  • Struktur Rangka Batang

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    Akan dibahas determinacy, stability, dan analysis dari tiga macam bentuk rangka batang: simple, compound, and complex.

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    Difinisi:Struktur Rangka Batang adalah struktur yang terdiri dari elemen-elemen batang dimana ujung-ujungnya dihubungkan pada satu titik dengan hubungan sendi, dan direncanakan untuk menerima beban yang cukup besar (dibandingkan berat sendirinya) yang bekerja pada titik-titik hubungnya.

    Plane truss adalah struktur rangka batang yang terletak pada satu bidang.

    Hubungan antar elemen, biasanya menggunakan baut dan gusset plate.

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

  • Analysis of A Truss Structure

    Common Type of Trusses: Roof Trusses: Pada umumnya, beban atap yang bekerja pada

    truss di teruskan melalui purlin (gording). Rangka atap ditumpu oleh kolom.

  • Analysis of A Truss Structure

    Bentuk Truss pada umumnya: Scissors Howe Pratt Fan Fink Cambered Fink Warren Sawtooth Bowstring Three-hinged arch

  • Analysis of A Truss Structure

    Bentuk Truss pada umumnya:

  • Analysis of A Truss StructureBentuk Truss pada umumnya:

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresCommon Types of Trusses: Bridge Trusses: Beban diteruskan dari lantai kendaraan ke

    struktur rangka melalui sistem lantai yang terdiri dari balok memanjang dan balok melintang yang ditumpu pada dua buar struktur rangka batang yang paralel.

    Bagian atas rangka batang dihubungkan dengan lateral bracing.

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    Common Typesof Trusses: Bridge Trusses:

    Pratt Howe Warren (with verticals) Parker Baltimore or Subdivided Pratt Subdivided Warren K-Truss

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresAsumsi dalam perencanaan rangka batang:

    Sumbu batang setiap elemen bertemu di titik hubung rangka batang dan masing-masing elemen hanya menerima beban aksial. Hubungan antar elemen berupa sendi

    Tegangan yang timbul pada setiap elemen disebut tegangan primer.

    Asumsi hubungan sendi valid untuk semua tipe sambungan, baik sambungan baut ataupun sambungan las.

    Karena setiap sambungan sesungguhnya mempunyai kekakuan, maka pada setiap elemen akan muncul momen yang dikategorikan tegangan sekunder.

    Tegangan sekunder biasanya tidak diperhitungkan dalam alanisa rangka batang yang dilakukan secara manual.

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresAsumsi dalam perencanaan rangka batang:

    Semua beban dan reaksi perletakan hanya ada di titik hubung

    Karena berat elemen relativ kecil dibanding beban yang bekerja, seringkali berat sendiri diabaikan.

    Bila berat sendiri elemen diperhitungkan, maka dianggap berat sendiri diperhitungkan bekerja pada tititk hubung.

    Berdasarkan asumsi tersebut, maka elemen struktur hanya akan menerima beban aksial tekan atau beban aksial tekan.

    Pada umumnya, batang tekan sangat dipengaruhi oleh stabilitas terhadap tekuk.

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresAlasan sehubungan dengan asumsi yang dibuat: untuk mendapatkan rangka batang yang ideal dimana elemen hanya menerima gaya aksial.

    Primary Forces gaya aksial yang didapat pada analisa rangka batang yang ideal

    Secondary Forces penyimpangan dari gaya-gaya yang diidealisasikan seperti: momen dan gaya geser pada elemen rangka.

  • Analysis of Truss Structurestruss members areconnected byfrictionless pins no moment

    members are weightlessand can carry axial force (tension orcompression)

    providesvertical &horizontalsupport butno moment

    providesvertical supportbutno moment orhorizontal force

    loads only applied to endsof members at the joints

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresTypes of Trusses:Basic Truss Element

    tiga elemen membentuk rangka segitiga

    Simple Trusses terdiri dari basic truss elements

    m = 3 + 2(j - 3) = 2j 3

    for a simple trussm total number of membersj total number of joints

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    Jika ditambahkan titik simpul sebanyak = s

    Dibutuhkan tambahan batang (n) = 2 x s

    Jika jumlah titik simpul = j, maka tambahan titik yang baru = j - 3

    Banyaknya batang tambahan = 2 x ( j 3 )

    Jumlah batang total (m) = 3 + 2 x ( j 3 ) = 2j - 3

    Pada contoh di atas, m = 2 x 7 3 = 11

  • Analysis of Truss Structures Since all the elements of a truss are two-force members, the moment equilibrium is automatically Satisfied.

    Therefore there are two equations of equilibrium for each joint, j, in a truss. If r is the number of reactions and mis the number of bar members in the truss, determinacy is obtained by

    m + r = 2j Determinate

    m + r > 2j Indeterminate

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    m= 5, r+m = 2j

    m= 18, r+m =2j

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    m= 10, r+m =2j

    m= 10, r+m =2j

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    m= 14, r+m >2j

    m= 21, r+m >2j

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresStability of Coplanar Trusses

    If b + r < 2j, a truss will be unstable, which meansthe structure will collapse since there are not enoughreactions to constrain all the joints.

    A truss may also be unstable if b + r > 2j. In this case,stability will be determined by inspection

    b + r < 2j Unstableb + r > 2j Unstable if reactions are concurrent,

    parallel, or collapsible mechanics

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    m=6, r+m

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresStability of Coplanar Trusses External stability - a structure (truss) is externallyunstable if its reactions are concurrent or parallel.

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresStability of Coplanar Trusses External stability - a structure (truss) is externallyunstable if its reactions are concurrent or parallel.

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresStability of Coplanar Trusses Internal stability - may be determined by inspection ofthe arrangement of the truss members.

    A simple truss will always be internally stable The stability of a compound truss is determined byexamining how the simple trusses are connected The stability of a complex truss can often be difficultto determine by inspection. In general, the stability of any truss may be checked by performing a complete analysis of the structure. If a unique solution can be found for the set of equilibrium equations, then the truss is stable

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    Stability of Coplanar TrussesInternal stability

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresStability of Coplanar TrussesInternal stability

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    Stability of Coplanar TrussesInternal stability

  • Classification of Co-Planar Trusses

    Simple Truss Compound Truss

    This truss is formed by connecting two or more simple trusses together. This type of truss is often used for largespans.

    Complex truss: is one that cannot be classified as being either simple or compound

  • Classification of Co-Planar Trusses

    Simple Truss

  • Classification of Co-Planar Trusses

    Compound TrussThere are three ways in which simple trusses may be connected to form a compound truss:1. Trusses may be connected by a common joint and bar.

  • 2. Trusses may be joined by three bars.

  • 3. Trusses may be joined where bars of a large simple truss, calledthe main truss, have been substituted by simple trusses, calledsecondary trusses

  • Classification of Co-Planar Trusses

    Complex truss:

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresCommon techniques for truss analysis Method of joints usually used to determine forces for all members of truss Method of sections usually used to determine forces for specific members oftruss Determining Zero-force members members which do not contribute to thestability of a structure Determining conditions for analysis is the system statically determinate?

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresMethod of JointsDo FBDs of the jointsForces are concurrent at each joint no moments, just

    Fx = 0 ; Fy = 0

    Procedure1. Choose joint with

    a. at least one known forceb. at most two unknown forces

    2. Draw FBD of the jointa. draw just the point itselfb. draw all known forces at the pointc. assume all unknown forces are tension forces and draw

    i. positive results tensionii. negative results compression

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresProcedure

    3. Solve for unknown forces by applying equilibrium conditions in xand y directions:

    Fx = 0; Fy = 0

    4. Note: if the force on a member is known at one end, it is also known at the other (since all forces are concurrent and all members are two-force members)

    5. Move to new joints and repeat steps 1-3 until all member forces are known

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresMethod of sectionsDo FBDs of sections of truss cut through various membersProcedure1. Determine reaction forces external to truss system

    a. Draw FBD of entire trussb. Note can find up to 3 unknown reaction forcesc. Use Fx = 0 ;Fy = 0 ; M = 0 to solve for

    reaction forces

    2. Draw a section through the truss cutting no more than 3 members

    3. Draw an FBD of each section one on each side of the cuta. Show external support reaction forcesb. Assume unknown cut members have tension forces

    extending from them

  • Analysis of Truss Structures

    Procedure4. Solve FBD for one section at a time using

    Fx = 0 ; Fy = 0 ; M = 0 Note: choose pt for moments that isolates one unknown if possible

    5. Repeat with as many sections as necessary to find required information

  • Analysis of Truss StructuresZero Force MembersUsually determined by inspection

    Method of inspection1. Two-member truss joints:both are zero-force members if (a) and (b) are true

    a. no external load applied at jointb. no support reaction occurring at joint

    2. Three-member truss joints:non-colinear member is zero-force member if (a), (b), and (c) are true

    a. no external load applied at jointb. no support reaction occurring at jointc. other two members are colinear

  • Cremona




















  • A1

    A2 A3


    B1 B2 B3 B4

























    No No. Batang Gaya Batang

    1 A1

    2 A2

    3 A3

    4 A4

    5 B1

    6 B2

    7 B3

    8 B4

    9 T1

    10 T2

    11 T3

    12 D1

    13 D2

    RA RB

    -( )-( )-( )-( )+( )+( )+( )+( )-( )+( )-( )-( )-( )


    A2 A3


    B1 B2 B3 B4






    5 6


    RA RB

  • A1

    A2 A3


    B1 B2 B3 B4



    RA RB


    A2 A3


    B1 B2 B3 B4



    RA RB






    = 01M

    x x x x



    0)()()( 2 = yBxPxRA

  • A2










    B1 B2 B3 B4



    RA RB




    B1 B2 B3 B4



    RA RB

    x x x x



    Struktur Rangka BatangAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of A Truss StructureAnalysis of A Truss StructureAnalysis of A Truss StructureAnalysis of A Truss StructureAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresClassification of Co-Planar TrussesClassification of Co-Planar TrussesClassification of Co-Planar TrussesSlide Number 39Slide Number 40Classification of Co-Planar TrussesAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresAnalysis of Truss StructuresCremonaSlide Number 49Slide Number 50Slide Number 51