
157157 International Journal of Scientific Study | October 2017 | Vol 5 | Issue 7

questions on the survey. They are placed in the Appendix part of the study. At the end of the paper, the research were evaluated briefly.


This study was conducted in 2016 between October and December during the lecture of Cultural Approaches in Design in the Department of Industrial Design in Istanbul Technical University. Even though the study was conducted in Istanbul, some of the participants were living in Izmir besides the participants who were living in Istanbul. They answered seven open-ended and four closed-ended questions in the questionnaire which took part in the section of Appendix of the study. The questionnaire was prepared thanks to ITÜ Veti online program. It was sent to the participants online. The results were analyzed in Microsoft Excel and ITU Veti programs.

The participants have varied demographic profile.

The gender of the participants are displayed in the Table 1. There were thirty-six women and twenty six men who


Coffee is an indispensable beverage for Turkish people. Varied coffee culture is also formed in Turkey, besides the Turkish coffee which has a long history. Some new cafés have transformed the coffee consumption culture in Turkey. Starbucks, Cafe Nero and Illy are some of these cafés which are foreign originated. Moreover, Kahve Diyarı, Kahve Deryası and Kahve Dünyası, etc. are the coffee places which are local originated. Before opening of these places, Turkish coffee have been consuming in local coffee houses in general. However, thanks to these transformed coffee culture, the meaning of coffee was a bit changed for people and it is known that when it becomes a part of culture it (Ekici & Mert, 2017). By starting this point, in this research, people were asked for the meanings of coffee for them. There were many questions besides these

ABSTRACTIn this paper, the meaning of coffee for consumers were examined. An online survey was conducted thanks to 62 people about coffee consumption. Most of them are studying or working in Istanbul Technical University and Ege University as a student or an employer in Turkey. The survey includes open-ended and closed-ended questions. The participants have requested to reply what is the meaning of coffee for them. The other significant question was related with three words that they remind when they hear the name of coffee. In brief, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were conducted. According to results of the study, the most stated words about meaning of coffee of women are Relaxing & Break, Staying Awake and Delight gradually. On the other hand, the most stated words about meaning of coffee of men are Staying Awake, Motivation & Work and Good SmelL gradually too. Beside these words, consumers mentioned lots of meanings that they remind when they hear the name of coffee. They are shown in the part of Meaning of Coffee. Furthermore, some coffee advertisements connected with the meanings that participants state were presented in the part of Decoding Advertisements. In this section, these advertisements were analyzed and matched with the most stated meanings of the survey. In conclusion part, a brief summary of study is placed.

Key words: Coffee consumption, Meaning of coffee, Decoding of advertisement

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DOI: 10.17354/ijssOct/2017/19Original Article

Meaning of Coffee for Consumers: Relationship Between Meanings and AdvertisementsMüge Göken

Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department Industrial Product Design, Taksim, İstanbul, Turkey

Corresponding Author: Müge Göken, Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department Industrial Product Design, Taksim, İstanbul, Turkey. Telephone: +90-212 2931300, E-mail: [email protected]


158158International Journal of Scientific Study | October 2017 | Vol 5 | Issue 7

contribute to the study. Totally, there were sixty-two people who participated in this research.

The age range of the coffee consumers who answer the questions of the survey are shown in Table 2.

The findings of the survey show that older people (30-above) drink coffee much more than younger people (18-29). According to study, average coffee consumption of 18-29 participants is 1.9 cups (47 participants). Furthermore, average coffee consumption of 30-above participants is almost 2.4 cups (15 participants). This results display that older people drink coffee much more than younger people.

The working status of the participants are shown in the Table 3. Nineteen students and forty three employers participated to the research.

Beside students, employers are another group who attended to the study. The professions of participants are doctor, dental surgeon, officer, waiter, lecturer, professor, computer engineer, mechanical engineer, industrial engineer, business man, architect, industrial designer, academician, etc… According to results of Table 2, employers drink coffee much more than students.

The professions of the participants are displayed below in Table 4.


This survey was conducted at the end of 2016 in Turkey. The participants who have participated into the survey asked for their coffee preferences in their daily lives and what are the reasons for these selections. They stated that they consume Turkish Coffee, Nescafe and Menengiç, Ottoman Coffee, Capuchino, Espresso, Latte, Filter Coffee, Americano, Cortado, Starbucks Coffee, Nero, Kahve Dünyası, Coffee with Milk, 3. Generation Coffee, Coffee without Sugar, Three in One, Two in One, Tchibo Products, and Coffee includes chocolate and white chocolate, Mocha, Cafe-Crown, Cold Coffees and American Coffees, etc. In this part of study, there are brief definitions of types of coffees which participants consumes in Turkey. In addition, comments about their coffee preferences are placed in this section of the study. Every kinds of coffee have varied specialties. Moreover, the reasons why they prefer them are varied.

Table 5 shows these types of coffees, definitions in the literature and the answers of participants to the question of “what are your coffee preference and why do you prefer it?”

As it shown in Table 5, every kind of coffee has unique and special taste. Depending on this situation the comments about these coffees are varied and original.


The results of study shows that;

For women participants, coffee has the lots of meanings. These are relaxing & break, staying awake, delight, cigarette, warm beverage, conversation & friendship, good smell, caffeine, motivation & work, taste, chocolate-desert, starting to the day & morning, happy & enjoy, feast, music, analgesic gradually as it is shown in Table 6.

The women participants also stated Aunt Elif, Turkish coffee, coffee grounds, soil, book, warm, blanket, when I

Table 1: The gender of the participantsThe gender of participants

The number of


The percentage of the


The average of coffee consumption per day

Women 36 58 % Approx. 2.4 cupsMen 26 42 % Approx. 1.5 cupsTotal 62 100 % Approx. 2 cups

Table 2: The age range of the participantsThe age range of the participants

The number of


The percentage of the


The average of coffee consumption per day

18-29 47 76 % Approx. 1.9 cups29-39 11 18 % Approx. 2.5 cups39-49 2 3 % Approx. 2.4 cups50-above 2 3% Approx. 3 cups

Table 3: Working status of the participantsStatus of participants

The number of


The percentage of the


The average of coffee consumption per day

Students 31 50 % Approx. 1.9 cupsEmployers 31 50 % Approx. 2.2 cups

Table 4: The professions of the participantsThe professions of the participants

The number of


The percentage of the


The average of coffee consumption per day

Academicians 7 22 % Approx. 2 cupsOfficers 7 22 % Approx. 2 cupsDoctors 5 16 % Approx. 1,6 cupsArchitects 2 6 % Approx. 2,4 cupsEngineers 3 9 % Approx. 4,3 cupsOthers 7 22 % Approx. 2 cups


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Types of Coffees Definitions CommentsTurkish Coffee Coffee was named as Turkish coffee with a method

prepared in cezve, a narrow-topped small boiling pot, or güğüm developed by Turks. It is made up of foam, coffee and grounds. It is a type of coffee leaving a long lasting taste at someone’s palate thanks to its soft and velvet like foam. It is softer, more aromatic and has more consistency than other types of coffee (Küçükkömürler & Özgen, 2009).

“Turkish Coffee, Filter Coffee, Espresso, Latte/Because I like the flavors and the coffee-drinking status, I think each of them suit varied situations such as Turkish coffee suit a chat with my lovely friend. (Female, Research Assistant, 18-29)“Filter Coffee - Delight/Turkish Coffee - Conversation and chat” (Female, Research Assistant, 18-29)

Menengiç Coffee Menengiç coffee is generally prepared in an equal amount of milk with the powder of main plant. This powder is oily brown-colored and it is made from the dried and roasted fruits of terebinth or turpentine tree (Pistacia terebinthus, Anacardiaceae) (Sekeroğlu & others, 2006).

“Turkish, Ottoman, Menengiç Coffees, Because of I love them.” (Female, Physician, 30-39).

Nescafe & Cafe Crown Coffees:

Participants also stated that some coffee brand names which they prefer in general on the survey. These are Nescafe and Cafe Crown. Nescafe and Cafe Crown has no stores outside. Therefore, they are generally being consumed at home or at work. Most of consumers emphasized that these products are easy to make.

“Nescafe. It is easy to prepare.”(Female, Student, 18-29).“Nescafe without sugar and milk, I like it more. (It can be also filter coffee.)” (Female, Student, 18-29).“Nescafe. Because of it is practical.” (Male, Officer, 18-29).

Tchibo & Starbucks Coffees & Nero & Kahve Dünyası

Tchibo, Starbucks, Nero and Kahve Dünyası are some of the well-known brands that some of the participants of survey claimed that they consume. These companies and brands have their own coffee stores outside. However, they also sell coffee for consuming at home.

“Starbucks, Nero, Kahve Dünyası. Because of their strong taste, they make me awake and I love them more.” (Male, Industrial Engineer, 30-39).

Three in One “Three in One” is one of the famous products of Nescafe. The other coffee brands also have this kind of sub-brand. It means that it includes coffee, milk powder and sugar. Moreover, it is being sold in a package for one cup.

“Three in one, the taste is mild and pleasant (Male, Student, 18-29)”.“Three in one. Easy to make. (Male, Lecturer, 18-29)”.“Nescafe Three in one. I do not like coffee bitter or without milk. (Male, Student, 18-29).”

Two in One “Two in One” is also one of the sub-brands of Nescafe. It means that it includes coffee, milk powder but not sugar. It is being sold in a package for one cup too.

“I drink Turkish coffee or two in one coffee in general. Because I do not like sugar in coffee or tea and it is easy to reach this kind of coffee. “(Female, Student, 18-29).“Two in one. The reasons are quick preparation and my palatal delight.”(Male, Student, 18-29).“Two in one coffee, Because I like it.”(Female, Physician, 30-39).

Espresso: Espresso is made by brewing beans with a specialized coffee machine that forces pressure and water through the bean quickly so only the best of the coffee is filtered. This forms krema, a highly concentrated coffee (McClure, 1997).

“Because I like the flavors and the coffee-drinking status, I think each of them suit varied situations. According to me, espresso is enjoying alone.” (Female, Research Assistant, 18-29).“Espresso, when I do not want to take much more liquid and fill my stomach with it.”(Female, Mechanical Engineer, 18-29)“I prefer espresso because it is strong. (Male, Waiter, 18-29)“Espresso, Americano, Turkish coffee, sometimes coffees with milk, I like its strong taste and milk flavor.” (Male, Waiter, 18-29).

Cappuccino: Cappuccino is similar to espresso, except steamed milk and milk froth are added (McClure, 1997).

“Cappuccino. Because I like it.”(Female, physician, 30-39).

Latte & Coffee with Milk: Latte is an espresso with steamed milk. It has less foam than cappuccino (McClure, 1997).

“Because I like the flavors and the coffee-drinking status, I think each of them suit varied situations. Americano/latte while I am studying.” (Female, Research Assistant, 18-29)“Turkish coffee, latte. Enjoyment, being awake, beautiful smell.” (Female, Officer, 30-39)“Filter, Turkish coffee, instant coffee, latte, what I am able to find” (Female, Student, 18-29).“Milky coffee because it is soft and nice.”(Female, Architecture student, 18-29).“I drink milky coffee. I love it.” (Male, Student, 18-29).“Coffee with milk, because it is soft.” (Male, Officer, 18-29).“Milky in general, the others are bitter for me.” (Male, Student, 18-29).


Table 5: Definitions, comments about coffees


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am in the mood to, a drink I like, every things, etc…besides Table 6 contents.

On the other hand, the meanings of coffee for men participants are similar but not in the same order with women’s preferences. These are staying awake, motivation & work, good smell, chocolate & dessert, warm beverage, bitter, energy, conversation & friendship, night, delight, caffeine, taste, coffee cups, calmness, relaxing & break, cigarette, milk, coffee beam, Americano, color of brown gradually as it is displayed in Table 6.

Furthermore, the other meanings of coffee for men which were participated in the study are book, coffee beam,

electricity, fresh, serenity, Starbucks, Nero, Kahve Dünyası, negroes, addiction, many things, black coffee, power, spare time, happiness.besides Table 6 ingredients.

Relaxing and Break is in the first rank of women’s ideas about coffee according to study. On the other hand, for men, it is in the fifteen rank. It shows that drinking coffee creates breaks from work or study for both for women and men. However, it shows that women prefer coffee for break much more than men.

Staying awake is in the first rank of men’s preferences about coffee. Moreover, for women it is in the second rank. Therefore, it can be said that coffee remind staying awake

Types of Coffees Definitions CommentsCortado: Cortado designates a small quantity of espresso

coffee mixed with a little milk (Radu-Golea, 2015).“Outside Americano, Cortado - I do not have much coffee knowledge. I choose the ones I love and those who don’t affect me badly (Female, Industrial Designer, 18-29)Filter Coffee at home.” (Male, Industrial Designer, 18-29).

Coffee with milk and sugar

Coffee with milk & sugar means that the coffees which include milk and sugar.

“I drink milky coffee and with sugar because it makes sleeplessness.” (Female, Student, 18-29)“I prefer coffee with milk and sugar. I do not drink bitter coffees unless I have to. I do not like them.” (Male, Student, 18-29)

Coffee without Sugar and Milk (Black coffee):

Black coffee is the coffee prepared without sugar (Radu-Golea, 2015).

“Nescafe black coffee, Turkish coffee, Turkish coffee, all kind of black coffee to focus on something.”) (Female, Student, 18-29)“I drink black and strong coffees. I feel fuller of energy by them, may be.” (Male, Student, 18-29)“Black coffee, I love it more. (It can be also filter coffee.)”. (Female, Student, 18-29).“Coffees without sugar, Turkish coffee. In my opinion, every coffee is nice. Sugar is corrupting the taste of coffee.” (Female, Student, 18-29).“I prefer without sugar and milk. Because of I have used to drink like that since my childhood.” (Female, Student, 18-29)

3. Wave Coffee: The third wave is the collective term for a new breed of coffee roaster/retailer who focuses on showcasing the unique and regional characteristics of coffee. (Adams, 2012).

“3. Wave coffees or Turkish Coffees. A beverage that I like to consume.” (Female, Architect, 18-29).

Mocha & Coffee with Chocolate

Mocha is latte or cappuccino with chocolate syrup (McClure, 1997).

“White chocolate-containing coffees without sugar.” (Male, Business Management Student, 18-29).“Filter coffee, chocolate-containing coffees” (Male, Student, 18-29).“Three in One, Americano, Mocha, Espresso”(Male, Student, 18-29)

Americano: Americano is espresso diluted with an equal portion of hot water (McClure, 1997).

“Outside Americano, Cortado - I do not have much coffee knowledge. I choose the ones I love and those who do not affect me badly). Filter Coffee at home.” (Male, Industrial Designer, 18-29).“Turkish Coffee, Americano; Habit.” (Male, Research Assistant, 18-29)

Filter Coffee: Filter coffee is the ingredient of various special beverages (mixtures) named after the manner of preparation (using the coffee pot or the filter), the ingredients used (milk, cream, ice cubes, cinnamon), the name where they were invented (Irish, Swiss, Zürich) or the name of the inventor (marghiloman/ă) (Radu-Golea, 2015).

Filter coffee at home.” (Male, industrial designer, 18-29).“Filter coffee, chocolate-containing coffees” (Male, Student, 18-29).

Cold Coffee: It can be prepared with standard coffee with ice. If it is desired, milk can be also added into it.

“I like the most of the cold coffees and filter coffee flavors.” (Female, Student, 18-29).

Table 5: (Continued)


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to both men and women. In addition, coffee creates more time for working or studying by awaken them.

Delight is also a significant meaning which participants stated in this research. However, there is a distinct difference between the ranks of two gender. For women, it is in the third rank. On the other hand, for men it is in the tenth rank. So, the results show that women consider coffee as a delightful drink much more than men consider.

Motivation and work is another meaning that the participants give to coffee. Especially, men reminds working or studying when they hear the name of coffee. Motivation and work are in the second rank for men. However, for woman it is in the ninth stage according to study.

Good smell is one of the reasons for consuming coffee for men. It is in third rank for men. Additionally, it is significant for woman too. It is in the seventh rank for woman.

This study displays that women remind chatting or conversation with a friend much more than men when someone ask them the meaning of coffee. For women, conversation & friendship is in the sixth, for men it is in the eight rank in this research.

Lastly, being a warm beverage remind coffee to both women and men beverage when they hear the name of coffee. For men, it is in the fifth rank. For women, it is in the fifth rank too.

The other meanings which participants stated are placed in Table 6 and in the beginning of this part.


Staying AwakeStaying Awake is most emphasized function of coffee which participants stated in the study. They also mentioned that coffee prevent sleeping when they have to work. Caffeine which coffee include has a significant role in staying awake. Caffeine typically prolonged sleep latency, reduced total sleep time and sleep efficiency, and worsened perceived sleep quality (James & Keane, 2007). Because of these reasons, it makes people awaken. Therefore, creators use this phenomena in the coffee advertisements frequently. There is an owl image in the first advertisement (Figure 1). Owls are the animals that are being awake at nights. It implies that if people drink coffee, they will stay awake during the night. Moreover, cock ads is another

Table 6: The Meanings of coffee for Women and MenThe meanings of coffee for women The number of stated

meaning for womenThe meanings of coffee for men

The number stated meaning for men

1 Relaxing & break 28 Staying awake 122 Staying awake 22 Motivation & work 103 Deligt 19 Good smell 84 Cigarette 11 Chocolatte-dessert 75 Warm beverage 10 Warm beverage 66 Conversation & friendship 9 Bitter 67 Good smell 8 Energy 58 Caffeinne 4 Conversation & friendship 49 Motivation & work 4 Night 410 Taste 4 Deligt 311 Chocolatte-dessert 4 Caffeinne 312 Starting to day& morning 3 Taste 313 Happy & enjoy 2 Cups 314 Feast 2 Calmness 315 Music 2 Relaxing & break 216 Analgesic 2 Cigarette 217 Milk 218 Coffee beam 219 Americano 220 Brown 2

Figure 1: Staying awake ads


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metaphorical advertisement (Figure 2). Cock is an animal which wake up people by its crow. So, this ads claim that coffee make people awaken in early mornings similar to a cock. Lastly, there is an ads of Nescafe related with alarm clock. Moreover, this ads implies that coffee makes people awaken in the mornings like an alarm clock. (Figure 3)

Delight Most of participants also defined drinking coffee as a delightful activity. Generally woman stated this meaning in the study. It is easy to see delightful people in cafés. Furthermore, women like to drink especially Turkish coffee at home in Turkey. The spare times that they drink coffee are special times for them. In Figure 4, there is a woman drinking coffee. The creator has kept this ads very basic and clear. It is easy to read she is in pleasure while drinking coffee due to she smiles.

Relaxing & BreakMost of participants stated that they drink coffee for a break or to relax in the study. There are many advertisement about it. For instance, there is a Nescafe advertisement below Figure 5. This advertisement says “Take some time off Nescafe” on the Nescafé cup in the right sub-corner of the desktop. There is a photograph of man with his child. By this photograph it is understood that he is a worker and it is his own laptop. As it is seen, man in the ads is so busy person. The desktop is full of documents. Creator use a small empty place to put coffee glass to emphasize that it is to time to be rest and coffee break.

Enjoy& HappinessMost of participants claimed that they enjoy drinking coffee and they become happy. In the ads below Figure 6 there is a Brazilian woman is dancing. The image of the woman and the environment are created by coffee beams. In addition, a coffee mug is added onto the woman inversely as a skirt. She is dancing with a music. The ads says that “The Brazilian wait to drink coffee”. It is easy to read the relationship between enjoyment and coffee in this advertisement.

Conversation & FriendshipConversation and chat is another stated meaning of coffee for participants. There is a Nescafé advertisement below (Figure 7). It simply explains that you can chat and speak with your friend accompanied by cups of Nescafe.

Warm BeverageCoffee is also been preferred because of it is a warm beverage. The ads below Figure 8, there is an exaggeration about warmness of the coffee. The coffee mug and the decoration of the mug is melting. In the ads, the coffee is emphasized as a warm and powerful beverage. In this manner, the coffee melt mug and its decoration.

Good SmellMost of participants stated that they admire the good smell of coffee. There is a metaphorical use of Nescafé bottle as a perfume bottle in this case. Creator simulates a perfume bottle

Figure 2: Staying awake ads

Figure 3: Staying awake ads

Figure 4: Delight ads


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with Nescafé coffee bottle. The meaning of ads is so clear that Nescafé smells wonderful similar to a perfume See in Figure 9.

Working & MotivationMany people prefer to drink coffee in offices. Most of the participants of the study stated that they remind working when they hear the name of the coffee. They claim that coffee motivate them while they are working. In the

advertisement below, there is a man who is working. All members of his family is sitting on his shoulders. It is a metaphorical approach. It means that all the responsibilities of his family are on his shoulders. Coffee helps him being awake and continuing his study See in Figure 10.

Figure 5: Break ads

Figure 6: Enjoy ads

Figure 7: Conversation ads

Figure 8: Warm beverage ads

Figure 9: Good smell ads

Figure 10: Motivation ads


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CaffeineAlthough caffeine is harmful, many participants stated that they prefer to drink coffee because it insists caffeine. The caffeine make them awaken. Moreover, the caffeine ensure energy for people. In this ads, a metaphor of volcano is used. It says that when milk meets coffee, it creates energy similar to volcano See in Figure 11.

CigaretteThis advertisement is not related with coffee directly. It is a health service ads which helps people to quit smoking. However, they use a coffee glass which remind people cigarette. The creator creates a coffee glass which has a form similar to a cigarette. The top part of the glass is white and the sub part of the glass is textured mustard color as the cigarette’s filter. The ads says that “Does everything remind you of smoking?” The creator uses this resemblance because some people admire to drink coffee while they are smoking. It is also observed in this research. Most of the participants mentioned that the meaning of coffee is cigarette for them See in Figure 12.


In this study, students, academicians and officers were requested to state the meaning of coffee for them. The results shows that each people have varied coffee consuming addiction. Moreover, each one prefer different kind of coffee. The meanings that they give to coffee are also varied.

In this research, especially the different approaches of women and men to the coffee were analyzed. It was observed that men reminded staying awake and women reminded relaxing & break mostly when they hear the name of coffee.

In addition, 12 advertisements which depends on the results of the research were analyzed in this study. The advertisements include the meaning that participants stated about coffee in the study. These are staying awake, delight, relaxing & break, conversation &friendship, good smell, motivation & work, caffeine, cigarette, enjoy & happiness, warm beverage, etc… These meanings are chosen due to the participants emphasized them mostly in general.

To sum up, it is seen that the ads and the meanings that consumers have stated are overlapping. Furthermore, it is also observed that these ads are fictionalized according to these meanings.

In further studies, by increasing the number of sampling, the differences about coffee consumption culture among varied professions will be able to be analyzed.


She has graduated from METU, Department of Industrial Design (Bsc) in 2006 and IZTECH, Department of Industrial Design (Msc) in 2013. She is a doctoral candidate in ITU, Department of Industrial Product Design, now. Besides her academic studies, she has experience in construction industry for six years in Turkey. She worked on many manufactured faucet products as an industrial designer and industrial property rights expert in department of R&D in Elginkan Holding. Her academic interests are education of industrial design, patents, innovation and technology management.


Questions of the Survey1- Choose your gender: Woman, Man, Other2- Choose your age range: 18-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-above3-What is your profession?4- What is your task in your job?5- What is the meaning of coffee for you?

Figure 11: Caffeine ads

Figure 12: Cigarette ads


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6- What are the first three words that you imagine when you hear the name of coffee?

7- How much coffee do you consume during a day?8-What kind of coffee do you consume in general? Why

do you prefer them?9- What time do you consume coffee most during the day?10- For what purpose do you drink coffee?11- Are you going to the café to drink coffee?


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How to cite this article: Göken M. Meaning of Coffee for Consumers: Relationship Between Meanings and Advertisements. Int J Sci Stud 2017;5(7):157-165.

Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
