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  • 8/2/2019 May No 338



    Herald MAY 2012 No. 338

    Copy deadline: As early as possibleNo later than 14

    thof month

    All copy to Stephen Braybrooke TuckerAll advertising to

    Jeanette Braybrooke-TuckerBoth through this e:mail address

    [email protected] post to 30 Millwood End.

    Long Hanborough OX29 8BYTel: 01993 882518



    20p per word. Max 30 words

    See page 9

    DIARY for MAYDate Page

    1 Evergreen Club 112/9 HCA. Witney Gp. Whist 11

    3 ELECTION 3

    4 HCA Whist 115 to 13 Art Week 56 Village Market 137/14/21 Bowls. Special offers. 108 Woodstock U3A 34

    10 W.I. 1111 HCA Whist 11

    12 Mammoth Garage Sale 9

    15 Parish Council Meeting 2

    15 Evergreen Club 11

    17 HCA A.G.M. 11

    18 Police Have your say 1

    18 HCA Whist 1119 HCA Quiz 1124 Open Gardens, Talk 425 HCA Whist 11

    30 HCA Evening Whist 11

    The QUEENS Diamond Jubilee


    Latest News Go to page 15

    MAY 5th - 13th for North Oxfordshire

    See page 5

    Guides from Libraries & Local Information Pointsor visit



    Have Your Say MeetingFriday 18th May

    10.00 to 10.45am Cornerstone Coffee House.

    Parish Council needs five more Councillors

    Page 2

    Rail News Page 18-19

    Your Crossword for May Page 32

    OLYMPIC TORCH to visit


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    Articles included in this Newsletter do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or the Hanborough Herald Group. Also, inclusion of anadvertisement does not imply the Groups endorsement of a product or service. Advertisements are accepted on the express condition that they do not

    in any way contravene the provisions of the Trades Descriptions Act 1968 This Newsletter is printed by Information Press Eynsham




    April 2012Pavilion Extension Project

    Since the last report in the Hanborough Herald, the Project Development Working Group has met twice and the project was on the

    agenda of the Annual Parish Meeting on 20th March where Steve Nicholls, Vice-Chair of the HPFA, made a presentation with slides,showing the current situation, plans and funding proposed.

    The application for Building Regulations approval was submitted in mid-February and, as expected, a reply was received on 31st March.The WODC gave the project conditional approval - this meaning that the building regulation requirements have been met but that the

    definitive approval will depend on satisfying the fire officer when the time comes - which is perfectly normal.

    A number of building companies will be invited to submit tenders at the beginning of May, to be returned in June.

    The decision regarding which builder will be taken by the Parish Council in mid-June and construction should commence mid-July -

    with completion due by April 2013.The exact manner in which the building companies are selected to tender has not been determined yet. It would seem likely that an

    advertisement will be placed in the Oxford Mail/Times, that local builders names will be sought from the architect but it wi ll be the

    Parish Council that will decide on which Building Company to contract.

    Two ways to win Friends and influence people

    1. Become a Parish Councillor.The Parish Council needs five more Councillors. Would you think of engaging with your fellow residents and work to sustain and

    improve the quality of village life in Church Hanborough and Long Hanborough? Being a Councillor is of course a commitment. People

    regard you as responsible for things that happen locally. It can also be satisfying. As a Councillor, you hope to make a difference byinfluencing decisions that effect our village community.

    The application process is particularly simple right now. Not enough people were formally nominated to serve on Hanborough Parish

    Council for the May 3rd election. The remaining five places can however be filled by co-option.

    For details of qualification please contact the Parish Clerk, Mr Jon Gammage; Tel: 07909 514884 or Email: [email protected] .

    It would be good too, to write a few words describing what experience you, as an individual, could bring to the Council.

    Address is below.

    2. Join the Hanborough Village Plan Steering Group.

    The Oxford Rural Community Council is urging Oxfordshire villages to introduce Village Plans. If Hanborough follows through this

    ORCC proposal, the preparation of the plan will probably be handled by a Hanborough Village Plan Steering Group. This group will

    workindependently of the Parish Council, even though the Council will officially support the setting up of the group. One or twoCouncillors from our Parish Council are likely to be on the Steering Group. The purpose of producing a Local Village Plan is to iden-

    tify gaps or weaknesses in Parish support systems and services and to propose priorities for improvement and the actions that need to betaken to get the desired results. A Local Village Plan will also make everyone (including the District and County Councils) aware of

    what people care about in Hanborough.

    The likely course of events - spanning from one to three years - would start with a meeting of as many Hanborough residents as

    possible. It is likely that somebody from ORCC will guide us - inviting village clubs, societies, churches, charities, businesses, the

    school and individual residents to suggest issues they would like to see addressed in the Village Plan. One of the early tasks of the Steer-

    ing Group will to draft a questionnaire, based on local suggestions and lessons learned from other villages, to consult everyone in moredepth.

    You will be able to participate at any level on the Steering Group - from gathering information to analysing it, coordinating and

    presenting findings, organising meetings and compiling records, writing text and choosing photographs, getting things printed and deliv-


    Interested? Let us know. [email protected] or [email protected] or Council Chairman, Peter Brittin 881980.

    Parish Council Meeting

    The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 15th May in the Welcome Room Methodist Church at 7:15pm.

    An Agenda will appear on the notice board by Thursday 10 May. Members of the public are invited to attend and can make statements or

    queries by prior written request to the Clerk or Chairman. This needs to be done by midday of Monday 14th May

    Jon Gammage Clerk to Hanborough Parish Council

    11 The Blowings, Freeland, Oxfordshire, OX29 8HY

    phone 07909 514884 [email protected]

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    Parish Council Contact Numbers:Council Chairman: Mr Peter Brittin. Tel: 881980Mr Niels Chapman Tel: 882932Mrs Gill Battams. Tel: 881805Mr Hugh Burton. Tel: 881366Mr John Hill Tel: 882856Mrs Laura Rostron. Tel: 882365Mr David Tee Tel: 882891

    Clerk:Mr J.Gammage : Tel 07909 514884Email: [email protected]

    Finance Officer:(& Planning, Allotments ,Cemetery matters).

    Mr A. Edwards: Tel 01993 886909

    County Councillor:Mrs L Chapman Tel: 01993 773560 or

    Mobile : 07519381283District Councillors:

    Mr C Dingwall. Tel: 01993 706363Mr Toby Morris. Tel: 01993 849402

    Parish Council Web SiteHANBOROUGH ONLINECommunity Hall Bookings:

    Pavilion: Mrs.S.Rhodes Tel:886879Recreation Hall: Mrs L. Ashton. Tel: 881603

    Methodist Church Hall: Mrs J Haynes. Tel: 882379Police : non emergency: 101


    A reminder for May

    2nd, 16th and 30th

    Thurs.10th, and 23rdWODC have requested that if at all possible could you put

    plastic & tins * glass * cardboard * paper *

    in separate recycling bins.

    They also collect flyaway plastics such as small clear food

    packagingfilm & shrink wrap, polythene, carrier bags, cling

    film, bubble wrap and compost bags.Put all flyaway plastics in a carrier/plastic bag and place in one of

    your black bins.

    If you need extra bins contact

    WODC on 01993 861025

    Council News , cont...................

    Free Home Survey

    The Community Safety Partnership is offering a free home survey which assesses your property and pinpoints any areasthat require extra protection, as well as tips on how to reduce the risk of a break-in. Depending on the size of yourproperty the survey should take no longer than an hour.

    This can be booked with Bill Butcher, Crime Reduction Officer, by phoning 01993 861638.Twinning of Hanborough with Mougon in France

    The Parish Council has invested some time in promoting this idea locally but have not been able to generate sufficientinterest for the project to move forward. Regrettably, it was agreed by council to decline their invitation.

    Dial-a RideOxfordshire Dial-a-Ride is a door to door service for those who are mobility impaired and are unable to use or do nothave access to public transport. The service can be used for shopping trips, appointments, visiting friends etc. There is a

    small annual charge to be part of the scheme and for each journey. To find out more call 0845 310111 or visit the website:

    Litter Pick

    West Oxfordshire District Council is encouraging action against litter by loaning litter picking equipment (litter grab-bers, gloves and hi-visibility bibs) The Council is also supplying free refuse sacks and will collect any bagged up litter

    after the community cleanup from agreed collection points.Voluntary groups across West Oxfordshire are planning a big spring clean with a series of litter picking days and the

    Parish Council would like to encourage local groups to organise events. Please contact the Clerk for details and avail-able support.

    District Council Elections.The District Council Election will be held on Thursday the 3rd May between the hours of 7.00am and 10.00pm at thePavilion, Playing Fields, Long Hanborough.

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    Ted Currill. Thank You

    People often laugh about how long it takes to belong and to be called A Villager. I was asked a little while ago if I was a Hanborough Villager. My answer at the time was, Not yet, we have

    only lived here for 41 years. How wrong I was.

    On the recent sad loss of Ted, as a family we realised that we are truly Villagers. We belong to Hanbor-


    We would like to thank everyone for their sympathy, kind words, cards and love. We have been over-whelmed by the kindness shown to Ted during his very long illness and also to us. You have helped usthrough a difficult time and we know that the friendship will always be there.

    Ted wanted to be buried in Hanborough because his friends were here. Hanborough was Home.

    Thank you all.


    Notification of Expressions of Interest

    Demolishment & Rebuild of YarntonSports Centre.

    Yarnton Parish Council is asking for Expressions ofInterest for the following packages of works for the new

    Sports Pavilion in Yarnton.

    1. Demolish existing Pavilion and Garage anddisposal of waste, prepare and build new ground worksup to PDC.2. Steelwork fabrication and build.3. Masonry construction from DPC to wall plates, in-

    cluding all internal partitions.4. Install new roof.5. Plumbing, mechanical ventilation.6. Electrical Installation, including under floor heating.

    Please send Expressions of Interest to The Clerk of theParish Council: [email protected]

    There will be further Expressions of Interest Required

    for Supply and Fitting of Doors and Windows,Ceilings,Finishes,

    External Works,Carpentry


    Local Surgery - Closures for training.


    In order to maintain and improve the service your GP surgery offers, Eynsham Medical Centre and Long Hanborough

    Surgery, along with all other surgeries in the West Oxfordshire area, will be closed for staff and doctor training on the10th May. This is now cancelled - the surgery will be open as usual.

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    JACKY HOPKINSInvites you to her Art Exhibition

    Saturday May 5th till Sunday May 13th


    80 Main Road, (behind Olivers Garage)

    Long Hanborough.

    Open Daily - 12 noon - 6pm

    Thursday and Friday 12 noon - 8pm.

    Original work, Prints and Cards

    Tea, Coffee and Cake

    All welcome


    5th - 13th May. 12 - 6pm

    32 Akeman Street, Combe

    Local artist Cathryn Jeffwill be exhibitingagain in Combe for this years Artweeks.

    Please come and see her latest vibrantcollection of landscape paintings, includinglocal views and a new watercolour range.

    Over this past year Cathryn has also beendeveloping her talents in paper craft to

    create unique 3D pictures and otherproducts.

    For more details about OxfordshireArtweeks please visit

    The Repatriation Memorial Garden

    Field Poppies are being sown as a symbol of remembrance at the repatriations Memorial Garden this spring.

    The memorial garden, on Norton Way, on the edge of Carterton, was designed by a small group of local peopleincluding the Royal British Legion, community representatives from Brize Norton and Carterton, and current

    and retired military personnel. It is somewhere that people can pay their respects for military personnel.

    The grass border at the rear of the memorial garden will be narrowed to make room for a meadow mix of

    poppies and wildflowers. The poppies will flower from May until September.

    Seasonal bedding plants and bulbs such as pansies and daffodils will be planted for additional colour during thewinter months.

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    We offer a selection of fully en-suite bedroomsfitted with television and tea & coffee facilities.

    These are available on a nightly or weeklybasis, or for longer periods, if required.

    We also cater for all types of Family Functionsin our attractive Lounge Bar with its open logfire in winter and adjacent Function Room.

    For further information,phone

    Liz or David Fyson01993 881256


    Tel: 01993 881430









    9.30AMTO 5.00PM

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    Hanborough Good Neighbour Scheme


    phone between 10.00am & 3.00pm

    or to leave a messageJane 01993 883077

    or Frances 01993 883174

    or Laura 01993 882365

    or Jeanette 01993 882518


    Prescription collection


    Help with forms



    A new book has just been published with the title:HANBOROUGHSnapshots from the History of the Parish

    With 332 pages it is big enough to include many interesting parts of our recorded history,including villagers memories from the 1920s up to more recent times.

    Written by a local author it is on offer at 14. (2 off normal price)

    Contact the Editor of the H. Herald. 882518 for your copy.

    Finlay. Good News and Thanks

    Thank you so much to so many people. Last Years Year 6 who did a fabulous job fundraising for Finlay. With this money he has bought a F.E.S. machine, which will be most

    useful to him. Well Done! Enjoy Bartholomew.To Phil Neville who became Marathon Man and raised lots too. Hopeful Notes have made a

    big impact on Finlay through the ongoing musical concerts. They raised an enormous

    amount of money which Finlay has used wisely, furnishing his temporary accommodationprovided by Cottsway and now his new home in Corn Hide which is fantastic, spacious and areal home for him. Sovereign Housing added their own little touches to the flat as well

    which were gratefully received.Thank you so much to everyone (I have probably forgotten some names - sorry) who havehelped with everything.We are extremely grateful and it is something we will never forget.Thank you all so much.

    Gavin, Leoniza, Tom, Callum, India and Finlay.

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    The venue that offerseverything...

    Conference facilitiesWeddings & Events

    Civil Ceremonies & Partnerships

    Evening receptionsChristening & naming day

    Adults & Childrens Birthday partiesPrivate Dinners

    Bar open to the general publicCharity functions

    Product LaunchesGrounds for marquee hire

    Stag & Hen weekendsAccommodation

    New Years Eve and Xmas Parties

    Email: [email protected]

    Eynsham Hall

    North Leigh, Witney, Oxfordshire. OX29 6PN

    01993 885 200

    Grooming for all breeds/types/sizes of dogDoggy Daycare - dogs cared for daily

    in our grooming studio.Food Store and Canine Boutique

    DIY DogwashCanine Massage Therapy now available

    Tel: 01993 702558

    Email: [email protected]

    01993 882778 / 881409

    Fax 01993 882952

    90, Main Road, Long Hanborough, OX29 8JY

    STAMPS WANTEDI am looking to purchase stamp collections.

    Also, medals, coins, postcardsand other collectables.

    I offer a free valuationservice and

    immediate payment.

    Please call:-

    David Lord on01993 881862

  • 8/2/2019 May No 338





    Giving one-to-one support, Live-in Carers fromHelping Hands enable those who wish to remain at

    home the opportunity to do so. For more information

    call 0808 180 1017 or visit


    Local + Regional, Airports + SeaportsNorth Leigh based 6 Seats

    Tel: 07979 507535




    01993 868924

    Star CakesUnique celebration cakes

    for every occasion.

    Call Jane Dyson on (01993) 882133


    Ceramic and Natural Stone, Floor and Wall Tiling.

    Free Quotations. References Available.Contact Melvin Peacock: 07748330236

    Email: [email protected]

    D & SPainting and Garden ServicesInterior and Exterior Painting

    All types of Garden Maintenance

    Contact Darren on 07788 104907

    Email: [email protected]

    Do you need reliable, honest and insured


    to make your home look wonderful after a busy

    day, or to iron to save you time?Contact Tracey

    07852 757745

    Tenants leaving your rental - need a professional clean?Selling and no time to clean before going to your new home?

    One day deep cleans available

    Contact Emma on 07799 194149






    D.A SMITH 01993 880200

    MOBILE 0777 0575 448

    PJR Accounting ServicesNot enough time to keep accounting records?

    Need help with bookkeeping, VAT returns, and self

    assessment from a qualified accountant but dont want topay accountancy firm prices?

    Contact Paul on 07900927721 [email protected]


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  • 8/2/2019 May No 338





    Whist Drives continue on Friday afternoons 4th, 11th, and 18th, and 25th starting at 2.00pm at a cost of 2.00 persession. That includes a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit at half time, plus entry in to the raffle. Tell your friends andcome and join us. Both beginners and experienced whist players are welcome.Please note that there will also be a session on Wednesday evening30th May at 7.30pm. The cost of this session is 2.50.

    There is also a whist meeting run by Witney Whist group in the hall on Wednesday 2nd and 9th costing 2.50 per session

    The May quiz is being held on Saturday 19th starting at 7.30pm. Entry is 3.00 per person. Teams of 4 peoplepreferred. A raffle will also be available. To book your team table, call Brian Bowden on 881102

    Future Quiz Date for your diary: Saturday 16th June

    We shall be holding our AGM on Thursday 17th May at 8pm in the Hall. Everyone including non hall users are very

    welcome to attend.Stacey McDonough

    At the end of March the Evergreen Club members came earlier than usual for our meeting, eager to enjoy lunch in thecompany of good friends. A wonderful aroma was wafting across the car park and into the hall, ensuring that everyonehad a very good appetite when our man Mark speedily produced a man (or women) sized portion of delicious fish andchips. This was followed by ice cream, a cup of tea and a long chatter. We left for home sure that we would not needto eat again for two days!For our next meeting we celebrated an early Easter with the traditional fare of hot cross buns and Easter eggs. Membershad bought along poems and stories to read aloud, most of them light-hearted but some of them more thoughtprovoking. We also had a very successful bring & buy stall. Another busy and entertaining afternoon.

    Now here are members diary dates:1st May Speaker: Donna Chalcraft - music15th May Bingo Sara Ruane


    Our President Maureen Hobbs hosted the April meeting and welcomed members and two visitors. Maureen introducedour new programme and outlined some significant events that will take place this year to celebrate our 75th Anniversary

    year and the Queens Diamond Jubilee.

    It has been a busy month for our members. Several members attended the OFWI Annual council meeting held at thetown hall. The speakers included Ruth Bond our NFWI Chair and Janie Hampton a local author. Janie has just pub-lished a book entitled The Austerity Olympics - how the Olympics came to London in 1948.

    Two members attended an Archiving workshop in Banbury where instruction was given on how to protect our preciousarchives. Our own records and scrapbooks date back to our inauguration in 1937 and provide a wealth of local socialhistory. OFWI has recently been awarded a Heritage Lottery Grant and each WI has been given a selection of suitablearchiving materials.

    Our speaker for the evening was Sue John who gave an informative talk and demonstration of flower arranging using avariety of spring flowers. Her arrangements were both contemporary and traditional, some using just a few flowers. Thearrangements were then raffled amongst members.Jane Dearie won the draw for the Denman Bursary. Congratulations go to Sara Ruane; following a Villeroy & Bochdemonstration day at Denman College in the art of creative table laying members were invited by the sponsors tosubmit their own creative layouts and accompanying short story. Sara won first prize and now has the enviable task ofchoosing a dinner set of her choice from the current Villeroy & Boch catalogue.

    The walking group continues to meet on the Tuesday following our meeting at 9.30am outside Christ Church.The next meeting is our Resolutions Meeting on Thursday May 10th at 7.30pm in the Recreation Hall.

    Sue Gibson

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    Hanborough Village Market in the Pavilion

    The next market will be on: SUNDAY 6th May 10am - 1pm at the Pavilion

    We now sell... Local Meat, Veg, Fruit, Eggs, Cheese, Bread, Fairtrade Products,

    Jewellery ,Cards.

    Plus ....... Enjoy a hot Bacon/Sausage/Egg Bap while drinking coffee & reading the

    Days papers - Perfect!!

    For further details contact - Nicky - 882677Social Club opening timesWe are now opening the Pavilion bar on the first Friday of the month 6.30 - 11pmMembership available 5 for a lifetime! next one Friday 4th May

    DIY discosPA system (Ipod, CD compatible) with music sequenced lights available to hire - 25Please note- this is not a portable system.Sharon Rhodes - Hall hire - 01993 886879

    The start of the cricket season is now imminent and there have been a few changes in the captaincy and vice-captaincy positions within the club.

    Firstly, Id to thank the outgoing captains Mike Dove and Gavin Lever, both of whom have worked tirelessly

    for the club during what has been a very difficult couple of seasons. They have been replaced by Aston Leach,

    who is the new first team captain and Glenn Willett who is the new second team captain. They will be ablyassisted by their vice-captains Joe Burgess and Timothy Adair. This is an investment in youth by the club andI would like to wish them all the best for the season and Im sure that everyone connected with the club will be

    providing them with all possible help and assistance.

    We also have a change of president as our long serving president Harry Foote has decided to retire. For the 30odd years that I have been associated with the club, Harry has been the epitome of what cricket at this level isand should be about and is liked and respected throughout the county. On behalf of everyone at the club Id

    like to thank Harry for everything hes done for the club over the years.

    The new president is Peter Greenway. Peter has also been a long standing and hard working member of the

    club for over 30 years as well as our main sponsor for a number of seasons and I would like to thank him fortaking on the role of president and wish him an enjoyable season.

    Finally, the club are desperately in need of a first team scorer for the season so if anyone is willing to help us

    out with this position could they please contact Matthew Busby on 01993 883143.

    Matthew Busby. Chairman.


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    HANBOROUGH THEN & NOW written by Stephen Braybrooke Tucker

    LONDON 2nd JUNE 1953A new Elizabethan age began today with the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey. Crowds

    thronged the London streets, defying the rain for a glimpse of their new young monarch. The Abbey wascrowded with heads of state, prime ministers and other dignitaries from around the world.

    London was witnessing the greatest celebration since the end of the Second World War. Tens of thousands

    more, many of them viewing television for the first time, watched in rapture the whole ceremony on screensset up around the country.

    In a ceremony dating back to the Middle Ages,Princess Elizabeth was anointed with Holy Oil by the

    Archbishop of Canterbury, then presented with symbols ofher authority - the orb, the sceptre, the rod of mercy and the ring of sapphires and rubies. Then the Archbishopraised the crown of St Edward above her head, lowered it and proclaimed,

    God save the Queen.

    As the peers and dignitaries echoed the cry, and trumpets and bells sounded across the capital, the guns of the

    Tower of London fired their salute.Prince Philip then led forward his fellow peers in the formal

    act of homage to the women who was not only his Queen butalso his wife.

    Afterwards the crowds were rewarded by the wonderful sight

    of the procession of coaches and escorts on their way back toBuckingham Palace.

    Television, invented in the 1920s, was launched as a public

    service in the 1930s but suspended during the Second WorldWar. Since then the BBC had relaunched its service, but the

    purchase of sets had been very gradual. The decision to per-

    mit cameras into the abbey was welcomed by the thousandswho would have no other chance to witness the pageantry and

    ceremony actually on the day.

    When we celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee in June letus hope the weather will be a little kinder!

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    will be held at the Church of St Peter & St Paul, Church Hanboroughat 10 am

    Everyone is very welcome.

    AND ON Monday 4th JUNE the Village Party

    Ticket InformationPlans for the village party to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee continue and we can now give you

    information on ticket arrangements.Tickets will be available as of May 1st and prices are:

    5.00 per adult and 3.00 per child if purchased before May 31st.

    6.00 per adult 4.00 per child if purchased on the day or after May 31st.

    The day will feature Live music Open mic event featuring local performers of all ages. Childrens games and bouncy castle

    Hot Food Bar

    Lighting of the Jubilee Beacon

    We would like to ask as many people as possible to purchase their tickets in advance, as this will help us to let the barand other catering providers of likely numbers.Tickets can be purchased from the following people:

    Jo Rockwood-880336, Nicky Busby-882677, Tracy Hobley-882857, Katy Pottinger-880377

    With very best wishes from the Long Hanborough Queens Diamond Jubilee Party Committee.

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    and PAINTED FURNITUREMade locally in East End

    > Furniture for the Kitchen, living Room

    Dining Room, Bedroom, Office

    > Kitchen design, manufacture and

    installation service

    > Affordable prices

    > Extensive standard range

    > Bespoke work undertaken

    Tel: 01993 881336

    Pineland CraftsProprietor : Richard Langley

    Whitehill House, East End, North Leigh, Witney

    Please send for our free information pack to:

    Amber One, The Paddocks, Church HanboroughWitney, Oxon OX29 8AB

    Or Telephone: 01993 881132

    Wills, IHT Trust

    Property Trusts

    Lasting Powers of Attorney

    Established 1990

  • 8/2/2019 May No 338




    Services in Hanborough for May 2012

    6th 08.00 Holy Communion (Rev David Tyler) St Peter & St Paul

    10.00 Morning Worship Manor School

    18.00 Communion & Healing Service (Revs Peter Ball & David Tyler) Christ Church

    13th 10.00 Holy Communion & Baptism (Rev Jackie Gardner) St Peter & St Paul

    10.00 Holy Communion & Baptism (Rev David Tyler) Manor School

    18.00 Evening Prayer Christ Church

    17th 20.00 Ascension Day Communion (Revs David Tyler & Sr Mary) St Peter & St Paul

    20th 08.00 Holy Communion (Rev David Tyler) St Peter & St Paul

    10.00 United Celebration Service Manor School

    10.00 United Morning Prayer Christ Church

    18.00 Compline Christ Church

    27th 10.00 Holy Communion & Baptism (Rev Peter Ball) St Peter & St Paul10.00 Morning Worship & thanksgiving (Rev David Tyler) Manor School

    18.00 Evening Prayer (Rev David Tyler) Christ Church

    June 3rd 10.00 Holy Communion &Diamond Jubilee Celebration (Rev Jackie Gardner) St Peter & St Paul

    18.00 BCP Holy Communion (Rev Sr Mary)

    We also have groups for young people meeting during the week

    Primary aged children and younger - Bible Fun Club meeting in Freeland every month

    A toddler group meets at St Marys every week on Thursday from 10.30 - 11.30am

    11+ Hitchhikers meeting in Hanborough at 7pm on Sunday evening.

    14 - 18 TTT meeting in Hanborough at 7.30pm on Thursday evenings at the Rectory.

    For further information on all these groups phone David on 881270

    or visit -

    Services in Freeland for May 2012

    6th 10.00 Family Service & Baptism (Rev David Tyler) St Marys

    18.00 No Taize - Healing Service at Christ Church, Long Hanborough

    13th 08.00 Holy Communion (Rev David Tyler) St Marys

    17th 20.00 Ascension Day Communion (Revs David Tyler & Sr Mary

    St Peter & St Paul, Church Hanborough

    20th 10.00 Holy Communion & Baptism with Junior Church (Rev David Tyler) St Marys

    27th 08.00 Holy Communion (Rev David Tyler) ..

    June 3rd 10.00 Family Service (Rev Peter Ball) ..

    18.00 Taize (Rev Peter Ball) ..

    There is also a service of Holy Communion on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday

    at St Marys Freeland led by Rev Jackie Gardner.


    For information on any of the above services please contact Rev David Tyler at The Rectory, Swan Lane.

    Long Hanborough or on 01993 881270

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    A new version of the Cotswold Line rail timetable comes

    into operation from Sunday, 13th May and will be useduntil next December. A copy of the new timetableshowing all trains that serve Hanborough (but not thefew trains that do not stop at Hanborough) is on theopposite page.

    We now have the most frequent train service that Han-borough has ever seen - 18 down trains (from London)and 19 up trains (to London) each weekday comparedwith 11 or 12 a weekday in those halcyon days prior tothe Beeching rail cuts.As a result more travellers use Hanborough station than

    ever before with the weekday number now approaching200 a day.

    Although the station car park was about doubled in size afew years ago, the growth in use has now resulted innearly twice as many car users coming to the station asthe car park can accommodate. Although much of thegrowth has occurred because of the increasing conges-tion on the roads into Oxford at peak commuting hoursand the very real increase in the cost of petrol togetherwith the reintroduction of Park and Ride car parkcharges, a significant part of the increased use is ac-counted for by people from London and the south-east

    relocating their homes to West Oxfordshire and using thevery early morning trains to commute to work back tothe area they came from!

    As a result up to 70 vehicles a day have been counted

    parking on the A4095 (Main Road) grass verges near thestation, damaging the grass surface, creating a road

    safety hazard, slowing the traffic and, not least, disturb-ing the life of the local residents.

    The authorities, and by that I mean, Network Rail, FirstGreat Western, Oxon C.C., West Oxon D.C., and your

    parish council have been trying to get a significant in-crease in the off-road parking facilities to relieve these


    Network Rail set up a year ago a 100 million fund tofund station improvements. At about the same time, theplant hire depot located close to the station was closedand became available as a potential new car park facility.Last September a bid was made for finance from thisfund to construct a car park at this site.

    Unfortunately, this bid was not successful. Network Railhas since made further finance available and after tweak-ing the plans for the original bid to increase the numberof parking spaces and thus reduce the construction cost

    per space a new bid was made at the end of February2012.

    The good news is that contracts have been signed and theconstruction of the new car park with 197 spaces willhopefully be completed early in 2013.

    There are however some implications for car park usersand the local residents.

    The fund that would provide the finance for these stationimprovements is made available that such improvementswould be revenue generating, i.e. that the costs of suchimprovements will not fall on taxpayers or the rail


    As the Hanborough project is now approved under thisscheme, it will be necessary to introduce parking chargesat the station, both at the new car park and the existingcar park within the station.As most people will appreciate, the introduction of car

    parking charges would not be popular amongst peopleparking at the station, particularly as the parking facility

    is currently provided free of charge.

    Without other measures, many of the people wishing to park at the station would try to avoid paying and parkonce again on the public highway making the problem as

    bad as before.

    The parking project therefore includes provisions forcontrolling parking on the highway and verge in thevicinity of the station, i.e. yellow no parking lines, etc..

    We will update readers when further information isavailable.

    Andrew Wilkins, Hanborough Parish PublicTransport Representative.


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  • 8/2/2019 May No 338




    10.00am Morning Worship, with activities for children

    3rd or 4th Sunday in monthUNITED ALL-AGE CELEBRATIONAnglican/Methodist service at varying venues


    Fellowship groups, Prayer Groups, Childrens activities - for further information -Gill Breakspear, Senior Steward (883914) Allsorts Club and other activities areincluded in our weekly notice sheet -

    Services for May 2012

    6th 10.00 am LA

    13th 10.00 am Rev Elgin Crewe. Holy Communion

    20th 10.00 am United Celebration Service LA

    27th 10.00 am Mrs Elizabeth Duffy

    We warmly welcome you to our church and pray you will find blessing in our midst and leave with the love, joy andpeace of our risen Lord Jesus Christ in your heart.

    Long Hanborough Methodist Church Womens Fellowship

    Meet in the Welcome Room on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 2.00pm.All Ladies welcome

    May10th Members meeting24th David Sarbutts

    Weekday Communion

    Wednesday 2nd May A short service of Holy Communion

    Led by Rev Peter Goodhall at 10.00am Long Hanborough Methodist Church.All are welcome

    The Hanborough Churches

    God has poured out his love into our hearts by means of theHoly Spirit, who is Gods gift to us.

    Romans Ch 5 v5

    Church website address:


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    Long Hanborough Playgroup provides a high standard of pre-school education, for children aged between 2 and 5 yearsold. Playgroup is a pre-school with its own purpose built building and separate outside play area, within the ManorPrimary School grounds. This enables us to have strong links with the school and provides an easy transition into thefoundation stage at school.Playgroup is open to take children for full or partial day care from 8.45am until 3pm term time only.


    We would like to extend a BIG welcome to the following children who will be starting Playgroup this month,

    they are: Jake Worth, Wyatt Wickson, Louie Peirsegaele, Chloe Fuller and Evie Lloyd.

    What will we be doing this term.

    We have been planting all sorts of seeds including cress, runner beans and sunflowers; perhaps we will even manage arecord breaking sunflower!

    We have also made collages from seeds and used seeds to count with and to compare sizes.

    We are planning trips to the park and to the Co-op, where we will buy the ingredients to cooksome cakes-yum yum.

    We also celebrated St Georges day on 23rd April.

    Forest School Sessions

    Our Forest School sessions have moved to Tuesday mornings.We have recently been collecting bark to create bark rubbings and leaves to print with.

    The children really enjoy the chance to dig around in the dirt and explore their surroundings; everyone comes homeexhausted and happy!!

    Committee meeting dates

    We have a couple of committee meetings coming up and would welcome anyone who is interested in joining

    the committee or who would like to be more involved in any capacity.

    Tuesday 1st May - 8.00pm in the Playgroup building

    Tuesday 12th June - 8.00pm in the Playgroup building

    For further information please contact Lynne Ashton Tel: 881603 or Playgroup 07818553127

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    singing lessons

    and Voice Tuition

    for Speakers

    Lessons in Stonesfield

    Patrick Ardagh-Walter

    (01993) [email protected]

    Associate Teacher of the David JonesVoice Studio, New York

    experienced - effective - friendly


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    Call Steve on 07831 412772

    or Suzi 07890 310918

  • 8/2/2019 May No 338



    Hanborough Pre-SchoolEst 1965 Charity No 304309

    Hanborough Pre-School is held in the Pavilion at Hanborough playing fields. It is a fun and happy place welcoming

    children from 2 to 5 years of age. Government funding is available for children aged 3 years or over. We provide a safe and

    friendly environment for children to learn through play with a strong emphasis on outdoor education.

    Sessions run from 9am to 12pm Monday to Friday during school term time. We have an afternoon session on Wednesday from

    12.15 to 3.15pm for children who will be going to school in September. We also run Forest School session on a Monday and Fridaymornings where the children have the opportunity for fun, games and activities while exploring the great outdoors.

    WelcomeWe would like to welcome Finley Clarke, Zak New and Edith Newman to Pre-

    School. We hope they have a lovely time with us and make lots of new friends.

    This terms topic - MovementDuring the last two weeks of term the children have been thinking about different

    types of vehicles and how they move. Using the tyres on different size cars and

    tractors the children painted swirling pictures, mixing the colours as they worked.

    We built ramps and tunnels together using wooden blocks and tubes to see how fast

    and far vehicles could travel. As the dry weather continued we had lots of fun

    riding our bikes, scooters and tractors in our outdoor play area. The children putwater on the ground so that they could make tyre tracks in circles and lines.

    On a Wednesday afternoon we took the older children to the Main Road to

    complete a traffic survey and watch the different types of vehicles travel along our

    busiest road. They were very excited by this activity and made lots of marks on

    their pieces of paper.

    Our Easter preparations began with painting giant sized eggs for our Easter egg

    hunt. The children did a fantastic job of decorating and numbering these ready for

    the big day. We handled different size eggs - an Ostrich egg, a chickens egg and a

    Quails egg, looking carefully at their different size, colour and texture - not one

    broken, phew, what a result!

    Together we listened to lots of Easter stories and learned how this time of year isspecial for Christian and Pagan families. We talked about how we celebrate Easter

    with our own families. The children painted hard boiled eggs, made Easter hats and

    drew Easter cards for special people.

    Our Easter event was a great success. Thank you to all the parents and carers who

    came along to support uswe hope you had a lovely time. The children searched

    for the giant Easter eggs at the pit and rolled their decorated eggs down the grassy

    slopes. After a wonderful Easter hat parade around the field we drew the winning

    tickets for our Easter chocolate raffle. Well done all the winners we hope you

    enjoyed your delicious prizes and had a lovely Easter holiday.

    Thank youThank you to Judy and Jenny for inviting us

    to the Methodist Church for a morning ofEaster stories and activities. We had a lovely

    time and it was great to see the children from


    The children had a lovely time studying

    different sized eggs during our Easter

    preparations. We must thank the Platt familyfor lending them to us.

    We must also thank Carol Stevens, the

    Simpson family and the Clarke family for

    sending in some milk bottle tops. It was so

    kind of you to think of us and great to know

    people do read our report!

    Pre-School and the

    CommunityWe are collecting blue and red milk bottle

    tops at Pre-School and would appreciate any

    donations - Thank you.

    Diary Dates

    June 4th - 8th Holiday

    June 11th - Term 6 starts.

    Want to know more about Pre-School?

    For a Pre-School prospectus or to arrange a visit. Call Jackie Moss on 01993 883261 or the pavilion duringsession times on 01993 883178

    Equipment hire for parties at the Pavilion Call Lynda Leach on 01993 882503

    Forest SchoolWhile continuing our theme of movement the children helped to make a weather

    vane and watched it move in the wind. We went for a walk to see the lambs in thefield and found lots of rabbit holes.

    Together we ate delicious toasted hot cross buns and observed the seasonal changes

    as spring unfurled.

    OPEN DAYSat. June 16th

    1011.30amin the Pavilion

    Please come along, see what we do

    and join in the fun.

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    Swimmers are being urged to pick out their swimwear

    following news that West Oxfordshire District Councils heated outdoor pool in Woodstock isnow open for the summer season.As well as a the 25metre pool, there is a separate paddling pool for younger children.

    Ben Border, West Oxfordshire Partnership Manager for Nexus Community, who runs the poolon behalf of the District Council, said: With the great weather and a sport filled summer Im

    sure many people will want to get active. The pool is heated to 29 degrees, so it means we getlots of visitors whatever the weather and there is plenty of green space for people wanting to

    bring a picnic with them and making a day of it.

    The pool, in Shipton Road, Woodstock, is set in a grassed area. The deep end of the main poolhas a diving board and a depth of 3.5m, so is an ideal place for diving enthusiasts.

    The changing rooms have modern showers and there are disabled facilities. The pool is alsoopen for private hire and swimming lessons.Entrance costs range from 2.50 (off-peak) and 3.00 (peak) for juniors to 4.50 (off-peak)and 5.75 (peak) for adults, with concessions, family and season tickets available. There isalso free parking available.The pool will remain open for the summer season until 2nd September.

    Anyone wanting further information can call 01993 811785or visit

  • 8/2/2019 May No 338


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  • 8/2/2019 May No 338




    Open Day Sunday June 17th from 2pm to 5pm

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    Cogges Manor Farm reopens its doors for the 2012 season

    with a host of activities and events. We are delighted towelcome animals back to the farm, with Gloucester Old

    Spot piglets, Indian runner ducks, pygmy goats, sheep andchickens charming visitors of all ages. Fun activities for

    families include a large sand pit, a play shop and kitchen,skittles, croquet, boule and adventure play in the Norman

    moat. A tranquil stroll through the orchard and woodland

    takes you down to the glorious Windrush river. The houseand gardens are open at weekends with traditional cooking

    taking place on the Victorian kitchen range, and the newly planted walled garden will provide inspiration for all keen


    The new Simple Bakery coffee shop provides mouth-watering cup cakes, great coffee and light lunches from

    8.30am to 5.30pm. A newly refurbished shop has a greatselection of local food, drink and craft as well as an excitingrange of childrens toys and gifts for the home and garden.

    We have an exciting line up of events for

    the season. In May we are hosting the

    Witney Music Festival on Saturday 5thwith a series of plugged and unplugged

    sessions.On Sunday 6th May and Monday 7th we

    have two days we have two days of rural

    craft activities and traditional May Daycelebrations including a Maypole dance.

    On Sunday 12th May we have a Childrens Drawing Workshop from 10.00am to 12.00pm, taking inspira-

    tion from artist Paul Nash and the evocative surroundings of Cogges; (an additional fee will apply).

    Our highlight for the month will be a touring production of Charlottes Web taking place in the stunning

    barns. M&M Theatrical Productions adaption is a play full of amazing costumes, imaginative colourful

    stage sets and heart-warming characters

    Tickets: Adults 8, Children 5.50.

    Cogges is open from Tuesday to Sunday and on Bank Holidays from 10am to 5pm.Please see our website for more information ( and book by email at:

    [email protected].

    We look forward to welcoming you.



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    At the Methodist Church

    Every Friday in term time

    We open 8.45am - 2.30pm

    Fairtrade tea/coffee/ hot chocolate

    Cold drinks, Soup, Filled rolls, Homemade cakesTraidcraft Stall

    Toys & books for younger children

    Magazines & local papers for adults!

    Drop in Coffee Morning

    The Drop-in Coffee Mornings are held weekly onTuesdays at Christ Church, Long Hanborough.

    We have been meeting every Tuesday for eighteenyears enjoying friendship and fellowship

    among about twenty people every session, some ofwhom come regularly and others who just drop-in.

    Thousands of pounds have been given tomissions and charities.

    There is always room for more to join in everyone is welcome.

    The organisers are:- Edna Harris, Judy Haynes and

    Ann Fox.

    learn the

    alexander technique

    in Stonesfield

    Life changing: freedom of movement,Freedom from pain, improved alertness,

    The ability to learn again, improved confidence,Better health, improved breathing,

    Inner calmness,To mention but a few changes.

    (STAT pupil survey 2006)

    Patrick Ardagh-Walter


    (01993) [email protected]

    and see

  • 8/2/2019 May No 338



    Fr. Martin Flatman

    Priest in Charge of St Peters Catholic Church, EynshamAlso serving the Hanboroughs, Freeland, Cassington, Stanton Harcourt, Sutton,& Northmoor.PARISH ADDRESS

    St Peters , Abbey St, Eynsham, Oxfordshire OX29 4HR U.K.Email: [email protected] WEEKLY TALK (Homily) can be sent to you by email. Just send your address.He is also on FACEBOOK and TWITTER and has a Tel : 01865 881613 Mobile: 07719 646790

    SUNDAY MASS at St Peters 10.00amand SATURDAY (for Sunday) 7.30pmCONFESSIONS on Saturdays from 18.45 or make an appointmentHOLY HOUR of PRAYER on SATURDAYS from 18.30 with BENEDICTION at 19.15THE HALL The Tolkien Room is available for hire. Tel: 01865 464320

    EASTER CONTINUES right the way through May, so the Great Easter Candle remains in the sanctuary to remindeveryone that Christ is alive with God for ever. We also have our usual gold decoration behind the Altar to emphasise theglory of this Easter period. It ends on Pentecost Sunday (that used to be called Whitsunday) on May 27th when wecelebrate the moment when the Holy Spirit came on the disciples and gave them courage to begin to tell others aboutJesus.

    MAY IS NAMED AFTER MARY so on the first Sunday of May, Mass ends with a childrens procession to crown ourstatue of Mary. We Catholics are sometimes accused of worshipping Mary as if she were a goddess. Of course, this isnot true, but we do honour her as the mother of Jesus, and thus the mother of God. We also ask her regularly to pray for

    us, as we ask all those who are close to Jesus.

    WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO THE QUEENS JUBILEE on Sunday 3rd June when we will say special

    prayers for her and the Royal Family as she celebrates her Diamond Jubilee.Many of us who live in Eynsham will then join the Village Lunch in the Square.

    EYNSHAM WILL ALSO HAVE A BEACON thanks to us at St Peters who have put up the money for this event onthe evening of Monday 4th June sometime between 10.00pm and 10.30pm. We will be told the exact time by the nationalorganisers. This will take place in the Square with the Beacon being lit on top of St Leonards Church Tower. We willsing the National Anthem and some other traditional songs.

    THE EYNSHAM ABBEY BONES will be reburied with a Requiem Mass celebrated by our Archbishop on Saturday

    23rd June at 11.00am. These are the remains of the bodies dug up during the Archaeological Dig some 25 years ago.Everyone is welcome to this ceremony.

    A NEW SCREEN has been installed in the Tolkien Room (our Church Hall) on which we can view presentations thataccompany talks as well as watching TV programmes like the Olympics or the Queens Jubilee together or watching a

    film. Those who come in for coffee after Sunday Mass have already seen it at work showing a summary of our TuesdayEvening Course. If you want to hire the Tolkien Room please contact Mrs Dani Bint on 01865 464320 but if you want to

    use the Presentation Screen contact Father Martin after you have booked the Hall.

    SOLAR PANELS have been fitted to the south facing roof of the House and Tolkien Room free of charge.This is part of a project in Eynsham where we get cheaper electricity but the local community - through Eynsham GreenTea - get the profits that can be put into more local green initiatives in the future. It would have been good to fit them onthe Church too but there were some hitches about this.We look to the future - maybe even a heat pump.


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    Answers for Crossword No 23: April .Across: 1 Tulip: 4 Sonic: 7 Adam: 8 Uncas: 9 Uther: 10 Swag: 13 Hess: 16 An: 17 Kurd: 19 Kitten: 22 Insole:

    23 Rain: 25 On: 26 Ever: 29 Enya: 31 Media: 32 Lenin: 33 Sage: 34 Smart: 35 Cisco.Down: 1 Truth: 2 Locks: 3 Pass: 4 Smug: 5 Nehru: 6 Cured: 11 Watson: 12 Antony: 14 Emma: 15 Skin:

    17 Knee: 18 Rune: 20 In: 21 El: 23 Remus: 24 India: 27 Venus: 28 Ringo: 29 East: 30 Alec.


    1 Bug random country (7)

    4 Token PC driver (4)

    6 Self absorbed in pride going before a fall (3)7 Jolson emigrates from one country and leaves another (7)

    8 Key category (4)

    10 Day to day border crossing (4,4)

    14 Stop vampire in A&E (5)

    15 Game revolutionary goes before secret police (5)

    16 Apply with gilt as sun goes down (8)

    20 70s supergroup made up initially from Aerosmith,

    Supertramp, INXS and AC/DC (4)

    22 Squander battered food (7)

    23 Sounds like Mr Laurie; colourful! (3)

    24 Plucky pheasant (4)

    25 Military establishment raises concern again (7)


    1 Without European capital M is in danger (5)2 Revisionist remit for cap on clerics (5)

    3 Could be 5 down or 21 down (5)4 Often drawn charger (4)

    5 Nip back east wood (4)

    9 Tip over chalice and girl leaves for sports field (5)

    11 Remains secured after final test drive (5)

    12 Type of rest thats good for the soul or so we hear (4)13 Lear overthrown for another aristocrat (4)

    17 Accompanied by ice cream and wine (5)

    18 Nitro explosion exposes brief opening (5)

    19 Sailor returns to fortune teller (5)

    20 Wide eyed maggot has jippy tum (4)

    21 Long for each new cocktail (4)

  • 8/2/2019 May No 338







    (01993) 891132 / (M) 07941843353








    0800 9555063

    MOBILE07817 792194

    Woodstock U3A - The University of the Third AgeSpeaker Programme February - April

    Meeting usually on the 1st Tuesday every month at 2.00pm at the Marlborough School, Woodstock. New and potentialmembers are most welcome.

    May 8th Going by Water (from the Oxford Canal to the Mighty Amazon). John PaineJune 12th St Helena Jill CareyJuly 10th From Downing Street and back Alan Brewer

    U3A is a nationwide organisation set up for older people not in full-time employment, who wish to meet socially and

    become involved in a wealth of different interest groups. Meetings usually last about 2 hours.

    Woodstock U3A is almost 100 strong and currently has 18 interest groups, all of which meet regularly:

    Ambling, Battles & Battlefields, Books, Bridge, Classical Music, Discussion, Lunch Group, Madrigal Singing, Needle-Craft and Lace Making, Living History, Painting & Drawing, Play Reading (2 groups), Poetry for Pleasure, Recorders,

    Science Discussion, Scrabble and Walking.

    An ideal opportunity to meet new friends, socialise, pick up a new hobby or interest or just meet friends once a month.Chairman John Turvey will be delighted to hear from any prospective members: Tel: 01993 812806

    or Patrick Fitz-Gibbon Tel: 01869 347238. Email: [email protected]

    U3A Woodstock now has its own website up and running:

  • 8/2/2019 May No 338


    West Oxfordshire confirms Olympic Torch Route

    The beautiful backdrop of Blenheim Palace has been chosen as a photographic location for the Olympic torch as

    it travels through the historic town of Woodstock on the afternoon of Monday July 9th.

    Cllr Richard Langridge, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism said,

    We are looking forward to welcoming West Oxfordshire residents to join us on 9th July and share in the

    Olympic spirit and cheer on the inspirational torchbearers, most of whom have been nominated by the public.

    Seeing the Olympic Flame on its journey for most of us is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but even moreexciting seeing it travel through our local community.

    Historic Woodstock and the splendour of Blenheim Palace are both wonderful examples of the rich heritage andbreathtaking beauty of West Oxfordshire, which we are very proud to be showcasing that day. It will indeed beour moment to shine.

    Roland Read of Oxford is the first to be named of the Torchbearers running through Woodstock and Blenheim

    Palace. Graham Warland and Pat Pearce MBE are also running. There will be about eight runners altogether.

    For more information about the route, including proposed timings as it travels through the country you can viewit in full on:


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    BOOKING FORM:Table coordinator Name....................................................................................................... ..................................................................

    Address: ................................................................................................................... ............................................................................

    Tel No: ................................................. Number of Guests ............................ Email ........... ...........................................................

    Deposit of 15 per person: (cheques payable to Hanborough Ball)Return to: Sarah Nicholls, 9 Main Road, Long Hanborough, OX29 8BE Tel: 01993 881466

    If you require any further information please contact Jon & Tracy 880219 or Steve & Sarah 881466

  • 8/2/2019 May No 338

