Page 1: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program

MCH District Nurse Consultants&

Cindy Leuthen, RN

Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager

Public Health Nursing Coordinator

[email protected] (573) 526-0449

FFY 2012 MCH Services Contract Opening

Page 2: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Hand outs were e-mailed to you from Brenda Buschjost

Please put phones on mute by pressing mute button or *6

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Type in questions in the chat box

Please complete the evaluation to be submitted after the webinar

Welcome and Housekeeping..

Page 3: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Today’s Agenda

Maternal Child Health Contract Overview Community Engagement Life Course Perspective and Risk &

Protective Factors A Data PIE Wrap-Up

Page 4: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

FFY 2012 MCH Services Contract Access to contract documents

Posted on the Center for Local Public Health Services INTRANET page:

URL addresses:


Page 5: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health


To support a leadership role for local public health agencies within coalitions and partnerships at the local level to build MCH systems and expand the resources those systems can use to respond to priority health issues.

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Page 7: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health


Shall work with community to maintain, develop, and enhance a system to address the priority health issue

Should address risk and protective factors that influence health disparities within families and communities through the life course perspective

Shall demonstrate progressive yearly growth toward the third-year system outcomes specified in the approved work plan

Shall meet system outcomes from approved work plan by September 30, 2014

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Shall submit reports using the forms and/or formats specified by the Department

Shall be submitted via e-mail attachment to the following MCH Services Program staff: District Nurse Consultant / Program Manager/ Health Program Representative

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FFY 2012 – Progress Report– February 15th and Year-End Report – October 31, 2012.

FFY 2013 – same as this year In the third year (2014), you will send the

progress report in February and then the Contract Outcome Report (a different report than “Year-end Report”) in October of 2014.

Page 10: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Progress Report

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Contract

Progress Report

LPHA contractor:

Report prepared by:

Reporting period: FFY 2012 (October 1, 2011 – January 31, 2012)

FFY 2013 (October 1, 2012 – January 31, 2013)

FFY 2014 (October 1, 2013 – January 31, 2014)

Indicate agency’s selected priority health issue:

Prevent and Reduce Obesity Prevent and Reduce Smoking

Prevent and Reduce Injuries Prevent and Reduce Adverse Birth Outcomes

Instructions: Complete the sections on the following form for progress made on the MCH system for this reporting period. After completion, submit report to the MCH District Nurse Consultant, Program Manager, and Health Program Representative via e-mail attachment.

Section One: Progress toward the system outcomes set forth in the approved work plan

MCH System of Prevention Outcome

Restate exact system outcome language for each level of the Spectrum of Prevention from the approved work plan’s MCH System of Prevention Table.























6. Influence Policy and Legislation

5. Change Organizational Practices

4. Foster Coalitions and Networks

3. Educate Providers

2. Promote Community Education

1. Strengthen Individual Knowledge and Skills

Page 11: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health
Page 12: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Contract

Progress Report

LPHA contractor: Wecandoit County Public Health Agency

Report prepared by: Wendy Streets

Reporting period: FFY 2012 (October 1, 2011 – January 31, 2012)

FFY 2013 (October 1, 2012 – January 31, 2013)

FFY 2014 (October 1, 2013 – January 31, 2014)

Indicate agency’s selected priority health issue:

Prevent and Reduce Obesity Prevent and Reduce Smoking

Prevent and Reduce Injuries Prevent and Reduce Adverse Birth Outcomes

Instructions: Complete the sections on the following form for progress made on the MCH system for this reporting period. After completion, submit report to the MCH District Nurse Consultant, Program Manager, and Health Program Representative via e-mail attachment.

Section One: Progress toward the system outcomes set forth in the approved work plan

MCH System of Prevention Outcome

Restate exact system outcome language for each level of the Spectrum of Prevention from the approved work plan’s MCH System of Prevention Table.























6. Influence Policy and Legislation The City of Walkabout will have adopted a city plan regarding where sidewalks will be placed when and if monies become available as evidenced by the map or written policy.

5. Change Organizational Practices The City Walking Trail will be used by at least one additional organization as evidenced by the visitor sign-in log.

4. Foster Coalitions and Networks Coalitions and networks will be cultivated as evidenced by the number of groups and individuals responding and/or are willing to help initiate a community garden for the daycare children and the community.

3. Educate Providers An increase in provider education will be evidenced by the number of presentations, contacts, and information distributed to them.

2. Promote Community Education An increase in community education will be evidenced by the number of articles, programs, information provided and participants in the programs presented.

1. Strengthen Individual Knowledge and Skills An increase in individual knowledge skills will be evidenced by post survey regarding the importance of healthy physical activity and/or nutrition

Page 13: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Section Two: Summary of activities demonstrating progress toward system outcomes S












Restate exact activity(ies) language for each level of the Spectrum of Prevention from the approved

work plan’s MCH System of Prevention Table







g p







d Provide the evidence/data/

documentation of progress toward meeting outcomes for

activities in each level







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Section Two: Summary of activities demonstrating progress toward system outcomes




m o









Restate exact activity(ies) language for each level of the Spectrum of Prevention from the approved

work plan’s MCH System of Prevention Table







g p







d Provide the evidence/data/ documentation of progress

toward meeting outcomes for activities in each level


Investigate the current policies regarding sidewalks and pedestrian/biking in the city. as well as school bus policies.

We created our list of questions related to “policy” in order to gather data. We have met with the transportation director for one of our three county schools. We are in the process of contacting the city administrator and have a meeting set up for February 21st to discuss policy.


Investigate how the school is now using the Walkabout Walking Trail.

We have tried to meet with the Principals but haven’t been able to do so yet - they have been too busy with sports events and holidays to meet with us.


Build on the existing community wellness coalition work and reach out to new partners. Talk with the city about liability issues if volunteers agree to work on donated land for community garden. Also, liability if daycare students help plant, pull weeds, and harvest.

We will meet with city Administrator on Feb. 21st and talk about the liability issues. Have sent questions to the city administrator and copied the city attorney so they will be prepared for our meeting. We have met with our community wellness coalition monthly and discussed our plan. Meeting minutes and sign in sheets provide documentation.


Provide education to P.A.T., PTO, Daycare Providers about healthy physical activity/nutrition choices and making them part of daily living routine.

We have not made contact with our providers yet, but we plan to do it this coming spring.


Information on healthy physical activity and healthy nutrition will be disseminated at the local fitness center and their events ie BLOG, Walks, Basketball games, volleyball games, aerobics, weight lifting and Zumba

Provided three articles for newspaper on healthy physical activity. Prepared fliers with healthy physical activities for families which have been distributed to schools and posted on the local fitness center website.

Page 15: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Progress Report continued… Section Three: Report on compliance with the contract funding and special provisions

Select all check boxes that apply below. In fulfilling this contract, our agency attests it …

Has used funding to expand or enhance activities that improve the MCH population, and to address local MCH issues

Has followed applicable funding provisions (7.0)

Has followed applicable special provisions (9.0)

… as specified in the scope of work for the FFY 2012-2014 MCH Services Contract.

I certify the reported health activities, and all financial reports are in agreement with the agency’s official accounting practices and records. Documentation is retained on file.

Authorized Name of Administrator/Director or Designee Date

Telephone Number

Page 16: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Funding Provisions

Funding for this three-year contract is for one year, with two subsequent years, based on availability of funds

MCH funds are to be considered payer of last resort Funds must be expended during the contract year Funding shall be used to expand or enhance

activities that improve the health of mothers and children, and address local MCH issues

No cash payments to recipients of MCH services, for land or building purchases, or major medical equipment

Page 17: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Funding Provisions

Funds shall not indirectly or directly support abortion services

Funds shall not be used to provide comprehensive family planning services

Minimum of 30% should be directed toward children with special health care needs

Individuals below 100% Federal Poverty Level shall not be charged for services

Shall not be used to supplant any state or federal funds for any services

Page 18: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Subcontracting Provision

Contractors may subcontract, but contractor must do majority of work (more than 50%)

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Year-End Report

Year-End Report is due October 31st • You are reporting on the entire contract year.

E-mail the report as an attachment to your District Nurse, Cindy Leuthen and Tiffany Tuua

Page 20: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Contract

Year-End Report LPHA contractor:

Report prepared by:

Reporting period: FFY 2012 (October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2012)

FFY 2013 (October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013)

Indicate agency’s selected priority health issue:

Prevent and Reduce Obesity Prevent and Reduce Smoking

Prevent and Reduce Injuries Prevent and Reduce Adverse Birth Outcomes

Instructions: Complete the sections on the following form for progress made on the MCH system for this reporting period. After completion, submit report to the MCH District Nurse Consultant, Program Manager, and Health Program Representative via e-mail attachment.

Section One: Progress toward the system outcomes set forth in the approved work plan

MCH System of Prevention Outcome

Restate exact system outcome language for each level of the Spectrum of Prevention from the approved work plan’s MCH System of Prevention Table























6. Influence Policy and Legislation

5. Change Organizational Practices

4. Foster Coalitions and Networks

3. Educate Providers

2. Promote Community Education

1. Strengthen Individual Knowledge and Skills

Page 21: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Contract

Year-End Report LPHA contractor: Wecandoit County Public Health Agency Report prepared by: Wendy Streets

Reporting period: FFY 2012 (October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2012)

FFY 2013 (October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013)

Indicate agency’s selected priority health issue:

Prevent and Reduce Obesity Prevent and Reduce Smoking

Prevent and Reduce Injuries Prevent and Reduce Adverse Birth Outcomes

Instructions: Complete the sections on the following form for progress made on the MCH

Section One: Progress toward the system outcomes set forth in the approved work plan

MCH System of Prevention Outcome

Restate exact system outcome language for each level of the Spectrum of Prevention from the approved work plan’s MCH System of Prevention Table























6. Influence Policy and Legislation The City of Walkabout will have adopted a city plan regarding where sidewalks will be placed when and if monies become available as evidenced by the map or written policy.

5. Change Organizational Practices The City Walking Trail will be used by at least one additional organization as evidenced by the visitor sign-in log.

4. Foster Coalitions and Networks Coalitions and networks will be cultivated as evidenced by the number of groups and individuals responding and/or are willing to help initiate a community garden for the daycare children and the community.

3. Educate Providers An increase in provider education will be evidenced by the number of presentations, contacts, and information distributed to them.

2. Promote Community Education An increase in community education will be evidenced by the number of articles, programs, information provided and participants in the programs presented.

1. Strengthen Individual Knowledge and Skills An increase in individual knowledge skills will be evidenced by post survey regarding the importance of healthy physical activity and/or nutrition

Page 22: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Section Two: Summary of activities demonstrating progress toward system outcomes




m o









Restate exact activity(ies) language for each level of the Spectrum of Prevention from the approved

work plan’s MCH System of Prevention Table







g p







d Provide the evidence/data/ documentation of progress

toward meeting outcomes for activities in each level







Page 23: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Section Two: Summary of activities demonstrating progress toward system outcomes














Restate exact activity(ies) language for each level of the Spectrum of Prevention from the approved

work plan’s MCH System of Prevention Table No














Provide the evidence/data/ documentation of progress toward meeting outcomes for activities in

each level

6. Investigate the current policies regarding sidewalks and pedestrian/biking in the city. as well as school bus policies.

We have created a data base of policies related to sidewalks and pedestrian/biking and also three local school bus policies.


Investigate how the school is now using the Walkabout Walking Trail.

We met with the principals at the schools to learn about how the trails are currently being used, but they didn’t really have information and didn’t know where to find it.


Build on the existing community wellness coalition work and reach out to new partners. Talk with the city about liability issues if volunteers agree to work on donated land for community garden. Also, liability if daycare students help plant, pull weeds, and harvest.

We have met with our community wellness coalition 11 times and have engaged one new partner. Almost everyone is actively engaged in participating in our interventions. Meeting minutes and sign in sheets provide documentation. Met with city Administrator on liability issues related to volunteering. City attorney has given us the green light to proceed.


Provide education to P.A.T., PTO, Daycare Providers about healthy physical activity/nutrition choices and making them part of daily living routine.

We met with P.A.T in the spring, Daycares in the summer, and P.T.O. in late August and provided each of them with ideas for incorporating healthy choices into daily routines.


Information on healthy physical activity and healthy nutrition will be disseminated at the local fitness center and their events ie BLOG, Walks, Basketball games, volleyball games, aerobics, weight lifting and Zumba

Provided 12 articles for newspaper on healthy physical activity or healthy nutrition. Prepared and distributed 4 different fliers with healthy physical activities and nutrition for families to the schools, four partner health fairs, and the local fitness center website.


A age appropriate survey will be taken providing baseline knowledge of the importance of healthy physical activity and/or nutrition on a routine, daily basis to K-3

We were able to survey children in all three county schools!

Page 24: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Section Three: Describe challenges and/or barriers for each activity not completed, and address plans for completion

Section Four: Describe evidenced-based or promising practices and strategies implemented to address the selected priority health issues

Section Five: Annual financial report

Complete the following financial report related to the contract during the current federal fiscal year reporting period below.

Line 1 Enter the total amount invoiced to the MCH Services Program (contract award)

Line 2 Enter the total amount expended in addressing the agency’s selected priority health issue

Line 3 Enter the difference between Line 1 and Line 2 (use ( ) or – symbol to represent negative numbers) Additional comments (required if Line 3 is a positive amount): Briefly list other MCH issues supported/addressed with contract funds.

Section Six: Report on compliance with the contract funding and special provisions

Select all check boxes that apply below. In fulfilling this contract, our agency attests it …

Has used funding to expand or enhance activities that improve the MCH population, and to address local MCH issues

Has followed applicable funding provisions (7.0)

Has followed applicable special provisions (9.0)

… as specified in the scope of work for the FFY 2012-2014 MCH Services Contract.

Page 25: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Section Three: Describe challenges and/or barriers for each activity not completed, and address plans for completion

Section Four: Describe evidenced-based or promising practices and strategies implemented to address the selected priority health issues

Section Five: Annual financial report

Complete the following financial report related to the contract during the current federal fiscal year reporting period below.

Line 1 Enter the total amount invoiced to the MCH Services Program (contract award)

Line 2 Enter the total amount expended in addressing the agency’s selected priority health issue

Line 3 Enter the difference between Line 1 and Line 2 (use ( ) or – symbol to represent negative numbers) Additional comments (required if Line 3 is a positive amount): Briefly list other MCH issues supported/addressed with contract funds.

Section Six: Report on compliance with the contract funding and special provisions

Select all check boxes that apply below. In fulfilling this contract, our agency attests it …

Has used funding to expand or enhance activities that improve the MCH population, and to address local MCH issues

Has followed applicable funding provisions (7.0)

Has followed applicable special provisions (9.0)

… as specified in the scope of work for the FFY 2012-2014 MCH Services Contract.

Page 26: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Section Three: Describe challenges and/or barriers for each activity not completed, and address plans for completion

Section Four: Describe evidenced-based or promising practices and strategies implemented to address the selected priority health issues

Section Five: Annual financial report

Complete the following financial report related to the contract during the current federal fiscal year reporting period below.

Line 1 Enter the total amount invoiced to the MCH Services Program (contract award)

Line 2 Enter the total amount expended in addressing the agency’s selected priority health issue

Line 3 Enter the difference between Line 1 and Line 2 (use ( ) or – symbol to represent negative numbers) Additional comments (required if Line 3 is a positive amount): Briefly list other MCH issues supported/addressed with contract funds.

Section Six: Report on compliance with the contract funding and special provisions

Select all check boxes that apply below. In fulfilling this contract, our agency attests it …

Has used funding to expand or enhance activities that improve the MCH population, and to address local MCH issues

Has followed applicable funding provisions (7.0)

Has followed applicable special provisions (9.0)

… as specified in the scope of work for the FFY 2012-2014 MCH Services Contract.

Page 27: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Section Five: Annual financial report

Complete the following financial report related to the contract during the current federal fiscal year reporting period below.

Line 1 10,000.00 Enter the total amount invoiced to the MCH Services Program (contract award)

Line 2 12,000.00 Enter the total amount expended in addressing the agency’s selected priority health issue

Line 3 -2000.00 Enter the difference between Line 1 and Line 2 (use ( ) or – symbol to represent negative numbers) Additional comments (required if Line 3 is a positive amount): Briefly list other MCH issues supported/addressed with contract funds.

Section Five: Annual financial report

Complete the following financial report related to the contract during the current federal fiscal year reporting period below.

Line 1 10,000.00 Enter the total amount invoiced to the MCH Services Program (contract award)

Line 2 8000.00 Enter the total amount expended in addressing the agency’s selected priority health issue

Line 3 2000.00 Enter the difference between Line 1 and Line 2 (use ( ) or – symbol to represent negative numbers) Additional comments (required if Line 3 is a positive amount): Briefly list other MCH issues supported/addressed with contract funds. Immunizations, Pregnancy testing, Medicaid Temp, prenatal home visits

Page 28: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Section Three: Describe challenges and/or barriers for each activity not completed, and address plans for completion

Section Four: Describe evidenced-based or promising practices and strategies implemented to address the selected priority health issues

Section Five: Annual financial report

Complete the following financial report related to the contract during the current federal fiscal year reporting period below.

Line 1 Enter the total amount invoiced to the MCH Services Program (contract award)

Line 2 Enter the total amount expended in addressing the agency’s selected priority health issue

Line 3 Enter the difference between Line 1 and Line 2 (use ( ) or – symbol to represent negative numbers) Additional comments (required if Line 3 is a positive amount): Briefly list other MCH issues supported/addressed with contract funds.

Section Six: Report on compliance with the contract funding and special provisions

Select all check boxes that apply below. In fulfilling this contract, our agency attests it …

Has used funding to expand or enhance activities that improve the MCH population, and to address local MCH issues

Has followed applicable funding provisions (7.0)

Has followed applicable special provisions (9.0)

… as specified in the scope of work for the FFY 2012-2014 MCH Services Contract.

Page 29: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Match Funding Page

Completed as part of the Year-End Report “Over or beyond” general MCH

expenditures from October through September Track throughout the year Do not include contract funding

Only Non-federal/state monies are reported Any local fees/taxes/grants/awards Type “not reporting” in total amount if you do

not have anything to report Complete bottom portion regardless of

total amount entered

Page 30: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

````Section Seven: Report of local match funding amounts on health activities for the MCH population. Instructions: Include match funding from any non-federal sources that can be clearly linked to the MCH population. NOTE: A fixed amount of match is not required of contractor’s, however it is requested, to aid the MCH Services Program in providing a record of local support toward MCH issues. If the contractor opts not to report match funding, an entry of a $0 in the Total Match Funding Amount is still required to serve as completion of this section.

Expenditure Classification Description Local Match Funding (definition in Glossary)

Enter description for salary match (may include fringe benefits):

Enter dollar amount(s):


Enter description for travel match (e.g. mileage, meals, and lodging for attendance at professional development related to MCH population):

Enter dollar amount(s):


Enter description for equipment match (excluding major medical equipment):

Enter dollar amount(s):


Enter description for supply match (e.g. office supplies or materials purchased specifically for work with the MCH population):

Enter dollar amount(s):


Enter description for other match (expenditures which exceeded contract funding and could not be applied to other sections above):

Enter dollar amount(s):


Total Match Funding Amount $

I certify the reported health activities, and all financial reports are in agreement with the agency’s official accounting practices and records. Documentation is retained on file.

Authorized Name of Administrator/Director or Designee Date

Telephone Number

Page 31: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Submit DH-38 by 15th of month

following the month services were provided

Invoice number format: MCHmmyy

(Oct 2011= MCH1011)

MCH Invoicing

Invoice for 1/12 of total contract award

Page 32: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health


Use DH-38 – Vendor Request for Payment – submit by mail, fax, or as an e-mail attachment

E-mail MUST have a legal electronic signature:

Assure invoice is dated and signed – signature must be last day of month or later

Contact Maurita Swartwood: 573-526-2003 [email protected]


Page 33: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health


May request to amend the work plan or system outcomes

Priority health issue may not be amended Submit amendment request by March 31st or

prior to February if requesting to amend activities

Submit request on dated agency letterhead with original or electronic signature

Include revised work plan on template (revision date at bottom)

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MCH Services Contracts Benefit Everyone

Women and Children Babies, Families, and Communities

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Community Engagement

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What is Community Engagement?

“The process of working collaboratively with groups of people who are affiliated by geographic proximity, special interests or similar situations with respect to issues affecting their well-being.”From Principles of Community Engagement

, CDC, 1997

Page 37: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Community Engagement

“Community engagement refers to the process by which individuals and organizations build ongoing, permanent relationships for the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of a community.”


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Community Engagement

Community engagement is an integral part of each level within the Spectrum of Prevention :

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A fundamental practice of public health

“The most effective way to achieve public health goals, especially toward the elimination of disparities in health status, is to actively engage those experiencing the problems in every aspect of addressing them.”

Community Engagement

Page 40: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Partnership does not mean Engagement

Community partnerships are relationships between partners for the purpose of a collective benefit.

Community engagement builds “social capital” -- social ties, networks, and support -- which is associated with better community health and well-being.

Page 41: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Moving forward in Community Engagement

Determine the goals of the plan Plan out who to engage Develop strategies to engage those

individuals you already know and strategies to engage those individuals you do not yet know

Prioritize activities Create an implementation plan Monitor progress Maintain those relationships

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Have the Conversation

Public Hearing Influencing the Like-

Minded Top-Down Building a Decision-

Making Hierarchy Goals / Strategic Plan Public Relations

Community Conversation Understanding Those Not

Like-Minded Bottom-Up Establishing a

Stakeholder Network Values / Vision Community Engagement

Communication (Old Way) Engagement (New Way)

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Life Course

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The Life Course Perspective

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Health Disparities

Why do health disparities persist across population groups?

What are the factors that influence the capacity of individuals or populations to reach their full potential for health and well-being?

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Key Life Course Concepts

Today’s experiences and exposures influence tomorrow’s health (Timeline).

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Key Life Course Concepts

Health pathways are particularly affected during critical or sensitive periods. (Timing)

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Risk and Protective Factors

Risk Factors Protective Factors

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Risk Factors Protective Factors

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Key Life Course Concepts

Inequality in health reflects more than genetics and personal choice. (Equity)

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A Life Course Perspective

Lu MC, Halfon N. Racial and ethnic disparities in birth outcomes: a life-course perspective. Matern Child Health J. 2003;7:13-30.

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Life Course Influences Health

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A Data PIE

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A Data PIE

Overview The MCH system of prevention

and the nursing process:AssessmentPlanningImplementationEvaluation

Page 55: Maternal Child Health (MCH) Services Program MCH District Nurse Consultants & Cindy Leuthen, RN Maternal Child Health Services Program Manager Public Health

Assessment Data

Finding Data National State County

Collecting Data Surveys Focus groups Pre-test Observational


Using Data Evidence-based

decision making Recruitment of key

stakeholders Sustainability/

funding Community

Engagement Outcomes

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Assessment: Finding Data

National ( Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey

(BRFSS) Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System

(PedNSS) and Pregnancy Surveillance System (PNSS)

State ( Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS) Chronic Disease and Risk Factors

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Chronic Disease Survey

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Assessment: Finding Data

County Community Data Profiles (CDP)

American Community Survey

County Health Rankings

Missouri Information for Community Assessment (MICA)

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Assessment: Collecting Data

Survey Examples: National – BRFSS State – YTS County - CDP

Focus Groups Topic specific Population of interest

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Assessment: Collecting Data

Pre-Test – assess knowledge Example: danger of tobacco usage

Observational Studies – assess behavior Example: bicycle helmet usage in a city park

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Evidence-based decision making

Recruitment of Key Stakeholders

Sustainability/ Funding

Community Engagement


Planning: Using Data

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Implementation: Evidence-Based

Evidence-based intervention strategies Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP)

Community Health Improvement Resources (CHIR)

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

index.htm Community Guide National Policy and Legal Analysis Network (NPLAN)

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Evaluation Process evaluation

Examples: staff MCH activity logs, intervention activity logs, participant feedback forms

Impact evaluation Examples: Pre- and post-test, post-intervention

surveys or focus groups, and observational studies Outcome evaluation

Examples: comparing baseline and end of intervention data, after three years of funding what is different?

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Steps to design an evaluation plan: Decide what will be included in the evaluation

BEFORE implementing an intervention Prepare evaluation questions for each aspect of

the evaluation Identify appropriate methods for collecting

evaluation information Determine a timeline for collecting and

analyzing evaluation data Make a plan on how to share the evaluation

results in the community

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Evaluation Resources


Community Toolbox:

Evaluation made Very easy, Accessible, and Logical (EVAL)

AHELP Program Evaluation Webpage

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Other resources: MCH Intervention and Data Resource Guide


Guide to Outcomes-based Evaluation

Evaluating your Community-based Program Part II

AMCHP resource on best practice http://dhssnet/LPHS/lpha_info.htm

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A Data PIE

Key Points of A Data PIE Identify existing data SOS (Steal Others Stuff) Pre- and Post-measures MUST be the same

tool Include the community throughout the

Assessment, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation (APIE) process

Use evidence-based best practice Evaluate MCH system of prevention efforts

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Thank You!!!
