Page 1: Media contents page and double page spread
Page 2: Media contents page and double page spread

Masthead:The masthead for this contents page is clearly displayed which is important as it makes sure that the audience is aware of the name of the publication so that they will then realise it is a well established magazine and this will therefore influence them to buying the magazine. The colour used for the masthead is also important as it a bright colour and as a result of the grey background it makes the copy stand out which will therefore attract the eye of the audience towards the magazine, which I believe is the desired affect so the they will then be persuaded into buying the magazine. Furthermore adding onto the colour the black outline of the masthead is another effect which grasps the eye of the audience as it is a complete contrast to the background.However I do believe there are some disadvantages firstly, the mastheads placement is pushed to the far left of the contents page and also it is still clearly visible it appears as though it has just be placed there without any thought on the matter creating a sense that this part of the contents page has been rushed which as a whole could tarnish the reputation of the magazine as it makes it appear unprofessional.

Page 3: Media contents page and double page spread

Nib:This part of the contents page is called the nib, this is where a small section of the news is revealed discussed briefly as the whole news story appears within the publication, the image above is an example of that which I believe appears on the contents page in order to allow the audience to read the most interesting parts of the story so that they will then be influenced into reading the whole story which will result in them buying a magazine, so it is evident that this convention is used to appeal and persuade the audience to buy the publication.The nib is positioned in the upper right hand side of the contents page which makes it visible and noticeable for the audience to see however, the size of the text is too small making it difficult for the audience to read. Furthermore because of the small text it gives an impression that everything has just being swashed together making it seem as though it has been rushed making it appear as an average magazine.

Page 4: Media contents page and double page spread

Index:This element of the contents page offers the audience the names of different music bands and there individual page numbers, the reason why this is on the contents page is because it gives the reader the information on what pages to select your the band of their choosing.The colours are used in this section of the contents page are interesting as they seem to stick out on the page and blend well together leading to the audience’s eye being draw to them. The red background used for the index makes the other colour stand out more particularly the colour white, white is not conventionally used to be the colour of the copy in publications but rather the background, but because of the dark colour being the background it allows the lighter colour in this case being white to stand out and distance it self from the page. Another colour which stands out from the page is blue, this colour is used to highlight the page numbers for the bands. The reason why I believe the page numbers have been made it stand out is because the publication wants to make sure that it is clear for the audience to see and that they are then able to access the required page without any difficultly.However the index does have drawn backs, for instead the text size particularly where it lists the different names of the bands appearing in the magazine, it is very small and closely positioned together which makes it hard for the audience to read and reflects the magazine as a whole to appear poorly as all of the copy should be visible and straightforward to read and this section of the contents page does not offer that.

Page 5: Media contents page and double page spread

Image:The image on the contents page is of a famous musician named Carl Barat who appears on the page in order to lure the audience towards the magazine as he is obviously well known leading the audience to believe that this magazine must be of a good standard as it features and acknowledge musician. The artist may have been chosen because of his genre of music as the other bands mentioned on the band index are similar to his which will aid the sale of the magazines. In addition seeing as he was in a band which is the particular theme that the magazine is aiming on he this could lead to more people buying the magazine as the will fell that if a well known band is present on the magazine maybe there other favourite will be within it as well.

Page 6: Media contents page and double page spread

Banner headline:

This banner headline promises to give the reader all the news and stories of music for this week which gives the reader a sense that this magazine is offering the latest and newest information which will therefore persuade the into buying the magazine. The colour used for this banner headline is black which has a bold and stand out effect which changes the eye of the audience.

This text differs the information about gigs in the UK which people who go to gigs and are fans of music may appreciate and may lead to them buying the magazine just on the basis of the information. The colours used are bright and draw the eye of the audience plus, it sticks to the colour scheme of the magazine which also a whole makes the magazine stand out more and become more visible.

Page 7: Media contents page and double page spread
Page 8: Media contents page and double page spread

The index:The index offers the name of the topic that is within the magazine and the page numbers which is a very important piece of important as without it the reader would not where to turn to which would could difficult and frustrating to the reader.The colours used a bright and very noticeable which I believe is done in order to make absolute sure that the audience are able to see it in order for them to then purchase the magazine. In addition the positioning of the index is well placed as there is equal space between each of them However, a disadvantage of this magazine is the text is too small and extremely hard to read which makes the magazine to appear as rushed and completed without any consideration or though reflecting the magazine is a negative way.

Page 9: Media contents page and double page spread

Image:The images are of the pages within the magazine and also gives the reader information on what the images are of, I believe these images have been selected because they are of elegant and sophisticated places which may be the theme that the publication wants to get across to the audience so that the will be persuade to buy it as they will believe they will receive the same high level of class in the magazine as these images represent.Furthermore, the positioning and placement is interesting and all six images are made to fit into a small space however, I feel that it is done well as the reader is still able to see both the images and text clearly which does not occur often in contents pages.

Page 10: Media contents page and double page spread


The footer for this contents pages offers the reader a free CD which is a media technique called unique selling point used in order to persuade the audience into buying the magazine. The colours used are important in this contents page as it sticks to the colour scheme of the publication which adds your eye as a whole to the areas hat share the same colour which could further appeal the audience into buying the magazine. Plus the uses of the yellow text allows that section of the copy to stand out from the paper and it is the first thing the audiences eye is drawn to when looking at the footer.Moreover, the footer provides an image of the product that the audience can have for free when purchasing this magazine which may lead to them buying this magazine as they may like the look of the product and will therefore want to have it and seeing as they can get it for free it is another potential reason for them wanting to buy the magazine.

Page 11: Media contents page and double page spread
Page 12: Media contents page and double page spread

This section of the contents page offers the reader an insight into what topics are within the magazines and also gives the page numbers, these may be useful because if the audience see’s a certain topic they are interested in or news on their favourite music or band it will lead them to wanting to buy this magazine therefore using a media technique known as unique selling point. The colours are interesting as it is set on a black background which therefore allows the white and yellow text to stand out which may be the crucial information that the publication wants to get across to the audience.


Page 13: Media contents page and double page spread


This section of the contents page allows the audience to see photographs if artist within the magazine which maybe useful as the photos maybe of their favourite artist which will encourage them to buy the magazine and because it draws your eye to the images as it placed on an empty background and because of the bright colours used in the images it immediately draws your eye to them. In addition because of the placement of the images is interesting as they are all positioned and sized in a way so that the audience can clearly see them which will aid to the audience being lead to buy the magazine.

Page 14: Media contents page and double page spread

Main Image:

The main image in this contents page is of a artist jumping off stage this image may lead to the magazine being purchased but the target audience as it portrays a rebellious person why may be the characteristics of the potential consumer. In addition the clothes the artist is wearing is important as it is similar to the target audiences type of clothing which may have been selected to be worn especially to lead the audience to believe that they can relate to this magazine which will therefore influence them to buy the publication.

Page 15: Media contents page and double page spread
Page 16: Media contents page and double page spread


The name of the musician ‘Kelly Clarkson is present in this double page spread which may have been done in order to draw attraction towards the double page spread as she is well known and famous celebrity and many people will recognise her. Furthermore, because she is a world wide recognised music artist people will believe that the magazine must be of a a high quality in order for the artist to be on this double page spread which will lead them to buying the magazine and could lead to them buying it in the near future to see what other artist or bands may appear in it.

Page 17: Media contents page and double page spread


The image is on a famous singer called Kelly Clarkson which has been put on the double page spread in order to gain the attention of the audience and to draw them towards the magazine in order for them to buy it. The image of Kelly Clarkson is used numerous times in the double spread which I believe is done purposely as the publication wants to make sure that the audience realise that they have a famous celebrity on their double page spread which will prompt towards the magazine and could lead them lead to them purchasing the magazine. Furthermore taking the rule of thirds into accounts and the vast account of pictures of the artist in the magazine each of the intersections have a section of the artist in it which show that she is visible in nearly all areas of the double page spread which makes it evident that she is the main thing that the audience’s eye in drawn to in publication.

Page 18: Media contents page and double page spread


The text in this double page spread is positioning out evenly within the publication which breaks down the text and does not make it look as big as it is which makes sure that the audience is not put off by the vast amount of text. However some draw backs to this double page spread is the colour of the text, the text’s colour does not differ than much from the background which does that make it that visible and clear making it difficult for the audience to read. In addition the size of the text is another disadvantage to this magazine as it is very small and difficult to reader creating frustration for the reader and reflecting the magazine badly as it appears amateurish .

Page 19: Media contents page and double page spread
Page 20: Media contents page and double page spread


This masthead is clear and visible and does so by using a blue background and puts a lighter shade of text on the darker colour which makes it stand out therefore attracting the attention of the audience towards the magazine which could lead to them wanting to buy the magazine.

Furthermore the positioning of the masthead is where it should conventionally be which sticks the usually way a double page spread should be conducted which in turn makes the masthead easy to read and identify on the page which as a result could lead to audience been drawn towards the magazine.

Page 21: Media contents page and double page spread


This headline is important in this double page spread as it is pointing out the main things that the reader needs to know which could be used to lure the target audience to buy the magazine as they can produce any text they want which they fell will persuade them to purchase the magazine such as giving tour dates and information on artists and bands. Furthermore the headline creates a sense of urgency and makes the target audience to believe that the information within the magazine is vital and that they have to have it which is another way that this element of the double page spread prompts the target audience to purchase the magazine.

In addition the colours used are interesting as the bright background not only draws the attention of the audience but it also allows the surrounding text to stand out as the colours are mix of dark and light shades which evidently means that the light text is general information whereas the darker shade of text is the main message that the publication wants to get across to the target audience in order to lure them to purchase the magazine.

Page 22: Media contents page and double page spread

Text:The copy is this double page spread is spread out evenly which makes it visible and clear for the audience to read and it also makes the text look smaller than it actually is which makes sure the audience is not off from the magazine and it could in fact lure them to buy the magazine because the target audience may feel that it gives them good and update information on music and their favourite artists and bands.Plus, the colour is an important factor when analysis this double page spread as the background colour is a very light shade of blue and the copy is bold black which not only makes the text stand out but it also draws your eye towards the text which could then lead to the audience wanting to buy the magazine.

However, a disadvantage of this copy is the size of the text, although it is spread out that makes it easy for them to see the size of the text makes it difficult for the audience to read which may put them off wanting to buy the magazine.

Page 23: Media contents page and double page spread


The image is interesting in this double page spread as it takes up the lower section of the publication and it every eye catching because of the different colours used it draws attention towards this section of the publication which could then attract the target audience as they may like this specific band or the genre of the music which will then lead to them purchasing this magazine.

Page 24: Media contents page and double page spread
Page 25: Media contents page and double page spread

Image:The image in this double page spread has the band clearly spaced out within the image which makes it easy for the audience to identify each artist within the band and if a certain type of audience likes this particular band it will persuade them to buy the magazine. Furthermore, the clothing of the band is colourful and eye catching which makes it stand out on the page which may then lead to the target audience wanting to buy the magazine.

Page 26: Media contents page and double page spread

Text:The text in this double page spread is set out in three different section on the page which breaks the text down and more visible for the audience to see. The colouring is also an important factor in this publication as the bold black text stands out from the plain background which immediately causes your eye to be drawn towards the text which may then influence the target audience to purchase the magazine.

However the size of the text is a disadvantage to this double page spread as it is extremely hard to read which portrays the publication in a negative way as it appears amateurish and unprofessional which will put then lead to the target audience not wanting to buy the magazine and could cause them to buy other magazines.

Page 27: Media contents page and double page spread

Index:This section of the double page spread provides information on artists and bands but it also provides information on tours and gigs which may appeal to the audience who like this particular genre and could lead to them buying this magazine. Furthermore, the colouring used is important as there is a mixture of light and dark colours, the colour yellow is bright on this page which draws the audiences immediate attention towards it and it also benefits the black text as it makes it seem bolder and makes it stand out on the page.

In addition the use of the colour yellow as I mentioned not only draws the attention of the audience but it also reinforces the colour scheme with aids in making the magazine appear more professional and also makes it seem more noticeable.