Page 1: MATTHEW GIBNEY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL · undercover area. Please join our school community on this very special occasion. Christmas Concert Friday, 1st December Come along for a

Katherine Michael Lincoln Eli Holly


30 Munday Road, High Wycombe WA 6057 Phone: 6216 8400 Email: [email protected] Website:

NEWSLETTER No. 38 30th November 2017

Dear Parents, Friends and Students

The year is gradually drawing to a close and, as such,

there are many different things taking place to wind up the

school year. On Wednesday evening the School Board

for 2018 met to elect office bearers. I am pleased to

announce the Executive of the Board are as follows:

Chair: Gavin Hogg

Deputy Chair: Paul Van den Dries

Secretary: Janine Hadfield

Treasurer: Gareth Healy

Board Members: Mike Feltham (P&F Representative on

the Board)

Amber David (Parish Council


I would like to thank each of these people for their

generosity in volunteering their time and talents in order

to assist in the running of our school.

Thank you to Miss Zurzolo and the Year 3 class for their

assembly last Friday. It was great to see them really

enjoy sharing the learning that has taken place in their

classroom over the last few weeks. Congratulations to

each of the merit award winners who were recognised by

their teachers for completing great work. Our final

assembly for the year will take place on Friday December

1. It will begin at 9:00am and it will be held in the

undercover area. The Year 6 class will host this

assembly and it will be their farewell to our school. All

parents and members of our community are welcome to


On Thursday 7th December the school will hold its Mass

of Thanksgiving and Farewell to our Year 6 students.

Again, all parents and members of our community are

invited to join with us. The Mass will be held in the

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,

giving thanks to God the Father through him.

(Colossians 3:17)

undercover area and it will begin at 9:00am. Following

the Mass, the Year 6 awards will be presented.

The Year 1 class held their Liturgy of the Word on

Wednesday. Thank you Fr Francis for leading the

Liturgy. Thank you, also, to Mrs Farmand for organising

the Liturgy and preparing the students. It was great to

see so many parents and grandparents come along and

share this special time with the children.

Our End of Year Concert will also take place on Friday

December 1st. The children have been working very hard

each Tuesday on their Edu Dance items and are looking

forward to sharing their dance with you. The concert will

take place in our undercover area and it will start promptly

at 6:00pm. A bell will sound at 5:50pm reminding children

that they are to go to their classroom. At the completion

of the concert, all of the children will be taken back to their

classrooms where they will need to be signed out by their

parents. We look forward to a very enjoyable evening.

Mrs Linda Hetherington will be taking long service leave

for the first half of next year. As a school community, we

wish Mrs Hetherington a very relaxing and well-earned

break. I would like to inform the community that Mrs

Jennifer Moore has been employed to work in Mrs

Hetherington’s absence. We trust that she will enjoy her

time here with us.

School reports will be made available to parents on

Wednesday 6th December. Please ensure that you have

access to the parent portal. The school will notify parents

by SMS when they have been released.

The last day for students for 2017 will be Friday 8th




The Year Ones have been very creative making Christmas tree collages!

Page 2: MATTHEW GIBNEY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL · undercover area. Please join our school community on this very special occasion. Christmas Concert Friday, 1st December Come along for a


Wow! Time is flying by this term. The Year Sixes have

been busy preparing for their final assembly this Friday at

9:00 am. The students have put this play together by

themselves – creating their own script and working out

how they are going to be on the stage.

The students have asked to do Secret Santa as part of

their final few days at Matthew Gibney Catholic Primary

School. The students will be given a name on Friday

which they will have to keep secret.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – Students will write a

card or a small note or something creative to put into their

secret Santa desks.

Thursday – will be the exchange of the gifts – there is a

$10 limit on the present. Students just need to write the

name of the person and can put it under the Christmas

Tree. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to

contact me.

I also want to say a big congratulations to Tioni Furfaro

who was given a music scholarship from Emmanuel

Catholic College. Mr Leo DiGregorio presented the award

to Tioni on Monday at Monday Morning Assembly.

Fantastic Work, Tioni!

Melissa Hibben

Assistant Principal’s

Religious Education News St Vincent De Paul Hampers Yesterday, St Vincent De Paul collected our Christmas Hampers. We collected over 20 boxes of food and toys! Thank you to all our families for their incredible generosity and good will.

Thanksgiving and Graduation Mass

Our final Mass for the year will be held on Thursday 7th

December at 9am in the undercover area. We invite all

parents and families from our school community to join

with us, giving thanks to God for his many blessings this

year. It is also an opportunity to farewell our Year 6

students, and other students and their families, who may

be leaving us.

ADVENT This weekend sees the beginning of the new Church year - Advent. We live in a fast paced, somewhat instant world. We turn on our TVs and watch the movies we want – on demand. We expect service and want what we want, for when we want it. Waiting, especially patient waiting, is not something we do well. In this fast paced, somewhat instant world, Advent is extremely radical and different. These four weeks call us to focus on waiting. Enter into these radical days that call us to a better, holier way with patience – peace – expectation – yearning for the Lord. Our parish of St Francis of Assisi, has wonderful opportunities to help each of us use these days well in prayer and service. Our prayer and focus this season is simple – Lord, we WAIT for You.

Karen Keddie

Assistant Principal RE

As I mentioned in last week’s newsletter the staffing

information for 2018 will be as follows:

Principal: Mark Powell

Assistant Principals: Diane Scriven

Karen Keddie

Year 6: Melissa Hibben

Year 5: Karen Keddie (Mon-Thurs)

Jess Savory (Friday)

Year 4: Jo Brescacin

Year 3: Christina Zurzolo

Year 2: Gina Nickels

Year 1: Felicity Martinz

Pre-Primary: Debbie Hawley

Pre-Primary Teacher Assistant:

Semester One – Jennifer Moore

Semester Two – Simone Tormey and Jenny Iffla

Kindy: Saroya Powell

Kindy Teacher Assistants:

Lucy Marchetti & Sylvie Spadaccini

Learning Support Assistant: Sue Swaby

Learning Support Assistant: Jenny Iffla

Learning Support Assistant: Simone Tormey

Learning Support Assistant: Semester Two –

Linda Hetherington

ICT: Jess Savory

LOTE (Italian): Annetta Davey

Physical Education: Shannon Andersen

Music: Teresa Aldred

School Chaplaincy Worker: Amy Blaszczyk

School Finance Officer: Sue St Jorre

School Administration Officer: Tania Kays

Library Officer: Sally Hosking

Canteen Manager: Alison Honter

Uniform Centre Manager: Lisa Denys

Maintenance Coordinator : Steve Vajas


Congratulations Tioni, on being

awarded a Music Scholarship by

Emmanuel Catholic College!

Page 3: MATTHEW GIBNEY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL · undercover area. Please join our school community on this very special occasion. Christmas Concert Friday, 1st December Come along for a

YEAR 4 NEWS Edu-Dance has arrived and the children are very excited.

Please can you ensure your child arrives at the concert

fully dressed in their costume. Any costumes that were

borrowed from the class need to be returned to class on

Monday morning washed and ready to be packed away

for next year.

If your child has not returned their library books please

return them tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow at the Edu

Dance concert.

Joanne Brescacin


Fri 1st Dec Natasha A & Natalie F

Tues 5th Dec CAN YOU HELP

Fri 8th Dec CAN YOU HELP


Fri 1st Dec…….. Year 6 Assembly

Fri 1st Dec…….. End of Year Concert Kindy to Yr 6

Thurs 7th Dec…. Thanksgiving Graduation Mass @


Fri 8th Dec…….. Year 6 Excursion


Wed 31st Jan….. STUDENTS RETURN TERM 1 2018


★ 2018 Book Lists (Kindy - Year 5)


★ Scoliosis & Colour Blindness Brochure

(Government of Western Australia Child &

Adolescent Health Service) Year 6

Thanksgiving & Graduation Mass You are all warmly invited and encouraged to join

us for our Thanksgiving and Graduation Mass on

Thursday, 7th December at 9.00 a.m. at Matthew

Gibney Catholic Primary School

undercover area.

Please join our school community

on this very special occasion.

Christmas Concert

Friday, 1st December

Come along for a great

start to the festive season!

Bring a rug! Bring a picnic!

Gates open 5.00pm

Concert begins 6.00pm sharp

Congratulations to Eli and Tioni for

achieving great results in their

AMEB piano exams. Eli passed with

Honours and Tioni with a Credit

pass. Well done Eli & Tioni!

Christmas Cards for sale

(P&F Fundraiser)

Christmas cards $2.00 per pack of 12 on sale

outside the Administration Office on Friday

morning 1st December and also on sale Friday

afternoon from 5.00pm.


Please be advised that Macaroni Cheese, Hot

dogs and Ham Hero Pizza are either

unavailable or limited stock.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Alison Honter

Canteen Manager

Page 4: MATTHEW GIBNEY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL · undercover area. Please join our school community on this very special occasion. Christmas Concert Friday, 1st December Come along for a


It’s almost here! The children are eagerly waiting to

perform their dance routine at the Edu Dance concert

tomorrow evening. Thank you to everyone for assisting

with clothes for the evening!

The children have written some fun reasons about why

Santa should come to their house first this year. Many of

the children think if they go to bed early that should make

Santa want to start at their house. Some children feel/

hope that they are getting lots of large presents so it

would lighten Santa’s load if he came to their house first. I

guess time will tell!

Home reading books and library books were due back to

school this week. If your child still has any home reading

books or library books then please return as soon as

possible to assist our stocktake.

Gina Nickels

PRE-PRIMARY NEWS Our classroom has been full of excitement as the end of

the term, and year, approaches! The children have been

very busy making Christmas decorations and doing other

Christmas activities. All reading and library books, as well

as take-home readers, have been collected for stock

taking and the children have brought home their reading

log which is no longer required at school. The children are

also very excited about their ‘Edu Dance Concert’

tomorrow night. It will begin at 6:00pm. The bell will ring at

5:50pm to signify to the students to go to their classroom.

At the completion of the concert, the children will be taken

back to their classrooms where they will be signed out by

their parents. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Debbie Hawley & Linda Hetherington

Sport News

Over the past few weeks the year 4, 5 and 6 classes have worked in small groups to plan, prepare and

present a small game that focuses on a specific skill to a junior class. This included a written plan and

thinking about what equipment best suited their task to benefit their junior students that they would teach.

Included in the preparation was discussing the different forms of communication, especially to younger

students. I was very impressed with the creativity of the games and even learnt some new games myself, as

well as the overall cooperation and team work amongst everyone. All students were engaged and had a lot

of fun. The year 4 class taught the Pre Primary class and the year 5 and 6 class taught the year 1 class.

Shannon Andersen

Page 5: MATTHEW GIBNEY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL · undercover area. Please join our school community on this very special occasion. Christmas Concert Friday, 1st December Come along for a

Every person matters

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Please call Samantha from MercyCare on 6228 1537 to

discuss the support services that are available to help


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