Download pptx - Mic 2012 jon_mew

  • 1. From Smartphones to TabletsJon MewDirector of Mobile and [email protected]

2. Agenda Consumer usage Advertising How brands are using 3. Agenda Consumer usage Advertising How brands are using 4. AM Mobile use evolves through day Finance/banking (20%) First choice (29%)MorningRushBreakfastSlot News/weather (29%), and traffic/travel(13%) First choice (34%)Source: IABs Mobile & the Media Day Study, Jan 2011Base: Average of 500 respondents, over 7 days 5. PM Mobile use evolves through day Careers (10%), search (19%), and Social media (41%), music/radio (17%) news/weather (23%) Bored (32%), time saving (25%) Only way to access (19%), private (17%) Me timeLunchBreak Feet UpOut &About entertainment (26%), games (25%), sport maps (13%), directories/classifieds (12%)(20%) and shopping (18%) and search (20%) Instead of PC(21%), time saving (27%) Prompted by other media (13%) Source: IABs Mobile & the Media Day Study, Jan 2011 Base: Average of 500 respondents, over 7 days 6. 50% of tablet uses are after 7pm35%Day in the Life of Device Usage - Weekday30%25%20%% interactions15%10%Desktop 5%Mobile 0% TabletNight Time 1- EarlyMorning 7- Late morning Early Afternoon 4- EarlyLate Evening3am Morning 4- 9am10am-12am Afternoon6pmEvening 7- 10-12pm6am1pm-3pm9pm Source: IAB Three Device Lives: Tablets in context 7. Tablets can have more impact than mobile 8. iPad growth rate is phenomenal Cumulative Units Sold60000iPadiPhoneiPodCumulative total units sold (thousands)45000 NL: 15% access internet via tablet**30000EU: 8%1500001 23 4 5 6 7 Quarters after launchSource: Asymco ** IAB Mediascope 2012 9. 3 key trends emerging for tabletsDual ScreeningEntertainmentRetail 51% PC, 29% Tablet usage withTablet,TV49%35% 2:56Mobile Mobile,usage 22%with TVWhich of your 33%devices best2:12Laptop /allows you to bedesktop entertained? usagewith TVSource: IAB Three Device Lives: Tablets in context / IAB Mojo Study 10. Tablet owners prefer to search on tablets Desktop/Laptop Smartphone/Mobile PC+SP Users51% 49% T+PC+SPDesktop/LaptopSmartphone/Mobile TabletUsers36%22%42%Source: IAB Three Device Lives: Tablets in contextN.B. Smartphone sample not asked Tablet option 11. Dual / Triple screening is growing rapidly 12. Agenda Consumer usage Advertising How brands are using 13. 2011 total mobile ad spend breakdownSource: IAB / PwC mobile ad spend survey 2011 14. UK Mobile adspend starts to outpace online1200.00 Online adspend Mobile adspend 962 1000.00825m800.00727600.00 449 465m400.00203.2m153m197m200.00 166m 28.6m 51m83.0m19m37.6m0.00199819992000 20012002 2003 20042008 2009 2010 20112012?2013?2014?Source: IAB / PWC Adspend,Mobile Estimates: First Partner 2011 15. Share of paid search clicks is increasing rapidly 25% actual projection 20% Mobile Click Share 15% Tablet 10% Click Share 5% 0%Source: Latitude digital marketing 16. Agenda Consumer usage Advertising How brands are using 17. Forward-thinking brands are thinking holisticallySource: GfK/IAB Mojo Study. E2. How have you used your mobile / smartphone to aid your shopping trip?E3. What were you shopping for when you used your mobile /smartphone to ... - Scan products to find out more information about the item 18. Google Coke Re 19. IAB Creative Showcase 20. [email protected]@jonmew
