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Real Media Research: Black SwanGenre: Thriller (Psychological)

By Catherine W

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Opening Sequence conventions:The film opens with the name of production company and director’s credits

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Opening sequence conventions:A diegetic soundtrack is used in the opening of the film. It usually sets the tone of the film and indicates what genre the film is and starts off slow paced. Also, the music is piano music which is often related to and used in ballet, this could be a way of introducing the story.

Genre conventions:The music is slow piano music and is rather eerie. This helps to create a sense of enigma as the audience doesn’t know what is going on. The tone and nature also helps to build up suspense as the audience gets the idea that something is going to happen but doesn’t know what.

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Opening sequence conventions:The audience sees a hand holding a piece of black chalk. This introduces a character, who they assume is the protagonist.

Genre conventions:Low-key lighting is used throughout the opening sequence of the film. Low-key lighting is used to create tension and cause enigma as the audience know something is going to happen but don’t know what. The low-key lighting could also suggest the inner darkness of the protagonist. This idea is furthered by the use of the black chalk as the colour black has connotations of darkness and the unknown.

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Genre conventions:Montage editing is used in this scene and indeed throughout the opening sequence. It is a technique used (especially psychological thrillers ) to build up feelings of tension and suspense. This is because the audience doesn’t know what is going on which adds to the sense of enigma.

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Genre conventions:In the opening sequence the character, who the audience assumes is the protagonist, is colouring in with a black piece of chalk. As the opening progresses the screen gets continuously more coloured in until the screen is completely black. During this period, the music speeds up and intensifies. This creates a tense atmosphere and a sense of enigma as the audience wonders what is going on. The colour black has connotations of darkness, danger and fear which adds to the aforementioned feelings. The black chalk could also further the idea of showing the inner darkness of the character.

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Opening Sequence conventions:The title of the film is shown.

Genre conventions:The background colour is black, a colour with strong connotations. The colour black has connotations of darkness, danger and the unknown. It also has links to mystery and fear which are common in psychological thrillers. The colour choices creates a feeling of tension, helped by the intense music in the background, which leads to a sense of enigma where chosen colours give the impression that something of great significance is going to happen and create the sense of enigma as the audience doesn’t know what to expect. Also the text use is bold and block which makes it stand out. This helps to emphasise the emerging sense of danger.