Page 1: MC iPod - The First Five Years



A CD and zine chronicling the

first five years of MC iPod

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Page 3: MC iPod - The First Five Years

MC iPod

The First Five Years

01) Intro to iPod 2010

02) Superficial

03) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

04) Inbreds

05) I Wanna be a Pro Wrestler

06) Heroin: Nature's Pastime 2007

07) Little Brother

08) At Me (2 Dead 2 Care)

09) Dawson and Joey (My Fears)

10) Sexual Kids

11) Handlebars

12) The Summer of "I Win at Life'7

13) Zombies [Hobsy Remix]

14) Your Band Sucks [New Recording]

15) Party Hard

bonus track:

16) Your Band Sucks [Kunt and the

Gang's Jolly Friar Remix]


Page 4: MC iPod - The First Five Years


Okay, so here we go. So I ask myself just how far I can

get by trying to be MC Lars. I ripped off his sound but

I didn't make it fresher, I didn't see the point because

there was no pressure. So I just sit here thinking out

loud, wondering to myself will this work with a crowd,

wondering to myself if I've got any class, wondering to

myself if I'll die on my arse, and the drum kicks in,

my head starts to spin, trying to write this bloody song

on a whim, because I told myself it'd be something I'd

do in, oh I don't know, maybe 1992? And I'll just spit

out what comes to mind, it's not very good I think

you'll find at the end of the day these are just my

thoughts, not some complex lyrics that need to be

taught. Typing away at a computer screen just like some

teenage drama queen, Myspace profile, web log, lyrics,

think what I'm going to say before I try and spin it.

Eyes going square not a lot to do, pretend I'm hardcore

and form a crew. People on a forum that call you a

'fag'. I'll slag their mothers off and say that their

tits sag. Trolling the net like a troll in a net. See

what I did there? Genius. Jet set lifestyle in the

future for me. I'll gladly sell out for lots of money.

I'm gonna be rich and famous, you'll see. 'Cause on

Facebook I've got 150 friends, and by that I mean a

bunch of girls with low cut tops and faces that are


MC iPod is my name, ripping off everything is my game.

I'm a biter, not a writer, and I even stole that line

like I stole your lighter.

Trademark infringement is the way, like peer-to-peer

file sharing? No way! Why be original, what's the point?

When it wouldn't be good it would just disappoint.

Music/Lyrics Ian Perry


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This was the first 'proper' MC iPod song I

started working on, although it wasn't the

first finished (in fact, I didn't even play this

at my first gig back in 2005 as I hadn't

finished it yet).

The music was something I had kicking around on

my hard drive from an old pop-electro project

I'd been working on as a kid.

Lyrically, I figured I may as well take a

light-hearted look at myself, and especially

the fact that I was just ripping off MC Lars.

The "trademark infringement is the way..." line

from the chorus stems from the fact that the

original name for my first album - later named

"E=MCiPod" was "Trademark Infringement". Also,

the "people on a forum who call you a fag" line

was originally "SHFC, what a bunch of fags", A

tongue-in-cheek reference to a group of dudes I

knew who jokingly called themselves "SFHC:

Sheringham Fatal HardCore". I didn't want

people to misunderstand it and take it as a

homophobic slur though.

The 2010 recording was something I knocked up

for a sampler CD I handed out at an MC Lars gig.

It's got some extra backing vocals, and I

shortened the massive instrumental bit at the



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The city I live in is being torn apart for some stupid

fucking reason, so just let me start, and they want to

rebuild every little thing, but when they hurt the

things I love that's when it stings.

So now I try and talk but I just don't know what to say,

try not to scream and shout but it just comes out that

way. These are the words that are in my head and they'll

stay with me until the day that I'm dead.

Sometimes I just don't know what to say.

Try and express myself eloquently? A futile game when

you're made to feel tiny. They have their cliques and

their mobs and their clubs, but we have ourselves we're

united going strong. But they're gonna be superficial

and we're not going to be scared, 'cause when they're

making a ruling that is judicial our collective efforts

will be shared.

Music/Lyrics Ian Perry


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I was living in Norwich at the time where we had

an awesome venue called The Ferry Boat Inn,

which I ended up working at eventually. It was

an ace pub with an ageing punk rocker for a

landlord and a designated back room for live

music. I ran many gigs here over the years and

lost countless pounds doing so!

Meanwhile, just across the river, a bunch of

fancy new flats opened up and the residents were

taking offence to the fact that there was live

music nearby; causing Norwich City Council to

give us endless grief about our venue.

This song was my little one-man protest about

people moving in and complaining about the

pre-existing venue/noise/people/everything.

The Ferry Boat eventually closed down, leaving

me out of work which resulted in most of my

second CD "The Storm Before the Calm" being

about unemployment.


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Why is everybody always picking on me? I asked that at

the start of being an MC. Why is everybody always

picking on me? I'm still blind, and I still can't see.

I walk down the street shit gets shouted at me.

Superficial bullshit, it's plain to see. I get told to

get a haircut or get a shave, do I look like a hippie

who just came from a rave? Is it because I'm foreign and

sometimes I look it, and Norwich is full of inbred

fucking hicks, who haven't left Norfolk in their lives,

ever, and think it's right to cause a fuss forever.

Called German, Italian, and when I had a beard I was

called Pakistani which I thought was fucking weird as

I'm a six foot white guy, plain as can be, inbreds are

thick as pigshit, especially to me.

I'm not trying to bring this on myself, if I was trying

to cause commotion I'd do a better job of it like bad

attempts at DIY and home shelves: everything would

collapse and be labelled shit. I'm just trying to get

this off my chest, 'cause to be honest sometimes it

bothers me. When I'm done with this I'll give it a rest

before I break down and rant nonsensically. I'm happy

with who I am I'll have you know, and I don't need your

half-hearted advice and I doubt you mean it anyway so

why don't you go give it to someone else so I don't have

to hear it twice. You think I need a haircut, I get it,

okay? And apparently now's the time for racist slurs.

At least I'm not shouting at strangers and being a

cliche or a fucking inbred hick whose family tree blurs.

So is she your sister or is she your cousin? I'd ask you

for definite but I know that you can't work it out as

you're too busy buzzing from sniffing your underage

daughter's pants. So fuck off back home and beat your

wife, or your sister, whatever you choose to call her,

or just fuck your daughter again tonight, she's already

been traumatised twice this year.


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Just to get this off my chest, this town's full of

inbreds and I'm fucking sick of it.

I know I could leave but where would I go? As I'm 22

with no desire to go home. I could go somewhere new but

I can't risk it all, don't want to end up with my back

to the wall. Don't want to be in a new town and have to

sign at the fucking Job Centre as we know that's not

fun. So for now I'm stuck here, but it could be worse,

I no longer feel that I'm cursed. After a struggle at

least I've got a job now, but I do still live in an

inbred hick town. Fuck you though, I've done nothing

wrong but the abuse keeps coming all night long. Fuck

it, fuck them, fuck everyone else too, 'cause I know

I've got far better things to do than write lyrics about

incest molestation, fuck it I'll go play PlaystatiorJ.

Music Ed Wells

Lyrics Ian Perry

I'd lost my job at the Ferry Boat, I'd had some

bizarre racial abuse thrown at me (I'm of

Maltese descent for the record) and I was

generally miserable and blaming Norwich. In

hindsight, I'm aware of the irony of generalis¬

ing all Norfolk folk whilst having a go at them

for generalising me because of my look.

The first few lines are a reference to "At Me",

and the incest-themed TV clips are from The

Simpsons, Family Guy, Scrubs, and the WWE

"McMahon" documentary.

Since this, I've grown to absolutely love

Norwich and really miss not living there. Alas.

C'est la vie.


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fall wanna be a pro wrestler, body slammed every night,

wearing spandex that's way too tight, that shows off my

nutsack, but that's all right, 'cause I'm a pro wrestler

here tonight.

Fireworks everywhere, I'm psyched up now. Gorilla

Position, and we're counting down. On my way through the

curtain, I worked last night but I'm still hurting.

Everyone chanting my name loud, every night I ask myself

how did I get to this position, is there something that

I'm missing? But I gladly will accept this, it's what

I've wanted since I was a kid. Even though it's still

my rookie year, I'm still psyched up that I'm still

here. Steel steps, canvas, and three ropes. Waiting in

the corner until we're told to go. The referee's rules

we must obey, the bell rings and we're under way.

Clothesline, suplex, two-count, up. Kicked in the balls

without a cup. Writing on the mat in pain, oh my god

this dude's insane! The crowd's turning against me now,

need a way to win them back somehow. Going back to what

I know, I'll just rip off Mr. Socko. Back and forth, I'm

winning now. I think I've got him on the ground.

One-count, two-count, shoulders up. The ref gets in

real close up. One last try to make this work, I climb

the top and I go berserk, crashing down onto the floor,

one, two, three, and I've won one more.

Music Geoff Chapa

Lyrics Ian Perry


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This song is actually an analogy for my first

year as MC iPod, although no-one believes me

when I say it! The line about people chanting my

name is a reference to the last ever Ferry Boat

gig when I played and hundreds of people chanted

my name. My "rookie year"? First year of MC iPod

gigs. "I worked last night but I'm still

hurting"? Throat/vocal strain.

Anyway, it's a well known fact I love pro

wrestling so I wrote this song to mix my love of

pro wrestling with MC iPod. Wrestling refer¬

ences: the Gorilla Position - named after ex

wrestler Gorilla Monsoon - is the position

right before the curtain, the last place you

walk through before heading down the aisle. Mr.

Socko was Mick Foley's sock puppet gimmick

which became a recurring part of his character

which he'd use almost as a crutch. This is a

metaphor for my reliance on the "Fresh Prince"

cover to win crowds over.


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When I say he's dead I don't mean it in the sense that

he's hurt, I mean it in the sense that he's buried in

the dirt, and people ask me why I don't do drugs, "but

you're in hip-hop, you're supposed to be a thug". And I

don't drink either and there's always a question about

that, the answer is that when I'm drunk I act like a

twat. Now Marcus is dead but it very easily, it could

have been you or it could have been me, or anybody else

whose life is a mess. Dear God, I stand in front of you

to confess I wasn't such a good boy when I was a child,

I did my fair share of shit that was too wild, like

America's Most Wanted I should be profiled as a video

highlight package is compiled, but I ask; am I paying

for it all now? Is there a way to go back and change it


My friend's mum died when we were eleven. It's okay son,

mummy's gone to Heaven. Try saying that to a small

crying child already dealing with the fact that his

dad's died. So we sit there with our heads in our hands,

likening Heaven to this far away land, it's not quite

true he soon realises mummy's dead, she's not sleeping,

and it's all a lie. But he soldiers on, albeit alone,

sits by himself and he cries down the phone to his

step-brother who he doesn't really know, the only

person with him on this isolated plateau. He'll carry

on, but give him some years, waiting for dryness to

replace these tears. I guess, with all of this, what I'm

trying to say is make the most of people before the go


Now people come and people go, and I don't think that

we know just how important they are until their memory

forms a scar.


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So I grew up with some shit but you can't really tell,

'cause I've since moved on and grown up well. Distanced

my present from my past until a better life had been

amassed. I woke up one morning and I was alone, and

anybody could have said they told me so, 'cause they had

but I was too stubborn to listen, too concerned about

all the girls that I was kissing. So my friends walked

away and I just stood there like a Siamese midget at

this year's State Fair. If people were money they'd be

millionaires whilst my life became a game of musical

chairs. Mistakes have been made, it's all realised,

some times too late, others idealised. I guess with all

of this, what I'm trying to say is make the most of

people before they go awayj I Music £d Wells

Lyrics Ian Perry

This song - possibly my most bleak - should be

fairly self explanatory. The first verse is

about a dude I used to know, Marcus, who died

of a heroin overdose. The lyrics are about me

questioning my own life choices and pondering

what's next. The second verse is about my

childhood best friend, and about how both his

parents died. The third verse is more about me

questioning the decisions I've made and the

people I've lost as a result. The general point

of the song is to never take people for granted

as you never know when they'll be gone.

I rarely ever play this live as people don't

tend to want me to bum them out mid-set. This

2007 recording is from my second CD, and is a

slightly different tempo to the original. Oh,

and I mis-spelt "Pastime" as "Passtime" every

other time I've released this song!


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Why is everybody always picking on me? I'm just your

friendly neighbourhood MC. Why is everybody always

staring at me? I must be blind 'cause I can't see.

What's going on?

Everywhere I go I just don't fit in and I won't even try

'cause I won't win. If this was a race I'd be dead last

whilst everybody else is running real fast. So I always

keep my head down low from when I enter a room to when

I go, 'cause it's easier than anything else and at the

end of the day that would all be false.

Head down, eyes down, falling apart. Running round in

circles right from the start. And there's a part of me

willing to try to stand up tall to survive. So do I pull

up my socks and stand up tall? Or stand there with my

back to the wall? Who cares? Do you care? Does it matter

at all? You can't run with it if you don't have the


Is it the way I move? Is it the way I talk? Is it the

clothes I wear? Is it the way I walk? Is it the way I

move, when I groove, and I'll bet that there's something

else I haven't noticed yet JJ

Music Paul Norris

Lyrics Ian Perry


Page 15: MC iPod - The First Five Years

This was one of the earliest songs written. It's

meant to be about feeling that the world is

judging me and watching me, so it's best to just

give up and try and hide.

The "pull up my socks and stand up tall" line is

a reference to a Dizzee Rascal lyric. The line

about everyone picking on me is nicked from

somewhere, I think the Bloodhound Gang. I can't

remember exactly though.

When I play this live - which I rarely do any

more - I use a kids toy to change my voice on

the "is it the way..." section. The first one I

had was a pink girlie toy I found discarded at

the Ferry Boat.


Page 16: MC iPod - The First Five Years

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Page 17: MC iPod - The First Five Years
Page 18: MC iPod - The First Five Years


There I was at the age of three, she met me in the play¬

ground at the nursery we took it for rent that we'd

always be friends, never stopping to think what would

happen in the end. In fact these might be facts or they

might be fictional, I'm only four lines in and I'm out

of material. My emotions take over like it's World Way

Three, screaming inside with thoughts of negativity.

I'm stressing it now but it's been six years, and ending

up alone was always one of my fears, my fears.

I'm worried what to say to those who care, 'cause I'd

never wanna see a face broken by tears. But I didn't

wanna kiss her, 'cause she was like my sister, just

wanna hold her by the hand and tell her that I missed

her on this ride which feels like emotional Twister,

since that very first day we said 'hasta la vista', but

that's not what happened, you just walked away, it would

be really cool to see you and say 'hey', since I remem¬

bered you after all these years and ending up alone was

always one of my fears, my fears 5J

Music Ian Perry

Lyrics Ian Perry/Joe Halliday


Page 19: MC iPod - The First Five Years

This track is about remembering a girl I used to

go to school with who meant a lot to be when I

was a little kid, and wishing I could hang out

with her again. The second verse is about being

worried my girlfriend would take this the wrong

way, and trying to reassure her it's absolutely

nothing sexual! I thought - as it's about a

school yard male-female friendship - that it

needed to liberally sample the theme from

Dawson's Creek.

My buddy Joe - who I used to work with at the

Ferry Boat - helped me out a bit with the

lyrics. We were bored during a shift and I was

working on this, and he tweaked and changed a

few things and made it flow better, hence him

getting a writing credit (and, I think, the only

lyric-writing credit other than myself in any

of my songs).


Page 20: MC iPod - The First Five Years


Even though we're young we know that sometimes we get

it, but other times it seems obvious but still we forget

it. We lose sight of just how young we still are and how

much time there is left in this world of ours.

Pointless questions cause a rift which never heals and

makes us drift away from those who always cared. One

pointless question, it shall never be repaired.

Let's look at the world in the year 2006 and it's full

of sexual kids. And those who aren't feel they've missed

out and always feel the need to always shout. Missed

opportunities once again, for now an enemy but once a

former friend. If only a chance to just travel back in

time so you could party like it's 1999.

Music Dan Harvey

Lyrics Ian Perry


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This track is about someone I knew who found out

about some of the stuff his girlfriend got up to

before him, and didn't exactly respond well.

I'm trying to say that kids these days get up to

way more sex than I ever did in my youth, and

that we should expect it. I wrote it in 2006,

hence the lyrical reference to that particular


Funny/tragic story: I have my music hosted on, and one of the features is

knowing how people found your page. Someone

found the MC iPod page by searching for "sexual

kids" on Google. That disturbs me.


Page 22: MC iPod - The First Five Years

ZOMBIES [HOBSY REMIX] Cteed to think I was unstoppable. Used to think I was

incredible. Used to think that I was the man, taking

over the world was my plan. Used to think I was number

one, until these zombies had to spoil my fun.

You've got me scared all night, zombies coming at me

left and right.

Now when I look in the mirror I see a face that's a

whole lot thinner. I haven't slept a night in over a

week, I'm not very alert but I'm feeling kinda tweaked.

What's right or wrong? Should I have gone with you all

along? Should I have tried to run away so I could fight

another day? So, you're all coming for my brain. Sucks

to be you 'cause I'm insane. You know my brain ain't

worth a bit but you're still climbing over things to get

to it. You've got that look in your eyes; you're fixated

on me, I'm your prize. I'll rip you to bits with an old

chainsaw but I bet you'd still come back for some more.

I know that I could try and hide; it might be the only

way to stay alive. But I should give you more credit,

if I found a hiding place you'd likely shred it. So, I

fight and I run. Chainsaw in hand so I'm having fun. And

I strike a nerve, well more of a limb, this is getting

absurd. Body parts go flying, you make this noise as if

you're dying. I know not to fall for it, you're already

dead and cut to bits. You don't stop giving chase, this

is turning into a race. I turn and strike a fatal blow,

your head flies off, you're finished, I know.

I'm feeling all right, I came out the winner of this

fight. I'm feeling all right, defeated the dead of the

night. I'm feeling all right, I've got your head on a

silver platter. But I'm getting paranoid that you'll

come back and none of this will matter.

Music Ian Perry/Stephen Hobson

99 Lyrics Ian Perry

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I got a random e-mail from some dude, saying he

was putting a low-budget zombie movie together

and would I like to contribute a track. I

thought this was awesome but, as this is me, I

slacked off and slacked off. By the time I even¬

tually finished the track and e-mailed it to

him, I never heard back, presumably as I'd left

it to late.

The original version of the track - which was

released on a cassette tape of demo songs - was

a lot more minimalist, and was supposed to have

a somewhat 'grime' feel to it. Feeling that it

needed beefing up, I sent it to my mate Hobsy

who added loads of extra stuff over the top and

made it into this. Then I added some dialogue

from Shaun of the Dead.


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I guess this started in earnest with a show back in

June. I was so damned excited, it just couldn't come too

soon. I got to see the Bouncing Souls supported by POS,

the first time I heard his album I knew it was the best.

The gig was totally rad and the Souls were on top form.

POS was beautiful, but I guess that that's the norm. But

we had to skip out early so that we could catch the

train, we though we wanted to stay but we knew we should

refrain. Fast forward a few weeks and I'm changing

location, spending all my time at gigs is my life's

station, so we found some things to do and I blagged

myself a show opening up an all-dayer to a crowd that

didn't know what I was going to do or what they should

expect. But I think it went down well when it could have

been a mess. Vanilla Pod rocked, to say they sucked

would be a joke, and they've even got new songs, man,

I'm totally stoked!

I spent every last penny that I had. Aren't you sad? No,

'cause this summer was rad!

I saw Harry Shearer play bass in a tiny place, saw Sam

Russo get totally drunk off his face. Even played a show

with Lita and her Luchagors and even interview them

outside the venue's doors. Saw Sonic Boom Six which is

always a pleasure. Finally saw Madness, which will

become the new measure of greatness when comparing all

other bands; they're one of the finest bands we've got

in this land. Saw The Pogues too, but the less said the

better. Squirtgun and Company L both played belters.

Dave House: a king amongst men, I could watch him play

live time and time again. I saw James Hull really come

into his own. Apologies? I have none for having gone to

their show. The Filaments reformed, but the highlight

of the season was seeing The Get Up Kids, now my life

has new meaning. Music/Lyrics Ian Perry


Page 25: MC iPod - The First Five Years

Simply put, this song is about spending a summer

unemployed going to gig after gig. I'd just left

Norwich and was temporarily living in

Cambridge. I'd worked a temp job and had some

cash saved up, so had no need or desire to get

a real job over the summer (as I knew I'd be

leaving again soon enough) . So, I spent a few

months just going to a shitload of gigs and

having an awesome time.

The all-dayer I opened was at the Portland Arms

in Cambridge. My mate Raph was putting it on,

and I begged him to let me play.

I wanted to make a point of mentioning James

Hull as my name comes up in one of his songs.

The dialogue clip at the beginning is from Three

To Tango, a film I like far, far too much.


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For the past few years I've been putting on shows, yeah

you know. Every day is filled with messages from bands

that I don't know, asking for a slot, telling me they're

great, they'll be my mate. I guess by doing this I've

kinda sealed my own fate. I don't care if you've got a

video on MTV2, putting on this band is not something

that I wanna do. So when I say it out loud I don't mean

no disrespect, I figured the best way was just to say

it direct.

Say what, say what? Your band sucks.

I'll admit it, I don't understand kids today. But hey,

maybe that's me showing my age? What the fuck is

Crunkcore? I think this shit is in. I'm going to take

your gig request and throw it in the bin. I don't wanna

hear a band that is jumping on trends, I wanna hear a

band with passion that is trying to make amends for all

those kids I don't think will ever learn their place. I

figured the best way was just to say this to your fac-f.

Music/Lyrics Ian Perry


Page 27: MC iPod - The First Five Years

If you hadn't realised, this track uses the bass

line from "Six Pack" by Black Flag, in an

attempt to prove my punk status! Lyrically,

it's about when I used to be a gig promoter. I'd

get many, many messages from countless shitty

bands begging me to give them gigs. I'd want to

just scream at them and tell them how shit they

are, but I was trying to be professional and

diplomatic so could never say what was actually

on my mind.

As I'd stopped running gigs, I wrote this to get

it all off my chest! I wrote it in a few minutes

one Friday afternoon, and played it live for the

first time on the Monday. I never, never write

- or learn - stuff this quickly so was pretty

impressed with myself when I pulled this off.

The group shouts in the chorus are from a live

recording from The Homestead in Southampton. In

the original recording I'd asked some people to

shout "your band sucks" for me, and I use those

in the last rendition of the chorus. If you were

wondering, the voices are - in order - Kunt from

Kunt and the Gang, Evildave from Gravedale High

and Graveyard Junkies, James from Zapiain (the

really uninterested-sounding vocals) and James



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"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" is originally by

The Fresh Prince (and is the theme tune of the

TV show of the same name).

"Little Brother" is originally by Andrew

Jackson Jihad, although my version is based on

Bomb the Music Industry's cover.

"Handlebars" is originally a Flobots song.

"Party Hard" is originally by Andrew WK.


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#2 31-12-05

#3 27-02-06

#4 30-03-06

#5 26-04-06

#6 29-05-06

#7 09-07-06

#8 02-08-06

#9 02-08-06

#10 02-09-06

#11 20-10-06

#12 31-10-06

#13 01-11-06

#14 07-12-06

#15 01-02-07

#16 22-02-07

#17 15-05-07

#18 01-08-07

#19 31-08-07

#20 16-09-07

#21 29-11-07

#22 15-01-08

#23 25-01-08

#24 27-02-08

#25 05-03-08

#26 20-03-08

#27 14-03-09

#28 05-04-09

#29 09-05-09

#30 26-05-09

#31 30-05-09

#32 27-06-09

#33 05-07-09

#34 13-07-09

#35 12-10-09

#36 03-12-09

#37 12-12-09

#38 12-02-10

#39 13-02-10

#40 14-02-10

#41 27-03-10

#42 11-05-10

#43 19-06-10

#44 06-10-10

#45 25-10-10

#46 30-10-10

#47 10-10-10

#48 05-02-11

@ Arts Centre, Norwich w/ Haegl

@ Ferry Boat, Norwich w/ Fletch Cadillac 0 Ferry Boat, Norwich w/ Haegl

0 Ferry Boat, Norwich w/ Toybox Terror

0 Ferry Boat, Norwich w/ Swabbin' the Decks

0 Ferry Boat, Norwich w/ Dragline

@ Met Lounge, Peterborough w/ Sonic Boom Six

(afternoon) @ Carnival, Sheringham w/ Longshore

(evening) @ Marquee, Norwich w/ Lost?

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Faintest Idea

@ UEA Laundrette, Norwich w/ Luke Dabbs

@ Man on the Moon, Cambridge w/ Bound By Blood

@ B2, Norwich w/ Crone

@ High School, Sheringham w/ 32FramesPerSecond

@ Met Lounge, Peterborough w/ The 925s

@ Met Lounge, Peterborough w/ Sonic Boom Six

@ Waterfront, Norwich w/ Worn

@ Carnival, Sheringham w/ Electric Blues Machine

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Obsessive Compulsive

@ Met Lounge, Peterborough w/ Sonic Boom Six

@ Queen Charlotte, Norwich w/ Kunt and the Gang

@ UEA Laundrette, Norwich headline show @ B2, Norwich w/ Estevez

@ Queen Charlotte, Norwich w/ Cherry Blossom Melodies

@ Met Lounge, Norwich w/ Sonic Boom Six

@ Queen Charlotte, Norwich headline show

@ Jack's House, Norwich headline show

@ Queen Charlotte, Norwich w/ MC Lars

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Kunt and the Gang

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Zombina and the Skeletones

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Abdouj aparov

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ The Frontline

@ Portland Arms, Cambridge w/ Vanilla Pod

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ The Luchagors

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Crazy Arm

@ Portland Arms, Cambridge w/ The Luchagors

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Mistakes in Animation

@ Rich's House, Norwich w/ Joshua Bruce Allen

@ Xoo Bar, Peterborough w/ Tim Vantol

@ Homestead, Southampton w/ Sam Russo

@ Goblets, Southampton w/ Robb Blake

@ Fighting Cocks, Kingston w/ Kunt and the Gang

@ Homestead, Southampton w/ Sam Russo

@ Soul Cellar, Southampton w/ Frontline

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Mouthwash

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Gravedale High

@ Marquee, Norwich w/ Bomb the Music Industry

@ Crapshack, Southampton w/ Mike Only

29 *as of 17th

February 2011

Page 30: MC iPod - The First Five Years

If I was the kind of person to have a 'best of' album, this would

probably be it. Consider it a collection of my personal favourite

tracks from the first five years of MC iPod (2005-2010), plus a few

of my favourite covers I've recorded.


Claire. Paul. Hobsy. Ed. Dan H. Geoff. Rory. Luke. Shaun. Pete. Lucy.

Bobatron. Chris. Leanne. Eddy. Kelle. Daryl. Westy. Murf. Harry.

John. Dan K. Jim'11. Big Mike. Adam. Ben. Joe. Lars. Damondrick. Dan

A. Lewi. Chris Mork. Del. Shane. Jugs. James R. Colt Cabana.


Blag. Ghosts of Sadako. Sonic Boom Six. Mega Games. Broken Window

Effect. Kunt and the Gang. Mouthwash. MC Lars. Babar Luck. Mike

Scott. Ben Childs. This Means War. James Hull. Gravedale High.



02/05/08/09 and the original recording of 01 from the 2006 "E=MCiPod"

album. 04/06/10 from the 2007 "The Storm Before the Calm" album.

12/13/15 from the 2009 "Oh My Fuck He's Got New Songs" EP. 03/07/11

from the 2010 "Dan Says No" album. 14/16 from the 2010 "Your Band

Sucks" EP.

Marvel at my web design skillz at Layout by

Ian Perry (nicked from Black Flag via Frank Turner, but you'd worked

that out already, right...)

Remastered by Steve Phipps.

'iPod Man' graphic by Dan Kelby.

Copyright © 2005-2011 Ian Perry, yo. That being said, I wouldn't get

pissed if you copied this for your friends.

DIY or Die.


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