Page 1: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Maurya Empire

Page 2: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Ashoka was the son of Bindusara.

He was governor of Taxila and Ujjain during his father’s reign.

Ashoka sat on the throne around 268 B.C. after successfully defeating his brothers.

There was an interval of four years between Asoka’s accession to the throne (273 B.C.) and his actual coronation (269 B.C.).

Therefore, it appears from the available evidence that there was a struggle for the throne after Bindusara’s death.

अशोक बिन्दुसार का पुत्र था।

वह अपने बपता के शासनकाल के दौरानतक्षबशला और उजै्जन के राज्यपाल थे।

अशोक लगभग 268 ई.पू. अपने भाइयोोंको सफलतापूववक हराने के िाद।

अशोक के बसोंहासन (273 ई.पू.) परपहोंचने और उसके वास्तबवक राज्याबभषेक(269 ईसा पूवव) के िीच चार साल काअोंतराल था।

इसबलए, यह उपलब्ध साक्ष्ोों से प्रतीतहोता है बक बिन्दुसार की मृतु्य के िादबसोंहासन के बलए सोंघषव करना पडा।

Page 3: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

• Ashoka’s mother’s name was Subhadrangi.

• His wife’s name was Devi or Vedisawho was princess of Ujjaini. His other two wives were Asandhimitra and Karuvaki.

• Mahendra, Tivara (the only one mentioned in an inscription), Kunala and Taluka were prominent among Ashoka’s sons.

• Two of his daughters Sanghamitraand Charumati were known.

अशोक की माता का नाम सुभद्ाोंगी था।

उनकी पत्नी का नाम देवी या वेबदसा था जोउजै्जनी की राजकुमारी थी ों। उनकी अन्यदो पबत्नयााँ थी ों अश्मिबथत्रा और करुवकी।

महेंद्, बतवारा (केवल एक बशलालेख मेंउश्मिश्मखत), कुणाल और तालुका अशोकके पुत्रोों में प्रमुख थे।

उनकी दो िेबियााँ सोंघबमत्रा और चारुमतीजानी जाती थी ों।

Page 4: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

• Ashoka conquered Kalinga in the 9th year of his reign. Kalinga was modern Odisha. Ashoka decided to attack Kalinga due to its strategic location. Kalinga war was a horrifying event as it was mentioned in 13th Rock Edict of Ashoka. Approximately, hundred and fifty thousand people were wounded while hundred thousand people were killed in the course of the war.

• This horrific event deeply impacted Ashoka and led to a change of his heart. He vowed to never fight a war. He preferred now Dhammavijay over Dig-Vijay.

अशोक ने अपने शासनकाल के 9 वें वषवमें कबलोंग पर बवजय प्राप्त की। कबलोंगआधुबनक ओबिशा था। अशोक ने अपनीरणनीबतक श्मथथबत के कारण कबलोंग परहमला करने का फैसला बकया। कबलोंगयुद्ध एक भयावह घिना थी क्ोोंबक इसकाउिेख अशोक के 13 वें रॉक एबिक्ट मेंबकया गया था। युद्ध के दौरान लगभग सौऔर पचास हजार लोग घायल हए थेजिबक सौ हजार लोग मारे गए थे।

इस भयावह घिना ने अशोक को गहराईसे प्रभाबवत बकया और उसके हृदयपररवतवन का कारण िना। उन्ोोंने कभीयुद्ध नही ों लडने की कसम खाई। उन्ोोंनेबदग-बवजय पर अि धम्मबवजय कोप्राथबमकता दी।

Page 5: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

• Ashoka embraced Buddhism in the 9th year of his reign after being inspired by Nigrodha, a boy monk.

• Ashoka embraced Buddhism under the influence of Buddhist monk, Upagupta. Ashoka has stated in his Bhabru Edict that he has full faith in Buddha, Sanghaand Dhamma.

• He also engraved Rock Edicts and Pillar Edicts to spread the message of Buddhism among masses.

• Ashoka maintained a large and powerful army to maintain peace and authority. Ashoka expanded friendly relations with states across Asia and Europe, and sponsored Buddhist missions.

• Missionaries to the kingdoms of Cholas and Pandyas and five states ruled by Greek kings were sent by Ashoka. He also sent missionaries to Ceylon and Suvarnbhumi (Burma) and also parts of South East Asia.

अशोक ने अपने शासनकाल के 9 वें वषव में एकिौद्ध बभकु्ष बनग्रोध से पे्रररत होकर िौद्ध धमव ग्रहणबकया।

अशोक ने िौद्ध बभकु्ष, उपगुप्त के प्रभाव में िौद्धधमव ग्रहण बकया। अशोक ने अपने भबू्र एबिि मेंकहा है बक उसे िुद्ध, सोंघ और धम्म में पूराबवश्वास है।

उन्ोोंने िौद्ध धमव के सोंदेश को जन-जन तकफैलाने के बलए रॉक एबिसि्स और बपलरएबिि्स को भी उकेरा।

अशोक ने शाोंबत और अबधकार िनाए रखने केबलए एक िडी और शश्मिशाली सेना िना रखीथी। अशोक ने एबशया और यूरोप के राज्योों, औरप्रायोबजत िौद्ध बमशनोों के साथ मैत्रीपूणव सोंिोंधोोंका बवस्तार बकया।

चोलोों और पाोंड्ोों के राज्योों के बमशनररयोों औरयूनानी राजाओों द्वारा शाबसत पाोंच राज्योों कोअशोक द्वारा भेजा गया था। उन्ोोंने बमशनरी कोसीलोन और सुवणवभूबम (िमाव) और दबक्षण पूववएबशया के कुछ बहस्ोों में भी भेजा।

Page 6: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign
Page 7: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

• Ashoka died in 232 BC after ruling for 40 years. It is believed that after his death his empire was divided into western and eastern part.

• The eastern part was ruled by Ashoka’s grandson Dasaratha while western part was governed by Samprati.

Economy, Social Life, Art and Architecture in Mauryan Age


• Irrigation facilities were provided by the state for the advantage of agriculturists. The land suitable for agriculture was measured and channels were inspected through which water was distributed.

40 वषों तक शासन करने के िाद 232 ईसापूवव में अशोक की मृतु्य हो गई। ऐसा मानाजाता है बक उनकी मृतु्य के िाद उनकासाम्राज्य पबिमी और पूवी भाग में बवभाबजतहो गया था।

पूवी भाग पर अशोक के पौत्र दशरथ काशासन था, जिबक पबिमी भाग पर सोंप्रबत काशासन था।

मौयव युग में अथवव्यवथथा, सामाबजक जीवन, कला और वासु्तकला


कृषकोों के लाभ के बलए राज्य द्वारा बसोंचाईकी सुबवधा प्रदान की गई। कृबष के बलएउपयुि भूबम की माप की गई और चैनलोोंका बनरीक्षण बकया गया बजसके माध्यम सेपानी बवतररत बकया गया था।

Page 8: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign


• The taxes were collected from artisans, traders and peasants. The emphasis was given on assessment of tax rather than its storage.

• The highest officer who was in charge of assessment of tax was known as Samaharta while the chief custodian of the state treasury and store house was called Sannidhata.


• The punch marked silver coins carrying symbols of the hill, crescent and the peacock was the imperial currency of MauryanEmpire.

कर लगाना

करोों को कारीगरोों, व्यापाररयोों औरबकसानोों से एकत्र बकया गया था। इसकेभोंिारण के िजाय कर के मूल्ाोंकन परजोर बदया गया था।

उच्चतम अबधकारी जो कर के मूल्ाोंकनके प्रभारी थे, उन्ें समहताव के रूप मेंजाना जाता था, जिबक राजकीय कोषागारऔर भोंिार गृह के मुख्य सोंरक्षक कोसाबनध्य कहा जाता था।


पोंच ने पहाडी, अधवचोंद्ा और मोर केप्रतीक वाले चाोंदी के बसक्ोों को मौयवसाम्राज्य की शाही मुद्ा के रूप में बचबितबकया।

Page 9: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Social life

• Megasthenes mentioned in his book Indica that there existed seven castes in India which included Philosophers, Soldiers, Brahmanas, Craftsmen, Herdsmen, Farmers, Magistrates.

• Megasthenese based his inference upon occupation rather than birth. The polygamy was prevalent in Royal classes. The women were entitled to Stridhana which included bridal gift.

Art and Architecture

• Stupas were built across the MauryanEmpire to preserve the relics of Buddha. The most famous Stupas are at Bharhuta and Sanchi.

सामाबजक जीवन

मेगथथनीज ने अपनी पुस्तक इोंबिका मेंउिेख बकया है बक भारत में सात जाबतयााँमौजूद थी ों बजनमें दाशवबनक, सैबनक, ब्राह्मण, बशल्पकार, चरवाहे, बकसान, मबजस्ट्र ेिशाबमल थे।

मेगथथनीज ने जन्म के िजाय कबे्ज पर अपनाअनुमान लगाया। िहबववाह शाही वगों मेंप्रचबलत था। मबहलाएों श्मस्ट्र धना की हकदारथी ों, बजसमें दुल्हन उपहार भी शाबमल थी।

कला और वासु्तकला

िुद्ध के अवशेषोों को सोंरबक्षत करने के बलएमौयव साम्राज्य में सू्तपोों का बनमावण बकया गयाथा। सिसे प्रबसद्ध सू्तप भरहत और साोंची मेंहैं।

Page 10: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

The Mauryan Empire: AdministrationThe king was the centre of administrative superstructure and king used to select ministers and high officials. Administrative structure was as follows:King assisted by Mantriparishad(council of ministers) whose members included Mantriparishad Adhyakshaand below him was as following:Yuvaraj: The crown prince

Purohita: The chief priest

The Senapati: The commander in chief

Amatya: Civil servants and few other ministers.

मौयव साम्राज्य: प्रशासन

राजा प्रशासबनक अबधरचना का कें द् था औरराजा मोंबत्रयोों और उच्च अबधकाररयोों का चयनकरता था।

प्रशासबनक सोंरचना इस प्रकार थी:

मन्त्रीपररषद (मोंबत्रपररषद) द्वारा सहायताप्राप्त राजा, बजनके सदस्ोों में मन्त्रीपररषदअभ्यक्ष और उनके नीचे शाबमल थे, बनम्नानुसार थे:

युवराज: मुकुि राजकुमार

पुरोबहत: मुख्य पुजारी

सेनापबत: सेनापबत प्रमुख

अमात्य: बसबवल सेवक और कुछ अन्य मोंत्री।

Page 11: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Revenue department:- Important officials:

• Sannidhata: Chief treasury, Samaharta: collector general of revenue.

• Police department: The jail was known as Bandhangara and it was different from lock-up called Charaka.

• There were police head quarters in all principal centres.

Mauryan Empire: Its Decline and Significance

• The decline of the Maurya Dynasty was rather rapid after the death of Ashoka/Asoka.

राजस्व बवभाग: - महत्वपूणव अबधकारी:

साबनध्य: मुख्य कोषागार, समहताव: राजस्वके कलेक्टर सामान्य।

पुबलस बवभाग: जेल को िोंधोंगारा के नाम सेजाना जाता था और यह तालाक से अलगथा बजसे चरक कहा जाता था।

सभी प्रमुख कें द्ोों में पुबलस मुख्यालय थे।

मौयव साम्राज्य: इसकी बगरावि और महत्व

मौयव राजवोंश का पतन अशोक / अशोककी मृतु्य के िाद तेजी से हआ था।

Page 12: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

The religious policy of Ashoka

• The religious policy of Ashokaantagonized the Brahmins of his empire. Since Ashoka banned animal sacrifice it stopped the income of Brahmins who received gifts in form of various kinds of sacrifices made to them.

Huge Expenditure on army and bureaucracy

• During Mauryan age a huge expenditure was done on maintaining army and bureaucracy. Moreover, Ashoka during his reign made large grants to the Buddhist monks which made the royal treasury empty. The Mauryan kings who succeeded Ashoka faced the financial crunch.

अशोक की धाबमवक नीबत

अशोक की धाबमवक नीबत ने उसके साम्राज्यके ब्राह्मणोों का बवरोध बकया। चूाँबक अशोक नेपशु िबल पर प्रबतिोंध लगा बदया था, इससेब्राह्मणोों की आमदनी रुक गई, बजन्ें बवबभन्नप्रकार के िबलदानोों के रूप में उपहार बमले।

सेना और नौकरशाही पर भारी व्यय

मौयव युग के दौरान सेना और नौकरशाही कोिनाए रखने पर भारी खचव बकया गया था।इसके अलावा, अशोक ने अपने शासनकालके दौरान िौद्ध बभकु्षओों को िडा अनुदानबदया, बजससे शाही खजाना खाली हो गया।अशोक के उत्तराबधकारी िने मौयव राजाओोंको आबथवक तोंगी का सामना करना पडा।

Page 13: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Neglect of North-West frontier• Ashoka was so busy in carrying our

religious activities that he seldom paid attention to north-west frontier of Mauryan Empire.

• The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign invasion which weakened the empire.

Significance of Mauryan Age• A new era was opened in Indian

History after the establishment of Mauryan Empire. It was very first time in history that whole India was politically united.

• In addition, from this period history writing became clear because of accuracy in chronology and sources

उत्तर-पबिम सीमा की उपेक्षा

अशोक हमारी धाबमवक गबतबवबधयोों को पूराकरने में इतना व्यस्त था बक उसने मौयवसाम्राज्य के उत्तर-पबिम सीमा पर ध्यानबदया।

यूनाबनयोों ने इसका फायदा उठाया औरउत्तरी अफगाबनस्तान में एक राज्य थथाबपतबकया बजसे िैश्मक्टरया के नाम से जाना जाताथा। इसके िाद बवदेशी आक्रमण की एकशृ्ोंखला हई बजसने साम्राज्य को कमजोर करबदया।

मौयव युग का महत्व

मौयव साम्राज्य की थथापना के िाद भारतीयइबतहास में एक नया युग खोला गया। यहइबतहास में पहली िार हआ था बक पूरा भारतराजनीबतक रूप से एकजुि था।

इसके अलावा, इस अवबध से इबतहास लेखनकालक्रम और स्रोतोों में सिीकता के कारणस्पष्ट हो गया

Page 14: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Who was the founder of the Mauryan Dynasty?




Chandragupta Maurya

मौयव राजवोंश का सोंथथापक कौन था?




चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य

Page 15: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

What was the capital of MauryanEmpire?





मौयव साम्राज्य की राजधानी क्ा थी?





Page 16: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Which was an unforgettable war for Ashoka?

Buxar War

Jaugada War

Kalinga War

Lampaka War

अशोक के बलए एक अबवस्मरणीय युद्धकौन सा था?

िक्सर युद्ध

जयगढ़ युद्ध

कलिंग रु्द्ध

लमपका युद्ध

Page 17: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Who was the last emperor of Mauryan Dynasty?




Chandragupta Maurya

मौयव वोंश का अोंबतम सम्राि कौन था?




चोंद्गुप्त मौयव

Page 18: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Who wrote Indica?




Visakha Datta

इोंबिका बकसने बलखी?




बवशाख दत्त

Page 19: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Third Buddhist Council was held under the patronage of which?



Chandra Gupta Maurya


तृतीय िौद्ध पररषद बकसके सोंरक्षण मेंआयोबजत की गई थी?



चोंद् गुप्त मौयव


Page 20: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Ambassador of Seleucus Nicatorwho visited the court of Chandragupta Maurya?

Ibn Batuta



Fa Hien

सेलू्कस बनकेिर के राजदूत बजन्ोोंनेचोंद्गुप्त मौयव के दरिार का दौरा बकया?

इब्न ितूता



फा हीन

Page 21: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Who of the following was also referred as Amitraghata?




Chandragupta Maurya

बनम्नबलश्मखत में से बकसे अमृताघाि भीकहा जाता था?




चोंद्गुप्त मौयव

Page 22: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

Which among the following kings have been linked to the SudamanCaves ?


ChandraGupta Maurya



बनम्नबलश्मखत में से बकस राजा को सुदामनगुफाओों से जोडा गया है?


चोंद्गुप्त मौयव



Page 23: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign

What was the function of Samhartain Mauryan Administration?

To Collect Revenue

To Work as a Judge

Leadership of Army

Deliver Justice

मौयव प्रशासन में समथव का कायव क्ा था?

राजस्व इकट्ठा करना

एक न्यायाधीश के रूप में काम करना

सेना का नेतृत्व करना

न्याय बदलाना

Page 24: Maurya Empire · of Mauryan Empire. •The Greeks took advantage of this and set up a kingdom in north Afghanistan which was known as Bactria. This was followed by a series of foreign
