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Metal mobility an

aKey Laboratory of Solid Waste Treatment a

Education, Southwest University of Scienc

Mianyang, 621010, China. E-mail: shujc@sbSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engine

400044, China

† Electronic supplementary informa10.1039/d0ra09704g

Cite this: RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 6877

Received 15th November 2020Accepted 9th January 2021

DOI: 10.1039/d0ra09704g

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by

d toxicity of reclaimed coppersmelting fly ash and smelting slag†

Jiancheng Shu, *a Tianya Lei,a Yaling Deng,a Mengjun Chen,a Xiangfei Zenga

and Renlong Liub

Copper is a nonferrous metal closely connected to humans. Approximately 40% of copper is produced by

reclaimed copper smelting (RCS). Reclaimed copper smelting fly ash and smelting slag are generated during

the RCS process, posing a serious threat to the ecosystem and environment as they contain many heavy

metals, such as Cu and Zn. In this study, the metal mobility and toxicity of RCS fly ash and smelting slag

were analyzed using standard leaching toxicity procedures, sequential extraction procedures, and

bioavailability tests. The results showed that the main phases of RCS fly ash were Cu2(OH)3Cl,

FeCl2$2H2O, CuS2, C, CuO, Cu, Ca2SiO4, ZnClO42, Zn(OH)2$0.5H2O, and KFeCl3, and those for smelting

slag were SiO2, CaCO3, SiS2, CaAl2Si2O8$4H2O, Cu4O3, CuO, ZnO, NiSO4$6H2O, AlPO4, and

Na3Mn(PO4)(CO)3. These two slags contain high contents of Cu, Zn and Fe and trace amounts of heavy

metals, such as Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Ni, As, Pb, Au, Se and Sb. RCS fly ash is classified as hazardous waste in

both China and the USA as the toxic leaching concentrations of Pb and Cd exceed the thresholds of 5

and 1 mg L�1. Cu and Zn contained in these two slags can easily be released into the environment,

although the residual fraction of Cu and Zn was found to be higher than 65%. Additionally, RCS fly ash

and smelting slag also show significant biohazardous potential as the EDTA- and DTPA-extractable Zn,

Cu and Se of these two residues are considerably high. The results described above could provide

reclaimed copper smelting companies and governments with a better understanding of the risk of RCS

fly ash and smelting slag, urging them to stop the slag from harming ecosystems and humans.

1. Introduction

Copper is a nonferrous metal strongly related to humans. It iswidely used in the electrical, light, machinery manufacturing,construction, and national defense industries, as well as otherelds.1 In 2019, the output of global copper mines was 20.69million tons, and the output of rened copper production was23.72 million tons. China is the world's largest rened copperproducer, with an annual rened copper output of 9.784 milliontons in 2019, accounting for 41.24% of the world's total. Chinais also the largest consumer of rened copper, accounting forapproximately 48% of the world's total.2

Copper has an excellent recycling performance, and it is animportant raw material for copper rening to directly utilizecopper waste and indirect smelting of waste copper.3 Lowenergy consumption, material consumption, and wastedischarge per unit of rened copper are produced from waste

nd Resource Recycle (SWUST), Ministry of

e and Technology, 59 Qinglong Road,; Tel: +86-0816-2419569

ering, Chongqing University, Chongqing,

tion (ESI) available. See DOI:

the Royal Society of Chemistry

copper regeneration. They are also benecial to energy conser-vation, emission reduction, and resource recycling comparedwith copper smelting.4 In 2019, the proportion of reclaimed copperproduction was very high according to data from the InternationalCopper Research Organization (ICSG), among which the UnitedStates accounted for approximately 60%, Japan accounted forapproximately 45%, and Germany accounted for approximately80%, while China accounted for only 33.73%.

The most economical utilization method is determined bythe composition of raw materials and different copper grades.5

The smelting process mainly includes one-stage and two-stagesmelting.6 The one-stage smelting method is aimed at high-grade waste copper and miscellaneous copper. If the coppercontent is higher than 90%, it can be rened directly into anodecopper through a re rening furnace. The two-stage smeltingprocess focuses on high-grade scrap copper and miscellaneouscopper. If the copper content is lower than 90%, the smeltingfurnace rst uses a melting furnace to remove impurities; if, aerprocessing, the material has a copper content higher than 80%,a two-stage smelting method is adopted for direct input into therening furnace for smelting anode copper. A three-stage smeltingprocess is used if the copper content is lower than 80%.

Purple miscellaneous scrap copper is the primary reclaimedcopper, including tin-plated steel waste, tin-bronze, brass, and

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various alloys.7 The copper content is higher than 95%, and thespecic smelting process is shown in Fig. S1.† As presented inFig. S1,† the ue gas produced in the melting furnace is mainlyremoved by the cloth bag dedusting process. The reclaimedcopper smelting (RCS) y ash and smelting slag contains manyheavy metal ions because the purple miscellaneous scrapcopper contains copper, lead, zinc, tin, protective iron, oxygenand other impurities. If RCS y ash and smelting slag are piledup, they may contaminate the soil and water, effecting thegrowth of plants, and even endangering human health. Thearea of cultivated land polluted by heavy metals such as arsenic,cadmium, lead, and chromium accounts for about one h ofthe total area of cultivated land in China.8 As metal in farmlandsoil is the most important risk factor for carcinogenesis, withcontribution rates of 99% in children and 98% in adults.9 Plantsaround mining areas are also severely contaminated by Sb, As,Cd and Pb. The edible parts of vegetables can take up 2.05 mgkg�1 of Sb, which has high risks for human ingestion, more-over, the metals of As and Pb in vegetables signicantly exceedthe standard guidelines.10 Direct discharge of RCS y ash andsmelting slag causes severe environmental pollution.

Researchers have performed a signicant amount ofresearch into the treatment and resource utilization of RCS yash and smelting slag to make it harmless.4,11,12 This researchmainly includes water leaching,13 acid leaching,14–17 oxidationleaching,18,19 bioleaching,20,21 pressure oxidative leaching,14

chloride leaching,22 alkali leaching,1 controlling potentialleaching,23 the leaching-extraction method and the leaching-blast furnace smelting method.24 The copper and zinc in RCSy ash and smelting slag can be leached using water or dilutesulfuric acid, and the leaching solution and leach residue canbe treated using other methods.25–27 However, limited infor-mation was found regarding the metal mobility and toxicity ofRCS y ash and smelting slag.

In this study, typical RCS y ash and smelting slag werecollected and their metal levels, phases and morphologies wereanalyzed using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), X-ray uorescencespectroscopy (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma opticalemission spectroscopy (ICPOES). The metal mobility wasexamined using bioavailability tests and sequential extractionprocedures; the leaching toxicity was classied according to theIdentication Standards for Hazardous Waste-LeachingToxicity (GB5085.3-2007) and the Toxicity CharacteristicLeaching Procedure (TCLP). We expect that the results of thisstudy will provide valuable information for managing andreusing RCS y ash and smelting slag, in addition to reducingenvironmental risks.

2. Materials and method2.1 Preparation of the materials

Reclaimed copper smelting y ash and smelting slag werecollected from an RCS factory in Sichuan province in China.RCS y ash and smelting slag were dried at 80 �C for 24 h toachieve a constant weight. The carbon content of the RCS y ashand smelting slag were 30.27% and 2.67%, respectively. Thedensity of the RCS y ash and smelting slag were 0.5769 and

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1.0649 g cm�3, respectively. In this study, all the chemicalreagents (HNO3, HCI, HF, H2SO4, CH3COOH, NaOH, NH4SCN,NH4Fe(SO4)2$12H2O, AgNO3, C15H15N3O2, NH3$H2O, CH3-COONH4, HONH2HCl, H2O2, and EDTA–Na2) were purchasedfrom Mianyang Xinjie Trading Co. Ltd, China (Analytical grade)and applied without further purication. Deionized water wasprovided using the Water Purication System (Advantage A10,Millipore, Burlington, MA, USA), and all experiments werecarried out at room temperature.

2.2 Chemical composition

The chemical component of RCS y ash and smelting slag wereanalyzed using XRF (Axios, PANalytical, Holland). In addition,these residues were digested and analyzed using ICPOES(OPTIMA 8000, PerkinElmer, U.S.) to quantify the concentra-tions of Al, Ba, Be, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Tl, Zn, and Au.The chemical phase of the RCS y ash and smelting slag wereexamined using XRD (D/MAX2500, Rigaku, Almelo, Holland).

2.3 Hazardous waste classication

The heavy metal leaching toxicities of RCS y ash and smeltingslag were examined using the Identication Standards forHazardous Waste-Leaching toxicity (GB5085.3-2007, Ministry ofEcology and Environment of the People's Republic of China,2007, Chinese standards) and the TCLP (US EPA 1992; Americanstandards).28–30 The solid waste classications of the RCS y ashand smelting slag were examined using HJ/T 299-2007 (Solidwaste-extraction for leaching toxicity, sulfuric and nitric acidmethod) and the TCLP (Method 1311; 40 CFR §261.24). Basedon HJ/T 299-2007, only Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, In, Se,Zn and Au were analyzed, while for TCLP, seven metals, Al, As,Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sb, In, Se and Zn were examined.

For HJ/T 299-2007, 10.00 g of RCS y ash and 10.00 gsmelting slag were placed into extraction bottles, respectively.100 mL of sulfuric and nitric acid solution (the mass ratio of theconcentrated sulfuric acids and nitric acids was 2 : 1) was usedas the extraction liquid, and the pH of the extraction liquid was3.20 � 0.05. The bottles were xed on a rotary extractor(extraction time, 18 � 2 h; speed, 32 � 2 rpm), and then theconcentrations of heavy metals in the extraction liquid wereanalyzed using ICPOES aer ltration through a 0.45 mmmicroporous membrane.

For the TCLP, 5 g RCS y ash and 5 g smelting slag wereplaced into extraction bottles, respectively. Acetic acid was usedas the extraction liquid, and the pH of the extraction liquid was2.88 � 0.05, when the solid–liquid ratio was 20 : 1 (kg L�1). Thebottles were xed on a rotary extractor (extraction time, 18 �2 h; speed, 32 � 2 rpm), and then the concentrations of heavymetals in extraction liquid were analyzed using ICPOES aerltration through a 0.45 mm microporous membrane.

2.4 Metal chemical speciation and bioavailability

The chemical speciation of Al, Ba, Be, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sb,Sn, Tl and Zn in RCS y ash and smelting slag were performedaccording to the three steps outlined in the Community Bureauof Reference (BCR) protocol of the European Standards

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

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Table 2 Chemical composition of RCS fly ash and smelting slag ob-tained using ICPOES (mg g�1)

Metals Cu Zn Fe Al Ba Be Cd As

RCS y ash 172.24 124.54 21.66 6.00 0.76 0.42 0.72 0.65Smelting slag 11.47 13.70 19.73 17.196 0.79 0.21 0.01 0.23

Metals Cr Ni Pb Sb Sn Tl Au Se

RCS y ash ND 0.26 4.35 0.92 4.20 3.58 0.46 0.46Smelting slag 0.42 0.33 1.22 2.40 ND 2.01 0.23 0.33

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Measurements and Testing Program, respectively.31 The detailsare shown in Table A in the ESI.† Aer each step, the suspen-sions were ltered using a 0.45 mmmicroporous membrane andtested using ICPOES. Metal bioavailability tests on RCS y ashand smelting slag were tested using the Wear and Evansmethod, as well as the method proposed by Lindsay and Nor-vell. For the Wear and Evans method, 2.0 g of RCS y ash andsmelting slag were placed in a 50 mL centrifuge tube and mixedwith 20 mL 0.05 mol L�1 EDTA at pH 7.0, respectively, as well asshaking the suspension in an oscillating device for 1 h. For theLindsay and Norvell method, 10 g of the RCS y ash andsmelting slag were mixed in a 50 mL centrifuge tube and mixedwith 20 mL 0.005 mol L�1 DTPA and 0.01 mol L�1 CaCl2 at pH7.3, respectively,32,33 as well as shaking the suspension ina oscillating device for 2 h. Aer extraction, the suspensionswere centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 20 min, and the suspensionswere then ltered using a 0.45 mmmicroporous membrane andtested using ICPOES. All the tests were repeated three times,and the mean value of the three experiments was obtainedwithout error bars in this study.

2.5 Analysis methods

The concentrations of heavy metals were determined viainductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES; Thermo Fisher scientic, ICAP 6500, USA). pH value wasmeasured by an ultra-trace sample volume-type pH electrode(PHS-3C, Shanghai, China). Samples and precipitates wereanalyzed by X-ray diffractometer (XRD; Japan D/max-IIIA), X-rayuorescence (XRF; PANalytical B.V., Axios; Netherlands), Scan-ning Electron Microscopy (Slgma 300) and X-ray spectroscopysystem (EDS; SIGMA+X-Max20, Zeiss, Germany).

3. Results and discussion3.1 Chemical composition

The XRF chemical composition analysis of the RCS y ash andsmelting slag are shown in Table 1. As shown in Table 1, RCS yash mainly consists of CuO, Cl, ZnO, CaO, K2O and Fe2O3, all ofwhich accounts for about 88.18% of the total composition,respectively. The main elements were composed primarily of

Table 1 Chemical composition of RCS fly ash and smelting slag obtaine

RCS y ash

Oxide CuO Cl ZnO CaO K2O Fe2Wt% 29.59 25.14 21.25 6.18 3.15 2.87Oxide Cr2O3 Al2O3 MgO F P2O5 CdOWt% 0.52 0.47 0.34 0.25 0.19 0.13

Smelting slag

Oxide SiO2 CaO CuO Al2O3 Fe2O3

Wt% 43.64 21.59 13.80 7.78 3.91Oxide I Cr2O3 TiO2 Cl P2O5

Wt% 0.42 0.35 0.34 0.31 0.23

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

their oxides (SiO2, CaO, CuO, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and MgO) andcomprised 43.64%, 21.59%, 13.80%, 7.78%, 3.91% and 2.63%for smelting slag, respectively, as well as the oxides of Si, Ca, Al,Mg and Cu, which accounted for more than 90% of all theelements and are an order of magnitude higher than ZnO,Na2O, SO3, K2O and SnO2.

As shown in Table 2, both RCS y ash and smelting slagcontain valuable metallic resources. For example, the concen-trations of Cu, Zn, Fe and Al in RCS y ash and smelting slagwere 172.24, 124.54, 21.66, and 6.00 mg g�1 and 11.47, 13.70,19.73, and 17.20 mg g�1, respectively. The levels of Cu and Zn inRCS y ash were found to be much higher than their corre-sponding ores,34,35 and can be used as resources for resourcerecovery. In addition, smelting slag can also be reused as a rawmaterial for construction materials as it contains minerals of Si,Al, Fe and Ca. RCS y ash and smelting slag are classied ashazardous waste by China owing to the high concentrations ofcopper and zinc in both residues. Other heavy metals such asBa, Be, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Sb are also observed in Table 2.Therefore, when recycling valuable metals from RCS y ash andsmelting slag, the effect of heavy metals should also beconsidered. The results described above show that theelemental composition of RCS y ash and smelting slag aredifferent.

The XRD phase analysis of RCS y ash and smelting slag areshown in Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 1, RCS y ash and smeltingslag have completely different phases. In Fig. 1a, the main

d using XRF

O3 SO3 PbO SiO2 Na2O Br SnO2

2.57 1.74 1.68 1.52 1.48 0.74I Sb2O3 Bi2O3 MoO3 SrO0.10 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.01

MgO ZnO Na2O SO3 K2O SnO2

2.63 1.74 1.07 0.74 0.62 0.54MnO Sb2O3 SrO ZrO2 NiO Others0.12 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03

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Fig. 1 XRD patterns of samples (a) RCS fly ash; and (b) smelting slag. (c)Appearance of SME and EDX mapping of the RCS fly ash and smeltingslag.

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mineralogical components of RCS y ash are Cu2(OH)3Cl (cli-noatacamite), FeCl2$2H2O (lawrencite), CuS2 (villamaninite), C(graphite), CuO (copper oxide), Cu, Ca2SiO4 (calcium silicate),Zn(ClO4)2 (zinc chlorate), Zn(OH)2$0.5H2O (zinc hydroxide) andKFeCl3 (potassium iron chloride). Fig. 1b shows that SiO2

(quartz), CaCO3 (calcite), SiS2 (silicon sulde), CaAl2Si2O8$4H2O(gismondine), Cu4O3 (papamelaconite), CuO (tenorite), ZnO(zincite), NiSO4$6H2O (retgersite), AlPO4 (berlinite) and Na3-Mn(PO4)(CO3) (sidorenkite) were identied in the smelting slag.The chemical composition of Pb, Cu and Bi in copper ashaccounted for about 32.23%, 8.56% and 2.56% in the availableliterature, respectively.36 The chemical composition of coppersmelting slag was mainly Fe, Mg, Si, Zn, Cu, Pb, all of whichaccount for about 41.33%, 9.3%, 3%, 2%, 1% and 1%, respec-tively.37 The above results show that the main components ofRCS y ash and smelting slag produced by different processesare quite different. The primary phases of RCS y ash areCu2(OH)3Cl, C, FeCl2$2H2O and CuS2 owing to the smelting ofcopper scrap. Graphite mainly comes from the charcoal used inthe reduction process. Copper in the RCS y ash is in the phaseof Cu2(OH)3Cl, CuO and Cu. As shown in Fig. 1b, the peakintensity of SiO2, CaCO3 and CaAl2Si2O8$4H2O were observed insmelting slag, because part of the rebrick fell off at the bottomof the furnace. Copper in the smelting slag is in the phase ofCu4O3 and CuO.

The microstructure and compositional distribution of theRCS y ash and smelting slag were further investigated usingSEM and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) mapping. InFig. 1c, the SEM images of RCS y ash showed spherical parti-cles of uneven sizes piled up together. EDX analysis showed thatthe surface of the spherical particles mainly contains C, Ca, O,Zn, Fe, Cu, S, Si and Cl. The EDX elemental maps reveals thatthe compositional distributions of the ve elements (Cu, O, Zn,S, Ca and Al) in RCS y ash are uniform, suggesting a mixedmineral structure. In Fig. 1c, SEM images of the smelting slagshowed a lumpy structure of unequal size with rounded groovesof unequal size on the surface. EDX analysis showed that thesurface of the spherical particles mainly contain Si, O, Ca, Zn,Fe, Cd, Cu, S and Cl. The EDX elemental maps further revealthat the compositional distributions of the three elements (Cu,O and Ca) in the smelting slag are uniform, suggesting a mixedmineral structure.

3.2 Hazardous waste assessment

Leachates from RCS y ash and smelting slag according to HJ/T299-2007 are shown in Table 3. As shown in Table 3, theconcentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in RCS y ash were 12.13, 6.46and 1373.0 mg L�1, respectively. All concentrations exceededthe threshold values of 1.0, 5.0 and 100 mg L�1 for Cd, Pb andZn, respectively. The most signicant leaching toxicity was Znwhich was orders of magnitude higher than Pb and Cd, as wellas Al, Be, In and Se, which were not detected in RCS y ash. Theconcentrations of metal ions in smelting slag were lower thanthe threshold. The results showed that both RCS y ash typesare classied as hazardous waste because of the Cd, Zn and Pbcontamination. Furthermore, the result also suggests that the

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Table 3 Leachates from RCS fly ash and smelting slag according to HJ/T 299-2007 (mg L�1)a

Al As Ba Be Cd Cu Fe Ni Pb Sb Zn Au In Se

RCS y ash ND 0.234 0.38 ND 12.13 27.06 ND 0.191 6.456 0.231 1373.0 0.034 ND NDSmelting slag 2.842 ND 0.756 0.01 0.021 0.251 ND 0.01 0.672 ND 2.031 0.016 0.016 NDThreshold * 5 100 0.02 1 100 * 5 5 5 100 * * 1

a ND ¼ not detected. * No provisions.

Table 4 Leachates from RCS fly ash and smelting slag according to the TCLP (mg L�1)a

Al As Ba Be Cd Cr Cu Fe Ni Pb Sb Zn Au In Se

RCS y ash ND ND ND ND 13.35 ND 554.6 ND ND 211.35 ND 3644.5 0.054 0.02 NDSmelting slag ND ND 1.6 0.15 ND 0.67 6.451 ND 0.08 0.264 0.323 11.27 0.043 ND NDThreshold * 5 100 * 1 5 * * * 5 * * * * 1

a ND ¼ not detected. * No provisions.

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smelting industry and government should focus on hazardouselements other than Zn when recycling RCS y ash.

Table 4 presents leachates from RCS y ash and smeltingslag according to the TCLP. As shown in Table 4, RCS y ash isidentied as hazardous waste owing to the excessive levels of Cdand Pb. The TCLP leaching concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Pb andZn for RCS y ash are 1.6, 13.35, 554.6, 211.35 and3644.5 mg L�1, respectively, and the concentrations of metalions in smelting slag were lower than the threshold. Cd, Zn, Pband Cu showed the most signicant leaching toxicity, and Al,As, Ba, Be, Cr, Fe, Ni, Sb and Se were not detected in RCS y ash.Tables 3 and 4 demonstrate that the concentrations of Cd, Pb,Cu and Zn by HJ/T 299-2007 in RCS y ash were lower thanthose obtained using the TCLP. The results conrmed thatTCLP is much stricter than HJ/T 299-2007, suggesting thatChina should consider stricter regulation protocols for identi-fying hazardous waste when considering the environment andhuman health.

Fig. 2 Fractions of metals contained in RCS fly ash (a) and smeltingslag (b) obtained using the BCR.

3.3 Chemical speciation analysis

Fig. 2 presents the metal chemical speciation values of RCS yash and smelting slag, and Table B in the ESI† provides detaileddata. As shown in Fig. 2a, the residual fraction of Sn and Fe inRCS y ash was almost 100%, while the fractions of Ba, Pb, Cuand Be were 90.97%, 75.51%, 71.78% and 56.36%, respec-tively.38 The contents of Ba, Cd, Au, Se, Ni, Sb and Be were lessthan 1&, as displayed in Table 2. Therefore, the risks associatedwith these seven metals in RCS y ash are insignicant. Thecontents of Cu and Zn are higher than 10% in Table 2. Cu posessignicant environmental and human health risks, although itsresidual fraction was 71.78%. The copper concentration in RCSy ash is relatively high, and its exchangeable and solublefractions are approximately 8.10%. Zn poses a signicant risk asthe sum of exchangeable and soluble fractions and reducibleand oxidizable fractions surpasses 67.4%. Therefore, the risksassociated with Cu and Zn metals in RCS y ash are signicant.Pb poses the highest risk as the sum of its exchangeable and

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

soluble fractions and reducible and oxidizable fractions isapproaching 24.5%. Both levels are consistent with the TCLPresults. Data from Tables 3 and 4 and Fig. 1a and 2b indicatethat Cu, Pb, Cr and Zn are also the primary concerns whendealing with RCS y ash.

For smelting slag (Fig. 2b), most metals are more stable thanin RCS y ash as their residual fractions are higher, with theexception of Fe and Pb. The contents of Cu and Zn are higherthan 1% in Table 2. The residual fraction of Zn in RCS y ashwas only 32.60% but this increased signicantly to 78.63% insmelting slag. Metal mobility increases in the followingsequence: exchangeable and soluble < reducible < oxidizable <residual,39,40 indicating that the mobility of Zn in RCS y ash ismuch higher than that in smelting slag. Conversely, the residual

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Table 5 EDTA- and DTPA-extractable metals in RCS fly ash and smelting slag (mg kg�1)a

Al As Ba Be Cd Cr Cu Fe Ni Pb Sb Sn Tl Zn Au Se

EDTARCS y ash ND ND 4.5 1.5 82.5 ND 7085 ND ND 1001 34.5 ND ND 18 495 40 106.5Smelting slag ND ND ND 1.5 6 ND 3563 ND ND 65.5 ND ND ND 301.5 25 176

DTPARCS y ash ND 8 0.5 0.3 62 ND 2391 ND ND 5.9 0.6 ND ND 8933 3.3 95.8Smelting slag ND 13.2 ND 0.3 0.8 ND 571.9 ND ND 2.2 ND ND ND 22.2 3.2 55.6

a ND ¼ not detected.

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fraction of Fe in RCS y ash signicantly exceeds that insmelting slag (96.4% vs. 64.78%). The contents of Cr, Ni, Pb, Sb,Sn, Tl, Au, Se, Ba, Be and Cd were less than 3%, as shown inTable 2. Therefore, the hazards associated with these 11 metalsin RCS smelting slag are insignicant.

3.4 Bioavailability assessment

The method of EDTA- and/or DTPA-extractions was applied toexamine the metal bioavailability of RCS y ash and smeltingslag.41 As shown in Table 5, Al, Cr, Fe, Ni, Sn and TI were notdetected by either EDTA or DTPA in either residue. Metal levelsfrom the EDTA extraction for RCS y ash and smelting slag wereZn > Cu > Pb > Se > Cd > Au > Sb > Ba > Be and Cu > Zn > Se > Pb >Au > Cd > Ba, respectively. Metal levels from DTPA extractionsfor both residues were Zn > Cu > Se > Cd > As > Pb > Au > Ba > Beand Cu > Se > Zn > As > Au > Pb > Cd > Be, respectively. Cu andZn are considered to be the most signicant bio-hazards. CuEDTA extractions for both RCS y ash and smelting slagproduce as much as 7085 and 3563 mg kg�1, respectively, whilefor Zn the EDTA extractions obtained were 18 495 and 301.5 mgkg�1, respectively. The Cu and Zn bio-hazards of RCS y ash aremuch higher than smelting slag regardless of the extractionmethodology, EDTA or DPTA. In addition, EDTA extractable Znand Cu exceeded the DTPA extractable Zn and Cu (Table 5). Thebio-hazards of Cd and Se also cause concern because EDTA andDTPA extractable concentrations of RCS y ash and smeltingslag were the third highest values obtained. Meanwhile, thelevels of EDTA and DTPA extractable Ba, Be, As, Cr, Ni, Sb andAu in RCS y ash and smelting slag were also low; for example,DTPA extractable As from RCS y ash was only 8 mg kg�1. Theabove described results suggest that Cu and Zn in RCS y ashand smelting slag pose signicant bio-hazardous risks anddirectly impact the vegetation that surrounds the stacks.

4. Conclusions

Reclaimed copper smelting y ash and smelting slag aregenerated during the reclaimed copper smelting process andcontain a large amount of valuable metals such as Cu and Zn,which have a certain recovery value. In this study, the metalmobility and toxicity of RCS y ash and smelting slag wereanalyzed. The results showed that RCS y ash and smelting slagcontain high contents of Cu, Zn and Fe and trace amounts of

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heavy metals, such as Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Ni, As, Pb, Au, Se and Sb.RCS y ash is classied as hazardous waste in both China andthe USA as the toxic leaching concentrations of Pb and Cdexceed the thresholds of 5 and 1 mg L�1. Cu and Zn containedin these two slags can easily be released into the environment.Additionally, RCS y ash and smelting slag also show signicantbiohazardous potential as the EDTA- and DTPA-extractable Zn,Cu and Se of these two residues are considerably high. Theabove described results not only provide a certain referencebasis for the eld of RCS y ash and smelting slag, but will alsoenable recycled copper smelting enterprises and governmentdepartments to better understand RCS y ash and smelting slagand the associated levels of risk. Recycling copper smeltingenterprises should consider the leaching toxicity and bioavail-ability when stacking RCS y ash and smelting slag.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conicts to declare.


This work was supported by ‘Sichuan Province Science andTechnology plan-Key Research and Development’(19ZDYF0911), the ‘National Natural Science Foundation ofChina’ (21806132), the ‘National Key R&D Program of China’(2018YFC1903500), the ‘Science and Technology Program ofGuizhou Province-China’ ([2019]2863), the ‘Key R & D Programof Guangxi Province’ (AB18126088), and the ‘Science andTechnology Project of Mianyang City, Sichuan Province(2019YFZJ014)’.


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