure its Modify Formula Versions Batch Attributes by Product Specific andnecessary setups in Inventory and Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formula Customer Specificwarehouse management. Designer Batch Attribute GroupsAssociate product compliance setups for a Create Formula Versions with Scalable Approved Vendor Listspecific item at the released products level. and percentage Controlled Options Approved Vendor List in ReleasedUpdate the product safety data sheet for a Use of Plan Group in Formula Lines Products Formspecific item at the released product level. Step Consumption Validate the Approved Vendor Check inValidate the product safety compliance data Batch Order Costing Various Formssheet during purchase and sales order Prerequisites For a Formula Calculation Vendor Batch Updateprocessing. Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Price Commodity PricingExplain rebates and their setup. for Formula Items Product Compliance and its SetupCreate item rebate groups and customer Formula Calculation Enhancements Associate Product Compliance torebate groups. Price Estimation in Batch Order and Released ProductsCreate a rebate agreements to a customer. Sales Order Validate the Product Safety Data SheetProcess rebates to a customer. Batch Order Life Cycle Information in Purchase and Sales OrdersDefine the setup relating to advanced Process a Batch Order Using the Same Batch Reservationwarehouse management for catch weight Manufacturing Execution System Rebatesproducts. Report Unplanned Co-Products and Rebate AgreementsPerform pallet transport for an inbound By-Products in a Batch Order Rebates Process Cyclewarehouse management process in catch Rework a Batch Order Catch Weight in Advanced Warehouseweight unit. Master Planning Specific to Process Management FunctionsDescribe the setup for reservation in Manufacturing Reservation in Advanced Warehouse

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process manufacturing. Multisite Master Planning and its Management for Process ManufacturingPerform sales shipment using advanced Prerequisiteswarehouse management function with FEFO Perform Master Planning Across Sites Lab : Create a Product Safety Data Sheetdate-controlled and same batch reservation. Intercompany Planning for an Item

Co-product Planning and Production line

Module 3: Batch Orders Planning Co-Products Using Planningline Item After completing this module, students will

Planning Co-Products with Formula Item be able to:This module provides a general overview of Containerized Packaging lineBatch orders in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Setup for Containerized Packaging Explain process manufacturing and createline Firm and Consolidate the Planned Batch the necessary setup at the released

Order products level

Lessons Add or Remove the Batch Order from the Explain a formula item and how it differsline Consolidated Batch Order from a Bill of Material (BOM) item.

Process Manufacturing Batch Disposition Code Create a product at the enterprise level.Process Manufacturing and Prerequisite Shelf Life Management Configure released products.Setups Same Batch Reservation Create and apply a product template.General Concepts Batch Attributes Describe production types that are definedFormula Features and Elements Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory and for any item, at the released product level.Formula Form Accessed from Different Warehouse Management Explain the difference between a formulaForms Batch Attributes by Product Specific and item and planning item.Formula Versions Customer Specific Define formula lines and versions.Copy Formula Versions Batch Attribute Groups Explain the use of a formula and a route inModify Formula Versions Approved Vendor List multisite production scenarios.Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formula Approved Vendor List in Released Explain the features and structuralDesigner Products Form elements of a formula.Create Formula Versions with Scalable and Validate the Approved Vendor Check in Define a formula level with an example of apercentage Controlled Options Various Forms formula at multiple levels.Use of Plan Group in Formula Lines Vendor Batch Update Define a formula at multiple sites.Step Consumption Commodity Pricing Define formula line types.Batch Order Costing Product Compliance and its Setup Describe the formula features in formulaPrerequisites For a Formula Calculation Associate Product Compliance to lines.Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Price for Released Products Describe different access methods toFormula Items Validate the Product Safety Data Sheet create and maintain a formula.Formula Calculation Enhancements Information in Purchase and Sales Define different version control methodsPrice Estimation in Batch Order and Sales Orders that are available in formula management.Order Same Batch Reservation Describe how to copy a formula from otherBatch Order Life Cycle Rebates formula versions.Process a Batch Order Using the Rebate Agreements Modify a formula version by changing theManufacturing Execution System Rebates Process Cycle yield percentage or formula size.Report Unplanned Co-Products and Catch Weight in Advanced Warehouse Define the steps to edit a formula using theBy-Products in a Batch Order Management Functions formula designer.Rework a Batch Order Reservation in Advanced Warehouse Create a formula version using scalableMaster Planning Specific to Process Management for Process Manufacturing and percentage controlled options in theManufacturing formula lines.Multisite Master Planning and its Lab : Reset the Disposition Code for an Describe how to use a plan group toPrerequisites Inventory Batch substitute items in formula lines.Perform Master Planning Across Sites line Set up step consumption and its use inIntercompany Planning batch order processing and in a formulaCo-product Planning and Production Lab : Planning of FEFO Date Controlled calculation.Planning Co-Products Using Planning Item Item with Customer Sellable Days Describe batch order costing.Planning Co-Products with Formula Item line Explain the prerequisites for formulaContainerized Packaging calculation.Setup for Containerized Packaging After completing this module, students will Explain the steps to create and activateFirm and Consolidate the Planned Batch be able to: item prices.Order line Calculate a cost price and sales priceAdd or Remove the Batch Order from the Explain process manufacturing and using a formula calculation.Consolidated Batch Order create the necessary setup at the Describe the enhancements in a formulaBatch Disposition Code released products level calculation relating to processShelf Life Management Explain a formula item and how it differs manufacturing.Same Batch Reservation from a Bill of Material (BOM) item. Estimate a cost price and sales price in aBatch Attributes Create a product at the enterprise level. batch order and sales order.Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory and Configure released products. Explain the stages of the batch order lifeWarehouse Management Create and apply a product template. cycle.Batch Attributes by Product Specific and Describe production types that are Explain how a batch order can beCustomer Specific defined for any item, at the released processed using the Manufacturing

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Batch Attribute Groups product level. Execution System (MES).Approved Vendor List Explain the difference between a formula Define the setup and report an unplannedApproved Vendor List in Released Products item and planning item. co-product and by-product in a batchForm Define formula lines and versions. order.Validate the Approved Vendor Check in Explain the use of a formula and a route Explain a rework batch order and the stepsVarious Forms in multisite production scenarios. to process a rework batch order.Vendor Batch Update Explain the features and structural Define the process manufacturingCommodity Pricing elements of a formula. functionalities adhering to master planning.Product Compliance and its Setup Define a formula level with an example of Explain multisite planning and itsAssociate Product Compliance to Released a formula at multiple levels. prerequisites.Products Define a formula at multiple sites. Perform Master Planning across the sitesValidate the Product Safety Data Sheet Define formula line types. within a legal entity.Information in Purchase and Sales Orders Describe the formula features in formula Describe intercompany planning andSame Batch Reservation lines. create the required setups.Rebates Describe different access methods to Define downstream source plans in masterRebate Agreements create and maintain a formula. plans.Rebates Process Cycle Define different version control methods Describe key transactions that triggerCatch Weight in Advanced Warehouse that are available in formula multi-company planning.Management Functions management. Describe methods to create intercompanyReservation in Advanced Warehouse Describe how to copy a formula from sales orders.Management for Process Manufacturing other formula versions. Define co-products and their prerequisites

Modify a formula version by changing the for planning.

Lab : Formula Calculation for Formula Item yield percentage or formula size. Plan co-products using a planning item.

and transfer of Cost price and Sales price to Define the steps to edit a formula using Plan co-products with a formula item.

the Item the formula designer. Explain the purpose and benefits ofline Create a formula version using scalable containerized packaging.

and percentage controlled options in the Create bulk item conversion.Lab : Process Batch Order Using MES formula lines. Create formula for the packed product withline Describe how to use a plan group to reference of bulk item.

substitute items in formula lines. Firm and consolidate the planned ordersAfter completing this module, students will Set up step consumption and its use in associated to a bulk item and packed

be able to: batch order processing and in a formula product in the Planned orders form.line calculation. Process the bulk and packed order and

Explain process manufacturing and create Describe batch order costing. review the inventory.the necessary setup at the released Explain the prerequisites for formula Add and remove the bulk or packed orderproducts level calculation. in the Consolidated batch orders form.Explain a formula item and how it differs Explain the steps to create and activate Define the setup for creating a Catchfrom a Bill of Material (BOM) item. item prices. Weight (CW) item.Create a product at the enterprise level. Calculate a cost price and sales price Create an inventory transaction with aConfigure released products. using a formula calculation. partial visibility catch weight item.Create and apply a product template. Describe the enhancements in a formula Create an inventory transaction with a fullDescribe production types that are defined calculation relating to process visibility catch weight item.for any item, at the released product level. manufacturing. Explain the use of catch weight in differentExplain the difference between a formula Estimate a cost price and sales price in a transactions.item and planning item. batch order and sales order. Define a batch disposition code and itsDefine formula lines and versions. Explain the stages of the batch order life related setups.Explain the use of a formula and a route in cycle. Define setup to integrate a batchmultisite production scenarios. Explain how a batch order can be disposition code with quality management.Explain the features and structural elements processed using the Manufacturing Configure a batch disposition codeof a formula. Execution System (MES). associated to partial or full blocking ofDefine a formula level with an example of a Define the setup and report an unplanned inventory.formula at multiple levels. co-product and by-product in a batch Reset a disposition code for inventoryDefine a formula at multiple sites. order. batches manually.Define formula line types. Explain a rework batch order and the Define shelf life and its related setupsDescribe the formula features in formula steps to process a rework batch order. Configure the shelf life at the releasedlines. Define the process manufacturing product level.Describe different access methods to create functionalities adhering to master Reserve inventory batches using the shelfand maintain a formula. planning. life setup.Define different version control methods that Explain multisite planning and its Explain the same batch reservation and itsare available in formula management. prerequisites. need for master planning.Describe how to copy a formula from other Perform Master Planning across the sites Explain batch attributes and setups.formula versions. within a legal entity. Create a batch attribute for an item.Modify a formula version by changing the Describe intercompany planning and Assign product specific and customeryield percentage or formula size. create the required setups. specific batch attributes.Define the steps to edit a formula using the Define downstream source plans in Reserve batches by batch attributes.formula designer. master plans. Update inventory batch attribute manually.

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Create a formula version using scalable and Describe key transactions that trigger Update inventory batch attributepercentage controlled options in the formula multi-company planning. automatically using quality orderlines. Describe methods to create Explain the batch attribute groups.Describe how to use a plan group to intercompany sales orders. Explain Approved Vendor List (AVL) andsubstitute items in formula lines. Define co-products and their define its related setups.Set up step consumption and its use in prerequisites for planning. Define item-vendor relationship and itsbatch order processing and in a formula Plan co-products using a planning item. period of validity.calculation. Plan co-products with a formula item. Inquire and validate an approved vendorDescribe batch order costing. Explain the purpose and benefits of list in different forms.Explain the prerequisites for formula containerized packaging. Explain the necessity for a vendor batchcalculation. Create bulk item conversion. update and its required setup.Explain the steps to create and activate item Create formula for the packed product Perform a purchase registration with aprices. with reference of bulk item. vendor batch update.Calculate a cost price and sales price using Firm and consolidate the planned orders Define commodity pricing and its purpose.a formula calculation. associated to a bulk item and packed Define the setups required for commodityDescribe the enhancements in a formula product in the Planned orders form. pricing.calculation relating to process Process the bulk and packed order and Set up the pricing calculation formanufacturing. review the inventory. commodity items.Estimate a cost price and sales price in a Add and remove the bulk or packed order Create price and margin data for a formulabatch order and sales order. in the Consolidated batch orders form. item.Explain the stages of the batch order life Define the setup for creating a Catch View the commodity price calculation andcycle. Weight (CW) item. update it in the trade agreement.Explain how a batch order can be processed Create an inventory transaction with a Define product compliance and configureusing the Manufacturing Execution System partial visibility catch weight item. its necessary setups in Inventory and(MES). Create an inventory transaction with a full warehouse management.Define the setup and report an unplanned visibility catch weight item. Associate product compliance setups for aco-product and by-product in a batch order. Explain the use of catch weight in specific item at the released productsExplain a rework batch order and the steps different transactions. process a rework batch order. Define a batch disposition code and its Update the product safety data sheet for aDefine the process manufacturing related setups. specific item at the released product level.functionalities adhering to master planning. Define setup to integrate a batch Validate the product safety complianceExplain multisite planning and its disposition code with quality data sheet during purchase and salesprerequisites. management. order processing.Perform Master Planning across the sites Configure a batch disposition code Explain rebates and their setup.within a legal entity. associated to partial or full blocking of Create item rebate groups and customerDescribe intercompany planning and create inventory. rebate groups.the required setups. Reset a disposition code for inventory Create a rebate agreements to aDefine downstream source plans in master batches manually. customer.plans. Define shelf life and its related setups Process rebates to a customer.Describe key transactions that trigger Configure the shelf life at the released Define the setup relating to advancedmulti-company planning. product level. warehouse management for catch weightDescribe methods to create intercompany Reserve inventory batches using the products.sales orders. shelf life setup. Perform pallet transport for an inboundDefine co-products and their prerequisites Explain the same batch reservation and warehouse management process in catchfor planning. its need for master planning. weight unit.Plan co-products using a planning item. Explain batch attributes and setups. Describe the setup for reservation inPlan co-products with a formula item. Create a batch attribute for an item. process manufacturing.Explain the purpose and benefits of Assign product specific and customer Perform sales shipment using advancedcontainerized packaging. specific batch attributes. warehouse management function withCreate bulk item conversion. Reserve batches by batch attributes. FEFO date-controlled and same batchCreate formula for the packed product with Update inventory batch attribute reservation.reference of bulk item. manually.Firm and consolidate the planned orders Update inventory batch attribute Module 12: Rebatesassociated to a bulk item and packed automatically using quality order lineproduct in the Planned orders form. Explain the batch attribute groups.Process the bulk and packed order and Explain Approved Vendor List (AVL) and This module provides a general overview ofreview the inventory. define its related setups. Rebates in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.Add and remove the bulk or packed order in Define item-vendor relationship and its linethe Consolidated batch orders form. period of validity.Define the setup for creating a Catch Weight Inquire and validate an approved vendor Lessons(CW) item. list in different forms. lineCreate an inventory transaction with a partial Explain the necessity for a vendor batch Process Manufacturingvisibility catch weight item. update and its required setup. Process Manufacturing and PrerequisiteCreate an inventory transaction with a full Perform a purchase registration with a Setupsvisibility catch weight item. vendor batch update. General ConceptsExplain the use of catch weight in different Define commodity pricing and its Formula Features and Elements

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transactions. purpose. Formula Form Accessed from DifferentDefine a batch disposition code and its Define the setups required for commodity Formsrelated setups. pricing. Formula VersionsDefine setup to integrate a batch disposition Set up the pricing calculation for Copy Formula Versionscode with quality management. commodity items. Modify Formula VersionsConfigure a batch disposition code Create price and margin data for a Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formulaassociated to partial or full blocking of formula item. Designerinventory. View the commodity price calculation and Create Formula Versions with ScalableReset a disposition code for inventory update it in the trade agreement. and percentage Controlled Optionsbatches manually. Define product compliance and configure Use of Plan Group in Formula LinesDefine shelf life and its related setups its necessary setups in Inventory and Step ConsumptionConfigure the shelf life at the released warehouse management. Batch Order Costingproduct level. Associate product compliance setups for Prerequisites For a Formula CalculationReserve inventory batches using the shelf a specific item at the released products Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Pricelife setup. level. for Formula ItemsExplain the same batch reservation and its Update the product safety data sheet for Formula Calculation Enhancementsneed for master planning. a specific item at the released product Price Estimation in Batch Order and SalesExplain batch attributes and setups. level. OrderCreate a batch attribute for an item. Validate the product safety compliance Batch Order Life CycleAssign product specific and customer data sheet during purchase and sales Process a Batch Order Using thespecific batch attributes. order processing. Manufacturing Execution SystemReserve batches by batch attributes. Explain rebates and their setup. Report Unplanned Co-Products andUpdate inventory batch attribute manually. Create item rebate groups and customer By-Products in a Batch OrderUpdate inventory batch attribute rebate groups. Rework a Batch Orderautomatically using quality order Create a rebate agreements to a Master Planning Specific to ProcessExplain the batch attribute groups. customer. ManufacturingExplain Approved Vendor List (AVL) and Process rebates to a customer. Multisite Master Planning and itsdefine its related setups. Define the setup relating to advanced PrerequisitesDefine item-vendor relationship and its warehouse management for catch weight Perform Master Planning Across Sitesperiod of validity. products. Intercompany PlanningInquire and validate an approved vendor list Perform pallet transport for an inbound Co-product Planning and Productionin different forms. warehouse management process in Planning Co-Products Using Planning ItemExplain the necessity for a vendor batch catch weight unit. Planning Co-Products with Formula Itemupdate and its required setup. Describe the setup for reservation in Containerized PackagingPerform a purchase registration with a process manufacturing. Setup for Containerized Packagingvendor batch update. Perform sales shipment using advanced Firm and Consolidate the Planned BatchDefine commodity pricing and its purpose. warehouse management function with OrderDefine the setups required for commodity FEFO date-controlled and same batch Add or Remove the Batch Order from thepricing. reservation. Consolidated Batch OrderSet up the pricing calculation for commodity Batch Disposition Codeitems. Module 8: Batch Attributes Shelf Life ManagementCreate price and margin data for a formula line Same Batch Reservationitem. Batch AttributesView the commodity price calculation and This module provides a general overview of Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory andupdate it in the trade agreement. Batch Attributes in Microsoft Dynamics AX Warehouse ManagementDefine product compliance and configure its 2012. Batch Attributes by Product Specific andnecessary setups in Inventory and line Customer Specificwarehouse management. Batch Attribute GroupsAssociate product compliance setups for a Lessons Approved Vendor Listspecific item at the released products level. line Approved Vendor List in ReleasedUpdate the product safety data sheet for a Process Manufacturing Products Formspecific item at the released product level. Process Manufacturing and Prerequisite Validate the Approved Vendor Check inValidate the product safety compliance data Setups Various Formssheet during purchase and sales order General Concepts Vendor Batch Updateprocessing. Formula Features and Elements Commodity PricingExplain rebates and their setup. Formula Form Accessed from Different Product Compliance and its SetupCreate item rebate groups and customer Forms Associate Product Compliance torebate groups. Formula Versions Released ProductsCreate a rebate agreements to a customer. Copy Formula Versions Validate the Product Safety Data SheetProcess rebates to a customer. Modify Formula Versions Information in Purchase and Sales OrdersDefine the setup relating to advanced Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formula Same Batch Reservationwarehouse management for catch weight Designer Rebatesproducts. Create Formula Versions with Scalable Rebate AgreementsPerform pallet transport for an inbound and percentage Controlled Options Rebates Process Cyclewarehouse management process in catch Use of Plan Group in Formula Lines Catch Weight in Advanced Warehouseweight unit. Step Consumption Management Functions

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Describe the setup for reservation in Batch Order Costing Reservation in Advanced Warehouseprocess manufacturing. Prerequisites For a Formula Calculation Management for Process ManufacturingPerform sales shipment using advanced Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Pricewarehouse management function with FEFO for Formula Items Lab : Process the Rebate to the Customerdate-controlled and same batch reservation. Formula Calculation Enhancements line

Price Estimation in Batch Order and

Module 4: Master Planning Sales Order After completing this module, students willline Batch Order Life Cycle be able to:

Process a Batch Order Using the lineThis module provides a general overview of Manufacturing Execution System Explain process manufacturing and createMaster planning in Microsoft Dynamics AX Report Unplanned Co-Products and the necessary setup at the released2012. By-Products in a Batch Order products levelline Rework a Batch Order Explain a formula item and how it differs

Master Planning Specific to Process from a Bill of Material (BOM) item.

Lessons Manufacturing Create a product at the enterprise level.line Multisite Master Planning and its Configure released products.

Process Manufacturing Prerequisites Create and apply a product template.Process Manufacturing and Prerequisite Perform Master Planning Across Sites Describe production types that are definedSetups Intercompany Planning for any item, at the released product level.General Concepts Co-product Planning and Production Explain the difference between a formulaFormula Features and Elements Planning Co-Products Using Planning item and planning item.Formula Form Accessed from Different Item Define formula lines and versions.Forms Planning Co-Products with Formula Item Explain the use of a formula and a route inFormula Versions Containerized Packaging multisite production scenarios.Copy Formula Versions Setup for Containerized Packaging Explain the features and structuralModify Formula Versions Firm and Consolidate the Planned Batch elements of a formula.Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formula Order Define a formula level with an example of aDesigner Add or Remove the Batch Order from the formula at multiple levels.Create Formula Versions with Scalable and Consolidated Batch Order Define a formula at multiple sites.percentage Controlled Options Batch Disposition Code Define formula line types.Use of Plan Group in Formula Lines Shelf Life Management Describe the formula features in formulaStep Consumption Same Batch Reservation lines.Batch Order Costing Batch Attributes Describe different access methods toPrerequisites For a Formula Calculation Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory and create and maintain a formula.Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Price for Warehouse Management Define different version control methodsFormula Items Batch Attributes by Product Specific and that are available in formula management.Formula Calculation Enhancements Customer Specific Describe how to copy a formula from otherPrice Estimation in Batch Order and Sales Batch Attribute Groups formula versions.Order Approved Vendor List Modify a formula version by changing theBatch Order Life Cycle Approved Vendor List in Released yield percentage or formula size.Process a Batch Order Using the Products Form Define the steps to edit a formula using theManufacturing Execution System Validate the Approved Vendor Check in formula designer.Report Unplanned Co-Products and Various Forms Create a formula version using scalableBy-Products in a Batch Order Vendor Batch Update and percentage controlled options in theRework a Batch Order Commodity Pricing formula lines.Master Planning Specific to Process Product Compliance and its Setup Describe how to use a plan group toManufacturing Associate Product Compliance to substitute items in formula lines.Multisite Master Planning and its Released Products Set up step consumption and its use inPrerequisites Validate the Product Safety Data Sheet batch order processing and in a formulaPerform Master Planning Across Sites Information in Purchase and Sales calculation.Intercompany Planning Orders Describe batch order costing.Co-product Planning and Production Same Batch Reservation Explain the prerequisites for formulaPlanning Co-Products Using Planning Item Rebates calculation.Planning Co-Products with Formula Item Rebate Agreements Explain the steps to create and activateContainerized Packaging Rebates Process Cycle item prices.Setup for Containerized Packaging Catch Weight in Advanced Warehouse Calculate a cost price and sales priceFirm and Consolidate the Planned Batch Management Functions using a formula calculation.Order Reservation in Advanced Warehouse Describe the enhancements in a formulaAdd or Remove the Batch Order from the Management for Process Manufacturing calculation relating to processConsolidated Batch Order manufacturing.Batch Disposition Code After completing this module, students will Estimate a cost price and sales price in aShelf Life Management be able to: batch order and sales order.Same Batch Reservation line Explain the stages of the batch order lifeBatch Attributes Explain process manufacturing and cycle.Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory and create the necessary setup at the Explain how a batch order can beWarehouse Management released products level processed using the Manufacturing

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Batch Attributes by Product Specific and Explain a formula item and how it differs Execution System (MES).Customer Specific from a Bill of Material (BOM) item. Define the setup and report an unplannedBatch Attribute Groups Create a product at the enterprise level. co-product and by-product in a batchApproved Vendor List Configure released products. order.Approved Vendor List in Released Products Create and apply a product template. Explain a rework batch order and the stepsForm Describe production types that are to process a rework batch order.Validate the Approved Vendor Check in defined for any item, at the released Define the process manufacturingVarious Forms product level. functionalities adhering to master planning.Vendor Batch Update Explain the difference between a formula Explain multisite planning and itsCommodity Pricing item and planning item. prerequisites.Product Compliance and its Setup Define formula lines and versions. Perform Master Planning across the sitesAssociate Product Compliance to Released Explain the use of a formula and a route within a legal entity.Products in multisite production scenarios. Describe intercompany planning andValidate the Product Safety Data Sheet Explain the features and structural create the required setups.Information in Purchase and Sales Orders elements of a formula. Define downstream source plans in masterSame Batch Reservation Define a formula level with an example of plans.Rebates a formula at multiple levels. Describe key transactions that triggerRebate Agreements Define a formula at multiple sites. multi-company planning.Rebates Process Cycle Define formula line types. Describe methods to create intercompanyCatch Weight in Advanced Warehouse Describe the formula features in formula sales orders.Management Functions lines. Define co-products and their prerequisitesReservation in Advanced Warehouse Describe different access methods to for planning.Management for Process Manufacturing create and maintain a formula. Plan co-products using a planning item.

Define different version control methods Plan co-products with a formula item.

Lab : Multisite Master Planning in Process that are available in formula Explain the purpose and benefits of

Manufacturing management. containerized packaging.line Describe how to copy a formula from Create bulk item conversion.

other formula versions. Create formula for the packed product withLab : Planning of Co-products with Modify a formula version by changing the reference of bulk item.Planning Item yield percentage or formula size. Firm and consolidate the planned ordersline Define the steps to edit a formula using associated to a bulk item and packed

the formula designer. product in the Planned orders form.

Lab : Planning of Co-products with Formula Create a formula version using scalable Process the bulk and packed order and

Item and percentage controlled options in the review the inventory.line formula lines. Add and remove the bulk or packed order

Describe how to use a plan group to in the Consolidated batch orders form.After completing this module, students will substitute items in formula lines. Define the setup for creating a Catchbe able to: Set up step consumption and its use in Weight (CW) item.line batch order processing and in a formula Create an inventory transaction with a

Explain process manufacturing and create calculation. partial visibility catch weight item.the necessary setup at the released Describe batch order costing. Create an inventory transaction with a fullproducts level Explain the prerequisites for formula visibility catch weight item.Explain a formula item and how it differs calculation. Explain the use of catch weight in differentfrom a Bill of Material (BOM) item. Explain the steps to create and activate transactions.Create a product at the enterprise level. item prices. Define a batch disposition code and itsConfigure released products. Calculate a cost price and sales price related setups.Create and apply a product template. using a formula calculation. Define setup to integrate a batchDescribe production types that are defined Describe the enhancements in a formula disposition code with quality management.for any item, at the released product level. calculation relating to process Configure a batch disposition codeExplain the difference between a formula manufacturing. associated to partial or full blocking ofitem and planning item. Estimate a cost price and sales price in a inventory.Define formula lines and versions. batch order and sales order. Reset a disposition code for inventoryExplain the use of a formula and a route in Explain the stages of the batch order life batches manually.multisite production scenarios. cycle. Define shelf life and its related setupsExplain the features and structural elements Explain how a batch order can be Configure the shelf life at the releasedof a formula. processed using the Manufacturing product level.Define a formula level with an example of a Execution System (MES). Reserve inventory batches using the shelfformula at multiple levels. Define the setup and report an unplanned life setup.Define a formula at multiple sites. co-product and by-product in a batch Explain the same batch reservation and itsDefine formula line types. order. need for master planning.Describe the formula features in formula Explain a rework batch order and the Explain batch attributes and setups.lines. steps to process a rework batch order. Create a batch attribute for an item.Describe different access methods to create Define the process manufacturing Assign product specific and customerand maintain a formula. functionalities adhering to master specific batch attributes.Define different version control methods that planning. Reserve batches by batch attributes.are available in formula management. Explain multisite planning and its Update inventory batch attribute manually.

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Describe how to copy a formula from other prerequisites. Update inventory batch attributeformula versions. Perform Master Planning across the sites automatically using quality orderModify a formula version by changing the within a legal entity. Explain the batch attribute groups.yield percentage or formula size. Describe intercompany planning and Explain Approved Vendor List (AVL) andDefine the steps to edit a formula using the create the required setups. define its related setups.formula designer. Define downstream source plans in Define item-vendor relationship and itsCreate a formula version using scalable and master plans. period of validity.percentage controlled options in the formula Describe key transactions that trigger Inquire and validate an approved vendorlines. multi-company planning. list in different forms.Describe how to use a plan group to Describe methods to create Explain the necessity for a vendor batchsubstitute items in formula lines. intercompany sales orders. update and its required setup.Set up step consumption and its use in Define co-products and their Perform a purchase registration with abatch order processing and in a formula prerequisites for planning. vendor batch update.calculation. Plan co-products using a planning item. Define commodity pricing and its purpose.Describe batch order costing. Plan co-products with a formula item. Define the setups required for commodityExplain the prerequisites for formula Explain the purpose and benefits of pricing.calculation. containerized packaging. Set up the pricing calculation forExplain the steps to create and activate item Create bulk item conversion. commodity items.prices. Create formula for the packed product Create price and margin data for a formulaCalculate a cost price and sales price using with reference of bulk item. item.a formula calculation. Firm and consolidate the planned orders View the commodity price calculation andDescribe the enhancements in a formula associated to a bulk item and packed update it in the trade agreement.calculation relating to process product in the Planned orders form. Define product compliance and configuremanufacturing. Process the bulk and packed order and its necessary setups in Inventory andEstimate a cost price and sales price in a review the inventory. warehouse management.batch order and sales order. Add and remove the bulk or packed order Associate product compliance setups for aExplain the stages of the batch order life in the Consolidated batch orders form. specific item at the released productscycle. Define the setup for creating a Catch level.Explain how a batch order can be processed Weight (CW) item. Update the product safety data sheet for ausing the Manufacturing Execution System Create an inventory transaction with a specific item at the released product level.(MES). partial visibility catch weight item. Validate the product safety complianceDefine the setup and report an unplanned Create an inventory transaction with a full data sheet during purchase and salesco-product and by-product in a batch order. visibility catch weight item. order processing.Explain a rework batch order and the steps Explain the use of catch weight in Explain rebates and their process a rework batch order. different transactions. Create item rebate groups and customerDefine the process manufacturing Define a batch disposition code and its rebate groups.functionalities adhering to master planning. related setups. Create a rebate agreements to aExplain multisite planning and its Define setup to integrate a batch customer.prerequisites. disposition code with quality Process rebates to a customer.Perform Master Planning across the sites management. Define the setup relating to advancedwithin a legal entity. Configure a batch disposition code warehouse management for catch weightDescribe intercompany planning and create associated to partial or full blocking of products.the required setups. inventory. Perform pallet transport for an inboundDefine downstream source plans in master Reset a disposition code for inventory warehouse management process in catchplans. batches manually. weight unit.Describe key transactions that trigger Define shelf life and its related setups Describe the setup for reservation inmulti-company planning. Configure the shelf life at the released process manufacturing.Describe methods to create intercompany product level. Perform sales shipment using advancedsales orders. Reserve inventory batches using the warehouse management function withDefine co-products and their prerequisites shelf life setup. FEFO date-controlled and same batchfor planning. Explain the same batch reservation and reservation.Plan co-products using a planning item. its need for master planning.Plan co-products with a formula item. Explain batch attributes and setups. Module 13: Integration with AdvancedExplain the purpose and benefits of Create a batch attribute for an item. Warehouse Managementcontainerized packaging. Assign product specific and customer lineCreate bulk item conversion. specific batch attributes.Create formula for the packed product with Reserve batches by batch attributes. This module provides a general overview ofreference of bulk item. Update inventory batch attribute the Integration with advanced warehouseFirm and consolidate the planned orders manually. management in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.associated to a bulk item and packed Update inventory batch attribute lineproduct in the Planned orders form. automatically using quality orderProcess the bulk and packed order and Explain the batch attribute groups. Lessonsreview the inventory. Explain Approved Vendor List (AVL) and lineAdd and remove the bulk or packed order in define its related setups. Process Manufacturingthe Consolidated batch orders form. Define item-vendor relationship and its Process Manufacturing and PrerequisiteDefine the setup for creating a Catch Weight period of validity. Setups

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(CW) item. Inquire and validate an approved vendor General ConceptsCreate an inventory transaction with a partial list in different forms. Formula Features and Elementsvisibility catch weight item. Explain the necessity for a vendor batch Formula Form Accessed from DifferentCreate an inventory transaction with a full update and its required setup. Formsvisibility catch weight item. Perform a purchase registration with a Formula VersionsExplain the use of catch weight in different vendor batch update. Copy Formula Versionstransactions. Define commodity pricing and its Modify Formula VersionsDefine a batch disposition code and its purpose. Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formularelated setups. Define the setups required for commodity DesignerDefine setup to integrate a batch disposition pricing. Create Formula Versions with Scalablecode with quality management. Set up the pricing calculation for and percentage Controlled OptionsConfigure a batch disposition code commodity items. Use of Plan Group in Formula Linesassociated to partial or full blocking of Create price and margin data for a Step Consumptioninventory. formula item. Batch Order CostingReset a disposition code for inventory View the commodity price calculation and Prerequisites For a Formula Calculationbatches manually. update it in the trade agreement. Calculate the Cost Price and Sales PriceDefine shelf life and its related setups Define product compliance and configure for Formula ItemsConfigure the shelf life at the released its necessary setups in Inventory and Formula Calculation Enhancementsproduct level. warehouse management. Price Estimation in Batch Order and SalesReserve inventory batches using the shelf Associate product compliance setups for Orderlife setup. a specific item at the released products Batch Order Life CycleExplain the same batch reservation and its level. Process a Batch Order Using theneed for master planning. Update the product safety data sheet for Manufacturing Execution SystemExplain batch attributes and setups. a specific item at the released product Report Unplanned Co-Products andCreate a batch attribute for an item. level. By-Products in a Batch OrderAssign product specific and customer Validate the product safety compliance Rework a Batch Orderspecific batch attributes. data sheet during purchase and sales Master Planning Specific to ProcessReserve batches by batch attributes. order processing. ManufacturingUpdate inventory batch attribute manually. Explain rebates and their setup. Multisite Master Planning and itsUpdate inventory batch attribute Create item rebate groups and customer Prerequisitesautomatically using quality order rebate groups. Perform Master Planning Across SitesExplain the batch attribute groups. Create a rebate agreements to a Intercompany PlanningExplain Approved Vendor List (AVL) and customer. Co-product Planning and Productiondefine its related setups. Process rebates to a customer. Planning Co-Products Using Planning ItemDefine item-vendor relationship and its Define the setup relating to advanced Planning Co-Products with Formula Itemperiod of validity. warehouse management for catch weight Containerized PackagingInquire and validate an approved vendor list products. Setup for Containerized Packagingin different forms. Perform pallet transport for an inbound Firm and Consolidate the Planned BatchExplain the necessity for a vendor batch warehouse management process in Orderupdate and its required setup. catch weight unit. Add or Remove the Batch Order from thePerform a purchase registration with a Describe the setup for reservation in Consolidated Batch Ordervendor batch update. process manufacturing. Batch Disposition CodeDefine commodity pricing and its purpose. Perform sales shipment using advanced Shelf Life ManagementDefine the setups required for commodity warehouse management function with Same Batch Reservationpricing. FEFO date-controlled and same batch Batch AttributesSet up the pricing calculation for commodity reservation. Create a Batch Attribute in Inventory anditems. Warehouse ManagementCreate price and margin data for a formula Module 9: Vendor Information Batch Attributes by Product Specific anditem. line Customer SpecificView the commodity price calculation and Batch Attribute Groupsupdate it in the trade agreement. This module provides a general overview of Approved Vendor ListDefine product compliance and configure its Vendor information in Microsoft Dynamics AX Approved Vendor List in Releasednecessary setups in Inventory and 2012. Products Formwarehouse management. line Validate the Approved Vendor Check inAssociate product compliance setups for a Various Formsspecific item at the released products level. Lessons Vendor Batch UpdateUpdate the product safety data sheet for a line Commodity Pricingspecific item at the released product level. Process Manufacturing Product Compliance and its SetupValidate the product safety compliance data Process Manufacturing and Prerequisite Associate Product Compliance tosheet during purchase and sales order Setups Released Productsprocessing. General Concepts Validate the Product Safety Data SheetExplain rebates and their setup. Formula Features and Elements Information in Purchase and Sales OrdersCreate item rebate groups and customer Formula Form Accessed from Different Same Batch Reservationrebate groups. Forms RebatesCreate a rebate agreements to a customer. Formula Versions Rebate AgreementsProcess rebates to a customer. Copy Formula Versions Rebates Process Cycle

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Define the setup relating to advanced Modify Formula Versions Catch Weight in Advanced Warehousewarehouse management for catch weight Edit the Formula Lines Using the Formula Management Functionsproducts. Designer Reservation in Advanced WarehousePerform pallet transport for an inbound Create Formula Versions with Scalable Management for Process Manufacturingwarehouse management process in catch and percentage Controlled Optionsweight unit. Use of Plan Group in Formula Lines Lab : Catch Weight in the AdvancedDescribe the setup for reservation in Step Consumption Warehouse Management Processprocess manufacturing. Batch Order Costing linePerform sales shipment using advanced Prerequisites For a Formula Calculationwarehouse management function with FEFO Calculate the Cost Price and Sales Price After completing this module, students willdate-controlled and same batch reservation. for Formula Items be able to:

Formula Calculation Enhancements linePrice Estimation in Batch Order and Explain process manufacturing and createSales Order the necessary setup at the releasedBatch Order Life Cycle products levelProcess a Batch Order Using the Explain a formula item and how it differsManufacturing Execution System from a Bill of Material (BOM) item.Report Unplanned Co-Products and Create a product at the enterprise level.By-Products in a Batch Order Configure released products.Rework a Batch Order Create and apply a product template.Master Planning Specific to Process Describe production types that are definedManufacturing for any item, at the released product level.Multisite Master Planning and its Explain the difference between a formulaPrerequisites item and planning item.Perform Master Planning Across Sites Define formula lines and versions.Intercompany Planning Explain the use of a formula and a route inCo-product Planning and Production multisite production scenarios.Planning Co-Products Using Planning Explain the features and structuralItem elements of a formula.Planning Co-Products with Formula Item Define a formula level with an example of aContainerized Packaging formula at multiple levels.Setup for Containerized Packaging Define a formula at multiple sites.Firm and Consolidate the Planned Batch Define formula line types.Order Describe the formula features in formulaAdd or Remove the Batch Order from the lines.Consolidated Batch Order Describe different access methods toBatch Disposition Code create and maintain a formula.Shelf Life Management Define different version control methodsSame Batch Reservation that are available in formula management.Batch Attributes Describe how to copy a formula from otherCreate a Batch Attribute in Inventory and formula versions.Warehouse Management Modify a formula version by changing theBatch Attributes by Product Specific and yield percentage or formula size.Customer Specific Define the steps to edit a formula using theBatch Attribute Groups formula designer.Approved Vendor List Create a formula version using scalableApproved Vendor List in Released and percentage controlled options in theProducts Form formula lines.Validate the Approved Vendor Check in Describe how to use a plan group toVarious Forms substitute items in formula lines.Vendor Batch Update Set up step consumption and its use inCommodity Pricing batch order processing and in a formulaProduct Compliance and its Setup calculation.Associate Product Compliance to Describe batch order costing.Released Products Explain the prerequisites for formulaValidate the Product Safety Data Sheet calculation.Information in Purchase and Sales Explain the steps to create and activateOrders item prices.Same Batch Reservation Calculate a cost price and sales priceRebates using a formula calculation.Rebate Agreements Describe the enhancements in a formulaRebates Process Cycle calculation relating to processCatch Weight in Advanced Warehouse manufacturing.Management Functions Estimate a cost price and sales price in aReservation in Advanced Warehouse batch order and sales order.Management for Process Manufacturing Explain the stages of the batch order life

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cycle.Explain how a batch order can beprocessed using the ManufacturingExecution System (MES).Define the setup and report an unplannedco-product and by-product in a batchorder.Explain a rework batch order and the stepsto process a rework batch order.Define the process manufacturingfunctionalities adhering to master planning.Explain multisite planning and itsprerequisites.Perform Master Planning across the siteswithin a legal entity.Describe intercompany planning andcreate the required setups.Define downstream source plans in masterplans.Describe key transactions that triggermulti-company planning.Describe methods to create intercompanysales orders.Define co-products and their prerequisitesfor planning.Plan co-products using a planning item.Plan co-products with a formula item.Explain the purpose and benefits ofcontainerized packaging.Create bulk item conversion.Create formula for the packed product withreference of bulk item.Firm and consolidate the planned ordersassociated to a bulk item and packedproduct in the Planned orders form.Process the bulk and packed order andreview the inventory.Add and remove the bulk or packed orderin the Consolidated batch orders form.Define the setup for creating a CatchWeight (CW) item.Create an inventory transaction with apartial visibility catch weight item.Create an inventory transaction with a fullvisibility catch weight item.Explain the use of catch weight in differenttransactions.Define a batch disposition code and itsrelated setups.Define setup to integrate a batchdisposition code with quality management.Configure a batch disposition codeassociated to partial or full blocking ofinventory.Reset a disposition code for inventorybatches manually.Define shelf life and its related setupsConfigure the shelf life at the releasedproduct level.Reserve inventory batches using the shelflife setup.Explain the same batch reservation and itsneed for master planning.Explain batch attributes and setups.Create a batch attribute for an item.Assign product specific and customer

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specific batch attributes.Reserve batches by batch attributes.Update inventory batch attribute manually.Update inventory batch attributeautomatically using quality orderExplain the batch attribute groups.Explain Approved Vendor List (AVL) anddefine its related setups.Define item-vendor relationship and itsperiod of validity.Inquire and validate an approved vendorlist in different forms.Explain the necessity for a vendor batchupdate and its required setup.Perform a purchase registration with avendor batch update.Define commodity pricing and its purpose.Define the setups required for commoditypricing.Set up the pricing calculation forcommodity items.Create price and margin data for a formulaitem.View the commodity price calculation andupdate it in the trade agreement.Define product compliance and configureits necessary setups in Inventory andwarehouse management.Associate product compliance setups for aspecific item at the released productslevel.Update the product safety data sheet for aspecific item at the released product level.Validate the product safety compliancedata sheet during purchase and salesorder processing.Explain rebates and their setup.Create item rebate groups and customerrebate groups.Create a rebate agreements to acustomer.Process rebates to a customer.Define the setup relating to advancedwarehouse management for catch weightproducts.Perform pallet transport for an inboundwarehouse management process in catchweight unit.Describe the setup for reservation inprocess manufacturing.Perform sales shipment using advancedwarehouse management function withFEFO date-controlled and same batchreservation.

Additional Readingline

To help you prepare for this class, reviewthe following resources:line

80418: Costing and Inventory Valuation inMicrosoft Dynamics AX 2012 (available in2012)80419: Manufacturing Execution Systems(MES) in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

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(available in 2012)80427: Warehouse Management inMicrosoft Dynamics AX 2012 (available in2012)80422: Intercompany Setup and OrderProcessing in Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 (available in 2012)

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