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Measurement: A Passage to The Future.

Ianstein da vincinewton ™

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Page 3- IntroductionPage 4-5- Measurement as a ToolPage 6-7- Systems of MeasurementPage 8-9- Tools of MeasurementPage 10- Symbols of MeasurementPage 11- M&M: Measurement and MaterialPage 12-13- There is Always An ExceptionPage 14-15 Connection to LifePage 16- The Benefits of Measurement.Page 17- The Challenges with Measurement Page 18- PicturesPage 19- CreditsPage 20- Personal Notes

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A Very Short Introduction

Have you ever thought of what canʼt be measured? Actually, there is no standard answer to that, it depends of what you define what can be measured. If you define measurement as an actual tool that depends on what the society is capable to do now, you canʼt actually measure antimatter. As no matter can get close to it. But if you define measurement as infinite capability of tools, you could measure antimatter, as maybe someday something can get close to it. These are just a few examples of measurement. Maybe someday Measurement could help invent something really useful, actually measurement already helped invented something useful, because nothing useful could be invented without measurement, think about it, how can measurement help you achieve something useful in the future, look further into your future, and you would find out that measurement, this term, is vital for life. Therefore, measurement should be considered as a subject, not a useless term for mathematics. If you ask me, I would say that one sixth of mathematics is measurement. Here, I conclude that measurement is something that we use everyday, which is vital for society and environment.

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Measurement as a toolFirst of all, you have to ask yourself, what is measurement, how can you define it? Letʼs talk about it as a tool first. How can measurement be a tool? As I said before, measurement is vital for life, so is it a tool that assists life and society? Well you could put it that way, but there is another problem, there are tools to support measurement, so there is a tool in a tool? Does that make sense? If you consider it carefully, it does. Measurement is a great tool for people, society, environment, and even animals. If there was no such thing as measurement, would we exist? The answer is no, if measurement didnʼt exist, we would have not built buildings properly, they would fall, then that will wipe out some people, but it could be even more deadly, if measurement didnʼt exist, we wouldnʼt know how many pills we would have to take when were sick, so we would die. Measurement is a great tool for us, in fact, it is so great that we often forget that it is very important, for example, when the teacher tells the class “boys and girls, we are going to start an assessment on measurement.” The whole class will start to get bored, but why? Measurement itself is not very boring, but how does that affect psychology of the students? Is measurement something that is too common to be aware of? In fact, I think that measurement is way too common, schools should share the newest technology with the students, so they would have some interest in the measurement, which would help the society and the environment later on, as the schools could develop great leaders

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with the urge. Measurement could be a great tool to assist life. It is a great habit to think about measurement usually, reflecting on your connections to measurement, it would be great, considering that measurement would help invention develop in the future, you might just wake up one day and invent a thing out of nowhere. Who knows? Life is unpredictable.

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Systems of measurement

Everything needs a system, think about it. Most people think that system is easy to define. But in fact, it is very hard to define, in the dictionary, it says “a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular” but a system is something that is hard to define, because it is partly subjective and objective, it totally depends on what you define system is. Thinking about systems, most people think that it is enough to know the systems in measurement but they are wrong, very very wrong. You have to consider why the systems exist, why they are here, how did they come? Then you have to think about measurement itself, if no systems of measurement exists, how does measurement still survive? These questions are all very subjective, it depends on the person whom you are asking. So letʼs answer the first question, why are they here? It is just like measurement, measurement is a tool that assists society and environment, and the systems of measurement is a series of tools that assists measurement. How many systems are there? Although there are common systems such as the imperial system, metric system, US systems, SI units, energy systems and much more, how many systems are there? People are starting to get confused with that, according to the definition, there are infinite systems, for example you could just walk up to the street and invent a new system.

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There is nothing in the definition that says it has to be internationally recognized. So therefore, according to the limits of the dictionary, there is infinite systems in the world, because nobody knows who would invent there own system. And on the other hand, a lot of new systems are going to start to be recognized, while some systems are starting to get abandoned. For example, would you see a street sign with a ancient Babylonian system? You wonʼt! these are just some examples of the discarded system. The world is changing every single second, and so is the definition of measurement. Maybe ten years later, the imperial system would not exist, who knows?

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Tools of measurement

Talking about the tools of measurement, everything needs a tool to assist it. Think about it, life is a great example, if there are no tools in this world, would life exist? No. Life is practically a complex game with people in it. there would be no life if there is no tools. There is the same theory in measurement. Tools work just like systems, in the set of tools in measurement, the set is {x: x = n} that means the set of x is infinite, how I said there is a infinite set of tools is just like the concept of systems, anyone could walk up the street and invent a tool right? According to the oxford english dictionary, it didnʼt say it has to be internationally recognized like the ruler, clock, lights, compass, etc. So I suppose I could just invent another tool like the eye, itʼs not against the law, is it? But the big point here is that measurement itself is a tool, so there is a tool in a tool in a tool. Very complicated. But studying the tools of measurement isnʼt the big point, for example I know 124 tools of measurement. So what? there is no point of just knowing the tools. The big point is that to understand measurement.

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To know the tools and systems are second in priority, the big point is to understand how measurement affects and how the tools assist them.

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Symbols of measurement

What is the purpose of having symbols? Why do we need them? Symbols are practically a set of guides that make you life easier. But it is still complicated, for example, lb. which is pounds, can be a unit and a symbol. What I am saying is that symbols are hard to define, symbols of measurements are even harder. Can “=”be a sign of measurement, I suppose so. because when you need to convert units, you use “=” a lot. But it is the same as tools and systems, symbols can be infinite, the dictionary didnʼt limit the amount of symbols, or it did not say that there could not be symbols not recognized. So the point here is that there could be a set of infinite symbols. But as I said before, symbols and tools and systems are not as important as the thinking of the children.


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M&M: Measurement and Material

How does material relate with measurement? It is very confusing, I think that measurement and material canʼt be effective without each other, why? Because measuring tools are made out of materials, and materials would be out of shape and wrong without measurement. But the most important part of it all is that we would not exist without material, because our food is material, our space is material, and even us, we are material. But this is very subjective, it is not a one word answer. We have to think carefully about the definition of material and measurement. Again, going for the definition is not very effective and accurate. Because the definition changes as time passes by, but this is just a matter of time. I am certain that the definition of measurement will change. Can anything affect the definition of measurement to change faster? As far as I am concerned, no.But who knows? Life would be boring without surprises.

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There is always an exception

Have you ever say the taiche sign? In the black part, there is a white dot, and in the white part there is a black dot, what does that mean? It means that under any conditions, there is always an exception. As in the black, the exception is white, and in the white, the exception is black. So is measurement, you could measure objective things, but not subjective things, what this means is that for example, you canʼt measure how much you like eating chocolate. How could you do that, for example if you say that you like chocolate 5/7, and another person says 200%, you donʼt really know what the other person means by 200%, do you? So measurement is not really that effective in calculating subjective equations. So is there an exception to that? Maybe, perhaps it is if the denominator of a perspective is the same, so for example person a, says that he likes chocolate for 12% and person b says that he likes chocolate for 24% then you certainly know that person b likes chocolate more than person a, because the denominator is the same: 100. So this is concluded, everything has an exception in it, it is just a matter of how much there is. You can not just calculate the error by ±0.001 or something like that, it is a matter of the psychology of humans, how do we

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think. This is partially a matter of philosophy, psychology, and behavior of humans.

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Connection to life

Does anyone just teach you for nothing? No, in fact, the same theory is used in math and measurement. Why do you learn? It is because this learning would help you in the future. Measurement has a lot of connections to life. As I said before, could life even exist without measurement? I think probably not. But if you donʼt want to be a mathematician or a physicist why bother learn measurement? Did you ever ask this question? The answer to that is that kids are too young to understand life. They do not know what they want to be, they might want to be a military pilot and change two years later. Life isnʼt straight forward, there are bends on the road of life, you canʼt be too determined in one thing, the world changes. Change. Maybe one decade after, there would be a hundred jobs that didnʼt exist yet now, teachers are building up kidʼs foundation, so they would be successful no matter what they become in the future. But the problem here is that the teachers donʼt tell us what they are thinking deeply. So children wonʼt understand the meaning of learning. Children learn and remember faster than adults, so if they donʼt take their chance,

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Theyʼll miss it. Children nowadays are improving, but they still need to know the meaning behind learning. Once in a while, I hear some kids say to me “Ian, we donʼt have to learn to enter university, cause even albert einstein failed his university exam!” But as I said before, there is an exception in everything, and albert einstein is an exception, most people donʼt be successful after they failed there entrance exam. He is an exception.

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The Benefits of measurement

Is there anything that you can benefit from measurement? Yes both the society and environment benefit. The way the society benefits is that without measurement, skyscraper would collapse, because there is no measurement for the structure of the substance the skyscraper is made out of. So the world would collapse. For the environment, the scientist wonʼt have things to measure the carbon-dioxide in the air and people would not realize their harm to the environment. Therefore, the trees and animals will die of excessive carbon-dioxide. But however, we should not think about that, because they are just “if”s. The actual problem is that humans donʼt realize how lucky they are with measurement, they take it for granted. The world should reflect their selfs on it. If we donʼt use it properly, it is going to go one day. Just like life, if you donʼt use it properly, youʼll die.

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The Challenges of Measurement

If we say measurement is really that good, does it provide challenges to society? If you think carefully, yes. Because when measurements were first discovered, it humans were really eager to measure precisely, but until now, people are not able to measure with one hundred percent precision, and never will be able to do that, so scientist who are working on that are actually wasting their own lives. So therefore, many people are now eager to measure with deadly accuracy, so here and now, the population of the world is actually decreasing if you think about it carefully. Because people wasting their lives equals that they do not exist, though their body will certainly consume space on earth, their souls are lost.

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Personal notes

When I was in prep, I found that the teachers wasnʼt explaining about why we do this and what this could help us in the future in math, so I got bored at math in school, thatʼs why I do individual research in math. At grade 2, I started to understand the language that the whole world knows: Math. I started to do crazy researches on Math and physics. I always wanted to share the purpose and meaning of math and physics to others. Math is much more than just calculations and equations, I think math is sort of a art, or a language, because everybody knows math and math ranges from Beginner additions to matrix calculus, so it is certainly a great language to teach. But what schools are lacking now is that they do not teach how math can improve and assist life, and how it could help you in the future.
