Page 1: Methods of testing for a deficit in single-case studies · The starting point for Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method is a modified

Methods of testing for a deficit in single-casestudies: Evaluation of statistical power by

Monte Carlo simulation

John R. CrawfordUniversity of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK

Paul H. GarthwaiteDepartment of Statistics, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

Testing for the presence of a deficit by comparing a case to controls is a fundamental feature of manyneuropsychological single-case studies. Monte Carlo simulation was employed to study the statisticalpower of two competing approaches to this task. The power to detect a large deficit was low to mod-erate for a method proposed by Crawford and Howell (1998; ranging from 44% to 63%) but was extre-mely low for a method proposed by Mycroft, Mitchell, and Kay (2002; ranging from 1% to 13%). Theeffects of departures from normality were examined, as was the effect of varying degrees of measure-ment error in the scores of controls and the single case. Measurement error produced a moderatereduction in power when present in both controls and the case; the effect of differentially greatermeasurement error for the single case depended on the initial level of power. When Mycroftet al.’s method was used to test for the presence of a classical dissociation, it produced very highType I error rates (ranging from 20.7% to 49.3%); in contrast, the rates for criteria proposed byCrawford and Garthwaite (2005b) were low (ranging from 1.3% to 6.7%). The broader implicationsof these results for single-case research are discussed.


In neuropsychological single-case research infer-ences concerning a patient’s cognitive status areoften based on comparing the patient’s testscores to those of a control sample. In thepresent study the performance of two inferentialmethods of testing for acquired deficits is evalu-ated: a modified t test proposed by Crawford andHowell (1998; see also Crawford & Garthwaite,

2002) and a modified analysis of variance(ANOVA) proposed by Mycroft, Mitchell, andKay (2002).

Crawford and Howell’s (1998) method hasbeen widely used to test for acquired deficits insingle-case research (e.g., see Bird, Castelli,Malik, Frith, & Husain, 2004; Howard &Nickels, 2005; Papps, Calder, Young, &O’Carroll, 2003; Robinson, Shallice, & Cipolotti,2005; Rosenbaum, Fuqiang, Richards, Black, &

Correspondence should be addressed to John R. Crawford, School of Psychology, College of Life Sciences and Medicine,

King’s College, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 2UB, UK (Email: [email protected]).

# 2006 Psychology Press Ltd 877 DOI:10.1080/02643290500538372

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2006, 23 (6), 877–904

Page 2: Methods of testing for a deficit in single-case studies · The starting point for Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method is a modified

Moscovitch, 2005; Rusconi, Priftis, Rusconi, &Umilta, 2006; Schindler et al., 2004). Mycroftet al.’s (2002) method was developed more recentlybut it too has been used in a number of single-casestudies for the same purpose (see Bobes et al.,2004; Farrer, Franck, Paillard, & Jeannerod,2003; Forti & Humphreys, 2004; Miller &Swick, 2003). There are fundamental differencesin the rationale behind these two methods, andthey can produce radically different results whenapplied to the same data set. This raises the alarm-ing possibility that results obtained in single-casesstudies (and their apparent implications for theory)could be more a reflection of the inferentialmethod employed than genuine characteristics ofthe constructs under investigation.

Crawford and Howell’s (1998) proposedmethod of testing for a deficit in single-casestudies is based on a procedure described bySokal and Rohlf (1995) and takes the form of amodified t test. The formula for this test is

t ¼x� � �x

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðnþ 1Þ=n

p , (1)

where x� is the patient’s score, �x and s are the meanand standard deviation of scores in the controlsample, and n is the size of the control sample. Ifthe t value obtained from this test exceeds theone-tailed 5% critical value for t on (n 2 1) dfthen it can be concluded that the patient’s scoreis sufficiently low to reject the null hypothesisthat it is an observation from the scores of thecontrol population, and the patient is consideredto exhibit an impairment on the task in question.A one-tailed test is employed because the hypoth-esis tested (that the patient has a deficit) isdirectional.

The p value obtained from this test also pro-vides a point estimate of the abnormality of thepatient’s score. (In previous work on this topicwe have simply stated this without proof; in thepresent paper we provide a brief mathematicalproof in Appendix A.) For example, if the one-tailed p is .013 then we know that the patient’sscore is sufficiently low to render it unlikely (p ,

.05) that it has come from the control populationand that only (p � 100) ¼ 1.3% of the controlpopulation would be expected to obtain a scorelower than the patient’s. This point estimatecan be supplemented with confidence limits onthe abnormality of the patient’s score using amethod developed by Crawford and Garthwaite(2002).

The starting point for Mycroft et al.’s (2002)method is a modified ANOVA that is the directequivalent of the modified t test outlined above(i.e., the test would yield identical p valuesbecause F on [1, n 2 1] df ¼ t2 on (n 2 1) df.However, Mycroft et al. make a further modifi-cation to this ANOVA by replacing the standardcritical values for F with values that are largerand therefore more conservative.

The rationale for this modification is as follows.First, Mycroft et al. (2002) argue that when anindividual patient is compared to a controlsample, this should be conceptualized as a testfor a difference in population means (i.e., anotional population of patients should beinvoked). Second, they argue that, relative to thecontrol population, the notional patient popu-lation will have markedly increased variance.Thus Mycroft et al. test whether the case comesfrom a notional population whose mean scorediffers from the mean score of the control popu-lation and explicitly assume that the variance thatshould be attached to the score of the case isbigger than the variance for controls.

Mycroft et al. (2002) also argue that if theincrease in variance is ignored, there will be aninflation of the Type I error rate. (In this contexta Type I error occurs when it is incorrectly con-cluded that a patient has a deficit, or, in Mycroftet al.’s terms, that the population means differ.)

Mycroft et al.’s (2002) use of modified F valuesdeals with this perceived problem. They suggestthat, in contrast, Crawford and Howell’s (1998)method “fails to note the consequences ofunequal variance . . . and cannot be consideredreliable when there are differences in variabilitybetween patients and controls” (p. 294). That is,they argue that Crawford and Howell’s methodwill not control the Type I error rate.



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Crawford, Garthwaite, Howell, and Gray(2004) have argued that Mycroft et al.’s (2002)concern over Type I errors is misplaced (thisissue is returned to in a later section). They alsosuggested that (a) in general, the statistical powerto detect an acquired deficit in single-case studieswill be low (because an individual patient, ratherthan a sample, is compared to a control samplethat will often itself have a modest n), and (b)Mycroft et al.’s method will produce a further(unnecessary) diminution of power and shouldthus be avoided.

Both these statements, however, were madewithout supporting empirical evidence.Therefore, in the present study, Monte Carlosimulation is used to quantify the extent towhich Mycroft et al.’s (2002) suggested modifi-cation to Crawford and Howell’s (1998) approachreduces the statistical power to detect a deficit. Inthe course of conducting this simulation it will alsobe possible to more broadly examine the issue ofthe statistical power to detect a deficit in single-case studies. Given that a prima facie case can bemade that power will be low, it is surprising thatlittle attention has been given to such a fundamen-tal issue. One recent study (Crawford &Garthwaite, 2005a) looked at power in single-case studies but was concerned solely with thepower to detect dissociations.

Before presenting the Monte Carlo simulationstudies it is worth noting that the statisticallysophisticated reader may wonder why simulationmethods were used in preference to a directanalytical treatment of these issues. We had tworeasons for this. First, although it would havebeen relatively straightforward to tackle some ofthe simpler scenarios under study using an analyticapproach, this is not the case for some of the morecomplex scenarios (e.g., studying the effects ofnon-normal data in Study 2). Second, we tookthe view that empirical demonstrations of thelevel of statistical power in various scenarioswould be more accessible to the nonstatistician.Finally, note that in all the simulations thatfollow, alpha for the tests of Crawford andHowell (1998) and Mycroft et al. (2002) wasset at .05.


As sample size is an important determinant ofstatistical power, power will almost inevitably bemodest in single-case studies (Crawford, 2004;Crawford, Garthwaite, & Gray, 2003). As notedabove, an individual patient (rather than asample of patients) is compared to a controlsample, and, furthermore, this sample will com-monly have a modest n. An additional factor thatserves to reduce power is the wide variability incognitive abilities in the general population. Aneurological patient’s performance on a given cog-nitive task will reflect not only the effects of anyinsult but will also be strongly influenced by her/his premorbid competency (Crawford, 1992,2004; Deary, 1995; Lezak, 1995). Take theexample of a patient whose premorbid ability ona task was high relative to demographicallymatched controls (say 1 SD above the controlmean). Any acquired deficit would need to belarge before we have any realistic possibility ofdetecting it; for example, a 1-SD deficit wouldsimply place the patient’s postmorbid scoreexactly at the mean.

To an outside observer these points may lead toa pessimistic view of the prospects for the single-case enterprise. In reality, of course, deficits areroutinely detected because the effect sizes in thisarea of enquiry can be very large; that is, neuro-logical damage can have catastrophic effects oncognitive functioning.

In the first study we run a Monte Carlo simu-lation to examine the power of Crawford andHowell’s (1998) method and that of Mycroftet al. (2002) to detect an acquired deficit. Thebar is set low in this simulation and in those thatfollow on from it. That is, we take it as a giventhat the power to detect small-to-moderateeffects will be very low and thus limit attentionto the ability of the methods to detect deficitsthat are large (or very large) in magnitude but,nevertheless, not uncommon following neurologi-cal damage. This first simulation in part also servesas an introduction for the reader to the basic



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rationale and methods used in the simulationsahead of modelling more complex scenarios inlater studies.


The Monte Carlo simulation was run on a PC andimplemented in Borland Delphi (Version 4). Thealgorithm ran3.pas (Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, &Vetterling, 1989) was used to generate uniformrandom numbers (between 0 and 1), and thesewere transformed by the polar variant of theBox–Muller method (Box & Muller, 1958) tosample from a normal distribution.

The simulation was run with five differentvalues of n (the sample size of the controlsample): 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. For each ofthese values of n, 1,000,000 samples of n þ 1observations were drawn randomly from a stan-dard normal distribution. On each Monte Carlotrial, the first n observations were used to rep-resent the scores of the control sample, and the(n þ 1)th observation was used to represent thesingle case. The single case was then “lesioned”to impose a (large) 2-SD deficit (as the obser-vations were sampled from a standard normaldistribution, this simply required subtracting 2from the score).

In order to avoid any potential confusion itshould be made explicit that this simulation pro-cedure is designed to model patients with acquireddeficits: It does not produce patients with scoresthat are simply 2 SDs below the mean of controls.Rather, the method recognizes that (a) patients areinitially members of the healthy control popu-lation until the onset of their lesion, and (b)there will be premorbid differences in competencyon the task.

Having sampled observations to represent con-trols and a single case, Crawford and Howell’s(1998) test was then applied to these data; tvalues that were negative (i.e., where the score ofthe single case was below the control samplemean) and exceeded the one-tailed critical valuefor t (a ¼ .05) on the appropriate degrees offreedom (n 2 1) were recorded. That is, werecorded whether Crawford and Howell’s

method had successfully detected that the casehad a deficit.

Two versions of Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method(hereafter labelled as intermediate and extreme)were also applied to the same data. Mycroft et al.tabulated a range of modified critical values forF; in practice the value employed would dependon a user’s estimate of the extent to which thestandard deviation of the notional population ofpatients would be larger than that of the controls.Critical values were provided to cover estimatesranging from 1.25 times larger through to 5times larger. We applied an intermediate criticalvalue (notional patient population SD ¼ 2.5times that of controls) and an extreme criticalvalue (SD ¼ 5 times that of controls). These criti-cal values are for a two-tailed test (in keeping withMycroft et al.’s advocacy of a two-tailed test,modified critical values for a one-tailed test werenot tabulated in their paper).

Finally, we then repeated the proceduredescribed but imposed a (very large) 3-SD deficiton the case. Thus, in total, 10 million MonteCarlo trials were run; 1 million trials for each ofthe five sample sizes combined with the impositionof either a 2- or a 3-SD deficit on the single case.

Results and discussion

The full results of the Monte Carlo simulation arepresented in Table 1; the basic pattern of theseresults can readily be assimilated by referring toFigure 1, which plots power to detect a 2-SDdeficit as a function of control sample n and themethod employed. It can be seen that, forCrawford and Howell’s (1998) test, the statisticalpower to detect a large (2-SD) deficit rangesfrom low (when the control n is small; minimumpower ¼ 44.83%) to moderate (for larger n;maximum power ¼ 63.0%).

In contrast, power is very low for the intermedi-ate version of Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method(ranging from 11.14% to 13.33%) and is extremelylow for the extreme version of their method(ranging from 1.07% to 4.16%). Two factors con-tribute to the very low power of Mycroft et al.’smethod relative to that observed for Crawford



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and Howell’s (1998) method. First, because ofMycroft et al.’s concern over inflation of theType I error rate, they employ conservative criticalvalues. Second, their test is two-tailed, whereasCrawford and Howell employ a one-tailed test.

Although it was appropriate to incorporateboth these features in the simulation (i.e., the

procedure recommended by Mycroft et al., 2002,should be faithfully implemented), it would havebeen useful to study their effects in isolation. Toachieve this, the simulation was rerun, substitutingtwo-tailed for one-tailed critical values forCrawford and Howell’s (1998) test. In this scen-ario, the only difference between the twomethods lies in Mycroft et al.’s use of modified(i.e., conservative) critical values. For the two-tailed version of Crawford and Howell’s methodpower ranged from 29.04% for a n of 5 to50.43% for a n of 100. Although it can be seenthat power has been lowered by the use of a two-tailed test, these percentages are still very muchhigher than the equivalent percentages for theintermediate and extreme versions of Mycroftet al.’s method. Hence it is clear that the modifiedcritical values must carry most of the blame for thelow levels of power of Mycroft et al.’s test.

In the present simulation, the power ofCrawford and Howell’s (1998) and Mycroftet al.’s (2002) methods to detect a very large(3-SD) deficit was also examined. It can be seenfrom Table 1 that for Crawford and Howell’smethod power is high (above 80%, with the excep-tion of a control sample n of 5) and is over 90% forcontrol sample ns of 50 and 100. However, it mustbe stressed that control samples of this size are veryrare in single-case studies, and, moreover, a 3-SDdeficit represents a very severe, catastrophic,impairment.

In contrast, for Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method,although power is obviously higher for a 3- ratherthan a 2-SD deficit, it remains the case that inabsolute terms power is still low. For the inter-mediate version, maximum power observed was44.81% (for a control sample size of 100); for theextreme version, maximum power was 10.77%(for a sample size of 5).

Finally, the present results have some additionalimplications for the conduct of single-caseresearch. For Crawford and Howell’s (1998)method it can be seen that, for both 2- and 3-SDdeficits, power increases appreciably with increas-ing n up to an n of 20. Thereafter, although (asexpected) power continues to increase, it issubject to diminishing returns; for example, for a

Figure 1. Power to detect a large (2-SD) deficit as a function of

control sample size and method employed.

Table 1. Simulation results: Powera to detect a deficit as a function

of control sample size, size of deficit, and inferential method

Deficitb n

Crawford and



Mycroft et al. (2002)

Intermediate Extreme

2 5 44.83 11.14 4.16

10 54.63 12.51 2.56

20 59.46 13.09 1.74

50 62.06 13.33 1.15

100 63.00 13.33 1.07

3 5 72.80 25.90 10.77

10 83.87 34.86 10.12

20 87.88 40.12 9.36

50 90.11 43.19 8.77

100 90.73 44.81 8.92

aIn percentages. bNumber of standard deviations.



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2-SD deficit, power is 59.46% for an n of 20 butonly rises to 63% when n is increased by a factorof 5 to 100. This suggests that, in the interests ofachieving reasonable power to detect large effects,control sample ns should be larger than thoseemployed in most existing single-case studies(where ns in the range of 3 to 15 are mosttypical) but that recruiting ns . 30 is not liableto be worth the additional expenditure of effort.


An assumption underlying the use of bothCrawford and Howell’s (1998) method and thatof Mycroft et al. (2002) is that the controlsamples against which a case is compared havebeen drawn from a normal distribution.However, it is not at all uncommon for thescores of controls on neuropsychological tests todepart from normality (Capitani & Laiacona,2000; Crawford & Garthwaite, 2005b).

Ideally, researchers would carefully select themeasures they employ in single-case studies so asto avoid potential problems arising from non-normal control data. However, for many publishedsingle-case studies, it is clear from even a cursoryinspection of the control sample means and stan-dard deviations that the control data are negativelyskewed. That is, the standard deviations tell usthat, were the data normally distributed, a substan-tial percentage of scores would lie above themaximum obtainable score on a particular task,yet we know that this is impossible; hence thedata must be heavily skewed (Crawford &Garthwaite, 2005a).

Skew will be almost inevitable when the tasksemployed measure abilities that are largely withinthe competence of most healthy individuals. Inthis situation, negative skew will occur when themeasure of interest is based on the number ofitems passed (i.e., there will be ceiling effects)and positive skew when the measure is an errorrate (i.e., there will be floor effects). Evidence ofseverely skewed control data can be found in the

literature on recognition of facial expression ofemotion (Milders, Crawford, Lamb, & Simpson,2003) and in the extensive single-case literatureon category-specific object naming. For example,in a recent review of single-case studies of theliving versus nonliving distinction, it was reportedthat the accuracy of naming in controls was inexcess of 95% in the vast majority of thesestudies (Laws, Gale, Leeson, & Crawford, 2005).

Another potential problem that will arise in theconduct of single-case research is that the distri-bution of control data will be overly peaked andhave heavier tails than would a normal distri-bution; that is, the control data will be leptokurtic(it follows from the fact that leptokurtic distri-butions are more peaked and have heavier tailsthat they also have thinner “shoulders” than anormal distribution). Leptokurtic distributionsare pervasive in many areas of scientific enquiryincluding psychology, economics, and biology(DeCarlo, 1997; Lange, Little, & Taylor, 1989).For example, IQ tests are regarded as prototypicalexamples of normally distributed psychologicaldata; moreover, transformations are routinelyapplied to these tests to force them to conformto a normal distribution. Despite this, measuredIQ commonly exhibits highly significant leptokur-tosis (Burt, 1963).

Single-case researchers also have to face thepossibility that their control data may have boththese aforementioned features simultaneously.That is, the control data may be skewed and lepto-kurtic. Indeed, it is likely that control data morecommonly possess both these characteristicsrather than either alone. As noted, many neuro-psychological tasks (particularly those developedfor use in single-case studies) measure abilitiesthat are largely within the competence of manyhealthy individuals and thus yield ceiling ornear-ceiling levels of performance in controlsamples; this will produce negative skew andleptokurtosis (i.e., the distribution will be overlypeaked as scores will accumulate at, or near, themaximum possible score).

The effects of non-normal control data oninferential methods for detecting a deficit insingle-case studies have recently been examined



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using Monte Carlo methods. These studies,however, were solely concerned with examiningthe effects on Type I error rates; that is, they esti-mated the percentage of the (cognitively intact)control population that would incorrectly beidentified as exhibiting a deficit. The resultswere, in general, fairly reassuring for single-caseresearchers.

For Crawford and Howell’s (1998) method, thepresence of skew raised the Type I error ratesabove the specified error rate (of 5%) but theeffects were by no means catastrophic, even whenskew was very extreme. For example, when skewwas severe (g1 ¼ –0.7) the error rate for acontrol sample size of 20 was 6.95%. Similarly,when the distribution of scores in the controlpopulation was leptokurtic, error rates were notseriously affected. The combination of skew andleptokurtosis produced the most serious inflationof the error rate but, even so, Crawford andHowell’s method was more robust than mighthave been anticipated; for example, when severeskew was combined with severe leptokurtosis, theerror rate was 7.45% for a control sample size of 20.

As noted, these studies were solely concernedwith examining control of the Type I error rate.To our knowledge, there have been no previousattempts to quantify the effects of departuresfrom normality on the power to detect deficits insingle-case studies (i.e., the extent to which infer-ential methods avoid committing Type II errorshas not been examined). Therefore, in Study 2we quantify the effects of skewed and/or lepto-kurtic control data on the power of Crawfordand Howell’s (1998) and Mycroft et al.’s (2002)methods to detect a deficit.


Simulations were run using a similar approach tothat employed in Study 1—that is, 1,000,000samples of nþ 1 observations were drawn forfive different sample sizes, and a deficit wasapplied to the single case. However, instead ofsampling observations from a normal distribution,observations were sampled from distributions thatwere skew, leptokurtic, or both.

Sampling from leptokurtic distributionsThe most common approach to modelling theeffects of leptokurtic distributions on test statisticsis to sample from t distributions (Lange et al.,1989). This is potentially confusing as Crawfordand Howell’s (1998) method uses the t distributionto test for a significant difference between the caseand controls. However, as noted, the assumptionin applying this test (and Mycroft et al.’s, 2002,test) is that the controls were drawn from anormal distribution; in the present study weexamine the effects of violating this assumptionby drawing controls from leptokurtic distributions,and it so happens that t distributions have thisrequired characteristic.

In the present study we sampled from t distri-butions on 7 (moderate leptokurtosis) and 4(severe leptokurtosis) df. Kurtosis (b1) is 5 for a tdistribution on 7 df compared to a value of 3 fora normal distribution; the kurtosis for a t distri-bution on 4 df is even more extreme but is unde-fined (because the denominator in the formulafor kurtosis requires subtracting 4 from the dfand is hence zero).

To sample from these distributions, obser-vations representing the controls and the singlecase were sampled initially from a normal distri-bution. Each observation was then divided byp

(x2/7) orp

(x2/4) where x2 is a random drawfrom a chi-square distribution on 7 or 4 df,respectively. The resultant quantities are obser-vations from t distributions on 7 or 4 df; that is,they are observations that are drawn from moder-ately or severely leptokurtic distributions.

Sampling from skew distributionsThree negatively skewed distributions were speci-fied, ranging from a distribution with moderateskew (g1¼ –0.31), through one with severe skew(–0.70), to one with extreme skew (–0.99). Themethod used to sample observations representingcontrols and the single case from these distri-butions (termed skew-normal distributions) wasthat of Azzalini and colleagues (Azzalini &Capitanio, 1999; Azzalini & Dalla Valle, 1996);the technical details are presented in Appendix B.



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Sampling from distributions that are both skewand leptokurticTo sample from distributions that possessed bothskew and leptokurtosis we followed the procedureoutlined in the section on skew distributions but,after obtaining skew-normal observations, theseobservations were then divided by

p(x2/7) (mod-

erate leptokurtosis) orp

(x2/4) (severe leptokurto-sis) where x2 was a random draw from a chi-squaredistribution on 7 or 4 df, respectively. The resul-tant distributions are skew t distributions; theydepart from a normal distribution in that theyare both leptokurtic and (negatively) skewed(Azzalini & Capitanio, 2003).

Graphical illustration of some of the distri-butions used are presented as Figure 2; theshaded areas show the densities for distributionspossessing both skew and leptokurtosis (i.e.,skew-t distributions), the unshaded lines showthe densities for the equivalent distributions pos-sessing skew alone (i.e., skew-normal distri-butions). In all cases the distributions have beenrescaled to have a variance of 1 (so that visual com-parison of their shapes is meaningful).

Imposing a deficit on the single caseIn Study 1, a 2- or 3-SD deficit could be applied tothe score of the single case by simply subtracting 2or 3 from their initial score, because observationswere drawn from a standard normal distribution.Things are a little more complicated in thepresent study because, as alluded to in the lastsection, the standard deviations of the non-normal distributions are not 1; the quantitysubtracted therefore differed according to the dis-tribution used. For example, the standard deviationof a t distribution on 4 df (used to represent severeleptokurtosis) is 1.4142. Therefore, in this case, toimpose a 2-SD deficit we subtracted 2.8284 fromthe single-cases’ initial scores. Similarly, the stan-dard deviation of a skew-normal distribution withg1 ¼ –0.99 (used to represent extreme negativeskew) is 0.6035, and, therefore, 1.207 was sub-tracted from the single-cases’ initial scores.

Because of the larger number of simulationsinvolved in the present study we limited attentionto a 2-SD deficit. In total 60 million Monte Carlo

trials were run: 1 million trials for each combi-nation of five sample sizes, four levels of skew(absent to extreme), and three levels of leptokur-tosis (absent to severe).

Figure 2. Graphical illustration of some of the distributions

employed in Study 2; the shaded area shows the density for

distributions possessing both skew and leptokurtosis (skew-t), and

the unshaded line shows the density for the equivalent

distributions possessing skew alone (skew-normal). (a) ¼

moderate skew/severe leptokurtosis; (b) ¼ extreme skew/severe

leptokurtosis. Note that the skew-t and skew-normal distributions

have been scaled to have a common variance of 1.



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Results and discussion

The results of the simulations are presented inTable 2. This table presents power to detect alarge (2-SD) deficit as a function of the inferentialmethod applied, the control sample size, degree ofskew, and degree of leptokurtosis. The first blockof this table reproduces the results from Study1—that is, it presents power when the controlpopulation distribution was neither skew nor lep-tokurtic; these data provide a comparison standardagainst which to assess the effects of departuresfrom normality.

Attending first to the results for Crawford andHowell’s (1998) method when the control distri-bution is leptokurtic, it can be seen that power ishigher than when normality holds. However, theeffects are relatively modest; for example, for acontrol sample of size 20, the power is 59.46%for a normal distribution but is 64.11% when thecontrol distribution is severely leptokurtic. Thispattern of results arises because of the heavytails; more controls are already in the lower tailof this distribution than would be in the tail of anormal distribution, and so when a deficit isimposed (i.e., they move from being a previouslycognitively intact, healthy control to being apatient with a deficit) they are more likely to bedetected.

In contrast to the results for leptokurtosis,negative skew lowers the power of Crawford andHowell’s (1998) method to detect a deficit,although again the results are not dramatic. Forexample, when skew is extreme, power is 53.88%for a control sample size of 20 compared to59.46% for a normal distribution. This pattern ofresults can be attributed to the fact that whennegative skew is present, more controls are foundin the upper region of the distribution, so thatwhen a deficit is imposed, their resultant score(i.e., their premorbid score minus the 2-SDdeficit) is not sufficiently low to be detected.

When the control distribution is both skew andleptokurtic, as may be common in single-caseresearch, the effects observed when distributionsfeature either of these characteristics alone tendto cancel each other out. The net result is that,

as can be seen from Table 2, power to detect adeficit when distributions are both skew and lepto-kurtic does not differ to any great extent frompower when the control distribution is normal.For example, power in the face of extreme skewand severe leptokurtosis is 63.51% for a controlsample size of 20, compared to 59.46% when nor-mality holds. Note, however, that there is aninteraction between the presence of skew andleptokurtosis and sample size: With large samplesizes power is marginally lower than that for anormal distribution, whereas with very smallsample sizes, power is appreciably higher (e.g.,power is 58.32% for extreme skew and severe lep-tokurtosis for a control n of 5 compared to 44.83%for a normal distribution).

Turning to the results for Mycroft et al.’s(2002) method, it can be seen from Table 2 that,in both its intermediate and extreme ver-sions, leptokurtosis raises the power to detect adeficit, but the effects are relatively modest, andpower remains very low in absolute terms (e.g.,power is 16.18% when leptokurtosis is severe fora control sample size of 20 compared to 13.09%for a normal distribution). For skew, it can beseen that, in contrast to the results for Crawfordand Howell’s (1998) method, power is alsohigher than that observed for a normal distri-bution. The effects are quite large, particularlyfor the extreme version of their method,although, again, power is still very low in absoluteterms.

When the combination of skew and leptokurto-sis is examined it can be seen that the effects areadditive; in general power is markedly higherthan when the control distribution is normal. Forexample, power is 21.93% for a control sample nof 20 for the intermediate version, compared to13.09% for a normal distribution. Again,however, power remains low in absolute termseven in these circumstances and is well belowthat observed for Crawford and Howell’s (1998)method. For Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method itcan also be seen that the increase in poweris related to sample size; the effects are markedfor small sample sizes but become marginal forlarge ns.



Page 10: Methods of testing for a deficit in single-case studies · The starting point for Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method is a modified

Table 2. The effects of departures from normalitya on power to detect a 2-SD deficit

No skew Moderate skew Severe skew Extreme skew

n C&H M-I M-E C&H M-I M-E C&H M-I M-E C&H M-I M-E

No leptokurtosis 5 44.83 11.14 4.16 44.90 12.35 4.87 45.17 14.18 6.18 45.37 15.82 7.48

10 54.63 12.51 2.56 53.60 13.58 3.28 52.22 14.96 4.42 51.34 16.01 5.34

20 59.46 13.09 1.74 57.86 13.81 2.40 55.67 14.79 3.34 53.88 15.38 4.04

50 62.06 13.33 1.15 60.46 13.73 1.80 57.70 14.32 2.54 55.22 14.88 3.09

100 63.00 13.33 1.07 61.45 13.57 1.65 58.44 14.15 2.40 55.51 14.54 2.92

Moderate leptokurtosis 5 47.77 13.32 5.36 48.47 15.82 6.95 49.73 18.23 8.82 50.67 20.38 10.63

10 56.67 14.46 3.64 55.32 16.41 5.18 55.06 18.25 6.66 55.17 19.76 7.92

20 60.89 13.94 2.56 58.40 15.47 3.92 57.24 16.59 5.00 56.53 17.46 5.79

50 63.70 12.90 1.79 60.24 13.87 2.91 58.10 14.51 3.70 56.35 14.97 4.17

100 64.67 12.32 1.59 60.94 12.99 2.63 58.26 13.44 3.29 55.98 13.81 3.64

Severe leptokurtosis 5 52.61 16.75 7.27 54.66 20.71 10.08 56.64 24.07 12.68 58.32 26.86 15.12

10 60.51 17.67 5.23 60.24 21.09 7.81 61.37 23.69 9.88 62.59 25.90 11.62

20 64.11 16.18 3.65 62.37 18.69 5.73 62.68 20.49 7.17 63.51 21.93 8.28

50 66.23 13.79 2.40 63.00 15.27 3.97 62.29 16.26 4.84 62.53 17.07 5.39

100 67.10 12.24 2.03 62.94 13.37 3.39 61.42 14.02 3.98 60.93 14.55 4.41

Note: Results are presented for Crawford and Howell’s (1998) method (C&H), and the intermediate (M-I) and extreme (M-E) versions of Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method.aNegative skew alone, leptokurtosis alone, or their combination.





























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In summary, for Crawford and Howell’s(1998) method, skew and leptokurtosis, eitheralone or in combination, do not exert a markedeffect on power to detect a deficit (the exceptionbeing for very small sample sizes when thedegree of departure is very marked). Given thatsuch departures from normality are liable to becommon features of single-case studies, thepresent results, when taken with the correspond-ing results from studies examining Type I errors(Crawford & Garthwaite, 2005b; Crawford,Garthwaite, Azzalini, Howell, & Laws, 2006),provide reassurance for researchers. It wouldappear that for Crawford and Howell’s method,the effects of violating the assumption of normal-ity are, in general, fairly modest; that is, themethod is surprisingly robust. For Mycroftet al.’s (2002) method, departures from normalityexert a greater influence. With small to moder-ately sized control samples power is increasedmarkedly. However, given that power remainsuniversally low in absolute terms for thismethod, these latter effects are of limited practicalimportance.


In introducing Study 1 it was noted that a numberof factors conspire to lead to low power to detect adeficit in single-case studies. A further factor thatwill serve to reduce power is the presence ofmeasurement error. From the perspective of clas-sical test theory, an individual’s observed score isan amalgam of their true score (the average scoreobtained if the individual was administered aninfinite number of parallel versions of the task)and random measurement error. If a neurologicalinsult reduces the true score by a given amountthis true score deficit will not be faithfullyreflected in the observed score. In the presentstudy we conduct a Monte Carlo simulation toexamine power to detect a large (2-SD) or verylarge (3-SD) deficit in the presence of measure-ment error.

We also quantify the size of deficit required toachieve 80% power to detect a deficit as a functionof control sample size, degree of measurementerror, and inferential method. A criterion of 80%power is widely taken as indicating a high, or atleast acceptable, level of statistical power forgroup studies (e.g., in clinical trials, etc.). It istherefore of interest to apply this yardstick tosingle-case research and to examine the relativecontributions of control sample size, measurementerror, and method to determining the size ofdeficit required. Such an analysis is in keepingwith our general aim of subjecting single-casemethods to a degree of scrutiny similar to thatapplied to group-based research. It was impracticalto study this latter issue using simulation, andtherefore the problem is tackled directly using ananalytic approach.


Simulation studyA modified version of the simulation proceduredescribed in Study 1 was used to quantify theeffect of measurement error on the power todetect a deficit. That is, five sample sizes wereused (5, 10, 20, 50, and 100), and on each trialan additional observation was drawn to representthe single case; a 2- or 3-SD deficit was thenapplied to the single case. As in Study 1, samplingof control cases and the single case was from astandard normal distribution; in the present simu-lation these observations are used to represent thetrue scores of controls and the case. For eachcontrol and the single case, a further randomdraw was then made from a normal distributionhaving a mean of zero and a variance correspond-ing to the degree of measurement error required(these observations represented the error scoresfor controls and the case).

For example, to model the effects of a taskreliability of .6, the variance of this latter distri-bution was set at 0.66667. These scores werethen added to the true scores of controls and thesingle case to obtain observed scores. (Given thatthe true scores had a variance of 1, it can be seenthat, in this example, the population variance of



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observed scores is 1.66667, and the required 60:40ratio of true score variance to error variance isthereby achieved.) It should be noted that the2- or 3-SD deficit was imposed on the true scorerather than the observed score.1

As in previous simulations, on each MonteCarlo trial the three methods of testing for adeficit were applied (i.e., Crawford & Howell’s,1998, method and the intermediate and extremeversions of Mycroft et al.’s, 2002, method), andthe percentage of cases correctly identified wasrecorded.

Analytic approach to quantifying the size of deficitrequired for 80% powerLooking first at Crawford and Howell’s (1998)method, a deficit is detected in the case if, usingthe notation of Equation 1,

�x� x�

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðnþ 1Þ=n

p . tn�1;a (2)

where tn21;a is the critical value of a t distributionon (n 2 1) df for a one-sided hypothesis test withsignificance level a. Suppose the case has a deficitof h, and the reliability is rxx. Also, let tn21(d)denote a variate that has a noncentral t distributionon (n 2 1) df with noncentrality parameter d. Letd� be the value of d for which

Pr(tn�1(d�) . tn�1;a) ¼ 0:8 (3)

In Appendix C we show that h� ¼ d�p

[(n þ 1)/(rxxn)] is the minimal deficit that Crawford andHowell’s (1998) method detects with a power of0.8.

The test of Mycroft et al. (2002) assumes thatthe case comes from a population whose variancediffers from the variance of the control population.Define k as the ratio, k ¼ (variance of case)/(variance of controls). In Appendix C we show

that if d� is the value of d for which

Pr tn�1(d#) . tn�1,a=2

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiknþ 1

nþ 1

r !

þ Pr tn�1(d#) , �tn�1,a=2

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiknþ 1

nþ 1

r !¼ 0:8,


then h# ¼ d#p[(n þ 1)/(rxxn)] is the minimaldeficit that the test of Mycroft et al. detects witha power of 0.8. The test of Mycroft et al. is two-tailed so Equation 4 contains two probabilitieson its left-hand side and uses critical values for asignificance level of a/2 rather than a. Whilederiving these formulae, other theoretical resultswere developed that relate to the test of Mycroftet al. In particular, the Appendix gives a formulafor the exact critical values of the test (Mycroftet al. estimated critical values by simulation andonly tabulated critical values for limited values ofk and n).

Results and discussion

The simulation results obtained when measure-ment error was present are presented in Table 3;the results obtained in the absence of measurementerror (i.e., when rxx¼ 1) are also incorporated. Thebasic pattern of results can readily be appreciatedby referring to Figure 3. This figure presentspower for the methods as a function of thereliability of scores; the values plotted are limitedto those obtained for a control sample n of 20.

It can be seen that for Crawford and Howell’s(1998) method, measurement error exerts anappreciable effect on the power to detect a deficit;for example, power was 59.46% in the absence ofmeasurement error for a n of 20 but falls to53.64% when task reliability was .85 and falls to

1 Some readers will realise that it was unnecessary to sample separately from true score and error distributions. For instance, in the

example just given, the simulation could have been run simply by sampling from a single normal distribution with a variance of

1.66667 (SD ¼ 1.291). However, in the former approach it is made explicit that we are modelling the effects of varying degrees

of measurement error and that the deficit is imposed on the true score (i.e., subtracting 2.0 from the case’s score imposes a 2-SD

deficit on the true score). In other words, the approach was used for didactic purposes.



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Table 3. Simulation results: Power to detect a deficit as a function of control sample size, reliability of scores, size of deficit, and inferential method


Crawford and Howell (1998) Mycroft et al. (2002): Intermediate Mycroft et al. (2002): Extreme

Deficit a n 1.0 .85 .7 .6 1.0 .85 .7 .6 1.0 .85 .7 .6

2 5 44.83 40.25 35.45 32.02 11.14 9.51 7.93 6.88 4.16 3.48 2.88 2.47

10 54.63 49.23 43.26 38.99 12.51 10.25 8.13 6.72 2.56 1.98 1.50 1.20

20 59.46 53.64 47.16 42.62 13.09 10.43 7.95 6.47 1.74 1.25 0.86 0.66

50 62.06 56.16 49.55 44.73 13.33 10.45 7.82 6.22 1.15 0.80 0.52 0.39

100 63.00 57.11 50.29 45.42 13.33 10.35 7.64 6.09 1.07 0.71 0.45 0.32

3 5 72.80 66.69 59.69 54.35 25.90 21.73 17.73 15.08 10.77 8.82 7.04 5.85

10 83.87 78.50 71.31 65.57 34.86 28.44 22.29 18.24 10.12 7.57 5.43 4.15

20 87.88 83.09 76.26 70.59 40.12 32.33 24.78 20.00 9.36 6.66 4.37 3.18

50 90.11 85.46 78.99 73.41 43.19 34.92 26.46 21.03 8.77 5.77 3.57 2.41

100 90.73 86.20 79.84 74.22 44.81 35.68 26.86 21.28 8.92 5.74 3.43 2.31

Note: rxx ¼ reliability of scores.aNumber of standard deviations.



























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42.62% when reliability was .6. However, it canalso be said that the effect of measurement erroris by no means catastrophic; a moderate level ofpower is retained if the control sample is of areasonable size. Furthermore, it is to be hopedthat single-case researchers will take sufficientcare in selecting or developing their tasks, suchthat reliabilities below 0.7 will be rare in practice.

It can be seen that power is also reduced whenmeasurement error was present for Mycroft et al.’s(2002) method although, particularly for theextreme version, the effects are attenuatedbecause of the low baseline rate. Nevertheless, itcan also be seen that even if measurement erroris relatively modest, power can fall below 1% (forthe extreme version, power was below 1% in 8 ofthe 20 scenarios examined). These levels ofpower are extraordinarily low; for example, witha control sample n of 100 and a task reliability of.7, it can be estimated that 99.55% of patientswith large (2-SD) acquired deficits would be missed.

Analytic approach to quantifying the size of deficitrequired for 80% powerThe results of the power analysis are presented inTable 4. This table lists the size of deficit, in

standard deviation units, required for 80% poweras a function of sample size, degree of measure-ment error, and inferential method. To illustrate,for Crawford and Howell’s (1998) method, witha control sample size of 20, and a task reliabilityof .8, a score that was 2.87 SDs below individuals’premorbid scores would be required to achieve80% power to detect an acquired deficit.

These results complement those presented inTable 3 and demonstrate that, regardless of themethod employed, the probability of detecting adeficit will only be high if the deficit is verylarge. Deficits are only routinely detected becauseneurological illness or disease can have cata-strophic (i.e., very large) effects on cognition. Inpassing, note that using the analytic approach forCrawford and Howell’s (1998) method with atask reliability of .7 and control sample size of100, a deficit of approximately 3 SDs (3.01) isrequired for 80% power to detect a deficit. Thisaccords very closely with the results of theMonte Carlo simulation in which 79.8% of caseswere detected when a 3-SD deficit was imposed.

Although, as noted, the deficits required forhigh power can all be classified as very large, itcan also be seen from Table 4 that there are never-theless marked differences in the size of deficitrequired for 80% power as a function of themethod employed. For Crawford and Howell’s(1998) method, the size of deficit requiredranged from 2.52 SDs (for a control sample sizeof 100 combined with no measurement error) to4.30 SDs (for a control sample size of 5 and taskreliability of .6). For the extreme version ofMycroft et al.’s (2002) method, the equivalent def-icits were 5.32 and 10.28 SDs, respectively.

Finally, we should stress that the concern in thisstudy (and in those that preceded it) was with thesize of an acquired deficit or impairment, not witha case’s obtained score (a case’s obtained score is afunction of the imposed deficit and the case’s pre-morbid ability). Thus, for example, for Crawfordand Howell’s (1998) method with a controlsample size of 20, any cases with an obtainedscore of 1.772 SDs or more below the mean ofthe control sample will be recorded as exhibitinga deficit (t will be � 1.729, and hence the

Figure 3. Power to detect a large (2-SD) deficit as a function of

task reliability and method employed (n for these data ¼ 20).



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one-tailed p is , .05); that is, the power to detectsuch cases as exhibiting a deficit is 100%. However,for many cases—that is, those of high premorbidability on the task in question—even a substantial(e.g., 2-SD) deficit will not be sufficiently large toproduce an obtained score that is 1.772 SDs ormore below the mean of the control sample.


Crawford and Howell’s (1998) method poses thefollowing question: Is the patient’s score suffi-ciently below those of the controls to allow us toreject the null hypothesis that the patient is anobservation from the control population?Therefore, for this method, it is neither necessarynor appropriate to be concerned with a notionalpatient population.

Crawford and colleagues were primarily moti-vated to adopt this perspective by statistical con-siderations. However, a number of influentialtheorists have come to exactly the same conclusionbased on neuropsychological considerations (e.g.,Caramazza, 1986; Caramazza & McCloskey,1988; Coltheart, 2001). It is argued that because(a) the functional architecture of cognition is enor-mously complex, and (b) there is substantial

variability in the site and extent of naturally occur-ring lesions, each single case should be consideredto be unique (Vallar, 2000). McCloskey (1993)provides an unequivocal expression of this positionwhen he states, “In the single-patient approach,patients are not identified as members of patientpopulations” (p. 729).

In contrast to Crawford and colleaguesapproach, Mycroft et al. (2002) require a notionalpatient population so that the variance that shouldbe associated with the score of the case is defined.They suggest that this population should consist ofpatients who are “equivalent” (p. 295) to thepatient of interest (Mycroft et al., 2002, p. 295),but there has been subsequent debate on whatthe term “equivalent” should mean in thiscontext (Crawford et al., 2004; Mitchell,Mycroft, & Kay, 2004).

Further discussion may not resolve this issue soit is worth searching for an alternative conceptionthat would be less contentious. One possible wayforward is to move from considering the varianceof a hypothetical population of patients to consid-ering the variance of an individual case’s scores.This is the position that Mitchell et al. (2004)appear to take at some points in their originalpaper; that is, they shift emphasis from variabilitybetween patients to intraindividual variability inperformance.

Therefore we should consider the case in whichthe task performance of a patient with neurological

Table 4. Size of deficit requireda to achieve 80% power to detect a deficit as a function of control sample size, reliability of scores, and

inferential method


Crawford and Howell (1998) Mycroft et al. (2002): Intermediate Mycroft et al. (2002): Extreme

n 1 .85 .7 .6 1 .85 .7 .6 1 .85 .7 .6

5 3.33 3.61 3.98 4.30 5.87 6.37 7.02 7.58 7.97 8.64 9.52 10.28

10 2.83 3.07 3.38 3.65 4.68 5.07 5.59 6.04 6.29 6.83 7.52 8.13

20 2.65 2.87 3.16 3.41 4.27 4.63 5.11 5.51 5.71 6.20 6.83 7.37

50 2.55 2.76 3.04 3.29 4.07 4.55 4.86 5.25 5.41 5.87 6.47 6.99

100 2.52 2.73 3.01 3.25 4.00 4.34 4.78 5.17 5.32 5.77 6.35 6.86

Note: rxx ¼ reliability of scores.aNumber of standard deviations.



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damage will be less reliable than that of matchedcontrols; that is, the patient’s scores within a testsession (or across sessions) will contain moremeasurement error than would those of controlparticipants. This can be reasonable, providedthat the loss of reliability occurs in the context ofimpaired performance. That is, allowing differentreliabilities for the case and controls is inappropri-ate when considering Type 1 errors, but can bereasonable when considering Type 2 errors or eval-uating power; see later section. In Study 4 wemodel the effects of a patient’s score containingmore measurement error than controls on statisti-cal power in single-case research. As was the casefor the previous studies, we believe that the studyof this issue has implications for single-caseresearch that extend well beyond the specific com-parison of the two methods.


Simulations were run using a similar approach tothat employed in Study 1—that is, 1,000,000samples of nþ 1 observations were drawn forfive different sample sizes. However, in this simu-lation the reliability was set at .85 for the scores ofcontrols on all Monte Carlo trials but was variedfor the scores of the single-cases: Three levels ofreliability were incorporated (.7, .6, and .5). Thus,for example, when task reliability was .7 for asingle case, the error attached to a case’s scorewas sampled from a normal distribution with a

mean of zero and variance of 0.4286; this errorwas then added to the true score to obtain theobserved score. As in Study 3, the deficit wasapplied to the true scores of the single casesrather than their observed scores (i.e., it representsthe true level of deficit). In this simulation we limitattention to a 2-SD deficit.

To summarize, in this simulation the cases havea deficit (and the concern is to study how success-fully such cases can be identified; i.e., it is a powerstudy) but, unlike Study 3, the cases also have morevariable performance than controls.

Results and discussion

The full results of the simulation are presented inTable 5. The main focus of interest is the effect onpower of imposing differential amounts ofmeasurement error on the single cases.Therefore, it is necessary to compare the presentresults against those obtained when error waspresent in controls and cases in equal measure.This is provided by the results obtained fromStudy 3 in which the reliabilities of the scores ofcontrols and the single cases were both set at0.85. To avoid the reader having to switchbetween two tables, these results are reproducedas the first column of results for each method inTable 5.

It can be seen from Table 5 that for Crawfordand Howell’s (1998) method, when the scores ofthe single cases are more variable (i.e., unreliable)

Table 5. Simulation results: Power to detect a 2-SD deficit as a function of control sample size, reliability of patient’s scores (rxx) and

inferential method


Crawford and Howell (1998) Mycroft et al. (2002): Intermediate Mycroft et al. (2002): Extreme

n .85 .7 .6 .5 .85 .7 .6 .5 .85 .7 .6 .5

5 40.25 40.73 41.06 41.54 9.51 10.28 10.87 11.70 3.48 3.87 4.22 4.63

10 49.23 49.21 49.20 49.32 10.25 11.59 12.64 14.18 1.98 2.50 2.96 3.64

20 53.64 53.09 53.09 52.73 10.43 12.11 13.64 15.36 1.25 1.75 2.32 3.13

50 56.16 55.62 55.29 54.84 10.45 12.48 14.11 16.17 0.80 1.33 1.88 2.76

100 57.11 56.36 55.91 55.45 10.35 12.45 14.21 16.38 0.71 1.25 1.85 2.73

Note: rxx ¼ reliability of scores. The reliability of scores in the control sample was set at .85 for all these simulations.



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the effect on power to detect a deficit is marginal;this holds even when the differential is large (i.e., areliability of .85 for controls vs .5 for the singlecases).

In contrast, it can be seen that for Mycroftet al.’s (2002) method, in both its extreme andintermediate forms, power increases consistentlyas measurement error for the case increases(although power is still very low in absoluteterms in all scenarios). This latter result runscounter to the broad principle that randommeasurement error will lower power (Schmidt &Hunter, 1996). These results illustrate that theeffects of lower reliability of the scores of singlecases (i.e., more variable performance) on thepower to detect a deficit is conditional uponthe baseline level of power obtainable when thescores of the single case possess the same level ofreliability as controls.

With both the test of Mycroft et al. (2002) andthe test of Crawford and Howell (1998), thetest statistic does not involve the variance ofthe case’s score. Consequently, an increase in therandom variability of a case’s score will changeresults in both directions. That is, some occasionswhen a Type II error would have occurred will nowresult in a deficit being detected, and vice versa.Moreover, which effect is the greater is largelydetermined by whether there are originally moreType II errors or more occasions when a deficitwould have been detected. When the baselinepower is below 50%, as is the case for Mycroftet al.’s method (and would be for Crawford andHowell’s method if the effect size to be detected,i.e. the deficit, was smaller in magnitude), powerwill be increased. In contrast, when power isabove 50% (e.g., if the effect size was very large)the expected pattern will then be observed—thatis, power will be reduced. From Table 5 we cansee this beginning to kick in for Crawford andHowell’s method (e.g., with a control n of 50power was 56.16% when control and patientreliabilities were equivalent but falls to 54.84%when the differential is at its largest). When base-line power is at or around 50%, as is the case forCrawford and Howell’s method in many of thescenarios examined, the effects are marginal.

As far as we are aware this paradoxical effect ofmeasurement error (i.e., that power can be raisedwhen measurement error is increased) has notbeen discussed in the existing literature onpower. This is presumably because the generaltopic of differential reliability across individualsor samples (as opposed to as across tasks) hasitself received little attention and because sucheffects will only be obvious when power is low inabsolute terms. In any event, these results serveto illustrate a broader point: General principlesthat can normally be relied on to provide research-ers with sound guidance can fail when applied tosingle-case research.

Type I errors when testing for a deficitThe focus on these simulations has been on thepower to detect a deficit. In contrast, the issue ofcontrol over the Type I error rate has not beenaddressed (in the present context Type I errorsoccur when cases that do not have a deficit areclassified as exhibiting a deficit). The reasons forthis is that theory tells us that Crawford andHowell’s (1998) method should control Type Ierrors in the absence of differentially greatermeasurement error for cases; this was confirmedby a Monte Carlo simulation conducted byCrawford and Garthwaite (2005b). We shouldnote, though, that Mycroft et al. (2002) examinedType I errors for the scenario in which cases aremore variable than controls. Their results fromMonte Carlo simulation suggested that large per-centages of single cases would be incorrectly ident-ified as exhibiting a deficit. However, it can belogically argued that Mycroft et al.’s concern overinflation of the Type I error rate is groundless.Specifically, the results of their simulation arenot informative because of the unrealistic assump-tions made.

As noted, Mycroft et al. (2002) consider thatwhen a single case is compared to a controlsample we should invoke a notional populationof patients and treat the situation as onein which we are testing for a difference in popu-lation means. Although we see things differently,we can explore the implications of such a view.The best way to illustrate Mycroft et al.’s position



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is with the help of Figure 4. This figure plots thedistribution of a control population in which themean is 100, and the standard deviation is 10;this distribution can be used to represent scoreson any task of cognitive ability.

Superimposed on this distribution is a notionalpatient population that has the same mean but alarger standard deviation. (One can think of thissituation as one in which the patient populationand the control population were one and thesame population until the former suffered neuro-logical damage.) Mycroft et al.’s (2002) intermedi-ate example is used in this figure so the standarddeviation for the patient population is 25 (i.e.,2.5 times that of the control population). This rep-resents the situation that Mycroft et al. consider acause for concern; that is, they argue that becauseCrawford and Howell’s method does not factorin the increased variability in the patient popu-lation, it will not control Type I errors.

This scenario, however, is not credible:Neurological damage has had absolutely no effecton the mean score of the patients (i.e., it has notproduced deficits) but has markedly increased thevariability of the patients’ scores. Note that it isabsolutely central to Mycroft et al.’s (2002) argu-ment that neurological damage has not loweredthe mean of the patient population (i.e., produceddeficits). If there is any lowering of the patientpopulation mean, no matter how small, then theissue of a Type I error does not arise: The popu-lation means differ, and the only remaining

question is whether this effect can be detected(i.e., the question becomes one of the power todetect deficits).

The scenario can be seen to be even more unli-kely when we consider that if there is no differencein the means (as there cannot be if the concern iswith Type I errors), and variability is muchhigher in the patient population, then any obser-vation from the patient distribution that liesbelow that of the control population must bebalanced exactly by observations that lie above it.In other words, and as can be seen fromFigure 4, in Mycroft et al.’s (2002) scenario,patients will frequently obtain cognitive testscores that are vastly higher than those of controls(or, equivalently, scores that are vastly higher thantheir premorbid scores).

To conclude this discussion of Type I errors: Inessence Mitchell et al. (2004) argue (p. 758) that ifa reliable result is obtained using Crawford andHowell’s (1998) method, then this may bebecause (a) the patient does not have a deficit,and her/his performance is simply more variable,(b) the patient does have a deficit, and her/his per-formance is also more variable, or (c) the patienthas a deficit but is no more variable than controls.In view of the points made above we can safely dis-count possibility (a), and in both (b) and (c) a TypeI error cannot be made as the patient has a deficit.

Of course, even after ruling out the possibilityof inflated Type I errors, it could still be arguedthat a patient might have a very minor deficit ona task but be much more variable in their perform-ance (i.e., a Type I error has not occurred but theresult would potentially mislead investigators asto the fundamental nature of the patient’sproblem). One response to this is simply to reiter-ate that the patient still has a deficit. However,researchers may be uneasy were this scenario tooccur in the real world.

Fortunately such a scenario is little morecredible than the previous scenario. For example,picture a slight leftward movement of the patientdistribution in Figure 4 (i.e., the patient popu-lation mean is lower than the control but onlyminimally); the patient population would stillcontain very many scores that exceed those of the

Figure 4. Control and patient distributions in which there is a

common mean but different standard deviations (note that a

common mean is essential for Type I errors to be an issue).



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control population. Thus, it is hard to envisage asituation in which neurological damage hascaused a patient’s performance to become mark-edly more variable than controls without alsomarkedly lowering the overall level of perform-ance. This is mainly because it cannot be expectedthat following neurological damage, patients willroutinely obtain scores on a cognitive task thatexceed their premorbid scores. As a result, anyincreased variability will occur below the ceilingimposed by the limits of their premorbid ability,and it is then necessarily the case that theiraverage postmorbid level of performance will bewell below their premorbid level.

Unreliability of the performance of single cases andincreased variability of a patient populationIn the present power study the effect of increasedunreliability in the performance of single caseshas been examined. It should be stressed thatthis study can equally readily be conceived as astudy of the effects on power of increased variabil-ity in a notional patient population. That is,Mycroft et al. (2002) were concerned with TypeI errors when the variability of a patient populationwas larger than a control population, and thepresent study can be seen as extending this tostudy power under these circumstances.

One difference, however, is that we have notmodelled situations in which the increase in varia-bility for patients is as extreme as the scenariosexamined by Mycroft et al. (2002) in their studyof Type I errors. As noted, Mycroft et al. examinedscenarios in which the standard deviation ofpatients was up to five times that of controls(and provided modified critical value of F for useby researchers to cover this scenario). However,if we translate this increased variability intoreliabilities it stretches credibility. For example, ifthe reliability of scores for controls was .85, thenthe reliability of scores for patients would have tobe vanishingly low (.034) in order to produce asituation in which the standard deviation of

observed scores was 5 times that of the observedscores for controls. Even if we leave aside thisissue, the scenario can be seen to be unrealisticon grounds similar to those advanced abovewhen considering Type I errors. That is, evenwhen a case has a large deficit, if their scoreswere more variable than controls by a factor offive, their obtained scores would frequentlyexceed their premorbid scores or those ofmatched controls by a very large amount.

An ultraconservative model of single-case research?To summarize the empirical findings thus far:Although power to detect a large deficit forCrawford and Howell’s (1998) method is at bestmoderate, this method has vastly greater powerto detect a deficit than Mycroft et al.’s (2002)method in all scenarios examined: that is, whenthe control population is normal, when it departsfrom normality, in the absence of randommeasurement error, when error is present inequal measure for controls and the single case,and when error is greater for the single case (asnoted, this latter scenario can also be conceivedof in Mycroft et al.’s terms as an increase in thevariability of the patient population).

Although single-case researchers will be rightlyconcerned that the use of Mycroft et al.’s (2002)method will result in a failure to detect many def-icits that are of importance for cognitive theory,2

observers of the single-case enterprise may bemore sanguine. That is, they may take the positionthat very rigorous standards of proof should beapplied in single-case research, and if that meansthat many interesting deficits will be missed,then so be it. In other words, it might be arguedthat avoidance of Type I errors should be para-mount; single-case researchers should err stronglyon the side of being conservative when interpret-ing their data.

It is certainly true that, if Mycroft et al.’s (2002)method yielded a significant result, we could bevery confident that the patient truly has a deficit

2 Note that potentially important deficits will also be missed when Crawford and Howell’s (1998) method is used but power is

particularly low for Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method.



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(i.e., the critical values employed make theirmethod very conservative). However, there are atleast two reasons why an appeal to conservatismis unsatisfactory.

First, if there is concern over standards of proof,then a decision to toughen standards should beimplemented through more conventional means.That is, with Crawford and Howell’s (1998)method it is very easy to reduce the Type I errorrate simply by adopting a more conservative valueof alpha (e.g., one could require that the differencebetween a patient and controls was significant atthe .01 level rather than the .05 level). Thisapproach has the major advantage that researcherswould know that having opted for a Type I errorrate they regard as acceptable, this is the errorrate that will apply when the test is used in practice(subject to the proviso that the assumption of nor-mality is not violated; as noted, both methodsmake this assumption). That is, we know fromtheory and from Crawford and Garthwaite’s(2005b) simulation study that the observed TypeI error rates for Crawford and Howell’s methodwill match the specified error rates.

Moreover, such a strategy does not require thatresearchers attempt to estimate the variance of anotional patient population in order to select acritical value (there is also the prospect that oneresearcher’s guess at this variance will differ radi-cally from that of another such that if theyapplied Mycroft et al.’s, 2002, method to thesame dataset, they would arrive at radically differ-ent conclusions).

It should be stressed that we are not advocatingthat researchers should adopt a more stringentvalue of alpha. The present results demonstratethat power will not be high, even for Crawfordand Howell’s (1998) method, unless the deficitto be detected is very large. Therefore, use of theconventional .05 level (one-tailed) will generallystrike a reasonable balance between controllingType I and Type II errors.

There is a second reason why an appeal to con-servatism should be regarded with scepticism.Because of the nature of many of the questionsposed in single-case studies, methods that areapparently conservative may, paradoxically, lead

researchers to claim erroneous support for theirhypotheses. This possibility, which also hasbroader implications for single-case research, isexplored in Study 5.


Although identifying deficits is a fundamentalfeature of single-case studies, such deficits are nor-mally of limited theoretical interest unless they areaccompanied by performance in the normal rangeon other tasks. That is, much of the focus insingle-case studies is on establishing dissociationsof function (Caramazza & McCloskey, 1988;Coltheart, 2001; Crawford et al., 2003; Ellis &Young, 1996; Shallice, 1988).

A classical dissociation (Shallice, 1988, p. 227)is conventionally defined as occurring when, withreference to the performance of matched healthycontrols (or a healthy normative sample), apatient is “impaired” or shows a “deficit” on taskX but is “not impaired”, “normal”, or “withinnormal limits” on task Y. For example, Ellis andYoung (1996) state, “If patient X is impaired ontask 1 but performs normally on task 2, then wemay claim to have a dissociation between tasks”(p. 5). Similarly, Coltheart (2001) states that a clas-sical dissociation is established when a patient “isimpaired on task X but normal on task Y” (p. 12).

In practice, when the research design is one inwhich a patient is compared to matched controls,the patient is considered to have met these conven-tional criteria for a classical dissociation if her/hisperformance is significantly different from that ofcontrols on task X but is not significantly differenton task Y. The danger here is that if a method withlow power is used to test whether these criteria aremet, then a patient with a genuine deficit on task Ywill not differ significantly from controls. Thus aspurious classical dissociation will be recorded.Ironically then, low power to detect a deficit (i.e.,a high Type II error rate) can lead to a highType I error rate (i.e., falsely concluding that acase has a classical dissociation).



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The final simulation study is designed to subjectthe above argument to empirical scrutiny. That is,although such paradoxical effects are clearly poss-ible in theory, it is important to examine theextent to which they are liable to pose a threat inpractice. To study this we adopt a procedure devel-oped by Crawford and Garthwaite (2005a) tomodel cases that have a strictly equivalent level ofacquired impairment on both tasks of interest (Xand Y) and to record the number misclassified asexhibiting a classical dissociation.

We use Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method to testwhether the conventional criteria for a classicaldissociation are met (i.e., a significant differencebetween the case and controls on either task X ortask Y but not both), and we compare the resultswith those obtained when Crawford andHowell’s (1998) method is used for the samepurpose. In addition, we compare both sets ofresults to those obtained when an alternative setof criteria (Crawford & Garthwaite, 2005b) for aclassical dissociation is applied. These criteria,which stem from a critique of the conventional cri-teria made by Crawford et al. (2003), incorporate atest on the standardized difference between thepatient’s X and Y scores. That is, the conventionalcriteria are supplemented with a requirement thatthe difference between the patient’s scores signifi-cantly exceed the differences observed for controls.(This additional criterion specifies that it is thestandardized differences that should be comparedbecause, typically, tasks X and Y will differ intheir means and standard deviations.) The teston the standardized difference is achieved usingthe Revised Standardized Difference Test(RSDT; Crawford & Garthwaite, 2005b;Garthwaite & Crawford, 2004).3


As in previous studies, the simulation wasimplemented in Delphi. However, for each

control and the single case there is now a pair ofscores, and so sampling is from a bivariate normaldistribution. Also, an additional factor needs to beadded to the design in order to study performanceof the inferential methods at different magnitudesof the population correlation between X and Y.

A total of 1,000,000 samples of n þ 1 pairsof observations were drawn from each offour bivariate standard normal distributions inwhich the population correlation (r) was set at.0, .2, .5, and .8. As in the previous simulations,this was done for five values of n: 5, 10, 20, 50,and 100.

The first n pairs of observations were taken asthe control sample’s scores on X and Y and the (nþ 1)th pair taken as the scores of the single case.The single case was then “lesioned” by imposingan acquired impairment of 3 SDs on both Xand Y. As the observations are sampled from astandard normal bivariate distribution, the stan-dard deviation is 1.0 for both X and Y, and there-fore this required simply that 3.0 was subtractedfrom the case’s X and Y scores. These cases areused to represent patients who have sufferedvery large, but strictly equivalent, deficits on Xand Y; that is, they do not exhibit a classical dis-sociation. Note that 3-SD deficits were applied inthis simulation rather than the 2-SD deficitsapplied in Crawford and Garthwaite’s (2005a)previous work on dissociations. This was donebecause it is clear from the foregoing powerstudies that Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method willonly be capable of identifying deficits if they arevery large; for the same reason only the inter-mediate version of Mycroft et al.’s method isexamined.

The simulation procedure is designed tomodel patients with equivalent acquired deficits:It does not produce cases with scores that aresimply 3 SDs below the control mean on X andY, nor does it produce cases with equivalentscores on X and Y. Rather, the method

3 Obtaining a sound inferential method of examining the difference between an individual’s standardized scores has proved to be

much more difficult than might be anticipated as the problem is one of testing for a difference between two t variates. The RSDT was

developed using asymptotic expansion methods and, unlike previously available methods, achieves control of the Type I error rate

across all values of the control sample n and the correlation between tasks.



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recognizes that (a) patients are initially membersof the healthy control population until the onsetof their lesion, (b) there will be premorbid differ-ences in competencies on X and Y, and (c) themagnitude of premorbid differences between Xand Y will be a function of the population corre-lation between the two tasks (i.e., the magnitudeof such differences will, on average, be smallerwhen the population correlation is high thanwhen it is low).

On each Monte Carlo trial, Mycroft et al.’s(2002) method, in its intermediate form, wasapplied to test whether the conventional criteriafor a classical dissociation were met—that is, asignificant difference in favour of controls oneither task X or task Y but not on both. Thiswas then repeated substituting Crawford andHowell’s (1998) method as the means of test-ing whether the criteria were met. Finally,Crawford and Garthwaite’s (2005b) set of criteriawas applied. This required a significant differ-ence, using Crawford and Howell’s method,between the single case and controls on eitherX or Y, but not both, and also required that thestandardized difference between the case’s X andY scores was significantly larger than the standar-dized differences of the controls (p , .05,two-tailed).

Results and discussion

Full results from the simulation are presented inTable 6. However, the pattern of results is morereadily appreciated by referring to Figures 5 and6. Figure 5 plots Type I errors as a function ofthe control sample size and the criteria applied;the results are those for an intermediate populationcorrelation of .5 between tasks X and Y.

It can be seen that when Mycroft et al.’s(2002) method is used to test whether the con-ventional criteria are met, large percentages ofthe cases with strictly equivalent deficits on Xand Y are misclassified as exhibiting a classicaldissociation. The minimum Type I error ratewas 20.69% (for a control sample n of 100 andpopulation correlation between X and Y of .8),and this rose to a maximum of 49.33% for a

control sample size of 100 and correlation of 0;that is, up to half of all cases with strictly equival-ent deficits are liable to be wrongly classified asexhibiting a classical dissociation. It can also beseen that the Type I error rate is relativelyunaffected by the control sample size; that is,larger control samples do not protect againstmisclassifications.

It can be seen from Table 6 and Figure 5 thatwhen Crawford and Howell’s (1998) method isused to test whether the conventional criteria aremet, the percentage of cases misclassified as exhi-biting a dissociation are, in general, much lowerthan those observed for Mycroft et al.’s (2002)method. It can also be seen that, unlike Mycroftet al.’s method, larger control sample sizesprotect against misclassifications; for example, inthe case of a correlation between X and Y of .5,misclassification rate falls from 29.74% for a n of5 to 12.79% for a n of 100.

Although the use of Crawford and Howell’s(1998) method to test whether the conventionalcriteria are met leads to lower rates of misclassifi-cation, it can be seen that these rates are neverthe-less still uncomfortably high. The final columns ofTable 6 present the percentage of cases misclassi-fied when Crawford and Garthwaite’s (2005b)criteria are applied (see also Figure 5). In contrastto the foregoing results, it can be seen that mis-classification rates are low in all of the scenariosexamined; the rates range from a maximum of6.66% for a control sample n of 5 and a corre-lation between tasks of zero to a minimum of1.32% for a n of 100 and correlation of 0.8.(Note that these criteria are based on the appli-cation of three statistical tests and function asa set of hurdles; therefore, unlike the resultsfor an individual test statistic, it should not beexpected that the misclassification rates will beat or around 5%.)

It can also be seen from Table 6 and Figure 6that the percentage of cases misclassified as exhi-biting a classical dissociation declines for allthree methods as the population correlationbetween X and Y increases. This is encouragingbecause, as Shallice (1979) notes, in practicemuch of the search for dissociations is focused



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on tasks that are at least moderately and evenhighly correlated in the general population (i.e.,tasks for which there is a prima facie case thatthey tap a unitary function and therefore maynot be dissociable). However, the rates are stillhigh in absolute terms, except with Crawfordand Garthwaite’s (2005b) criteria, and this is thecase even when the correlation between tasks issubstantial.

These results illustrate the virtues of incorpor-ating a test on the difference between a patient’s

X and Y scores when testing for a classical dis-sociation. That is, we suggest that the conven-tional criteria for a classical dissociation arefundamentally unsatisfactory because one half ofthe criteria relies on failing to find evidence of adeficit. The present results for Mycroft et al.’s(2002) method provide a particularly vivid demon-stration of this problem (because of the low powerof the method to detect deficits). However, it

Table 6. Type I errors for a classical dissociation as a function of control sample size, correlation between tasks (rxy), and criteria employed


Mycroft et al. (2005): Intermediate Conventional criteria using t

Crawford and Garthwaite (2005b)


n 0 .3 .5 .7 .8 0 .3 .5 .7 .8 0 .3 .5 .7 .8

5 38.20 34.99 31.37 25.72 21.66 39.66 34.55 29.74 23.46 19.28 6.66 6.43 5.79 4.67 3.85

10 45.25 39.28 33.87 26.75 22.01 26.95 23.39 20.16 15.81 13.05 4.82 4.27 3.71 2.86 2.35

20 48.00 40.35 34.12 26.41 21.55 21.03 18.35 15.83 12.47 10.28 3.96 3.37 2.81 2.14 1.72

50 49.02 40.23 33.62 25.71 20.92 17.94 15.68 13.59 10.69 8.77 3.57 2.86 2.36 1.76 1.41

100 49.33 40.16 33.44 25.54 20.69 16.96 14.82 12.79 10.11 8.34 3.40 2.70 2.19 1.65 1.32

Note: rxy ¼ correlation between tasks.

Figure 5. Type I errors for a classical dissociation as a function of

control sample size and criteria applied ( for these data rxy ¼ .5).

Figure 6. Type I errors for a classical dissociation as a function of

criteria applied and correlation between tasks (based on a n of 20

for the control sample).



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remains a problem regardless of the method usedto test the conventional criteria because low ormoderate power to detect deficits is an inherentfeature of single-case studies.

As Crawford and Garthwaite (2005b) note, theadditional requirement of a significant differencebetween the patient’s X and Y scores provides apositive test for a classical dissociation ratherthan having to rely on failing to find evidence fora deficit on one of the tasks. When this additionalcriterion is imposed it is unlikely that a patientwith equally severe acquired deficits will bemisclassified unless she/he had an unusually largepremorbid difference on the abilities measuredby the two tasks.


The present investigation was originally motivatedby a simple question: Of two methods of testingfor a deficit in single-case research, which shouldbe preferred? The results obtained provide anunequivocal answer to this question but they alsohave broader implications for single-case research.To our knowledge, this is the first study to conductan empirical examination of the power to detect adeficit in single-case studies. Although the resultsdemonstrate that power will be particularly low forMycroft et al.’s (2002) method, they also serve todemonstrate that low-to-moderate power will bean inherent feature unless the deficits to bedetected are extremely large.

A commonly used alternative to the methodsof Crawford and Howell (1998) and Mycroftet al. (2002) is to express the patient’s score asa z score and refer it to a table of areas underthe normal curve; for example, the patient’sscore is considered to be significantly lowerthan that of controls (p , .05, one-tailed) if zfalls below –1.645. This method will identifymore patients with true deficits than will eitherof the foregoing methods (particularly when thecontrol sample size is small) but power will stillbe only moderate even for large deficits.Moreover, this increase in power occurs at theexpense of inflation of the Type I error rate.

For example, with a specified error rate of 5%,Crawford and Garthwaite (2005b) reportedobserved error rates for z as high as 10.37%with control sample sizes typical of those usedin single-case studies (z was not included in thepresent study for this reason; i.e., the power ofa method can only be meaningfully interpretedwhen the Type I error rate is close to thenominal level or more conservative).

The present study has also demonstrated thatresearchers cannot be sanguine about the factthat power will tend to be low to moderate insingle-case studies. Low power not only increasesthe likelihood that researchers will fail to gainsupport for their hypotheses (or fail to detect unex-pected but interesting deficits), but may alsoproduce spurious support for hypotheses thatspecify that a deficit occurs in the context of unim-paired performance on other tasks. As noted, apositive test for a classical dissociation (i.e., a teston the difference between tasks) is required toavoid reliance on a null result. Although powerto detect a classical dissociation will be at bestmoderate when this additional criterion isapplied (Crawford & Garthwaite, 2005a), it hasthe virtue that it will markedly reduce thenumber of false positives.

The effects of measurement error on power todetect deficits also yielded results that are ofbroad interest. Measurement error, when presentin equal measure for controls and the single case,will reduce the power to detect a deficit.However, if task reliabilities are moderate tohigh (i.e., � .70) the effects are relativelymodest. More importantly perhaps, when apatient score is subject to greater error than thatof controls, power will be broadly comparable tothat achievable in the absence of such a differen-tial, unless power deviates markedly from 50% inthe latter case. For Crawford and Howell’s(1998) method (and for z, although we do not rec-ommend this test for the reasons outlined above)power to detect a large deficit will typically be inthe range of 40 to 60%. Thus it appears that differ-ential measurement error does not pose a seriousthreat to the validity of inferences drawn insingle-case studies given that we can also discount



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the possibility that its presence will inflate theType I error rate.

Finally, Monte Carlo methods offer a means ofexamining methodological issues in single-caseresearch that would be difficult or impossible toaddress by other means; it is to be hoped thatthe present study will encourage further use ofsuch methods.

Manuscript received 13 April 2004

Revised manuscript received 12 October 2005

Revised manuscript accepted 7 December 2005

First published online 6 April 2006


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Page 27: Methods of testing for a deficit in single-case studies · The starting point for Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method is a modified


A proof that, for Crawford and Howell’s(1998) method, the estimated proportion ofcontrols who have a lower score than a caseequals the significance level of the one-tailedtest

The proportion of controls who have a lower score than x�, the

score for a case, is

Pr(x , x�) (A:1)

Adding �x to both sides and dividing them by the same thing,

Pr(x , x�) ¼ Prx� �xffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

s2x ((nþ 1)=n)

p ,x� � �xffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

s2x ((nþ 1)=n)

p !

: (A:2)


x� �xffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffis2x ((nþ 1)=n)

phas a t distribution on (n 2 1) df, so that

Pr(x , x�) ¼ Pr tn�1 ,x� � �xffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

s2x ((nþ 1)=n)

p !

: (A:3)

Also, the test statistic for testing whether x� is from the same

normal distribution as the control x’s, is

x� � �xffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffis2x ((nþ 1)=n)

p (A:4)

and this is compared with a t distribution on (n 2 1) df.

Comparison of Equations A.3 and A.4 shows that Pr(x , x�)

is equal to the significance level for the one-tailed test.


Sampling from skew-normal and skew-tdistributions

The methods used to sample from skew-normal and skew-t dis-

tributions were based on work by Azzalini and colleagues

(Azzalini & Capitanio, 1999; Azzalini & Dalla Valle, 1996).

The starting point for sampling from skew-normal distri-

butions is the generation of two independent standard normal

variates u0 and u1 (u1 is used to form the X observations, and

u0 is used to control the degree of skew in X). Then u2 is deter-

mined from the formula

u2 ¼ r2u0u1þ

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1� r2


qu1 (A:5)

The value of ru0u1required to introduce the desired degree of

skew (g1) can be obtained by algebraic manipulation of

Azzalini and Dalla Valle’s (1996) formulae for g1 to solve for

ru0u1. That is, put

a ¼2g1

4� p

� �1=3



ru0u1¼ a


2þ 2a2

� �1=2

: (A:7)


x ¼u2 if u0 � 0�u2 otherwise


is an observation from the skew-normal distribution with skew-

ness g1. To sample from the equivalent skew-t distribution the

above steps are followed by dividing x byp

(x2/n), where x2 is a

random draw from a chi-square distribution on n df (e.g., n¼ 4

if severe leptokurtosis is required).


Formulae for power calculations forCrawford and Howell’s (1998) test and thetest of Mycroft et al. (2002)

Crawford and Howell’s (1998) testWhen the population variance is 1, and the reliability is rxx,

then the variance of an observed score is 1/rxx. If the case has

a deficit of h, then the power of the test of Crawford and

Howell is

Pr(�x� x�=(sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ 1=n

p) . tn�1;a), (A:10)


�x� x� � N h,nþ 1


� �:

Now rxx(n 2 1)s2 has a chi-squared distribution on (n 2 1) df,

where s2 is the sample variance of the controls. Hence, tn 2 1(d)

¼ (�x 2 x�)/fsp

[(n þ 1)/n]g has a noncentral t distribution on

(n 2 1) df with noncentrality parameter d, where d¼ hp

[rxxn/(n þ 1)]. (See, for example, Owen, 1968.) To obtain h�, the



Page 28: Methods of testing for a deficit in single-case studies · The starting point for Mycroft et al.’s (2002) method is a modified

minimal value of h for which the power is 0.8, we first find d�

such that Pr(tn – 1(d�) . tn – 1;a) ¼ 0.8. Then the probability in

Equation A.10 also equals 0.8, so we put h� ¼ d�p

[(n þ 1)/rxxn].

The test of Mycroft et al. (2002)The critical values for the test of Mycroft et al. (2002) were

determined by simulation in their original paper. To gain

understanding, we first derive critical values using distribution

theory. The premise for the test is that the variance for a

control is some unknown value, f say, while the variance for

the case is kf, where k is known. We assume, for the

moment, that there is no measurement error. Then, under

the null hypothesis that the case comes from some population

whose mean equals the mean of the controls’ population,

�x� x� � N (0,(kþ 1=n)):

Also, (n 2 1)s2/f has a chi-squared distribution on (n 2 1)

df, so (�x 2 x�)/fsp

[k þ (1/n)]g follows a t distribution on (n

2 1) df. Hence, for the two-tailed test of Mycroft et al., the null

hypothesis is rejected if

�x� x�

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffikþ 1=np

�������� . tn�1;a=2:

Equivalently, we could use a different test statistic and reject the

null hypothesis if

�x� x�

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi(nþ 1)=n


����� . tn�1;a=2

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiknþ 1

nþ 1


A further equivalent alternative is to reject the null hypothesis if

�x� x�

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi(nþ 1)=n

p !2

.knþ 1

nþ 1

� �F1,n�1;a=2,

where F1,n – 1;a/2 is the (1 2 a/2) quantile of an F distribution

on 1 and (n 2 1) df. This last alternative is the test described

in Mycroft et al. Their test statistic, obtained through

an ANOVA, equates to [(x 2 x�)/fsp

[(n þ 1)/n]g]2,

and the critical values given in Table 2 of that paper are

equal to f(kn þ 1)/(n þ 1)gF1,n 2 1;a/2. (Slight differences

arise, however, because the figures given in Mycroft et al.

are affected by Monte Carlo variation and hence are approxi-

mate. For that paper’s notation, k must be replaced by s2.)

For power calculations, it is simplest to choose (�x 2 x�)/


[(n þ 1)/n]g as the test statistic, since tn – 1(d) ¼

(�x 2 x�)/fsp

[(n þ 1)/n]g has a noncentral t distribution.

Its noncentrality parameter is d ¼ hp

[rxxn/(n þ 1)], the dis-

tribution has (n 2 1) df, and, when the reliability is rxx, its

noncentrality parameter is d ¼ hp

[rxxn/(n þ 1)]. The test is

two-tailed and the test statistic is tn – 1;a/2

p[(kn þ 1)/

(n þ 1)], so we find d# for which

Pr tn�1(d#) .

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiknþ 1p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

nþ 1p tn�1,a=2

� �

þ Pr tn�1(d#) , �

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiknþ 1p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

nþ 1p tn�1,a=2

� �¼ 0:8:

Then, h#¼ d#p[(n þ 1)/(rxxn)] is the minimal deficit that the

test of Mycroft et al. detects with a power of 0.8.


