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Media script for film opening – Untitled Film

Actress – Penny (Bath scene)

I always was a creative person, from a young age I would save up my pocket money and spent it on art materials; unlike my friends who would blow their money on tooth decaying sweets.

During the tedious hours that I felt were wasted in compulsory lessons of Maths and Science I would sit myself at the back of the class and find ways of drawing science, the most memorable drawing was the periodic table crumbling into a pit of toxic waste the elements desperate to climb over each other to avoid their painful end.

By the age of 13 I had learnt the beauty of art; art was everywhere; hidden between the seconds of your life, the smallest things were magical to me.

My art became a deep subconscious sense of seeing people as a drawing or painting, it did get me into trouble as I would always zone out of reality, mostly during awkward or important situations when I would use my extra ability to escape.

I don’t understand how this all happened, my mind collapsed and I began thinking of theories and reasons of why we humans occupied this planet.

I thought of one theory that I go by everyday, the carousel effect.At birth, you’re queuing for the carousel, if you’re still born, you’re kicked out.If you survive, you gain admittance to the carousel, its still spinning.If you value your life and are strong and passionate, you are able to beat the forces of the rotation pulling you to the edge and reach the middle.But then somebody else wants to get on, there isn’t enough room and your time is up.Your body shuts down; you slide violently and are thrown off. Time is up, and life, as you know it, is over.

My time isn’t up, but my grip isn’t strong; and with nobody understanding my world not a helping hand is reaching out to keep me on.

My mind is crumbling, just like my drawing of the periodic table I am also falling.
