Page 1: Membership setting ( must read )


You received this file. That means now you become a group member...

Please note: this group is a free announcement group service.

You can’t post messages in this group.

You just Sit, Relax, have some Popcorn and enjoy the show. J (I mean Mails)


Tip for yahoo users.

I request you all to go to this link

And set your (Message Delivery (in step 2.)) as: Individual Email

And set (Message Preference (in step 3.)) as: Traditional!

So you will be able to receive mails and "images" properly ...

Otherwise you will not be able to see "images" properly ... in your mails.


And for Google (Gmail) users.....

Plz click this link

And select fourth option: Email (Approximately 6 emails per day)

So you will be able to receive mails and "images" properly...

Otherwise you will not be able to see "images" properly ... in your mails.


You can unsubscribe from the group anytime,

& if you’ll miss my mails you are welcome to join again my group.

Thank you for joining this group.

Cheers. .!
