Page 1: Media 21 Spring 2012 Prezi Rubric

1 Digital Composition Rubric: Prezi, Spring 2012 Lester and Hamilton

Rubric: Digital Compositions, Prezi Spring 2012


Topic: _________________________________________________________

0=not evident 1-2=evident but poorly constructed 3=adequate 4=above average 5=exceptional/superior

Content and Design Elements Evaluation of the Element (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Weight Possible Points


Title slide includes: Topic

Names of Researchers


Course Title

X1 5

Storyboard Organization: The content items are

sequenced in a thoughtful, effective, and logical manner

X4 20

Prezi Paths: Prezi paths are easy to follow

the Prezi incorporates the effective use of the “zoom” feature to emphasize key ideas/images without going overboard on the effect

X2 10

Prezi Clarity and Design: the presentation reflects excellent use

of font, color, graphics, and multimedia effects to enhance the presentation and to tell the “story” of learning and the reading experience.

Each panel is “clean” and easy to read without being overly “busy” with an abundance of too much content.

Prezi has a minimum of 10 content slides/panels

Works Cited slides/panels are included

X3 15

Score Out of 200 Points

Page 2: Media 21 Spring 2012 Prezi Rubric

2 Digital Composition Rubric: Prezi, Spring 2012 Lester and Hamilton

Content and Design Elements Evaluation of the Element (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Weight Possible Points


Images and/or Video: the use of these media create a distinct

and appropriate tone for expository/information composition.

The media may communicate concrete or abstract representations of ideas and facts.

All multimedia appears to be copyright friendly and includes image attribution

All hyperlinks work and go to the correct content

X4 20

Audience: the design elements reflect a strong awareness of audience in the design (classmates, teaches, other teens who may see the Prezi). The design elements are thoughtful and purposeful in choice and incorporation into the Prezi.

X2 10

Economy: the Prezi reflects and maintains a clear

focus through all panels; the information presented is balanced and focuses on big ideas without getting bogged down in irrelevant or off-topic details.

X2 10

Issue is clearly defined and discussed. X2 10 Content clearly reflects relevant and meaningful concrete details.

X3 15

Content clearly reflects relevant and meaningful commentaries

X3 15

Content: the presentation reflects: *big ideas and deep questions (beyond basic facts) *research that goes beyond surface level, superficial facts and digs into the “how and why” *sequence of ideas, facts, interpretation of information flows in a logical way

X4 20

Content reflects research and thoughtful analysis that address at least 3 major “why or how” questions

X4 20

Text is free of spelling, punctuation, and major grammatical errors.

X3 15

At least eight different sources are included in the Works Cited page, including 1 database articles and an interview

X3 15

