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Bloody Mary posing as Mary Mary Quiet Contrary

Queen Mary, through her actions was

given the name Bloody Mary, the daughter

of King Henry VIII. She had a reputation quite commonly known among her

associates as having a contrary nature.

Morbid telling’s of how queen Mary, so devoted

to her Catholic faith and how she does everything to uphold her religion. As someone

living in her country, your faith was chosen

by her to be Catholic. Her hypothetical

gardens referred to the graveyards horrifically

increasingly growing in size filled with the bodies

of those who dared to practise Protestant faith.

With tortured souls to spill secrets she intended

to destroy the Protestant’s faith. Silverbells were instruments of torture believed to be

thumb screws and these crushed the thumbs

between two hard surfaces and cockleshells were believed to be instruments of torture

which were attached to the genitals.

Mary wished to control the Protestant’s and a far

from pretty method was beheading. Guillotine’s

were first known as maid’s, understandably

victim’s unwillingness to die meant nearly all were

chased in and around the scaffold, then finally

hacked at by the executioner. This called for a

mechanical invention, Mary then ordered the

building of guillotines row upon row.