Page 1: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand


Michele CampanaroDominik EichlerMaria Sycheva

Page 2: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Index Introduction – What is a celebrity brand?

Build a celebrity brand

Use a celebrity brand

Grow a celebrity brand


Page 3: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Introduction “Brands endorsed by celebrities are a source

of symbolic brand meaning.” (Escalas, J.E., Bettman, J.R., 2009)

Self-concept (Levy 1959)

Image boosting (Buttle, Raymond, and Danziger 2000)

Image creation “Juxtaposing brands and organisations with

endorser qualities such as attractiveness, likeability and trustworthiness” (Erdogan, B.Z., 1999)

Page 4: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Building a celebrity brand (I) "Ubiquitous feature of modern

marketing” (McCracken, 1989)

Meaning transfer: 

Page 5: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Building a celebrity brand (II)  Meaning is resident in the culturally

constituted world Moved to consumer goods Moved into the life of a consumer

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Building a celebrity brand (III)

Page 7: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Building a celebrity brand (IV) Process: Identify cultural meanings intended for the product Survey for objects, persons, and contexts that already contain and give voice to these meanings Consumer: Association between elements and product

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Using a celebrity brand (I)

(Erdogan, B.Z., 1999)

(Erdogan, B.Z., 1999)

Page 9: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Using a celebrity brand (II)

Strategy: Consitency, Differentiation, Effectiveness BUT LACK OF


Meaning Transfer



Based on McCracken (1989) and Erdogan (1999)

Page 10: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Using a celebrity brand (III) Self-endorsement

Direct endorsement

Indirect endorsement


Association levels

Page 11: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Growing a celebrity brand (I)Many variables may influence the growth of brands

Companies who want to grow around their “point of difference”, have to make the brand available to as many consumers as possible

In order to build a clear connection between costumers needs and tastes and a celebrity brand: How? Public Figure of celebrity What? Behaviours

Page 12: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Growing a celebrity brand (II) Public figure Brand’s mean of communication Celebrity Mutual recognition Brand The brand’s and celebrity’s appeals grow

Page 13: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Growing a celebrity brand (III) Behaviours Every company is a “values’ bearer” Behaviours of celebrity should mirror these

What consumers think about a celebrity tells compelling things about the brand.

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Conclusion Symbolism

Cultural aspects


Clear connection

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Page 16: Michele Campanaro Dominik Eichler Maria Sycheva. Index  Introduction  What is a celebrity brand?  Build a celebrity brand  Use a celebrity brand

Sources (I) Escalas, J. E., & Bettman, J. R. (2009).

Connecting with celebrities: Celebrity endorsement, brand meaning, and self-brand connections. Journal of Marketing Research.

Levy, Sidney J. (1959), “Symbols for Sale,” Harvard Business Review, 37 (July-August), 117- 24

Buttle, Heather, Jane E. Rayone, and Shai Danzinger (2000), “Do Famous Faces Capture Attention?” Advances in Consumer Research, 27, 245.

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Sources (II) Grant McCracken: "Who is the Celebrity

Endorser? Cultural Foundations of the Endorsement Process”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Dec., 1989), pp. 310-321

B. Zafer Erdogan (1999) Celebrity Endorsement: A Literature Review, Journal of Marketing Management, 15:4, 291-314

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Sources (III) Helen Fearn (2010) : ”Growing a Strong

Brand: Defining your meaningful point of difference”. MillwardBrown, Journal of Marketing Research.
