  • 7/30/2019 Mexico Manufacturing Production Index and Purchasing Managers Index (PMI


    Mexico Manufacturing Production Index and Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)

    by Eduardo Petazze

    Last Update: January 11, 2016

    In December 2015 the manufacturing activity (PMI) continues to grow at a slower pace than in previous monthsIn ovember2015 manufacturing pro!uction grew by 1"#$% &o& (

    '0"$1%MoM" he mining sector fell by $"2%&o&"In the *+2015 manufacturing output grew ,2"*% &o&- but mining collapse! fell by 5"5%&o&

    2015 a manufacturing growth of 2"#% an! a !rop in mining by 5"#%is estimate!"

    TheINEGIof Mexico publishes monthly statistics onIndustrial production Indeand!anu"acturin# $rders Indicator(similar to PMI).

    The following is a summary of the published data

    The Industrial Production IndicesPress release: November 20! " #df$ % #ages

    The Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)Press release&

    IN'I Indicador de Pedidos Manufactureros (IPM) ecember 20! #df$ #ages

    Indicador IM'* del 'ntorno 'm#resarial Mexicano #df$ + #ages

    Mar,it Mexico Manufacturing PMI ecember 20! #df$ 2 #ages

    -ddendum& .il and as 'xtraction

    Inustrial Production Index 200/00

    200/00Not 1easonall -d3usted 1easonall -d3usted

    Total %o% Mining %o% 'le ctr4 5ons tr4 M fg4 %o% Total %o% Mining %o% 'le ctr4 5ons tr4 M fg4 %o%

    200& 00400 '0"$.% 1. '*".2% 1. 1. 1. '1"01% %%4/2 '0"/0% !!."# '*").% !!.!1 !!."" !!.$% '1"21%

    200' %647% '/"21% !&.!% '$"0$% 11.# !#.!' !1.%& '#"*5% %6477 '/"0/% !%.( '*"#1% 11.## !#."! !1.%" '#"10%

    2010 %/40+ $"5/% !%." 0"##% 1&."" !'.%' !!.'" #"55% %/40+ $"5.% !%."% 0"##% 1&.&! !'.&1 !!.& #"5*%

    2011 0486 *"$*% !%.'& '0"*.% 11#.(' !".'! 1'.& $"5)%

    048! *"$/% !%.'! '0"*)% 11#.1' !".#' 1'.1$ $".0%

    2012 08466 2"#/% !$.(" 0"#.% 11&.%% 1.! 1".## $"11% 08427 2".#% !$." 0"/2% 11&.% 1."! 1".#1 *")#%

    201( 0647+ '0"55% !$.1' '0"15% 11%.($ !%." 1!.&' 1"12% 0647/ '0"$.% !$.1" 0"10% 11%.1$ !%.& 1!.&$ 1"1/%

    201) 0+48 2*+6, %!4+7 -1*+1, 2!47% %/40 64/+ (*'), 0+48 2*+(, %!478 -1*)', 2!4+/ %74/% 64/6 (*&',

    201+ 07487 1"00% !.1& '5"..% 1#."# 1.%& 11$.& 2"#0% 07487 1"00% !.1& '5"#*% 1#."# 1.%& 11$.& 2"#2%

    2016 0/42/ 0".5% "&.1 '5"/0% 1#%.(# 1(.#$ 11!."& 2"$0% 0/42/ 0".5% "&.1 '5"/0% 1#%.(# 1(.#$ 11!."& 2"$0%

    201. 0%40 0".5% ".1& '5"#2% 1'1.% 1'. 1((.%" 2"*/% 0%40 0".5% ".1& '5"#2% 1'1.% 1'. 1((.%" 2"*/%

    9atest data

    )wn estimate

    200/00Not 1easonall -d3usted 1easonall -d3usted

    Total %o% Mining %o% 'le ctr4 5ons tr4 M fg4 %o% Total /o/ Mining /o/ 'le ctr4 5ons tr4 M fg4 /o/

    208: 0640 2"/.% !%.%1 0".0% 11!.& !.#1 11.$! $"#1% 0!488 1"0.% !$.$" '0"$.% 1(1."' !&.$' 11(.$ 1"5*%

    208:2 0!467 1"#1% !%.1 '0"05% 11$.1 !'.%$ 11'.(1 2"#/% 0+466 0"#$% !%.&! '1"22% 1(&.#" !$.(1 11#.$ 1"$/%

    208:6 074/+ 2")0% !%.(1 '1"2#% 1#'.$# !!.'! 11'."' *"$/% 0+4+6 0"2#% !&.&% '1"0/% 1($.! !".#1 11'.1# 0"*.%

    208:8 0%48 2"#5% !#."% '5"2)% 1#(.(" 1$.&" 11&.&! $"/.% 07422 0"55% !#. '2"/#% 1(".'1 1.#( 11&.'' 1"15%

    20!: 0847 1"//% !1.(1 '5"5)% 1(&.!& !'.#( 11'.#" *"2*% 0742! 0"0*% !(.#% '0".0% 1(".!# !!.!' 11&.!1 0"$1%

    20!:2 0+40! 0"/5% "".$1 '."/1% 11!.&$ !$.'' 11$.$% *"11% 074 '0"1*% "!.#' '*"2/% 1(".#& 1.(' 11$.( 1"12%

    20!:6 0%422 1*2+, %04/6 -+*+', 6%4/2 024/+ /420 2*'(, 074/6 0*6&, %048 0*&', 647/ 04!7 7466 0*11,

    20!:8 0%4% 0"$/% "!."& '$"2.% 1#$.!% 1$.!" 11$."% 1").% 07470 '0"12% "".$% '1"5*% 1#'.(% 1."' 11$.$% 0"*.%

    20+: 0!467 0"/2% "&.!1 '5"#1% 1#1.$ !%.1 11$. 2"*0% 0/40% 0"*/% "%.!# '2"0/% 1#'.!% 11.!1 11"." 0"##%

    20+:2 0742 1"01% "'.1# '5"1.% 1(&.&% !!.'& 1(.%# 2"$$% 074%6 '0"15% "'.%# '2"/5% 1#'.'( 1(.# 11!.$& 0".)%

    20+:6 0%4/ 0"5$% "&.'1 '5").% 1''.%( 1'.1' 1(1. 2"*/% 0/48% 0"51% "'.$! 0"1)% 1#%.'( 1(.!' 1(.1! 0"*.%

    20+:8 04/8 0"#$% "'.!% '5"$$% 1'#.# 1!."" 1(.$! 2"$)% 0/4+2 0"12% "'.' '0"##% 1#!.11 1(.&" 1(.%" 0"$1%

    9atest data

    )wn estimate

    200/00Not 1easonall -d3usted 1easonall -d3usted

    Total %o% Mining %o% 'le ctr4 5ons tr4 M fg4 %o% Total !o! Mining !o! 'le ctr4 5ons tr4 M fg4 !o!

    20!;0 084!6 1"0.% !#.%# '/"5*% 1(%.!" !'."& 11(.#( 1".*% 0+4%% '0"2/% !1.&& '0"/)% 1(!.! 11.( 11&.'% 0"05%

    20!;02 047! 1")/% "%.$" '$"*)% 1('."% !1.%$ 111.$" $"5)% 07468 0"**% !#. 2"1/% 1(".!" !$.%! 11%.$% 1"12%

    20!;06 074/+ 1")$% !#.(( '5".5% 1(%.1 !%.'' 11!.# *"$2% 0748 0"0.% !1.!" '1"//% 1(".$( 11.1( 11&.& '1"0#%

    20!;08 084+% 1"5)% "$.($ '#"$$% 11".1( !$.' 11&.!$ $"2*% 074!0 0"0#% "".%$ '*"/0% 1(".&" 11.&' 11".1( 2"2.%

    20!;0! 0+46% '0")5% !.#& '#"00% 11".$( !%.%! 11".1' 1"01% 0+4+ '0"#*% "!.(( 0"/*% 1($."$ !".!" 11%.$( '1"1)%

    20!;0+ 0740+ 1"*$% "".&( '/"*.% 1(1."! !".% 11!.1% $"1/% 07422 0"5.% !.1' 1"0*% 1(".&! 1.(1 11%.$$ 0"0$%

    20!;07 0%4+0 0")2% !1.' '5"/2% 1#&.$' 1'.(& 11".$1 1")*% 074!/ 0"*$% !.(( 0"0)% 1#.'$ 11."! 11%.%( '0"12%

    20!;0/ 0%42+ 1"0.% !(.1$ '/"00% 1#".' 11.(( 11".% *"2)% 0747/ 0"1)% !.' '0"20% 1#1."# 11.#1 11$.$( 0")$%

    20!;0% 0/47% 1".#% "!.($ '5"1$% 1'&.## 1#.! 11$.(! *"5#% 0/46 0"*2% !.1& 0"12% 1##.# 11.& 11$.%' '0"0.%

    20!;0 642! 0"/2% !1.(! '$"*$% 1''.'# 1%.'# 1('.($ 1"52% 074%/ '0"1$% "!.%( '0"5)% 1##."$ 11.(' 11$.!& 0"2.%

    20!; 0/4/8 0*0&, //40/ -)*2', 6+48+ 0+46 74!7 1*&), 07482 -0*+1, /%47 -0*+0, 664/0 %%4/! 748+ -0*)1,

    20!;2 074+! 0"/.% !.1! '$"1#% 1#(.!! 111.#" 111.$& 2"/0% 0747 0"2.% "$.'! '1"##% 1#&.1 11.'' 11$."$ 0"*5%

    20+;0 0!48% 0")2% "".$% '5"20% 1#(.%( !%.1" 11&.'& 2".)% 07470 '0"01% "%.$" '0"#2% 1#&.1 1(.(& 11$.!( 0"0$%

    20+;02 0246+ 0"/0% "."! '/".#% 1#.%$ !'."" 11#."' 1"#$% 0/406 0"*1% "$.1! 0"$.% 1#'.!' 1.!" 11!.& 0")/%

    20+;06 0/42! 0"*/% "".$ '5"52% 1#1." !%.!& 1(1.$( 2"2.% 0/4!! 0"$#% "%."' '0"$0% 1#'."% 1(.&1 11!.'' 0"**%

    9atest data

    )wn estimate

    IN'I IM'* - 1- N1- Trend 1-

    2011 +(*2 +(*2 +(*2 +2*( +2*( +2*) +)*1

    2012 +(*) +(*) +(*) +2*. +2*. +2*. ++*0

    201( +1*' +1*' +1*' )'*' +0*1 )'*' +1*.

    201) +2*( +2*( +2*( +1*. +1*) +1*6 +2*. 201+ +2*( +2*( +2*( +1*. +1*+ +1*+ +(*(

    9atest data

    200/00N1- >- 1- N1- Trend 1-

    1/201) !24! !246 !242 !4! !048 !4 !24+

    2/201) !248 !24+ !248 !240 !48 !4+ !4/

    (/201) !242 !242 !24 !40 !242 !48 !24

    )/201) !240 !240 !246 !248 !4/ !246 !846

    1/201+ !24! !24+ !248 !42 !04% !04! !84%

    2/201+ !24+ !24! !246 !24/ !240 !24! !640

    (/201+ !24! !24! !24! !48 !4/ !47 !24!

    )/201+ !4+ !4+ !4% !4! !48 !4! !24/

    9ast data

    Purchasing Managers Index

    N1- >- 1- N1- Trend 1-

    *an+1& &.% &.% !24! &.& &1. !40 !+4+

    ,eb+1& &1." &1." !24! &. &." !042 !848

    Mar+1& .1 .' !248 . &.$ !046 !64/

    -pr+1& &.1 &1." !24 &.1 &1.& !4% !64/

    May+1& &." &." !242 .% &1." !24+ !646

    *un+1& &.$ &.$ !24+ &.$ &.$ !64 !240

    *ul+1& .1 .1 !247 &1.! &.' !248 !24%

    -ug+1& &. &. !246 &1.' &1.% !47 !248

    ep+1& &.' &.' !24! &1. &1. !04% !24

    ct+1& &.& &.& !4% &1.1 &1." !4+ !640

    /o0+1& &1.$ &1.$ !24 .$ &1. !242 !640

    ec+1& &.$ &.$ !47 '!.$ &1. !047 !2489ast data

    IN'I Mfg4 PMI II''M (Mfg4 PMI)Mfg4 PMI

    IN'I Mfg4 PMI II''M (Mfg4 PMI)Mfg4 PMI

    IN'I Mfg4 PMI II''M (Mfg4 PMI)Mfg4 PMI

    Mexico .? 'xtraction



    N1- 1- Trend N1- Trend N1- 1- Trend N1- Trend

    2008 40! 111." 111.%% 6$6/6 #2#$& 8$!76 @an"! /!4// "#."1 "&.&% 2$2! 2#'1 +$!/8

    200! 04+ 11.1& 11.%! 6$668 #2##$ 8$/7 *eb"! 7%4/ "%.# "'."$ 2$662 2## +$+7+

    200+ 0%46% 1!.#" 1!.!# 6$2!+ #2' !$6!8 Mar"! /7478 "%.1 "'." 2$6% 2# +$!!/

    2007 0!4%8 1&.!& 1$.1$ 6$077 #2'% +$0!7 -#r"! /0427 "1.%% "#."& 2$20 2#! +$2!7

    200/ 00400 1.' !!.$$ 2$7%2 2"" +$%/ Ma"! /6470 ". "#.%% 2$227 2!" +$202

    200% %!40+ !&.% !&.1' 2$+02 2%#$ 7$06 @un"! /240+ "#.%# "#.%" 2$287 2"" +$6%0200 %8488 !'.'' !'.'# 2$!77 2&$' 7$020 @ul"! /!4!% "'.$' "#." 2$272 2" +$678

    20 %24/2 !." !.!$ 2$!!2 2& +$!%! -ug"! /!427 "#.%" "#.!! 2$2!! 2$# +$6++

    202 %246% !.'1 !.# 2$!8/ 2&' +$6/! 1e#"! /648 "'.'% "'.1$ 2$27 2%% +$877

    206 %460 !1.! !1." 2$!22 2&1' +$67 .ct"! /+4% "'.'& "'.#& 2$27% 2% +$6%7

    208 /%4/ "!.1! "!.1' 2$82% 2'11 +$!62 Nov"! /642 "'. "'.&& 2$277 2&' +$6+

    20! /8462 "'.## "'.# 2$2+! 2"! +$800 ec"! //4/0 "%.&' "'.# 2$2!8 2'! +$%%

    20+ /64%! "'.# ".%! 2$227 2" +$270 @an"+ /!47/ "'.!# "#.& 2$226 2'& +$26

    207 /248/ ".'% "1.& 2$% 21! +$+! *eb"+ 7%477 "&.!" ".!% 2$26/ 2'1 +$2%+

    20/ /47 "1.' ".' 2$!+ 21&$ +$0+6 Mar"+ /7476 "%.1 ".'1 2$26% 2#% +$2%6

    20% 7%4/! $!.!' $".!% 2$2 211 !$%+2 -#r"+ /0427 "#.&! ".$ 2$2 2#' +$286

    2020 7/4!6 $".%1 $$.%$ 2$0/! 2"% !$/+6 Ma"+ /6470 "#.&! ". 2$26 2# +$20%

    202 77426 $$.#1 $%.#" 2$0!0 2&1 !$7+8 @un"+ /2407 "#."& ".1 2$22 2# +$2/2

    3atest data 3atest data

    wn estimate wn estimate

    5rude oil 000 bpd Natas


    5rude oil 000 bpd Natas

