Page 1: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

Prepared by: Dennis N. Muñoz, PT, RN, RM, MANc



Page 2: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

1) After delivery of a full-term newborn, the nurse is assessing for evidence of bonding behaviors between the mother in the infant. Which of the following observation would indicate a positive bonding experience:

a. The mother asks the nurse to keep the baby in the roomb. The mother turns her face toward the baby to initiate eye-to-eye contact.c. The mother states the she’s going to name the baby after her labor nurse.d. The mother requests the nurse to take a picture of the baby in the open warmee.

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2) The nurse palpates a multipara’s fundus immediately after delivery of placenta and assesses that it’s boggy. The nurse massages the patient’s uterus until it’s firm. Which medication would the nurse anticipates might need to be administered if the uterus becomes boggy again?

a. Oxytocin (Pitocin)b. Ibuprofenc. Rh0(D) immune globulin (RhoGam)d. Magnesium sulfate

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3) An intrapartum patient ask the nurse, “why can’t have anything to eat during labor?’ which of the following statements would the nurse include in her responcse.

a. “You don’t need food during labor because you have an I.V. infusion.

b. “the gastrointestinal system stops during labor so the food would

remain in your stomach,”c. “The risk of aspiration great during labor so all food in withheldd. “Eating food during labor would cause the contractile pattern to slow down

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4) The nurse is caring for the patient receiving terbutaline. The nurse observes the medication is having a therapeutic effect when the patient:

a. No longer perceives pain in her perineal area. b. Dilates 1.5 cm every our during labor c. Has constructions that decrease in frequency and duration d. Has a pulse rate that increases from 90 to 120 beats/minute

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5) Four different intrapartum patients present to the labor unit. Which of these patients would require a cesarean delivery:

a. Primigravida with the lowermost twin a vertex presentationb. Multipara with a traverse lie confirmed by ultrasound c. Multipara with the fetal station documented as “floating”d. Primigravida with the fetus in an

occiput posterior position

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6) The nurse is providing postamniocentesis care for a patient at 34 weeks gestation. Which of the following nursing actions is essential?

a. Ambulating the patient to initiate contractions

b. Observing the puncture site for any licking fluid c. Cleaning the abdomen with antiseptic solutiond. Informing the patient that a cesarean delivery is planned

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7) Which of the following patients would have the highest priority for being monitored with internal fetal monitoring?

a. Patient with ruptured membranesb. Patient at complete dilation and +2 station c. Patient in latent phase with intact

membranes d. Patient with fetus in vertex presentation and meconium-stained fluid

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8) Which of the following patients would the nurse consider a priority for being place at high risk for fetal distress during labor

a. Patient with a 20-to 25-pound weight gain during pregnancy b. An Rh-negative patient with a negative indirect Coombs’ testc. A gestational diabetic whose glucose level was 90 mg/dl on admission d. A patient at 43 weeks gestation admitted for induction of labor

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9) The nurse is providing care for a patient with a twin pregnancy. Which of the following fetal factors would enhance the possibility of a vaginal birth?

a. Twin A is in a vertex presentationb. Twin A is in a breech presentation

c. Evidence exist of fetal distress in one fetus d. Gestation is less than 32 weeks, and the fetal size is less than 2,000 g.

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10) Upon palpitation of an intrapartum patient’s abdomen, the nurse assess the fetus is in a breech presentation. Where would the nurse auscultae for the fetal hearth tone?

a. Above the umbilicusb. Left lower abdomenc. Below the umbilicusd. Right lateral abdomen

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11) Immediately after a spontaneous rupture of the membranes, the nurse observes a loop of umbilical cord protruding from the vagina. The first nursing action would be to:

a. Administer oxygen b. Notify the doctorc. Document the decelerationd. Elevate the hips on two pillows

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SITUATION: The nurse is teaching a group of couples in childbirth class.

Question 12 to 16 refers to this SITUATION.

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12) After the nurse describes normal labor, including the premonitory signs of labor, the patients attending the class comment. Which of the following marks would indicate that further teaching is necessary?

a. “My membranes won’t rapture until I’m ready to deliver”b. “I may feel Braxton Hicks contractions as my pregnancy progress.”c. “ lightening usually occurs 2 weeks

before labor begins in a first pregnancy”d. “I’ll begin to see a bloody mucous

vaginal discharge as my cervix begins to dilate.”

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13) Which statement by a class member indicates a need for further teaching about breathing techniques during labor and delivery?

a. “I’ll continue to use slow. Deep breathing throughout the labor.” b. “I’ll use blowing techniques if I have an urge to push and I’m not completely dilated.”c. “I’ll take in a deep breath and hold it into the count of 10 when I’m pushing.”d. “I’ll request an epidural anesthetic when my constructions begin and won’t need to use breathing techniques

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14) The nurse reviews the contractile patterns seen during the latest phase of labor. Which of the following statements made by the patients indicates that she understood the teaching?

a. “My contractions should be every 2 to 3 minutes, lasting for 60 to 90 seconds, and will be strong.”b. “I should expect not to be able to feel my contractions during the early talent phase of labor.”c. “My contractions will be mild, lasting for approximately 30 seconds, and occurring about every 10 minutes.”d. “I expect to be in the talent phase of labor for only a short time.”

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15) One class member is a primigravida who intends to breast-feed. She asks the nurse when she’ll be able to breast-feed her infant. Which of the following statements would the nurse include in her response?

a. Immediately after birth b. During the second period of reactivity c. After the newborn’s bath when the temperature is stabled. After assessing the baby’s gag reflex with a sterile water feeding

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16) The nurse is teaching the class about pain-relief measures available during the second stage of labor. Which of the following pain-relief measures would the nurse include?

a. Narcotic analgesicsb. Spinal blockc. Pudendal blockd. Sedative hypnotics

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SITUATION: A new nurse on the labor and delivery unit id receiving departmental policies regarding high-risk pregnancy.

Questions 17 to 20 refer to this SITUATION

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17) What type of precautions would the nurse use in providing care for a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive intrapartum patient?

a. Strict isolation b. Enteric isolation c. Standard precaution d. Respiratory precautions only

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18) When a patient who is HIV-positive is admitted to the unit in labor at term, which of the following interventions would the nurse question as posing a particular risk to the fetus?

a. Nonstress testb. Sonogramc. Sterile vaginal examinationd. Application of the fetal scalp electrode

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19) The nurse receives a report from the laboratory that a patient’s rapid plasma reagin test is positive. Which of the following would the nurse expect to see in the newborn?

a. Tremorsb. Snufflesc. Ruddy coloring d. Seizure activity

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20) The nurse is assessing the complete blood count report of a patient labor. Which of the following results would the nurse report to the doctor?

a. White blood cell count of 12,000/plb. Hemoglobin level of 6.6 g/dlc. Platelet count of 255,000/pld. Red Blood Cell count of 4.5 million/pl

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SITUATION: Maria Ramirez is a gravid 3 para 2 who presents to the hospital with a report that she has noticed decreased fetal movement over the last 2 days.

Questions 21 to 25 refer to this SITUATION.

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21) The nurse performs Leopold’s maneuvers on Mrs. Ramirez and notes the following findings: a soft, firm mass in the fundus: several knots and protrusions on the mother’s left side and hard, round, movable object in the pubic area. The cephalic prominence is on the left side. Base on this findings, the nurse determines that the fetal position is:

a. Left accipitoanterior (LOA)b. Right accipitoanterior (ROA)c. Left sacroposterior (LSP)d. Right sacroposterior (RSP)

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22) The nurse is places an external fetal monitor on Mrs. Ramirez. Which of the following instructions would the nurse give to Mrs. Ramirez is regarding the fetal monitor?

a. “The monitor requires that you lay on your back so the tracing records accurately.”b. “You’ll need to use the bedpan because the tracing must be recorded continuously.”c. “The monitor records your contractile

pattern in the fetal response to the contractions.”d. “The monitor will records your dilation and effacement and fetal decent in th pelvis.”

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23) As Mrs. Ramirez enters the second stage of labor, the nurse observes what appears to be Mrs. Ramirez’s membranes rupture spontaneously. Which of the following would be the nurse’s priority action?

a. Have the patient turn on her left side.b. Coach the patient to bear down with the next contraction c. Assess the fetal heart rated. Clean the perennial area with a warm washcloths

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24) Which assessment would the nurse perform to validate that the membranes are ruptured?

a. Observed for a think, mucous vaginal discharge. b. Test the leaking fluid with nitrazine paper. c. Assess the patient’s temperature,

pulse, and blood pressure.d. Send a urine specimen from the patient to be cultured

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25) The nurse observes that the amniotic fluid is me conium- stained. Which of the observation on the fetal heart tracing would indicate signs of fetal distress?

a. Early deceleration with average variabilityb. Changes in the baseline variability from 6 to 10 beats/ minutec. An increase in the fetal heart rate from 135 to 150 with fetal activity d. A variable deceleration lasting 60

seconds return to a baseline tachycardia

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SITUATION: Beth Moore is a primigravida who has just been admitted to the labor unit. After Mrs. Moore’s orientation t the labor unit, the nurse applies the external fetal monitor and conducts a vaginal examination.

Questions 26 to 30 refer to this SITUATION

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26) The vaginal examination reveals that the fetus is in a vertex presentation and at a- 1 station. The nurse would interpret these findings to indicate that the fetal:

a. Head is engaged b. Buttocks is crowning c. Head is above the ischial spinesd. Buttocks are below the ischial spines

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27) The nurse is teaching Mrs. Moore’s husband brad how to time the duration of his wife’s contractions. Which of the following statements would the nurse use in her teaching?

a. “Duration is timed from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction”b. “duration is timed from the beginning of contraction to the end of the same contraction”c. “ duration can be determined only with an internal pressure catheter, which will be inserted after the membranes are ruptured”d. “duration is measured by timing the interval between the end of one contraction and of the beginning of the next contraction”

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28) The nurse continues monitor Mrs. Moore’s progress in labor. Which of the following statements would require the nurse to collect additional data?

a. Me conium-stained amniotic fluid b. Left occipitoanterior (LOA) fetal presentation c. Blood-tinged vaginal discharge at

complete dilation d. Maternal pulse between 90 and 95 beets/minute

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29) Mrs. Moore’s husband has gone to phone the family to report on the progress of labor. As the nurse enters the room, she observed Mrs. Moore focusing on Brad’s picture and breathing deeply with her contraction. The nurse would interpret this behavior as characteristics of which phase of labor?

a. Active b. Latent c. Third d. Fourth

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30) When Mrs. Moore has reached transition, which og the following behavior would the nurse expect Mrs. Moore to display?

a. Explaining in detail her birth planb. Slowly breathing with her contractionsc. Panting rapidly at the peak of each contraction d. Pushing the nurse’s hand off their


Page 36: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

SITUATION: The labor room nurse is admitting Suzanne Russel, who has gestational diabetes, to the triage area of the unit at 32 weeks gestation. Her doctor has sent Mrs. Russel to the hospital because she reported occasional irregular contractions over the last 2 days.

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31) Mrs. Russel states, “I have twin sons who are delivered at term, and I have one miscarriage at 12 weeks. “the nurse determines that Mrs. Russel’s obstetric history is:

a. 32012b. 43012c. 41012 d. 31012

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32) Mrs. Russel doctor orders amniocentesis. At this gestational age, which of the following fetal outcomes will the amniocentesis determine?

a. Lung maturity b. Growth patterns c. Placental exchange d. Chromosomal abnormalities

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33) The nurse receives a report of a lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio of 1:1 for a patient with gestational diabetes who is at the 32nd week of gestation and in pattern labor. Which of the following actions should be included on this patient’s plan of care?

a. Perform contraction stress test. b. Notify the doctor that the fetal lungs are immature c. Prepare the patient for an immediate cesarean sectiond. Inform the patient that the fetal lungs are mature

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34) Mrs. Russel’s doctor has ordered terbutaline to stop preterm labor contractions. Which of the following assessments would be most important to determine before administration of the medication?

a. Urinary outputb. Respiratory ratec. Apical pulse rate d. Deep tendon reflexes

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35) An additional order id written for bethemethesone, 12 mg I.M. every 12 hours for two doses, for Mrs. Russel. The expected therapeutic effect of this medication is to?

a. Inhibit labor contractionsb. Accelerate fetal lung maturity c. Decrease blood loss during labord. Prevent development of chorioamnionitis

Page 42: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

SITUATION: Claire Logan is admitted to the labor unit for induction of labor at 38 weeks gestation. Her health history indicates that she has had two previous pregnancies delivered at term. During this pregnancy she has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

Questions 36 to 40 refer to this SITUATION.

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36) Which of the following interventions would the nurse expect to perform on admission?

a. Test Mrs. Logan’s urine for protein with a dipstickb. Measure Mrs. Logan’s fundal height with a tape measurec. Administer Mrs. Logan’s oral hypoglycemicd. Assess Mrs. Logan’s glucose level with a finger stick.

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37) Which nursing diagnosis would the nurse anticipate as having highest priority for the patient with gestational diabetes in labor?

a. Risk for infection related to invasive procedures during laborb. Risk for injury to fetus related to the effects of diabetes on uteroplacental functioningc. Knowledge deficit related to lack of information about care during labord. Altered family processes related to diabetes increasing the patient’s risk of complications

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38) Mrs. Logan tells the nurse that she has had weekly nonstress test shows that, after 30 minutes, three periods of fetal activity were noted with acceleration of 15 beat/minute last for 15 seconds. The nurse would interpret the nonstress test results as:

a. Reactiveb. Positivec. Nonreactive d. Unsatisfactory

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39) Mrs. Logan tells the nurse, “My previous labors stated on their own. How will this induction of labor be different from my last labor?” upon which theory would the nurse base her response?

a. An induction causes the inductions to be more intense during the first stage of labor b. The risk of the uterine rupture is less because the oxytocin (Pitocin) is controlled with an infusion pumpc. The goal of induction is to produce a contractile pattern similar to that observed in spontaneous labord. During an induction, fetal monitoring begins as soon as the oxytocin is started, whereas in a spontenoues labor monitoring begins when signs of distress occur

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40) Which of the following patient assessments would indicate the therapeutic response to administration of prostaglandin gel?

a. Contraction lasting more than two minutes

b. Softening of the vertexc. Nausea and vomitingd. Decrease in the blood pressure

Page 48: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

SITUATION: Janet Wilson is a 17-year-old primigravida admitted to the labor unit at 39 weeks gestation. She tells the nurse that her doctor said that she needed to be treated for high blood pressure.

Question 41 to 45 refer to this SITUATION

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41) Which assessment finding would support the diagnosis of pregnancy-in-duced hypertension (PIH)?

a. Dependent ankle edema b. Weight loss of 2 pounds c. Protein in the urine d. Pink, frothy sputum

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42) Which labor room assignment would the nurse give to the patient diagnosed with pregnancy-induced hypertension?

a. Near the elevator so that she can be transported quicklyb. Across from the nurses’ station so that she can be observe closelyc. In a back hallway where there is a

quite, private roomd. Close to the nursery so she’ll maintain hope of the positive outcome

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43) The doctor has ordered magnesium sulfate for Ms. Wilson. Performing which of the following assessment would be most important to evaluate whether the patient experiencing toxic effects of magnesium sulfate?

a. Blood pressure b. Patellar reflexc. Pulse rate d. Anxiety level

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44) Which of the following nursing action is considered a priority when providing care for a patient receiving magnesium sulfate?

a. Monitor fluid intake and output because this medication has a antidiuretic effectb. Place the patient in Trendelenbrg’s

position to increase venous returnc. Assess the respiratory rate because a side effect of this medication is respiratory depression d. Administer this medication so that

contractions are strong, occur at least 3 minutes apart, and last 50 to 60 seconds apart

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45) Which of the following interventions would assist in minimizing further progression of Ms. Wilson’s induced-hypertension?

a. Maintaining a salt-free dietb. Restricting fluids to 500 ml per dayc. Raising the blinds to allow sunlight into the roomd. Encouraging bed rest in the side-lying position

Page 54: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

SITUATION: Holly Pratt is a primigravida who has come who has come to the hospital at term stating that her baby hasn’t been moving very much during the last 24 hours and that she’s leaking fluid. The nurse applies the fetal monitor and determines that Ms. Pratt’s membranes have ruptured.

Questions 46 to 50 refer to this SITUATION

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46) The fetal monitor indicates that Ms. Pratt’s fetus is experiencing cord compression. Which of the following is an accurate description of the fetal heart rate pattern?

a. A smooth, flat baseline of 140 beats/minuteb. An abrupt decrease in fetal heart rate unrelated to the contraction c. An acceleration of the fetal heart rate of 15 beats/minute above the baselined. A deceleration that occurs at the

beginning of the contraction and resolves by the end of the


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47) The doctor indicates that Ms. Pratt needs an amnioinfussion. The priority nursing action would be to monitor:

a. Fetal heart rate changes.b. The amount of normal saline infused c. Maternal temperature every 2 hoursd. The height of the maternal fundus

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48) The nurse assess that Ms. Pratt’s fetus has a baseline hearth rate of 186beat/minute. Which of the following is an accurate interpretation of this fetal heart rate?

a. The fetal heart rate is within normal range b. The fetal heart rate indicates mild

hypoxiac. The fetal heart rate documents a fetal response to activityd. The fetal heart rate confirms that the fetus is descending rapidly

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49) The nurse observes that Ms. Pratt’s fetus is showing decreased variability on the monitor strip. The nurse performs scalp stimulation expecting which of the following outcomes?

a. Fetal heart rate accelerationb. Early decelerationc. Continued decreased variabilityd. Fetal movement with an acceleration

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50) Ms. Pratt hesitates to have epidural anesthesia for relief of labor pain because she doesn’t want to have a spinal headache. Which of the following nursing diagnosis is appropriate for Ms. Pratt?

a. Potential for injury related to toxic systemic reactionb. Altered urinary elimination related to effects of epidural anesthesiac. Impaired gas exchange in fetus related to anesthetic agentd. Knowledge deficit related to lack of information about epidural anesthesia

Page 60: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

SITUATION: Sandy Helm is scheduled for induction of labor because she’s now in the 42nd week of gestation. Her health history indicates that she had a normal pregnancy, and recent nonstress test have been reactive.

Questions 51 to 56 refer to this SITUATION:

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51) The nurse starts an I.V infusion of 1,000 ml Lactated Ranger’s solution to which 10 units of oxytocin (Pitocin) has been added. Which of the following assessments would require that the nurse immediately discontinue the oxytocin infusion?

a. Spontaneous rapture of the membranes containing a few shreds of blood and mucusb. An increase in a blood pressure from 120/70 to 130/84 over the last 30 minutes c. Contractions with a frequency of 3 minutes and duration of 60 secondsd. Fetal heart rate deceleration at the peak of the contraction decreasing from 140/ 100 beats/minute and lasting for 60 seconds

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52) During Mrs. Helm’s induction of labor, which of the following must the nurse assess to determine whether the oxytocin is having a therapeutic or an adverse effect?

a. Blood glucose levelb. Urine outputc. Contractive pattern d. Deep tendon reflexes

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53) After 2 hours of receiving I.V. oxytocin, Mrs. Helm’s contractions are 90 to 110 seconds in duration. The nurse’s first action would be to:

a. Notify the doctorb. Discontinue the oxytocin infusionc. Decrease the oxytocin to 10µU/minuted. Increase the infusion rate of the mainline I.V. fluids

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54) Mrs. Helm received an epidural anesthetic when her dilation reached 5 cm. Which of the following nursing diagnoses would have the highest priority for her at this time?

a. Risk of altered urinary elimination related to the effects of the

epiduralb. Knowledge deficit related to lack of information about regional anesthesiac. Risk of injury related to hypotension secondary to vasodilation and pooling in extremitiesd. Impaired skin integrity related to an inability to move lower extremities

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55) Immediately after administration of the epidural anesthesia, the nurse palpates Mrs. Helm’s blood pressure, which suddenly falls to 90/40. The nurse’s first action would be to:

a. Raise her head off the bedb. Administer oxygen by face maskc. Turn her to a side-lying positiond. Assist her to a knee-chest position

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56) Which of the following would be a favorable fetal outcome after Mrs. Helm received epidural anesthesia?

a. The fetal heart rate decreases to 90 beats/minutesb. The fetal heart pattern shows consistent late decelerationc. The fetal heart tracing exhibits a

smooth baseline of 140 beats/minuted. The fetal heart tracing shows accelerations with fetal movement

Page 67: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

SITUATION: Tammy George is a 15-year-old primigravida who arrives at the triage age saying that the school nurse told her that her blood pressure was too high. She hasn’t received any prenatal care but thinks she’s at 36 weeks’ gestation. The nurse applies the fetal monitor and conducts her nursing admission.

Questions 57 to 61 refer to this SITUATION.

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57) The nurse take’s Ms. George’s blood pressure, which is 160/110. In support of a possible diagnosis of pregnancy-induced hypertension, what additional data should the nurse collect?

a. Urine dipstick indicating trace of glucose

b. Complaints of a frontal headache for the last weekc. Increase of ½ lb since she last weighed herselfd. Complaints of dependent edema in the late afternoon that resolves after sleeping

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58) Which monitor pattern would the nurse expect to observe if Ms. George is experiencing uteroplacental insufficiency?

a. Late decelerationb. Early decelerationc. Variable deceleration d. Fetal acceleration

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59) The nurse observes that Ms. George’s fetus has a fetal heart pattern indicating uteroplacental insufficiency. The nurse’s first intervention would be to:

a. Assist the patient to semi-Fowler’s positionb. Assist the patient to turn to a side- lying positionc. Administer oxygen by nasal cannula at 3 L/minuted. Coach the patient to pant with her next contraction

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60) The doctor plans cesarean delivery for Ms. George’s fetus as soon as possible. Which of the following preoperative instructions would the nurse give Ms. George?

a. “You’ll have a nasogastric tube”b. “You’ll have to remain in one position during your recovery c. “You’ll be separated from your baby for the first 24 hours”d. “You’ll be encouraged to turn, cough, and take deep breaths after the delivery”

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61) Which of the following medications would the nurse expect to give Ms. George before the cesarean birth?

a. Secobarbital (Seconal)b. Morphine sulfatec. Sodium citrate (Bicitra) d. Oxytocin (Pitocin)

Page 73: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

SITUATION: Margie Sullivan at 40 weeks’ gestation. She and her husband Dan come to the labor unit. Mrs. Sullivan has four other children and is in active labor. This is Dan’s first child. He’s eager to support his partner even though they haven’t attended childbirth class.

Questions 62 to 67 refer to this SITUATION.

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62) Mr. Sullivan asks the nurse what his role should be because Mrs. Sullivan seems so uncomfortable. The nurse explains that the coach’s primary role is to be:

a. An active support person throughout the laborb. An observer who primarily participates during deliveryc. A witness to the labor and delivery experienced. An information giver to all other family members not present at the birth

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63) The nurse is teaching Mrs. Sullivan how to use effleurage during labor. Which of the following statements would the nurse include in her teaching?

a. “Hold your breath and push with each contraction”b. “Massage your uterus at the peak of each contraction”c. “Ambulate during the latent and active phases of labor”d. “Lightly trace a pattern on your abdomen with your fingertips”

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64) The nurse performs Leopold’s maneuvers and determines that Mrs. Sullivan’s fetus is in the right occipitoanterior (ROA) position. The nurse interprets this to mean that the fetus is:

a. In a transverse lieb. In a frank breech presentationc. Facing toward the maternal left pelvisd. In a face presentation

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65) Mr. Sullivan asks the nurse, “Why are you doing that?”As the nurse pal. Pates Mrs. Sullivan’s abdomen. The nurse’s response should include which of the following statements?

a. “So I can determine how large your baby is and whether he’ll be able to fit into your wife’s pelvis.”b. “It tells me what your baby’s station is and how far dilated and effaced your wife is.”c. “I can’t tell much, but it allows me to feel if your baby is moving.”d. “So I can tell what position your baby is in and where to listen to your baby’s heart beat.”

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66) Mrs. Sullivan is examined by the nurse, who documents the following data: cervix. 9 cm; position, +2. The nurse determines that Mrs. Sullivan is in which stage of labor.

a. Firstb. Secondc. Third d. Fourth

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67) Mrs. Sullivan calls out, “My Baby’s coming!” to ensure the patient’s safety, the nurse’s initial action would be to:

a. Observe the perineumb. Notify the obstetrician on callc. Encourage the patient to deep breathed. Initiate I.V fluids

Page 80: Maternal and Child Nursing - Intrapartum Period

SITUATION: Jeanne O’Neill has come to the triage area at 37 weeks gestation concerned about some occasional contractions. She’s 40 years old. This is her second pregnancy, and her clinic chart indicates that, despite several health problems, her prenatal care has been sporadic.

Questions 68 to 73 refer to this SITUATION

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68) Mrs. O’Neill tells the nurse that she a thick, while, cheesy discharge; itching; and burning in urinations. The nurse assesses these symptoms to be indicative of which of the following vaginal infection:

a. Cervicitis b. Candidiasisc. Gonorrhea d. Trichomoniasis

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69) Which of the following maternal high-risk factor places Mrs. O’Neill at risk for delivering

a newborn with congenital anomalies?a. Diabetes mellitusb. Pregnancy-induced hypertension c. Hemoglobin hypertensiond. Preterm labor treated with terbutaline

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70) The nurse determines that Mrs. O’Neill is having Braxton Hicks contractions can be discharge from the triage area. Which statements made by Mrs. O’Neill would indicate that she needs additional teaching about when to come to the hospital?

a. “if my membrane’s rupture, I’ll wait until my contractions begins”b. “ if my contractions increase in frequency and duration, I’ll come to the hospital”c. “If I experience vaginal bleeding, I’ll come to the hospital.”d. “If my baby stops moving, I’ll come to the hospital.”

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71) Mrs. O’Neill returns to the hospital the next day with a complaint of vaginal bleeding. She states that she snorted cocaine approximately 1 hour earlier. Which of the following complications is most likely causing the patients of vaginal bleeding?

a. Placenta previab. Abruption placentaec. Ectopic pregnancy d. Spontaneous abortion

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72) Which of the following assessments would indicate that Mrs. O’Neill has developed abruption placentae?

a. Increased blood pressure and periodical edemab. Pain in the lumbar sacral area radiating to the area above the symptysis pubisc. Sharp fundal pain without relaxation between contractiond. Painless vaginal bleeding and an

increased pulse rate

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73) The nurse suspects that Mrs. O’Neill has experienced an intrauterine fetal demise. Which of the following nursing actions is most appropriate in caring for Mrs. O’Neill at this time?

a. Administer pain medicationb. Provide privacy by leaving her in the labor room alone until the doctor

arrivesc. Request that the father of the baby remain in the waiting room until the assessment is performedd. Have the most experienced labor nurse ausculate for the fetal heart tones

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SITUATION: Kim Knight is a 33-year-old primigravida who has come to the hospital because she experienced bright red vaginal bleeding. She’s at 35 weeks’ gestation. Her clinic chart indicates that she was diagnosed with placenta previda 3 weeks earlier.

Questions 74 to 77 refer to this SITUATION

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74) Which of the following would the nurse implement initially in caring for Ms. Knight?

a. Maintain the patient in a side-lying positionb. Perform a vaginal examination to

assess labor progressc. Assess fetal heart tones using an

internal scalp electroded. Ambulate the patient to facilities labor contractions

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75) Ms. Knight requires an emergency cesarean delivery under general anesthesia. Which of the following questions must the nurse to ask Ms. Knight before surgery?

a. “Would you like anyone to be with you during the delivery?”b. “When was the last time you ate solid food?”c. “Are you sure you want general anesthesia for the deliveryd. “Would you like to receive a sedative before the delivery to help you relax?”

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76) Ms. Knight delivers a healthy newborn. During the initial assessment after the birth the nurse expects to observe which of the following in the newborn’s umbilical cord?

a. Two veins and one arteryb. One vein and one arteryc. One vein and two arteriesd. Two vein and two arteries

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77) Immediately after delivery the nurse would expect to assess Ms. Knight’s fundus to be:

a. Deviated to the rightb. One fingerbreadth above the level of the umbilicusc. Firm and contracted at the umbilicusd. Four fingerbreadth above the umbilicus and slightly deviated to the left