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Measuring Impact International Symposium on CSR, Bangalore, India

December 11th – 13th 2013

Matthew Tukaki, Chairman of Sustain Group

Chairman of ISo Post 2015 Agenda

What are we

going to do


I am going to show you

how to measure social


About Sustain

Sustain Group is a social investment and

social impact consulting company domiciled in

Australia with the management of projects and

initiatives in Australia, Asia, Africa and the sub-


Founded in 2010

Based in Australia

We are essentially an




Definition: Social Investment

“Social investment is where an

organisation either funds directly or

indirectly a community based

initiative, CSR activity or social

development activity whereby the

investment has a clearly defined

return.” The Sustain Group 2012 - 13

The Social Impact Evaluation


The back-end evaluation

enables us, with some

certainty, to determine

the end social impact

Touch Points for Measurement

Breadth of Impact (a measurement of how many people the project has impacted both

directly and indirectly);

Changing Behaviours (The depth to which the project or commitment has changed

behaviour or encouraged a change in a mindset / approach);

Organisational Wellbeing (The degree to which an organisation has further developed or

improved as a result of the engagement);

Empowerment (The degree to which a person or a community has been empowered

towards change or development);

Depth of Impacts (The degree to which a project provides lasting, positive changes in an

organisation or individual); and

Quality of management and project implementation (a baseline measure of how well

the project was implemented).

Mapping against the Millennium Development


Definition The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are

eight international development goals that were established following

the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the

adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration.

Operating Guidance

Does the company state in any of its reports that it is aligned / planning

to align with the MDG’s targets set for the country of domicile if located

in a developing nation?

Are social investments aligned with an MDG Category and if so which

one (s)

Is this a contribution that can be made in terms of the national goals

and priorities?

Does the investment meet the descriptive criteria or can a %

contribution be assessed or evaluated against?

Right lets be strategic

Now I’m going to show you how we

split your CSR projects and

undertakings into portfolios!

The Portfolios

Now its time to set our KPIs!

Without KPIs and timelines for

delivery youre doomed to fail

Focus Area: Education e.g.

Region 1

Portfolio Key Indicators: Education


Each portfolio or targeted

investment will need to have clear

KPI’s including timelines for

delivery. Without them you will not

be able to effectively measure the

social and economic impact of the

investment because you start with

an intangible series of aspirations

as opposed to outcomes.

These KPI’s and timeline will be agreed to by the investors ahead of the project implementation. This is

also to ensure the investment budget is being adhered to. By way of example an education investment

could begin with the building of a school in a developing country. Y1 is equal to the initial development

phase where is years 2-5 are focussed on specific social outcomes such as (being equal to): A +P =

Attendance + Participation / A+P + L + N = A + P + Literacy + Numeracy and A + P + L + N + T = A + P + L

+ N + Transition (the movement of the student to employment or further study.

Why is measuring impact


Its commercial stupidity not to

Throwing money down a deep dark hole

Failing to succeed in the very endeavour you

originally set “your heart” or “mind to”

Get in touch

[email protected]