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  • 8/2/2019 Marx Monetary Theory


    December 19, 2010Marx and Monetary TheoryPosted inEconomicstaggedEconomics,Marxismat 14:17 by Matthijs Krul

    In the context of the current crisis, with quantitative easing to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars

    on the one hand and the rush to liquidity that accompanies financial crises on the other, it may be useful

    to take a look at how Marxs economic theory relate to issues of money and monetary policy. The aim here

    is to provide a clear and understandable overview of what Marxs theory of money was, how it relates to

    our current-day monetary system internationally, and how this relates to his value analysis generally. I will

    not aim to say anything particularly new or original, nor go into everything in the depth it really deserves,

    but I will limit myself to providing a general popular overview, as much as the rather abstract nature of the

    subject allows.

    Modern-day neoclassical economics has often been particularly criticized for the weakness, or really

    nonexistence, of a serious theory of money. For neoclassical economics, all that matters about money is

    the fact that it is generally accepted and functions to reduce transaction costs in exchange (when

    compared to barter). This is the story of money generally presented in high school economics textbooks,

    where eventually people get tired of having their goods spoil and having to carry heavy items around and

    decide to mutually accept something tangible and not particularly productively useful, like gold, in order

    to facilitate exchange. This allows division, savings, and so forth, and thereby is beneficial to this simple

    economy and helps make it sophisticated. Usually the bridge between gold as a measure and paper money

    is not even made, and the story boils down to nothing more sophisticated than saying that money is

    generally accepted because it is generally accepted. Even in more serious and academic neoclassical

    economics, it is rare to see any systematic attempt at drawing a theory of money into a larger framework

    of an economy; money usually is nothing other than anumeraire, i.e. a number for counting,

    considerations of its independent role limit themselves to theories of inflation and its consequences, and

    money and crisis theory are seldom related at all. As Dan Lavoie has pointed out:

    Neoclassical models often employ so sterile a concept of money as to preclude the

    development of an adequate explanation of the gross macro-economic disorders we

    call crises.


    Most of neoclassical economics relies at the macro level on Walrasian general equilibrium theory, in which

    one way or the other all supply and all demand must match; but while Walras was quite aware that this
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    reduced money to no more than a numeraire, without an independent role, and that this was unrealistic,

    the significance of this seems to have faded from view since.

    The result of there being no seriously integrated theory of money in neoclassical economics has somewhat

    oddly been that this field has been ceded for the most part to the Austrian school of economics. Their

    most famous disciple in particular about monetary theory in recent years is the American libertarian

    politician Ron Paul, whose platform of isolationism in foreign policy is as unorthodox nowadays as is his

    explicit insistence in domestic policy on the return of the gold standard. Austrian economics makes much

    hay out of their positions on monetary theory, which I think its proponents themselves consider one of its

    foremost salient points; but other than such policy ideas as free banking and the obsession with the gold

    standard, the core of the theory in fact is (as it is in most other respects) more Romish than the Pope on

    the issue of general equilibrium. In fact, Austrian monetary theory really denies that there is or can be

    such a thing as a theory of money, stating that in reality there is only a theory of prices.(2) Hence their

    desire for the gold standard and their never-abating struggle against what they see as the evils of inflation

    consequent on the creation of central banks issuing fiat money from their point of view, all they can do

    is drive up the numraire, distorting the expectations in the market, without at all making any substantial

    difference. While for neoclassical economics the neutrality of money, i.e. its effective irrelevance in terms

    of playing an independent role in economic theory, is merely a long-run assumption, for Austrian

    economics this is an absolute necessity.

    Yet crises occur, and if we are not to ascribe every crisis to a no true Scotsman style failure to follow

    some necessary (but apparently avoidable) logic of the market, as the Austrians do, we must take the

    possibility of disequilibrium seriously. This applies to money supply as much as to anything else. The

    most influential current-day proponent of this viewpoint is of course John Maynard, the Lord Keynes.

    Although his theories were written off by most liberals as being proven wrong and/or hopelessly outdated

    after the stagflation crisis of the 1970s, he has opportunistically come into vogue again as those same

    liberal bankers and economists now have been driven into the defensive in the wake of one of capitalisms

    most serious crises since 1932. It makes sense in such times for theories that understand disequilibrium,

    or at least the possibility of disequilibrium, to become popular again. This is all the more so for Keynes

    since most peoples basic understanding of him is not at all based on knowledge of his actual economic

    doctrines, but rather on a perception of the man as an icon of social-democratic politics on the one hand,

    including state support to increase employment, and skepticism about laissez-faire in the finance

    industry on the other hand. Neither are ideas to be sneezed at by any means, but it will not do to claim

    to be a Keynesian just because it happens to be politically convenient. One must also understand and

    address his economic theories, and compare them with other theories of disequilibrium.

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    money plays in a specifically capitalist economy it is essential to understand that such an economy is

    characterized by general commodity exchange, that is, that commodity exchange is the way people as

    economic actors relate to each other in such an economy. Now for any commodity to be exchangeable

    with another, it is necessary to compare their relative values; and if there are very many commodities, this

    means that when each commodity is the measure of value of all the others, there is a humongous amount

    of different standards of exchange value. It makes sense, therefore, that there be one commodity which

    functions as the measure of exchange of all the rest: this is the money commodity. (If not, one would

    obtain the same indexing problems economic historians have nowadays when attempting to create an

    equivalent measure of value for commodities at different historical periods.(6)) Money of course has

    existed for a very long time, and in pre-capitalist societies; but Marx sees the unfolding of the

    monetization of the economy exactly as the unfolding of the law of value in those economies, the gradual

    dominance of the commodity form as the means of reproduction of mankinds social relations. As

    commodity exchange becomes dominant, and thereby exchange value the dominant measure (rather thanthe utility or use value of individual items), so too does money become the life-blood of commerce. As

    Marx puts it in Capital:

    The historical progress and extension of exchange develops the contrast, latent in

    commodities, between use-value and value. The necessity for a giving external

    expression to this contrast for the purposes of commercial intercourse, urges on the

    establishment of an independent form of value, and finds no rest until it is once and

    for all satisfied by the differentiation of commodities into commodities and money. At

    the same rate, then, as the conversion of products into commodities is beingaccomplished, so also is the conversion of one special commodity into money.

    (7) This is Marxshistoricaltheory of money.

    Here we have then money as an accepted measure of exchange value, a commodity produced for this

    purpose. Marx assumes throughout Capitalthat this commodity money exists and that it takes the form of

    gold, freely produced in the capitalist market, for which currencies are exchangeable at the central bank.

    Needless to say, this is not at all the case today in the world market nor in any specific national market.

    Does this then invalidate Marxs theory as an outdated metallic one? The answer, of course, is no, as Marx

    then sets out to explain the different other functions and further development of money under capitalism,

    starting from the vantage point of its role as accepted measure of value. When the capitalist economy fully

    develops, the gold standard, this fetish of the Austrian economists, becomes a fetter on the full unfolding

    of the value economy. There will be times when the economy is growing and yet the private supply of gold

    is not, and over time the development of credit and thereby the finance industry will cause a tremendous

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    expansion of the available capital at any given time, which a gold standard cannot match. Moreover, with

    money functioning as the measure of value, the point of capitalism for the capitalists becomes the

    accumulation of money, rather than the accumulation of wealth in the form of use values. The demand for

    money therefore massively increases as capitalism comes fully into being.(8) The result then is that the

    gold standard works as a strong deflationary drag on economic growth, i.e. capitalist accumulation, and

    on the credit system. It must therefore be overcome, and it is overcome.

    Commodity money is replaced by symbolicmoney, i.e. credit bills and the like, which can overcome

    temporally the restrictions that gold convertibility imposes. Over time, as such symbolic money expands,

    the convertibility with gold becomes totally obsolete for the purposes of money and accumulation; soon, it

    is abandoned. The result is that one is left with two forms of money that prevail: the one is fiat money,

    which is (usually) worthless paper functioning as money because of the guarantee by a particular state that

    it shall be accepted as a measure of value, and the other is credit money, which takes the form of private

    claims on banks, i.e. banknotes. The state over time tends to take over this latter form, because for these

    private banknotes to function fully as money in a developed capitalist economy, they must be

    universalizable as a measure of exchange value, as we have seen; and private issuing of banknotes

    contradicts this. So one private issuer must take the form of the state authority as issuer, which then

    becomes the central bank to which all other banks are subjected. This does away also with the Austrian

    illusion of free banking. Again, the state entirely replaces the innate connection be tween money and

    commodity-value, by authorizing fiat money.(9)

    How then does this work, however, at the level of the world market? After all, there is no single state there

    that sets price numraires and authorizes fiat money. Marx, still assuming gold standards, states therefore

    that there can be no world money, since individual currencies lose their function as standards of local

    exchange value and become mere gold bullion, a commodity like any other.(10) This then also constitutes

    a barrier to capitalist expansion, to the universalization of the value logic (even though it can give ample

    opportunity for individual capitalists to make money on currency arbitrage). One possible solution is to

    have one currency remain controvertible with gold, and to make all other currencies effectively bound to

    this one currency on the basis of a controvertibility of their own; this combines the possibility of a world

    money with the gold standard. This system was historically the Bretton-Woods system, where the US dollar

    remained on the gold standard and all other major currencies were controvertible with the US dollar

    according to set (bandwidths of) exchange ratios. However, this still leaves the major currency with the

    problem of the gold standard as described above, something which will become in particular problematic

    during a crisis period when the gold standards severe deflationary effect makes itself felt. For this reason,

    the American President Nixon abandoned the gold standard in 1973. This then irrevocably forced world

    capital into the second solution, namely a world money as fiat money; and this then of course also implies

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    a world state with the power to maintain its guarantees for this currency, just like national governments

    do for their own fiat money. Again, the United States has ever since endeavoured to play this role on the

    world stage, and some of the current crisis can be understood as a currency crisis, a crisis of the ability of

    the world state to maintain its currency, both the US dollar and the new competitor world money, the

    Euro. But that is a subject for a separate essay.

    In order to sum up Marxs theory of money, we must finally consider what makes money so special within

    a capitalist economy, what makes it different from other commodities in Marxs theory. We have noted

    that one such thing is the role of demand for money. But fitting Marxs conception of commodities dual

    nature, money itself has a separate dual nature next to the normal dual nature of all commodities. This

    special dual nature is the time factor in money, in other words, the ability to hoard and to dishoard

    money. Since in Marxs conception capital is nothing other than value in motion, and capitalism only

    exists in and through constant movement to accumulate, any stock of money is nothing other than a

    hoard waiting to be thrown into circulation at a convenient time, i.e. as capital; and equally, any

    expenditure of money as capital is nothing else but a dishoarding of money, whether in cash or in credit,

    for the purpose of accumulation. As a result, moneys potential role as capital makes it contradictory in

    nature: it is always held in order to be spent, and spent in order to be held by another.(11) Since there

    exists uncertainty about future investment and future circumstances in the market, the hoarding-

    dishoarding role of money necessarily implies the possibility of disequilibrium; it is subject to changes in

    the expectations about future investment. This identification of uncertainty as inherent in money because

    of its role in private investment, nonneutralizable by any monetary policy, Marx and Keynes have in

    common.(12) All of these considerations apply to fiat money as much as to commodity money. However, it

    is important to note that Marxs assumption of a gold standard, while as we have seen not strictly

    necessary within his theory, does play a real role when we look at the role gold plays as a reserve money.

    Whenever there is a time of crisis, the creditworthiness of the state and its backing of fiat money may

    come into question, especially if the crisis is severe and international in nature. It is in these times that the

    demand for the specific fiat money falls, and the demand for gold increases as a universal substitute for

    symbolic money, a commodity money that can play the role of universal exchange value in a time when

    fiat moneys value has collapsed. Here we see the fundamental contradiction that affects fiat money it is

    by nature an attempt to dislodge money from its basis in commodity values, in order that capitalist

    expansion isnt limited in boom times by the restricted nature of a gold or even silver standard, but as

    with any element of the capitalist economy it is impossible for the value connection to disappear entirely.

    As Park describes it so well, even though the labour-value dimension as an anchor of the value of money

    is severed from the monetary system its effect seems to linger on behind the scene.(13)

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    So although the move to fiat money overcomes the restrictive corsage of the gold standard, it also (as the

    Austrian economists never let us forget) introduces chronic inflation into the system. Since the only thing

    underwriting the value of the fiat money, and thereby its real usefulness as universalised exchange value,

    is state credibility, there is a constant risk of such credibility coming into question. Here, again, the

    psychology plays an important role. The central banks of the different capitalist states with fiat money are

    forced to hunt down and repress inflation more severely than the Medieval heretics ever were, in order

    that a vicious cycle be avoided where the expectation of inflation leads to a lower estimate of the

    credibility of the currencys value, leading to more inflation, etc. The existence of the state and its role as

    guarantor of money and crusader against inflation then is, as Park has pointed out, completely

    endogenous to Marxs theory of money. This puts it miles ahead of any competing theory in its ability to

    link up money as a social phenomenon with other social phenomena such as the state, the private nature

    of investment, the psychology of expectations, and so forth, even beyond Keynes.(14) Marxs theory of

    money besides is able to encompass both metallic and non-metallic money, and moreover analyzes eachof them as a counterpart of the other, whereby the uniting aspect of both is the contradiction in capitalism

    between the need of capital to expand indefinitely and the need for money to be universalizable exchange

    value, i.e. bound to real value production and its realization in trade.

    In this sense, fiat money plays an analogous role to credit in the theory of crisis: financial crisis occurs

    when the expansion of pure credit, functioning as fictitious capital, exceeds in a certain critical mass the

    real production of new value. Some exogenous or endogenous shock then causes a sudden reverse in the

    trend, a demand for liquidity becomes paramount, the fictitious capital evaporates, and a severe crisis

    occurs. Fiat money plays a similar role in that, as we have just explained, when the expansion of fiat

    money exceeds in a critical mass the real production and realization of value, this threatens the credibility

    of the state and the value of its money, and the result is severe inflation. Repressing this inflation then

    requires a contractionary approach, as would have occurred automatically under a gold standard system

    the difference with the gold standard of course still being the ability to expand during boom times and the

    much greater freedom for states to choose and adapt policies to combat the threat of inflation and loss of

    credibility, even up to accepting certain high levels of inflation as a semi-permanent feature. Yet one

    important strength of Marxs theory of money is exactly that it does not fully equate the two. Money is a

    medium of exchange, a measure of value, anda store of wealth, and all three of these are important and


    What does this imply then in terms of monetary policy? We have seen that the romantic reactionary

    critique of fiat money by Ron Paul and other proponents of the Austrian school is beside the point. As with

    all their romanticism about the supposed unspoilt Paradise of the free market in the 19th century, they

    miss the reasons why capital has moved on since then. A gold standard is highly deflationary, translates

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    virtually any internal or external shock into crisis, and restricts the ability of capital to expand during

    boom times. At the same time, fiat money overcomes the latter restriction, but at the cost of running the

    risk that it loses sight of the necessary connection between money and the real movement of value. This

    creates the problem of systematic inflation on the one hand, although how bad inflation actually is

    (especially as against unemployment) is a disputed topic, and more significantly the possibility of

    monetary crisis analogous with financial and credit crisis on the other hand. In both cases, it is capitals

    own expansion that then causes it to run into the barriers it has set itself. This is Marxs general theory of

    capitalist crisis, of which his theory of money is an essential part.

    1) Dan Lavoie, Some Strengths in Marxs Disequilibrium Theory of Money, in:Cambridge Journal of

    Economics7:1 (1983), p. 56.

    2) See e.g., Joseph Salerno, A Simple Model of the Theory of Money Prices, in:The Quarterly Journal of

    Austrian Economics9:4 (2006), p. 39.

    3) For this point, see



    4) Allin Cottrell, Post-Keynesian Monetary Economics: A Critical Survey, in:Cambridge Journal of

    Economics18:3 (1998):, p. 10, 16.

    5) Karl Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy(New York, NY 1970), p. 51.

    6) Lavoie, p. 60.

    7) Karl Marx, CapitalVol. I, (New York, NY 1967), p. 86-87. Quoted in: Steve Shuklian, Karl Marx on the

    Foundations of Monetary Theory. Marshall University Working Paper 00-02-A, p. 7.

    8) For these and following points, see: Hyun Woong Park, Endogeneity of Money and the State in Marxs

    Theory of Non-Commodity Money:

    ney.pdf, p. 9-10.

    9) Park, p. 11.

    10) Park, p. 12.

    11) Lavoie, p. 63.

    12) Lavoie, p. 64.

    13) Park, p. 16.

    14) Park, p. 16-17.

    15) Lavoie, p. 60.
