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Tarot Reading for

Astrology Forecast-May 2015

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Ten of Cups



Workplace friendships may be a little strained this month, due to a Mercury retrograde in your

house of acquaintances. There may be small, minor spats that typically wouldn't arise in any

other month. Your coworker might spoil the ending of that popular Sunday night drama that

you've DVR'ed and haven't watched yet, for instance. If you get on fairly well with your bosses

and superiors, there may be some friction there as well. Thankfully, Mars is helping to ease some

of this tension by also entering your house of acquaintances. With just a little restraint on your

part, this month shouldn't be too much of a problem.


While Aries is a sign that is constantly looking for, finding, and then moving on from new love

to new love, there are indeed periods in which even a sign as amorous as Aries isn't overly

interested in romance. With Mars and Mercury both making waves in your Third house, this

appears to be just such a month. The Third house rules such matters as acquaintances, extended

families, and neighbors, which means that you'll be more focused on these people than on

meeting new potential lovers. Although, it should be said, this doesn't preclude the possibility of

you being introduced to a possible paramour through a cousin or coworker.

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In Love

Expect there to be some shakeups this month in your relationship due to friends and family. As

mentioned above, the Third house is involved with extended family, neighbors, and

acquaintances, and with a Mercury retrograde in that house, complications can arise. This could

entail anything from you and your spouse having disagreements with the family next door

(maybe that barking dog is finally too much for you to bear), or your nephew showing up at your

front door wanting to crash for the weekend, and possibly disrupting the harmony within your

home. Whatever the case, you can take some comfort in knowing that these events shouldn't

create any major problems between you and your partner.


Mars is still in your house of money, where he has been residing since last month, so you'll still

enjoy some of the benefits of his influence. But chances are this won't be as fruitful a month as

April, if only because by the middle of May, Mars will have moved on from this house. Still, it

never hurts to have a bit of extra confidence and motivation in handling your money, and while

Mars won't be in your corner helping you for the second half of the month, you can still take

advantage of his assistance in the first part of May.


This month you'll want to be a bit more careful as far as head injuries go. It's worth mentioning

that each sign rules a certain body part. Cancer rules the hands, for instance, and Leo rules the

heart. Aries, however, rules the head, and you may have already noticed that your sign is

predisposed to head injuries. You've probably got a scar or two already on your noggin. It's not

like every day is a fight to maintain the structural integrity of your skull, but there are times

when you're more at risk for a head injury. This is one of those times, Aries, and for that reason

we recommend you be a bit more careful in your day-to-day activity.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: XII The Hanged Man


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Finally a peaceful, enjoyable month of work. You no doubt have noticed that there has not really

been a truly enjoyable month yet in 2015, as far as your work and career are concerned. We're

talking Lunar eclipses in April, and Mercury retrogrades in January. But this month you'll finally

see some stability and productivity, with nothing standing in your way. And since you're a sign

that often measures your worth based on successes and failures at work, you can be sure that

you're going to start feeling better about yourself this month.


Confidence levels are higher this month, meaning that you'll have a better shot at finding

someone who you truly can see yourself with for the long haul. And really, the timing is pretty

spot-on. In the next few months you're going to see the influence of Saturn on your viewpoints

regarding relationships and long-term love. You'll have luck with finding love for the foreseeable

future, but we recommend that you go out and start seeking that love in May, so that you'll have

a better shot at watching your relationship build during these coming fruitful months.

In Love

Any Taurus who has recently begun a new relationship will be happy to hear that plenty of

growth is expected in that relationship as we head on toward the middle of 2015. Essentially, the

entire rest of the year looks quite healthy for your chances at true love, Taurus, and you're

probably thinking that it's about time you found the right person. And hopefully you have,

because this is one of the biggest themes and subjects for your sign this year, and one that will

dominate 2015 more so than any other area of your life.


Alas, with good news comes bad, and your financial prognosis isn't up to par with the healthy

outlook for the rest of your month. This is largely due to a Mercury retrograde in your house of

money. You'll have a harder time holding onto your weekly earnings, and choices made

regarding finances will be a bit more difficult for you to fully get a grasp on. These difficulties

will continue until the middle of June, and because of that we recommend that you try to avoid

making any major decisions in this area until Summertime comes around.


You'll be happy to learn that your energy levels will be in tip-top shape throughout the month,

thanks to Mars being in your sign for the first half of May. Taurus is a sign that already has a

good reservoir of energy at any given moment, but you may surprise even yourself with the

added “oomph” that you possess in the first couple weeks of May. Though this energy will taper

off as we go to June, don't think that it means you'll feel a crash, like when you take a lot of

caffeine and sugar. You'll just comfortably slide back into your typical level of energy which, for

a Taurus, isn't a bad thing at all.

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3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Page of Pentacles


It's been a pretty haphazard year so far for Gemini, inasmuch as work is concerned, with some

good and some bad. But in the coming months, with Saturn leaving your sixth house (which

rules daily routine and jobs, among other things), there will be some significant, immediately

evident changes, most of them positive and signaling growth. Saturn typically doles out lessons

that can sometimes be difficult and disruptive, but as he leaves a house, we often start to see his

kind, generous side. You've been accepting of his tough lessons, which almost always end up

being for your own good, but now you get to experience the fun. Things are starting to look up,



While we'd hesitate to call Gemini a “promiscuous” sign, the fact of the matter is that your sign

does see the appeal of casual sex more than some other signs and, from time to time, engages in

it. But as we hinted at last month, changes are in store that will make you more appreciative of

committed relationships, and as early as this month you're more likely to avoid short flings and

one night stands. You're at the start of a period where you'll gain more of an appreciation for your

body, and this is just the beginning of the good things to come.

In Love

Many Geminis are emerging from recent breakups at this time. Think of the last couple months

as a sort of “wheat and chaff” phase, wherein any Gemini who wasn't in a relationship that was

beneficial and provided growth was driven to end things. Some Geminis are still in the process

of ending relationships even now, and you may be one of them. But if things are going well

between you and your partner well, and the last couple months have been relatively free of strife

and fighting, then the chances are good that the two of you will be together for some time to

come, with the love between you two growing ever deeper as 2015 progresses.


A purchase related to the home is likely to arise for you this month. Perhaps in April you may

have noticed that the refrigerator has been making a strange sound, or maybe you noticed that

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your water heater was standing on its last legs. Though it may be a bitter pill to swallow, you will

need to spend a bit of money for something along these lines, although it may make you feel

better to learn that the chances are this purchase shouldn't set you back too much. Think of

somewhere in the realm of three to six hundred dollars; not too cheap, sure, but not overly



This month you'll learn a bit more about diseases and disease prevention. Rest easy Gemini – this

doesn't mean that you'll suffer from a serious illness, it simply means that you're likely to be put

into a situation where you become more educated about some type of ailment. This might be a

course on AIDS that you're required to take for a job in the food service industry. It could also

arise from self-diagnosis on a health website. Whatever the case, it never hurts to know a little

more about disease, so enjoy your newfound lessons; they may come in handy someday.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: King of Swords


May will focus heavily on your subconscious, due to the influence of Mars, and it's the perfect

time for it, Cancer. A big theme of 2015 for your sign is letting go of things that hold you back

and drag you down. Much of this has to do with emotional baggage, something a Cancer is very

familiar with. As such, you'll find yourself retreating inwardly at work, dealing with some of

these issues and trying to make sense of them. You won't be as social and chatty, but you won't

be evasive either. There is the chance that you'll be preoccupied and have a harder time finishing

your tasks, however, and so we recommend you do your best to keep your musings at bay during

the work hour.


This month doesn't look especially fruitful as far as new love is concerned, if only for the fact

that you're in a state of “finding yourself” rather than finding someone else. The urge to seek out

a partner isn't as strong, nor should it be, not until you can shed some of the subconscious

sticking points that Mars is helping you to do. Yes, Cancer: We agree that 2015 hasn't been

especially beneficial to your love life so far, but you have to know that the good times are on the

horizon. This emotional cleansing is required first, though.

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In Love

This is a perfect month to talk to your partner about the little things that cause strife in your

relationship. The reason is because Mars is definitely influencing your subconscious at this time,

but more importantly, Mercury is retrograding in this area at the same time, practically forcing

these issues to come up. In previous months you may have wanted to voice these problems but

weren't able to contextualize them. This month that won't be a problem. There can be a lot of

growth and understanding between the two of you if you take the time to sit down and speak

openly, and honestly.


The desire to give gifts and treat others will be stronger this month, especially those to whom

you have some sort of residual guilt brewing deep down within. But even a general sense of guilt

with yourself will fuel your generosity, causing you to pick up the check at restaurants, or

surprising friends and family with presents. While kindness is never a bad thing, you must be

sure that you're not spending beyond your means. Try to look within yourself and ask why you

feel like you should pay for certain things. If the reasons aren't related to shame or guilt, go

ahead and be a gift-giver. Providing, of course, that these gifts aren't too expensive.


Depression is a risk for some Cancers this month, especially those of you that are harboring

deep-seated remorse for things that may or may not be your fault. But no matter what we do

wrong, it is important to move on and try to become better people, rather than dwelling on what

we did wrong in the past. Learn from it and keep living is a good precept for us all to follow, but

this can be more difficult for Cancer than many other signs. If you simply must feel morose for

these issues that happened in the past, try not to be too hard on yourself.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: V The Hierophant


May brings a great potential for successes in your career, Leo, not the least of which is due to

Mars still lingering in your tenth house. This month you'll be more inclined to set new goals for

yourself, and you'll have the energy and dedication to finish the goals that have been before you

for a little while now. This is a great month for work and money, and we know that you'll make

the most of it. Do try to be patient, however, because your sign can sometimes go overboard

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when you feel a bit of inspiration. Luckily, it appears that Mars' influence this month will be a

pretty good match for your lofty ambitions.


Toward the end of the month there will be some self-analysis regarding what exactly your

dreams are regarding relationships and permanent happiness. Here you'll do some great

soul-searching as you try to determine exactly what it is you want out of a relationship or, for

some Leos, if you even want a relationship. Things will become clear by the end of June, and

many of you will learn quite a lot about yourselves, but as far as meeting a new love is

concerned, May doesn't appear to be very fruitful in that regard.

In Love

Leos in a relationship will also see that the end of May will bring some questions about what

their future goals and dreams are. But having someone who you truly care about will make it

much easier to make sense of these questions and, if your partner is truly one that loves and cares

for you, it can be very revealing to ask them their own goals and expectations. Much like Cancer

above, this month brings a very strong possibility of deeper love and growth between a

relationship that is already healthy.


This will be a very easy, low-key month as far as finances are concerned. You're making a bit

more money during this period, and your stress levels related to money are also more

manageable. But the most important bit is that you're not as inclined to spend freely this month,

which allows you to hold on to a bit more money at the end of every pay period. May looks to be

very generous in this regard, which is music to the ears of a Leo, who sometimes overspends just

to ensure that a good time is had by all. This month you'll have a good time without breaking the



This month you'll be more sensitive to the machinations of your body. At first glance this may

seem like a bad thing. Pain will be more noticeable; things that normally might be annoying on

any other given month will seem to hurt more. A minor toothache will feel more like an irritating

throb. Headaches will seem to hurt a bit more. But while this sounds bad (and indeed it's easy to

see it this way), you'll also be better able to detect what your body is trying to tell you. You'll feel

a closer connection with your body, knowing before you're even thirsty that you need to hydrate,

and feeling more intimately whether your skin is dry, or if your hair is brittle. This is a great

month in which to get to know your body better.

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6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: The Fool


As mentioned last month, May will continue the trend of difficulties at work. Mars is in your

tenth house, which rules your career and profession. Typically this would mean that you would

experience motivation and dedication, helping you to accomplish your goals with more ease, but

a Mercury retrograde this month in the same house is causing you to struggle more, feeling

stilted at every step. A similar effect happened in January when Mercury retrograded in your fifth

house, also negating Mars' positive influence. The best we can tell you, Virgo, is that you should

try to stay strong and do your best. It's been an uneven year for you as far as work is concerned,

and we empathize with you.


If there's a bright side to Mercury negating the effects of Mars in your work life, it's the fact that

Mars will help you to think positively and happily in other areas of your life. You've got a great

mental outlook, and this will help to keep you from feeling overwhelmed. We suggest you take a

few nights to yourself to go out and have fun, unwinding from the workload of each day. With

your cheery demeanor, it will be easier for you to talk to people and form a relationship. There

doesn't appear to be any major hints at a long-term relationship, but sometimes a friendly chat

with an amiable stranger can do loads of good.

In Love

Virgos in a relationship are expected to have a positive month free from drama. Your happy

outlook will help to keep fighting to a minimum, and if you've got a partner who understands

that you're having troubles at work, things will be even better. Your domestic life with your lover

will be just the respite you need to keep you thinking positively as you clock in each day at work.

There is a great potential for growth between the two of you in May, providing you're there for

one another when each of you needs it most.


Don't expect to accrue any real financial growth this month. May simply isn't the time for it.

Closer to the end of the year you'll see some monetary boons that will put you in a good position

all the way through the year and into 2016. Our advice this month? Try to rein in your spending a

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bit, in order to ensure that you'll have the money to spend on investing if you're so inclined,

because the fall and winter will provide some good opportunities for you in this regard.


Despite struggling at work, you're expected to have a great mental state throughout the month,

and you'll be free from mood swings and other things that can cause you to become depressed,

angry, or sullen. There are no physical ailments expected in May, although some Virgos who are

predisposed to allergies may experience the slightest of a flare-up sometime in May. This

shouldn't be too much a problem, though, and your usual allergy medication should negate these

problems pretty effectively. Other than that, things look good and healthy for Virgo.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: Two of Pentacles


Last month we talked about some great positive growth on the horizon for Libra, as far as work

is concerned. Here in May, you'll start to see the beginning of these effects. June and July will

bring more ambition and success, as well as a better grip on what your goals truly are, but this

month you'll start to see things sway that way, setting you up for a very productive summer vis a

vis your career. You can expect to have more energy, a clearer idea of problems you need to

surmount, and other happy instances where work won't seem like so much...well, work. Enjoy

this very fruitful period, Libra. You've earned it.


You'll find yourself more attracted to sensitive people this month, and the reason for this is in no

small part due to Mars' influence on your house of intimacy. Now, Libras in general sometimes

tend to skew more toward thinkers and artistic types, meaning you may have an inherent bias

toward sensitive people. But on the other hand, your sign will often find yourself in relationships

with signs like Aries or Leo, which tend to be more masculine or physical. But this month you

will feel that those who are kind, gentle, and sweet-natured to be much more appealing. This can

be a good thing, provided that person has the rest of the attributes needed to keep you sticking


In Love

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This month bodes very well for Leos in a committed relationship. The aforementioned influence

of Mars will help you to value your partner much more. You'll see how important he or she is to

your happiness, and you won't feel so self-conscious in thanking them or showing them how

appreciative you are. This is a great time for the two of you to strengthen your bonds, and if

you've been at odds in the last couple months, the problems between you two will melt away,

leaving only the deep love you share for one another.


You'll start to see your money situation improve during this time, though it won't accrue as

quickly or as glaringly as perhaps we'd all like to see. Still, this is the beginning of a great phase

that will see you hold on to more money with each passing month. The growth will be a bit less

direct after the Summer ends, but you can definitely walk with a little more bounce in your step

knowing that the next few months will be very kind to you, financially speaking.


You may be a bit more concerned about your overall health during this period. The month of

May could result in you going in for a checkup, getting that long-neglected physical, and

generally being a bit more discerning about what you eat, how much you exercise, and so forth.

And we think that's just fine, Libra. It's great to try to stay abreast of health issues, and a little

extra exercise and some smarter nutritional habits are never a bad thing. Sure, sometimes we go

too far and descend into hypochondria, but you'll never see us fault someone for being concerned

about their body's welfare.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: Five of Swords


Scorpios who work in the food service industry and other occupations that are tip-based and/or

depend on customer satisfaction to a high degree will find it a bit harder to keep their cool under

high-stress situations. Your sign is the type to say what's on your mind, regardless of how others

might feel about what you say. Naturally, this can lead to problems in any job, but for Scorpios in

this line of work, it can be a recipe for disaster. Try to keep your cool and count to ten before

flying off the handle. With any luck, you'll make it through this month just fine.


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This month you'll experience a bit of ennui with the usual type of people you're attracted to. If,

for instance, you usually find yourself drawn to strong, masculine men, you'll be more interested

in that bookish gent in the corner of the coffee shop. If you like women who are reserved and

coquettish, you may surprise yourself when you go up and ask for that exotic dancer's number.

But don't expect this change in attraction to last very long. This is more a case of you trying

something different for a change. Your tastes should go back to normal before May is even up,

but if you get the chance to switch it up, why not go for it and give it a try?

In Love

No matter how happy and rewarding our relationships are, there are always a couple small,

niggling little things that our partners do that annoy us mildly. Usually we just shrug our

shoulders and accept it, taking it with a grain of salt, knowing that on the whole the person we're

with is the one, and these little annoyances are easily overlooked. But this month you'll find it a

bit harder to ignore these little peeves. You may find yourself snapping at your partner for

something that in any other month wouldn't even raise your eyebrows. It goes without saying

that this could cause strife between the two of you, so we recommend that you tread lightly,



You'll be a bit more concerned about money this month, worrying more about how much is going

out as opposed to how much is coming in. Now, we all experience stress related to money – it's

just one of those things we have to deal with as modern humans. But we can't let it eat us up and

cause us to lose sleep at night. This month you'll have a harder time forgetting about your money

problems, no matter how slight they may be. Try to put things in perspective and see how badly

you're really faring. Also, a great tip would be to draw up a revised budget sheet. It never hurts to

cut costs and it can go a long way toward helping you to ease the stress of financial matters.


Your temper will be a bit shorter in all areas this month, Scorpio. You've probably already

discerned this fact from the above forecasts. You stand to lose face at work if you let your anger

show, and your home life doesn't seem to fare much better in regards to your temper. In realms

like this, where you simply must bottle up your fury in order to keep things running smoothly,

you run the risk of high stress. This month we recommend that you try meditating, exercise, or

anything that usually helps you to relieve stress. This will help greatly in keeping you balanced

and helping you to maintain your sanity and happiness.

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9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: XIV Temperance


Last month we hinted at the big, positive changes in store for you regarding work and finances.

Among other fortuitous upcoming planetary actions, the big thing to look out for is Jupiter, who

will be moving into Virgo (always great for productivity) and your house of careers. This is still a

couple months off, but the advice we gave last month still holds. Use this month to get all of

your ducks in a row, so to speak. You don't want to be spending that blessed period getting

everything in order when you could be making the most of it.


This is not a good period for starting a relationship, and even those Sagittarians who are

interested merely in a one night stand may find it difficult to enjoy anybody's company long

enough to go to bed with them. You're a bit more abrasive, and a bit less enamored with the idea

of romance. If it seems like the majority of 2015 has not been conducive to finding new love as a

Sagittarius, you'd be right. But good things are coming, it's just that things are sort of skewed

toward the latter half of the year in this regard. Keep your patience, Sagittarius, and just try to get

through May.

In Love

Unfortunately, Sagittarians who are in relationships won't fare any better than their single peers.

And the reason is mostly the same. At this time, Mercury is retrograding in your house of

relationships, causing any number of difficulties to arise between you and your partner. This is a

time in which you'll find that the fights are bigger, longer, and more destructive. You'll feel like

your lover doesn't understand where you're coming from, and you'll have a harder time seeing

things through his or her perspective. This is one of the more difficult months for Sagittarius,

inasmuch as relationships are concerned, so do try your best to make it through, and try to keep

that temper in check.


As detailed above, this is a period in which you should do your best to try to consolidate and

“clean house” in everything related to work and finances. Last month we recommended you

study up a bit on investing or any other finance-related activity that you may be considering in

the very near future. This month we suggest that you take care of any outstanding bills and try to

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balance your budget. This will help you to be completely free to focus on the future when the

time comes.


Mood swings are something to watch out for this month, and it's little wonder. There are positive

things happening in some aspects of your life, like your work, while in your social and romantic

life there are problems on the rise. You may find yourself happy and cheerful one minute, and

then abrasive and standoffish the next. Mood swings aren't just bad for those in your vicinity,

though. They also do a number on your stress levels and blood pressure. Try to rein in your

emotions, just enough to help get an iota of peace in your mental state. Things will get better,

Sagittarius, and they'll get better quickly.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Three of Wands


Don't expect any major progress this month at work, Capricorn. Yes, Mars will come into your

house of work toward the end of May, but any good he may do in this area will be negated by

Mercury, who will be doing his best to try to stall you in your motivation and drive. You'll be a

bit more confused and it will take you longer to do some tasks that you know by rote, but if

there's a silver lining, it's that Mars and Mercury will at least work to cancel each other out

somewhat, rather than Mercury running roughshod all over your fortunes.


This is the beginning of a very fruitful period for Capricorns as far as love is concerned. Really,

there is no better time to start a relationship. Mars is in your house of love for the first half of

May, helping you to seek out love and, more importantly, giving you the courage to go up to

strangers, go on blind dates, and so forth. And it will only get better as the Summer goes on, with

Mars heading into your house of relationships, and then your house of intimacy. By all accounts,

this is just the beginning of a wonderful time for Capricorns.

In Love

Capricorns who are already in a relationship may even have it better than their single

counterparts. If you've recently begun dating a person, you're set up for essentially the rest of the

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year as far as growing together and falling deeper in love. This month and early June will be

focused on love, and you'll be sweeter and more endearing to your new partner, with things

getting even better as 2015 progresses. But even if you've been in a long-term relationship for a

while, you will experience a wonderfully intimate period with your partner.


This month you may be a bit more susceptible to advertising ploys. You know the type: They

promise great savings or terrific values but they come rife with fine print that intends to bilk

more money from you than you'd be willing to spend. On any given month, discerning,

level-headed Capricorn rarely falls for such things. But this month you'll be a slightly bigger

target for such insidious marketing tactics. Try your best to not be duped. We know that if there's

one sign that can see through the purple prose, it's yours.


This month you'll want to pay attention to your glands. Are you sweating more often, and in

greater volume, than you usually do? Do you salivate more in your sleep, waking up in a puddle

of drool? Are there swellings in the parts of your body related to sebaceous or sexual glands? If

any of these symptoms ring true, you would do well to visit a doctor and rule out any major

problems, just in case these problems may be part of a larger and more dangerous issue. In most

cases, however, Capricorns should be spared from anything as horrific as that.

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Six of Wands


Next month Saturn spends a short little vacation in Scorpio, where he will reside until

September. We'll talk more about what that means next month, but suffice to say that it will be a

great period for you to accomplish goals related to your work and career. The best part is that

you'll start to experience those effects this month, albeit in a smaller way. But still, it's nice to

know that things are looking up for you as far as work is concerned. Expect this month to

proceed smoothly, with very little getting in your way. And really, what more can you ask for?


We talked last month about Mars' influence on your house of home and family, causing you to

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focus more on loved ones and kin rather than dating and finding new love. Well this month you

can expect more of the same for the first half of the month. You'll retain that residual preference

for spending time with your family rather than hitting the dating scene. But toward the end of

May, you'll find yourself tiring of family time and ready to get back into the romantic world with

a newfound gusto.

In Love

Like many signs this month, May will be hard on your love life. And also like many signs, most

of the blame is pinned on that pesky Mercury retrograde. You'll be more prone to spats with your

partner, and disagreements that typically would end in an agreed-upon stalemate will find the

two of you battling for the upper hand. If there's any silver lining in all of this, it's that Aquarius

is easily among the most diplomatic signs in the Zodiac, so these problems will affect you less

than the other signs that are dealing with the selfsame issues this month.


This month you'll be beset by small purchases, each of which won't seem like much. And, in

truth, they won't be. We're talking a dinner tab here or a shopping day there. But these minor

buys will add up to quite a tidy sum when taken as a whole, and if you're not careful you'll find

that you've spent far more money this month than you would have liked. So try to take these little

purchases into stock and avoid falling into the micro-pay trap. You'll be happy you did come



Each astrological sign rules a certain part of the body. Aries, for example, rules the head, and

many an Aries has the scars on his noggin to prove it. Your sign rules the ankles, and this month

you may be a bit more at risk for problems relating to these ever-important bones. Make sure that

your footwear is adequate to provide the ankle support you need, and take caution to avoid

rolling your ankles or otherwise letting them succumb to injury. If you're vigilant in this, you can

make it through May fully unscathed.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: Three of Cups


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It is important this month to not let your personal life get in the way of your productivity at work.

There are some machinations (which we'll expound on below) that will cause any number of

stress at home, and you'll be bringing this stress to work. Try your best to focus on the task at

hand and be doubly vigilant against ranting and venting to your coworkers. As a Pisces, you run

the risk of alienating yourself by talking too much about your personal problems.


As has been the custom with a few other signs in the last couple months, you'll feel more of an

inclination to spend time with loved ones and family this month rather than actively dating or

seeking love. As opposed to Aquarius, who is getting out of this phase in the middle of May,

you'll be feeling the beginning of this phase at the same time. But unfortunately for you, a

Mercury retrograde at the same time will bring problems in this area, and most of the time you

spend with your family will be related to necessary tasks, and you won't be having a very good


In Love

Some problems may arise between you and your partner in relation to your family. As mentioned

above, there is likely to be some friction between you and your kin, and the odds are good that

you'll use your partner as a confidant. Try not to inundate him or her with too much complaining,

though. But Pisceans who have a supportive, loving partner will be the most lucky, because

you'll find the perfect respite from your family problems. For those of you lucky enough to have

such a spouse or significant other, you may even find yourself falling deeper in love this month.


Now is not a good time to make any serious decisions related to your money. Your head is being

tugged in a few different directions, causing you to be more confused and shiftless. You'll be

more likely to make choices not based on serious thought but on spur of the moment action. It

goes without saying that this definitely doesn't translate to sound financial planning. If possible,

try to put aside any major decisions in this regard until your head returns to a more level footing.


This month has a lot of potential for stress and other mental difficulties. In order to avoid this, we

recommend avoiding sugar and caffeine, and anything else that can seriously disrupt your

already fragile mental state. If there is a bright side to all this, it's that there doesn't seem to be

anything on the horizon that would put the rest of your body at risk. In other words, your head is

a bit muddled this month, but that's about as bad as it will get for May. While it isn't ideal, things

could always be worse.