  • UPR 23 1983A Report by Mark and Pauline Maxey



    LINKLETTER #260 MARCH 1983

    Dear Christian friends,

    Whatever else it does, the Zodiac turns. This yearthe Oriental zodiac has turned to the boar, the wild boar tobe exact. In spite of that, I don't expect this to be a ''boring"year, as I have never had a year like that.

    Take a look at the No. 260 above. But the last LINK-LETTER was numbered 256. How's come? In the period 1973-1977, I didn't use any numbers. When I started again, I missed the count ^Last summer, Makoto Yoshii, spent long hours getting all the letters in order again. So now we have a complete, correct 33 yearindex of the LINKLETTER. You can have a free copy of it by writingto our North Vernon address. Also Florence Pethtel of Copley, OHis working on a making a few books of all LINKLETTERS by copymachine. That should make a real, chunky volume.

    It is a pleasure to introduce Alfred and Rhonda Juveto you. Both grew up in the great state of Nebraska. Both havereceived superior marks in education and have had wide experiencein ei;nployment, teaching and in Christian work. Rhonda graduatedfrom Nebraska Christian College & works as ass't registrar there.Alfred will graduate there this May. Alfred is preaching at theChurch of Christ in Madison, Nebraska. He has had training inlinguistics and Japanese. Alfred is 26, Rhonda is 23.

    They are presently raising their support and plan to *arrive in Japan this summer and begin language school in Sept. jWe hope you will want to send them a special offering, even re- Igular support. If you live in their area, why not invite them to |speak? You can address them: %KYUSHU EVANGELISM, Linda Pippit, tForwarding Agent, Box 223, Papillion, NE 68046, They were thinking of coming to Japan as interns. Now they are coming to makeJapan evangelism their life work. To me, that's the only way to go."

    Christmas was the best of times and the worst of times. [The best of times because of the joy it brings in sharing, fellow- fship, singing and preaching. The worst of times because there is jnot enough time to get everywhere and do everything.We delayed Iour family Christmas till the 27th and then I was down sick for ?awhile. ,

    -Coming to Japan This Summer-ALFRED and RHONDA JUVE






  • Preaching at the leper church at Christmas time is a special joy, not because of their physical condition but because of their spiritual condition. There is joy in their anticipation and participation in this greatevent. Afterward, Pauline and I went calling in one of the wards.

    Mr. Tabira had gotten out his best clothes and gone shopping in anticipation. But the preparation exhausted him. We looked in at him but he could not raise his head to greet us. Down the hall,we visited Mr.Saka-gami. He has been ailing since his wife's death two years ago. Now he had had a stroke. He.could not speak. Alsohe had a tube through his nose and another through his mouth. We held his hand and cried together. Then we readthe scripture and prayed and all of us in the room sang a hymn. As we visited he pointed to a wooden board atthe foot of the bed. It was brought. Since he couldn't speak he pointed to the letters of the Japanese alphabetpainted on the board and spelled out his message; "A-ri-ga-to",(Thank you).After he thought a minute he asked forit again. He pointed to "san" and "ki" and "yu." "Sankiyu".If you say it fast enough it comes out almost like theEnglish,"Thank-You." Then he laughed and laughed and we did,too.Yes, it was the best of times and the worst oftimes.

    Our Christian Center Book Store was closed for New Year holidays. On one of those days a knock came atmy office door. It was a woman with two small daughters, 6 and 8. She had come by bus from a village about anhour away. Since she had made the special trip, could I let her come in anyway? Gladly! All she was interestedin was Bibles. Finally, after she had looked at all sizes and shapes she picked out a large, hard-covered Bibleweighing two and a half pounds, costing $13.50 and measuring 9x6 inches. She bought not one but three of theseBibles. One each for herself and her little girls. I put them in a plastic shopping so she could carry them moreeasily. I will never forget them walking away with little sister holding the hand of big sister and big sisterholding the hand of her mother and the mother holding in her other hand $40 worth of Bibles weighing seven anda half pounds. The mother told me they were going to read those Bibles together every day. This mother had boughther children a present more precious than "gold, frankincense and myrrh."

    Several"1rrmes-a-year-the women^of-the Kanoya chttrch-ask-PattT^ine-to-s^ak-trtthefr-monthTy meetings. For their first meeting of the New Year she spoke on being, "The Light of the World." She brought along her ownlights of various kinds to illustrate her talk. It was my pleasure to be present and participate. I never failto delight in what she has to say and to be inspired by it. I know of one young women whose life was changedby thai message. Beca-jse of bad relations at home she had decided to leave and find employment in a distant city.Instead, she went home and became reconciled with her parents and determined to live as a Christian with them andfind employment nearby. Shortly afterward she did find regular employment in Kanoya.

    After the meeting the ladies invited me to join them in the noon meal at the parsonage home of Bro.and Sister Yoshii. I was the only man among 38 women but the fellowship was great and the food fantastic.

    Osaka Bible Seminary is still in its campaign to raise enough money to build a new dormitory. In ourarea each church has a large poster on the wall marked with 5000 yen squares. When that amount of money is sent inthe square is colored red. At the end of three years the white board will become a red. board. Each church is giving 10,000 each month (about $43) and some of them more. We need your help on this project also. If you need moreinformation, please write Osaka Bible Seminary, Box 696, San Jose, CA 95106

    Kushira church has been blessed with a new baby boy born to the Masuyama family. He is everybody'sbaby. Also the Kushira church has made a parking lot out of one half of their property - a sign of the times. The"My Car" boom as the Japanese call it is about to put the bus and railroad out of business. And changing the faceof our town as well as old buildings are leveled to make parking lots.

    Every January, at the coldest time of the year, we have our annual leadership training course. We askour preachers from various areas of Japan to come and share their Bible studies with us. This year it was Bro.Namio Kamada, minister of the Okinawa Christian Church. We worked him hard. He spoke for two sessions of theyouth rally held at Nishinomote church on the island of Tanegashima, Bro. Ikeda minister. Also lectured two nightson Luke at the same church. Spoke for our preacher's meeting in Kagoshima; lectured four nights at Kagoshimachurch, Bro. Homori, minister; twice at Kushikino church, Bro. Tanijiri, minister; then four nights, two hourseach night at the Christian Center in Kanoya with Bro. Yoshii and the Kanoya church actively participating; andfinally an afternosn and evening session at-5ueyoshi church-to bring the series to a c^ose.-Thank yoiu, Bro^Kamada for the wonderful fellowship and teaching you brought to us.

    Thank you all, always, for your caring and sharing. IN HIS SERVICE,

    UHKUFTTEBPublication of

    KyoattJ_CHRisriflN missionRnx 417North Vernon, Indiana 47265Address Return Requested ^

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  • JUN 3 1983 AX//A Report by Mark and Pauline Maxey

    UmLETrERAdministration BuildingKyung-Nam Jr. College ofTechnolosv. Busan, Korea

    im imHfii""""Ar Friends of the Kyushu Christian Mission^^j^^Kanoya, Kagoshima 893 Japan-Box 417 N.Vernon IN 47265^ LINKLETTER #261 MAY 1983

    Dear Christian friends,May it is but it seems like it should be January. This may turn out to be

    the fastest year of my life. What about you?The fiscal year and the school year ends in March. So this is a time of

    change and graduation ceremonies. Each Thursday a.m.I visit all five classes of theKanoya church's kindergarten and teach the children simple English. To close the yeareach class gave me a hand-made gift on which each student had written their names.One class made a large poster of my face by pasting small pieces of paper on cardboard. They gave me black hair, brown eyes and a very Japanese face. It pleases mevery much. It is nice to be loved by these children.

    Resurrection Day, April 3, began at 8.30 a.m with the leper Christians.To hear these people sing "Alleluia" with heart and voice and soul is to know something of what the Resurrection hope is all abcut. Next to Kushira church. It isgrowing slowly. We now have three Christian men attending. The church has recentlyelected officers and is getting their property registration in order.

    April 4 found me on the way to Taiwan. At Fukuoka,Howard Harris andMr. and Mrs. Nishikori of the Shime church took care of me overnight. I got necessary paper work done there at the American Consulate. Then to Taipei, a two hourride. Miss Jenny Chen of the Formosa Christian Mission saw that I got to the southern city of Taichung by bus from the airport. I spent the night wi'th the CharlesJohnston family there. Chuck then spent a day with me in Taipei assisting me. I amtrying to get a 216 page English-Japanese Harmony of the Life of Christ printed.Also Chinese and Korean editions of my "24 Week Course for English Bible Classes."Prices in Taiwan are favorable for that.

    During my stay I enjoyed the hospitality and fellowship of all our missionaries there: Steve and Carolyn Taylor, Greg and Beth Johnson, Rick and May Merrell,Anna Fletcher and Ted and Beverly Skiles. To see the energy, faith, vision and language skills of these young missionaries, is to wish to be young again oneself. Ialso went to see my dentist. Dr.Ekval1,at the Adventist Hospital. He gave me bad news.The roots anchoring my upper bridge will no longer do the job. He glued it back intemporarily so I would be able to speak properly in Korea. Later in the year I mustfind two full weeks of time to get my mouth reworked. Dental work in Taiwan can bedone in days what takes months in Japan and enough cheaper to make the trip worth it.

    Leaving for Seoul, Korea on Friday, the lady at the Cathay Pacific countersaid, "Every seat in the plane is full. Would you like to ride in First Class?" Not amurmur of objection from me. The rest of n\y journey was first class all the way. AtSeoul, my luggage came down the shute first. I went through customs and irranigrationin a matter of minutes in a country knowi for exacting airport examinations. Gordenand Sharon Patten took me to their home on the campus of Korea Bible Seminary. Wehad ample time to visit with them and missionaries David and Loretta Warner andNeville Miur, who works with the deaf.

    Mr. and Mrs. S.M.Chang took care of me Saturday afternoon and evening. Wehave had a close fellowship for 25 years. He is now serving in the National Assemblywhere he is making his Christian influence felt. It was his invitation to hold thespring revival at the college he founded in Busan that brought me to Korea.

    (from left) Pres.Chung;S, M. Chang, Founder ofcollege; Ho Kyu KIM,College Chaplain and myinterpreter & Prof. Kim

    M/M Yoon Kwon CHAE with leadersof South Seoul Christian Church

    Sharon and Gorden Patten, longtime missionaries in Seoul,Korea

    iM/M C.Y. KI



  • by Mork Maxey

    ONE MAN'S OPINIONA column that discusses missionary issues,principles and practices. Published each monthin Hcrizons magazine. Informative reading forevery missionary and every mission-mindedperson.

    S8.00 Per YeofPO Bo* 2427, Knoxville, TN 37901

    HORIZONS t:-

    Saturday night I was the guest of M/M Yoon Kwon CHAE at Geon Children'shome out in the country. I preached for them early Sunday at at South Seoul Christianchurch later. Bro. Chang and I took the afternoon train for Taejon, a two hour ride south.M/M C.Y. Kim gave us a royal welcome, southern hospitality and Christian fellowship. Bro. Kim translated for me as I preached that night at the First Christianchurch of Taejon. They will soon dedicate a building that will seat 1000. Mondaymorning we visited the college campus,and had a good visit with some of the profes- P"sors. Since it was a holiday the students and faculty were not on campus. Bro. eveKim put me on the afternoon express for the four hour ride south to Busan, the end perof the line. This was Monday night.

    Pres. Kwun Sup CHUNG of the Kyung-Nam Junior College of Technology and members of his staff met me at the station. From then on I had the finest of hospitality, -fellowship and assistance. Also a rigorous schedule. Since the college has 4000 students but the auditorium only holds 1000, we had four identical 80 minute chapel sessions each day - at 9:10, 11:10, 2 p.m. and 6:20 p.m. Our theme was, "Faith, Hope andLove." Bro. Kim, college chaplain, did a masterful job of translating.As we established rapport with the students they began to respond to the gospel invitation - 178 inall. It was a glorious meeting. The Lord gave me full strength when I was preaching.Lots of Ginseng tea served between sessions helped,too. I can not thank Pres. Chungand College Founder, S.M. Chang,enough for their kindness to me.

    Friday morning, before returning to Japan, and through Bro. Chang's goodoffices. Mayor Choi, of Busan City {population: 3?^ million) received me and presentedme with a medallion of the city. We talked together in Japanese. It was a very special

    -moment-and-ervery-specta-l giftTwo-airp-Tane rides and -an hour and-a half-by carbrought me home in time for my regular Friday night classes.

    April 30 and May 1, I assisted Walter in holding his 20th EBC camp. We hadten young people from Kanoya. It rained throughout the camp (as it has rained almostevery day for a month) but it was a fine camp anyhow. Lonnie Mings of Osaka broughtus two signifigant messages on learning how to love self in order to love others, butknowing God's love is a prerequisite to both

    Pauline gets my vote for "Mother of the Year", this year and every year. Icould not do my work without her prayerful and loving assistance. She maintains ourhome as a place of rest and recovery.She also keeps the door open to all who come -and they are many. Recent guests have been Harvey and Helen Beard returning to Calif,after a year of teaching in Aparri Bible Seminary in northern Philliphines; Joy Collinstaking a brief break in Oregon from her loving care of orphans in the same city; Lowelland Helen Applebury, teaching in Kagoshima church with Bro. Homori for one month, andon the way to Aparri for a year's teachirgas well as many Japanese guests from pastyears and present ones. Pauline knows, and I know from her, that no good deed is everlost and no good word spoken for Jesus is ever wasted. IN HIS SERVICE,


    UIHKUETTEBPublication of


    North Vernon, Indiana 47265Address Return Requested

    GAME TIME: 20th E.B.C. CAMP





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  • fr>ftve

    SEP 22 1S83A Report by Mark and Pauline Maxey

    /UNKLerreR/To the Friends of the Kyushu Christian Mission

    Kanoya, Kagoshima 893 Japan-Box 417 N.Vernon IN 47265

    LINKLETTER #262 SEPT. 1983

    Dear Christian friends.

    Summer is gone and I only got to go swimming once. I'd like to have goneonce a week. Space is limited this time so I will let the pictures speak for themselves and keep the comments brief.

    From Korea, Chaplain Kim of Kyung-Nam College writes that of 178 whocame forward during the April meeting, 130 attended his training class and of thatnumber 29 were baptized into Christ. Everybody is called but not all will follow.

    Bro.Hideo Yoshii conducted the annual memorial service at the Christianmausoleum in June. Afterwards, Mrs. Tamake placed fresh flowers there. The ashesof her husband were put in the mausoleum just one year ago. We have two infantsons there.

    At the invitation of the Taiwan missionaries, Pauline and I spoke threetimes each for them and led discussion groups. Ted Skiles arranged the programand everybody cooperated 100% to make it an outstanding convention. Except forthe evening session all sessions were held outside and meals served picnic style.Delicious!

    Taiwan is a two hour flight or 795 miles southwest of us. At this endyou arrive an hour ahead of time and at that end you spend two hours getting outof immigration and customs so there is nothing exotic about flying. Beats swimmingthough.

    The longevity of the Japanese people has almost doubled since WW II. Asa result Kanoya City has 35 Senior Citizens (Rojin) Clubs with 80-100 members each.A four day seminar for representatives from each club was held at the Rojin Center.The director asked me if I would not talk to them from the viewpoint of a Christianteacher. I was glad to do so. Pauline went with me each day . I gave the same talkfor four days to a different group each time. I felt we were well received. At arecent minister's meeting, each one reported on some specific invitation to speakor serve in their community based on the fact that they were Christian ministers.These are signs that the Christian faith is being viewed more favorably.

    In the past, the conventions were held during the spring break. Now theyare held in the summer because housing for a large group is easier to find then..This year the church convention was held in the port city of Kobe. Walter and fam-










  • ily,Pauline & I went together on the same car ferry. Walter was on the program..Our car was riding low with a few hundred pounds of books on top. Katsuo Shimodawas in charge of the Christian Center book display at the convention. It was wellreceived. 500 Japanese Christians from over 50 churches all over the country attended. It was a truly fine gathering. One church( Ono Church of Christ) arrangedthe entire event.

    That convention ended Sunday noon. The annual missionary convention beganthat night at Nara, about 50 miles away. Lonnie and Coral Mings and the Osaka missionaries hosted a truly fine convention in the Nara Youth Hostel. Some of usweren't that young in body - but in spirit, yes. Sherman Nichols and wife fromColorado Springs came to be our convention speaker. The devotienals on the spiritual weapons Paul talks about in Ephesians and the Bible studies on 2 Corinthianswere especially beneficial I thought. Walter gave two lectures on "Japanese Culture and Christianity". Pauline talked on "The Shield of Faith" and I gave theconcluding Bible study on 2 Corinthians 6. Also on Monday night, with Carolyn Bar-riclow playing all the keys on the piano at the right moment, I led the singing of29 of my favorite hymns. We sang non-stop for 35 minutes ending with, "Guide me,0 Thou Great Jehovah, Pilgrim thro' this barren land. I am weak, but thou aremighty. Hold me with The powerful hand." Those sentiments speak to my condition.

    Motoyuki Nomura, Christian brother, minister and historian took me toTokyo with him. He guided me to three different cemeteries there where the gravesof our pioneer missionaries are located. We cleaned several of the graves with ourown hands. This is the 100th year since our people began missionary work in Japan.

    Back in Kanoya in time for our 32nd annual camp session, August 7-13. Jr.Intermediate and Youth sessions are held in succession the same,week. I was Deanof the Junior week. Attendance was small. August is the only free month of the yearand school and special studies are taking even this free time away from the students. We are not despairing, however. We had a good camp and I enjoyed preparingfor and teaching my students about the Great Characters of the Old Testament.

    Well, visitors have blessed our home. Kristy Korver, cycling around Kyu-shui Kwong Bim Lam, earnest Christian from Hong Kong; Howard Harris and grandaurghter, Belinda of Portland, 0re.;Bob and Helen Sims of Cincinnati, Ohio; Ed Wilkof San Antonio,Dick Philbrook of Paradise CA and Ray and Elena Coates of AlamedaCA. The last men were taking old airplanes from the Japanese Naval Base here backto the US for parts. An interesting operation. At any rate^w^^n assure xou thatwe have never yet been lonely in Kanoya. IN HIS SERVICE,



    by Mork Maxey24 WEEK COURSE

    for English Bible ClassesA lext for introducing the Bible and the basicsofthe faith to the Japanese in your commuruty.Every line of English text has the meaningwritten in Japanese beneath. (Other textsavailable. Write for complete list.)

    S500Ave Colo. Son CieTtenie CA 92672



    WRITE: American BibleSociety, PO Box 5656Grand Central Station

    New York, New York 10165ORDER

    #67680 - Jpn. Bible $6.25#66960 - English-Japanese

    New Testament - $5.00(Prices include postage)


    Before it can start building a much-needed dormitory.

    YOUR GIFT NOWCan help get it started.

    Airmail me your check madeout to: Osaka ChristianMission. I will see that

    it gets to the right placeimmediately. Your gift will

    be tax deductible.


    UNKUCTTCRPublication of

    KYUSHU^CMlISriAN MISSIONBc 417North Vemon, Indiana 47265Address Return Requested








    MoAfe and PauLcm Maxeij

    AReport by Mark and Pauline Maxey v/y^/V

    /uMKLerrefi/To the Friends of the Kyushu Christian Mission

    Kanoya, Kagoshima 893 Japan-Box A17 N.Vernon IN 47265


    s BS4

    Dear Christian friends,

    "Joy to the World!" How we wish it could be. But the earth is filledwith mini-wars and rumors of bigger ones. Famine stalks many lands. Mass murderin the sky, in Burma and in Lebanon chills the joy we want to feel. In our heartswe know there is little joy for much of suffering humanity today. Let us cherishthe joy Jesus has given us by His Coming and pass it on to those near us and nextto us.

    It's been three months, very busy months, since you heard from us. Hereare the highlights: We welcomed A1 and Rhonda Juve to Kanoya, August 20. We feltan inmediate kinship with these two young people who have chosen Japan as theirnew home. They made tne rounds with us, were welcomed by the preachers and theirfamilies with a sukiyaki supper and decided that they would work with the Sueyoshichurch when their language study is finished. The Sueyoshi church is rejoicingfor that decision. While they were with us, a church in America informed them thatthey were pledging the additional support they needed each month. God is good!

    Pauline and I went to Taiwan August 29 using China Air Lines super-saver non-refundable, non-cancellable fare. Over a two week period, Dr. Ekvallof the Adventist hospital spent late hours at night getting my teeth ready andthen installing a two-piece bridge of nine teeth anchored on four teeth. It wasan endurance test for both dentist and patient. Personally, I hope the bridge remains open for traffic a long time. Both of us also got thorough physical examinations but we feel a lot better than the exam reports say we should.

    I kept busy in the daylight hours pounding away on the IBM typewriterthat Greg Johnston had rented for me. I was working on a short biography of Charles E. Garst, our first missionary in Japan. Also on a book of lessons about theBible. Most of our missionaries came to see us also during this period so we hada chance to eat together and share. Also on Sunday, a fine service and meal withthe Chinese church. My temporary teeth kept falling out so I didn't enjoy eatingtoo much.

    Before going to Hongkong on Friday, September 6, I asked Dr. Ekvall toglue them in again. He said,"I'IT use a glue called 'Final'." I said, "Good! Justso it is not terminal." The teeth held firm for a very fine weekend. We were royally welcomed at the airport. Had a potluck supper and two-hour sharing time withthe missionaries on Saturday night and spent all day with the Mei Foo church onSunday. It meets in the home of Wayfull and Helen Jew, whom we admire so much.Theyhave trained their young people to lead and take responsibility. It was a joy tobe with them. We felt, too, that they were our sons and daughters. Pauline taughtthe young women and I taught the young men in the morning. I preached for theservices in the morning and at night. This was a great service. 32 were present.3 made decisions. One of them was a young firemen who was sent, unexpectedly, onan errand to Mei Foo. He asked for and received permission to attend the churchservice before returning. He has since been baptized -a joyous result of a God-arranged coincidence.

    We got back to Kagoshima late Thursday, September 15, attended theminister's meeting the next day and got back to Kanoya that night, ready to resumeour work again. Norman Brown was a welcome house guest for a few days as he met thepeople here who had been so kind to his daughter, Fiona, when she was an exchangestudent last year.

    Each year, September 23-24, Bro. Yoshii holds an "Ashram". The emphasisis on prayer. He asked Pauline to give the opening message on that subject.Then weall divided into "families" of seven or eight people. We had ample time to learn ofeach others needs, to pray together and to agree to pray for each other, every dayfor one year. It was a time of spiritual refreshing.

    Writing has consumed a lot of time, too much time, this fall. In connectionwith our 100th anniversary, all of our missionaries are putting together a magazine.Each family will have one page. In addition there will be a condensed history of ourmissions for 100 years. I have been trying to write that. The first writing had 14pages. Four revisions later, it has grown to 22 pages and information is still coming in. I will see that each supporting church and individual will get a copy

  • of this magazine when finished.One cooperative effort that is finished is a devotional book writen

    by thirty-one of us here. It is called, Gleam of Dawn..Light of Day > published by Mission Services. Cost is $5.50 including postage. If you wish,order from Go Ye Books, address on this page. You will like it.

    Tuesday, November 1, I flew to Hiroshima and spent a couple of hourswith Lee Jones before going on to Hayashino in Okayama by train and bus. OnWednesday, I was guest speaker for DayniseHolloway at the annual seminar ofher English Bible Class students, most of them teachers. I talked about theChurch. They were eager note-takers, question-askers and conversationalists.Daynise has taught them well

    Audrey West gave me a lift in her car to the annual fall rally ofOsaka Bible Seminary, November 2-3. Good meeting. Excellent program. Attendedthe college board meeting next day. President Martin Clark announced thatconstruction of the new dormitory would begin in November and be finishednext April. Your gift is still needed to help it be finished debt free.

    That night I went with Harold Sims by the Bullet Train to Tokyo andhis home in Mejirodai. On Saturday, the Juves came down from Karuizawa, LeroyGarrett from Denton ,Texas and Motoyuki Nomura from Hachimanyama in Tokyo. Wehad a long discussion together, lingering over Lois Sims' delicious meal.

    Sunday evening, November 6, about 60 Christians,ministers and missionaries gathered at the grave of Charles E. Garst in Aoyana Cemetery for amemorial service. The rain made a mess of my inked notes and the evening shadows made them hard to read, but everyone listened attentively to my paper,Charles E. Garst, Our Man in Japan, 1893-1898 . You will be able to readIt under more favorable circumstances in the pages of the Christian Standardsometime in 1984. We closed by singing, "Faith is the Victory," Garst's fav-orite hymn.

    The anniversary gathering continued on Sunday night and all dayMonday at Ochanomizu Church of Christ, with lectures, reminiscences & messagesby Leroy Garrett on the unity movement of our fathers. His recent, massivevolume, The Stone-Campbell Movement, has become a best seller.

    Home again in time for the two night revival, November 8-9 at Kushi-ra church. Bro. Hideo Yoshii of Kanoya was our preacher. The Kushira churchhad prepared well, the church was full both nights, and the sermons fitted theneeds of the people. We all felt revived and have new people attending and manynew contacts as a result of the meeting.

    The Kushira church had also agreedto host the annual convention ofthe Kagoshima churches on November 23.They rented the tiTwn hall made carefulpreparation, received perfect weather and had a good attendance - 73, which isgreat for us. Many traveled several hours to get there. Bro. Floyd Clark, longtime Dean of Johnson Bible College, Knoxville, Tennessee, gave us scripturaland inspirational messages in the morning & afternoon. For the last six monthshe has been teaching and preaching around the world. We were glad that he finally got to "the center of Japan". Our welcome sign called him "missionaryplenipotentiary." He said, he'd have to look that up to see whether it was aninsult or a compliment.

    The convention program was planned by Bro. Yoshii, Bro. limure andmyself. Each of us had a part of the program. One feature was the ordinationof Bro. Obara to be elder at the Kushikino church. I felt it was an importantand impressive part of the program. Not being able to find a suitable service,I wrote one for myself. Bro. Tanijiri, Kushikino minister, Bro. limure, longtime minister in this area and myself participated in prayer and laying on ofhands.

    This story will be continued in the New Year. May it^have a^ good beginning for each of you who read this letter. IN HIS SERVICE,

    UHKLCTTrRPublication of

    KYUSHU^CHRISriAN MISSIONto 417North Vemon, Indiana 47265Address Return Requested

    EDITOR, HURIZ0N3BOX 2427knoxville TN 37901

    by Mork Maxey

    WAY DOWN HEREThe joys and sorrows of preaching the gospel"way down here" in southern Japan as lived byMark and Pauline Maxey since 1950.A must foryour home and church library. 495 pages

    SHOO\A1 Ave Coto Son Clernente, CA 92672



    H 1 S



    FLOYD CLARK SPEAKS AT AREA CONV.(Walter Maxey Translates)


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