

18 novembre ’17

Pulizia emotiva e relazioni

Con Sohan Inder Kaur (Laura Tassi) +39 388 1048739

[email protected] fb kundalini yoga brescia


1) Arm Swings. Stand up. Balance equally on both feet. Keep both arms straight with no bend in the elbows. Make Buddhi Mudra with each hand (touch the tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb, the other fingers relaxed but straight). Swing the arms in giant circles up and back over the head, then down in back and forward. The beat is automatic and strong. Concentrate and put all your energy into the exercise. It should be a smooth and continuous swing. Continue for 5 minutes. Then inhale and stretch the arms straight up briefly. This stimulates the lungs, lung meridians, and flushes the upper lymph system.

2) Reverse .flrm Swings. Still standing up, close the fists of both hands over the thumbs, and reverse the direction of the arm swing. Swing the arms down in front, up in back, and over the head. Keep the arms straight and move them pow erfully. Continue for 1-2 minutes. Then inhale forward with the arms parallel to the ground. This balances the motion of #1 and releases the circulation through the neck and cheeks.

3) Front Bend Bounce. Stand up straight. Raise the arms over the head, keeping them straight. Bend forward and place both palms flat on the ground. Strike the ground with the palms 7 times as you bounce in the bent position. Chant the sound Har! with each bounce. Then rise up and clap the hands together over the head as you say Haree! Create a steady rhythm so that the chant is a con tinuous: Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Haree! Continue for 6-7 minutes. Inhale and stretch up briefly. Relax. This stimulates the Navel Chakra. It releases reserve energy to heal and co-ordi-nate the body and to improve circulation in the digestive areas. The mantra is an effective trigger for the Navel Point energy. It also frees up emotions like fear and confusion that block the ability to act decisively.

4) Leg lifts with Breath of Fire. Sit down with the legs stretched out in front. Keep the legs and sides of the heels together. Place the palms on the ground next to the hips. With a vigorous motion, lift both legs up to a 60 degree angle, then let them back down. Add a strong Breath of Fire. Coordinate one inhale-exhale of Breath of Fire as you lift the legs up, and another as the legs go back down. Continue for 2 minutes. This pushes circulation below the navel and stimulates the lower colon. It enhances circulation to the lower legs.

5) Criss-Cross Legs with Breath of Fire. Sit with the legs stretched out in front. Place the palms on the ground next to the hips. Lift the legs off the ground I - 1/2 feet. Begin a criss-cross motion of the legs. Spread them comfortably to 45 degrees. Add the Breath of Fire in synchrony with the motion. Continue for 2-3 minutes, then inhale and hold the legs together briefly, and relax down. This reinforces the effects of exercise 4, but adds balance to the electromagnetic field. It is also excellent for strengthening the sexual system.



New Lungs £r Circulation

6) Criss-Cross Arms with Breath of Fire. Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the arms in front of the torso parallel to the ground and to each other. Palms face down. Begin a criss-cross scissor motion. Alternate the crossing of the arms over each other. When they separate bring them to shoulder width apart. Add to the motion a powerful Breath of Fire. Continue for 30-60 seconds. Inhale with the arms parallel. Relax. This rejuvenates the lungs and synchronizes the electromagnetic field of the heart with the breath rhythm.

7) Baby Pose with Breath of Fire. Sit on the heels. Bend forward and place the forehead on the ground. Extend the arms back along the sides on the ground. The palms face up. Concentrate at the Brow Point. Do Breath of Fire. Continue for 30-60 seconds. This brings a circulatory flush to the brain, eyes and upper glands.

8) Moving Yoga Mudra with Breath of Fire. Still in the same position, lift the arms up and join the hands together behind the back. Interlace the fin gers of the two hands in a hammer lock-cross the thumbs over each other to lock the hands firmly. Lift the arms up and then back down. Create a steady, rapid, rhythmical motion. Add Breath of Fire to the motion. Do one Breath of Fire as the arms go up, and one as the arms go down. Continue for 2 min utes. Inhale, raise the arms up, hold briefly. Relax. This affects the very top of the lungs and builds the magnetic field.

9) Meditate. Sit in Easy Pose. Become very meditative. Keep the spine straight, chest lifted slightly, with the lower spine tucked gently forward. Elevate your thoughts to the Infinite, the Unlimited and the Vast. Open your heart and give your best personal prayer for empowerment, healing, and awareness. Put your head, heart and soul into it. Continue for 2-3 minutes.

10) Relax completely.

COMMENTS: You feel full of energy and in control when the lungs and circulation are in excellent shape. The breath and its flow in the body determines your emo-tional base. This set rebuilds the lungs and improves circulation throughout the body. It is a rhythmical and short kriya for intermediate students or for enthusiastic beginners who are in good condition. In 22 minutes a day you can practice this kriya and rebuild your system. It will prepare your lungs for an excellent practice of pranayam in Kundalini Yoga.

This set was originally taught by Yogi Bhajan December 7, 1983.


Pituitary Gland Series


October 26, 1988

1. Siedi confortevolmente in posizione facile. Appoggia la parte posteriore della mano sinistra sul palmo della mano destra. Il pollice della mano destra sta al centro del palmo della mano sinistra ed il pollice sinistro sta sopra al destro. Le dita della mano destra tengono la mano sinistra in un abbraccio delicato e confortevole. Tenere le mani in questo modo vi da pace assicurandovi sensibilità. Portate questo mudra al centro del vostro cuore con le mani poggiate alla cassa toracica. Meditate sulla vostra versione favorita "di Dhan, Dhan, Ram Das Guru" iniziando con 11 minuti, poi lentamente, e gradualmente allungate la meditazione fino a 31 minuti.

Per finire: inalate profondamente e distendetevi.

Questa meditazione elimina la paura del futuro che deriva dalla memoria subconscia del passato.

Vi costringerà a tener conto del vostro centro del cuore.

La Bellezza in Te è nel tuo Spirito. La forza in te è nella tua Persistenza. L>intelligenza in te è nella tua Vastità. YB

Incrociare I pollici ti aiuta a neutralizzare la mente da calcoli frenetici per eliminare la paura ed il dolore. Quegli stessi calcoli che ti producono ansia, impedendoti di fare ricorso alla tua intuizione ed al tuo cuore. GSK


Kirtan Kriya p.1

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008

Sit straight in Easy Pose.

Eyes: Meditate at the Brow Point.

Mantra: Produce the five primal sounds (panj shabd):

S, T, N, M, A, in the original word form:

SAA: Infinity, cosmos, beginning

TAA: Life, existence

NAA: Death, change, transformation

MAA: Rebirth

Each repetition of the entire mantra takes 3 to 4 seconds.

This is the cycle of Creation. From the Infinite comes life

and individual existence. From life comes death or

change. From death comes the rebirth of consciousnes to

the joy of the Infinite through which compassion leads

back to life.

Mudra: This mantra can be done in many different

mudras. Most common is to begin in Gyan Mudra. The

elbows are straight while chanting, and the mudra

changes as each fingertip touches in turn the tip of the

thumb with firm pressure.

On SAA, touch the first (Jupiter) finger

On TAA, touch the second (Saturn) finger

On NAA, touch the third (Sun) finger

On MAA, touch the fourth (Mercury) finger

Chant in three languages of consicousness:

Human: normal or loud voice (the world)

Lovers: strong whisper (longing to belong)

Divine: mentally; silent (Infinity)

Time: Begin the kriya in a normal voice for 5 minutes;

then whisper for 5 minutes; then go deep into the sound,

vibrating silently for 10 minutes. Then come back to a

whisper for 5 minutes, then aloud for 5 minutes. The

duration of the meditation may vary, as long as the

proportion of loud, whisper, silent, whisper, loud is

