


November, 2013 Volume 41 #3

Time To Act AAUW Medford voted to support full funding for Jackson County Library Services, S.O. research and Extension Services and the S.O. Historical Society at the Oct 5, 2013 membership meeting. Each City council in the County will need to give approval for the special districts on the ballot; watch for your council's meeting so you can give support. It is imperative that our city council include Medford* in the Special Library District to be voted on in the May 2014 ballot. The Special library District, comprised of an independently elected board, will determine services and funding for our library. As it stands now, funds for the library are distributed from a General Fund, which can be used for other services, leaving no funds for library services including keeping them open. If we have a Special District, the funds will be spent for library services and cannot be used for other purposes. Continued on Page 5

Please Join Us Be Part of the Medford/Ashland Forum!

Ellen Rosenblum, Oregon Attorney General, To Speak at Joint Meeting in Ashland

When: Saturday, November 2, 1:30

Where: Masonic Center on Clover Lane, Ashland The Ashland and Medford branches will be presenting a community forum. Oregon’s first woman Attorney General, Ellen Rosenblum, drives the length of the state to speak to AAUW members and the public Saturday, November 2, 1:30 at the Masonic Lodge, 570 Clover Lane, Ashland. Bring your friends. This is a ideal opportunity to meet this women of high achievement in a very high office. AG Rosenblum was appointed interim AG by Governor Kitzhaber when John Kroger stepped down, She ran and won in last November’s election. She has a long career in the legal field: lawyer, judge and now Attorney General. This is a joint meeting of the Medford and Ashland AAUW branches and is the November Forum open to the public. Let's fill the house and show our appreciation. Carpools will leave from the Harry and David Shopping Center (The AT&T side) promptly at 12:45. Be there if you would like to carpool!

**************************************************** Friendship Progressive Luncheon a Success! When you attend Medford Branch AAUW meetings are you seeing a crowd of strangers? Renewing acquaintances and meeting newer members was the goal of the Friendship Progressive Luncheon on Oct. 5th. Many members responded to prepare delicious soups, salads and desserts or to offer host a table full of members in their homes. Overwhelmingly participants expressed pleasure that day and expressed the hope that this event would be repeated; one regret was that too few of the newer members were present. Smaller groups lend themselves to personal interaction and each of us should make an effort to greet members new to us at general meetings too. Don’t miss it next time! In the meantime join interest groups as a way to become acquainted with our members in smaller groups.

Gayle Clason, Leadership Team

Lunch Bunch: Antique Studies:

Medford Musings Page 2 of 6 Special Interest Groups Information


Lunch Bunch Lunch Bunch: Join us for lunch at Punky's Diner and Pies at 953 Medford Center in Medford (back lot of Tinseltown) on Tuesday, November 12th at 11:30 am. RSVP to Diane Reiling [email protected] or 541-499-6622 by 11/10 to attend. DINE: DINErs meet at a different restaurant at 6 p.m. the 4th Thursday of most months. (We skip November and dine a week early most Decembers.)

International Cuisine: International Cuisine is an interest group that always welcomes new members and their spouses for fun, good food and lively conversation. If interested in joining this group, contact Carole Heath at 541 582-0593 or [email protected] Mah Jong: Contact: Jackie Baker at [email protected]

Outdoor Adventures: TBA depending upon the weather. Contact Jan Purkeypile [email protected]

If you would like to begin a new interest group, please contact Marlene Olson at [email protected]


The Morning Book Group meets at 10:00 am in the Club Room of the Manor, Wednesday, Nov.6. Betty Rosenkranz will lead the discussion on State of Wonder by Ann Patchett. Contact: Mary Wright Gillespie and Sharon Purkerson. Murder Most Li terary will meet at 7:00 pm in the Chetco Room at Skyline Plaza on Thursday, November 14. “Death among the books” is the topic led by Cydne Jensen. No meeting in December and potluck on January 9. Contact: Mary Wright Gillespie. Happy Bookers meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:30. Our next meeting will be November 19th at 1:30 pm at the home of Marlene Olson. The book discussed will be Maurice by E.M. Forster. Contact: Marlene Olson, 541-245-1117 or [email protected].


Afternoon Dessert Bridge: Contact Vera Alexander, 541-779-4065 [email protected]

GREAT DECISIONS: GREAT DECISIONS will meet on November 16 from 9:30 to 11:30 at the RVM, 9th floor lounge. Joyce Ellis will lead the discussion on NATO Contact: Janice Williams, 857-6300 ANTIQUE STUDIES: The Antiques Group will meet, earlier in the month than usual, on Wednesday, November 20th. Meet at 1:30 pm, upstairs in the library at Barnett Woods, for a program on Egg Cups given by Dawn Stewart. Refreshments served. Contact is Barbara Larson at 541-772-8769.

Wine and Whine:

Wet your whistle on November 15th at EdenVale Winery Tasting Room located at 2310 Voorhies Road Medford OR 541-512-2955 RSVP by November 13th so proper reservations can be made to Gail [email protected] or Jan [email protected]


Garden Joys will meet at the Adams Room, Medford Library at 10:30 AM on Thursday, November 21. The speaker will be Thielsen Lebo of LeBeaux Bamboo. Thielsen will discuss how to select and successfully grow many varieties of bamboo. Weather permitting we will tour his bamboo nursery. Contact Barbara Basden (541-772-0579) or Marlene Olson (541-245-1117).


CURRENT AFFAIRS ACT (AAUW Community Team): Questions contact Shiena Polehn 541-773-4177, [email protected]. See Page 3.

Medford Musings

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Welcome to new member Mary Hill!

As per Cathy's report, as of 9-25-2013, our membership status is 96 regular members, 9 honorary life members, 10 student members, 1 grad member, for a total of 115. Also, a potential new member is interested in joining and will attend a branch meeting in the near future. If you have names of anyone you think may be interested in attending a meeting or joining AAUW, please refer to Janet Brougher at 541-857-2862 or Bea Frederickson at 541-878-5342.

Membership Matters


It always amazes me to be reminded that Marie Curie was a 1920 AAUW grant recipient! Our organization has been supporting women in science for many years. Last year Oregon was in the top ten states for contributions to the Legal Advocacy Fund, Educational Opportunities Fund, Public Policy Fund, Eleanor Roosevelt Fund and the Leadership Programs Fund. To date we have contributed $2,623.94 from our branch. Consider a year end gift. Mary Wright Gillespie AAUW Funds Chair

Empowering women since 1881 ********************************* Wanted: Dynamic Duo The co-chairmanship of the Food Faire at the Children’s Festival is open and we are looking for two members to sign up for the position. Gail Etchie and Donna Betteridge are stepping down after a very successful summer. These two have done a wonderful job and have streamlined the process. Both are willing to mentor the new chairs. Selling hot dogs and sno-cones to parents and kids at the Children’s Festival has been a Medford AAUW tradition for more than 40 years, and has been an amazing fundraiser for the branch. Any member willing to be chair will be assured of lots of support from long-time sno-cone makers, hot dog cookers, cashiers and clean-up crews. Plans for next year’s Children’s Festival start soon so if this job appeals to you, please contact one of the Leadership Team (Gayle, Carol, Regula, Marcia or Dee). Marcia Simon, Leadership Team

A Gathering at the Inn

You are cordially invited to attend A Gathering at the Inn

for this year’ s Foster Care Collection and Cookie Exchange

Join us for a Brunch and Cookie Exchange (optional) on December 7, 2013, at 10:00 am at the Jacksonville Inn. The Inn is located at 175 E California St, in Jacksonville. Bring your cookies on a plate and be prepared to trade with other members. Leave with a stash of goodies to give away to family, friends and neighbors.

You must RSVP no later than November 30th by mail. Please send your check for $15, made payable to AAUW, Medford, to: Gail Etchie, 1130 Steamboat Drive, Central Point, OR 97502. Be sure to bring three dozen homemade holiday cookies or candies for our cookie exchange. (You can still come if you choose not to participate in the cookie exchange.)

This is our Branch’s traditional collection of money for our community’s Foster Care Children. This year we are asking that instead of a new toy, you donate your dollars to be used to purchase gift certificates that will be presented to the older children. Many times the younger children are deluged with gifts and the older children 9-18 are not so fortunate. We will buy certificates to the ice rink, bowling alley, movies, etc in order to fill the needs of these children. We hope our Student Affiliates can come as well!

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Great Pay Parking News!

Never worry about running out of parking time or $ again. Here is a link to a very cool & easy to use “app” for Android, iPhone, or Blackberry: Just create an account adding your license plate and payment information, and load the app on your phone. When you park, just put in the location, and select your time. You can get reminders & add time remotely without leaving a meeting or getting locked out of a building. This FREE app works in the lots around the Medford Library, HEC building, and in many cities across the UK and Europe. Monica Weyhe

ACT ACT (AAUW Community Team) Come and join a team of big-hearted women, working on short-term projects in the community. Have fun and participate in worthwhile activities to help our neighbors in the Rogue Valley. Our first event is the black history forum on Monday, Oct 21 at the Medford library. We have enough volunteers but want more attendees from AAUW.

BUILD-A-BAG Work Party

[email protected] no later than November 15th in order to participate.

No walk - ins, please. Mary Norbert Hall - Providence Medical Center Tuesday, December 3rd, 9:00 AM -12:00 noon (or until done). Mission: Build 1000 children's gift bags before noon like we've accomplished the past four years! (Please note if you may be available at 8:00 to help setup the work party) Thru the support of our generous community, the Festival will host the 5th Annual ‘Evening of Giving’ (EOG). The EOG’s mission is to share the wonder of the Festival with the young clientele of seven social and/or not-for-profit agencies serving Rogue Valley children. The participating agencies estimate 1,000 toddlers to young adults will attend the EOG for holiday activities & crafts, storytelling, visiting with Santa, and more. Each of these special children will be sent home with a small gift bag. I need volunteers to assemble 1,000 gift bags. Can you give some time to the ‘Build a Bag’ work party the first Tuesday of December? A sincere thanks to all who volunteered last year. Please know your gift of time to BAB was a blessing to the children & families invited to attend. Time and time again, we heard families explain that the EOG event and gifts were the ONLY Christmas their children had last year. They were all so appreciative! Gail Etchie - Build A Bag Liaison

Fall Garden Tour 2013

It rained – hard – during the “pre-tour” Friday evening. It poured all night long. The rain drenched garden coordinators during setup Saturday morning.

But when 10 a.m. opening time arrived, the wet weather eased up and visitors started coming, declaring “Gardeners love the rain!” By day’s end, after hearing from most tour-goers that “These were the best gardens ever,” we declared the Medford AAUW 2013 Fall Garden Tour a success. While final attendance numbers were down a bit from last year, it looks like proceeds will be even better and top $4,000.

So whether you were a greeter or a visitor, a garden coordinator or a ticket buyer, a cookie baker or a poster maker, give yourself a pat on the back, because the fall garden tour couldn’t have happened without the efforts of our entire branch membership.

Besides hosting a delightful day’s activity for our community and raising money for our scholarship fund, the garden tour committee has a lot of fun. So consider joining. Give me a call, send an e-mail, or just show up at the next planning meeting: Thursday November 13 at 10 a.m. in the Carpenter Room of the Medford Library. Ronnie Budge, Chair

And by the way, it’s not too soon to mark your calendar for the 2014 tour: Saturday, September 13, from 10-4. Don’t miss it. It’s sure to be the best ever!

n Ronnie Budge, Chai

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Finance Report as of 10/15/2013

Financial Report as of 10/15/13 Sterling Bank: Checking $ 8,778.45 CD/MM 13,477.57 Home Fed. Bank: Local Scholarships $ 1,061.50

In Our Thoughts:

• Here are the people to whom cards were sent: Alline Sontag-thinking of you Mickey Ketchum-feel better Patty Finch-feel better Doris Mayfield-sympathy at death of husband Donna Corey(me) feel better Donna Corey at 541-897-0774.

***************************** Time to Act cont’d from page 1 If we have a Special District, the funds will be spent for library services and cannot be used for other purposes. Go to City of Medford, OR -Home page and fill out the Citizen input sought on Strategic Plan. Let your opinion be known regarding how vital the library is for the future of our community. *And all other City councils. Pubic Policy Committee

Public Policy

Are Your Tax Dollars Supporting Unequal Pay? On September 17, the U.S. Census Bureau released new data on the gender wage gap – but there's nothing "new" about it. In 2012, women still earned just 77 cents, on average, for every dollar earned by their male counterparts. That number hasn’t budged in the last decade, and it's about time our nation's leaders did something about it.

For two years, the U.S. Department of Labor has been saying it will develop a new tool to collect information on salaries, wages, and other benefits earned by employees of federal contractors and subcontractors. This tool is essential to giving employees and employers the information they need to end pay discrimination, and it's essential to giving the Department of Labor the information it needs to make sure employers receiving our tax dollars are following the law. Urge the Department of Labor to speed up its work on this data collection tool today! The wage gap isn't just a number on the page – it means less money for food, education, housing, and retirement for millions of women and families nationwide. It affects real people: People like Lilly Ledbetter. People like Maxine, an AAUW member in Iowa who encountered pay discrimination twice in her career as an educator. People like Anastasia in Oregon, who learned that her male colleagues, one of whom didn't even have a college degree compared to her bachelor’s degree in physics, were getting paid a higher salary and earning vacation time at a faster rate than she did.

Knowledge is power. These women and the millions like them need the knowledge that would come from the Department of Labor's new data collection tool. Since 2006, the federal government has had NO tool to effectively monitor wage discrimination based on race, national origin and gender by private employers – that means our tax dollars could be going to federal contractors who are not paying women fairly, and that is unacceptable. Two months ago, the Department of Labor got a new leader, and this data collection tool should be one of the first items on Secretary Perez's agenda.

As an AAUW "Two-Minute Activist," you stood hand-in-hand with Lilly Ledbetter and Betty Dukes as they fought for fair pay against some of the largest employers in the United States. As courageous as they have been, women like them shouldn't have to go it alone. Stand with them again: Help us give the Department of Labor the push it needs to finalize the data collection tool! Join with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in urging to finalize the new compensation data collection tool that would make it easier to enforce laws prohibiting pay discrimination. The Department of Labor collected public comments on this new tool more than two years ago. Since then, and for more than a decade, the wage gap has been stuck at 23 cents. This compensation data tool is essential to giving employees and employers the information they need to end pay discrimination, and it's essential to giving the Department of Labor the information it needs to make sure employers receiving U.S. taxpayer dollars are following the law. As a fair pay advocate, I urge you to develop and implement the compensation data collection survey without any further delay. AAUW Website

** Leadership Team:

Gayle Clason 541-773-8846

Carol Koszyk 541 609-7799

Regula Pepi 541-779-1329

Marcia Simon 541-482-7388

Dee Wittenberg

541-535-9317 * *

MEDFORD MUSINGS Elected Officers


Membership Co-VPs: Janet Brougher 541-857-2862

Bea Frederickson 541-878-5342

Secretary Board: Sharon Purkerson


Secretary Branch Sharon Fox


Finance Officer: Cathy de Wolfe 541-773-7350

Medford Branch

8813 Blackwell Road Central Point, OR


Medford Musings is a monthly

newsletter of the Medford Oregon branch of AAUW

8813 Blackwell Rd Central Point, Or 97502

A note to all contributors:

PLEASE Send all articles by

the 15th of each month no later than 5 P.M. to our branch e-mail:

[email protected]

Gail Etchie, Editor Phone 541-664-3744

We’re on the Web! See us at:


AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. The AAUW Educational Foundation provides funds to advance education, research and self-development for women and to foster equity and positive society change. The AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund provides funding and a support system for women seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination. In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or class.