
MIPC PRESS Merritt Island Presbyterian Church

December 2018

Pastor’s Page

Dear friends,

I pulled an “angel” off the Christmas tree in our narthex after

Thanksgiving and read, “Boy. 3 years old. Toy. Likes Thomas the

Train.” And I remembered my youngest son, James, and his

infatuation with “Thomas the Tank Engine.” We decorated his bedroom that

he shared with his older brother with a “Thomas” wallpaper border and

trademark Thomas blue paint for the walls. His bedspread wasn’t Thomas,

however; it was “James” the train from the Thomas the Tank Engine storybook

and TV series.

How can I still remember all that from more than 20 years ago?!

The answer comes quickly: the memory comes from the love and intimate

knowledge of a parent for their child. This is a love that helps us imagine the

love our Heavenly Father has for us—not because we have done anything to

earn it, but because of his grace. We want to give our children good gifts,

Amen? James loved “Thomas,” and I wanted to bless him with “Thomas” every

night as he fell asleep and every morning when he woke up and his eyes took in

“Thomas” on his bedroom walls. It was a forever reminder of my love for him to

grant him a good gift--and all he had to do was ask! As Jesus asks in Matthew

7:9-11, "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he

asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know

how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in

heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

Yes, we have a God who knows us intimately. Knowing our need for a Savior to

redeem us from our sins, He sent His Son to live among us as one of us, taking

on humble, human form. Our Emmanuel is the greatest gift for all.

Pastor’s Page

Even though I don’t know the child’s name, God knows this little 3-year-old boy

from the MIPC Preschool. He knows that he likes “Thomas the Train” and that his

family doesn’t have money to spend on expensive toys for Christmas. The Lord

wants to bless him and other needy children and families at our preschool through

us and our generous giving. When we give, we do so with joy and gratitude,

remembering all that God has done for us and trusting in His unfailing Word, that

whenever we seek him for good gifts from above, such as the gift of our salvation,

our Father in heaven desires to give it to us. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek

and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)

Thank you to all who took angels off the tree and purchased food for the

Thanksgiving baskets and presents for Christmas for families at the Preschool!

May God richly bless you as you seek to serve Him in Christ’s name, by serving your

neighbors in need.

In God’s love and peace,

Pastor Karen


November was an eventful month at MIPC: communion,

congregational meeting, and our children & youth performing

arts groups, Kids Klub and One Purpose, singing in worship.

We are grateful to the young people and their families for

blessing our worship with their music and sweet spirit, and to the One Purpose

youth who also helped with scripture readings for Christ the King Sunday on Nov. 25.

ADVENT SERVICES begin on Dec. 2 with a communion service led by

Rev. David Lindemer from Pineda Presbyterian Church. The Praise

Band will offer special music on Dec. 9 and our Chancel Choir will

present the cantata, Peace Has Come, on Dec. 16. On Dec. 23, the

Preschool children will sing in worship and participate in our very

popular Paper Bag Pageant. On Christmas Eve, we will celebrate the

birth of our Lord with a beautiful candlelight communion service of

Lessons and Carols at 7 PM.

We are grateful to our Advent candlelight readers:

Advent 1: June Hutchinson and Heidi Dutter

Advent 2: Sonny and Linda Whitten

Advent 3: Carol Illinik and Jill Moore

Advent 4: Pat Smith and Pam Poland

Christmas Eve: The Fjeldheim Family

The Worship Committee wishes all MIPC friends and family a wonderful, blessed

Christmas filled with joy and love!

Thank You/Stephen Ministry

Dear MIPC family,

We would like you to know how much we

appreciated the deacons giving the reception for

us on Oct. 7. We’ll really miss all of you.

Sara & Toxey Hall


On behalf of myself and the 40 individuals that were able to celebrate

Thanksgiving with us at our place this holiday season, I just wanted to tell

you that we appreciate your magnanimous gesture of good faith in letting

us borrow the tables and chairs necessary to facilitate our event and we

cannot thank you enough. Your organization has always been very good to

us and if we can ever reciprocate that please reach out anytime. We have

some strong bodies and are very willing to be of service.




Stephen Ministers are laypeople trained in the

congregation by their Stephen Leaders to provide one-on-one

Christ-centered care to hurting people. These are people with a

compassionate heart who have been equipped with the skills to listen,

encourage, and offer support when someone is in need. Those needs may

include experiencing grief, divorce, cancer, financial difficulties,

hospitalization, chronic illness, job loss, disabilities, loneliness, or other life

struggles. A Stephen Minister typically has one care receiver at a time and

meets with that person once a week.

MIPC has a strong Stephen Minister group working in partnership with

Grace United Methodist Church. If you or someone you know could benefit

from a Stephen Minister, please contact either Pastor Karen or Craig Smoot

(321-223-4841). All conversations are held in strictest confidence.


School Hygiene Drive: Thank you all for your generous donations to this very

successful project. Here is a note from the Brevard Schools Foundation: “I

wanted to thank you and your team for supporting Shop from the Heart, our

giveaway event to benefit homeless students in Brevard Public Schools. On Nov.

15, we welcomed nearly 100 school professionals from across the entire county

so that they could pick up supplies for the homeless children in their classrooms.

In total, we distributed $76,000 worth of school supplies, hygiene products, and

brand-new clothing. Because of your hygiene collection, we were able to help

countless homeless children come to school feeling confident, healthy, and

clean. Thank you for helping to make their lives a little brighter.”


Canned Food Drive – The canned food drive is ongoing! Please

bring canned foods each week to the box in the narthex. These

will be delivered to and gratefully accepted by the Sharing Center

of Central Brevard. And remember, if you ever want to do a

donation to the Sharing Center “in lieu of” flowers, we have a lovely display for

the sanctuary to represent your donation!

2 Cents Per Meal – This ongoing ministry benefits local and

national hunger programs through the Central Florida Presbytery.

On the second Sunday (Dec. 9), your donations may be placed in

one of the cans in the narthex or in the specially marked pew

envelope. There are cans available to take home if you wish to

do the collection at home each day. It’s a wonderful habit to develop that will

help feed the hungry!

Christmas Joy Offering—On December 23rd we will receive the annual PC(USA)

Christmas Joy Offering, which provides assistance to current and retired church

workers in their time of need, and develops our future leaders at Presbyterian-

related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. For more

information visit

Christmas Eve Special Offering—On Christmas Eve, we collect a loose offering to

benefit certain special missions as designated by Session.

Alternative Christmas Giving—What do you get for the person who has

everything?? The perfect gift is a donation to one of our two designated

charities this year: Church World Service and Sharing Center of Central Brevard.

Just fill out the form on the next page and drop it at the church along with your

donation. We will provide a lovely card that you can give to your recipient, or we

will mail it to them for you. A great way to combine giving AND receiving for the


2018 Merritt Island Presbyterian Church Alternative Christmas Giving

Benefitting Church World Service and Sharing Center of Central Brevard


Donation from:


Phone ______________________ E-Mail _________________________________________

We will provide an attractive card for you to give to your recipient, or we can mail it directly to them if you wish. Please check one option: ____ Please give me the card and I will personally deliver it. ____ Please mail the card directly to my recipient (fill out address below)

Recipient: (Name) ___________________________________________________






Thank you!

Donation amount: _______________________ Benefitting:

___ Church World Service ___ Sharing Center of Central Brevard ___ Both (evenly split) ___ Both (split as follows:


Payment Options:

Check (Payable to MIPC)


Mission / News

Brevard Indian River Presbyterians (BIRP) Mission Week February 9-17, 2019 We are looking forward to learning more about Madagascar in this third and final year of our focus on that impoverished but joyful African island nation. We are waiting to see how their recent election turned out.

The traditional kickoff potluck supper will be at Pineda Presbyterian at 6PM Saturday, February 9 and MIPC will have speakers at one of those Sundays (still to be determined) and also at Big Girls on Wednesday, February 13th at 10:30 and an optional lunch afterwards . We will keep you posted. Perhaps we can even have a speaker on Tuesday, February 12th in the early evening after a potluck.

Our keynote speaker is a Malagasy woman, Pastor Perline Cooper, who currently lives in New York. She will discuss the horrifying issue of human trafficking and how it devastates many in Madagascar. This problem is worldwide and also prominent in Central Florida as we know.

If you would like to help with any of the mission events please let Cheryl Mahan (321-431-9623) know. And please make a point to join us at some or all of the events. It will be worth your time.

It will not be easy to listen to Pastor Cooper. But in the words of the great William Wilberforce, the Englishman responsible for the slave trade being made illegal in the British Empire with the Slave Trade Act of 1807: “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”


We are certainly sad to be saying “goodbye” to Travis and Kelly Franklin and their children Matthew, Ashleigh and Luke. Travis’ job with FWC is taking the family to Tallahassee at the end of December. Travis grew up in this church and he has served as an elder; Kelly has been our bookkeeper for several years; and both have given of themselves to MIPC in countless ways. They will be truly missed. We thank them for their years of faithful service and wish God’s abundant blessings on their family in this new chapter!



Our MIPC Preschool is doing wonderfully. We are getting the

front building ready for our new office, and converting the

present office into another classroom.

We will host our Christmas staff party on Dec. 4, in case

anyone would like to send the teachers a card. We will have Friends and Family

Chapel on Dec. 12 at 10:30 a.m in the sanctuary. We will be acting out the Christmas

story for the children, their families and friends. Our congregation is invited to join

us! Afterwards, we will enjoy cookies and punch.

On Friday, Dec. 21, we will have Breakfast with Santa at 9:30 a.m. This is for our

Preschool and VPK children only.

The MIPC Preschool will be closed on Dec. 24 and 25, Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, 2019.

Have a blessed holiday!

Tammy Lewis, Preschool Director

Pat Smith, Preschool Committee Chair


JOYFUL RINGERS: Handbell rehearsals continue on Wednesdays at 6 PM, with the

new name of Joyful Ringers, under the direction of Maryrose Beerman. The Joyful

Ringers will ring in worship on Christmas Eve at 7:00 PM. If you are interested in

ringing with us, whether a novice or experienced ringer, we have a spot for you!

CHANCEL CHOIR: Director Chad McClellan continues our Wednesday night

rehearsals at 7:00 PM. Mark your calendars for our Cantata, Peace Has Come, during

worship on Dec. 16! For our continued one-service Sundays, the Chancel Choir will

offer an anthem each week. We welcome new and returning members of the choir,

so please feel free to come to rehearsals and bring a friend!

PRAISE BAND: Rehearsals continue on Tuesday nights at 6 PM, twice per month (In

December, the 4th & 18th). Our special music presentation is on Sunday, Dec. 9, and

the band will also be supporting the choir’s cantata on Dec. 16. If you like to sing

contemporary Christian music or play an instrument, we would love to have you join

us! Each Sunday during our 10 AM service, the Praise Band provides music for the

Offertory and leads the praise songs. For more information, contact Leslie Mitchell.


Do You Have Room?

“And she gave birth to her firstborn, a Son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7

As these familiar words are read every Christmas, we repeat them in our minds.

Having heard them so often, we know them by heart. And every year, pastors try to come up with novel thoughts about an age-old story. Sadly, as much as we love to hear the story, we too often put it out of our thoughts as soon as we put up the calendar for the New Year. Like the infamous innkeeper, we cannot find room for the newborn Baby.

We are creatures of habit, and it seems that it’s quite difficult to change old habits, most of them not very beneficial. If we keep our focus on that simple message, though, we might be able to create new habits. Instead of hurriedly scanning our devotions for the day, we might make it a habit to remind ourselves that it is God speaking to us through his Word.

Instead of uttering a quick, “Morning. How are you?” we might actually take a few minutes to wait for the answer and offer encouragement and maybe even pray with a colleague, friend, or family member. Instead of setting our own schedules, we might ask God to teach us to number our days so that we can go ahead in his wisdom (Psalm 90:12). What other good habits could we establish if we focused on “our Lord Jesus Christ, [who] though he was rich, yet for [our] sake[s] became poor, so that [we] through his poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9)? Or how about just a serious focus on: “Jesus is Lord!”

Do you have room in your heart? By his grace, God will warm our cold hearts and give us the desire to be his stewards with room in our day to serve him, room in our finances to give what is needed, and room in our lives for him to work his will in and through us.

Our Lord has been born. He came to us in flesh once. He has promised that He will come again. JESUS IS LORD!

My the peace of Christmas open your heart,

Pastor Jim

Member Spotlight

Getting to Know…. DOT CORBETT Dot Corbett was born in Meridian, Mississippi,

on July 5, 1936. Christened Dorothy Nell Miles, Dottie

had an active and happy childhood with music playing

(pun intended) a major emphasis within her family. Her

father played alto saxophone and clarinet, her younger

brother also played clarinet, and her mother was the

church choir director and a popular soloist for local

functions. Dorothy plays piano, and, until recently,

accompanied the Martin Anderson Senior Chorus.

Dot spent most of her life working in the secretarial field. Before moving to

this area, she was the Administrative Manager of the First United Methodist Church

of Gainesville for 18 years, then taught Special Ed for five years. However, she feels

that her life’s greatest achievement has been to follow God’s direction to help

others who are less fortunate. One way she has accomplished this is by working at

the Central Brevard Sharing Center.

Dot is proud of her family and their accomplishments. Dot met her late

husband Wayne in 1958. They had no children together, but she and her first

husband produced two girls and a boy. They, in turn, have given Dot six grands and

four great grands. Daughter Margie, a Southwest Airlines pilot, was a member of

the first class of women to graduate from the Air Force Academy.

As a proper Southern-born belle, Dot’s favorite food is red beans and rice with

lots of spice. Her hobbies are playing music and enjoying art.

Dot has one thing left on her bucket list; she wants to have a family reunion

with EVERYONE attending, something never done.

Carol (C.J.) Illinik

Pet Corner—Mystery Baby

Mystery Baby

CAN YOU GUESS? Call the church office

(321-452-5689) or email [email protected] with

your guess.

LAST MONTH’S PHOTO: No one correctly guessed, but this little cutie is Heidi Dutter!

Pet Corner: Each month we feature a pet from our congregation. Contact the church office with a

photo and some fun details about YOUR pet!

Hi, my name is Kisha Bear May Moore. I belong to Jill Moore and am 4 1/2 years old. I am a Shiba Inu, which means “Bushwood Dog” in Japanese. In fact, I am their national dog! Originally bred to hunt, my DNA can be traced back to 300 B.C. They call me Doge! I have also been nicknamed “the cat dog” as I am very independent and aloof; only after 4 years did I let my fur-parents lavish me with good rubbins (but no lapsitting for me). I am way too smart for my own good, and I can be quite stubborn. I have a double coat, and I blow one of them twice a year. (Mom loves

her Shark vacuum!) I am not supposed to like water but a squirting hose is my favorite toy. Fetching is pretty much beneath me, but plastic balls, the larger the better, are great to bounce off my nose when I play soccer with my fur-mom. I expect to have a very large territory, so I take very long walks, the more the better.. and yes, I have allowed mom to think she’s taught me how to be a good dog, but I am by nature, quiet and cautious, like my closest DNA ancestor—the wolf. I am certainly quirky, and my furever family seem to like me that way!

Kids Klub is thriving! The children are hard at work

getting ready for their Christmas show, “Wrapping

All the Way.” In Tuneville, where the townspeople

are known as Tunies, their leader, King Dazzlebaum,

has declared that every day is Christmas! The

conversation is loaded with Christmas-isms and the

air is merry and bright as the Christmas extravaganza

-“Tinsel Mania”- is about to take place.

Save the dates: Dec. 1 & 2 at 4:00 p.m. You don’t

want to miss it!

If you know anyone who is interested in this amazing

ministry please contact our Performing Arts Director,

Mary Lou Tipton at

321-452-5948 or [email protected], or

Pam Poland, Faith Formation Ministries Associate at 321-452-5689 ext. 104 or

[email protected]. Information and registration forms are also available on our


Faith Formation Ministries

One Purpose Productions is doing great! The youth are hard at work getting ready for

their Christmas show, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” In this hilarious

Christmas classic, a couple struggling to put on a church Christmas pageant is faced

with casting the Herdman kids--probably the most inventively awful kids in history.

You won't believe the mayhem - and the fun - when the Herdmans collide with the

Christmas story head on! This delightful comedy is adapted from the

best-selling Young Adult book.

Save the dates: Dec. 8 & 9 at 4:00 p.m. You don’t want to miss it!

If you know anyone who is interested in this wonderful ministry please contact our

Performing Arts Director, Mary Lou Tipton at 321-452-5948 or [email protected],

or Pam Poland, Faith Formation Ministries Associate at 321-452-5689 ext. 104 or

[email protected]. Information and registration forms are also available on our


Faith Formation Ministries

Faith Formation Ministries

Adult Faith Enrichment Class Session Room

Sunday Mornings 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.

Join Craig Smoot and Jim Crawford for an

Advent study beginning December 2.

Big Girls Bible Study Session Room

with Carolyn Crockett

Wednesday Mornings, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Wednesdays are for “Big Girls Only” - women of all ages

that like to study the Bible with a little humor, and a

little appreciation for the “real life/adults only” stories

of the Bible. Come laugh, ask your questions, and be

blessed by an in-depth study with a circle of friends.

Our Fall-tastic Celebration was a huge success! So much fun was had by everyone!

A big thank you to all our volunteers! Here are some pictures from the event to enjoy!

Faith Formation Ministries

Faith Formation Ministries

Faith Formation Ministries

Women’s Ministry

We will have a Women’s Holiday Cookie Social on

Saturday, December 15th, 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the Activities Room. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season

and bring 3 dozen of your favorite cookie recipe for an after-noon of Fun and Fellowship. Punch and light Hors d’oeuvres

will be served.

Stay Tuned: We will have another “Girls Night Out” event coming soon.

Date, Activity and Location to be announced.

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS: 4 Brian McMaster 7 Matt Myrick 9 Suzanne Larsen 10 Delaney McMaster 11 Heidi Dutter 12 Cheryl Mahan 14 Bob Erb 15 Shirley Ruch 17 Jane Baxter 19 Kelsey Stalnaker 22 Joan Milvae 22 Sue Sakala 24 Tom Perez 27 Tyler Johnson 29 Leslie Neihouse 30 Kamran Sarkarati 31 Julie Hill 31 Craig Hill DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES: 4 Elaine & Rich Larkin 5 Bill & Gerry Raines 11 Bob & Joan Milvae 19 Tom & Mary Jane Page 20 Carl & Carolyn Crockett 22 Wally & Barbara Finney 29 Brian & Sarah Finney

BUDGET REPORT YTD as of 10/31/18

Actual Revenue: $190,184 Budgeted : $236,686 Actual Expenses: $220,882 Budgeted: $229,431


December 13

Birthdays & Anniversaries

The MIPC Press is printed by the Merritt Island Presbyterian Church, 600 S. Tropical Trail, Merritt Island, Florida 32952.

Website address:

Rev. Karen Crawford Pastor Rev. Dr. Jim Crawford Parish Associate Pam Poland Faith Formation Ministries Associate Leslie Mitchell Secretary, Praise Band & Performing Arts Music Director Maryrose Beerman Organist and Handbell Director Kelly Franklin Bookkeeper Tammy Lewis Preschool Director Chad McClellan Chancel Choir Director MaryLou Tipton Performing Arts Director John Heenan Sexton Leslie & Carl Ritter & Crew Newsletter Coordinators

Each month, we feature an “Eco-Friendly Tip!” It’s our way of helping conserve resources and preserve our beautiful Brevard beaches and waterways. This month’s tip:

We all get lots of boxes in the mail during the holidays! Be sure you are recycling your shipping materials: Packing and wrapping paper can be re-used, or put in the church paper recycling bin. Styrofoam pieces can go to Publix’s foam recycling container. Plastic wrap and deflated bubble wrap and “air pillows” can go with your plastic bags back to the grocery store’s plastic bag recycle bin. And the flattened cardboard can go in your own recycling container. Thanks for keeping these eco tips in mind over the holidays!

Do you have a tip to share? Contact [email protected]

Please contact the church office if we can assist you in any way.

Office extensions: Office phone number: 321-452-5689 101: Reception Preschool phone number: 321-453-1640 102: Leslie Mitchell Office fax number: 321-454-4988 103: Kelly Franklin Send E-mail to: [email protected] 104: Pam Poland Preschool email: [email protected] 105: Karen Crawford 201: Preschool

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Kids Klub Show 4 PM

2 ADVENT 1 Guest Pastor Rev. David


Communion in Worship

Kids Klub Show 4 PM


4 CFP, Orlando

4:00: Kids Klub perform at Courtenay Springs, cast party afterwards

6:00: Praise Band Rehearsal 6:00: Preschool Staff Party

5 9:30: Preschool/VPK Chapel 9:30: Big Girls Bible Study 4:00: One Purpose Productions 6:00: Joyful Ringers 7:00: Chancel Choir

6 10:00: Preschool practice in

Sanctuary 11:30: Staff luncheon 5:30: Bible Study in

Activities Room 6:30: Square Dancing



One Purpose Show 4 PM

9 ADVENT 2 Commitment Sunday Praise Band leads music in


2 Cents Per Meal Offering

4:00: One Purpose Show

10 11 12:00: Church Staff Christmas



9:30: Big Girls Bible Study 10:30: Heavenly Handmade

party at JoJo’s 10:30: Preschool Christmas

Story in Sanctuary 4:00: One Purpose cast party 6:00: Joyful Ringers 7:00: Chancel Choir


10:30: Staff meeting 12:30: BIRP at Eastminster

Pres 5:30: Bible Study in

Activities Room 6:30: Square Dancing


11:30: Preschool Thanksgiving Lunch

5:00: Wedding Rehearsal

15 Lifeline Health Screening

in Fellowship Hall

Cantata rehearsal: 9:00 AM: Instrumentalists 10:00 AM: Choir 3:00: Women’s Cookie Social

16 ADVENT 3 Choir Cantata

1:00: Session


18 6:30: Deacons in Annex

19 9:30: Big Girls Bible Study 12:00: Men’s Luncheon 6:00: Joyful Ringers 7:00: Chancel Choir

20 10:30: Staff meeting 5:30: Bible Study in

Activities Room 6:30: Square Dancing


9:30: Preschool Breakfast with


Last Day of School


23 ADVENT 4 Paper Bag Pageant/ 30 Preschool Kids

24 CHRISTMAS EVE 7:00: Communion 31

Candlelight service



27 6:30: Square Dancing




Sunday School: 9:00 AM Worship: 10:00 AM

Church Office Closed
