  • 7/24/2019 Mentoring by an ET Race (Video Transcript) - K.cassidy


    Video Transcript

    Mentoring by An ET Race

    Alex Collier - Project Camelot LA Awake and Aware Conerence

    !eptember "#$ "##%

    rom ProjectCamelot &ebsite

    'ormally t(e transcripts t(at (ad any parts in t(em t(at (ad been di)c*lt or t(e

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    4*ncan 506inioan and 4a2id Corso

    7ERR8 CA!!948 :7C;entlemen$ Alex Collier3 ?appla*se@

  • 7/24/2019 Mentoring by an ET Race (Video Transcript) - K.cassidy


    ALE C5LL9ER :ACreat3 9 want to t(ank all t(e

    speakers3 9 was at (ome yesterday watc(ing t(e streaming and >od$ t(ey were

    j*st333 yo* know$ George Green$ and j*st all o t(e speakers - j*st antastic3 T(ey

    gi2e so m*c(3

    9 know t(at all o yo* (ere gi2e so m*c( and yo* try in yo*r own way to s(are t(e


    9 mean$ t(ere0s two ways to be t(e Lig(t;

    one is to be t(e candle

    t(e ot(er is t(e mirror t(at reects t(e candle

    &e li2e in an extraordinary time on Eart(3 9 mean$ absol*tely extraordinary3 9n t(e

    next se2eral years$ yo*0re all going to t(ink yo*0re li2ing in a science /ction mo2ie3

    8o* are li2ing in a science /ction mo2ie$ except it isn0t a mo2ie$ it0s reality3

    9 yo* want inormation on me$ 9 t(ink t(ere0s some on t(e &eb$ bot( pro and con3

    90m j*st going to get rig(t into it3 90m going to gi2e yo* some *pdates and t(en we0re

    going to talk abo*t some t(ings t(at 9 was speci/cally asked to speak to yo* abo*t

    rom Morenae3

    Einstein said; 8o* cannot sol2e t(e problems o t(e world wit( t(e same t(inking

    t(at created t(em$ and t(at is no more rele2ant t(an it is today3 &e (a2e enormo*s

    problems$ or c(allenges - 9 s(o*ld say; c(allenges - t(at take enormo*s amo*nts o

    brainstorming and sol*tions3

    T(e di)c*lty in trying to sol2e some o t(e iss*es t(at we (a2e is t(e act t(at we

    do not (a2e all t(e data3 T(e two gentlemen t(at were *p (ere prior to$ all*ded to

    t(at3 !o did Robert 4ean1 Mr3 >reen1 .ill and 7erry (a2e1 so many o t(e speakers$ as

    we keep trying to go ort( and gat(er all t(e inormation to try to sol2e t(is o*t3

    9$ like many o t(e ot(er speakers and eac( o yo*$ (a2e a small piece o t(e p*DDle3

    'ow$ we0re going to talk abo*t some o t(at today3

    9 know t(at t(ere0s an aw*l lot o talk abo*t 4isclos*re3 9 know t(at in t(e

    Exopolitics comm*nity$ t(ere0s a great deal o talk abo*t 4isclos*re3

  • 7/24/2019 Mentoring by an ET Race (Video Transcript) - K.cassidy


    9 personally don0t belie2e t(e nited !tates go2ernment0s e2er going to admit it3 9t0ll

    probably come rom anot(er co*ntry$ 9ndia or C(ina$ /rst3 5r t(e extraterrestrials

    t(emsel2es are going to s(ow t(emsel2es and j*st say; =ey$ t(is c(arade0s gone on

    long eno*g($ w(ic( is probably t(e (ig(est probability at t(is point3 &e will talk

    abo*t some o t(at today3

    9 (ad (oned my presentation or an (o*r beca*se t(at0s w(at 9 t(o*g(t 9 (ad$ so in

    talking abo*t sol2ing t(e problems$ at t(e 2ery top o o*r power str*ct*re$ t(e

    planet Eart( li2es in a pyramidal power str*ct*re3

    Extraterrestrial ci2iliDations no longer *se t(at power str*ct*re - t(e pyramidal

    power structure3They have been using a holographic e2er since t(e end o

    t(e 5rion &ars - w(ic( wo*ld be in o*r linear time abo*t FG#$### years ago3

    !ince t(en$ most o t(e ci2iliDed$ bene2olent ci2iliDations$ incl*ding some o t(e

    rog*e regressi2e gro*ps - and t(ey are a minority - (a2e been *sing a (olograp(ic

    social str*ct*re$ and we0re going to talk abo*t t(at today3

    &e0re also going to talk abo*t creating a new Domain of Knowing$ a space in

    w(ic( we can create an opport*nity or Eart( to be mentored$ beca*se we need

    some (elp (ere3 &e are a little bit in o2er o*r (eads3 ?la*g(ter@

    !o$ it takes me a little w(ile to warm *p (ere1 90m a little r*sty3 ?la*g(ter@

    As o t(e last se2eral days$ m*c( o t(e Cassini project(as been classi/ed3 T(e

    reason or t(at is beca*se o all t(e mot(er s(ip acti2ity t(at (as now been /lmed

    and doc*mented in t(e !at*rnian system$ aro*nd !at*rn3

    &e also (a2e$ a million-and-a-(al miles oH o t(e !o*t( Pole$ a "#-mile crat t(at

    (as sat and is stationary3 'A!A and ot(er organiDations0 telescopes (a2e been

    monitoring it or eig(t mont(s3 T(ey watc( its trajectory to *s3 9t is now stationary

    and t(ere are crat going in and o*t o t(is "#-mile str*ct*re3 9 don0t know any more

    abo*t it t(an t(at3

    9 also want yo* to know t(at t(ere is a 2ery large planetary str*ct*re coming in$ IJ

    degrees rig(t ascension o 'ept*ne0s orbit3 9t s(o*ld be 2isible sometime in t(e next

    year :"#I#

  • 7/24/2019 Mentoring by an ET Race (Video Transcript) - K.cassidy


    'ow$ it goes ar deeper t(an spooking t(e (erd3 T(at is really not t(e intention (ere

    at all3

    T(e intention (ere$ and w(at0s really been going on$ is simply t(is; .ob 4ean made a

    reerence yesterday to almost eeling sorry or t(e go2ernment abo*t t(e sit*ation

    t(at t(ey0re in3 9 wo*ld (a2e to conc*r wit( (im on t(at$ in t(e act t(at t(e

    go2ernment made some treaties$ c*t some deals or tec(nology$ in exc(ange or

    experimentation and obser2ation333 and t(ey were tricked3

    T(ey really did not know w(at t(ey were getting t(emsel2es into$ and now t(e (and

    (as been dealt3

    T(ere are many people wit(in t(e 65 comm*nity t(at say t(at all t(e

    extraterrestrials are bene2olent3 Ladies and >entlemen$ it is in my own personal

    opinion$ and based on t(e knowledge t(at 9 (a2e$ t(at t(at is completely

    irresponsible to say3 ?appla*se@

    &e li2e in a d*ality$ beca*se i it was all lo2e and lig(t$ we wo*ld not be going down

    t(is road to global ascism and t(e Powers T(at .e wanting to eliminate two-t(irds o

    t(e world0s pop*lation3 T(at is not lo2e and lig(t3

    !o$ we (a2e a lot o t(ings to co2er$ and a lot o t(ings are going to be occ*rring3

    T(e economic sit*ation is w(at it is3 Mr3 >reen ga2e a antastic presentationyesterday3 T(ere is absol*tely not(ing t(at 9 disagree wit( (im abo*t3 =e made a

    reerence to b*ying gold and sil2er3 9 t(ink t(at0s a really good idea3 =owe2er$ yo*

    cannot eat gold and sil2er3

    9t is imperati2e t(at yo* start storing ood and 9 will tell yo* simply w(y3 9 t(ey do

    cras( t(e dollar$ w(ic( t(ey are going to do in order to create a global c*rrency and

    a global go2ernment$ yo* won0t be able to b*y ood3 =e made reerence to t(e

    c*rrency being de2al*ed six-to-one in t(e next se2eral mont(s3 >asoline will go to

    KIJ$ K"# a gallon3 Tr*ckers will not be able to deli2er prod*cts3 &(at yo* (a2e is

    w(at yo*0ll (a2e3

    9t is imperati2e to$ i yo* can$ start orming wit(in yo*r comm*nity$ comm*nity

    gardens$ /g*ring it o*t3 8o* need to start talking abo*t t(is3

    9 know most people are simply not open to it3 *st do t(e best yo* can3 9 mean$ we0re

    all /g(ting t(e /g(t3

  • 7/24/2019 Mentoring by an ET Race (Video Transcript) - K.cassidy


    'ow$ America is on t(e ront line o t(is and t(e reason is simple3 America created a

    new 4omain o 7nowing3 America was created to get rid o t(e aristocracy o t(e 5ld

    &orld$ to create somet(ing new$ to create indi2id*al liberties$ to create personal

    reedoms3 T(at was ne2er known in t(e world beore3

    &e (a2e t(at$ and beca*se o o*r apat(y$ we (a2e lost 2irt*ally all o t(ose3 9t is no

    one else0s a*lt3 9t is o*r own a*lt3

    &e (a2e known since T(e !ixties t(at t(e C9A (as been tra)cking narcotics3 &e

    know t(is3 &e (a2e known t(at t(e C9A (as been assassinating and o2ert(rowing


    &e (a2e known t(at t(ere0s been a co2er-*p o w(at t(ere is on t(e Moon and inside

    o*r !olar !ystem3 &e know t(is3 &e know t(at t(ere is extraterrestrial lie3 &e know

    t(is3 T(at is no longer t(e disc*ssion3 &e know t(at t(e go2ernment (as become


    T(e people - t(e personages - t(at r*le t(e planet are not *s3 T(ey are not (*man

    beings3 And 9 will say t(is wit( my 2ery last breat(; T(ey are not *s3 ?appla*se@

    'ow$ w(at (appened was t(at t(ey took o2er beca*se t(ey t(ink (olograp(ically3 9t

    was 2ery easy to get aro*nd t(e pyramidal power str*ct*re on Eart( beca*se it0s

    completely obsolete e2eryw(ere else o*t t(ere3

    !o$ i yo* come in *sing a (olograp($ *sing (olograp(ic t(inking$ w(at yo* do is yo*

    create yo*r str*ct*re e2eryw(ere so no matter w(at (appens$ w(et(er one gro*p

    gets taken o*t$ anot(er gro*p gets taken o*t$ is gone - t(e ot(er components are

    still t(ere to rise *p and still manage and control$ beca*se eac( o t(ese

    components (a2e a pict*re o t(e w(ole3

    T(ey (a2e all t(e tec(nology and e2eryt(ing t(ey need to contin*e to control and

    dominate and brainwas(3 &e0re o2er o*r (eads (ere$ b*t we0re not alone3

    'ow$ w(at (appened was t(ey took o2er3 9t was 2ery easy to take o2er t(e

    go2ernments; 8o* dangle tec(nology$ yo* dangle knowledge$ yo* dangle ancient(istory$ and yo* gi2e t(em t(is tec(nology in secret3 8o* (a2e it3 &e0re going to gi2e

    it to yo*3 T(e nited !tates o America made t(is mistake3

    !o$ .ob 4ean$ again1 Mr3 4ean made a reerence yesterday to t(e missing trillions o

    dollars rom t(e 6ederal Reser2e3 9 (a2e been told it0s K" trillion dollars$ is w(at

    t(ey carry on t(eir books$ and 2irt*ally most o t(at (as gone into t(e secret space

    program and t(e coloniDation o o*r !olar !ystem3

  • 7/24/2019 Mentoring by an ET Race (Video Transcript) - K.cassidy


    8o* can c(oose to belie2e t(at or not3 9t doesn0t matter and it doesn0t c(ange t(e

    reality o it3

    !o$ w(at (appened was$ t(e pirates took o2er t(e s(ip3 T(e go2ernments$ realiDing

    t(at t(ey (ad all t(is tec(nology and t(at t(ey were a t(o*sand years more

    ad2anced t(an we were$ instead o telling e2eryone; =ey$ we (a2e a problem (ere$

    and standing tall and doing t(e rig(t t(ing$ t(ey joined t(e pirates3

    &e are literally only now$ as passengers on t(e s(ip$ /nding o*t and realiDing t(at

    we02e been (ijacked3 T(at0s t(e mo2ement3 And many people are going to (a2e a

    2ery di)c*lt time w(en t(ey realiDe t(at reality is not at all w(at t(ey t(ink it is or

    w(at t(ey t(o*g(t it was3 E2en t(ose o *s w(o (a2e been exposed to t(is or many$

    many years (a2e +5( s(itN, moments3 ?la*g(ter@ 9t0s impossible not to$ yo* knowB

    8es$ o*r politicians sold o*t3 9t was easy to corr*pt t(em3 ?sig(s@ &e (a2e an

    enormo*s mess3 T(ey0re st*ck in t(e middle as well3

    52er t(e next year$ year and a (al$ t(ere0re going to be so many c(anges3 America

    is t(e ocal point (ere o t(is and t(e reason or t(at is beca*se Americans$ despite

    o*r ed*cational system$ are still 2ery smart3 &e are 2ery able to t(ink o*t o t(e box3

    &e are excellent problem-sol2ers and we are armed to t(e teet(3 T(ey constantly

    will (a2e to be looking o2er t(eir s(o*lder *nless t(ey take *s o*t3

    Ladies and >entlemen$ t(at0s t(e goal3 T(ey cannot (a2e a &orld >o2ernment

    wit(o*t taking o*t t(e 3!3 - and 9 mean taking it to its knees3

    'ow$ t(is is not w(ere t(e w(ole presentation is going$ b*t it0s important to gi2e yo*

    t(is backgro*nd beca*se t(e world *sed to look to *s or t(e ideals o reedom3

    9mmigrants all o2er t(e world (a2e come to America3 My grandparents were

    immigrants to t(is co*ntry$ beca*se t(ey belie2ed in indi2id*al liberties3 T(ey

    belie2ed in reedom3 T(ey belie2ed in t(e principles t(at were in t(e Constit*tion$

    t(e 4eclaration o 9ndependence$ and t(e .ill o Rig(ts3

    Ladies and >entlemen$ t(at is w(o we are3 &e are not t(e crap t(at t(ey s(ow yo*

    on tele2ision3 ?appla*se@

    >entlemen$ yo* are not t(e weak-kneed$ sissy morons t(ey try to portray *s on

    tele2ision$ eit(er3 8o* are strong1 yo* are amily-oriented1 yo* (a2e ait($ and yo*

    are warriors3 And yo*0re going to need to take a stand and deend yo*r co*ntry and

    yo*r amily3 Make no mistake abo*t it3

  • 7/24/2019 Mentoring by an ET Race (Video Transcript) - K.cassidy


    T(e two gentlemen t(at were (ere talking abo*t t(e !*per !oldiersB 8ea(3 T(ey0re

    (ere3 T(ey0re de/nitely (ere3 T(ey0re (ybrids3 T(ey0re (ere$ and t(ere0s more t(at0s

    been going on3

    9 was (oping t(at one o t(em wo*ld talk abo*t w(at (appened in 4*lce$ 'ew

    Mexico$ b*t t(ey did not3 And 9 don0t necessarily want to go t(ere eit(er beca*se333

    ?sig(s@ 333 5($ >od$ it0s sick3 9t0s sick3 ?a*dience response$ *estions@

    'ow 9333 T(ere0s ot(er t(ings to co2er$ b*t 9 bring it *p beca*se many people t(at

    (a2e t(e knowledge$ t(at (a2e been in .lack 5ps$ !pecial 5ps$ t(at (a2e been

    in2ol2ed in t(e ET component$ know abo*t t(at small rog*e gro*p - and t(ey0re not

    gone yet3 !ome o t(em are still (ere3 All rig(tB And t(ey still create and wreak

    (a2oc3 9 also want to tell yo* - and 9 (a2e been asked to s(are t(is wit( yo* - abo*t

    t(e 2accine$ t(e new swine * 2accine3

    Morenae (as told me to tell yo* or e2eryone t(at t(is 2accine will permanently

    damage yo*r 4'A3 !o$ w(ate2er else comes o*t o t(at$ it will permanently damage

    yo*r 4'A3 ?appla*se@

    'ow$ many o *s in t(e comm*nity and in t(e world as a w(ole$ we can0t e2en agree

    on w(at t(e problem is and beca*se o t(at$ we will ne2er e2en agree on a sol*tion3

    !o it0s imperati2e t(at open dialog*e contin*e to occ*r3

    9 know t(at or t(ose w(o (a2e been in t(e Exopolitics - t(at0s w(at 90m basically

    calling t(e 65 comm*nity$ Exopolitics$ now - yo* (a2e (ad a remarkable amo*nt o

    patience3 And yo*r biggest tests are coming$ beca*se as more and more o t(is

    inormation comes o*t$ more and more people are going to want to ask yo*$ w(o

    t(ey t(o*g(t were craDy; &(at t(e (ell0s going onB

    T(ey0re going to want to know3 And yo*0re going to (a2e to try$ in a 2ery calm

    manner$ explain it to t(em e2en t(o*g( yo* yo*rsel2es are going to (a2e all t(e

    b*tteries - yo*0re going to be wondering; =ow t(e (ell am 9 e2en going to deal wit(

    t(isB - .eca*se yo* (a2e some backgro*nd inormation3

    'ow$ t(is ET component is really abo*t *s3 9t is o*r destiny to tra2el t(e stars3 9t is

    o*r destiny to contin*e to mo2e o*t and coloniDe space$ especially o*r own !olar

    !ystem3 9t is not o*r destiny to be killed by 2accines and war3

    8o* will (a2e to make t(ose c(oices3 My c(oices are already made3 My decisions are

    clear3 9 am t(e at(er o /2e c(ildren3 T(ere is no way 90m going to back down and

  • 7/24/2019 Mentoring by an ET Race (Video Transcript) - K.cassidy


    90m going to sell t(em into sla2ery3 'e2er going to (appenN ?appla*se@ 5kayB 8o*

    need to make yo*r own c(oices3

    5kay3 9 once asked Vissae*s$ one o t(e Andromedans w(o (as since crossed o2er$

    w(at was to become o *s3 :!ome o t(is may be a re2iew or some o yo*3< &(at

    was to become o *sB &(at was going to (appen to o*r race$ to o*r ci2iliDationB

    =e j*st looked at me and (e said;

    T(is is (ow we see yo*; Responsible$ reedom o sel-determination$ becoming tr*ly

    sel-con/dent and ree$ to *nconditionally be responsible or onesel wit(o*t being

    coerced to accept some (ig(er a*t(ority3

    9n o*r >alaxy$ ?as@ t(e more ad2anced t(e ci2iliDations (a2e become in t(e center o

    t(e >alaxy$ t(e riHraH (ad to start mo2ing o*t to t(e o*tskirts o t(e galaxy3 T(e

    riHraH - j*st like !tar &ars$ okayB &e are in t(e boonies and t(at0s w(y we (a2e

    some riHraH (ere3 &e0re not t(e only planetary race t(at is (a2ing problems wit( t(e


    .*t w(at0s *ni*e abo*t *s is t(at$ genetically$ we are considered - to t(e

    Andromedan race - ?to be@ genetic royalty3

    9 (a2e been saying t(is since day one;

    &e are extremely *ni*e and it0s beca*se o t(at *ni*eness$ we (a2e enormo*s

    strengt(3 &e (a2e enormo*s capacity or emotions3 &e (a2e enormo*s intent and

    dri2e to not only s*r2i2e$ b*t to create3 &(at we lack is ait( in o*rsel2es3

    At t(e end o &orld &ar 99333 &ell$ let me p*t it anot(er way; T(e 'aDis didn0t lose t(e

    war3 5kayB >ermany lost t(e war$ b*t t(e 'aDis were bro*g(t (ere and to R*ssia3

    'ow$ t(e mind tec(nology$ t(e mind control$ t(e space tec(nology$ t(e re2erse

    engineering$ t(e tec(nology t(at t(ey (ad been gi2en prior to t(e war by a small

    gro*p o extraterrestrials rom t(e star system o Aldebaran$ was bro*g(t (ere and

    (oned and polis(ed and combined wit( ot(er tec(nology t(at t(e Oeta Twos ?OetaRetic*li "@$ t(e 4ows - w(at many olks know as t(e >rays - all t(ose began to

    compliment eac( ot(er1 remarkable tec(nology3

    Tec(nology we absol*tely need (ere3 9 mean$ t(e comb*stion engine (as been

    obsolete or # years3 9 *nderstand t(at 9ndia also is now going to experiment on

    wireless electricity3 =ell$ Tesla did t(at in I%#" in Colorado !prings3 &e know it

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    works3 5kayB .*t t(ose t(at were *nding (is experiment asked (im; &(ere0s t(e

    meterB And (e says; &ell$ t(ere is none3 9t0s ree3 T(ey s(*t it down3

    T(e *estion is333 well$ we0ll get to t(at3 90m sorry3 90m j*mping aro*nd (ere3

    T(e reality is$ Ladies and >entlemen$ w(at kind o co*ntry do yo* want to li2e inB

    &(at kind o world do yo* want to li2e inB Clearly w(at we0re doing now doesn0t

    work - it (as r*n its co*rse3

    &e (a2e a go2ernment t(at (as a lot o problems3 &e (a2e corr*ption wit(in it333 not

    all o it$ b*t we clearly (a2e corr*ption wit(in it3 T(ey (a2e sold o*t and (a2e been

    totally compromised3 T(ey t(emsel2es don0t know w(at to do and t(eir only sol*tion

    is to t*rn t(e power o t(e military and t(e power o t(e p(armace*tical companies

    against t(e American people3 T(at0s t(eir sol*tion3

    T(at is not okay3 T(at0s not okayN

    9t0s time or t(e 65$ t(e Exopolitics comm*nity$ to start creating anot(er 4omain o7nowing$ and t(at 4omain o 7nowing is two t(ings;

    &(at does a (olograp(ic social str*ct*re look likeB

    =ow can we li2e wit( a (olograp(ic social str*ct*re$ mirrored ater some o t(e

    principles t(at o*r 6o*nding 6at(ers laid$ b*t it wasn0t perectB

    &(at co*ld we do nowB And we0re not j*st talking abo*t t(e nited !tates3 T(is (as

    to be a global t(ing1 t(is (as to be a global mo2ement3 &(at does t(at look likeB

    !o we need to create and start gro*ps$ dialog*es$ talking abo*t li2ing in a

    (olograp(ic str*ct*re w(ere all t(e inormation t(at is a2ailable - .lack 5p$ !ecret$Top !ecret$ Abo2e Top !ecret - is a2ailable to e2eryone3

    &e co*ld j*st start wit( t(e inormation t(at we do (a2e1 t(e rest o it will come3 9t0s

    going to collapse on itsel beca*se it0s no good3 9t cannot stand on its own3 T(e

    min*te we t*rn o*r oc*s away rom t(em and t(ey can0t eed oH o*r ear$ it will

    collapse in a (eartbeat3 .eca*se w(ere oc*s goes$ energy ows3

    As long as t(ey keep yo* looking at it$ t(ey are *sing t(e energy o yo*r so*l$ o

    yo*r spirit$ to eed t(is monstrosity3 9t0s time to j*st ignore t(em3 T*rn yo*r oc*s

    away and let0s create w(at we really$ really want - b*t we (a2e to decide w(at t(at


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    Along wit( t(at$ 9 (a2e been asked to start asking people to talk to people - yo*0re

    t(e /rst to (ear t(is - abo*t w(at wo*ld it look like or yo*$ or Eart($ and we0ll start

    wit( t(e Exopolitics comm*nity3 &(at wo*ld it look like or yo* to be mentored by

    se2eral bene2olent extraterrestrial racesB &(at wo*ld t(at look likeB

    &(at wo*ld we need to do to establis($ not only t(at comm*nication$ b*t at t(e

    same time (a2e *s eel sae$ wit( c(ecks and balances$ so t(at t(ey co*ld walk t(eir

    talk and we (a2e to walk o*r talkB

    5pen mentors(ip is o*r destiny3 9t0s going to (appen anyway$ b*t we cannot wait or

    t(e go2ernment to t*rn itsel aro*nd3 9t can0t beca*se it0s not in control3 Rig(tB 9t is

    not in control3 !o$ we (a2e to t*rn o*r oc*s away rom all t(at drama and /g*re o*t

    anot(er way3

    &(at 9 want to do now is read to yo* w(at 9 was gi2en way-back-w(en regarding

    creating a 4omain o 7nowing3

    T(is also came rom Vissae*s;

    Create anot(er 4omain o 7nowing$ comm*nicating$ and being3 9n ot(er words$ t(e

    domain o calling ort( or generating yo*r intent needs to be more distinct3

    8o*r p(ysics$ as yo* call it$ is a good example o t(is calling-ort(3 T(ere (a2e been

    men on yo*r planet w(o (a2e called ort( new domains o t(inking t(at ne2er

    existed beore (ere3

    T(ey in2ented it3 T(ey didn0t antasiDe it$ t(ey didn0t pretend3 T(ey literally created

    t(is new context rom w(at yo* now call p(ysics3

    8o*r (*manity is strong wit( t(is kind o example3 'o being$ (owe2er$ makes t(e

    distinction t(at t(is is w(at t(ey are3

    9 wo*ld like to gi2e yo* an example; yo*r concept o (*man rig(ts3 9t wasn0t so long

    ago t(at no s*c( t(ing existed on yo*r planet3 9t j*st simply didn0t exist3 8o* Terrans

    did not (a2e any rig(ts3 5nly t(e kings and t(e priests (ad t(eir rig(ts$ b*t most o

    yo* Terrans do not (a2e any rig(ts3 !o yo* and ot(er Terrans created (*man rig(ts

    rom not(ing3

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    8o* created t(e domain t(at created not only t(e rig(ts to come ort($ yo* created

    t(e lang*age and t(en yo* comm*nicated it$ and t(is comm*nication t(at yo* ga2e

    (ad power beca*se it was *ll o intent3 9t (as t(e power not only to represent and to

    in2oke$ b*t also to literally bring it into being3

    T(is is w(at yo*r races need to do in order to clearly know yo*rsel2es3

    'ow$ in talking abo*t t(at$ let0s talk abo*t religions or a moment3 T(e pyramidal

    str*ct*re o o*r go2ernments primarily (a2e come o*t o ancient Rome$ and Rome

    was essentially controlled by IF amilies3 T(ose IF amilies still exist today3

    Many o t(e world0s religions$ t(o*g( t(ey02e (ad a tremendo*s amo*nt o 2al*e

    and (a2e bro*g(t an enormo*s amo*nt o comort to many people in o*r (istory

    and in o*r present day$ t(ey oc*s on s(ame$ g*ilt$ sin$ and control3

    Ladies and >entlemen$ t(at0s t(e trap3 T(ey don0t oc*s on sel-responsibility3 T(ey

    don0t oc*s on lie or respect3 T(ey$ in act$ create more di2ision t(an we (a2e e2er


    'ow$ did t(ey start o*t t(at wayB &it( t(e exception o t(e Roman Cat(olic C(*rc( -

    90m j*st going to be bl*nt abo*t it - no3 .*t t(e Powers T(at .e are masters o

    in/ltrating mo2ements3

    &(at t(ey do333 and 90ll gi2e yo* t(e best example 9 can gi2e yo*$ is t(at o a

    c(aritable o*ndation3

    A o*ndation is created *sing t(e power o t(e people and t(e monies$ t(e reso*rces

    o t(e people$ to do somet(ing t(at is o a bene/t to (*manity3 As it0s mo2ing and it

    begins to gain power and it starts to spread and s(it conscio*sness$ awareness$ t(ePowers T(at .e will walk in and say; =ey$ we really belie2e in w(at yo*0re doing and

    we0re going to gi2e yo* a "Q-million-dollar grant to (elp yo* contin*e to do yo*r

    work3 .*t we want to p*t one o o*r members on t(e .oard$ j*st to make s*re t(at

    t(e money is spent wisely3

    T(en t(ey do it again$ and now yo* (a2e a second .oard member3 And now yo*

    (a2e a t(ird .oard member$ and beore yo* know it$ t(at mo2ement$ t(at

    o*ndation$ instead o going *p and creating more conscio*sness$ more awareness$

    is now (eading t(e ot(er way3 'ow t(ey also control t(e wealt( o t(at o*ndation3

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    &e (a2e been t(inking in a pyramidal str*ct*re and a t(ird density str*ct*re3

    T(ey0re in o*rt( density and (olograp(ic3 &e (a2e to t(ink t(e same way and we

    (a2e to be talking abo*t; =ow is it t(at we got o*rsel2es into t(isB

    9t0s essential t(at we p*t blame to t(e side or t(e moment3 T(ere0s plenty o t(at

    and t(ere will be plenty o t(at3

    &(at we need is t(e knowledge3 &e need to know (ow t(ese str*ct*res work$ so

    t(at we can create somet(ing diHerent$ somet(ing in total opposition to it$ beca*se 9

    can0t imagine e2erybody0s (appy wit( t(e way t(ings are3

    And t(is isn0t j*st abo*t t(e nited !tates3 T(is is abo*t t(e global pop*lation

    beca*se t(e extraterrestrial races don0t see *s as separate co*ntries3 T(ey see *s as

    one race$ and we0re all between a rock and a (ard place$ pretty m*c( - at t(e


    Taking personal responsibility is (*ge$ b*t it really is t(e /rst and t(e biggest step to

    ac(ie2ing *ll conscio*sness3

    90m going to read yo* a *ote t(at 9 o*nd3 9t0s rom a gentleman named Little =awk3

    =e0s a 'ati2e American 9ndian wit( t(e Mo(awk tribe;

    Take credit or yo*r mistakes$ not w(at yo* do good - beca*se yo*0re s*pposed to be

    doing good anyway3

    &e02e all made mistakes1 we02e all screwed *p$ b*t t(at0s part o t(e learning

    process3 9 yo* (ad all knowledge and yo* were all-seeing$ yo* wo*ldn0t need to be

    (ere3 !o collecti2ely and indi2id*ally$ we need to start looking at t(e world and


    &(at (as my contrib*tion beenB

    'ow$ 90m not talking abo*t going o*t and trying to sa2e t(e world3 9t0s not abo*t t(at

    at all3 9t0s really abo*t eac( one o *s indi2id*ally3 9t0s abo*t being t(e Lig(t3 9t0s

    abo*t not eeling s(ame or o*r mistakes3 9t0s abo*t absol*tely learning t(at yo* are

    not a sinner3 T(at is s*c( crap t(at 9 want to 2omit e2ery time 9 (ear t(at3

    8o* are not a sinnerN 8o* are a spirit*al being in a p(ysical body$ or as >eorge >reen

    said$ Rent-a-&reck3 9 liked t(at3 T(at was really c*te3 5kayB ?appla*se@

    'ow$ look at t(e str*ct*re t(at is o2erlaying *s;

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    >o2ernments o control and dominance

    A monetary system t(at controls e2eryt(ing

    Corporations and banks t(at own t(e debt o e2ery nation$ w(ic( means literally

    t(ey0re in control$ beca*se t(ey (a2e t(e debt

    &e (a2e medical and p(armace*tical companies w(o (a2e (ad c*res or cancer and

    ot(er diseases t(at now want to damage yo*r 4'A wit( *ntested 2accinations3

    9magine (ow araid t(ey are o yo*N Can yo* j*st or a moment imagine (ow araid

    o yo* t(ey areB And now yo*02e got to ask yo*rsel t(e *estion; &(y are t(ey

    araid o yo*B

    .eca*se we are awesome$ awesome Creator->ods3 &e (a2e t(e ability to create

    reality$ to bring it ort($ to call it ort($ and t(ey (a2e done e2eryt(ing t(ey can to

    contin*e to make s*re t(at we belie2e we0re powerless3

    T(is is w(y so many extraterrestrial races are coming (ere now - beca*se t(ey know

    diHerent3 5n some le2el$ Ladies and >entlemen$ we conscio*sly (a2e called ort(

    t(is drama3 T(is is really abo*t *s3 &e (a2e called t(is ort(3 T(is is really abo*t *s3

    9t0s not abo*t t(em3 And we need to step into o*r power (ere3 &e need to *lly

    *nderstand it0s time or *s to step into o*r power as a planetary race$ and not see

    t(e borders anymore3

    'ow$ 9 wo*ld not be t(at opposed to a global go2ernment i it was set *p wit( a

    constit*tion like t(e 3!3 Constit*tion and an Absol*te .ill o Rig(ts3 .*t e2en t(en$

    t(at0s not a g*arantee$ beca*se i people don0t deend t(ose rig(ts$ i people don0t

    deend t(eir liberties$ w(at good is itB

    &e02e j*st experienced t(at3 5kayB &e02e j*st experienced t(at3 9n I%IF$ w(en t(e

    6ederal Reser2e took o2er$ t(at0s w(en t(e train started going t(e ot(er way$ and

    (ere we are a (*ndred trillion dollars in debt - an absol*tely ridic*lo*s n*mber3 9t0s

    probably (ig(er3 &(o knowsB

    'ow$ in creating o*r (olograp(ic model o a ci2iliDation or a social str*ct*re$ do we

    want to (a2e a monetary systemB 4o we act*ally need a monetary systemB

    .eca*se we0re t(e only ones t(at 90m aware o in o*r >alaxy t(at still *se a

    monetary system3

    9n act$ many$ many years ago 9 (ad been asked by Morenae$ Vissae*s to p*t

    toget(er a s(ort presentation on money3 T(ey already knew abo*t it$ b*t 9 did t(e

    best t(at 9 co*ld3

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    &(en it was o2er$ Vissae*s j*st looked at me and (e goes; 9 don0t *nderstand3

    And 9 said; &(at do yo* don0t *nderstandB

    =e says; 9 don0t *nderstand w(y yo* (a2e to pay to li2e on a planet yo* were born

    on3 ?la*g(s@

    Ladies and >entlemen$ t(at (as (a*nted me e2er since3 T(at little bit$ j*st t(at one

    little t(ing$ takes yo* completely o*t o t(e box3 6or t(e /rst time yo* begin to t(ink;

    &ell jeeD$ w(at wo*ld it look like not to (a2e a c*rrencyB 8o* knowB

    Ad2anced ci2iliDations

    All t(eir needs are taken care o3 All o t(eir standard day-to-day lie needs are met

    by t(e go2ernment$ no strings attac(ed$ and t(en yo* donate yo*r time and yo*r

    expertise and yo*r skills to do somet(ing yo* want t(at bene/ts t(e w(ole3

    90m not talking abo*t comm*nism$ eit(er3 9t0s somet(ing bigger t(an t(at$ b*t we

    need some (elp in de/ning w(at t(at is3

    'ow$ we (a2e a lot o really brilliant$ intelligent people (ere1 (ere and in t(e world3 9

    know ot(er people aro*nd t(e world (a2e been talking abo*t similar t(ings3 Creating

    a diHerent society$ and maybe e2en a (olograp(ic society$ and w(at t(at looks like$

    a (olograp(ic power str*ct*re$ so no matter w(at (appens$ it will totally always

    stand on its own3

    T(e 6o*nding 6at(ers tried to do somet(ing like t(is w(en t(ey created all t(e states

    as e*al$ in control$ and separate rom t(e go2ernment3 T(at was pretty m*c( t(eir

    intent w(et(er t(ey realiDed it or not3

    9 also want yo* to know t(at we (a2e a lot o (elp3 &e are getting a lot o (elp rom

    t(e spirit*al side as well as t(e dimensional side - and 90m not talking abo*t j*st

    dimensional beings3 9 am talking abo*t$ also$ extraterrestrials3

    90ll gi2e yo* an example o w(at 90m talking abo*t; T(e 2ision at Valley 6orge o

    >eorge &as(ington3 9 know t(at a lot o people on t(e 'et333 i yo*02e not researc(ed

    it$ 9 s*ggest t(at yo* do3 !ome say it0s a (oax3 9t0s not a (oax3

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    9 also want yo* to know t(at T(omas eHerson in (is dairies$ was o*t walking at (isestate in Monticello$ was trying to /g*re o*t t(e 2erbiage$ t(e lang*age$ in regards

    to t(e 4eclaration o 9ndependence w(en (e was met by a (ooded man$ w(o (e

    ne2er really clearly saw$ w(o ga2e (im t(e con2ersation and t(e pieces t(at (e

    needed to /nis( t(e 4eclaration o 9ndependence3

    9 also want yo* to know t(at in t(e Constit*tional (all$ w(en e2erybody was

    bantering and going back and ort( and it looked like no one was going to sign t(e

    4eclaration o 9ndependence$ *p on t(e top railing o t(e (all a man appeared o*t o

    now(ere$ and or "# min*tes$ ga2e an oration abo*t (ow important t(is was - not

    only to t(e nited !tates and to t(e moment - b*t to t(e entire world as a w(ole3 As

    soon as (e was done$ e2erybody r*s(ed to t(e table and signed t(e 4eclaration o9ndependence3

    .enjamin 6ranklin and t(e !ergeant-at-Arms went *pstairs to try to talk to t(is man

    beca*se t(ey wanted to know w(o (e was3 T(ere were armed g*ards at e2ery single

    door3 T(e armed g*ards swore no one went in$ no one went o*t3

    !o$ t(ere is di2ine pro2idence (ere$ Ladies and >entlemen3 9t is not a mistake t(at

    yo* li2e in t(is co*ntry3 9t is not a mistake t(at yo* are w(o yo* are3

    Eno*g( is eno*g(N 9t is time we step into o*r power$ and 2ery simple steps will do

    t(is3 6irst yo* (a2e to make a decision and t(e decision is; 'o more b*lls(it3 5kayB'o more b*lls(itN ?appla*se@

    America is t(e reason it is$ beca*se we allowed it to (appen by o*r apat(y3 5kayB

    &e (a2e elections3 &e know we0re 2oting or t(e lesser o two e2ils3 &e know t(at$

    b*t we do it anyway3

    9 also want yo* to know t(at t(e President o t(e nited !tates is not in c(arge o

    o*r go2ernment3 ?la*g(ter@ =e0s j*st not3 9 want yo* to know t(at t(ere are layers

    o Top !ecret clearances abo2e t(e President o t(e nited !tates3 6orty-se2en


    8o* want to know yo*r secret go2ernmentB T(at0s yo*r secret go2ernment3 =e can0t

    e2en get a clearance3 =e doesn0t e2en know w(o to talk to$ to get a clearance to

    /nd o*t abo*t t(is st*H3

    !o$ it is important t(at we t*rn o*r oc*s a little bit and we start creating somet(ing

    diHerent3 T(is is w(at t(e o*nders did3 T(is is w(at many people (a2e done

    t(ro*g(o*t t(e world3 T(e Renaissance was somet(ing exactly like t(is3 T(ey t(rew

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    oH Rome and t(ey tried to do somet(ing diHerent - Rome$ t(e c(*rc($ t(e

    go2ernment o Rome - t(ey t(rew it oH and t(ey tried to create somet(ing diHerent$

    and it went or a w(ile3


    T(e con2ersation in t(e Exopolitics comm*nity$ in my personal opinion$ is no longer

    4o 65s existB 9t0s completely irrele2ant3 &e already know t(ey do3

    &(ere do t(ey come romB T(at (as some 2alidity3 9s it metalB T(at doesn0t (a2e

    any 2alidity1 it doesn0t matter3

    &(at matters is;

    &(y are t(ey (ereB And w(at can we do to learn rom t(is experienceB

    'ow$ t(e reason t(at many o t(e extraterrestrial gro*ps - bene2olent - are not

    talking to t(e go2ernment is beca*se t(ey know t(ey0re compromised3

    9 will tell yo* t(at t(ere (as beg*n some mentoring$ oH-world$ o o*r military3 5H-

    world3 9t (as beg*n$ b*t t(at is s*c( a small piece3 &(at really needs to (appen is

    we need to create a new 4omain o 7nowing and we need to call t(is inormation

    directly to o*rsel2es3 'o more middle-men3 T(ey can0t be tr*sted3 &e (a2e to do it


    'ow$ (ow do we go abo*t t(atB 9 don0t (a2e all t(ose pieces3 T(e idea was to s(are

    it and plant t(e seed inside o all o yo* to start t(inking abo*t; &(at does

    mentoring look likeB

    =ow wo*ld yo* imagine extraterrestrials coming down and saying; 5kay olks$ yo*

    (a2e poll*tion3 &e can (elp yo* wit( t(at$ b*t t(ese are t(e steps yo* need to do3

    =ere0s t(e tec(nology t(at already exists on yo*r planet to do t(is$ and (ere is (owyo* need to *se it responsibly3

    Again$ sel-responsibility3

    6ood$ t(e growing o ood1 water Ladies and >entlemen$ we (a2e t(e tec(nology

    to (a2e all t(e drinking water we want - j*st b*ild desalination plants3 &e (a2e all

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    t(e water we need3 .*t t(ey won0t spend a dime on any o t(at$ beca*se i yo* don0t

    (a2e water$ t(ey (a2e control o2er yo*3

    &e (a2e so m*c( tec(nology3 &e (a2e ree energy on t(e Eart(3 Tesla did it in I%#"3

    &e know it exists3 5kayB

    A (ydrogen engine in a car was b*ilt in I%QQ and did II# laps at t(e 9ndianapolis

    Q## Race Track3 T(e plans were bo*g(t by >*l-&estern 5il and ne2er seen rom

    again3 T(at0s I%QQ3 ?la*g(s@ T(ere0s j*st so m*c(N T(ere0s so m*c(3

    T(e Law o Consistency$ w(ic( is w(at t(e Andromedans call t(eir (olograp(ic

    ci2iliDation$ is set *p like t(is;

    E2ery c(ild$ w(et(er t(ey *nderstand t(e knowledge or not$ is gi2en t(e latest and

    greatest tec(nology or knowledge$ inormation$ data$ as it arri2es3 9t starts at t(e

    yo*ngest le2el3 9t doesn0t start at t(e top and stay t(ere and t(en t(ey decide; &ell$

    we0ll wait till t(ey0re "Q to tell t(em abo*t it3

    9t is not t(e same song3 &e need t(e c(ildren to e2ol2e to ad2anced mat*rity a lot

    aster t(an t(ey are3 8es$ t(ey0re growing *p pretty ast$ b*t not to ad2anced


    E2ery single piece o inormation$ e2ery single tool t(at is a2ailable$ is a2ailable to

    e2eryone$ across t(e board3 T(e c(ildren t(at grad*ate rom sc(ool in t(eAndromedan ci2iliDation are smarter t(an t(eir parents and no one (as a problem

    wit( t(at$ beca*se t(ey in(erit t(e society3 T(ey0re t(e ones t(at contin*e to go o*t

    and expand t(e society and create t(e (olograp(ic pillars o t(eir society3

    &e are completely going backwards (ere$ and i t(at isn0t e2ident to e2eryone$ 9

    don0t know w(at is3

    T(e Law o Consistency is t(at e2ery tr*t( is spoken$ e2eryone is orgi2en$ t(ere is

    no monetary system3 T(ere is an absol*tely ree (ealt(care system$ b*t it (as

    not(ing to do wit( p(armace*ticals3 ?appla*se@ 9t (as to do wit( color$ lig(t$ and

    so*nd$ w(ic( is w(at we are$ e2en in o*r p(ysicality; color$ lig(t$ and so*nd3

    9t (as to do wit( t(e ad2ancement o t(e so*l3

    &e (a2e a damaged 4'A str*ct*re$ so w(en we reincarnate$ we do not always

    remember t(ings3 T(ere are people w(o do great jobs doing past lie regression and

    people can p*ll some o t(ose pieces3 .*t to (a2e cogniDant memory w(en yo*

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    come back into p(ysicality is somet(ing we don0t (a2e presently3 T(ey (a2e t(at

    beca*se t(ey don0t (a2e a damaged 4'A str*ct*re3

    Can o*r 4'A str*ct*res be repairedB According to t(em$ absol*tely yes$ b*t we need

    to make some c(anges3

    &e need to create t(e space or *s to be ree eno*g( to explore t(ose possibilities3

    &e cannot do t(at wit( t(e power str*ct*re t(at0s in existence today$ so we need to

    create anot(er 4omain o 7nowing$ and t(at begins wit( yo*rsel2es3

    T(e lo2e t(at yo* wit((old is t(e pain t(at yo* carry lietime ater lietime3 9t all

    begins wit( *s$ eac( one o *s indi2id*ally3

    'ow$ Ladies and >entlemen$ i we work$ start t(inking$ start talking abo*t a

    mentoring relations(ip$ w(at t(at looks like3 =ow wo*ld we want to p*t it toget(erB

    E2en go so ar as to say; 5kay$ (ere0s w(ere we want to do t(is3 =ere0s (ow we want

    to do it3 &(o do we want presentB 4o we tele2ise it to t(e massesB

    E2eryt(ing$ e2ery detail3 T(ey absol*tely will meet *s (alway3 T(ey are not going to

    come in (ere and sa2e *s or resc*e *s rom o*rsel2es3 T(ey0re not going to do it3

    9 any o yo* are amiliar wit( t(e Andromedan inormation$ one o t(e t(ings t(atwas /rst s(ared wit( me w(en 9 became an ad*lt was t(at in o*r >alaxy$ tyranny

    s(owed *p 2ery *nexpectedly3 And t(em$ and ot(er races t(at are part o t(e

    Andromedan Co*ncil$ (a2e come back in time to t(is moment on o*r planet and t(e

    ot(er star systems t(at are (a2ing problems wit( t(e pirates$ to t(is time period3

    T(is s(it in conscio*sness (ere is w(at ips it eit(er way3 T(ey0re going to inter2ene

    and t(ey (a2e been inter2ening in 2ery$ 2ery s*btle ways$ beca*se no one wants to

    li2e in tyranny$ not now or in t(e *t*re3 'o one does3

    !o t(is is o*r moment3 T(is is o*r moment as a (*manity$ as a race$ to really decide;

    Are or are we not going to *nite as oneB Are we or are we not going to watc( eac(ot(ers0 backB Are we or are we not going to stop taking crap rom b*rea*cracyB

    &e (a2e to make a decision and t(at decision is *pon yo*$ and yo*0re going to be

    orced 2ery$ 2ery soon to make a decision3 And 90m$ yo* know$ 90m not j*st talking to

    yo* olks (ere in t(e a*dience3 9 know t(at t(is is being streamed and 9 know t(at

    t(ese 4V4s and t(ings (a2e a lie o t(eir own3 9 know t(at better t(an anybody3

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    T(e time is now and all it does$ it starts wit( yo*$ j*st to make a decision - okayB - to

    do somet(ing$ to be radical$ to be a rebel again3

    Most o *s g*ys in t(is a*dience$ we know w(at t(at0s like$ being a rebel3 &e grew

    *p s(ooting g*ns$ c(ewing toast into t(e s(ape o a pistol3 5kayB Resc*ing t(e

    damsel$ excited abo*t t(e next ad2ent*re - we know abo*t t(at$ yo* knowB T(at0s

    part o w(o we are3 &e are not domesticated lap dogs3 &e0re j*st not3 And 90m not

    going to beN

    90m not talking abo*t going o*t and ca*sing crimes3 90m talking abo*t deending

    yo*rsel$ yo*r liberties$ yo*r rig(ts$ yo*r amily and yo*r comm*nity3 .eca*se

    nobody else is going to do it or yo*3 9n act$ t(ey0re all working against *s$ and e2en

    t(ey don0t realiDe w(at t(ey0re doing - t(ey really don0t3 .eca*se so m*c(

    inormation is compartmentaliDed$ t(ey don0t realiDe t(e big pict*re3

    .*t many people are waking *p 2ery$ 2ery *ickly$ and 9 know 90m preac(ing to t(e

    c(oir in t(at3 .*t it0s amaDing to see (ow many people are waking *p and

    *estioning e2eryt(ing3

    T(is is o*r moment3 T(e next se2eral years is o*r moment and it really needs to

    begin now3 "#I" is not t(e end o t(e world - isn0t going to (appen3 9t0s not o*r


    =owe2er$ t(e Eart( will be going t(ro*g( some transitions beca*se we will be

    crossing t(e galactic plane and t(e galactic plane (as an intense magnetic

    gra2itational /eld3 T(ere will be c(anges3 9t0s ine2itable3 Mr3 >reen to*c(ed on some

    o t(at yesterday and ot(ers (a2e talked abo*t t(is as well3

    9t0s going to (appen$ so yo* need to start t(inking abo*t; &(ere do 9 really want to

    beB 5kay$ i it0s (ere$ /ne$ make t(e best o it$ b*t create yo*r space o

    independence3 4on0t take it or granted any longer3 &e can0t3

    T(e w(ole world is looking at *s3 T(e Asians$ t(e E*ropeans - t(ey can0t belie2e (ow

    st*pid we are3 ?la*g(ter@ >ospelN T(ey can0t belie2e (ow st*pid we areN T(eySre like;

    &(at0s wrong wit( t(e AmericansB 8o* knowB

    9 don0t (a2e an answer3 4o yo*B ?ina*dible a*dience comment@ 8o* watc( TVN


    &(at 90d like to do$ beca*se 9 do (a2e some extra time$ is 9 wo*ld really lo2e to

    entertain some *estions$ i t(at0s all rig(t3 ?appla*se@ Easy onesN ?la*g(s@

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    7C; 5kay3 T(ank yo*$ Alex3 T(is is excellent$ and 9 want to address t(e mentoring

    s*ggestion beca*se 9 t(ink it0s act*ally ascinating3 9 t(ink t(at t(is is coming

    directly rom t(e Andromedans t(at yo*02e been in contact wit(3

    AC; 8es$ it is3

    7C; Mentoring is an interesting way o p*tting it3 5kayB 9 yo* mentor somebody$

    yo* do not r*le t(em3 8o* do not tell t(em w(at to do3 T(at0s key3

    'obody (ere0s e2en s*ggested t(is1 9 t(ink it0s ascinating3 !o w(at we (a2e (ere is

    t(e notion t(at yo* can be in contact wit( beings t(at can (elp teac( yo*3 'ow$ t(is

    is going on3 T(is is going on3 90m aware o it3 Camelot is aware o it3 .y >od$ we

    wo*ldn0t be (ere today i it wasn0t or t(at3

    T(ere is mentoring going on$ b*t yo* do (a2e to ask or t(at to (appen$ and yo*

    (a2e to be as *lly conscio*s in t(e process and as responsible and (a2e t(at ability3

    8o* cannot sit t(ere and ask t(em to do or yo*3 9t0s not w(at it0s abo*t3

    !o 9 wo*ld lo2e it i yo* wo*ld talk abo*t t(at beca*se yo* ob2io*sly (a2e been

    mentored$ so w(o better to teac( *s; &(at does t(at look likeB =ow is t(e

    interaction wit( yo*B

    *st describe333 and 9 know yo* (a2e maybe talked to some degree3 .*t in yo*r

    interactions$ i yo* co*ld disc*ss some o t(e ways t(ey (a2e mentored yo* to t(is


    AC; 5kay3 7now t(at my mentoring (as gone on wit( times t(at 9 (a2e literally been

    kicking and screaming3 T(e biggest portion o t(e mentoring (as really been; &(y

    do 9 belie2e t(ings and w(at it is t(at 9 belie2eB

    !o a lot o times t(e *estion will come1 9 will ask a *estion or 9 will (a2e a

    perspecti2e and t(ey will immediately come back and say; &ell$ w(y do yo* belie2e

    t(atB &(at is yo*r process o belie2ing t(at t(at0s tr*eB

    6or example$ religions3 9t was one o t(e biggest t(ings t(at 9 (ad w(en 9 was a kid$

    and it was an iss*e t(at my at(er bro*g(t *p to me as well w(en 9 told (im abo*t


    &e (a2e ormed perceptions o reality t(at are not based in reality3 T(ey0re only

    based on perception3

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    'ow$ in accepting t(at perception as reality$ w(at we do is we reinorce t(at ill*sion3

    And t(at0s w(at we (a2e done on Eart($ is we (a2e reinorced t(e ill*sion abo*t w(o

    we are3 Abo*t o*r strengt(s$ abo*t o*r power$ abo*t (ow we0re s*pposed to li2e on

    t(e Eart(3 Abo*t being st*ck on t(e Eart($ abo*t (ow we are s*pposed to raise o*r

    c(ildren3 &e (a2e all bo*g(t into t(ese perceptions3

    T(e (ardest t(ings were to really look at mysel$ and t(is is really w(ere t(e work is -

    it0s always wit( yo*rsel3 T(e most di)c*lt work (as probably been$ or me$ in t(e

    last /2e$ six$ se2en years3

    *estions like; &ell$ w(o am 9B T(ey don0t answer it3 T(ey don0t say; &ell$ yo*0re

    t(is and t(is and t(is$ b*t w(at t(ey do is t(ey will g*ide3 T(ey (a2e g*ided me to

    w(o it is t(at 9 want to be3

    6irst was *nderstanding t(at yo* are not j*st a p(ysicality3 T(at0s t(e /rst t(ing to

    grasp - yo* are not a p(ysicality3

    And j*st like some o t(e speakers said yesterday - 9 belie2e it was Mr3 >reen w(otalked abo*t; t(ere is a so*l and it0s "" grams3 9 t(ink t(eyS2e meas*red t(at in body

    weig(t3 T(at is really w(o yo* are and connecting to w(o t(at person really is$ w(at

    t(at essence is all abo*t$ yo* begin to realiDe; 5( my >od$ 9 am not at all w(o 9

    t(o*g(t 9 was3

    90m p*rposely being 2ag*e beca*se 9 don0t necessarily want to tell yo* w(o 9 am

    ot(er t(an to say t(at w(o 9 am (ere on Eart( in t(is lietime$ and t(e mistakes t(at 9

    (a2e made$ on some le2el 9 knew better not to make t(ose mistakes3 5kayB .*t we

    do3 &e do3 &e experiment3 &e create3

    As ar as t(e meaning o lie$ t(ey wo*ld ne2er tell me w(at t(at was exactly3 Allt(ey wo*ld say is; 8o* are creating yo*r own ad2ent*re3 !o again$ t(e responsibility

    is on me3

    As ar as mentoring - to want to talk and to speak - t(e idea was to j*st keep it 2ery$

    2ery simple3 To j*st s(are t(eir perspecti2es and let t(e people do w(ate2er t(ey

    wanted wit( it3 And it doesn0t matter w(et(er anyone belie2es it or not3 People know

    tr*t($ people know b*lls(it3 E2ent*ally it all comes to t(e s*race1 it (as to3

    .eca*se all o yo* are j*st like me1 yo* all know better$ yo* know w(at0s real3 9t0s

    j*st a *estion o detac(ing o*rsel2es rom o*r addiction to p(ysicality3 And t(at0s

    w(at it is now - it0s become an addiction beca*se t(e oc*s is on t(e p(ysicality3

    &e0re not objecti2e anymore3

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    As a so*l$ w(en yo* (a2e an o*t-o-body experience and yo* detac( rom yo*r

    p(ysical orm$ yo* are completely objecti2e3 8o* (a2e a FG#-degree perip(eral 2iew

    and t(at0s beca*se yo*0re objecti2e3 8o*0re not addicted3 8o*0re not st*ck in t(e

    body or addicted to t(e body3

    T(at0s t(e part t(at t(ey (a2e been working on wit( me t(e most$ is to act*ally eel

    and know t(at essence o mysel as m*c( as possible3

    !o$ w(en we talk abo*t mentoring$ t(e mentoring is to get *s rom w(ere we are

    (ere to sel-empowerment3 T(at0s w(at 90m talking abo*t3

    5nce we (a2e ac(ie2ed sel empowerment - and it won0t take long olks1 it really

    won0t take long - we will know exactly w(at to do$ beca*se we are spirit*al beings3

    &e are eternal1 t(ere is no age to *s3 And t(at0s not a metap(ysical blind3 T(at is a


    !o$ t(e mentoring is to (elp *s mo2e o*t o o*r addiction to p(ysicality into *ll

    power as spirit*al beings3 And it isn0t *ll o dogma1 it isn0t any o t(at3 9t0s all abo*tintrospection$ 2ol*ntary introspection3 T(at0s w(at it is3

    7C; T(ank yo*3 T(ank yo*3


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    T(e worm(oles is t(e best example t(at 902e been gi2en3 'o one$ no ad2anced space

    race (as any idea (ow t(ey were act*ally b*ilt$ b*t we know t(at t(ey exist3 9n act$

    t(ere are se2eral t(at (a2e snapped$ connecting o*r >alaxy to some o t(e ot(er

    nearby >alaxies3

    T(ey02e snapped and no one knows (ow to /x t(em beca*se we don0t e2en know

    (ow t(ey were b*ilt3

    AM U" :4A'

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    AC; 9 mean$ w(at is greedB T(at t(ey0ll ne2er (a2e eno*g(B 9t0s basically gro*nded

    in ear$ 9 wo*ld t(ink3 6ear o loss$ ear o abstinence$ ear o not (a2ing eno*g($ ear

    o loss3 To me t(at0s w(at greed is3 9t0s j*st a ear3

    Can it become an addictionB Apparently it (as3 ?la*g(ter@ .*t 9 personally don0t (a2e

    an answer or t(at3

    4A'; T(ank yo* rom t(e 9nternet a*dience3

    AC; 5kay3 T(ank yo*3 ?appla*se@


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    !o t(e act is$ 9 don0t know eit(er$ b*t yo* j*st (a2e to tr*st t(at yo* will be exactly

    w(ere yo* need to be w(en yo* need to be t(ere3 And 9 know t(at0s kind o a oo-

    oo$ la-di-da( answer$ b*t t(at0s my own experience as well$ yo* knowB T(at 9 j*st

    (a2e to pray and (a2e ait( t(at 90ll be exactly w(ere 9 need to be3

    AMF; 9 appreciate t(at3 T(at0s pretty m*c( my take on it and 9 j*st wanted to kind o

    see w(ere yo*r t(o*g(ts were on t(at3 .eca*se to try to take it rom a mental

    perspecti2e$ and plan$ and get o*t maps and333 seems a little abs*rd to me3 !o 9 go

    in t(e ot(er direction$ tr*sting in t(e ow o lie3 !o 9 appreciate t(at answer3 T(ank


    AC; Exactly3 And personally$ 9 wrestle wit( t(at all t(e time3 9 try to (a2e back*p plan

    to back*p plan to back*p plan to back*p plan$ and 9 spend all t(is energy doing t(is

    and it goes in a completely in a diHerent direction3 !o333 ?la*g(s@

    A49E'CE MEM.ER U :AM

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    ?Ed note; !(erman Adams was Eisen(ower0s C(ie o !taH1 a searc( o t(e military0soint C(ies o !taH pro2ed r*itless or +.rigadier >eneral Langdon3,@

    !o$ (e s(ared all t(is wit( o(n 7ennedy and apparently w(ere t(ey elt t(e (*b o

    t(e loss o w(ere t(is tec(nology (ad gone$ and (ow ar it went black$ was

    somet(ing called t(e !pecial 5perations Coordinating >ro*p$ w(ic( was part o t(e

    'ational !ec*rity Co*ncil3

    &(atWs interesting to note is t(at t(e /rst t(ing o(n 7ennedy did w(en (e took

    o)ce was sign a presidential directi2e abolis(ing t(e !pecial 5perations

    Coordinating >ro*p3

    'ow$ no one knows exactly w(o t(ey are$ b*t t(ey0re not only connected to t(e

    intelligence$ b*t also to all t(e black programs$ to t(e secret space program and

    e2eryt(ing else3 T(ere is some conject*re t(at t(ese people are t(e go2ernors o t(e

    6ederal Reser2e$ beca*se t(ey control t(e money$ and it0s really all abo*t t(e

    money3 T(at0s conject*re t(o*g(3 9 don0t know or a act3

    .*t$ w(at0s interesting to note is t(at t(ey (ad connections e2eryw(ere$ to

    e2eryt(ing$ beca*se all t(e intelligence rom abo2e wo*ld come to t(em and t(en

    t(ey wo*ld decide w(ic( inormation t(e President was s*pposed to get3 Again$

    t(ose layers o sec*rity clearances3

    &(at0s interesting to note is; ater t(e assassination$ t(e 2ery /rst t(ing o(nson did

    w(en (e got back into t(e &(ite =o*se was recreate t(e !pecial 5perations

    Coordinating >ro*p$ now known as !pecial >ro*p in t(e 'ational !ec*rity Co*ncil3

    T(at0s my take on it3

    AM; T(at0s awesome3 .*t$ t(at time d*ring T(e !ixties333 o co*rse$ as yo* know$

    like o*r more - are t(ey all j*st$ like$ a series o random e2ents$ or all t(ey all

    diHerent333 like$ yo* know$ 7ing$ and .obbyB Are t(ey j*st all random occ*rrences o

    lone n*ts like ames Earl Ray and all t(ose g*ys$ and !ir(an !ir(an$ or are t(ey j*st a

    part o t(at w(ole t(ingB

    AC; 9 t(ink t(at t(ere are programs t(at o2erlap all t(e actions t(at occ*r in eac(

    co*ntry3 8es$ t(ere are some lone n*ts or indi2id*als t(at do t(ings$ b*t t(ere0s also$

    at t(e same time$ an o2erw(elming amo*nt o e2idence t(at many people (a2e

    been brainwas(ed and created to be (itters$ to +go wet, and take o*t people3 !o$ 9

    don0t know3

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    .*t again$ yo* know$ let0s go back to 5peration Paperclip3 A lot o t(e brainwas(ing

    and mind control tec(nology t(at t(e >ermans (ad been gi2en was bro*g(t o2er

    (ere and t(ey j*st contin*ed operating (ere *nder diHerent names wit( new

    passports3 !o it0s 2ery a big333 and 9 don0t know all t(e components3

    9t0s a 2ery big *estion$ b*t on t(e s*race$ does it look like it was done on p*rposeB

    9 mean$ look at t(e indi2id*als$ w(o t(ey were3 T(ey were making c(ange3 T(ey

    were creating an awareness1 t(ey were t(e ocal point o a 2ery power*l mo2ement

    or c(ange$ to make t(ings (appen or t(e betterment o e2erybody3 5kayB

    Again$ t(at is t(e pyramidal power str*ct*re3 8o* lop oH t(e (ead - loss o

    knowledge1 it o*nders3 !omebody can come in and take control and mo2e it t(e

    ot(er way$ t(en it doesn0t exist3 !o333 okayB


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    w(ere yo* stand and w(y yo* stand on a partic*lar position or a reason to make a

    c(ange t(an to (a2e somebody tell yo* w(y3 ?appla*se@

    And t(at0s w(at t(ey want3 T(ey want *s to come (al way3

    AMQ; 9 2ery m*c( agree wit( t(at point$ as a matter o act$ and 9 do (a2e a lot o

    my own opinions regarding (ow we can do it3 9 j*st elt t(at it was an important

    s*bject to bring back *p3

    9 eel t(at personally it goes back to somet(ing t(at yo* said regarding t(e creation

    o somet(ing t(at doesn0t already exist in t(e world and ne2er (as beore3 9 eel t(at

    t(at0s w(at we need$ in t(e orm o (*man interaction3

    AC; &e can do t(is3 9 mean$ as so*ls w(en we0re not (ere on Eart($ we02e been in

    ot(er ci2iliDations t(at don0t (a2e a monetary system3 &e (a2e t(is knowledge

    wit(in *s3 &e do know3 &e j*st don0t (a2e access to it at t(e moment$ b*t we do

    know$ all o *s3


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    to create t(e world we know to be tr*e in o*r (earts$ we know is possible or *s to

    li2e in1 t(at we remember3

    AC; T(at0s t(e /rst step3 *st talking wit( yo*r riends$ people o like mind3 *st

    creating t(at 2ortex o knowledge$ o (armonic$ o re*ency$ and as yo* begin to

    talk more and more abo*t it$ yo*r gro*p grows3

    90ll gi2e yo* an example$ t(e best example t(at comes to mind is; in Colorado t(ere

    were a gro*p o women w(o were t(e wi2es o soldiers o2er in 9ra3

    &(at t(ey did was$ t(ey ormed somet(ing called t(e 7itc(en Militia - okayB - w(ere

    t(ey wo*ld all get toget(er$ not only s(are recipes and abo*t rearing c(ildren$

    yadda$ yadda$ yadda$ and s(aring inormation and letters abo*t t(eir spo*ses

    o2erseas$ b*t t(ey wo*ld also start talking abo*t diHerent ideas3

    !ome incredible ideas came o*t o t(e 7itc(en Militia3 !e2eral o t(em e2en started

    companies o ideas t(at came o*t and now t(ey0re employing many o t(e people

    wit(in t(e 7itc(en Militia3

    !o$ it0s 2ery simple steps3 And again$ indi2id*ally$ t(is (as to be at grassroots3 All it

    takes is a oc*s$ a t*rn o o*r oc*s away rom t(e drama and t(e crap t(at t(ey

    want *s to oc*s on$ on t(e news and C''$ etcetera$ and start t(inking abo*t;

    &(at is it t(at 9 wantB

    &(at inormation do 9 want to knowB

    &(at do 9 want to (earB

    &(at inormation do 9 want to (ear on t(e newsB

    &(at kind o neig(bor(ood do 9 want to li2e inB

    &(at do 9 want to talk to my riends abo*tB

    &(at0s really important to meB

    And Ladies and >entlemen$ back in I%%F$ 9 was telling e2erybody to t(row t(eir

    tele2isions away3 9 really was3 8o* know$ 9 told yo* so$ okayB ?la*g(ter@

    9 mean$ we (a2e one and we j*st watc( mo2ies and we c(oose w(ic( mo2ies we

    want3 9 do (a2e rabbit ears$ so t(at 9 can watc( t(e election to /nd o*t w(o0s going

    to screw *s or t(e next o*r years ?la*g(ter@ and t(at0s ro*g(ly it3 And t(e !*per

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    .owl$ b*t now 9 can get t(at online$ so now 9 don0t e2en (a2e to pl*g in t(e rabbit


    !o$ yo* know333 yo* g*ys know t(is st*H3 8o* know t(is st*H3 8o* j*st (a2e to want

    it$ yo* j*st (a2e to want it3 8o*S2e got to want it so bad t(at yo*0re willing to j*st do

    it and say; Eno*g( is eno*g(N

    8o* do t(at wit( yo*r kids3 8o* do t(at wit( yo*r neig(bors3 8o* do t(at wit( yo*r

    bosses3 'ow yo*S2e got to do it abo*t yo*r lie3

    &(at is it t(at yo* really wantB >et some clear$ distinct ideas abo*t w(at it is yo*

    really want3 .eca*se t(e system we (a2e now is cr*mbling and it0s going to

    contin*e to cr*mble3 All t(e ill*sion in t(e world is not going to keep it standing

    beca*se it0s r*n its co*rse3 9t0s done3

    !o$ we (a2e to create somet(ing else3 &e (a2e to$ beca*se i we don0t$ t(e Powers

    T(at .e will create it or *s$ and 9 g*arantee yo*$ yo* will not be ree3 8o* won0t be

    ree3 8o* won0t like it at all3 ?la*g(ter@ 8o* won0tN 9t0s a gi2en$ an absol*te gi2en$beca*se it0s all abo*t t(em3 9t0s not abo*t yo*3 And as !pock once said; T(e needs o

    t(e many o*tweig( t(e needs o t(e ew3

    'ext *estionB

    A49E'CE MEM.ER U :4AVE

  • 7/24/2019 Mentoring by an ET Race (Video Transcript) - K.cassidy


    AC; ?to t(e a*dience@ 8o* g*ys are all waiting or go2ernments3 4on0t do t(atN 4on0t

    do t(at3 &e are t(e go2ernments between (*manity and t(e ET3 4o not wait or any

    go2ernments to (elp yo* g*ys3 ?Alex initiates appla*se@

    A49E'CE MEM.ER UJ :AMJi2e (im t(e mike3 *st get down on

    yo*r knees3 5kayB 9 want yo* to get down on yo*r knees3 8ea($ j*st like t(at3 Look at

    me3 9 want yo* to look at me3 Can yo* look at meB

    AMJ; 9t0s not w(at 9 was expecting$ b*t333

    AC; 4o yo* want to li2e t(e rest o yo*r lie like t(atB

    AMJ; 'o$ not partic*larly3 'o3

    AC; 5kay$ t(en stand *p3 ?appla*se1 w(istles@ T(en stand *pN

    4*de$ yo*0re ?an@ eternal so*l3 All t(ey can do is take t(is ?t(e body@ away rom yo*

    and yo* still li2e3 5kayB 9t0s not w(o we are - it0s w(at we are3

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    As ar as orming an organiDation$ it needs to be grassroots beca*se e2eryt(ing else

    t(at becomes a o*ndation or a corporation$ t(ey take o2er3 9 it0s grassroots and

    e2erybody in t(is a*dience and e2ery citiDen aro*nd t(e world - i we start watc(ing

    eac( ot(ers0 back$ t(ere isn0t jack t(at t(ey can do to *s3 ?appla*se1 s(o*ts1


    T(ere j*st isn0t3

    AMJ; 9 (ear yo*3 9 (ear yo*3 5kay3 T(at was dramatic3 T(anks3

    A49E'CE MEM.ER U% :AM%ro*nd Crew and t(at we are being mentored$ and /nd o*t i yo* disagree wit( t(at$

    t(at t(is is t(e c(oir and t(at we are being mentored already w(et(er we02e been

    tapped on t(e s(o*lder by someone rom anot(er part o t(e >alaxy or not3 T(at we

    s(o*ld stop denying t(at we0re already being mentored and we already are getting

    t(e message o w(at it is t(at we need to do3

    AC; &ell$ 9 t(ink >eorge said it best yesterday$ Mr3 >reen; &e are extraterrestrials38o* knowB ?la*g(s@ &e0re j*st trying to reconnect to kin$ basically3 !o yea($ yo*0re

    absol*tely rig(t3 9 don0t (a2e any problem wit( t(at3

    My p*rpose or reiterating it is knowing t(at t(ese t(ings go w(ere2er t(ey go and

    t(at t(ere are so many people now coming into t(is$ disco2ering it or t(e /rst time

    or at least asking *estions$ and it0s important to bring t(em on board as *ickly as

    possible3 To j*st (a2e t(em$ to plant t(e seed3

    =ey$ on some le2el yo* are already being mentored$ spirit*ally$ and we j*st need to

    bring t(e p(ysicality and connect t(at to t(e spirit*al lessons o o*rsel2es3

    AM%; T(ank yo*3 >reat3

    AC; T(at was my p*rpose3


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    AMI#; 8ea(3 8o* mentioned an incoming object$ "" degrees to ran*s or


    AC; Eig(teen degrees rig(t ascension o 'ept*ne0s orbit3 All 9 know is t(at it0s a

    planetary str*ct*re and it0s riendly3 9 don0t know anyt(ing more abo*t it at t(e

    moment$ b*t 9 know it0s riendly3 5kayB 9t0s not 'ibir*3


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    AMI"; T(ank yo*3

    AC; 8o* got it3 ?appla*se@

    'ow$ 9 wanted to bring *p somet(ing3 902e been blessed to (a2e an opport*nity to

    spend some time in E*rope$ and 9 was in !witDerland3 &e (ad j*st come o*t o a p*b

    and t(ere were some yo*ng men being arrested or some reason - and 9 will ne2er

    orget t(is3

    As we0re standing t(ere watc(ing t(is (appen$ one o t(e yo*ng men said to t(e

    !wiss police; 8o* didn0t read me my rig(ts3

    And t(e cop stopped and goes; &(at rig(tsB

    =e goes; 9 got rig(ts3 8o* got to read me t(e Miranda Act3 And t(is was a !wiss

    st*dent3 5kayB

    And (e goes; T(is is !witDerland3 8o* don0t (a2e any rig(ts (ere3


    .*t t(is yo*ng man belie2ed so m*c( in t(at t(at (e was willing to c(allenge t(e

    police o)cer abo*t it - okayB - and it was a big s*rprise or (im3

    !o$ yo* see$ t(e in*ence t(at t(e nited !tates (as (ad on t(e world is so ?m*c(@

    more proo*nd t(an any o *s realiDe and t(e disappointment is probably e*al to

    t(at at t(is point - okayB - beca*se (ere t(e propaganda (as been comm*nism$

    ascism3 &e (a2e sent yo*ng men to war$ lost t(eir li2es to /g(t comm*nism and

    ascism$ and in G# years$ we become ascistB &(at0s wrong wit( t(is pict*reB

    ?to a*dience@ !irB Two more *estions and t(en 90m done3


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    9 also wanted to say t(at 9 don0t want t(is *estion to so*nd in any way (ostile to

    anyone$ beca*se it does come rom t(e bottom o my (eart ?getting emotional@ and

    it0s somet(ing t(at (as been bot(ering me or a long time3

    9 we are to mo2e orward and connect all t(e pieces o t(e p*DDle$ and mo2e

    orward into t(e (olograp(ic social str*ct*re t(at yo*0re talking abo*t$ w(ere t(e

    c(ildren know more t(an t(e ad*lts and w(ere all inormation is gi2en to t(e yo*ng$

    t(en w(y is it t(at we still - e2en in 4isclos*re mo2ements and wit( co*rageo*s

    witness testimony coming orward$ people speaking - t(at t(ere are still certain

    topics t(at people are araid to or will resist talking abo*t$ s*c( as t(e stargates t(at

    was mentioned earlier t(is morning$ and ot(er t(ingsB

    AC; !o$ is yo*r *estion$ exactly$ w(y t(ere are still some topics people don0t want

    to disc*ssB

    AMIF; Rig(t3 9n people w(o are co*rageo*sly stepping orward and risking t(eir

    li2es to speak o*t abo*t w(at t(ey know$ w(y is it t(at t(ey do not speak abo*t

    e2eryt(ing t(at t(ey do know and t(ere are still topics t(at t(ey do not wis( to

    speak abo*tB

    AC; &ell$ t(at0s a great *estion and 9 am also g*ilty o t(at3 9t0s a comort Done3 9t0s

    a comort le2el and e2eryt(ing (as its own timing3

    &(at wo*ld (appen to (*manity i t(e go2ernment were to come clean abo*t

    e2eryt(ing t(at t(ey know abo*t e2eryt(ing t(at t(ey knowB Co*ld (*manity totally

    deal wit( itB Probably a portion o (*manity co*ld deal wit( it3

    T(e ot(er portion$ or portions$ or gro*ps$ co*ld not maybe deal wit( it at least in t(e

    2ery beginning$ beca*se t(ey (a2e constr*cted a reality aro*nd t(emsel2es t(at isbased on perception t(at is an ill*sion3 To s(atter t(at all in one ell swoop can be a

    disser2ice to t(em3

    T(e idea is to take people and gi2e t(em t(e tools t(at t(ey need so t(at t(ey

    2ol*ntarily begin t(e process o sel-responsibility and 2ol*ntary introspection3 T(e

    inormation is t(ere and it0s been o*t t(ere or Q#$ G# years3

    &e0ll take t(e 65 comm*nity as a w(ole$ Exopolitics3 More and more people are

    coming into t(is3 &(o is t(e biggest gro*p nowB 9t0s t(e yo*ng people$ w(ic( is

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    promising3 T(ey are in act in*encing t(eir parents by (a2ing disc*ssions at (ome;

    &(at do yo* t(ink abo*t t(is$ w(at do yo* t(ink abo*t t(atB !o it doesn0t matter

    (ow it (appens as long as it (appens3

    'ow$ 9 mentioned 4*lce in o*r con2ersation earlier3 T(ere will be people$ 90m s*re$

    w(o will contact t(ese two to really want to talk abo*t t(at$ and t(ey0re going to

    (a2e to be 2ery care*l abo*t (ow t(ey present t(e inormation$ beca*se t(e t(ings

    t(at (appened t(ere are (orri/c - absol*tely (orri/c - and t(ey (ad to be dealt wit(

    and t(ey were dealt wit(3

    ?Ed3 note; reerring to speakers 4*ncan 506inioan and 4a2id Corso :son o Colonel

    P(ilip Corso< w(ose presentations preceded t(is one3@

    =owe2er$ t(at element t(at was be(ind t(ose atrocities still exists (ere3 5kayB And

    e2en 9 don0t want to talk abo*t t(at beca*se it in2ol2ed women and c(ildren3 And

    t(at0s as ar as 90ll go3

    .*t now t(at 902e mentioned it$ 902e created a 4omain o 7nowing$ okayB 902e j*stcreated a 4omain o 7nowing3 'ow eac( o yo* will start going o*t$ t(inking abo*t

    t(at$ doing some researc( to p*ll t(at inormation to yo* beca*se now yo* want to


    AMIF; T(ank yo* 2ery m*c(3

    AC; 8o*0re welcome3 Last two *estions3

    A49E'CE MEM.ER UI :AMIentlemen$ 9 absol*tely know w(at 9 know abo*t t(e missing

    c(ildren and 90m not going to apologiDe or it3 9 stand by w(at 9 said all t(ose years

    ago and 9 stand by it today3

    7C; 5kay3 Co*ld yo* s*mmariDeB .eca*se we0re aware o t(is as well$ so i yo*

    co*ld j*st333 in maybe one sentenceB

    AC; ?sig(s@ 333 ?long pa*se$ w(ispers +s(itN,@ 333 &e (a2e become a nat*ral reso*rce$

    2ery m*c( (ow we *se cows and ot(er animals3

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    &e o*rsel2es (a2e become a nat*ral reso*rce3 T(e yo*nger ones are t(e most

    desirable beca*se t(ey0re not tainted wit( c(emical poisons in t(eir bodies1 beca*se

    t(ey0re yo*ng3

    T(at0s all 90m going to say3

    7C; La*ra 7nig(t-adcDyk (as gone into t(is in dept( and Ric( 4olan (as also

    written a re2iew o (er book t(at0s 2ery positi2e and Ric( (as333 and Alred &ebre

    p*blis(ed an article abo*t t(e s*bject3 !o$ i yo* want to in2estigate it *rt(er333

    .eca*se$ act*ally$ 9 j*st want to a*gment w(at Alex is saying (ere in t(e sense t(at

    t(e point is not to gi2e yo* e2eryt(ing o*t on a platter - okayB - or yo* to

    *nderstand w(at0s going on3 T(e point is to gi2e yo* direction3

    &(at Alex is doing (ere is mentoring yo*1 (e0s gi2ing yo* indications3 And t(at0s

    w(at o*r w(istleblowers do$ by t(e way3 T(ey don0t tell yo* e2eryt(ing3 T(ey don0t

    e2en tell *s e2eryt(ing3 .*t t(ey gi2e *s t(e cl*es t(at we need to do t(e researc(

    necessary to /nd o*t t(e tr*t(3 And w(en yo* (it t(e tr*t($ it gets yo*3 8o* can tell38o* know it3

    8o* want to be in denial$ go rig(t a(ead3 9t0s o*t t(ere3 T(e tr*t( is o*t t(ere3 9t is

    *nbelie2ably o*t t(ereN ?appla*se@

    A49E'CE MEM.ER UIQ :AMIQreat !pirit$ w(ose 2oice 9 (ear in t(e winds and w(ose breat( gi2es lie to all in t(e

    world$ (ear meN

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    9 am small and 9 am weak and 9 need yo*r strengt( and yo*r wisdom3

    Let me walk in bea*ty and let my eyes e2er be(old t(e red and p*rple s*nsets t(at

    yo* (a2e created wit( me3

    Make my (ands respect t(e t(ings t(at yo* (a2e made and my ears s(arp to (ear

    yo*r words and yo*r 2oice3

    Let me learn t(e lessons t(at yo* (a2e (idden *nder e2ery rock and lea3

    9 seek strengt($ not to be greater t(an my brot(er$ b*t to /g(t my greatest enemy -


    Make me always ready to come to yo* wit( clean (ands and straig(t eyes$ so t(at

    w(en my lie ades as t(e ading s*nset$ my spirit can come to yo* wit(o*t s(ame3


    Ladies and >entlemen$ it0s been an absol*te (onor or me3 T(ank yo* so m*c(3

    ?long appla*se1 standing o2ation@

    Ret*rn to Alex Collier and T(e Andromeda Compendi*m
