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Personal Media Use and Production Diary

An investigation into Koren Midgley’s use and production of media over a ten day period.

JOUR1111 Assessment OneDr Bruce Redman

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Results – Media Use

The above table shows my media use over ten days. Note: the media use is recorded in minutes.

Media Television Online Radio Social Networking

12/03/12 60 21 0 35

13/03/12 31 24 17 46

14/03/12 47 13 0 81

15/03/12 23 29 7 63

16/03/12 35 28 4 74

17/03/12 25 27 8 137

18/03/12 29 21 0 44

19/03/12 30 19 0 59

20/03/12 50 24 13 103

21/03/12 45 22 12 55

Total 375 228 61 697

Table One

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Media Use

Above is a pie graph to simplify the results of my media usage. Note: the media use is recorded in minutes.





TelevisionOnlineRadioSocial Network-ing

Pie Graph One

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Media Use – What Do these results mean?

Looking back at graph one and my media use for the past ten days it is no surprise to me that the ‘Social Networking’ category takes first place. I aman extremely busy person with UNI full-timeand work part-time, I rely heavily onsocial networking to remain in touch with,not only friends, but the world. The ‘SocialNetworking’ category can be split into three subcategories which are shown in the table below.

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Media Use – Social Networking

Media Blog Twitter Facebook Total

12/03/12 0 0 35 35

13/03/12 0 0 46 46

14/03/12 25 21 71 81

15/03/12 15 11 37 63

16/03/12 18 9 47 74

17/03/12 21 8 42 137

18/03/12 0 6 38 44

19/03/12 12 9 38 59

20/03/12 0 0 36 103

21/03/12 15 11 29 55

Total 106 75 419 697

Table Two

Bloging, twitter and facebook are my three mainuses of social networking. Below is a table to showhow much time I spend on each over ten days.Note: media use is recorded in minutes.

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Media Use – Social Networking







Above is a pie graph, simplifying the results of ‘Social Networking.’ Note: Media use is recorded in minutes

Pie Graph Two

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Media Use – Social NetworkingAs you can see in table two and graph two facebook is the largest part of my ‘Social Networking.’ Along with 44.2% of my classmates,I too have an iphone and I am one of the 412 students that uses a facebook app on a smart phone. Due to my busy schedule the convenience of having facebook at the touch of afinger means that I spend a majority of my sparetime using this social networking medium.

In the sample of 306 students I am one who did not have twitter. Also from the sample of 272 students I am one that has notbloged previously to JOUR1111. Throughout the process of recordingmy ‘Social Networking’ I set up twitter and bloging accounts. I am not abig fan of twitter or bloging, however it is necessary for me to use thismedia for my assessment. Bloging/twitter only account for 31% of mysocial network use, as facebook is my preferred social networkingmedium.

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Media Use -Television Television came in second place at 28% of total media use, showing that I watched 375 minutes of television in ten days. Compared to my peers result of 29.9% of students watching 1-2hours of television per day, my overall usage seems fairly slim. As I stated previously I barely find time to sit, let alone watch television. If I do, a majority of it is to check News or Current affair shows, asdemonstrated In pie graph three below.

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Media Use - Television





NewsCurrent Af-fairRealityDrama

Above is a pie graph demonstrating the four subcategories of ‘Television.’ Note: results are in minutes.

Pie Graph Three

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Media Use - OnlineAs well as having an iphone I fall within the 13.7% of students that have an ipad. Having this technology at my fingertips means I can quickly and easily check the news online as well as general research. My main source of news is online as I feel I can directly access what I stories I want, when I want them. I also find it easier to get the most updated and recent stories online. Unlike print media, the online news is updated regularly with developments in stories and breaking news.

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Media Use - RadioTable one and pie graph one show that I only listen to 61 minutes of radio over ten days. I drive my car often and fall into the 53.9% of students who listen to less than an hour of radio per day. I prefer to listen to music on my iphone as I can choose the music. I only use the radio for news andtraffic updates.

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Media Production

Above are the results from tracking my media production over ten days. Note: the results are in minutes.

Media Blog Twitter Facebook Email/Text

12/03/12 0 0 5 25

13/03/12 0 0 17 30

14/03/12 25 21 11 20

15/03/12 15 11 12 23

16/03/12 18 9 14 21

17/03/12 21 8 21 32

18/03/12 0 6 12 29

19/03/12 12 9 18 27

20/03/12 0 0 15 19

21/03/12 15 11 16 31

Total 106 75 141 257

Table Three

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Media Production As you can see from table three, my main outlet for media production is ‘Email/Texting.’ Having these applications available on my iphone make it the most convenient way to produce media and stay incontact with people, both for personal andbusiness use.

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Media Production






Above is a pie graph of my media production over a ten day period. Note: the results are in


Pie Graph Four

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Media Production

When comparing table one and three it isevident that my media production is far lessthan my media use. I attribute this to the factthat I am very much an information person.Before I comment on issues I like to use theinternet and social networking sites to gatherthe facts. I believe this is a key skill for anygood journalist.

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When, Where, Why and How I Use/Produce Media?

From the tables and graphs wecan see that my iphone and ipad are the main source of how I produce and use media. With my busy lifestyle having the

convenience of emails, text, facebook, twitter and newsat my fingertips it is easy to see why I access media this way.

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Is There A Wider Pattern? Through anaylsing my media use and productionover ten days it can be concluded that there isdefinitely a pattern emerging.

What Is The Pattern?

From the results it is easy to see that my main source of media use and production stem from online sources and outlets I can access any time, any where, on my iphone or ipad.

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What Does This Say About My Relationship With Journalism and Communication?

After analysing the results there are three main observations of my media usage and production that I believe show a strong relationship betweenmyself and Journalismand Communication.

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My Relationship to Journalism and Communication

1. Social networking plays the greatest role in my media use/production – this shows my addiction to constant communication

2. News online takes up the greatest majority of my online behavior

3. I rarely have time to watch the television, but when I do it is news or current affair programs

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How Does This Differ To My Peers?

Compared to my peers it is evident that, although a majority of my media usage andproduction is done online, I spend far less time on the internet, with29.6% saying they use the internet 2-3 hours a day.

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In summary it is evident from both my peers survey and myindividual media use diary that social network and onlinemediums occupy a majority of our media use and production.this can be greatly attributed to technologiessuch as iphones, ipads and laptops which allowus to easily access the internet anywhere andin any form we want, facebook, news etc. In relationto Journalism and Communication, these new technologies allowus to multitask and communicate on platforms like facebook aswell as investigate news stories. Having this at the touch of abutton will allow us to effectively research, write and advertiseour stories faster and more accurately than in the past.