Page 1: MAYORS OF THE 7/Morrisville... · Her little hand, in its delicate primro-c At this moment the phaeton stopped at; 0l, over'stimulous and prolonged fatigue, the door of a fine ofil

T U B T R U N D L E - B E D .


\ .

As I rumaged through the att ic , ' List'uing to the Tailing rata

As It pattered on the shingles • ~ ~-And through the window panoj . .

Peeping over chests and boxes, VvWh with dust were thieitly spread,

S a * 1 in the further cwner What was once my trunJ!e-bcd.

So L Jrew it from ihe recflsa Where it liad remained so lon^,

Hearing all the while the uiu*ic * Of my mother's voice in son^ f

As she suns in sweetest accents Whut 1 since have often read :

"Hush , my-dear, he stiii and slumber, Holy angels guard lUy bed."

As 1 listened, recollections That 1 thought had been forgot,

Came with all the s;ush of memory, l lu sh tn ' , thronging to the spot;

And 1 wandered back to childhood, T o those merry 'days of yore,

When 1 knelt beside my mother By this bed upon the 11 ;or.

Then it was, with hands so gently Placed upon ray infant head,

That she taught n y lips to utter Carefully the words she said.

Never can they bo forgotten, ' Deep are they in mern'ry driyen :

'-'«'Hilrowed-"bc thy nime, oh Kather! Father, who Tin in heaven.". *.

This she taught me: then she told mo Of its Imporl-great and deep ;

After which 1 learned to utter " N o w I,lay ine down to sleep." '•

Then it w;fe,»wtih hinds uplifted,' And in accents soft a'nd mild,

That my mother asked: "Our Father'.' Oil do thou now bless my child!"

Years have passed, and that dear mother Long has mouldered 'neaih the sod,

And I trust her sainted spirit Revels in the home oi U J J :

But that scene at summer twilight Never has from n.em'ry fled—

And it comes in all fis freshness When I sec my tiundle bed.

i m u c h

Election Notice. S H I B I J T ' B O r n c t , Madison County, )

Murrisville, August 15, 1887. f

V f O T I C E is hereby given, pursuant to the i i statutes of this State and the annexed notice

, p from the Secretary of State, that the General Elec-I r u s t DO m a n 8 appearaDCes ; t h e y ore lion will be he ld in this county on the Tuesday suc-

pa a s s u m e d for t h e p u r p o s e ceeding the"first Monday of November next, ot " u e , _ which Election the officers named in the following

Settlo often ; havo short accounts.

aud be attacked by viragoes in the streets. j tho depot to welootno him, and because ofi , IIOW to Succeed • I t was near noon of the next day when! the s t r ik ing simili tude in your respective The way to get credit is to be punctual.

the train whirled-up to the depot at .New personal appearance I mis took;a s t ranger ; The way to preserve it, is not to use it Hampton . I alighted, and was hastening1 for my brother. Tha t is all. Brother ' dowtl the platform to look after my bag Kichard, Mr Smi th is entirely blameless of gage, when I saw a young lady, iu a browu. any wroog. Wc gavo him uo time for ex-

jstlk w'alkiug drc!.,. earnestly regarding; planation Le t tuo present you to each deceptive perha mo. As sheoau_.!,t ,»y eye she threw up other as friends." o f o b l a i n i o

H c r ^ i t r _ B o f u d „ .

her veil and sprang toward me. As the My counterpart shook hands with me, tenor . U u8 Ually>dre8t well. The (veil swept back it revealed tbe. loveliest andbegged my pardon for my r i c h are plain men. T r u s t h im- t fooyone . , , . I face [ bad ever looke-l upou v I bad never j necktie I granted it, aud begged his par- i w h o c a r r i e 3 b u t U u , QU h- ' b a ( j k $ , c v e r | STATE OP P C E W ^ W , ) dreamed ot anything li»U so beautiful. In don for committing a like depredatiou on i„ i« t him «!.« a;a. : . ~\ ;.. . Office of the Secretary of State, J

1 involuntary ad tmra i . -n 1 stood still She | h i . necktie. And then, at a sign from the d u n u e d m . k * hi * P * l l f M g : A*SA«.V August 12, 1362. [ t b r e w W e l f into my a r m s - h o r aru>9 fell elderly gentleman, we all walkeViu to the ! U a u y Virtue l u t h " law ^ * ' " '"' ^ ^ ^ * & • * • » • » arouud my occk—her volvet cheek Uoucli- drawing room, where, iu a brfef spac« of ed mine—aud such a kiss as she planted ' time, my counterpar t was made the bus-

notice will be elected. WM. F . D O N N E Y , Sheriff.

full on my, lips. My t'too was in ablaze.— band of his blushing Alice. i it, that those to whom you give it are ysafc | men to be trusted. Sell your goods at a

| l felt as if I ' h a d been stewed iu honey.; T h e acquaintance so singularly begun small advance and never misreprweot them; with lavender for flavoring

Sir,—Notice is hereby Kiven, that at the General B e w e l l s a t i s Q e d b e f o r e y o u g i v e a cred- Election to be held in ihjs State on the Tuesday

r succeeding the first Monday of November next, the following officers are to be elected, to w i t :

A Governor, in the place of Edwin D. Morgan ; „ . , . , . . , . „ , , , , . . . . .. A Lieutenant Governor, in the place of Hubert

j with the Smith family, soon ripened iuto I for those whom vou ones d'Joeiva "will "be- I C a mPb e l 1": She repeated tho k i s s - t h e munificent j fneudsb ip , and became one of the most ware of you the second time Deal up j i ^Conal Commissioner, in the place of William

little ange l !—excla iming:— | precious of life's blessings to inc. ! rightly with all meo, and they will repose ! "An Inspector of State Prisons, in the place of • D e a r , dear Kiohard I How delighted I Helen Smith had kissed me, and she , oonfidenoo in you, and become your perina- i ^ ^ ' / T T V . r a i , ,h i r

am that you havo oome at last I" • {'could not forget it. If a man can get a wo i o c n t customers. ' 4 • Charles Hughe/- PPC ' * P

I was d u m b My mouth was sealed up man to think of him—.it hardly matters iu j Beware of "him who is an office seeker i All whose tennstif office will expire on the last with the sweetness of her kisses. I dared what w a y - h e has a claim on h e r ; aud ao M e u do not usually want an office when j d ^ , l ^ " ! ^ l 5 " S L not speak lest I should dissolve the spell l i t was in my oaso. I believed that I nev t tboy iiave any thing-to-'do- ,A —— '• - r

l , ,We havo been expecting $'ou for four er met Heieu but bhc blushed'at the mem | Whole days. Only thiuk what a period of' ory which stole over her suspense !" went ou the soft voice of thei~ Three mouths after !

Also, a Repr«sentative in the Thirty eighth Con t b o y h a v e a n y t h i n g t o do- A — m a n ' s af--'press of tn« Unit^i States for the Twenty-second la irs are ra lhor ' low w h e n he 3 e e k s an office ! &»?resaIoqal District, composed of the counties ot

lady, as. clasping my. baud, she drew m e ' s h o kissed me a unresist ingly t t r-a phaeton in' waiting.— -Richard ." Aud this t ime she was well '* The re , make yourself easy. I'm going to jawaro that she was not addressing her drive. I sn ' t i t .picat)a'ut to be wai ted 'on , 'b ro ther .

for ' support. T r u s t no strauger. Your s after our first meeting, -goods a re 'be tUr thau doubtful cha rges— gain and called mo " D e a r What is character worth if you make it

Richard V Is it a fortunate or an unfortunate thing.

cheap by crediting all al ike? Agree be forehand with -every mau about to do a job, and, if large, put it iu wri t ing. ' If any do-

. cliue this, quit or be cheated, i h e arch brown eyes sought mine, a s . | t o havo a couutorpar t? Wheu I th ink, of • Though you waut a job ever so much

drawing up the fur lined robea, my coinpan- j the boarding bouse keeper, I say, •• No ;"j.m.dke all sure at the o u t s e t : and in a case ion shook the reins over the white horses, but wheu 1 look at Helen and ' recal l the ; u t a j j doubtful make all sure of a gurantee. aud we were whirled rapidly away. j circumstance of our introduction, I am ac J | 3 e n o t afraid to ask it • for if offence bo

d a loss.


j circumstance of our introduction, I am ac >.]$Q n o t afraid to ask it • Papa* is so anxious to see you once j customed to auswer, " Y e s . " takeu you havo escapet

more, R ichard ; but his rheumatism is•" •**- • -

.=. worse to day, and he could uot drive down. Overworked Braiut j William is abseut on au errand for the I „ the hig^h-wrought state of civilization j brido. Ru t I vvould come. I wauted so a t which we are arrived, few complaiuts are

A quiet , unovontful life was mine unti l I j much toj^o.tbe first o'ue to greet you, dear | ,UOro ootnmon" Yhah'ThaTdr 'a brain over left the shelter of my father's roof in Gor- Richard. -A-tice is so boaut i fu l ! -and so worked. This complaint is not conflnec

M<idi»on and Oswego County Officers ulso to be elected for said County :

T w o Members of Assembly; A. District Attorney, in the place of Albert N .

Sheldon; A Superintendent of the Poor, in the place of Zi-

nah J. Most ley; • , T w o Justices of Sessions, in the place of Federal

Dana and Levi Collins ; v • ' . ; A Coroner, in the place of John D . Corl—

All whose terms will expire Qn the last day of December next.

Yours respectfully, HORATIO BALLARD, Secretary of Stale.

Sheriff's Proclamation. W H E R E A S , a Court of Oyer amT'Ter »1 miner, appointed to be henfHt the C«iurt House

Depejid upon Yourself. People who have been bolstered up and I t1»e leihdayof September 15G.', was

, i II . i i •«. i» i r i of the Court, adjourned to the loth da levered all their lives, are seldom good for b e r n e x l > n , , 0 0

J.cJock A M _ a t l h e si

in the wholesale clothing establ ishment of Shears and Prcscat t , iu the busy little city of Weston.

ham. and accepted the desk of book-keeper (deeply, beautifully happy I Richard , -you i0 authors and studeuts ; it extends to all ought to be the most grateful m in alive !" who strive for name or fortune agaiost ea

; ' I—I—bel ieve 1 am !" exclaimed I, a;* | g c r numerous competitors. The politician reaching up her sweet fice, the little en- j tho professional man, the merchant, the

Bur tHcYe, one fine afternoon in October, ichantress favored me with another kiss, 'spccularor—all must experience the straiu jus t in the midst of ludiau summer, I in-j which, this time I repaid, with^compouuil, 0 f special faculties in the direction towards vited Lillio Prescot t , with whom I was i juterest . and then blushed boiling hot to : special objects, of which.comes nervous ex-very nearly in love, to walk in the park thiuk of. • ] uaustion with all the maladies consequent

« anything in a crisis. When misfortuue

in Murrisville, in and for the county of Madison, on was, .by the order

y of Decern sanio place,—

with me Her l i t t le hand, in its delicate primro-c

At this moment the phaeton stopped a t ; 0 l , over ' s t imulous and prolonged fatigue, the door of a fine ofil mansion on au aristo Horace is a sound pathologist'when he tells

colored glove, rested bu my arm, her black jcratic street ; and. mechanically, I alighted • u s that , after Prometheus had stolen fire eyes were lifted to my face. I felt pan ic -and lifted out my companion. (from heiiven, a cohort of fevers, uuktiown ularly tender aud confidential, and at peace j The hall d u n r was fi'ing open. The before, oucamped themselves ou earth Iu with all the world. Wo were speaking of clasping hand of the young lady drew me]cfur.audacious age, we are" always stealing, > , . . . the gorgeousness of the dis tant bills, cloth-! within the vestibule ; her musical voice j u o w u r e , and swelling the cohort of fever* | |;f..CaU ^JL.}™!. .el.? 1°.\ t Z!..„„""

comes they look around for somebody to cling or lean upon. I f tho prop is not there, down they go. Ouce down, they arc as helpless as capsized turtles or unhors cd mau iu armor, aud cannot find theirfeet again with assistance Such silkc;i.£<5lldws no more resemble self-made men. who have fought tlieir way to position, making diffi­culties their stepping stoues, aud deriving determiuatiou from their defeat, thau vines resemble oaks, or splut ter iug rush l ights the stars of heaven. Efforts persisted to achievements train a man to sclNreliauce. and when ho has proved to the world that

with new recruits. TJje weary descendant. him Wc say, therefore, that it is unwise to deprive young men of the advantages which result from tbe energetic action, by •• boosting!'-them over obstacles which they ought to surmount alone. No one e'ver swam well who placed confidence in a cor-k-

ed as they were in their mantles of crimson- called softly at the dooi of a boudoir, foliage, when I was brought to*a stop by " Alice, Richard has come.!" j 0 f Iapetus droop's at last—the stoleu fire be hea t ing my. name pronounced in a toucj Instant ly the door flew open, aud a dark jgius to b u m low—the watchful cohort neither "sweet nor agreeable. haired, beautiful wotuau came forth. She pounces on its proy. The doctor is sum> —M-M-r Smith, I'll inst trouble you to stop Igazc»J_aA_.uu;-a.u_jtistunt wij,h_jijjutLterabU;_;jX1QUCLir.heaxs..the_ca_s<g. notes the symptoms a m i n n i t ! " [tenderness, and theu embraced me. with a j a U ( ] prescribes—repose. , ... - . , , .

Hooked up. A woman of fifty or there mingling of favor and shyuess absolutely I R u t repose is not always possible T h e p ! ? J k e t ; a u d xi . w b e n D r e a 8 l l , , g t u e B e a Pl 4 l J ' life, we cauuot buoy ourselves up and try to

force ourselves ahead by diut of our own energies we are not salvage, and is of little eonstjuence whether we " siuk or swim, sur vive or perish "

Oue of the best lessons aTather can givo to Im 6ons is t h i s : '• Work ; strengthen your moral and mental faculties, as yoi would strengthen your muscles, by.vigor­ous exercise. Learn to conquer circutnl stances, you are then independent 'of for? tuue Tbe men of athletic minds who leav their marks on the years iu which the*, lived, Were all trained in a rough school —| They did not mount their high position b the help of leverage ; they leapt iuto chasm-grappled .wiUi the opposing, rocks, avoide avalanches, and when the goal was reachec felt that but for the toil that had strengthj ened them as they strove, it could nevej have beeu attained ' ' 1

about, effectually blocked up the sidewalk bewildering. | patient canuot stop in the midst of bis ca before u s ; indeed, her proportions were J Verily. 1 was a favored individual. recr—in the.thick of his schemes. Or sup colossal. If ever I have seeu the p-rsoui j An elderly gentleman, supporting him- posing tha t he rush off to snatch a nominal ligation of iudignatiou, I saw it in her e x !

s o ! f by a caoc, how came forward aud salut ' j holiday from toil, Ire cannot leave Thought ^Fs¥r?e""c*o*Uutcnance . " . ed me, calling me Ins '"dear son," aud cut

" Madam !" I exclaimed, retreat ing a lit- j t i t)g :short everything I a t tempted to say tlo from the battery'of flashing eyes which by his joyful v- lubility. she brought to bear upon me Tbe foldiug doors separating the sit t ing

behind htm. Thought , like Care, mouuts tbe steed and climbs the bark.

A brain habitually active will not be or­dered to rest. I t is uot like the inanimate

You ueedu't madam me," cried she, | r o 0 U i and parlors were thrown apart. 1! glebe of a farm, which, when eXausted, you waxing redder. '• I'll jus t trouble you to settle this littlo bill." And she thruBt ao ominous piece of paper before my eyes, which read, substantially :—»

llicitABD S M I T H To Mrs. J U L I A N A DIGOIN-S, Dr.

For six months' board, For •' " washing,

S-J6 00 1200


I returned the bill to her. •' I owe you nothing, madam. I never

saw you beforo in my life." ' •You uecdn' t lie to me I" cried she, set­

t ing her arms a kimbo. '' I h a i u t kept a genteel boarding-house fifteen years for nothing, sir ! You'll cither fork over ou the spot, or I 'll take the law!"

heard the s u b d u e hum of voices, the rust | restore by the simple precept " L e t it lie ling of heavy silk*, and,.waiting in the al \ fallow." A mind once cultivated will not coved arch iu au oast window, 1 saw a cler• j li" fallow for half an hour. I f a patient, gyman in" gown and bands. (habituated to reflection, has nothing else to

Tho elderly gentleman took the hand of meditate, his intellect and fancy will muse tho dark-haired Alice and placed it in ! exclusively over his own ai lments—muse mine. j over u finger'ache and"engender a-gdngrene

" Take her.' ' he said with emotion. " and What, theu, should be doue ? Change the may God prosper you. We will have the j occupation, vary t h e c u l l u r c , call new or-most important thim: first, and dinner af gaus into play ; restore the equilibrium de terward. The guest arc already gett iug { ranged inovcrweighingone scale by weights i m p a t i e n t " thrown into another.

I glanced at Alice's drc-s. I twasb r ida l In therapeutic gymnastics, we strength-whi te ; aud her b-au'iful hair was crowned en one set of muscles hitherto little called with a wreath of orange blossoms. it«to play, iu order to correct the tendencies

The si^ht gave mo a tremor. I felt I to a malady which the fatigue of another weak and fail)t My pallor must have : set of muscles has induced What is thus

' •Take it," remarked I ; '• you're welcome j alarmed Alice i'.r'.-ho clutched my a r m ! good for the bodily health. I hold to be yet to i t ! ' I wildly, aud gazed my face with pain ; " 'ore good for the whole mental develop

ful anxiety - | ment of men. •* " Wha t is it. Richard? Are you ill ?—

Merciful heaven ! Helen, look at h im! — He is ill!""

, ; You thiuk to sarse mo. young man ! — Remember what you promised! I ' l l havo you took up for it as suro as my name's Diggius I I ' l l larn you b j t t c r than to de ceivca t rus t ing widder woman in that way you desatcful hypocrite I"

" Madam, you iu ;u l t mc I I — ' ' " O h ! it looks well for such as you to! t l ismiy;

stand on your dignity 1 Mighty lofty, all at once ! You've forgoot the cream flap jacks I used to make you. and the kisses you used to givo mo every evening after the rest of 'em was gone to bed ! You've forgot the half dozen shirts I made you. ami never charged you a cent ! You've forgot that you solemnly promised that you d marry mc last Tuesday morn ing ! You've forgot that, havo you V*

»• Yes—yes — l tiever !—no V s tammered

TIMELY THOUOHTS.—Whi le the wrath of 'man thus praises God by the advantages

"•' I t 'is nothing 1.nothing!" I ? a s p e J _ ; «hmh it is made to bring to good men as '• Only, I thnnoi marry you ! ' I - " j ""dividuals, the Divine hand is equally ap

'• Oh, heaven !' crru 1 Al.ce. in horrified ! ' a r o , l t l " l b c s , m l l a r e f f e C t f i w h , ? h l l xs a P and seein - she was about to fall. I P n l H t e d l o produce to nations and societies

I flung mv arm arouud her for support. ' W h e n wars and commotions shake the , . * i i - i i (ear th, when factions rage, and iuterueciue

At t h , s moment the ha 1 door was open I H v i s i o i i g e i l l b r 0 I i kingdoms that before ed ,and , turning a t t h e sound I saw with w e r e . n „ u r j 3 h u i g . Providence rectus, at first my own eyes, mv s.-ooud self entered the j y. t o h a v e a b a n d o n e d public affairs to the room! My exact counlerpai t R . j ! Smith numlur t wo

His fierco eyes took in the scone at swooping glanoo. He rushed toward human passions ; yet from the midst of this * j confusion, order is often made to spring, an l

o n e from these mischiefs lasting advantages to S °̂" arise. Hy such cotivu.-ioas nations nn-

I with a wild . j - . -ua t .on . aud, tearing tin-1 a r o u 8 e d - f r o m 0„*-dan-erous lethargy iuto (half fainting arms he plant w , „ c i , flowing wealth, long peaceaudgrow

I. dropping Miss Lillic's arm in cODBterna- P L , , " „ ' ? ^ Z . 7 , v ' n f h u K T ' ^ " ' 8 «ff««"«««~ - f ' " a u u c " l ' a J s u " k t l , C Q ' t . ~ ban- on the tame, of his body They are awakened to dece rn their true

'• \N hat are you doing 1 he thundered 111 mv car.

t i o n . " Do you daro to deny i t ? " cried 6hc in

a rago. *' Yes ; forever and a day af toward 1" 1

rbarcd out. '• Do you think I would mar­ry an old termagant like you? I'd soopcr wed t ry grandmother ! '

I saw the fire flash up inhcr 'cyos. The widow was waxing dangerous. I dodged

lutcrests. aud taught to take proper mcas-,, . , ures for security and defence against all

'• \ \ hat arc ym d ,iug? ' I thundered, in ; t | u > i r f u C S i U V c t e r a t c prejudices arc cor-response.

* j e

snail d io ! " . 1 1 . . , : Gent lemen/ ' in terrupted the sweet

tho rcticu c she aimed at my head and tell! „„- „<• , , . , ' , , 1 •• , • • '• , . , ' , Ivoico of her whom 1'iey cilUid Helen, " '

over backward as she charged upon m e h , l i e Q l there is some mistake, with her half mourn .ng parasol Miss Ltl ^ . $ ^ ^ [Vchdrd g ^ ? , lie turned end fled. I thought discretion \J „ j a | | ) „ n lu . (j j ^ the bettor par t of valor, eo 1 leaped over a ; „ { ^ ^ . ^ m y ^ Q t u

garden fence near at hand, and was .mine „ B u t wIl(t:1l, f , i s U l c | j r

Ja d S l l l i l h _

diately attacked by a largo watch dog thau l | i C M n o f A r o ; ; i l ( ! a j S f u U h , , Hprapg out of a kennc oear by. I seized . „ j m » ^ e ^ w | f

a dahlia'pole, and, hur l ing »t at the beli.g j | - . A l l j . 3 a . n u o l j . h a i d { . „ f a h c r

eront, made good my escape by fording a j W f t , D a m P < J R o b e r t > duck pond and reaching tho n e s t s t reet ,

, , ,, -tectedt and latent sources of danger Sre dis j itinf^d - Your lifeIb-atl pay thu forfeit I he ex- \ i ( V c r c d . public spiri t is called forth, and

claimed with mad violence - T h e man | a r g e f view, of national h appincss are form- CTSS who has dared to w u Hereford S love4

C(J . t h c C o r r u p U 0 1 1 s , 0 wUicli every govern

VEGETABLE HEALMO BALSAM Denton's Balsaui cures Omens,Cotd«, hp«l»andstr»ngih-

*n* the I.ungs;' will cure Blooding of tho Lungs, In-flsmmstlo^ of tho Lungs and Arthina.

DENTON'S BALSAM •K\\\ cure T/iins In the Side, Stomach or Breast. Aptiei.i tho

(ace or breast, nervousness, Oravel wid Kldne/ cuiu-Jilaints, I.nine Back.

DENTON'S BALSAM enros Palpitation of th<» Heart, Pyspcr^la, Liver Com­

plaint, Colic, and regulates the Stomach and Bowels. DENTON'S BALSAM

cures all Sore*. Soreness In the flesh, Burns and BrnUcson man and beast.

DENTON'S BALSAM enroa Chl^)lain^ Rhenmatlsm, takes Soreness out of

any part of the body of man or beast. DENTON'S BALSAM

cures Summer Complaints, Worms In children, and Cleanses the Blood.

DENTON'S BALSAM cure* Pore MouUi, Sore Throat, Wbooplng-Cougrt, Croup,

Loss of Appetite, C«n>s on toe*. DENTON'S BALSAM

Is a snro cure fW the Pita, by Warm Injections of tho Balaam. Cures Hoof J'.ot in sheep, mil 0 and hon-es, applied warm. B«.»t remedy for heaves in horses; give

PROCLAMATION- is therefore hereby made :o all per sons bound to appear at the said Court of Oyer and Terminer by recognizance or otherwise, 10 appear thereat; and all Justices of the Feaee, Goroners and other officers, who have taken any recognizance for the appearance of any person at such Court, or who have tuken any inquisition, or the examination ot any prisoner or witness, arc required to return such recognizance, inquisition and examination, to the said Court, at the opening thereof, on the first day of its sit tincr.

Also, all Petit Jurors, summoned to attend at thc said Court of Oyer and Terminer held on the 15ih day'of September 156-, are hereby required to at­tend at the adjourned- term thereof, to be held on the 15th day of December next, without further notice. -• Given under my hand, at the SherifTs Office in the count) of Madison, on the I4:h day of October 1862. WM. F . B O N N E Y , Sheriff '24w8 ot Madison county.

E X E C U T O R S ' S A L E —Notice is here .Li by given, that by virtue of an order—made—by the County Judire and Surrogate of .Madison county, d d

attd October 14lh; 1S62, we will sell nt^ublic ven uc to the highest bidder, at the .Office of B. F

Chapman in Clockville, in said county, on the 29th .day ofJ^m-^imuej-1^6?, at 9 <I'C1OCJC-JI~M.,-.the-foU lowing described real estate:

1st. All that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the town of Lenox, Madison county. N . Y., bounded and described as follows : beginning at the notth west corner of ilie Fisher lot, so called, thence south G decrees east 9 chains to centre ol road leading from Lenox Furnace iu Oneida Castle; thence westerly along the centre of said road to the cehtre'of the road leading from Watupsville to Si

jmi&eiifratf&r'beek • " ~ 'K" ^n

'•There is a deep, wide-spread, and increas- s ing discontent with lhe Administration. And it is simply and only because it is weak and helpless. But the country is' going toward disunion, and toward despotism, because one of the most honest men that ever held the Presidential chair is not a man of affairs.

' 'And here is one peculiar danger. Men say inconsiderately, Any change must be for better,' or , /Wo cannot be worse off than we are.* It is natural that men should say, 'If things areas you say, if our public men are found lo be unapt and feeble, why not put po­litical power into thc hands of other men?'

•' If we were chosing a President in these November elections, the reasoning would be correct. And we take leave to cay to our friends in Washington, that, if they were be­fore the people this fall for re-election, they would be overwhelmingly defeated.''

RUINED PLANTATIONS IN LOUISIANA.—A cor­respondent of tbe Boston Traveller, who ac­companied a flag of trujee to a rebel camp eighty miles from New Orleans, a few weeks since, says '— . •; ••-: •

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal o! .otfiie of the said Surrogate to be hereunto

[L. S.] atfixed. Witness, Sidney T. Holmes, Sur-rouate of 6uid coumy ol Madism, at thc

village of Morriavillc, the 19th d.iy of September 13G2. S. T. H O L M E S , 21ni3 Co. Judge and Surrogate.

MAYORS OF THE Great Cities.

W e , the u n d e r s i g n e d M a y o r s , h e r e b y cer ­tify that t h e Drugg i s t s , A p o t h e c a r i e s , a n d

. P h y s i c i a n s of our s e v e r a l c i t i e s h a v e s i g n e d a d o c u m e n t of as surance t o us t h a t t h e r e m ­e d i e s o f D R . J . O. A Y E B & CO. , o f I i o w e l l ,

- ( A y e r ' s Barsaparil la, P i l l a , A g u e Cure , a n d Gharry Pec tora l , ) h a v e b e e n f o u n d t o b e

. m e d i c i n e s of great e x c e l l e n c e , a n d w o r t h y t h e conf idence of t h e c o m m u n i t y .

H O N . J A M E S C O O K , Mayor of LOWELL, MASS.

H O N . A L B | N B E A B D , 'Mayor o f N A S H U A , N . H .

H p N . E . W V H A R R I N G T O N , M a y o r of M A N C H E S T E R , N . H .

H O N . J O H N A B B O T T , M a y o r of O O N C O B D , N . H . -

S O N . A . H . B U L L O O K , Mayor of WORCESTER, MASS.

H O N , N A T H ' J L S I L S B E E , • M a y o r o f S A L E M , M A S S .

H O N . P . W . L I N C O L N ! J r . , M a y o r Of B O S T O N , M A S S ,

H O N . W M . M . R O D M A N , Mayor of PROVIDENCE, B . L

H O N . A M O S W . P R E N T I C E , v Mayor of NORWICH, OOJJTN.

H O N . J . N . H A R R I S , . ' M a y o r o f N E W L O N D O N , C O N N .

H O N . C H A S . S. R O D I E R , M a y o r o f M O N T R E A L , O. B .

H O N . D . P . T I E M A N N , M a y o r o f N E W Y O R K C I T Y .

H O N . H . M . E X N S T R E Y , Mayor of HAMILTON, O. W .

H O N . A D A M W I L S O N , M a y o r o f T O R O N T O , C. W .

H O N . R . M . B I S H O P , M a y o r of C I N C I N N A T I , O H I O .

H O N . I . H . C R A W P O R D , M a y o r o f LOTJISVTLLE, K Y .

H O N . J O H N S L O A N , . M a y o r of L Y O N S , I O W A .

H O N . J A M E S M c F E E T E R S , M a y o r o f B O W M A N V I L L E , O. W .

H O N . J A M E S W . N O R T H , M a y o r o f A U G U S T A , M E .

H O N . H E N R Y C O O P E R , J r . , Mayor of H A L L O W E L L , M E .

H O N . J A M E S S. B E E K , M a y o r o f F R E D E R I C T O N , N . B .

H O N . W I L L A R D N Y E , M a y o r o f N E W B E D F O R D , M A S S .

H O N . J . B L A I S D E L L , M a y o r o f F A L L R I V E R , M A S S .

H O N . W . H . C R A N S T O N r

meot is liable" arc often rectified by a fcr ment in the }> body. a.< noxious hu-

..mors in I he animal fr»tuc are carried off" by u * the shock of a disease. Atlcnipts agftinsta

ffijte and well established civil constitution tend in the issue to strengthen it. and the disorders ol licentiousness and faction teach

There Is a cheap, #/?/<•—Mfo for the most tender Infant —»nil certain mnstty tut Ihoce dreadful cnemioa to man-


whicli for many year* w u n«vt-r known to fall giving (rood »stUfict!on; It leave* the patient wan, and h« neM no other medlelno to purge It from the »y»tcm. )

Thi» Ii not ono of the new dl.«roverlea ; It Is an oM th<. 1 '-i1 :-: ••! article, and there arc myriads of lit Ing erl denrec of 111 effieaey.

I'ut np In botik* at only £5 cents each. G r e n t I i n p o a l t l o n a n d F r a u d t :

( I U I I I O I I t o PnrchMMerm.

B# snre that tho name of B. Denton's Healing Baliarf

P X K C U T O U S ' N O T I C E — B y an o r d e r Li ut S. T. H >lnip?, Coun-V Judoe and Surrogate • 1! thc county ol Madison, notice is hereby s;ivcri to all persons having claims-asrainst S A M P O S S T O N E . late of the town of (Jazen »via, in said county ol Madison, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the s-ame, with the vouchers thereof, to Juscph Car­penter and Alired Medbcry, executors of the latt will of the snid Sontson Stone, at Alfred Mcdbery's uihce, in Nelson, in said county, on or before the

T5;h day of April m-x»— Dnnd Ocnibejr 6th 1S62. JOSfcPH CARPEN'TRlt, ( Kxw? ALFKKD MEDBKRY, jf mora.

I F P H Y S I C I A N S W I L L U S E I T , JJ'/iy is it not Safe Jor the People ?

CINCINNATI, NOV. 2. Messrs. A. It. Seovill »f« Co.

Dear sirs—The public generally are fully aware of the thousands of remedies for diseased lungs, under the tides otSarsaparillas, Pills, Plasters, Liniments, etc., that are daily brought to their notice through the newspapers, by way of advertisements. My

i./xb-'fict^iji writing ihis note for p j i h l i c a t i o n j s j o j n

in shooting, when one of them, a wealthy farm­er, named Cyrtlle S , betted that he" would hit. at a certain distance, a lantern placed on the head of his son, a boy five years old. A lighted tanteTh was accoidlngly placed on the child's head, and cleverly knocked off by a pistol shot, which just grazed theboy 's cap.— Hut the affair did not end her«, for while the

, s , n f r is blown m tbobouKand his liken** on the top of war 1 1 j»rUe» were drinking ihe wine for which thc men \uo\c Uigmj to prize tuo oicsaiogs 01, bottle, a* you eoeah..v<r. None other can jh« gennine. | j loser had paid, tlw police came and arrested" all t ranquil i ty Blair.

aud legal p ro tec t ion—Dr.

trom wbich I hurried hotuc at thc boat pace 1 could command.

I was resolved that I would not remain in Weston a day longer Evidently there was in the city soma other Richard Smith , for whose notorious self I was mistaken.

I penned a hasty note to my employers —giving my rca«ou* for leaving theni — p .eked lyy t runks , paid my board, and imirk ing my baggage •• Kich'd Smith, Nov

Helen looked at me a moment, half in doubt, evidently, how to troat mc after what had occurred. Finally ehe held out her hand.

" 1 beg your pardo-t. Mr. Smith ; it was nil a carelcM mistake of my own. Can you forgive mo ?"

i thought of tho kr**09 she h id given me Hlixl vfiahcd thc same iniJrtakc might \w . ,.ar^ c ,Vrr tin ir n

r* itnrule ovor again, though I was wise enough " . » " n A l «/V . . . « ! ' . . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . >. i r l d i . 1 , I I M T M . r P l t

FAME is after all but poor and paltiy motive for ono conscious of bis own im mortal i ty. And tho moral to be drawn from the word forgotfulness, is that wc should do our work for the present and not for the future ; for thc sake of love and not of-glory. and be content with namclessness irt worthy deeds. Good works live aud bear fruit, though good workers dio a n d j b c

1 1 • « .

I'orchavrs will call on Ajrents anjl yet a rainphlet, witl , i K r c c \ l r ' « on'lliB rlisrpp nf endanjrorinir ' eeruftcatea of Ketemman.l* from dlstntereetecj person*. ' ' ' , r e e ' '"r- >̂ 0 » l"e cnarge Ol cnuangcr ing ,

Pentonls Belean Is sold hy sltthe principal I>n:rc1«t : his s o u s hie . and the others as accompl ices aai Msrchaau In the Union. B, DENTON, Proprietor* 1 • Auburn, y. T. tJ. N. Turn.* , Auburn, Oeneral \ - ' n

W. S. CO MAN, Morrisville uUts generally

rai Ageni , N.V. ,

id and Dm

Important to Families I

S A P O N 1 F I E I t ! The Rejtdy Family Soap Maker.

ames with oblivion.

not to make known ruy wksli. AGAINST M A T R I M O N Y — W d cannot even l U m p t o n . ' U entered the cars for the lo-1 .. L c t m m p h i u « 8 Uecont inued.f rankly. marry without paying . t a m p duly An or ct l i ty fpecitiea on my t runks . i{ w < j w c r < j e x p e c l j n g m J b r o l b e r RiCh« r i i dcr has been issued at tho l t ema l Revenue

I n sclectiog New Hampton as my destin home from the South , where be has been :-Department, by the Comonssiooer. that at ioo.l had uo definite purpose in view ; but in a place of it» "««o I had no doubt of be iog able to secure aomo lucrative situation,

tome four or five months past, and ware marriage certificates must have a ten cent «iuuo sure that ho would arr ive on the fram stamp. Tbe commissioner, s»ys it cornea which brought you. He has been some; within the mcauing of the fifth clause of

and thc office o f ' b o o t s was better, if J j years engaged fo Miss Hereford, sod the j the Excise Law, relating to forms c-f cert ifi-could be, left unmolested, than the BtaUoTTWrrriAgo ccrc'uiony wat to ta*e plaoo im«.|cates of auy othor description tbaQ those

l»ty.' mediately on his arrival. 1 went down to mentioned in ichodulo " « . "

How STONKWALL JACKSON WAaSuRRocsntn. . —The Richmond Whig tells the following:! An army correspondent tells the following in- e

cident that occured in Maryland between Stone* wall Jaokson and the ladies : They surround­ed the old game cock. He said : '" Ladies, this

II ITU which ev'ery family, with their ordlnrf I'» -be first tuno I was ever surroundedV' They p " kitchen grease, csn make all their Soap wW/Ytf.i»wrv-.A-i>t. "»P , f * «««««:"'«'"« •iwcniiuea_r

little or n>> troithle— Hard, Soft or Fancy. It will make bard water soft, clean Paint, rcrhovt) Grease, <&c, to perfection. For sale bv ,

W M . P. C t l A M B E R S . Morrisville. June 14. 18f>l

Jutt Arrived l 1 k

of President, if I most lose my identity,

ew and General Assor tment of all kinds, styles and sixes of

Umts, Shoos and todies' Rubbers, which will be sold cheap foajlcady Pat .

, 0 * E C U M M I N O S .

cast steel Ufie-Howe ttgwa, r r i l K beat thing out for Plowing Hops — A on h.ind and for sale at thc Morrisville Ponndry.

A.uil IS, 186i» O. * l>: CROSS,


the fullest confidence of the pobllc, and we can fully corroborate what he haa said, having use<i Dr. Halls Balsam la) a number of casea with the happiest effect

J. S. LAWSOM, t D. WM. C. SMITH. J". D. J. I. JOHSOM, M l ) .

0" /?< sure and ask for Dr . Wm. n . Hall 's llnUnm for the l-aaga.

C. N. Tern.*, Auburn, N. Y., General Agcni of New Voik and Hichlc»n. s

Sold by C^OMAM. Morrisville •

Paper IlaiigtngSt'

A Large assortment of tho moat fashiona­ble varieties of PAPER IfASOtNCfS, just

received and for sale by March 19, 1862, G. E. CUMMINGS.

. *

M a y o r of N E W P O R T , B . I .

HON". F R E D S T A H L , M a y o r of G A L E N A , TT1I1.

H O N . J O H N H O D G D E N , M a y o r o f DTJBUQ,tJE, I O W A .

H O N . T H O M A S CRTJTTCHPIELD, M a y o r of C H A T T A N O O G A , T E N N .

H O N . R O B E R T B L A I R , * M a y o r o f T U S C A L O O S A , A L A .

H O N . R . D . B A T J G H , M a y o r o f M E M P H I S , T E N N .

H O N . ' G E R A R D S T I T H , ' Mayt5r o f N E W O R L E A N S , L A .

H O N . H . D . S C R A N T O N , M a y o r of R O C H E S T E R , N . Y .

H O N . D E W I T T C. G R O V E * M a y o r of TJTICA, N . Y .

H O N . J O H N C. H A I N E S , M a y o r of C H I C A G O , I L L .

H O N . M . J . A . H E A T H , M a y o r of S E L M A , A L A .

H O N . A . J . N O B L E , M a y o r of. M O N T G O M E R Y , A L A .

H O N . W . S. H O L Y B A D , M a y o r of C O L U M B U S , G A .

D O N E S P A R T E R O M A N U E L , Mayor of VERA CRUZ.

D O N P I E T R E D E C A B A L L O , Mayor of MEXICO.

D O N E S T E P H A N T E R O D R I G T J E S , Mayor of HAVANA.

D O N A N T O N I O E C H E V E R A , M a y o r of L I M A , P E R U .

D O N M . G . M I L A N G N O , M a y o r of V A L P A R A I S O , C H I L L

D O N M A R O S E S Q T J T P E D A L I A , M a y o r o f R I O J A N E I R O , B R A Z I L .

Cert i fy t h a t t h e r e s i d e n t D r u g g i s t s h a v o a s s u r e d t h e m

Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an oxcellont remedy, and worthy tho con­

fidence of the community.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla. F o r S p r i n g D i s e a s e s . F o r P n r l f y l n g t h e B l o o d . F o r S c r o f u l a o r K i n g ' s E r l l .

F o r T u m o r * , U l c « n , a n d S o r e s .

F a r K r u p t l o n s a n d P i m p l e s * F o r B l o t c h e s , B l a t n s , a n d B o l l s . F o r S t . A n t h o n y ' s F i r e , R o a e , o r E r y -F o r T e t t e r o r S a l t R h e u m . [ s l p e l a s . F o r S c a l d H e a d a n d R i n g w o r m . F o r C a n c e r a n d C a n c e r o u s S o r e s . F o r S o r e E y e s , S o r e E a r s , a n d H u m o r s . F o r F e m a l e D i s e a s e s . F o r S u p p r e s s i o n a n d I r r e g u l a r i t y . F o r S y p h i l i s o r V e n e r e a l D i s e a s e s * j : F o r L l r e r C o m p l a i n t s . *~~

F o r D i s e a s e s o f t h e H e a r t .

Tho Mayors of tho chief cities of the Uni­ted States, Canadas, and British Provinces, Chili, Peru, Braail, Mexico, and in fact al­most all the oiUes on this continent, have signed this document, to assure their people what remedies they may us* with safety and confidence. Bnt our space will only admit a portion of them.

—*— • ii. •

Ayer* Sarsaparilla, n

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, A y e r n , ^ ^ , and

Ayer's Ague Cure, rnHPARKD BT . .

fcr.' I . C. Aycr A Co*, LOWKM,, MASS.,

And told by Druggists «vcry where. ^^ • . . s, - .

• V.

• •



< • <.'

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