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Meeting:The Prospect of the EU-China Urbanisation Cooperation (short version )

Date:Shanghai, 31 March 2013 9:00-15:00

Place:Lake Malaren International Conference Center, Baoshan, Shanghai

The meeting on the Prospect of EU-China Urbanisation Cooperation, co-organized by the China-

Europa Forum (CEF) and the China Centre for Urban Development (CCUD), with support from the DG

Energy of the European Commission, was held in Shanghai on 31 March within the framework of the

“2013 China International Urbanisation Forum”. More than a hundred participants (government officials,

mayors, urban experts, scholars, civilian representatives and entrepreneurs) from Europe and China

attended the event to discuss problems faced by China and Europe in terms of urbanisation and ways

of dealing with these challenges.

During the meeting, the following 21 European and Chinese urban experts presented case studies and

shared experiences based on their own knowledge, research and practices: Pierre Calame, President

of the China-Europa Forum Foundation; MA Li, Deputy Inspector, the Foreign Affairs Division of the

National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC); Pedro Ballesteros, International relations

Officer, DG Energy, the European Union; QIU Aijun, Deputy Director General, China Center for Urban

Development, NDRC; TANG Huadong, Vice Mayor, Qiqihqr City, Heilongjiang Province; Jacques

Saint Marc, Deputy delegate of the French Inter-ministerial Steering Committee; Renbiao ZHANG,

Professor, School of Political Science and International Relations, Director, Urban Sociology Institute,

Tongji University; Pascaline Gaborit, Director, the European New Towns Platform (ENTP); ZHANG

Jun, Associate Professor, Dr. Department of Sociology, Tongji University ; Maurizio Mariani,

President of the Consortium Risteco, Italy; TANG Xuewen, Secretary-General of the Chinese Society

of Foreign Agricultural Economy; Hervé Philippe, CEO of LPDA; Haixiao PAN, Professor,

Department of Urban Planning, Tongji University; Pierre Bauby, President of the Reconstruire l'action

publique(RAP); Guang CHEN, Professor, Dean of School of Public Administration, Southwest

Jiaotong University ; Matilda Sanden, Second secretary, Embassy of Sweden ; XIE Zhongyan,

Secretary of Party Work Committee, administrative Committee of Changbaishan Nature Reserve, Jilin

Province; Jean René Brunetière, French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and

Spatial Planning ; XIE Yang, former Deputy Director, Department of Rural Economy, Development

Research Center, the State Council; Edouard Laurent, Project Manager, Swiss Federal Institute of

Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and SHEN Chi, Director of the Institute of Planning, China Center for

Urban Development, NDRC.

Below the essential content of every speech given at the meeting on 31 March, 2013 Shanghai.

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Morning Session

Welcome words by Pierre Calame, President of the China-Europa Forum Foundation

It is my pleasure to open this roundtable by giving an idea of the scope and spirit of our dialogue today

which is devoted to the issue « the transition towards sustainable societies, challenge for the 21th

century ». The transition towards sustainable societies will definitely be the major issue of the 21th

century and when looking at this transition, four different dimensions can be found :

First dimension, building a global community, I would like to call that the “anthropological revolution”

because we have to learn how to manage the planet together, we have to learn to share the resources,

we have to overcome the issue of national interests, it is a very deep change which will take a long

time. Our China-Europa forum takes part in this effort by setting up a global dialogue between

societies in order to tackle our common challenges.

I call the second dimension the “revolution of responsibility”, the “ethical revolution”, because we have

to deal with our impact on the rest of world, whether it is our individual impact or collective impact, and

we have, from our personal consciousness up to global governance, to put responsibility at the core of

our actions.

The third change is a “revolution of governance “, we have to invent a way to manage our societies in

order to cope with complexity, in order to build all together more unity and more diversity, and it is an

extremely deep change.

And last but not least, we need a new economic model, because our present model is unsustainable,

cohesion relies on ever-growing consumption much beyond the limit of the planet. We have to invent a

way to bring well-being to everybody through the respect of these limits.

Cities will be at the forefront of this transition because the traditionally major actors, which are the

states and the big companies, are not fit to address these new global challenges. And it is a paradox

that in a new stage of globalisation it is at the level of cities and at the level of the global supply chain

that we can find a new economy and a new coherence. This transition, though urgent it may be, will be

very difficult and very long because it means changing our conceptual framework, thinking about the

conventional wisdom of governance, or the conventional wisdom of economy. We have to make a

major shift, some people call it a “paradigm shift “. We have to revise all our assumptions and this will

be a common very difficult effort. It will be a multidimensional issue, we cannot expect to find a

technical solution or a political solution or even a social solution we have to address very various


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To address this variety of dimensions, a short roundtable is just a kind of shopping list, yet useful to

have a glimpse on how many different entry points we need to tackle this major transition. So we will

try to define the different dimensions of this transition, to review some ongoing experiences and

prospects, and to think about a working program for our partnership in the future.


Welcome word by MA Li, Deputy Inspector, the Foreign Affairs Division of the National

Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)

Ms MA Li stated in her speech that in the past 10 years, China’s urbanisation rate has

experienced an average annual increase of more than 1%, and that urban population increases of

more than 10 million people each year. By the end of 2012, China's urbanisation rate reached 52.6%;

but from an international perspective, it is not only far below the level of the developed countries, such

as Europe and the United States, but also below the world’s average level. Therefore, there is a huge

development and upgrading space for China's urbanisation.

She pointed out that China's urbanisation is faced with many problems and challenges. For

example, people, in particular migrant workers, coming from rural areas cannot enjoy the same public

services as urban citizens. The urban growth is of an extensive pattern and waste of the environment

resources is quite an acute problem. The urban economy is more dependent on traditional

manufacturing industries, rather than on the service sector. (...)

She said that the European urbanisation had started since the British Industrial Revolution in the

mid-18th century, from which Europe has accumulated a wealth of experiences. However today, it

faces new challenges. Despite its late start and many unresolved problems and the challenges ahead,

China’s urbanisation is bringing enormous opportunities for development. The EU-China urbanisation

cooperation conforms to the common interests of China and Europe.

She finally concluded that both China and Europe are making efforts to promote the Joint

Declaration on the China-EU Partnership on Urbanization, signed by Jose Manuel Barroso, President

of the European Commission, and LI Keqiang, then Vice-Prime Minister of China on May 3, 2012. (...)

The meeting was co-organized by the China Centre for Urban Development (CCUD) under the

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the China-Europa Forum, with support

from the DG Energy of the European Commission. She believed that this meeting would contribute to

the sound development of the EU-China urbanisation partnership.

Pedro Ballesteros,International relations Officer, DG Energy, the European Union

I will give you a few points about the reason why cities are interesting, why Europe can provide an

interesting experience and contribution to the urbanisation challenge in China and how we can get

many mutual advantages out of our cooperation.

I was before undertaking the so called Covenant of Mayors, it is one examples of what is going on

more and more in the present world, now that problems are becoming very complex. We know what

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our dreams are, what our vision is, but we do not know how to get there. This globalisation, along with

market pressure, pressure of the environment, lack of resources is very complex. I do not think there

is any human mind able to find magic solutions any longer, indeed the times of big intellectual

capacities of the 17th or 18th centuries are over, now we are in the times of big collective capacities, of

big experimentations for solutions.

One of the most important problems we face, all of us, is climate change. We have been negotiating

for years on climate change and we have always failed to negotiate anything because basically at the

government level we negotiate with economics in mind, but climate change and economics do not fit

very well together. At a certain point the European Union decided unilaterally that we should reduce by

20 % our CO2 emissions. We suggested this to the rest of the world with no condition and we went for

it because it was fair as we have higher CO2 emissions. Committing to reduce our CO2 emissions

entailed a lot of changes in our lives and the European Union very soon realized that this commitment,

if it was going to be achieved, needed a very active involvement of the local authorities. Indeed most

of our energy consumption comes from our houses, our buildings, our mobility etc, and it was

necessary to take that into account. The idea was to try to work in coordination. We were simply telling

cities « Would you like to come with a compromise to reduce your own CO2 emissions? We pay no

money, we give nothing simply a covenant, a compromise saying: I will cut my CO2 emissions by

20 % by the year 2020 in these sectors ». And to our surprise many cities said : “yes, we go for it “,

and they are going for it, there are some great cases.

We excluded industry from the action in the Covenant of mayors, because industry is something

subjected to global competition, to global market, When you decide to concentrate on industry in a

country, basically you are deciding to live according to the wishes of other people, the people who are

buying your products. But I want people in the cities to think about their own city, then you do not have

to think about the industry; you have to think about your buildings, about your public spaces, about

urban transportation, about how you live and how you see your own point of living. Put industry aside

and you will have a completely different picture. When addressing climate change, including industry

means that we need to invest more because we are less competitive, and we are going to lose jobs

etc. If you exclude industry, then there is no global market, there is no competition, it is only about

thinking about yourself, and loving your territory. And all mayors said: “yes! I want to fight climate

change, yes I want to reduce CO2 emissions, yes I want clean buildings and clean transportation in

my city”. It is a win-win situation. This is what we did with the Covenant, we realized that it is easier to

involve the people.

Money does not matter, it does not matter if it is a rich or a poor city. Now in the Covenant of Mayor

there are 4800 cities in 48 countries. There is the city of London, a very rich, financial centre, and

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there is the city of Ploiești in Romania, in which there are very few cars, and still people riding horses,

but both of them have shared objectives. (…) This is what is the Covenant, this is something that we

can share because for us a Chinese city that is clean, in which the people are smiling, in which people

look at each other and have public spaces to eat together, to walk together, in which there are

opportunities for job, in which the quality of the houses is good, is something that is the best possible

thing that can happen in China. It is in our interest to do this. It is not in your interest that China is

producing IPhone, But it is definitely in your interest that Chinese cities and inter-cities are living with

clean air, clean water, in good houses, and recycling waste. And on top of that we need, all of us,

China to have a reduced demand of energy, of oil, of many resources that are in the world or other

things that are not necessary in order to have more for all of us.

We have a long experience in urbanization, whether it is good or bad experiences, but I do not want

to make any judgment of value on this. I only come here to say that our interest is to say: “European

cities are interested in sharing with you these experiences “. We should consider problems we face

now, problems that China faces now with urbanization as a golden opportunity to change our

perspective and look at it not with a macroeconomic perspective and with a top-down approach, but

maybe with a little bit of love. If we can do that in the process of urbanization, then people will get

together. And this is what urbanization is people getting together and getting together in the right

conditions, with the right context, and in a clean environment. I think it is the best thing we can do

together. We have done this in several cities in Europe, we paid a lot of attention to indications on

what really matters which is: how many days do you feel well? How many people are smiling in the

street? How many opportunities are there for your children in your city? These are the important things.

QIU Aijun, Deputy Director General, China Center for Urban Development, NDRC

In her speech, Ms QIU Aijun made an introduction to the report China's urbanisation: trends,

challenges and policy suggestions. She analysed the situations of the economic and urban

development of China’s different regions, and summarized a few big differences : the regional

differences of economic efficiency and of educational attainment patterns, the regional distribution of

population, the spatial pattern of population, and the regional differences of urbanisation rate. She

highlighted measures for improving the quality of urbanisation and enabling the migrant population to

enjoy the same rights as other city dwellers.

She pointed out that China's urbanisation faces many challenges, the biggest one being the

population issue. In 2010, on the basis of resident population statistics, the urbanisation rate was

49.95%, but the proportion of non-agricultural household population accounted for only 34.17%. This

gap might be the passive urbanisation or semi-urbanisation mentioned by some scholars. The second

challenge is the one of “differentiated” public services; the third, the issue of the extensive use of

urban and rural construction lands; the fourth, the inequality of opportunities for small and medium-

sized cities and small towns. In China, cities have different administrative levels. Cities at different

administrative levels have different levels of power and responsibilities, and the extent of land

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expansion differs from one another. Towns are under the governance of the counties, while counties

are under the governance of the prefecture-level cities. The higher the administrative level, the more

resources the city can control.

To address problems and challenges in China’s urbanisation, the report proposed a number of

ideas and recommendations:

First of all, it is one of priorities to improve the quality of urbanisation, and focus on the migrant

population and migrant workers. Another one is the construction of urban infrastructure. How can we

combine private capital and public infrastructure construction? The relevant researches proposed the

establishment of an “investment mechanism of the private sector involvement in public services”, with

such a mechanism, municipalities would be able to ensure the development and construction of urban

infrastructure via sustainable channels

Another priority is the demand of urban public services. The level of public services for the urban

population is higher than that of the migrant population. The solution to this is not to depress the

higher part, but to improve the lower part, which means more spending on public services. More

attention should be paid to the issue of where and in what way this expenditure should be provided. In

terms of the reform of household registration system, the most important point is to establish urban

and rural integration, and to gradually remove the links between household registration and urban

welfare system, thus making a more integrated urban and rural welfare system. In addition, it is also

necessary to reduce the intervention of the administrative level on the allocation of resources,

especially to make reasonable use and optimize the allocation of resources among cities and towns at

different levels.

Besides, it is also a necessity to break the barrier of the administrative division. In this regard, the

focus is on how to build and use the cross-regional infrastructure. The EU has a lot of good

experiences, for example, the EU Structural Funds provides shared infrastructure among the different

countries and cities in the European Union. Such experiences is helpful.

Finally, it is essential to increase efforts to support small and medium-sized cities. Small and

medium-sized cities and towns in Europe enjoyed a fast development, offering a lot of good

experiences for China to learn from. With about 20,000 small towns, China also had a great deal of

knowledge and experiences to share. This should be an important aspect in the EU-China

urbanisation cooperation.

Pierre Calame,President of the China-Europa Forum Foundation

I would like to share briefly with you some lessons driven from international experiences. As you

may know, since the first Earth Summit, there has been a great lot of networks of cities working

together on this issue of a transition towards sustainable societies. In fact we are still at the first stages

of a long march towards real sustainability and we will need all the efforts of the networks and a

strengthening of their exchange of experience. Exchange of experience already exists but not so much

as it should be, there is not enough critical reflexion of mutual experience, this is a challenge for our

partnership between China and Europe on urbanization. Although we are still at the first stages we can

nevertheless draw some conclusions of what are the most important perspectives but also what are

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the main obstacles we are facing.

First of all we need to understand the urban metabolism. In fact, cities themselves do not know

exactly how they function. They have a very limited knowledge of their metabolism, of the flows of

energy, information, and money going in, and how inputs are transformed locally, create or not

prosperity or go away. When you look at the consumption in Europe, you can see that there is a focus

on the immediate consumption of energy like in housing or transportation, but a very little knowledge

of what are the natural resources, what is the energy embodied in the process of creating, transporting

and distributing products that you buy. So the first conclusion is: we need to understand much more

about cities' metabolism, we need new institutional arrangements, we need much more research to

really understand it.

Second, change can not be the result of a political will; it needs to involve all the stakeholders. All

the success stories we see show that it is under the condition of the population itself being really

conscious of the issue of sustainability, and really involved in it, that you can really change things.

Starting from a top-down process will lead you nowhere, you will of course create good housing and

good transportation but there will be resistance emerging from the population. We need growing

consciousness, many social innovations and we have to help them to be coordinated, combined. This

is an effort coming from the whole society, not only from the political body, not only from companies or


The third point about governance is the following one: no issue can be solved at one level.

Unfortunately according to the conventional wisdom about governance we should know who is doing

what, and be able to describe exclusive competencies for each level, but this does not work anymore.

The challenge now, is to invent what has been well described in the white paper of the Committee of

Region of Europe: a multi-level governance. The key issue now is how the different levels are

coordinated with each other. If you think of energy, of social cohesion, of whatever is related to

sustainability, then you will realize that you need to combine the efforts of different levels. And it is a

great change in the conception of governance, in the conception of the role of the public servants and

in the way to reach more unity with more diversity.

Fourth Point: next to the multi-stakeholders efforts you have to understand that common good

cannot only be produced by public services. Common good is the result of a co-construction and

therefore many efforts are made nowadays to define co-responsibilities. A very good example is the

one about children. Children are very conscious of the shortcomings of our present model of

development, they want to be responsible but they are not at the local authorities' place, they are not

at the place of the education system. Only if you can define co-responsibility between children

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themselves (and they want to take responsibilities), the education system and the local authorities, will

you make a dramatic move forward. So co-responsibility and co-responsibility charters are extremely


Fifth point, it is not possible to conceive sustainable cities with unsustainable supply chains,

because you remain dependent on a consumption which is unsustainable. So the two major

institutional arrangements needed for the future are on one side cities, on the other side global supply

chains. You will have, during the roundtable, a very concrete example about food supply chain.

Sixth dimension, we need to create an appropriate governance regime for energy and for non-

renewable resources. Right now we want to hammer screws and we want to screw nails and it is

exactly what we are doing with our regulations. They are inappropriate to the very nature of the

different categories of good and services. Therefore a major social, institutional and political innovation,

will be to invent a governance regime for supplies. And we know that here in China, there is a dramatic

problem for water, for energy and for non-renewable resources. In the next decade, the conception of

money, of currency itself will change dramatically. We are only at the eve of the invention of this new


Seventh dimension, we need to understand irreversible long-term decisions, when you accept the

urban sprawl, when you create big infrastructures for cars, then it will be there for one hundred years.

In Europe for example, only 1 % of the housing stock is new each year. So let's think about the inertia

of everything we have built over the last decades, and this is very difficult to transform. When you

make a decision today it implies the question of sustainability in 50 years. This is the contradiction that

European cities are presently facing. One on side they really want to move towards sustainability, but

they inherit decisions that have been taken in the 60s and 70s and it will be very difficult to go back. All

the evidences that we have of successful cities is that they overcome the division between political

parties, because it can take a 10 to 15 years strategy to really move towards sustainability. So if each

time there is a change at the political leadership level it will create a change in strategy, then you will

go nowhere and it is a challenge for democracy itself.

Eighth point: developing a new vision of cities and city planning. We have a mechanical vision of the

conception of cities, it can be seen whenever you go through the streets. We have to move to

conceiving cities as ecosystems, complex biological systems. We have to make a clear divide

between strategy and planning. Planning is rigid, much too heavy, mechanical, so when dealing with

resilience, with adaptation, with managing a relationship then the pattern can be changed.

And finally, ninth point, integrating technical progress in this new vision. Technical progress will be

useful, smart cities are useful. We can use an important number of data to help manage mobility or

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manage heating systems of houses and so on. But this will not be sufficient, changes have to

incorporate new technology in the new vision, otherwise you go nowhere. These are the main lines of

conclusion drawn from international experience nowadays.

TANG Huadong, Vice Mayor, Qiqihqr City, HeilongjiangProvince

In the very beginning of his speech, Mr TANG Huadong shared his reflections on the creation of a

new mode of economic development. Was the historic process of primitive society - agricultural

society - industrial society - modern society inevitable or could it be jumped over? In today’s society, is

the development of urbanisation bound to go through the process of industrialization? Is it possible to

go from an agricultural society to an ecologically civilized society? Some places are exploring the

development of eco-economy, which could not only promote economic development, but also bring

ecological benefits.

He then introduced the development of urbanisation in Qiqihar city an eco-city in northern China

with an urbanisation rate of 46.6% in 2012. The relatively low rate is the result of the small population

and the dominance of large-scale agriculture. The city’s agricultural population has about 10 acres of

land per capita. With no agricultural tax, with good harvest and the increasing prices of agricultural

products, local rural population is very rich. (...)

Qiqihar developed six measures to promote further urbanisation: first, the re-construction of the

city centre, the expansion of the new urban area, and the refurbishment of the old urban area; second,

the construction of a satellite city, with the county as the satellite city of the central urban area and as

the mother city of the surrounding small towns; third, the promotion of small towns with distinctive

features; fourth, the provision of industrial support — introducing big companies and large-scale green

industries — to promote the overall urbanisation; fifth, the development of rural cooperatives, the

vast area of land and the small population in Qiqihar offers good conditions to develop a large scale

operation, and the development of rural cooperatives could boost the urban development; sixth, the

provision of a variety of security measures, including a dynamic development of education, to attract,

for example, the rural population, by allowing their children to go to school in the city.

In addition, he thought that Qiqihar could be the first city in China to abolish the household

registration system or to remove the added-values of urban welfare to the household registration

system, because the farmers are rich and can afford urban lives, thus not becoming a burden for the

city. People coming from rural areas would also be a driving force for the development of the city .

Jacques Saint Marc,Deputy delegate of French Inter-ministerial Steering Committee

In 1800 we were 1 billion on this planet, now we are 7 and in 20 years we will be 9 billions , so there

is a question about land use. More and more people are going to live in cities, in 2050 we could have

an urbanization rate of more than 60 %. So the question for urban planners is cities or urbanization?

There is a difference. Daily services should be at walking distance and there should be a good

transportation system. For example, Lyon a city in east-central France is involved in a new

development model. The city has around 1 million inhabitants and in the whole area, with the suburbs,

there are around 3 million inhabitants. The perimeter of the urban community of Lyon, also known

as ”Grand Lyon” and the study area is of 30 km. Understanding what has happened will give us a very

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large area of study in the field of urbanization.

Before in France, around big cities there was a lot of this kind of houses and you had to spend a lot of

land and of course energy for it. We can also observe that the rate of motorization in this area

increased a lot since 1982. In 1999 the number of personal cars skyrocketed, it is part of the

urbanization process. In these little cities around Lyon there is more than 1.5 cars per family. Now the

new way of urbanization is this way: an urban community like the ”Grand Lyon” surrounded by a lot of

little cities, a lot of small and medium cities with all the daily services . There are projects to build new

districts inside the city and to make the city greener by making the forest enter the city. There is

another project of public transportation. The tramway should come in the old part of the city to facilitate

access to daily services and facilities.

Which kind of urbanization do we need to have a high quality of life, a high quality of air and so on?

When I was a young urban planner Brasilia was a model for us, there is also another model in France,

the one of La Défense, separating the working area from the traffic area. Another example is the one

of a city in Ningxia province, the distance between the old city and the suburban area is 50 km. In the

old city, there is a lot of life in the streets, in the newest area buildings are very comfortable but to

access other services you need to take a car, or a bus and spend a lot of time, money and energy.

ZHANG Renbiao, Professor, School of Political Science and International Relations,

Director, Urban Sociology Institute, Tongji University

I will touch upon the issue of The New Concept of Space in Urbanisation: from “Geographical-

Physical-Economic Space” to “Cultural-Psychological-Public Space”.

In China, cities and towns are two different concepts. China is now stressing the coordinated

development of large, small and medium-sized cities and towns (so-called new urbanisation in China)

proposed by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China instead of the emphasis on

the development of cities proposed by the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The traditional concept of urbanisation takes agglomeration as a symbol, and transfer of

population is a kind of agglomeration, but in the process of new urbanisation, China must pay attention

to the issue of quality. Enabling the urban civilization to radiate to the rural area, enabling the vast rural

areas to share the achievements of reform and opening up, are the significance of the new

urbanisation. As a result, urbanisation should not be either a movement of destroying the rural area, or

an issue of simply changing the agricultural land into urban land. Of course, it is also necessary to

consider the psychological changes of homogenization of the rural society and heterogenization of the

urban society brought by urbanisation.

What are the features of China’s urbanisation? First, the dual structure; second, the pressure of

the equalization of public services; third, the land acquisition and relocation, because China’s land is

either state owned or collectively owned, the relocation tends to cause various social conflicts; fourth,

the emergence of new challenges, including low-carbon issues, environmental protection and resource

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conservation. Problems faced by China’s urbanisation include: its speed and scale, the separation of

industrialization from urbanisation; the gap between regional developments; the disappearance of a

city’s characteristics; the land waste of small cities and towns; the land shortage of developed cities;

an increase of small towns in number but with an overall poor quality; the interference and impact of

the administrative system and so on.

First, urbanisation should not be launched everywhere, and new cities should not be built

everywhere; second, urbanisation should not lead to the similarities of cities, so-called “thousands cities

with the same face”; third, urbanisation should not simply be reduced to a real estate movement; fourth,

urbanisation should go far beyond a change in the household registration.

Some people proposed that there are three problems in urbanisation: first, where should the

population move to? Second, where should the money come from? third, how should the land be used?

Is the urbanisation of land equivalent to the urbanisation of people? Large cities have the

advantages of employment attractiveness and high absorption capacity of people, but lack the basic

existence force because of the limited resources, while small towns have the population existence

force, but lack the employment attractiveness.

I will propose a few simple ideas on urban development, the first is the positioning issue of urban

development, and the second is the residential segregation. As a social science researcher, I am

particularly concerned about whether people coming into cities can enjoy a citizen treatment / can be

considered as real citizens. “Migrant worker” - a temporary transitional name - seems to become the

eternal symbol of a social status, which is worthy of our consideration. This relates to the settlement

issue of the city. For instance, the United Kingdom made great achievements in public administration

during the period when Margaret Thatcher was the Prime Minister, but it also encountered a lot of

problems. In the past, Paris constructed a new city mode in order to settle a large number of Arab

immigrants. At present, with an increasing number of low-income people expanding to its outer edge,

would Shanghai experience similar riots as Paris did? Europe has cultural conflicts, while China has a

problem of differentiated place of birth.

Modern urbanisation development has three basic principles. First, in terms of physical-

geographical space, we have to go beyond the technology-orientation, and return to the people-

orientation. Second, in terms of economic-political space, we have to abandon the consumerism, and

try to achieve sustainable development. Third, in terms of cultural-mental space, we have to resolve

cultural conflicts before answering urban and rural issues. It needs our efforts from now on, starting

from everyone's individual effort.

Pascaline Gaborit, Director, the European New Towns Platform (ENTP)

The challenges of urbanization are tremendous. Cities have created on the one hand better lives for

citizens, better work, better housing conditions, better entertainments but on the other hand they also

created and lead to what some international expert schools call ”serious urban diseases”, namely :

increasing house prices, traffic congestion, security issues, unlimited city areas and last but not least,

huge air pollution. In this context, some decision makers decide to create new towns or new districts,

through these initiatives, they want to achieve a more balanced territory and to create better areas for

citizens. However if creating a city or a district from scratch can be seen as a dream for decision

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makers and urban planners it can also turn, sometimes, into a more difficult issue. The risk is indeed

to create ghost cities, empty cities, dormitory cities.

So in a time of a really quick pace and of huge scale urbanization with land resources, water

shortage, this question of building new cities is really a huge decision, having an impact on territories

and on land resources. These decisions are also costly because resources are needed. MR. Schwab

said that when you build a road, it has an impact for 1 thousand years, this is the same when you build

a landmark, it will last for centuries, but what if you build a new building? How long is the lifetime of

this building? Is it better to build in sustainable, long-term concrete or is it better to build with a lot of

eco-materials buildings that will have a shorter lifetime? Urban experts do not agree on what is better

and of course different cities need to find a different local solutions.

I am working with European new towns. European new towns were built 60 or 40 years ago for the

youngest ones. They were at that time pilot cities and we can learn a lot about them. They were built

from governmental decision and quite quickly for European standards. We can observe that they were

built for the use of cars with mainly large roads and not a lot of public transportation. Density was not

really high, because there was this idea of garden city at that time. Time changed and after some

decades they started to build a public transportation network, to take the ageing of the population into

account to think about economy. So we have tried to identify some key points about new towns and

new districts that are important to take into account. The first one is the question of employment and

jobs because building new cities is not only about providing housing this is also about bringing some

jobs, that is what we call a ”housing-job” ratio. It means that when you build one housing unit, you

need to have one job. But this does not solve the problem, because when you build an entire new

area what type of economy are you going to bring on your territory? Will you attract huge industries,

raising the question of pollution, the question of use of territory? Will it be retail industries, cultural

industries, high-tech industries? All these choices are difficult to make for local authorities.

The second point will be to include the maintenance of buildings. Third point prospective, take into

account the changes of society, like the ageing of population, concretely; having elevators in

buildings otherwise old people cannot reach their home, having accessibility, which means having

public services, schools, workplaces, close from citizens along with a good transportation network.

And, fourth point to avoid the speculation and empty buildings, because, often , when you have a new

town, a lot of investors will buy many buildings, and wait for prices to go up. In the meantime these

offices will remain empty and this does not really create a good living environment for the people. We

often try to think: what is a successful city? What is a successful new town? What is a town which is

good for living? What is a town that provides enough services? Only people can answer these

questions. When creating a new area, having all these services and all these liveable areas in one

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place makes it a bit more of a challenge. Also, another trend is to discuss about eco-areas and eco-

neighborhood. In Europe, most of the time when we really try to build ecological neighborhoods, we

address cases at a small level, we do not really have a larger development scale. Achieving real urban

sustainability, injecting vitality in economy and society in a time of economic crisis, creating green belts

in our cities that are also the lungs of our urban area is a challenge even at the European level.

At ENTP we have an interesting project, called the EAST project, Euro-Asia Sustainable Towns,

which is a project of cooperation between towns in Europe like Basildon in England and Naya Raipur

in India, and different Chinese towns such as Qingpu and Baoshan. We try to discuss about what the

key factors of sustainability are for these newly developed towns. We have tried to identify some of

them, like education, environment, clean transportation, urban sprawl, absence of polluting industry

but also analysis of risk for instance which is very important for the long term. In the end what we

promote is to try to have and integrated vision of planning, to take all the aspects into account at the

moment of planning. To conclude with, there is no magic recipe to create a new town or a new district,

every solution is different. And here are the issues that can be identified: how to promote these

environmental cities? How to address social cohesion issues? How to address the issue of economy

in the city? And how to address the issue of governance and city management?

ZHANG Jun, Associate Professor, Dr. Department of Sociology, Tongji University

The title of my speech is Study on Public Leisure Space and Community Building.

In the process of urbanisation, urban cells – communities – should be particularly developed.

Especially after the reform and opening up in 1978, how should we develop urban communities in the

process of a transition towards market-orientated urban management? In the past, it was the work unit

or danwei (a name given to a place of employment in China) that built communities, but now the

function of the work unit or danwei has been transferred to the hands of neighbourhood committee.

The purpose in the past was to control communities, while nowadays it is to provide social services.

Communities in Shanghai have established a mode of “two levels of governments, three levels of

management and four levels of network”, which provides a good support for our social services.

Nevertheless it is generally believed that communities are still developed in administrative means and

influenced by government forces, while resident-based communities are underdeveloped.

Is there any community in China’s cities? At present, the average life expectancy in Shanghai is 80

years old, while the average retirement age is less than 60 years old. There are still 25-30 years for

those retired people to spend in the community till their death. How should such a long time be spent

in the community?

Urban population density in China is increasing, but living space for residents is very limited, thus

leading to various problems, such as the lack of public space, the decrease of family scale, and an

increased number of empty-nest families and elderly people living alone.

After retirement, the majority of people no longer belong to any work unit or danwei. They have to

return to their own residential communities where space is needed as a carrier for their activities, but

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how do we find such a carrier? Residents have created many different ones, for example it is common

to see elderly people in Shanghai dance and sing in public places.

Why do people need such natural space? We did some field surveys and found out that it was

because of the general demand for green space and open space. China’s cities are very densely

populated areas - people do not have much green space to enjoy at home, or enough open space to

invite friends at home. In response to this reality, we proposed Space Reshaping and Social

Reconstruction. On the one hand, modern communities of Chinese cities lack basic public space and

a social mechanism for nurturing communities, while on the other hand people have a demand for

public space. Therefore, we have proposed to construct a social network on the basis of public space

features, in order to promote social development.

I would like to share a successful case: the one of The Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC)

which is a comprehensive premise near Fudan University and Shanghai University of Finance and

Economics. The surrounding old residential communities have little public space, while the new office

space of the KIC lacks popularity, energy and vitality. As a result, the KIC constructed a lot of public

spaces for nearby residents in its office area. It has thus become a safe and healthy space for social

interaction. This practice has offset the problem of the old community’s lack of open space. Such

community with a linkage of public space has great vitality.

Maurizio Mariani,President of the Consortium Risteco, Italy

Should smart cities exist without smart food policy? Our dialogue with Chinese institutions and

Chinese organisation started in 2007, it is now quite 7 years that we are working together to force

sustainability into the food supply chain in China and also in Europe.

Just a few key facts and numbers to better understand big food supply chains and how strategic it is

for a city to take it into consideration. Only in Europe, for one meal eaten out of home we produce

250g of waste, and in Europe some people are having a meal out almost everyday. We are only

talking about the food service which, in the total of around 23 million tons of CO2 emissions related to

waste accounts now for 12 million tons. Food consumption is growing everywhere. What we need is a

systemic vision of the food value chains to reduce gas emissions of the entire supply chain. We talked

about life cycle assessment of the food supply chain, we need to reduce needs of water and energy,

base the food system more on seasonal products and vegetables proteins and maybe less on meat

proteins, animal proteins. It is one of the necessities for cultural change. These are some key points of

the new food paradigm. According to a LCA analysis made over public food services in Europe we

should produce from 4.6 up to 7 kg of CO2 equivalent per meals (this is only in logistic terms, we do

not talk about ingredients), and we should have 2 vegetarian meals, of 2 kg of CO2 emissions per

meal. The gap between the worst one and the good one is around 5 kg of CO2 emissions per meal.

This case study comes from Italy but it is the same everywhere in Europe, in the main fields of the

agri-food supply chain: namely industry, public food service wholesale and distribution.

With some colleagues we did some research on fish and on the annual catch of fish in the world. It

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is around 60 million tons and it is shared between large scale fishermen and small scale fishermen.

Talking about human labour, we can assume that large scale fishermen account for about half a million

people working for the same quantity of fish as artisanal fishermen which account for 12 million jobs.

We can also observe that fuel consumption is less with artisanal fishing.

Until today business activities have traditionally been taking into account 3 different resources:

financial, technical and human resources. We hope that from tomorrow onwards human labour is put

again at the centre of the economy. Environment must also be taken into consideration since the first 3

ones are not endless resources. Some suggestions are to use taxation as a lever to encourage the

development of an innovative and sustainable food processing system run by the younger generation

and capable of producing healthy and tasty food for citizens in harmony and in symbiosis with the

territory itself. There is no smart city without food policy as software and food logistic hubs as

hardware to create this symbiosis between rural and urban area in a clever and sustainable way.

( His Chinese colleague TANG Xuewenl gave an overview about what is happening in China.)

TANG Xuewen, Secretary-General of the Chinese Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy

Eating City Platform is a series of activities we have conducted since 2007. We also published a

series of papers and publications, which has benefited from the support of the China-Europa Forum

(CEF). We have conducted research on sustainable food supply chain under the framework of the

CEF’s WT35 workshop. In China, we have established a more flexible and sustainable research

networks. “Eating City” is actually a new platform evolving from the CEF. Just now, Mr. Maurizio

Mariani talked about the eating problems faced by cities in developed countries. China also has such

problems, and of course, our food safety issues may be more serious.

I think that in the China-EU comparison on urbanisation, even though both sides have some

common features, it is necessary to note that the two sides have different backgrounds. In the specific

context of China’s rapid urbanisation, there are, in fact, a lot of things that could be done for the

sustainability of the Eating City Platform, such as how to solve the problem of urban residents’ distrust

on food safety. I would like to suggest to establish a food safety inspection and testing institution with

the participation of the government and multiple parties; If a consumer is worried about safety of a

particular food, he or she could send the food to this institution and pay a very small amount of fees to

have it tested. Most of the cost would be borne by this institution. Maybe this could exert heavy

pressure on food production and processing enterprises, and could effectively promote urban food


In addition, what could all of participants from China and Europe do by working together? Because

of the limitations of my organisation - the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, (CASS) - it is relatively

difficult to implement a lot of ideas. For example, we believe that it is possible to establish a platform of

collective procurement of safe food for cities' primary schools, kindergartens and other important work

units that have public canteens, which may help to promote sustainability of urban food. With the

platform of the CEF, if some cities or new towns are willing to participate in the construction of “urban

public eating platform”, I think it would be a very good idea.

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Maurizio Mariani:

To conclude, I would like to remind you about the quantity of food waste and of food losses we have

all over the world, it represent around 13 billion tons per year and the value of food losses and waste

is rising up to one thousand billion dollars. The most incredible thing is that we also have around 1

billion of overweight people around the world. We produce much more food than what we need, and

we should shift this paradigm. Our common future with our Chinese colleagues it is to make an

international win-win cooperation to face food challenges because in both Europe and China food is a

global issue at a local level. We must take food into consideration when we design a new city or when

we talk about smart cities, we should also create a kind of food dashboard to better understand flows

of food arriving in a city. By sharing experience with our colleagues we are now assessing new metrics

and new indicators to include food sustainability into smart cities.


Q & A

Pedro Ballesteros:I would like to open the floor for any possible questions comments that may

rise from the audience.

Question 1:I had a question about new towns, you said that it was very difficult for new towns to

understand what kind of economy they want to attract and create whether it is high-tech industries or

cultural economies. So how can new towns actually decide which economies they want? All the new

cities and new towns are mostly focusing on high growth industry, green-tech and bio-industry. Is that

how they should just choose? Basically say: “these are the latest high growth economies then we

should focus on these”? Because then every city is going to do the same thing and competition is

going to rise higher and higher between these new cities.

Pascaline Gaborit:This is a difficult question of course because all new towns want to attract high-

tech industries, they all want to have hubs, clusters and a competitive economy. However probably

there are solutions in the diversification of economy: SMEs, creative industries for example; and not

only dependence on one sector especially if it is manufacturing or logistics sectors, sectors highly

sensitive to the crisis.

Question 2:The new towns you have just introduced also have new technologies, are European new

towns employment-oriented or residence-oriented, or both? Since the reform and opening up in 1978,

all the development zones in China have only industries without residence. At present, each

development zone wants to expand, because there was no rational allocation of employment and

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residence at the time of its construction. As a result, the urban expansion has become an important

task for all levels of government, and each development zone would probably expand into a city. Does

Europe have any experience in this regard?

Pascaline Gaborit:Yes exactly this is a real question, if you create a development zone and you

create the housing part afterwards you also create problems of city sprawl, you use a lot of your land,

of your resources and you create a mono-functional type of city depending on your business park.

How to integrate these developments in your city, in a real city where citizens live and work is a real


Pedro Ballesteros:A philosopher once said that “very often the most difficult thing is not to do” and I

think that sometimes with cities and new cities there is an excess of doing. A city does not need a

purpose; a city is a place where people live. The purpose of our life is our business not the business of

the city planner. The city planner has to take care that we are able to develop our purposes. All cities

in Europe that were created around a certain industry development, produced generations of happy

people during a certain period of time and after a while disappeared. Maybe we could think in

organizing cities just for people to get together and develop their own activities.

Question 3:I have two questions. First of all, in China’s urbanisation process, the competitiveness

and efficiency of the major cities in the eastern coastal areas are getting higher and higher. At the

same time we also hope to boost the development of many small cities and towns in the western

region, but it has proved to be very difficult. Is there any similar situation in Europe, and how do you

solve such problems? The second question is about food waste. In China, cheap prices of food are a

very important reason for food waste. One problem resulting from cheap food is that farmers cannot

benefit greatly from production of agricultural products, but the government is extremely concerned

about it and takes measures to control the rising price of agricultural and sideline products, which has

limited the restrictions on food waste. How do you deal with such problem?

Maurizio Mariani:About the second question of food waste. I totally agree with you, we need to give

value to food, and today with the financialisation of the food supply chain, with the industrialisation of

the food supply chain we are losing jobs, and the price of the food is decreasing. I think it is a great

opportunity to give value to the food, to create job into cities and in rural areas close to cities. And of

course food waste is also coming from cultural reasons. In Western countries especially, we buy too

much food, for example what is striking in a report on food waste and losses is that we lose the same

quantity of food in non-developed countries and in developed countries. Where is the difference? In

the developed countries waste occurs at the end of the supply chain, consumers are buying too much

food, and in non-developed countries it is for a lack of technology of conservation that losses occur.

The big issue of transfer of technology between countries also needs to be solved.

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Pedro Ballesteros:There are historical reasons as well. China is a very old country, but in Europe

we have a different history. Germany is a very young country, less than 200 years, and Germany was

a bunch of cities fighting against each other or helping each other depending on the moment and their

sense of humor. And they created their own models. Italy, which is maybe the country of the most

beautiful cities that you can see, was invented as a country only in 1860 because Italy was also a

bunch of cities and all the developments came with a bottom-up approach. Each one of the cities was

creating its own solution, some of them were failing, other would have it right and because of that we

have this huge diversity today. We can offer a lot of experience because our history is based on

extremely diverse bottom-up approaches, and we are proud of this. One thing that we can share with

you is to try to entail this same feeling of diversity, you should not try to look for a single model

because it is good that the people is looking for good solutions, different solutions, and if some of them

are not good, it is not important, diversity is much more important. We do not have a model, we have

what we found and what our people have in dream.

Another example, the British Empire, it was created around one city, London, and France as well,

around one city, Paris. You can see that on the same continent we have all these different models. In

Spain, there was one city, Seville, that was the only port of entry for everything coming from America

and this created the whole structure around the city, different from other cities. In China many years

ago you also had this variety of models. Maybe it would be good to look back in books to see how the

people thought at the time, then to speak with the people in different cities and allow different solutions

to be experimented, applied, enjoyed, because maybe we are going to find there a lot of innovations

and a lot of wonderful things that we could not imagine before.

Pascaline Gaborit:I fully agree with you there is not one single model of city development. That is

why we believe in city to city cooperation but each one with its different model. For example, we really

believe in city to city cooperation among European cities and Chinese cities .They can learn so much

from each other from these different models.

ZHANG Renbiao:Talking about big cities and small towns, people are always yearning for cities that

offer more opportunities. The reason why small towns of the central and western regions are difficult to

develop is that there is a big regional gap in employment as the development of employment needs

the service industry, and the enjoyment of services needs an increase in people’s income. These

series of questions are interrelated, which is worth our consideration.

In addition, China’s food prices continue to rise, however rising profits do not belong to farmers but

to traders and retailers through intermediate links on the global supply chain. We could suggest that

government should take necessary measures to control this. For example, some restaurants in

Germany would charge additional treatment fee if one cannot finish all the ordered dishes. I think

China should also promote such policies and practices to reduce food waste. This requires specific

policies and cannot just rely on the general publicity.

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XIE Yang:The relatively low prices of agricultural products in China is a long-term problem, and is

also an important factor of the low cost of labor for Chinese industrial products that are exported to the

rest of the world. In 2008, when prices of agricultural products soared around the world, food prices in

China were only half the price of the world average and this made China successfully go through the

global financial crisis.

This is the cornerstone of our cooperation with Italian partners led by Mr Maurizio Mariani. The

focus of our project is to utilize and enhance the role of the peri-urban agricultural land. With the urban

expansion, there is a significant reduction of vegetable plots and agricultural land in these areas, and

many agricultural products sold in big cities are transported from far away. Therefore, we, together

with our Italian partners, began to explore measures to recommend the government to promote and to

subsidize the peri-urban areas and urban public products. For example, how do we make sure special

subsidies are in place and enable public canteens of government bodies and schools to get green

foods ?

If we promote such subsidies in major cities in China, it would be possible to balance the dilemma

of farmers experiencing low price for their agricultural products while consumers pay a high price for

them. It is universally significant for studies on smart cities in China.。

Question 4:Thank you all for the wonderful speeches, I have learned a lot. I have a question, there

is an old saying in China that “people won’t get up early without benefit”. I would like to ask European

speakers, from the European perspective, what benefits would you get from the urbanisation

cooperation with China? What can you provide China with, in addition to experience, and will there be

any substantial benefits?

Pedro Ballesteros:I want to reply to the question. And I want to be very very clear. We are in a world

that is suffering two big problems at least, one is called climate change and the other is called

shortage of natural resources.

We, in Europe, and in America much more, have been living for many years as if the rest of the

world did not exist, we have been using a lot of natural resources to create a certain lifestyle that is

extremely intensive in the use of those natural resources, I mean oil but I also mean water, land, and

many other things. Now because of globalization and because of many things China and, in a few

year time, India are in a position of developing quickly; which is fair and which is logical because

China was poor and it is not fair to be poor. The problem is that the model of development you are

taking is a model that is imitating us ! In our good aspects and in our bad aspects. The world cannot

afford this, and we Europeans, we need to do whatever is necessary to change our lifestyle, to be

dramatically less intensive in our demand for resources. We also need to serve as an example to rest

of the world. This is the first thing.

Second thing, we need to discuss with you, we need to work with you in such a way that hundreds

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of millions of Chinese people that are coming to the cities, have a life with dignity, possibilities, with

perspectives but that is not so stupidly intensive in the use of energy and other natural resources as

our life is because otherwise we will be in the same scheme of the 19th and 20th centuries nation

state and we will go to conflict and nobody will have a good quality of life. There is simply no oil, no

quality of environment, no water on Earth for this, and you know that in China, how many millions

hectare of Chinese soils are already contaminated because you are producing so many things? Our

major interest is that China, that is one of the largest country on Earth, is a stable country, developing

peacefully, with millions of people having their perspectives and illusions being fulfilled here. For us

priority number one would be to help you by sharing information, We are a continent whose population

is not growing, it is going down, our relative weight at the world level is decreasing. This is the most

important reason for the European Union to be here, to continue to be here for many years and to help

you with our heart and our possibilities because we are firmly convinced that the survival or the

European Union absolutely depends on the good model of urbanisation in China.

What can the EU offer? Apart from our experience, and our experience is a lot, hat can we offer?

We and the colleagues of CCUD of NDRC, are developing a partnership on urbanisation. This

partnership on urbanisation intends to be a broad platform upon which we facilitate the creation and

the development of a number of partnership. We are all very much confident on in the possibilities to

be developed by city twinning’s. We are also very much convinced by the need to develop pilot

projects, and demonstration projects. We are working on these issues, we are preparing a big China–

European Union urbanisation forum, which will take place I hope in the month of October, in Beijing,

and in which all of this is going to be brought together. We are going to discuss about cities upon

different perspectives; the social perspective, the green perspective, the technology perspective, and

try to get solutions for this. We are not going to come with a formula, or a magic solution, no, we are

going to come with a panoply of examples in which each city, each decision maker will find their own

solutions. This is our ambition. I am an official, my role is to serve the public not to provide ideas so, as

such I think that our joined activity would be to facilitate for you and many other people to get involved

in this, generate these ideas and go ahead, because it is really important what we are dealing with.

Question 5:How do the European guests look at the government-led urbanisation? In the European

urbanisation process, were there any cases in which government forces had vigorously promoted or

were involved in the development of urbanisation? For the new round of urbanisation in China, what

aspects should the Chinese government promote?

Pedro Ballesteros:I fully respect the role that the Chinese government is playing. In Europe we act

differently, the important thing is once we are sharing information it would be good to find out many

other solutions. In Europe land is private, but in China land is public, this is a fundamental difference

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for any kind of plannification, we have a lot of experiences on urban planning but none of them is at

the scale of this.

Pierre Calame:I would like to give some final remarks on what we can expect from a EU-China

cooperation. The first level I mentioned is being conscious that we are addressing the same

challenges. When Europe was created, just after the war, Jean Monnet, who was the father of Europe

said, when he was with German and French people who had fought each other: “we do not sit on

opposite sides of the table, we sit on the same side of the table and in front of us is the challenge we

have.” It is exactly the situation we have with China and Europe, we have to sit on the same side of

the table and say: “there is no predefined solution on sustainable society, sustainable cities, we have

to build that, and this is a common challenge which unites us over the resentment of the 19th century

history and so on”. This is our historical duty. Now how can we do that practically? What is a strategy

for change? Strategy for change is like strategy for peace. You are facing an enormous number of

priorities, to face them there is one answer: try to understand not just from brains but from experience

what is important. For example I listed in my own speech the major move to make. This kind of list

seems very simple, and in terms of strategy it is absolutely necessary to draw a short list of what will

be important to change. Then each point is described very easy to say indeed, but very difficult to do.

So for each one, what is your experience, what is ours, and how do we move to the next step? After

having faced this problem, found solutions exchanged experiences what are the new difficulties we are

facing together? it is a practical way step by step through confronting experience, understanding what

is really difficult. For example, like Maurizio described, how do we articulate a global supply chain with

sustainable cities? Very simple to ask for, but it comes to concrete experiences to define what

sustainable supply chain is and then build answers step by step. This is the concrete way to cooperate

in the long term.

Afternoon Session

Hervé Philippe,CEO of LPDA

My speech concerns the interaction between urban transition and innovation and new technologies.

First, urban transition is highly demanding in new technology and new innovation. Second, new

technology and innovation will progressively transform the context in which we are living, and thinking.

It will help to develop new potential for organisation and for population, it will help us to achieve more

sustainable cities and to go further towards sustainability. Third point, the relation between urban

transition, large cities and innovation is that the potential, the talents and the organisations that can

deliver these technologies are mainly located in these large cities, these are the universities, the

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research groups, the large companies’ research groups and all the networks of small and medium

enterprises innovating to deliver new products.

I would like to share experiments of our company. The First one is a EU-China project in the field of

mobility management. Mobility is a concept in urban transportation which relies on multi-modality, it

means that we need to develop several transportation modes in cities since we need to combine them

even during a single journey, and this is called inter-modality. For example, walking in the street, taking

the bus to the next metro station, and maybe the bicycle to go to the office and so on. So how to

combine multi-modality, several transportation modes and inter-modality in a single journey? The third

important point in mobility management is ITS we have to develop new infrastructures, new systems,

but we mainly need to develop information system to organise the cooperation, the management and

the optimisation of the transportation offer.

In the mobility concept, citizen will much more focus on service. They need to go from A to B within

a given amount of time and they want to find, given a budget or given some constrains, the best way

to achieve their target. This is a service-oriented concept. Everybody working in this domain expect to

find, thanks to the mobility concept, the right balance between private transportation and mass

transportation at every level: efficiency, CO2 emissions, environment, comfort and so on.

We have been working in Shanghai, within a European project and we had to transfer the European

experience from Europe to China. In Europe we have a set of standards to define what is public

transportation, this is a trans-model, and we have sub-standards like “SIRI, IFOP, NETEX” to define

real time communication language, to define the infrastructure of the public transportation or to define

public transportation services. All this has been done in Europe and is available for other countries.

We can share this experience.

In Shanghai thanks to the Shanghai Comprehensive Institute of Transportation and to the local

transportation companies we have implemented a prototype of all these standards, Germany, France,

United Kingdom and many other countries have more than a hundred years of experience in public

transportation and they have recently decided to set up standards at the European level: ”Transmodel,

SIRI, NETEXT, IFOP” these are the standards which are available and which represent all our

accumulated experience.

Another experience we have currently in China is about pavement technology, you can say that

pavement is not urban development but let’s think about supply chains: you need to have highways to

bring all the goods from the rural areas to the cities, you need to develop efficient system because if

too much money is spent to set up and manage a highway network, this money will not be used for

hospitals, for schools, for entertainment and so on. So there is a connection between the road policy in

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a country and other policies. China urgently needs such technology because traffic is growing, and

Chinese authorities, with whom we are working closely, are facing some difficulties to build long term

pavement highways.

This technology is available and we can transfer it to China. But one of the important points, one of

problems we are facing is that people are ready to accept the technology but it is very difficult to speak

about know-how transfer. Not because of the European side, we are working with people who are

open to transfer, but we realise that it is not so easy with our partners to speak about know-how

transfer; because people think that by getting the technology they get all the experience. Clearly this is

not the truth.

We think that standards constitute a good platform to support cooperation and technology transfer

between Europe and China, but we have to be careful because, at the same time, standards are very

good barriers between countries. So we should encourage cooperation between the standard bodies

in Europe and China to keep open this communication channel. The second point is not just about

technology transfer, it is about experience and know-how transfer and this needs time, this needs for

the partners to trust each other and so it needs a lot of pedagogy. Third point, everybody agrees that

on Earth we all have responsibilities about climate change, sustainable development, but it is the

responsibility of the governments and of the large organisations to provide the right business models.

Because it is not easy for a small company, having some technology, to have the good environment

and the good context to come to China. There are other difficulties in transferring this technology and

speaking of urgent challenges, we have no time to loose in this process, we have to encourage the

development of incentive business models for cooperation between small and medium companies,

research institutes and from Europe to China and China to Europe.

Haixiao PAN, Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Tongji University

The title of my speech is Urban Transport, Mobility and Sustainable Development.

China’s urbanisation has made great achievements, but at the same time we also see that China's

urbanisation is largely based on high consumption and heavy pollution. The durability of this mode has

greatly affected our quality of life.

Over the past 30 years, there have been a lot of good suggestions on urbanisation development,

such as the construction of new districts, new cities and towns, bigger houses. Those good intentions

might not necessarily lead to good results; a lot of invalid even wasteful results have emerged. For

example, cities become more and more beautiful, but lack energy and vitality, and children are even

rarely seen in some cities. How can a city without next generation be sustained? Having clean water

and air, is a basic requirement, but pollution caused by China’s urbanisation makes almost everyone

believe that it is the time to rethink our mode of development.

In the process of urbanisation, the lack of effective management would inevitably cause global

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environmental problems and the deterioration of the urban environmental quality. In response to this,

what should we do?

A great number of new districts overly rely on cars, because urban development is being guided by

personal cars. Many cities are conducting smooth traffic project in order to facilitate for cars to go

faster. Within one or two years, the results might be favorable and positive, but after that there will

emerge unbearable urban headaches of pollution and congestion. In addition, the Lake Malaren

International Conference Centre where our meeting is taking place now is a typical new district of

China, with big houses, large roads, a blue sky and green trees, but public transportation here is really

not satisfactory.

If we take an old district and a new district in Shanghai for comparison, it can be found that the

construction of a new district means an increase of personal cars. It is more and more difficult for

people to travel on foot. Is it an expected mode?

No matter what kind of cities is concerned, I think there are three basic metrics: the first one is the

energy consumption, is it possible to consume less energy? The second one is the heat, is it possible

to generate less heat, and that is to say is it possible to reduce the heat island effect? The third one is

the weight, is it possible to use a light pattern to solve problems, which means to reduce the weight of

materials consumed in the process of urban construction? If a city is always torn down to rebuild, or

always employs large structure, it would inevitably lead to huge material consumption, and increase

the weight of the material cycle.

Why is transportation so important? Because it is related to urban spatial structure, housing, office

life and activities, and carbon sinks. Urban transportation though related to carbon dioxide emissions,

is nevertheless important for urban development. If there is no convenient transports, a city cannot be

well developed.

We have also seen that transportation modes such as cycling and walking play a key role in many

European cities, while many Chinese cities ignore them. It is often observed that urban planning in

China seldom considers the role of the bicycle while in many foreign cities, transportation planning

would first consider how people travel by foot and bike rather than by car.

So, my conclusion is that a fundamental change needed in researches on urban transport is the shift

from “car-orientated” resource intensive city to “people-oriented” green urbanisation. We are now in

the critical period of the establishment of an urban spatial structure and a new transportation system,

the realization of green urbanisation needs the overall techniques and strategies.

Pierre Bauby,President of RAP

I am going to try to study the role of urban public services in Europe and also in China. What are

urban public services? Public services in Europe are services considered as being essential for life, for

which public authorities, national, regional, local authorities and now European authorities define

particular roles to guarantee universal service and universal access in order to build economic, social

and territorial cohesion and also to develop sustainability. In Europe there is a very long and strong

history of autonomous local authorities, such as the charter of Local Self-government from the Council

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of Europe and in this field towns and urban development play an essential role. There is not a

definitive list of urban public services established, here are some examples: water, sanitation, solid

waste collection and treatment, local public transportation, sometimes electricity supply, but also now

broadband access, social services like hospitals and nurse services, childcare, elderly care, etc.

We have for 30 years now a European integration in the field of urban public services. There are

shared competencies between European Union and member states and when we say member states

there are not only national authorities but regional, local, municipal and European authorities. I think

we have now six main changes to manage in Europe and maybe also to manage in China regarding

urban public services, environmental and social sustainability.

The first one: traditionally, in Europe, there were local authorities with own established competence,

for example municipalities were responsible for water and sometimes sanitation. There were in history,

specific and exclusive competence. Now it is clear that we cannot manage services only with

exclusive competence, we have to define a multi-level competence and governance. It is a revolution

in Europe to combine local, regional, national and European levels and to try to define the best way for

each service. Multi-level governance is the first main change, it is not finished, we have to implement

these new rules and these new definitions.

Second change: for each service, we have to define, and to try to combine economic and social

tasks. Of course we know the ancient definition of these tasks but now we need to include

environmental and ecological tasks to the social and economic ones, we have to define new goals,

new tasks and new services.

Third one: in Europe it is necessary to try to define territorial organising authorities, cooperation and

relationship. We need to develop cooperation relationship and partnership with other levels; with

districts, with metropolitan areas and also with European level and combine them.

The fourth change we have to manage in Europe: multi-level governance is not competition

between authorities, it is not competition between national, regional or local even European, we have

to try to organise, to combine and to make converge the different local authorities and national

authorities by linking levels and projects. This requires the participation of all stakeholders, we cannot

reserve one activity, one service to a specialist, we have to systematically organise participation of all


Fifth change: since the 80s, 30 years ago now, we assist to the development of many kinds of

public-private partnerships in all fields. There are very big changes in this field. I made a study that few

specialists made, it shows that there is no systematic superiority of one mode of governance, we have

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to find the best way for each service to combine maybe sometimes only public authorities, sometimes

public and private ones and to combine their initiatives and their means. So the main issue in this field

is to develop regulation and democratic participation of all stakeholders. It is not only about defining

and asking private companies to do something but also about organising real public regulation and

participation of all stakeholders.

The sixth and last change we have to manage in this time: multi-level, multi-actors governance is

based and will always be based on needs. So we have to organise the users' needs (all users, each

individual but also collectivities, industrial and economic users), and to organise the expression of

needs and of change of needs. Needs are not defined once and for all. We have to satisfy the needs

and to define for each sector not only one solution, not only the best solution from economic or

environmental perspective, but to organise alternative solutions and to organise public debates with all

the fields of all the possible solutions. We also have to evaluate what we have done, what the result of

the activity of the service was to have a sort of loop “needs-organising-evaluation” and then to

combine every of them to have a better answer to social and environmental needs.

CHEN Guang, Professor, Dean of School of Public Administration, Southwest Jiaotong


The Study on Population Migration and Quality of Urbanisation is the result of extensive researches

conducted by our team in recent years. In the study, we made the following three theoretical

hypotheses: advocacy of social policy and urbanisation rate are positively correlated; urbanisation

speed and urbanisation quality are negatively correlated; urbanisation quality and quality of life of the

migrant population are positively correlated.

Since 2003, Chengdu has vigorously promoted the co-ordinated development of its urban and rural

areas. In seven to eight years, the city has a newly added population of 2.71 million, becoming a

mega-city with a population of 14 million. According to the current government planning, Chengdu

would have a newly added population of 3 to 6 million in the next 20 to 30 years.

From the perspective of policy frequency, Chengdu had formulated 28 documents on urbanisation

from 2003 to 2011. In 2011, the urbanisation rate of Chengdu was 16% higher than the national

average level over the same period, and 26% higher than the level of the provincial cities. However,

quality is more important than speed. We proposed an Index System of Urbanisation Quality (ISUQ)

with 29 specific indicators from four aspects to measure the quality of urban development, including

the quality of economic development, of social development, of resources and environment and of life.

To be frank, while the size and scale of Chengdu keeps expanding in recent years, the quality of its

social development is worrying. For example, although the social security and social welfare system

continue to improve in Chengdu, the newly added population of over 2.7 million coming from rural

areas cannot enjoy the same education, security and social welfare as urban citizens do. More

importantly, when the city is highly developed and maintains a certain size, it would not be a good sign

if the urban-rural gap continues to widen. I believe that there is no single city throughout the world in

which the central area is more and more prosperous, while its surrounding communities and rural

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areas are decaying.

In terms of resources and environment, with the advancement of urbanisation, the coverage rate of

green areas in developed land areas and the compliance rate of industrial sewage discharges are

lower than the urbanisation rate in Chengdu; the rate of harmless disposal of household garbage

tends to be fluctuant; the urban sewage treatment rate is increasing, and the per capita arable land is

decreasing. Some mayors said that in accordance with the current rate of development, urban land in

their cities would soon be depleted. Then what should we do in the future? We have no idea.

Here are some conclusions. First of all, China enters a critical urbanisation period. There are

growing concerns on issues such as the speed of urbanisation, population migration scale, survival

condition of migrant population and urbanisation quality. If there are no systematic measures for urban

development in terms of concept, design, construction, monitoring and test of the quality management,

then the future is worrying. Secondly, the migrant population faces problems such as employment,

living, children’s education, social security, adaptation and integration into the city life, values conflict

with locals and so on. City governors face problems such as the quality of urbanisation being

restricted by excessively gathered population, the bearing capacity of the population, resources and

environment, the economic development capacity, the fair development of people in different class, etc.

We proposed an Index System of Urbanisation Quality to measure the quality of economic

development, social development, resources and environment and people’s life in the process of


Finally, I would like to share my reflection on the EU-China dialogue. Based on its seven-year

achievements, the China-Europa Forum is also facing the challenge of transition. In the future, the

CEF should not only continue making dialogues, but more importantly focus on actions, practices and

concrete projects. For instance, we could consider establishing links between a Chinese city and a

well-developed European city which had similar experiences. Then relevant studies could be

conducted on the specific problems of a specific city, which may offer more practical implications on

policy making and guide the actions. These are my expectations.

Matilda Sanden,Second secretary, Embassy of Sweden

I speak on behalf of Mr Anders Wollter the Minister Counsellor and the Head of the Department for

Technology, CENTEC and the CSR centre at the Swedish Embassy in Beijing. It is a great honour to

participate to this important China International Urbanisation Forum and to be part of all the

distinguished participants here at the beautiful panel town of lake Malaren which is actually named

after one of the biggest lake in Sweden, Mälaren, a lake in the region of Stockholm which has been

integrated in a natural way in the city planning, in the biggest urban area in my country. Sweden has a

unique competence in environmental technology and systems solutions on urban sustainable

development. We are also regarded as one of the world most innovative countries. Urban planning

and architecture, urban transportation, urban agriculture, energy planning, waste to energy, biofuel,

energy conservation, and last but not least environmental protection. Our areas where innovation and

knowledge make our eco-cities sustainable and greener.

The CENTEC promotes partner-driven cooperation and exchange in the field of sustainable urban

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development and environmental technology. It involves both institutional and commercial areas of

cooperation even on provincial and local levels, by doing so we combine the promotion of businesses

with development cooperation. The working method is based on a holistic approach to stimulate and to

support the various actors to self-supporting cooperation. The Swedish full scale implementations for

eco-cities are attracting much attention here in China. We receive many high level delegations in

Sweden who want to see our leading full-scale solutions for example Hammarby Sjöstad, placed in the

outlet of Lake Mälaren in Stockholm but also the western harbour in Malmo a city in the southern part

of Sweden. More than once have the Chinese delegation told us, on the spot, when they visit these

places, that they want to buy this immediately. But we say to the Chinese delegation that they cannot

actually buy it but we can tell them how we have done and share that lessons learnt with them. It is all

about city planning and the capacity to implement large comprehensive, complementary and

cooperative systems. Processes also include involving local stakeholders and eventually the end

users. Such solutions cannot simply be bought straight of the shelf in a boutique, but we can promote

and share our experience with inter-institutional dialogue, policy dialogues between Sweden and

Chinese cities as well as professional in-service training and commercial partnership. The eco-city of

Hammarby Sjöstad a Swedish planning model and project, but the technologies in the final product are

distinctly European. A very rough estimation, yet a quite clear indication is that the hardware in

Hammarby Sjöstad might be 10% Swedish, and 80% comes from the rest of the European Union. So

the conclusion is that we cannot simply, as maybe tempted to do, talk about competition between

different EU countries, it is certainly also a question about combining different technical solutions to

large systems. The question is how many different sorts of pulling on the European side could work for

the benefit of sustainable urbanisation in China and for increased Sino-European cooperation in

different forms. When it comes to establishing partnership for sustainable urban development in China,

we, and several other EU countries, experience that it is relatively easy to get into participation in an

early planning stage. The Swedish consultants have won a series of contracts in China and that is

good but we can go further. And the question is, to what extent this can be done at a European level?

Let’s conclude by talking about the challenges, because one challenge in promoting sustainable

urbanisation in China is in going beyond the planning phase into the implementation stage, for

example to cooperate with Chinese system suppliers following the original plans, intentions and

system solutions or, as the project progress, widening sustainable solutions against economies to cut

corner or to save money. Saving and cutting corners are not bad, in fact it is often quite good, but the

European approach today to handling scarce resources still often involve the deployment of advanced

solutions that a phase value made costly. There is a considerable potential to let European experience

part of the process implementation to certainly benefit China endeavours and long-term functioning of

new urban systems. Here arises the question of how can the European Union best share our

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experiences with China in the implementation of projects for sustainable and urban development and

eco-cities in order to get sustainable final products? Trade promotion is by EU member states

regarded as a national concern while in development cooperation it is easier to create multi-national

consortiums which also involve the European Commission. So the question is here, how do we now

work together in the best possible way to create an effective integrated approach on an EU level on

the one hand and for member states’ actions on cooperation and trade promotion on the other?

XIE Zhongyan, Secretary of Party Work Committee, administrative Committee of

Changbaishan Nature Reserve, Jilin Province

XIE Zhongyan mainly introduced the urban development of Changbaishan.

He said that in the urban design, Changbaishan was aimed to be built as a world-class tourist

destination. The Changbaishan Nature Reserve has three economic zones: the northern lake (the

Tianchi) economic zone, the western lake economic zone and the southern lake economic zone.

There is an important headstream on the Changbaishan Mountain - the Changbaishan Tianchi with a

water storage capacity of over 2 billion cubic meters. Planners made a systematic urban design: first,

to establish the continuous ecological infrastructure; second, to introduce and develop eco-tourism

and urban economy.

In his view, the essence of urbanisation cannot be separated from local residents, the local culture

and the local market. An historical and cultural heritage of thousands of years, an ecological civilization

and a 12,000 square kilometres virgin forest provided Changbaishan Natural Reserve with a very

good ecological barrier. The region was expected to put ecological protection as its priority, taking a

tourism-oriented development path with the cultural industry, the intellectual industry, the ecological

industry, the health industry, and the green industry as its major industries.。

Jean René Brunetière,French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and

Spatial Planning

My presentation is about the interactions between national policies and local policies to help

sustainable development. We have in France, five political levels. France is an old centralised state, at

the origin, mayors, and all the local authorities were appointed by the central government. Nowadays

there is tendency to decentralisation.. The European Union is 27 independent countries in a Union in

our diversity, and in France we have now 22 regions, 100 departments and 36 thousands communes

and each level has its own political autonomy.

(…) We have three modes of relations between public authorities: the grant, the rule and the speech.

Each level can give subsidies to lower levels, for example for sustainable development project. Most of

environmental rules come nowadays from the European level and involve controls and sanctions. We

have indicative planning and recommendation and the three modes can operate simultaneously on an

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operation. For example for the clearness of water, we have a directive from the European Union, from

the year 2000, that directive compelled the member states to meet definite level of clearness of water

before 2015 and it is a law controlled by controllers of the European Union. If the performances are

not achieved, the State must pay strong penalties to the European Union. Then the French state has

made a national plan of action, it is only speech, it is not compulsory, and there is no control and no

sanction but the State has no certitude that municipalities will fully fulfill the performances. Then the

State gives subsidies to municipalities to incite them to build new purification plans and there is a

control of the use of the grant.

Another example in climate change mitigation: we have in Europe, a four year European strategy for

sustainable development and in France too, a French strategy for sustainable development with

precise objectives and targets. Notably about climate change mitigation we have to reduce our

emission of greenhouse gas of 20% by 2020 and 75% by 2050. We have to develop renewable

energy up to 23% of the mix by 2020 (we had only 10% in 2000) and for that, in France, we make

regional plans for climate, air and energy. Each region produced a plan before 2012 for climate, air

quality and energy, defining a strategy and operational targets for the region, defining an action plan

and defining a system of control and assessment of the result. My region for example, Burgundy,

produced a beautiful document in 2011 in which you can find for example, the distribution of the wind

turbine areas in Burgundy. Wind turbines cannot be planted in towns or in beautiful landscapes, they

are planted in areas with wind strong enough, without urbanisation, without technical difficulties and

without ecological difficulties as beautiful landscapes, birds, etc. Then we have to take the

stakeholders into account, public authorities are not the only actors of sustainable development, the

responsibility is shared between public authorities of each level (five levels), economic actors, social

actors, civil society and non-governmental organisations. Each partner has to negotiate with the others,

to share information and points of view, to build solutions that could be admitted by all stakeholders

and therefore that can actually be achieved.

Then we had a big consultation in France, called “Grenelle” because Grenelle street is historically

the area where we negotiate in France, a one year consultation between the State, local authorities,

companies, trade-unions, and NGOs to think about the future of our planet. Five years after, now in

2013, a new consultation of the same form is taking place, dealing with energetical transition to update

the orientations and action plans of the Grenelle. At the local level, local authorities cannot act today

without discussing with local stakeholders. It is compulsory for each project impacting the environment,

(and even if not compulsory they do it very often) because the success of projects for nature, for

climate change mitigation, or for quality of life depends on the acceptation by each citizen and on the

good coordination between all the actors.

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The governance of sustainable development is a very difficult issue, sustainable development

produces new problems of governance, each actor holds a part of the problem and a part of the

solution. In a systemic functioning, for the management of the common-good, greenhouse gas, gas

mitigation for example, the immediate interest of an individual can be opposite to the interest of

mankind in the future. Public authorities have to enhance a common awareness of rates and ways of

solution. A lot of consultation and bargaining of various firms between the different levels of

governance and between the various stakeholders at each level is needed. Welcome in our complex


XIE Yang, former Deputy Director, Department of Rural Economy, Development Research

Center, the State Council

The title of my speech is Migrant workers should be integrated in a new process of urbanisation.

Migrant workers refer to people who are registered as rural household and go to work in cities. In

the past, the definition was more complex, referring to a farmer who owned land in rural areas and

went to work in cities. However, nowadays many migrant workers born in the 1990s have no land;

many college students entering into the cities still have contracted land, but they are registered as

non-rural household. This is China's reality. As a result, we have to consider how migrant workers

should be integrated in the new process of urbanisation.

Intensive, smart, and green development are the three major objectives of the new process of

China’s urbanisation proposed by many people, but it is necessary to explore whether they can be

universally recognised and finally achieved. To address challenges faced by China’s urbanisation,

there is no existing solution, international experience or model that can be directly applied to China.

Chinese leaders put forward a new concept according which the progressive promotion of

urbanisation would serve as a focal point to speed up the formation of a new development approach

and a fundamental way to break the urban-rural dual structure. I am going to illustrate my argument

from three aspects.

First of all, China’s urbanisation must take an intensive way of development. In the next 10 to 20

years, China must establish a strategic orientation with a main development pattern of metropolitan

areas, cities agglomeration and megalopolis, otherwise no existing solutions advocated by experts and

scholars will realise a new development mode and ultimately break the urban-rural dual structure. It is

a universal rule in the world that medium and small cities and small towns enjoy a coordinated

development within metropolitan areas, city agglomerations and megalopolis. The coordinated

development is not man-made, but a product of the combination of industry development law and

urban layout. In the past, China’s urbanisation followed a development zone mode with industries and

cities and towns being separated from each other. As a result, the development pattern of metropolitan

areas, city agglomerations and megalopolis is not simply about further promoting large cities, but also

finding an industrial adjustment mode within the framework of the existing pattern for the coordinated

development of large cities, small and medium-sized cities and small towns. It is also crucial to find

key areas for development and reform, and these areas should be the focal point to speed up the

formation of a new development approach and a strategic breakthrough to break the urban-rural dual


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Second, the international community holds different opinions on the so-called smart and green

urbanisation. The development pattern proposed by Rifkin in his book The Third Industrial Revolution,

basically refers to an urbanisation based on a new energy revolution and the emerging

industrialization with the theme of the Internet of Things. At present, what could be directly connected

to this concept is the urbanisation pattern in Europe which is based on small and medium-sized cities.

However, for China, the United States, Japan and other countries whose main urbanisation pattern is

with metropolitan areas, city agglomerations and megalopolis, it is obviously necessary to find new

paths. Because there are basically no mega-cities in Europe, and even though there are a few big

cities in Europe, their sizes are not comparable to those in China, the United States and Japan.

From the perspective of new energy development, there is still a long way to go for renewable

energies to cost less and be a popular market. In those countries with traditional types of energy

accounting for an overwhelming proportion, resistance to their acceptance will be great. Because of its

stage of development and its status at the primary level, and the low end in the international division of

labour, China is in an unfavourable situation which is not conducive to innovation and even hinders the

acceptance of innovation in terms of changes in labour costs, in resource prices and in the pattern of

urban development and social benefits.

For example, the Foxconn suicides in China (the scandal occurred between January and November

2010 when18 Foxconn employees attempted suicide and 14 of them died were not the result of

individual business owners, but a product of multinational companies in developing countries,

especially in China, in the backdrop of the global competitive mechanism of the division of labour.

200,000 to 300,000 employees gathered in an area of 2.3, working, eating and resting in the

same place, the density itself runs counter to the national standard of the reasonable density of 10,000

people per However, who would follow this standard in China’s development zone mode? On

the contrary, Foxconn is a law-abiding company in terms of labour law, corporate law, and labour and

social security law, even more in line with the present legal system in China than a number of small

and medium-sized private enterprises.

The question now is that if China would extensively copy or follow the international legal standards

in enterprise, labour, company operation, labour and social security and other aspects, its low labour

cost advantage would be lost, and the good employment situation and the prospects for industrial

development would be reversed. Nowadays, major changes have taken place or are taking place in

the choice of environmentally friendly and low-carbon green products and technologies, as well as in

the resources configuration of the traditional low-end products, the low wage costs, the land and even

the financing environment. For example, China's photovoltaic industry suffered heavy losses during

this crisis, indicating that with changes in the market, the resources and the environment, new

industries will also face serious challenges and the possibility of restructuring. The international

community is exploring new modes too, and what kind of mode should China look for?

Third, the remodeling of demands in the international community differs than the one in China.

Demand for innovation relies on high-income consumers. If there is a strong support from the middle-

class, this demand would find a vast market, particularly in the convergence between smart and

green-based innovation demands and the upgrading of consumption and supply. However, China is

currently in a transition stage where a large number of low-income groups are moving towards the

middle-and-high-income groups. It is still difficult for such groups to quickly accept the smart and

green-based innovation demands, thus resulting in consumption discontinuation. A more critical fact is

that many low-income people in China (in 2011 the total number was approximately 210 million,

accounting for 1/3 of the total urban population, and 19% of the national population), especially the

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migrant workers are supported by the exports of labour-intensive products; and the basis for

maintaining their stable income source would inevitably require the long-term development of

traditional industries. It is the difficulty for the adjustment, transformation and upgrading of the

industrial structure of all countries. The difference is that one of the reasons for the formation of low-

income class in developed countries is the export of labour-intensive products produced by the low-

cost labour in developing countries which have a strong impact on industries and job market in these

developed countries.

This round of financial crisis requires a rebalance of the global economy. One of its priorities is to

deal with the income of the low-income class in different countries and the industrial transformation

since the previous round of globalization: the main problem of China's low-income groups is the

extremely insufficiency of social security, while the problem of the so-called low-income groups in

developed countries is the excessiveness of social security.

The key to the whole issue is to know whether or not these two types of low-income groups would

generate normal convergence of supply and demand in the new round of smart and green-based

innovation demands. The dilemma faced by China is either to significantly improve the social security

of migrant workers or to support technology innovation in emerging industries.

At present, the developed countries' support of low-carbon technology and innovation funds to the

developing countries is at the expense of the high-value transfer and the commitment to verifiable

emission reduction obligations. This forces those developing countries to conduct independent

research, to develop low-carbon technologies and to deal with problems and challenges in the

transition on their own.

Therefore, in reality, whether it is to export smart and green products to China, or to transfer the

technologies of these products, or even to make direct investment in China to develop technologies

and produce products, it is necessary to take the reality seriously: China has a low-income group

represented by a huge number of migrant workers.

The new process of urbanisation cannot be realised without construction efforts for migrant workers,

and their income and employment transformation. It is important to make hundreds of millions of

migrant workers become the backbone to enrich the new middle-income groups. We need to have not

only inclusive growth, but also inclusive innovation.

In addition, I would like to say a few words about the household registration system (the hukou

system). Many participants in this two-day forum considered that the ultimate purpose of the new

process of urbanisation is to abolish this system but I think it is a deviation to have such high

expectations on it. I think we should gradually play down the role of the household registration system

in this process so as to advance the reform.

Edouard Laurent,Project Manager, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne


I will present briefly Geneva’s implementation of industrial ecology principle as well as the work of a

company called “solution for industrial ecosystems” and you will see what they did in Geneva. Geneva

is a small city of less than 500 000 inhabitants but quite dense, really reliant on its importations, it is a

rich city with an economy mainly dependent on services. I will define briefly what industrial ecology is:

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it is a concept and an academic field, it is the combination of the scientific study on ecology and

industry, industry which relate to all human activities and economic activities. The goal is to make

industrial systems compatible with natural ecosystems. In practice it means that we will try to use

resources more efficiently and try to valorise waste, namely the waste of one industry will be the raw

material of another industry. This academic field has developed in the 90s and Geneva was the first

city to integrate this concept in its regulation. What did Geneva to implement this principle?

The first thing was to better understand Geneva’s industrial metabolism, we have to understand

what the material flows are in the city of Geneva to be able to correct them or to modify them wisely.

So we need a physical accounting of the most important material flows such as energy, food products

and water in the city of Geneva. The second step was to do a study on transportation, a study to

identify the potential industrial symbiosis in Geneva, and to communicate to with the public.

We divided between production, consumption and elimination of waste, and you can observe that

water along with building materials and energy are the most important material flows entering the city

of Geneva. It is difficult to compare energy with material flows but if we make a simple comparison, we

can say that 37 thousand terra joules of energy that enters into the city are almost the same as 870

thousand tons of oil equivalent, so it is the third most important resource that enter into the city of

Geneva. Recycling is only a very tiny part of waste generated by the city of Geneva. Then in this first

idea of the industrial metabolism, we have to identify major consumers and as you can see from this

chart, households are the main consumers of water (42% of the water consumed in the city) and you

can observe that the tertiary sector consumes a lot of resources, 45% of food products. These are the

two main sectors where we need to find solutions to reduce the amount of waste. Another aspect of

the industrial metabolism is CO2 or greenhouse gases emission.

The second study on transportation of goods in Geneva showed that transportation of goods to the

city amount to 1/10 of the CO2 per capita in the city, so it is a major point if you want to cope with

these problems.

Another study was about the potential industrial symbiosis that can be found in the city. An industrial

symbiosis is when two different industries try to exchange their waste so the waste of the first industry

will be the raw material of the second industry. When realising that kind of symbiosis, the distance

between the first industry and the second one is really crucial. This is the principle which is at the heart

of the eco-industrial parks, China has developed a lot of eco-industrial parks, but in the case of

Geneva, since the city was already there and they did not want to build a new park, they had to find

ways to implement such strategies with the existing industries. One first example with energy, when

we talk about energy it is mainly about heat, how can you valorise the heat that is eliminated? How

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can you use the heat which comes from vapour production or construction materials production (and

you need a lot of heat to produce that kind of products)? We realized that you can transfer this heat to

distant heating systems to heat for example greenhouses, households and so on and thus valorize this

kind of energy.

The other potential industrial symbiosis would be in the water sector because water is a very widely

used resource. We mainly use it for drug manufacturing, food-processing, or manufacturing

construction materials. This water has some impurities or sometimes it is warm water but it can be

useful for other industries, for example in the case of agricultural production greenhouses, orchards

could be interested in using this hot water. There is also the case of green zones for auto-sport

facilities which can use the water to water the green zones, and the case of waste recycling

companies that use a lot of water to wash the waste before recycling them, both can also be interested

in using the water that has been used from other industrial processes.

That was the study part, another important step in implementing industrial ecology principle, it is to

communicate and to explain to the general public what you can do with that. All the studies are

available online for Geneva’s citizen and there is also a general presentation of what has been done in

English and in Chinese on the website.

SHEN Chi, Director of the Institute of Planning, China Center for Urban Development,


I will talk about three questions.

The first one is the challenge of land issues. The urban development requires a space for growth

which will occupy farmland. Will China’s urbanisation have such space in the future? I think, we have

to change the development mode with more intensive and smarter approaches to meet the needs of

urban space. Will China's urbanisation pose threats to the global food market by occupying farmland

and affecting food production? I think we do not need to worry about this issue. Although the past

decade witnessed the most rapid urbanisation development and the fastest urban spatial expansion in

China, our food production keeps increasing for nine consecutive years. However, it is noted that in

the process of food transportation, consumption and so on, food waste is a very serious phenomenon.

Food waste in China is equivalent to the total production of about 32.9 million acres of land each year,

an equivalence of a year's grain output in Heilongjiang Province. Therefore we have very a large

space in food conservation.

The second one is the urbanisation of the population, which means the transfer and relocation of the

rural population to cities. Urbanisation is an inevitable product of economic development. The stage

and level of economic development, the economic structure and the endowment of natural

environment have an impact on the level and pattern of urbanisation. In the process of urbanisation,

migration of people is a very critical aspect. Urbanisation and economic development are closely

related. If some policies and systems have impacts on urbanisation, urbanisation would in turn affect

the sound development of the economy. (...) What we are more concerned about is the issue of the

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urbanisation of a large number of migrant workers. Undoubtedly migrant workers are a group with a

huge number, but I think there are more obstacles in the interregional identity conversion than the

conversion from a rural identity to an urban identity in China. For example, the Institute of Planning

where I work has been disrupted by the household registration issue when employing new staff

members. Even if you are a Shanghainese and hold the PhD degree, the Institute can hardly hire you

because you do not have a Beijing hukou, let alone a migrant worker. I think the reform in this regard

should take the lead.

Third, how many people can be urbanised? In some parts of China, rural areas have been hollowed

because a large number of labour forces have left to cities to make a living. There might be nearly

20% margin for China’s urbanisation in the future, and it would be a new topic of these people’s

integration into urban areas.


By China Europa Forum