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By: Brock CarrollMennas JointFree Franchise

To open, I will be covering Mennas Joint restaurant, which originated in East Lansing, MI in 2003, home of our beloved Spartans. They have since opened 4 other restaurants across college campuses in Michigan and are looking to keep expanding. Mennas is starting a program that will allow one of its prize employees to start their own franchise with the first years franchise fees being waved and they want to increase the popularity of Mennas as well as spread the word about this new program. 1

AgendaTarget AudienceBig IdeaExecutionKey Performance IndicatorsBudgetSummary

This program will be discussed by covering who the target audience is, what our big idea is, how it will be executed, what the key performance indicators will be, what our budget it, and it will end with a summary of the presentation. 2

Target Audience

The target audience for Mennas Joint is primarily college students from Grand Valley State University, Central Michigan University, Western Michigan University, and Michigan State University along with local business people in these same surrounding areas who are looking for a alternative fast food meal.3

Big IdeaCreate a program that allows a Mennas employee to start their own Mennas franchise upon graduation. Gain awareness of the program through social mediaCriteriaMust work there for at least 2 yearsBe chosen by the Mennas Executive Board

Can you do it?

The big idea here is for Mennas Joint to make a program that allows an employee of a Mennas Joint to open their own Mennas franchise upon graduation from whichever university they attend near the current location. The criteria here will be that the employee must have worked at the restaurant for at least 2 year so they know the business inside and out. They must also complete and perform a presentation for the executive board of the Mennas Joint and they will choose a winner. The big advantage here is that the first years franchise fee will be waived and they will have direct access and personal help from the executive team at Mennas to make their franchise store as successful as possible. It is good for Mennas because they keep the atmosphere young and get other insight into how to continue to grow the business from a different perspective. 4

ExecutionSocial Media!FacebookTwitterInstagramBlogGoogle Analytics

The execution of this big idea and how everything will be run is through social media and all of the different and popular tools like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogging, and Google Analytics. 5

FacebookIncrease awareness of the free franchise Likes!Post weekly and daily specialsInteract with customers by allowing them to post pictures and new recipe ideasMake the name known around the world

The goal of facebook in this strategy will be to increase the awareness of the free franchise program as well as the Mennas name to those who are not familiar with the restaurant. By running specials and promoting them through social media and facebook it will increase likes and the social media presence has the ability to be seen around the world. 6

TwitterGain loyal followersFollow and tweet at companies and brands that relate to the types of things our customers likeInteract with customers and followers who mention Mennas JointGive away a dub daily to a lucky follower for tweeting at us

Twitter will be a big part of gaining awareness of the free franchise program and increasing popularity of the brand everywhere. It will be used to follow related topics and things closely associated to what our customers like, for example beer companies and drunken foods and we will retweet those companies. There will also be a free dub giveaway daily to a follower who tweets at the account. This will give incentive for our followers to contact us and for us to engage with them. 7

Instagram & BlogPost cool pictures!Anything funny that happens in the store we can share with our followers

Write a daily blog on any specials we have or new ideas we have about menu items or locationsHave a segment for the free franchise sopeople can follow along with the processGet feedback and ideas for expansion

Google AnalyticsGain customers by advertising online in proper placesGeographically target a specific audience Keep track of advertising budget onlineSee when and where are the web traffic is coming from

The purpose of Google analytics is to target a specific geographic area with advertisements and be the top choice on their Google search page even if Mennas isnt what they searched for with its increased keywords and SEO. The goal will be to target all ages and types of people, those who do or dont eat out much and those who have or have not heard about Mennas Joint. By increasing the awareness to all people it will increase the overall sales and performance of the stores. 9

Key Performance IndicatorsIncrease in and

Improve awareness of the Mennas Joint name and

brand. Make(Dub Mon) a figure head.

Surplus of excellent Mennas Joint employees

More Franchises opened across the Midwest

The way we will know if this is a success will depend on a few factors. First and most importantly, if there is an increase in sales and profits for the company. The second way of knowing if this is a success is by the number of qualified and over qualified candidates there are each year for working at Mennas, I estimate more business students and entrepreneurial spirits will pursue this position due to the opportunity that is present. The third way to know if this is a success is by the number of franchises that have opened in the next 5 years and how they are doing financially. Finally I it would be a goal to have people all over recognize the Dub Mon and the Mennas name around the Midwest and other areas we do not have franchises yet.10

Budget$25,000 will be set aside for this project$7,000 Facebook & Contest$2,000 Twitter$5,000 Blog$7,000 Strategy and keyword tracking$4,000 Consulting fees

The budget will cost around $25,000 for the whole digital strategy. The cost to set up an account and train people to effectively communicate and run campaigns that will provide results will be $7,000. Twitter will be around $2,000, Instagram will be free, the blog will run $5,000 to set up and train people on how to write a consistent and quality post. The google adwords and analytics as well as keyword tracking strategy costs $7,000. On top of all of this there will be consulting fees to make sure were on the right path and the business is seeing effective results and now ideas to keep them improving. 11


The summary of the project will be to target college students and business people to increase the awareness of the free franchise program and also increase sales and profits by gaining new and loyal customers. This will be done by using social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogging, and Google Adwords & Analytics to reach said customers. By performing the free franchise program and using the other tools like Google analytics it will give us an advantage of knowing where to direct the lucky winner to open a new store in order to be most successful. This will lead to Mennas Joint being spread around the world and becoming the next big franchised restaurant. 12
