Page 1: MEETING OF THE LOCAL UNIONS HELD IN CHICAGO · 2013. 10. 28. · MEETING OF THE LOCAL UNIONS HELD INCHICAGO O fficers and representatives from nearly every NPMHU Local Union gathered


Officers and representatives from nearly every NPMHU Local Union gathered in Chicago, Illinois in late August to par-ticipate in the Semi-Annual Meeting of

the Local Unions. Also in attendance at this event were members of the National Executive Board, all NPMHU National Office department heads, and personnel from the National and Regional Contract Administration Department.

National President John Hegarty delivered his comprehensive report to the assembly, which focused primarily on two key issues: pending postal reform legislation, and implementation of the Fishgold Arbitration Award. As part of his legislative com-ments, Hegarty provided a lengthy and detailed review of postal issues affecting the various versions of pending legislation to include: overfunding of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) and Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS); pre-funding obligations of the Retiree Health Benefits Fund; the preservation of USPS service standards, six-day deliv-ery, and the integrity of the mail processing network; and the preservation of collective bargaining rights, proposed changes in the governance structure of the Postal Service, and the NPMHU’s support for proposals that would allow the Postal Service to offer additional postal services or various types of non-postal services.

Following his Legislative comments, President Hegarty shifted focused to a variety of topics, including a lengthy review of various items related to the implementation of the 2011 National Agreement, as provided for in the February 2013 Fishgold Arbitration Award, including: printing and distribution to the NPMHU membership

of the 2011 National Agreement; progress on conversion of PTF Mail Handlers to full-time regular status during the pre-scribed 180-day transition period; the removal of exceptions to the 5% installation cap on employment of casual employ-ees; status of Mail Handler Assistant (MHA) hiring, and the tracking and enforcement mechanisms related to installation

and district hiring limitations; a review of the joint NPMHU and USPS Q&A document related to the Fishgold Arbitration Award; a discussion regarding Step 3 appeals processing matters outlined in Article 15 of the award; a review of sub-contracting matters being considered by the Article 32 Task Force; a review of the timetable for Local Memorandum of Understanding (LMOU) negotiations; and plans for devel-opment of version 4 of the Contract Interpretation Manual (CIM). Hegarty also provided an update on USPS efforts and timetables to implement closures and consolidations of many of its mail processing facilities; a review of the USPS financial situation; and a status report on Congressional activity rela-tive to possible legislation in the new 113th Congress.

Following discussion of the issues presented by President Hegarty, National Secretary-Treasurer Gardner provided a detailed presentation and entertained questions and com-ments on a variety of topics, including the NPMHU finan-cial statements for the quarter ending June 30, 2013; an updated presentation and analysis related to Mail Handler complement, regular and associate membership trends, and revenue projections and allocation among our Union’s affili-ated organizations; a review and discussion of issues related to the NPMHU Revenue Sharing Program; a presentation regarding cost-of-living allowance (COLA) adjustments,

Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL 7th) addresses SAMLU attendeesCongressman Danny Davis (D-IL 7th) addresses SAMLU attendees

National President John Hegarty opens the SAMLU meeting

National President John Hegarty

National Secretary-Treasurer Mark Gardner presents f inance report

National Secretary-Treasurer Mark

Eastern Region Vice President and Local 305 President Kevin FletcherEastern Region Vice President and

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and the effect of those adjustments on the Mail Handler wage scales; a review of logistics surrounding the planned nationwide membership organizing campaign; and a report on scheduled NPMHU national meetings.

The attendees also heard a report from NPMHU Legislative and Political Director Bob Losi on various legislative and political efforts. Additionally, SAMLU attendees were very pleased to wel-come Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) to this meeting of the Local Unions. Congressman Davis addressed the assembly and shared his views on pending postal reform legislation, and the importance of protecting the rights and benefits of Mail Handlers and all postal employees in any final legislative changes.

The attendees heard a comprehensive report and discussion from Coventry/Aetna’s Director of National Accounts Brad Corban and Vice President of National Accounts Al DiLeo on the status of the Mail Handlers Benefit Plan (MHBP). That report

(l to r) Local 332 President Zeke Moreno, Local 320 Treasurer Laurie Hernandez, Western Region Vice President and Local 320 President Rudy Santos, Local 320 Vice President Madelyn Puricelli, and Local 321 President Don Gonzales

Local 297 President Beverly Henderson

Western Region Vice President and Local 320 President Rudy Santos

Western Region Vice President Vice President Vice and President and President

Central Region Vice President and Local 306

President Jefferson Peppers III

Central RegionCentral RegionCentral Vice

Central Region Vice President and Local 306 President Jefferson Peppers III welcomes attendees to Chicago


The Mail Handler | 7National Postal Mail Handlers Union

Local 304 President Clyde Patterson

Local 322 President Michael McIntyre

Northeastern Region Vice President and Local 300 President Paul Hogrogian


General Counsel Bruce Lerner comments on publication content


MHBP Executive Director Michael Hora


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covered various topics, including a discussion of the recent acquisition of Coventry Health Care by Aetna, and benefits and synergies resulting from that merger of operations. The report also detailed key strategies being pursued during the upcoming FEHBP open season marketing period. Mail Handlers Benefit Plan (MHBP) Executive Director Michael Hora followed up with a comprehensive review of the details, logistics, and time-line regarding the 2013 MHBP Partial Reimbursement Program.

Contract Administration Department Manager T.J. Branch then provided a full report and entertained ques-tions and comments from various attendees on the activi-ties of the Contract Administration Department since the last meeting of the Local Unions. The remainder of Brother Branch’s presentation was based on the written report that was circulated at the meeting (and which is being distrib-uted on CD to all NPMHU Officers and Stewards) and included the following topics: Contract Administration Department Staff Appointments; The 2011 National Agreement; Fishgold Arbitration Award Q&A; Reports on Mail Handler Assistants; Calculation of Overtime Pay for MHAs; MOU on One-Time Purge of Letters of Warning; Selection of Regional and Expedited Arbitrators; Local Memorandum of Understanding/ Impasse Procedures; Cases Pending National Arbitration; RI-399 Jurisdictional Disputes; DOMA – Same-Sex Marriage Policy Changes; Department of Labor – OWCP Data Suspension; Staffing Scheduler; Shared Services; Article 12 Task Force; Modified Arbitration Process (MAP); OSHA/USPS Electrical Work Plan Settlement Agreement; Expansion of the Pilot Test of the Sales Retention Team; Pilot Test of the Secure Destruction Program; Lean Mail Processing Project; Outsource of the Dispatch and Routing Tag – Terminal Handling System (Portland, OR); Pilot Test of Outsourcing at NDCs; Quality of Work Life (QWL); Contract Interpretation Manual (CIM);Network Optimization: Consolidating/Closing of Postal Plants; and Step 4 Appeals.

Finally, Northeastern Regional Vice President, Local 300 President and National Trainer Paul Hogrogian and

Local 324 President Dan Riemann


Local 328 President Todd Larson


Local 332 President Woody Hendrickson


Local 329 President John ( J.R.) Macon


Local 306 Vice President June Harris


Local 307 President Jim Haggarty


Local 327 President Tim Grilz


CAD Manager T.J. Branch


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Local 302 Treasurer Tony Coleman


Local 313 President Julio Figueroa


Southern Region Vice President and FL SEMB Lawrence Sapp


Local 321 President Don “Gonzo” Gonzales


Local 309 President Dave Wilkin and Local 320 Vice President Madelyn Puricelli


Local 305 Recording Secretary Derrick Carr


Local 310 Vice President Lisa Greer


Local Presidents raise questions during train-ing session


Local Union SAMLU Attendees

Congressman Davis spoke to the importance of protecting the rights and benef its of Mail Handlers and all postal employees in any f inal legislative changes

The Mail Handler | 9The Mail Handler | 9

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National CAD Representative Tim Dwyer then took the podium to lead discussions on two important issues, the first being activities of the NPMHU/USPS Article 12 Task Force, followed by an update on activities related to imple-mentation of the Fishgold Arbitration Award. Brothers Hogrogian and Dwyer gave an in-depth presentation on the Fishgold Award and recently signed Question & Answer Agreement, after which they entertained a plethora of questions and comments from the attendees.

The meeting was well-received and successful, and resulted in a lively exchange of opinions and ideas as to how best represent all Mail Handlers during these difficult and challenging times.

Local 334 President Authur PerryLocal 334 President Authur PerryLocal 298 President Linda WagmanLocal 298 President Linda Wagman

MD SEMB Ed Evans

Local 307 Branch President and SEBM Rita TrippLocal 307 Branch President and

MD SEMB Ed Evans

Local 310 President Pervous (Andy B.) BadilishamwalimuLocal 310 President Pervous (Andy B.)

Local 299 President Jason AdachiLocal 299 President Jason Adachi

Local 305 Treasurer D. Yam Cardin Local 308 President John GibsonLocal 302 President Ernie Grijalva Local 315 President David JarvisLocal 302 President Ernie Grijalva Local 315 President David Jarvis Local 305 Treasurer D. Yam Cardin Local 308 President John Gibson

Local 311 President Larry GibsonLocal 333 President Randy KruegerLocal 312 President Terry LebanLocal 303 President Eddie Cowan Local 311 President Larry GibsonLocal 333 President Randy KruegerLocal 312 President Terry LebanLocal 303 President Eddie Cowan

Northeastern Region Vice President and Local 300 President Paul Hogrogian takes questions from the floor

Northeastern Region Vice President and Local 300 President Paul Hogrogian takes questions from the floor

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(l to r) Local 300 Treasurer Kevin Tabarus, Local 322 President Michael McIntyre and CT SEBM Don Utz(l to(l to(l r) Local 300 Local 300 Local Treasurer 300 Treasurer 300 Kevin Treasurer Kevin Treasurer Tabarus, Local 322 Local 322 Local

Local 307 Recording Secretary Keylea Fuqua and Local 307 Chief Steward Ursula PattersonLocal 307Local 307Local Recording 307 Recording 307 Secretary Recording Secretary Recording Keylea Fuqua and Local and Local and

(l to r) Local 304 Treasurer Gary Stern, Local 304 President Clyde Patterson and Eastern Region Vice President and Local 305 President Kevin Fletcher

(l(l to to to(l to(l(l to(l r) r) r) Local Local Local Local 304 304 304 Local 304 Local Local 304 Local Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer 304 Treasurer 304 304 Treasurer 304 Gary Gary Gary Gary Treasurer Gary Treasurer Treasurer Gary Treasurer Stern, Stern, Stern, Stern, Local Local Local Local 304 304 304 Local 304 Local Local 304 Local

Local 303 & 311Treasurers (l to r)Van Cunninghamand Darren Atterbury

Attendees participate in training session

Local 306 delegation welcomes attendees with warm Chicago hospitality

The Mail Handler | 11National Postal Mail Handlers Union

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