Page 1: Melanie martinez AP Analysis

1. What has the photograph been taken for? It has been taken for a music magazine cover photo.2. What type of photography is it? It is a portrait picture of Melanie Martinez.3. Discuss the framing and what type of shot and angle has been used and why? It is a mid shot and taken straight on of her so we can see her outfit and the way she is styled which is a big part of her music.4. Discuss the composition. She is placed on an all pink background, pink being a girly colour.5. Discuss the focus. It is a sharp clear image of Melanie in the center of the magazine.6. How has the mise-en-scene been used? She is wearing clothes like a small child and holding a bottle that babies would use because of the character that she created for her album named “Cry Baby” which is the titular character, there is a long story about this, but that is why she dresses like a small child for this photo shoot as it’s her character.7. How does the photograph ‘anchor’ the text or written material? They assumed that people know their branding and people who like Melanie Martinez would want to buy this magazine anyway without knowing the branding. So it will catch people’s eyes if they like the artist.8. How does it promote or market the product? It has Melanie Martinez on it and if people like her then they will most likely purchase this.9. How does it appeal to its target audience? The magazine is aimed at people who like alternative music and more of that style so if they see Melanie they will boost sales.10. What story does the photograph tell? It’s showing her strong stylized character that is “Cry Baby” which is why there are tears.11. How does it increase sales?
