  • Melitz Model: Heterogenous Firm Model of Trade

    Seyed Ali Madanizadeh

    Sharif U. of Tech.

    May 7, 2014

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  • Introduction

    Challenges to Krugman model:

    There is a lot of heterogeneity across firms, within any sector.Very few firms export (import, engage in FDI)Exporters are very different from non exporters.There is a lot of reallocation between firms within sectors.

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  • Introduction

    Figure: Bernard, Eaton, Jensen and Kortum (2003) AER

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  • Introduction

    Figure: Bernard, Jenson, Redding and Shot (2007) JEP

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  • Introduction

    Figure: Bernard, Jenson, Redding and Shot (2007) JEP

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  • Introduction

    Figure: Eaton, Kortum and Kramarz (2004) AER P&P

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  • Introduction

    Melitz Model 2003

    Extension of Krugman model 1980 and Hopenhayn 1992

    Chaney 2006 (NBER) & 2008 (AER)

    Intesnive and Extensive margins of trade

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  • Model Assumptions

    Heterogeneity assumptions

    Firms differ in labor productivityProductivity is random, unobserved before firm starts.

    Trade barrier assumptions

    Firms face iceberg (variable) trade costs.Firms face fixed export costs.

    Simplifying assumption

    Symmetric countries

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  • Model

    No differences in factor intensities

    One factor of production: Call it labor L with wage w

    Labor moves across producers but not across countries

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  • Model

    Effi ciencies are different across producers

    Firms productivities’distribution: g (z)

    (An example) Pareto distribution

    G (z) = Pr [Z < z ] =



    )−θfor z > z0

    0 for z < z0

    The range of goods to be produced or export are endogenous

    It is determined by the free entry conditions

    Each producer makes a different good: so it sells it monopolistically.

    The space of goods is modeled as a continuum

    Index the goods by j

    Consider 2 similar countries with trade costs = d

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  • Model

    Firms pay an entry sunk cost fE to draw a random productivity. Thenthey decide to enter or not

    Measure M of firms are potential entrants.

    Production setup requires an operational fixed cost (additional labor)fo

    Measure Mo of firms actually produce.

    Export also requires a fixed cost (additional labor) fxMeasure Mx of firms export.

    The range of goods to be produced or exported are endogenous.

    It is determined by the free entry conditions

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  • Household

    Preferences: Spence-Dixit-Stiglitz (SDS)

    A CES over the continuum of goods:

    U =(∫

    y (j)(σ−1)/σ dj) σ


    σ > 1

    Budget Constraint: ∫p (j) y (j) dj = X = wL+Π

    X : Total Spending

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  • Household

    Demand for good j :

    x (j) =(p (j)P



    P =(∫

    p (j)−(σ−1) dj)−1/(σ−1)

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  • Producer

    The market structure is monopolistic competition.

    Each good is produced by a separate monopolist who takes totalspending X and the price index P in each market as given.

    Markets are segmented so that producers can set a different price ineach national market.

    Producers draw their random productivity from a cumulatativedistribution function F (z).

    For analytical tractabality, We assume G (z) = Pr (Z > z) is paretodistributed.

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  • Producer

    Profit maximization of a firm with productivity z ⇒Constant Markupm̄ = σσ−1 over price:

    p (z) = m̄wzin local market

    p (z) = m̄wdzin export market

    is the price of a producer with effi ciency z

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  • Firm’s Revenue

    Consider 2 similar countries and trade costs dHF = dFH = d

    Revenue of a local producer:

    r (z) = zσ−1 (m̄w)−(σ−1) Pσ−1X

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  • Firm’s Profit

    Profit of a local producer

    πo (z) =r (z)

    σ− wfo

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  • Closed Economy

    Let’s consider the close economy case first.

    So, there is not export.

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  • Aggregation

    Define convenient aggregate productivity:

    z̃ =(∫

    zσ−1µ (z) dz) 1


    Aggregate variables:

    R = Mr (z̃)

    Π = Mπ (z̃)

    P = M−1

    σ−1 p (z̃)

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  • Local Entry

    Who enters the local market?

    πo (z) ≥ 0r (z) ≥ σwfo

    So there is a threshold z̄o such that firms enter if and only if:

    z ≥ z̄o =m̄wP


    )1/(σ−1)It means that only firms more productive than z̃o would produce inthe local market.

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  • Local Entry

    There is an endogenous distribution of productivities: µ (z) dz

    µ (z) =

    {g (z )

    1−G (z̄o ) z ≥ z̄o0 O.W

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  • "Zero Cutoff Profits" condition

    Aggregate productivity:

    z̃ (z̄o ) ==(

    11− G (z̄o )

    ∫ ∞z̄ozσ−1g (z) dz

    ) 1σ−1

    Average profits are profits of the "average" firm π̃ = π (z̃ (z̄))

    Profits of the marginal firm directly related to average profits:

    π (z̄o ) = 0⇐⇒ π̃ = wfo


    )σ−1− 1]


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  • Endogenous Entry

    Value of entering is the expected profits minus sunk entry cost:

    VE = E [π (z)− wfE ] = (1− G (φ̄)) π̄ − wfE

    Free entry drives down the expected profits to zero:

    V E ≤ 0

    ⇒π̃ =

    wfE1− G (z) (FE)

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  • Labor Market Equilibrium

    Total Revenue = Total income

    R = wL (LMC)

    Mσ (π̃ + wfo ) = wL (1)

    M =wL

    σ (π̃ + wfo )(2)

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  • General Equilibrium

    Firms below z̄o exit (ZCP).

    Free entry drives down (expected) profits to zero (FE).

    Labor markets clear (LMC)

    π̃ = wfo


    )σ−1− 1]

    π̄ =wfE

    1− G (z)

    M =wL

    σ (π̃ + wfo )

    (ZCP) and (FE) solves for z̄o and π̃.

    (LMC) and π̃ solves for M.

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  • Survival threshold

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  • Ownership structure

    Stationary equilibrium: exit mass = entry mass:

    ME =M

    1− G (z̄o )

    Expected profits of firm owners cover the financing of entrants:

    Π = MEwf E

    All firms owned by a continuum of competitive mutual funds thathold diversified portfolios of firms.

    Note: no financing frictions.

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  • Trade

    Two similar economies

    Iceberg trade cost: d

    Fixed export cost: fX

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  • Exporters’s Revenue and Profit

    Revenue of an exporter:

    rx (z) =(m̄wzP

    )−(σ−1)X +



    =[zσ−1 (m̄w)−(σ−1)

    ] [Pσ−1X

    ] [1+ d−(σ−1)

    ]Profit of an exporter

    πx (z) =x (z)

    σ− (wfo + wfx )

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  • Export Entry

    Who enters the export market?

    πx (z) ≥ 0r (z) ≥ σ (wfo + wfx )

    z ≥ z̄x =m̄wP

    (σw (fo + fx )



    where d̃ =(1+ d−(σ−1)

    )−1/(σ−1)So, only firms with productivity greater than z̃x would export.

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  • Selecting into Export

    πx (z̄x ) = 0⇐⇒ z̄x = d(fxfo

    )1/(σ−1)z̄o (ZCPX )

    Empirically motivated restriction:


    )1/(σ−1)> 1⇒ z̄x > z̄o

    So not all firms export.

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  • Trade Equilibrium

    Profits derived from domestic and export sales:

    π̃ = πD (z̃ (z̄o )) + probXπX (z̄x )

    with probX =1−G (z̄X )1−G (z̄o )

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  • Equilibrium Conditions

    z̄x = d(fxfo


    π̃ = wfo

    [(z̃ (z̄o )z̄o

    )σ−1− 1]+ probxwfx

    [(z̃ (z̄x )z̄o

    )σ−1− 1]

    π̄ =wfE

    1− G (z)

    M =wL

    σ (π̃ + wfo + probxwfx )

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  • Selection under trade

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  • Trade and Aggregate productivity

    Opening up to trade induces reallocation towards more productivefirms.

    Aggregate productivity goes up.

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  • References

    Melitz 2003

    Chaney 2006(NBER), 2008(AER)

    Eaton Kortum Kramarz (2012)

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