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Erad icate extreme poverty and hunger

I am concentrating on South Africa but over time this idea could move onto other countries suffering. I think a small school should be set up for a female or male from each area to go and learn. Then when they go home they teach others what they learnt and that way education should spread meaning they might be able to work for money.

Also I think a system should be set up for every household in the world’s 10 richest countries should have to give at least 2 pounds or a tin of food to South Africa. People may not give or try and get out of it. So I think to help unemployment rates in the richest countries there should be authorities that keeps a list of the people that haven’t given yet and they should look into each case and see why they haven’t and if they don’t have a good reason then they should have a law made that they are obliged but if they really can’t afford it then they don’t have to give. There needs to be a chart and if the household can’t reach a certain level then they don’t have to give. There should be a collection for this every year, or six months depending if a year would resolve the problems.

This idea would help Poverty and extreme hunger. If it worked well in South Africa it could be used the next year on a different country and so on…
