Page 1: Measuring the temperature of high-luminous exitance surfaces … · 2016. 9. 9. · Measuring the temperature of high -luminous exitance surfaces with infrared thermography in LED

Measuring the temperature of high-luminous exitance surfaces with infrared thermography in LED applications

Indika U. Perera* and Nadarajah Narendran Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 21 Union St., Troy, NY 12180

ABSTRACT Recently, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting systems have become popular due to their increased system performance. LED lighting system performance is affected by heat; therefore, it is important to know the temperature of a target surface or bulk medium in the LED system. In-situ temperature measurements of a surface or bulk medium using intrusive methods cause measurement errors. Typically, thermocouples are used in these applications to measure the temperatures of the various components in an LED system. This practice leads to significant errors, specifically when measuring surfaces with high-luminous exitance.

In the experimental study presented in this paper, an infrared camera was used as an alternative to temperature probes in measuring LED surfaces with high-luminous exitance. Infrared thermography is a promising method because it does not respond to the visible radiation spectrum in the range of 0.38 to 0.78 micrometers. Usually, infrared thermography equipment is designed to operate either in the 3 to 5 micrometer or the 7 to 14 micrometer wavelength bands. To characterize the LED primary lens, the surface emissivity of the LED phosphor surface, the temperature dependence of the surface emissivity, the temperature of the target surface compared to the surrounding temperature, the field of view of the target, and the aim angle to the target surface need to be investigated, because these factors could contribute towards experimental errors. In this study, the effects of the above-stated parameters on the accuracy of the measured surface temperature were analyzed and reported.

Keywords: light-emitting diodes, LED lighting system, testing, lens temperature, surface temperature, IR thermography, measurement error, surface emissivity

1. INTRODUCTION Light-emitting diode (LED) technology has improved significantly over the past decade. The technology has now reached a level where LED chips emit high radiant power, in the order of watts per chip. To create “white” light for illumination applications, the emission of these LED chips are combined with phosphor-encased optical encapsulant layers.[1] Past studies report increases in LED package lumen degradation due to both chip and encapsulant degradation caused by high temperature.[2],[3] In order to quantify LED lens degradation and improve LED performance, as well as for safety-related aspects, it is necessary to measure the lens temperature accurately during operation. With increased demand for larger lumen packages with smaller LED package footprint area, the lumen output and therefore luminous flux densities of these lenses increase. The luminous flux exiting or leaving a surface is termed as luminous exitance.[4]

In measuring the bulk medium or surface temperature of these LED lenses, either contact (intrusive) or non-contact type measurement methods can be employed. Intrusive-type measurements are commonly conducted with thermocouples. These thermocouple measurements are reported to have significant errors caused by the optical radiation emitted through the lens surface being measured.[5],[6] In addition, measurement errors can be caused by the geometrical configuration, attachment method, and heat transfer interactions of intrusive-type temperature measurements.[7] Infrared temperature measurement systems are non-contact type measurement methods that lack some of the stated sources of error such as attachment method and heat transfer interaction present in contact-type methods. Infrared temperature measurement systems are generally designed to be sensitive between 3–5 µm and 7–14 µm wavelength bands.[8] The optical emission of an LED system used for illumination is in the range of ~0.4–0.8 μm where the infrared temperature measurement systems are insensitive.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]; +1 (518) 687-7100;

Fifteenth International Conference on Solid State Lighting and LED-based Illumination Systems, edited by Matthew H. Kane, Nikolaus Dietz, Ian T. Ferguson, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9954,

99540K · © 2016 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/16/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2240650

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Page 2: Measuring the temperature of high-luminous exitance surfaces … · 2016. 9. 9. · Measuring the temperature of high -luminous exitance surfaces with infrared thermography in LED

Infrared temtemperaturestemperature m

In order to accurate estisurface emisdistance, bacstudy investi

This study iserror with uswas not inve

A number odifficulties oreference.

In the first stwas coated otemperature the LED mocharacteristic

A single-banspectral rangused for the Oleum V217rotate the blathe pivot axis

Figure 1. Sche

3.1 Characte

The infrared and the entirview (FOV) Figure 2. To was mounted

mperature meas as an alternmeasurement s

estimate the timation. Additssivity and geckground tempgated the effec

s mainly concesing infrared testigated nor di

of methods areof these metho

tage, the selecton one-half ofcomparison w

odule was estics.

nd wavelength ge from 7.5–14

study. Figure 78838 high-temack-coated surfs remaining ho

ematic of the hig

erization of th

imaging camere setup was pof the thermal facilitate the h

d on a heater bl

asurements havnative to consystem is very

arget surface tionally, the raeometric confiperature and suct of these para

erned with invmperature meascussed, and it

e available in ods, an altern

ted reference pf the LED len

with the charactmated using t

infrared imagi μm (Jenoptik 1 illustrates t

mperature sprayface in the two orizontal.

gh-temperature b

he applied pain

era was aimed laced ~50 mmimager was co

heating of the block. Two calib

ve been usedntact-type temimportant to ob

temperature, tange of tempergurations, suc

urface emissiviameters on the

2. Mvestigating andasurement systt is assumed th

literature to cative two-stag

paint coated onns surface. Thterized paint-cthe infrared im camera moIR-TCM 384 w

the experimenty paint) coatedperpendicular

black paint chara

nt coating

normal to the cm from the optovered by the bblack paint-coabrated, J-type

d in the electmperature meas

btaining an acc

the emissivity ratures during

ch as infrared ity of the targLED lens surfa

METHODOLd quantifying mtems. Calibratioat the measure

characterize ange method wa

n a target surfahe different macoated surface. maging camera

EXPERIMEodule with a fowith a 384×24tal setup used

d surface. The er axes (indicate

acterization expe

crossing-point ics of the therblack paint-coaated surface to30 AWG therm

tronics and Lsurements.[9],[10

curate, repeatab

of the target operation thatemperature

et, can also aface temperatur

LOGY measurement eon of the infrarment system is

n unknown taas developed u

ace was characaterial surfaceThen the surf

a based on the

ENT focal plane arra44 pixel resolut

for the characexperimental sed by the black

erimental setup.

of the pivot axrmal imager. Tated surface ofo different tempmocouples wer

LED industries0] The calibrable measureme

surface becomat might causemeasurement

ffect the estimare.

errors associatered temperaturs in calibration

rget surface.[8]

using a flat-bl

cterized. Then ts were then cface temperatue experimental

ay detector (FPtion of bolomecterization of

setup had the ak arrows) on the

xes on the blacThis was to ensf the calibrationperature valuesre embedded in

s to measure ation of the ent.[8]

mes a prerequ changes to thsystem aiminated temperatu

ed with the syre measuremenn.

] Due to the plack paint coa

the characterizcharacterized bure during operlly determined

PA) having a setric FPA detecthe black pain

ability to indepe horizontal pl

ck paint-coatedsure the entiren block, as inds, the calibration machined bli

surface infrared

uisite for he target g angle, ure. This

ystematic nt system

practical at as the

zed paint based on ration of

d surface

sensitive ctor) was nt (Rust-endently ane with

d surface e field of icated in on block ind holes

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Page 3: Measuring the temperature of high-luminous exitance surfaces … · 2016. 9. 9. · Measuring the temperature of high -luminous exitance surfaces with infrared thermography in LED

in the aluminblock and the

An Omega Tthermocouplthermocoupl

Figure 2. Sche

The heater brespect to thtemperature. temperature. that the infradefault surfaunderestimattemperature imager meastemperature.

Figure 3. Char

num calibratione blind holes fo

TC-08 8-channes. The therme calibrator.

ematic diagram o

block was heathe embedded t

Figure 3 illuThe line runni

ared thermal imace emissivityted the surfacwas greater th

surement accur

racterization of t

n block. The cor the thermoco

nel USB thermocouples and

of the infrared th

ted to a numbthermocouple

ustrates the infing diagonally

mager should hy of ε=1.00 (ice temperaturehan ±1.5 K betracy).[11] Figure

the surface emiss

ross section onouples (thermo

ocouple data athe data acqui

hermal imager an

er of predefinmeasurementsfrared imaging

y across the chahave estimatedideal blackbode at temperatutween 0 and 1e 3 shows that

sivity of the blac

n the right of Focouple wells).

acquisition moisition system

nd experimental

ned temperature, the infrared

g camera-estimart is provided d at a given thedy) overestimaures ≥80°C.

100°C and ±2%t the paint coat

ck paint-coated s

Figure 1 indica.

dule was usedwere checked


e values and othermal image

mated temperatas a visual gu

ermocouple-mated the tempThe deviation% of the measting’s surface


ates the dimens

d to acquire thed for calibratio

once steady-staer was used toture vs. the thide to illustrateeasured tempeerature at tem

n from the thsured temperatemissivity dec

sions of the ca

e temperature fn using a Fluk

ate was achievo estimate thehermocouple-me the ideal tem

erature. This shmperatures ≤40hermocouple-mture (based on creases with in


from the ke 714B

ved with e surface measured mperature hows the 0°C and

measured thermal


Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9954 99540K-3

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Page 4: Measuring the temperature of high-luminous exitance surfaces … · 2016. 9. 9. · Measuring the temperature of high -luminous exitance surfaces with infrared thermography in LED

Table 1 shomeasured teemissivity va

Table 1. Effec

The calibratirule) at a timwas varied tFigure 4 indidependent emtemperature aiming anglefrom the thetemperaturesrotation angl

Figure 4. Angu

To assess thethe black paithermal imagaddition, thehigh-temperamaintained a

ows the effectiemperature andalues were used

ctive surface emi





ion block was me, as illustrateto three distincicates the variamissivity chanrepresents the

es less than 30°ermocouple-mes. A greater dee exceeded 30°

ular dependence

e effect of FOVint-coated surfger optics to t

e surface emissature black paat 25±2°C.

ive surface emd the infraredd in the subseq

issivity of black

e range (°C)




rotated both ied in Figure 1ct temperature ation of the infrnge with the e mean temper° from the surfeasured tempe

eviation more t° for surface te

e of infrared ther

V and target bface on axis withe backgrounsivity of the b

aint (ε>0.9) an

missivity calcud thermal imaquent estimatio

paint-coated sur

n the positive , while maintavalues while

frared thermal ithermocouple-

rature of four face normal oferature was lethan the measuemperatures ab

rmal imager temp

background emith the infrared

nd plate was vbackground pland with no sur

ulated to haveager-estimated

on of surface te



and negative aining the surfameasuring theimager-estimat-measured temmeasurements

f the target surss than the murement accura

bove ~50°C.

perature estimat

missivity, a simd thermal imagvaried to changate was also chrface coating (

e the minimumtemperature.


ective surface e




direction on oface temperature temperature ted temperatur

mperature. Thes except for thrface and therm

measurement acacy of the ther


milar experimenger, as indicatege the FOV ohanged by inte(ε<0.2). The b

m error betweThese estima


one axis (accorre constant. Thusing the emb

re after adjustine infrared therhe 0° temperatmal imager optccuracy of thermal imager w

nt was conducted in Figure 5. of the black paerchanging the

background sur

een the thermoated effective

rding to the righe surface tembedded thermong for the temprmal imager-eture measuremical axis, the de device at th

was observed w

ted with the noThe distance f

aint-coated sure plates with trface temperat


ght-hand mperature ocouples. perature-stimated

ment. For deviation he tested when the

ormal of from the rface. In the same ture was

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9954 99540K-4

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Page 5: Measuring the temperature of high-luminous exitance surfaces … · 2016. 9. 9. · Measuring the temperature of high -luminous exitance surfaces with infrared thermography in LED

Figure 5. Conf

Figure 6. FOVε>0.9 (left) an

Figure 6 showith the therdistance corr

In order to aexperimentalFigure 7 shomeasurement

figuration of the

V and backgrounnd background su

ows there was rmocouple-mearesponded to a

ssess the effecl setup was us

ows the observt accuracy of th

experimental se

nd emissivity efurface emissivity

no significantasured temperaFOV 75 mrad.

ct of backgrouned with the ad

ved results fromhe device with

etup for FOV an

ffect on infraredy ε<0.2 (right).

t effect on theature. The 50 m.

nd temperaturedded feature om the experimeh the thermocou

d background ef

d thermal image

infrared thermmm distance c

e on the infraref heating the pent. The infraruple-measured


er-estimated tem

mal imager-estcorresponded to

ed thermal imaplate with the red imager-estitemperature v

mperature: backg

timated tempero a FOV 300 m

ager-estimated through hole iimated temper


ground surface e

rature when comrad, and the

temperature, tillustrated in F

ratures were w


ompared 200 mm

the same Figure 5.

within the

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9954 99540K-5

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Page 6: Measuring the temperature of high-luminous exitance surfaces … · 2016. 9. 9. · Measuring the temperature of high -luminous exitance surfaces with infrared thermography in LED

Figure 7. Back

3.2 Characte

These initialfollowed by surface tempFigure 8. Themissivity vamodule compside of the coto the predeadjusted unti

Figure 8. Sche

Figure 9 sholens. It also close to the gmodule was rsurface. The with increase

kground tempera

erizing LED m

l experiment rangular-depen

perature, the LEen the LED malues for the ponents are apoated and uncotermined valuil the two temp

ematic of the LE

ws the tempershows the anggeometric centrotated along tflat areas of th

e in temperatur

ature effect on in

module surfac

results showedndent errors atED module wa

module was moudifferent mate

pproximately aoated halves is ue based on thperature values

ED module and o

ature matchinggular variation ter of the LEDthe horizontal ahe LED modulre.

nfrared thermal i


d that the majt aiming angleas coated with unted on a hea

erial surfaces iat the same tem

assumed identhe paint charac


orientation for th

g of the black pof the estimat

D module indicaxes with increle used to asse

imager temperatu

or systematic es larger than the characteriz

ater block and in the LED m

mperature. Alontical. The surfacterization. Th

he experiment wi

paint-coated suted temperaturecated a larger seasing temperaess the emissiv

ure estimate.

error stems f30°. In order

zed black painthe infrared th

module. At anyng the line of

ace emissivity ohen the unkno

ith the infrared th

urface and the e. The estimatspreading of thature. This was ity of the solde

from surface er to estimate tt on half the su

hermal imager y steady-state symmetry, theof the black-cown material s

hermal imager.

silicone surfaced temperature

he estimated tedue to the geo

er mask did no

emissivity adjuthe LED lens urface, as illuswas used to astemperature, t

e temperature ooated side was surface emissiv

ce of the LED e on the same emperature as tometry of the Lot show a simi

ustments exitance

strated in ssess the the LED on either adjusted vity was

primary location the LED

LED lens lar trend

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9954 99540K-6

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Page 7: Measuring the temperature of high-luminous exitance surfaces … · 2016. 9. 9. · Measuring the temperature of high -luminous exitance surfaces with infrared thermography in LED

Figure 9. Eval

3.3 Estimati

Two identicamodule was eliminating lmounted on Perfluoroalkolens temperatemperature thermocoupl2500 Siliconthermal imathermocoupl

Figure 10. Infr

Figure 10 shthe case tem

luation of LED p

ing high-lumin

al samples of tcoated with

uminous flux (heat sinks an

oxy (PFA) insuature at the geof the LED mes. To attach t

ne, Two Part Aager. A two-pe at the case te

rared thermal im

hows the infrarmperature locati

primary lens emi

nous exitance

the same LEDthe same blac(optical radiatind operated inulated thermoc

eometric centerodule was alsothe thermocoupAdhesive and Spart permanenemperature loca

mager and thermo

red imager- andion of the blac

issivity by match

surface tempe

D module that ck paint whileon) from being

n constant curcouples (Omegr of the lens eo measured usiple to the LEDSealant) was unt adhesive (Aation.

ocouple tempera

d thermocouplck paint-coated

hing temperature


was used in the the other wag emitted fromrrent mode. Thga SRTC-TT-Jexitance surfacing both the in

D lens exitanceused and was rArctic Alumin

ature measureme

le-measured ted (no radiant f


he characterizaas uncoated. T

m the primary lehe infrared th

J-36-36) were uce at the samenfrared thermale surface, an opremoved after na Thermal A

ents of the energi

emperatures at flux-emitting L

ation process wThe black coaens surface. Bohermal imager used alternatele drive currentl imager and thptical silicone each measurem

Adhesive) was

ized LED modu

the geometric LED module) a

were selected,ating was suffioth LED modu

and J-type 3ly to measure tt conditions. The same type oelastomer (Nu

ment with the s used to att


center of the and the uncoat

and one ficient in ules were 6 AWG the LED The case of J-type uSil CV-infrared

tach the

lens and ted LED

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Page 8: Measuring the temperature of high-luminous exitance surfaces … · 2016. 9. 9. · Measuring the temperature of high -luminous exitance surfaces with infrared thermography in LED

modules. Thepaint coatingcase tempera

The uncoatedafter adjustinthe charactergeometric cewas assessedcenter overes

A prototype packages (XPsilicone layeE3634A dc pto create a simm³. The alu36 AWG Persink near theselected to mtemperature b

Figure 11. Sch

Figure 12 scharacterizatthermocoupltemperature higher of 1.5

e thermal imagg matched the ature location.

d LED moduleng for the solderization procesenter was measd during the chstimated the su

LED light engPEBRY-L1-00

er heat sink, aspower supply×ilicone layer (uminum heat sirfluoroalkoxy e silicone layermaintain a unibased on past s

hematic of the LE

shows the siltion of the surfe measuremenrange of three K or 2% of th

ger temperaturethermocouple

e case temperater mask surfacss used for thesured with the

haracterization urface temperat

gine was desig000-00P01) arrs illustrated in2). A silicone diameter of 4 ink was attach(PFA) insulater on the side fiform temperatstudies.[12]

ED light engine

licone layer tface emissivitynt of the hea

e measurementhe measured tem

e estimates aftemeasurement

ture measuremce emissivity, we thermal imag

infrared imagstage. Figure 1ture due to the

gned with an Lranged in an arn Figure 11. Telastomer (Numm and 1 mmed to a heating

ed thermocoupfacing away froture distributio

with heated silic

temperature ey as described at sink tempes. The estimatmperature at al

er adjusting forboth at the ge

ments from the twhich was founger temperatur

ger and adjuste10 also indicatabsorption of t

LED array conrray to provide

The LEDs wereuSil CV-2500 Sm thick) and wg element to cole was used toom the LED iron on top of t

cone layer exper

estimated usinin the previou

erature. The eted temperaturell conditions.

r the temperatueometric center

thermal imagend during the cre estimation. ed for the surfates the thermocthe optical radi

nsisting of 21 Ce a uniform irre operated at aSilicone, Two Pwas embeddedontrol the tempeo measure the trradiance. Thethe silicone lay

riment setup.

ng the infrareus sections. Therror bars repe from the infr

ure-dependent r of the lens an

r and the thermcharacterizatioThen the lumiace emissivity couple measureiation.[5],[6]

Cree XLamp Xadiance on thea 700 mA conPart Adhesive in an aluminuerature of the stemperature of diameter of thyer, which is

ed thermal imhis temperaturepresent the mifrared thermal

emissivity of tnd at the LED

mocouple also n stage. This vinous exitanceof the silicone

ement at the ge

XP-E2 royal ble silicone layernstant current and Sealant) w

um heat sink 6silicone layer. Af the silicone lahe phosphor laat the same h

mager after a e is compared inimum to mimager was w

the black D module

matched validated e surface e, which eometric

lue LED r and the (Agilent

was used 60×60×1 A J-type

ayer heat ayer was heat sink

similar with the

maximum ithin the

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Figure 12. Inf

The infrared measurementfactors were

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Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9954 99540K-10

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