
MHRM Library Orientation Stephanie Quail | Business Librarian | Bronfman Library | [email protected]!!

September 10, 2015 !!

Introduction to York University Libraries!Ø Focus on Peter F. Bronfman Business Library!Ø Key services for graduate students!!

Using the Catalogue!!

Research Tools @ York!!

Citation & Citation Management Tools! !


!The Peter F. Bronfman Business Library!!

•  Dedicated to collecting business resources!!

•  Serves business research needs of students and faculty at York!

Eight libraries at York, covering various subjects such as:!•  Osgoode Library!!

•  Scott Library!!

•  Steacie Library!  

York University Libraries

YU-Card & Passport York


•  Your official photo ID card!!

•  Use it to print, photocopy, & borrow books !


•  Get it at the YU-Card office!

Passport York (PPY)!!

•  Your unique authentication ID!


•  Use PPY to login to eResources, renew books, book group study rooms & more !


Location and Services:!•  2nd floor of Seymour

Schulich Building!!

•  Individual study carrels!!

•  Quiet study room on 2nd level (no electronic devices allowed)!


•  Six bookable group study rooms!


The Bronfman Library

Computing & Printing!•  Sign-in to public access

computers with PPY!!

•  Sign-in to wifi network with PPY!


•  Remote printing available!!

•  3 printers (B&W 10¢; Colour 25¢ per page)!


•  Photocopier (B&W 10¢ per page)!


•  Scanners (Free)!!

The Bronfman Library

Hours (Fall 2015):!•  Monday-Thursday: 8am-11pm!•  Friday: 8am-6pm!•  Saturday: 9am-6pm!•  Sunday: 11am-8pm!!Getting Help:!•  Phone: 416-736-5139!•  Reference email: [email protected]!•  IM chat service available on

Bronfman website!!

Website Chat Widget!

Research Guide Chat Widget!

The Bronfman Library

Subject Librarian for Human Resource Management!!

•  Stephanie Quail!!

•  Email: [email protected]!!

•  Phone: ext. 22747!!

•  Office: Bronfman Library, S237V!

Learn more about subject librarian expertise at the Bronfman Library! !


Staff @ the Bronfman Library!

Information on!•  Graduate Reading Room @ Scott Library!•  Research and Publishing at York!•  Using the York University Libraries!•  and more!!

Graduate Student Support

Library Catalogue!

Bronfman Website!

Using the Catalogue

Using the Catalogue: Course Reserves

1) Perform broad search!

2) Catalogue has right-hand side facets that allow you to narrow by:!•  Location (online, Bronfman)!•  Format (book, ebook, journal)!•  Subject!•  Author!•  Call number!•  Language!•  Publication year!

Keyword Searches

You’re given the following citation:!!

Ueda, Yutaka. (2012, August). The effects of the! perception of work-life balance on acceptance of! work arrangement requests. International Business! Research, 5(8), 24-32.!

In your group, try to find this article using the library’s


Activity 1: Using the Catalogue

!!Who = Author!What = Article title!When = Date !Where = Journal title, volume, and page!

This short video is also available to help you find articles when you are !working from a citation or reference!

Ueda, Yutaka. (2012, August). The ! effects of the perception of work-! life balance on acceptance of! work arrangement requests.! International Business! Research, 5(8), 24-32.!

Finding Articles

!!Who = Author!What = Article title!When = Date !Where = Journal title, volume, and page!

This short video is also available to help you find articles when you are !working from a citation or reference!

Ueda, Yutaka. (2012, August). The ! effects of the perception of work-! life balance on acceptance of! work arrangement requests.! International Business! Research, 5(8), 24-32.!

The Journal Title is how you will find it in the catalogue!!

Finding Articles

For more information, see our blog post!!





Setting Your Google Scholar Preferences

Find electronic and print:!books, journals, & course reserves.!Also find databases, online research guides, and much more…!

Can’t search for individual !journal articles; but, can find specific journals (ex: Harvard Business Review) or journal databases (ex: ProQuest Business)!

Using the Catalogue

Research Tools @ York

The Bronfman website is the gateway to many resources:!•  Article databases!•  eJournals & eBooks!•  Business research


Research Tools @ York: Why Use Them?

Library Resources (Deep Web)!


§  The catalogue!§  Article databases!§  Specialized


The Free Web !(Surface Web)!§  Google!§  Wikipedia!§  Company


Bronfman Research Guides

Our Research Guides include general, as well as specific guides such as an HRM guide.!

Human Resource Management Guide!





How are Canadian companies helping their employees achieve a better work-life balance?!

Step 1: Identify main concepts. !

Step 2: Come up with synonyms or related terms for your concepts.!

Research Tools @ York: Keywords & Synonyms

“Canadian companies”

“work-life balance” AND!


Labourer Worker


Phrase searching!•  “double

quotation marks” for exact phrases!

manag*!management, manager, manages, managing, etc.!

Combines DISTINCT terms!!Fewer results!!Makes search focused and specific!

Combines SIMILAR terms!!GREATER results!!Makes search broader!

Research Tools @ York: Creating Effective Search Strategies

In your groups, come up with a list of keywords and synonyms for the topic:!!•  How have human resource policies

affected diversity in the workplace?!!Combine your keywords & synonyms in the provided boxes.!!!!

Activity 2: Keywords & Search Strategies

There are many print books available on HRM topics, but if you would like e-books try:!!

•  Books24x7!•  Ebrary!!

•  These e-book providers have good coverage of HRM topics !

Searching for Books

Scholarly Articles!

Trade Articles!

Business Newspaper & Magazine Articles!

Some features:!•  Lengthy

bibliographies!•  Typically

focused on original research!

Some features:!•  Often published

by a professional association or organization!

•  Typically focused on industry trends!

Some features:!•  No bibliographies &

some anonymous articles !

•  Typically focused on general business information!

Business Article Types

Finding business articles guide!

How are Canadian companies helping their employees achieve a better work-life balance?!

Canadian  companies  

Work-­‐Life  Balance  Employees  

Article Database Demo

Instructions:!!Each group will be given a different resource to search.!!Use your search strategies from Activity 2 and answer the questions.!

Activity 3: Article Searching

Citation Guide @ York

Citation Resources @ York!•  Business Citation Guide (APA & MLA styles)!•  SPARK’s Quick Guides on APA Citation

(APA, MLA, & Chicago)!!Additional Resources!•  OWL Purdue's Citation Style Guides (APA,

MLA, & Chicago)!!

Citation Management Tools!•  Zotero!•  Mendeley!!!

Citation Management Tools can:!•  Store citations from library

catalogues and periodical databases.!

•  Format and print your final bibliography in the citation style of your choice.!

•  Store full-text PDFs, images, audio or video files and web page snapshots.!

•  Help you collaborate with others on group projects.!

Citation Management Tools @ York

Introduction to York University Libraries!Ø Focus on Peter F. Bronfman Business Library!Ø Key services for graduate students!!

Using the Catalogue!!

Research Tools @ York!!

Citation & Citation Management Tools! !

Today we’ve covered

Questions? Stephanie Quail | Business Librarian | Bronfman Library | [email protected]!!

September 10, 2015 !!
