Download pdf - Metalic tattoo gallery



Below is out metallic tattoo gallery with different styles of tatoo designs such as golden tattoo, silver tattoo, face painting, flash tatts, body tattoo and more. Metalic Tattoo is also available in wholesale at very competitive price. Metalic tattoo will bring extra joy to your customer, and great extra income for you.

Creat Your Moments!

Be in the spot light and take center stage by wearing Metalic body Jewelry inspired temporary tattoos. Metalic

Tattoos are perfect for any occasion, the beach, festivals, concerts, night outs or anytime you want your skin to

illuminate. To see more ways to wear Metalic Tattoos follow us on

instagram at:

Facebook at:

Metalic Tattoos are non toxic and safe for anyone to wear. It only takes a few seconds and a little water and you

instantly sparkle. Metalic Tattoos last about 3-5 days even with regular showering and can be removed sooner

with baby or olive oil.