  • 8/13/2019 Meet the US Armys hybrid hellion


    Meet the US Armys hybrid hellion Ken Wysocky


  • 8/13/2019 Meet the US Armys hybrid hellion


  • 8/13/2019 Meet the US Armys hybrid hellion


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    TARDEC Ultra Light Vehicle prototype(US Army)



    A fuel-efficient, lightweight hybrid vehicle that could keep soldiers safe? It

    might sound like mission impossible, but such a machine is already roaming

    the earth albeit on a tight leash.

  • 8/13/2019 Meet the US Armys hybrid hellion


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  • 8/13/2019 Meet the US Armys hybrid hellion


    A rugged new US Army research prototype Ultra Light Vehicle (ULV) has

    recently entered an advanced blast-testing phase in Michigan, with further

    tests scheduled for mid-December in Nevada.

    TARDEC ULV prototype (US Army)

    Developed by the Armys Tank Automotive Research, Development andEngineering Center (TARDEC), this all-wheel-drive beast is unusual for

    reasons that go well beyond its hybrid powertrain. It was designed in

    conjunction with non-traditional contractors, such as the motorsport-steeped

    Roush Enterprises. Moreover, its a fuel -efficient hybrid vehicle, its rear-mounted lithium-iron phosphate battery charged by a 175-horsepower Subaru

    turbodiesel boxer engine. And although it is smaller and lighter than othersimilar Army vehicles, such as the long-serving Humvee, it still offers

    vanguard blast-mitigation and survivability features.

    We wanted to kick up the survivability in a smaller, more agile vehicle, saidMike Karaki, the ULV project manager. Weve found that smaller vehicles arebetter suited to handle tough terrain like that found in Afghanistan.

    Predictable, reliable performance was of paramount importance in

    developme nt. Its a very easy vehicle to drive, he adds. Its very quiet,theres plenty of power and it maneuvers easily. It drives like a large SUV."

    Though Karaki emphasises that the prototype is not intended as a

    replacement for the venerable Humvee, the US Department of Defense has

    recently awarded research and development grants to contractors with that

    explicit purpose in mind. The ULV project, the Army has stated, is scheduled

    to conclude at the end of fiscal-year 2014.

  • 8/13/2019 Meet the US Armys hybrid hellion


    Meantime, here are some slightly staggering numbers associated with the


    Payload capacity of 4,500lbs

    Fuel economy of 14.7 payload-tonne-miles per gallon, making it a veritable gas-sippercompared to similar vehicles, which achieve about 50% lower mileage. Weighs about 14,000lbs, but thanks to advanced technologies such as lighter-weight ceramic

    and composite armour, the ULV possesses the blast-deflection capabilities of a 35,000lb to45,000lb vehicle. Its not as light as a dune buggy, but for the threats its designed to take on,its lightweight, Karaki says. On average, the advanced -composite materials are 30% to60% lighter than steel counterparts.

    A clean underbody (largely courtesy of the hybrid power train), which disperses blast energythat traditional components such as a driveshaft, frame rails and transfer case help retain.A blast slides off because nothing hinders it, Karaki notes. And by removing thosetraditional components, they cant become secondary projectiles.

    A crushable floating -floor system (facilitated by the clean-underbody design), which absorbsblast energy. A driving range of about 350 miles, depending on speed, payload and terrain. If the vehicle

    runs out of fuel, it can drive up to 21 miles farther on a fully charged battery. If fuel runs outduring, say, a silent-watch surveillance mission, the ULV can idle for about 7 hours on afully charged battery.

    Two electric drive motors, one front-mounted and one rear-mounted. Either motor can powerthe vehicle alone.

    Lightweight components that range from the suspension and wheels to carbon-ceramicbrakes and tires (the latter, custom-made by off-road racing supplier Mickey ThompsonPerformance Tires, are 15% to 25% lighter than traditional models).

    Seven cab exits, including clamshell front and rear doors, compared to four or five oncomparable vehicles.

    Alas, disappointment awaits those who hope to someday grab a ULV on the

    surplus market: the three ULV prototypes built by TARDEC are only concept


    Youll never see one of these in battle or on a production line, says Karaki,noting that on a hypothetical production run of 15,000 vehicles, the ULVs

    would price out at about $260,000 apiece. Our intent is to test these vehicles,then use the resulting data to compile the best features into a somewhat

    similar vehicle you might see five or 10 years down the road.