
Measuring Gender Equality

GID-DBThe OECD Gender, Institutions

and Development Data Base

Let the GID-DB be your one-stop-shop

on gender-disaggregated data

Did you know?

Chile: M. Bachelet

Finland: T. Halonen

Germany: A. Merkel

Liberia: E. Johnson Sirleaf

Out of 193 heads of states worldwide, only 23 are women.

Gender equality has many dimensions…

Political Empowerment


Health and Wellbeing


Economic Participation

…and also involves social institutions

Our Mission:

161 countries: all regions, all income groups

Over 60 indicators: education, health, employment, political empowerment and more...

Measures of intra-household behaviour and social norms

Provide a comprehensive data collection covering all dimensions of gender equality

12 Innovative New Indicators

Social Institutions Variables

• Early marriage

• Polygamy

• Parental authority

• Inheritance

• Freedom ofmovement

• Obligation to wear a veil in public

• Female genital mutilation

• Violence against women

• Missing women

• Access to land

• Access to bankloans

• Access toproperty

Ownership RightsCivil LibertiesPhysical IntegrityFamily Code

Gender inequality in social institutions

Elevated discrimination in social institutionsModerate discrimination in social institutions

High discrimination in social institutions

Low discrimination in social institutions

Country not included

The GID-DB is for you!

Policy makers



…and everybody else!

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