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    Marriage lesson to Alk. Sr. 1 Promise of marriage: th 7 house is for marriage &2nd house is for quality of marriage. If 7th house & its lord are strong then person will marry. Apart from that 4th, 5th, 8th & 12th houses are also play important role in married life. Sun, Saturn, Rahu & 12th lord are separative planets. If these planets have PAC with any house, its lord & Karka of that house, thenperson will have saparetation from that house. 2 Number of marriages: 01. Affliction to 7th house, 7th lord and Karka Venus by malefic give more than one marriage. 02. 7th lord and Venus are in common sign give more than one marriage. 03. One benefices and one malefic give more than one marriage. 04. Afflicted Lagna lord in 2nd house gives more than one marriage. 05. Lord of 2nd & 12th in the 3rd& PCA with Jupiter or 9th lord. 06. Lagna lord, 2nd, & 6th lords placed in 7th louse with malefic planet. 3. Type of Marriage: - There are eight kinds of marriages 1. Paishacha: - person does a rape when girl is sleeping or unconscious. 2.Rakshasha: - When a girl is kidnap against wish of her & her relative 3. Gandharva: - Modern name is Love marriage 4. Aashura: - Marrying a girl after paying money to her parents. 5. Prajapatya: - A person requesting her father for her hand to pay his debt to Prajapatya (lord of creation) for birth of children. 6. Arsha: - Female's father asking for cow for performance of Yagna & in return give herdaughter for marriage. 7. Daiva: Father of the girl donates the girl to purohitwho performed the Yagna as Dakshina 8. Brahma: - Inviting the bridegroom & doing Kanya Dana.

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    04. Early marriage Yoga: 1. Benefice in 1/7 axis. 2. No malefic in 2/8 axis. 3.Venus should not combust. 4. Lagna should strong. 5. Jupiter & Venus close to each other & no any malefic influence. 6. 7th lord in 7th house. 7. Lagna & 7th lord close to each other. 8. Generally following planets when unaffiliated becomethe lord of 7th house can give marriage at the age of Planets For Male For Female th Mercury 16 yrs 14th yrs 16th yrs Moon 18th yrs Venus 20th yrs 18th yrs 20th yrs Mars 22nd yrs Jupiter 24th yrs 22nd yrs Saturn 28th yrs 26th yrs

    05. Delay of Marriage Yoga: Delay of Marriage: - 2nd, 4th, 7th and 12th houses & Planet Venus are related with marriage, if these houses, its lords and Karaka Venus afflicted, weak, badly placed in bad house then these are combination for delay or no marriage. 1. Debilitated 7th lord 2. 7th lord debilitated in Navamsha & PAC with malefic 3. Eclipse in 1/7 axis also delay the marriage 4. If Lagna lord, 7th lord & Venus are in fixed sign and Moon is in movable sign 5. Conjunction or opposition of Venus & Moon without the aspects of Jupiter 6. Aspects of Saturn on Venus, Moon, Lagna or Lagna Lord. Any two or more of these. 7. Sun Saturn opposition on 1/7 houses axis. 8. Malefic planets in 7th, 8th & 12th houses. 9. If Lagna, 7th, 8th, & 10th Lords are in same degrees give delay of marriage

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    2. If 7th or 12th house own by Malefic & weak Moon with Malefic in the 7th or 12th house respectably. 3. Rahu in 7th house & PAC with two Malefic Planets. 4. When malefic placed in Lagna, 7th and 12th houses & weak Moon is in 5th house. See Sam #, not workable 5. When malefic are in 6th, 7th, 8th houses & 7th lord is weak 6. If there is strong Sanyas Yoga in the horoscope & 7th lord is weak. Likeif Sun Mars, Venus and Jupiter are placed in 10th house is another yoga for no marriage. 7. When Malefic placed in UP house, in 2nd house and 12th house then there is no marriage. 8. If 7th lord, LL and Venus are placed in Barren sign (Gemini, Leo, Virgo or Sagittarius). An aspect of Jupiter on any of them or 7th lordstrong can save the solution of not marring. Sun, PK-Jup and Saturn (AMK) all exalted planets gives spiritual life. Result of Planet or its Rashi in 7th house:Planet in the 7th house: Sun: Spouse will have thin hair, Ambitious, Proud, of independent view, Royal nature or from higher status family. If afflicted then selfish, dominating, misunderstanding or separation in between couple. Moon: Kindhearted, gentle but moody. Full of Emotion, Ideas and exaction. Partner with strong motherly instincts and obedient to partner. If afflicted then spouse will be very moody, jealous by nature, may give separation or divorce. Mars: Very strong headed, full of Anger, quarrel-some spouse. Frequent quarrels in married lifelead to misunderstanding and separation. If afflicted then brutal, violent which lead to Separation, divorce or death of spouse. Aspect of benefice will ward off above bad results. Mercury: Strong, benefice & well aspected Mercury in 7th house indicate a lucky, rich, sharp, handsome, noble, generous spouse. But if afflicted then all opposite result 7

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    and spouse may be impotent mentally or physically and somewhat unreliable partner. Jupiter: A generous good natured, religious inclined, respectable, a law abiding, a perfect house holder spouse, if afflicted then misfortunes in married life, late marriage in middle age Venus: Good looking, artistic, experts, skilful romantic spouse. If afflicted then spouse will be immoral. Spends much of time and money on opposite sex. Saturn: Spouse will be reserved nature, unemotional inaffection, hard worker. Older than partner. If afflicted then delay in marriage, unhappy union, Mercury & Saturn in 7th house means spouse will be impotent or marry to divorcee. Rahu: May marry to out caste or to widow or to scientific bend of mind, or a person who is unorthodox to customs, foreigner. Ketu: The nativehas unhappy marriage with very moody spouse. May marry to out caste or to widow, foreigner. Ketu in 7th house & aspected by Mars or Saturn, partner allow his/her to go to others for selfish gain. Rashi in 7th house: Aries: The spouse will be cruel, fickle minded greedy, hot temperamental. Taurus: The spouse will be soft-spoken, humble, gentle, good character, respectful to elders, gods. Gemini: The spouse will be well behaved, beautiful, possessed of all good qualities and mild mannered. Cancer: The spouse will be pleasing and good nature, without any defects, lucky and bless with all good qualities. Leo: The spouse will be bold, fickle, and full of proud, lean with commanding voice. Virgo: The spouse will be beautiful, blessed with wealth, happiness, loving, honest and smart Libra: The spouse will be charitable, of varied character, beautiful. Scorpio: The spouse will be unloving, lazy, miserly and defective character.

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    Sagittarius: the spouse will be ignorant. Bereft of devotion or rules and regulation and stalwart but will be religious spouse Capricorn: The spouse will be good character, hard worker, prosperous, Aquarius: The spouse will be hard worker,dutiful, Devoted to God, charitable minded, happy but outward showy Pisces: Thespouse will be evil minded, quarrelsome but devoted to God and love Dharma. 8 Other house lord in 7th house: its result Or Exchange of house with 7th house / lord & its results: When Lagna Lord in 7th house Will have happy married life, enjoy comfort & wealth, early marriage, if afflicted then spouse longevity affected or more than one marriage or later in life become sanayasi & detached from worldly affair. When 7th lord in 1st house: Native may marriage to known person. Spouse will have upper hand Exchange between 1st & 7th house: Serve his father or spouse's brother, lustfully inclined. 2nd lord in 7th house: Will get good dowry or wealth from father in law, spouse may be doctor. 7th lord in 2nd house: Wealththrough marriage or marriage in family circle. Ill±temper spouse. If afflicted then earning through despicable means or more than one marriage if in dual sign. Exchange between 2nd & 7th house: Dominant spouse, good family life, gain throughpartners 3rd lord in 7th house: the marriage will be unfortunate & unhappy one 7th lord in 3rd house: Marriage in near by town or in neighbours. Nice looking spouse. If afflicted then person may indulge in adultery with brother or sister's married partner Exchange between 3rd & 7th house: Ill- temper spouse & occasionalseparation from spouse

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    4th lord in 7th house: Early marriage, 7th lord in 4th house: Gives happy and lucky spouse & spouse will be head strong, if affected then domestic harmony may spoil by immature & mean partner or questionable or characterless spouse. Persongets house all of sudden. Exchange between 4th & 7th house: Comfort & happinessthrough spouse, complete domestic bliss, house & Vahnasukha. 5th lord in 7th house: Spouse will be good nature and blessed with good children. He will be well known and one of his children settles abroad & rich. If afflicted then loss of children 7th lord in 5th house: Early marriage or love marriage, rich spouse, if afflicted then childless or only daughters Exchange between 5th & 7th house: Detrimental to longevity of spouse, affects married life & cause force separation from spouse & children 6th lord in 7th house: Unhappiness health suffer in the dasha of 6th lord 7th lord in 6th house: Two marriage, spouse may be remains sick,lose or spouse. Exchange between 6th & 7th house: life, inimical to spouse, in wedlock, spouse marriage to cousin, death or divorce of Many up & down in

    7th lord in 7th house: Spouse comes from good family; good married life, unaffiliated then it removes all Dosha like Puttara, Mangalik, Vishkanya etc, if afflicted then lonely life or break down in marriage negotiations 8th lord in 7th house: Self & spouse health suffer, no conjugal happiness. 7th lord in 8th house: Well aspected gives rich spouse, if afflicted then may remain unmarried & associate with illreputed woman, late marriage, does not enjoys happiness,

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    anger in temper, sickly or ill tempered or early death of spouse & native dies in distant land. Exchange between 8th & 7th house: Death of spouse or unhappiness in family life due to sickly spouse Affliction to 8th house & its lord by Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn & Mars in Rashi & Navamsha chart usually result in marriage in out caste or socially not accepted. 9th lord in 7th house: Will have happinessafter marriage, famous, 7th lord in 9th house: Rise of fortune after marriage. If afflicted than divorce or judicial separation or spouse may stay away Dharama& wastes wealth & suffer after wards. Exchange between 7th & 9th house: Happy in married life, both of them religious, fortune rise after marriage. 10th lord in 7th house: Happiness through spouse. 7th lord in 10th house: Spouse is from good family or working Colleagues or helpful in the profession of native, if afflicted then spouse is over ambitious but without any sufficient capacity. Head strong or characterless spouse. Exchange between 10th & 7th house: Helpful & gain from spouse 11th lord in 7th house: Spouse dominant, gain through spouse may havedual marriage. 7th lord in 11th house: wealth from marriage, if afflicted then more than one marriage. Exchange between 11th & 7th house: Gain through spouse &partnership 12th lord in 7th house: Late marriage, less conjugal bliss 7th lordin 12th house: Marriage in foreign country, secret marriage, more then one marriage, late marriage, death or separation from spouse Exchange between 12th & 7thhouse: May marry in foreign country, loss or separate from spouse.

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    9. How will be the Spouse in your life? 1. Vargottama Venus gives culture spouse 2. Exalted Venus in Navamsha gives dignified spouse. 3. Venus in 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th or 11th house & Lagna with benefice means luck shines after marriage. 4. 7th lord in a Trine & Venus in 2nd or 10th house means luck rise after marriage. 5. Jupiter in 7th house or aspects the 7th house means Couple is devoted to eachother. 6. 7th lord in Kendra with benefice means couple is devoted to each other 7. LL & 7th Lord in 6/8 positions gives misunderstanding in between couple. 8.LL & 7th Lord 2/12 position shows dislike for each other in between couple. 9. Affliction to 2nd & 7th houses & their lord means unbearable spouse. 10. Aspect of Mars & Saturn on 7th house & its lord shows short temper spouse. 11. If 8th house from UP has Saturn then native is not good looking. 12. If 8th house from UP has Rahu then native will have big protruding teeth, whereas Ketu gives stammer ness or speaks indistinctly. 13. if 2nd, 7th & 12th lords are in Kendra then native will happy mattige & fertile wife. 10. Type of Spouse tips: - By Jaimini Method

    Result of the 7th house from KL, Same is hold good from UP Lagna also:If Jupiter and Moon are in the 7th from KL, the wife is beautiful. If Rahu is in the 7th from KL, the native has an affair with widow or marry with widow, may marry out caste. If Saturn is the 7th from KL, the wife will be older than the native, or may have ill health, or may always religiously engaged.

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    If Mars is in the 7th from KL, the wife will be defective or deformed limbs. IfSun is in the 7th from KL, the wife will be from good family and free from defects. If Mercury is in the 7th from KL, the wife is an adapt in fine arts. Resultof Upa-pada (UP) house or 2nd house from UP If the 2nd house from UP has malefic or malefic aspect then native lose his wife or he renounces (Sanyansa) the world. Native lose his wife if debilitated planet is in 2nd from UP. Whereas exalted planet gives many wives and his wife is from noble family. When in UP or 2nd from UP has benefic planet, the spouse is of good nature, nice looking and will have long life. When in UP or 2nd from UP or with its lord is associated with Saturn and Rahu, the native lose his wife or he deserts her due to some scandal. When in UP or 2nd from UP or its lord associated with Venus and Ketu the wife willhave serious blood complain like Excessive menstrual discharge. (See Sam's horoscope) When in UP or 2nd from UP or its lord associated with Mercury and Ketu, thewife will be Stout or Corpulent and suffers from gradual decay of the bones. Sun, Saturn or Rahu gives bone fever. When in UP or 2nd from UP has Gemini or Scorpio sign and Saturn and Mars are there, the spouse will suffer from nasal disorders. When in UP or 2nd from UP has Jupiter and Rahu, spouse will have dental ailments. Result of 7th house from Upa-pada (UP) house: - from Lagna, navamasa, or KL to be taken up for birth of children and marriage 11 Type of Marriage By Jaimini Method:- Arranged marriage/Unconventional/Love Marriage Combination:1. The combination of Dk, BK, Mk and Gk has the tendency to give unconventional marriage.

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    2. Gk is in the 7th indicating problems in marriage. It also can mean love marriage. Marriage in relation or cousin. 12 Timing of Marriage By Jaimini Method: When will marriage take place: Apply the following parameters:1. Mark and note down the Lagna & 7th house. 2. Rashi having DK & its 7th house 3. Rashi having UP & its 7th house 4. Rashi having 7th Pada & its 7th house 5. DKN rashi & its 7th house. Native will have marriage in above mentioned Rashi dasha & Anterdasha 13 By Jaimini Method of Sathir Dasha nd th 01. :- 2 and 4 house from Brahma can give marriage. 02. :- If Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwara are aspecting any Rashi altogather or house, then the significances of the same get affected. 03. :- Mars andSaturn combination or aspecting any Rashi can be harmful or bad for that house 04. :- Dasha of 8th and 12th house can indicate health problems or accidents 05.:- All kind of accidents occurred with the influence of Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwara and also affilicted MK. 06. :- 5th house from Rudra plays an important role in child birth. 14 Time of Marriage: After checking the promise of marriage ina horoscope then check which MD / AD can give marriage with following parameters 1. MD/AD of Lagna, Lagna lord, 7th house or its lord of D1 / D9 chart, Planetsis having PAC with them can give marriage. 2. Any of MD /AD of Rahu/Venus (7/12houses), Jupiter/Moon (5/7 houses), Jupiter/Venus (5/7 houses), Venus/Moon (4/7houses) can give marriage if they are related with above houses in any way.

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    3. When lord of 2nd & 7th are related to each other in any way, then their MD/AD can give marriage. 4. In Jaimini Chara dasha is having PAC with DK, DKN, DP, UP, 7th lord of D1 or D9 5. Jupiter aspects in transit on Vivah Saham (VS). (Add the Longitude of LL & 7th lord divide by 12 if result is more than 12 signs) 6. Add the degree of LL + Venus + 7th lord, when Jupiter transits over or its Trines. 7. Saturn and Jupiter in transit aspect Lagna, LL, 7th house, 7th Lord or VS.8. Saturn should aspects (By Jaimini aspects) to DK 9. Transit Jupiter should aspect natal Venus of Male and natal Mars of Female charts just before or on the day of marriage. 10. Sun or most of the planets will be around Lagna or th 7 house on the day of marriage. Lagna lord transiting in / near 7th house or 7th lordtransiting in /near Lagna just before or on the day of marriage. 15 Combinationfor divorce or separation: 1. Many malefic in 2nd or 7th house. 2. 4th lord in 6th or 6th lord in 4th house then in its dasha, separation by court 3. Influenceof Saparetive plants Sun, Saturn or Rahu on 7th house & its lord or 12th house or its lord. 4. The spouse will be bitten by snake or leave him on the third dayof marriage if Rahu is in 2nd and Mars is in 7th house. See # of NN Sharma 5. Moon & Saturn in 7th house in woman's chart indicates re-marriage whereas in Man's chart, it means deny of marriage or childless. See Dr. Upadya's # 6. Lagna lord is in 6th house 7. 2nd lord in 6th house & malefic in 7th house 8. Many malefic planets in 7th house 9. If 7th house, 7th lord are with malefic. 10. If malefic are in 2nd, 7th and 8th from Lagna.

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    11. If 7th house has Mercury in Taurus or Jupiter in Capricorn or Venus in Scorpio or Saturn & Mars in Pisces are injurious to the life of spouse. 12. Mercury & Ketu in Lagna gives sickly spouse. 13. Mercury & Saturn in 7th house indicate a widowhood or impotent spouse. 16 Combination for Widowhood Yoga:Bad Yoga for widowhood: 1. 7th & 8th lords in 8th house aspected by malefic 2. Rahu in 7th house & 7th lord with Sun aspected by 8th lord 3. 7th lord with Saturn aspected by Mars & Moon with Rahu in 8th house 4. Mars in 8th house with 8th lord & Lagna falls in evil Navamsha 5. Rahu, Saturn & Mars are in 7th or 8th house 6. 7th and 8th lord in 12th house & 7th house has malefic aspect 7. 7th house & its lord areweek & in between malefic planets 17. Destructive Nakshatras Dr. Raman in his book Muhurata saysº It is common belief that girls born under the influence of certain destructive nakshatras bring out the death of certain relatives of husband. 1.For example girl born in Jupiter's nakshatra Vaishakha Libra (3) and Scorpio (1)brings destruction of husband's younger brother , so an effort is made to find a groom who has no younger brother. Even when the horoscope is good it is rejectedon this groundº. However,it should be noticed that only last quarter of Vaishakhais evil and not the other three padas. 2.Birth in Moola and death of father- in- law :Boy or girl in the first quarter of Moola nakshatra ( in Sagittarius rasi) is supposed to cause death of father- in ±law. But birth in last three quarters of Moola is beneficial.

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    3. Birth of a girl in Ashlesha (Cancer rasi) is supposed to cause death of mother- in ±law. It should be noted that only first quarter is bad. Girl born in Jyeshta is supposed to cause death of elder brother of husband. Again only first quarter is bad. 18. Exceptional cases of marriage: 1. If Saturn is eclipse in 7th house & Jupiter is in exaltation sign, the native will marry a widow or the one who was intended to marry some one else. 2. If Mercury, Jupiter & Saturn are in 7th house then native will marry a dumb girl 3. If 2nd quarter of Aswini is birth star, Leo Lagna & Virgo Navamsha Lagna. Sun, Mercury & Venus are in 11th house then native will live in prostitute's house but at the same time love his wife also. 4. If 7th lord in 5th house & 5th lord are with Venus & debilitate Saturn, thenative will marry four or seven times. 5. If Aries is Lagna, Venus & Saturn areplaced in 6th house, then wife will die after giving birth to daughter & son. The native will re-marry. 6. If Gemini is Lagna & Jupiter is in 8th house, Venus & Saturn in 5th house OR Sun & Mars in 7th house then native will marry once only & soon after that the wife will separate from husband, but came back after theend of her youth. 19. Some good Combination in Women Horoscope: 1. Jupiter in Lagna, Moon in 7th house & Venus in 10th house. 2. Moon in 11th house, Venus & Mercury in 7th aspected by Jupiter. 3. Virgo Lagna with Mercury in it, Jupiter in 11th house in Cancer sign. 4. Venus in Lagna, Mercury in 3rd house, Jupiter in 4th house with strength.

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    5. If any Sirshodaya signs (3 ± 5 ± 6 ± 7 ± 8 ± 11) is in 7th house with Full Moon ther no evil planets in any of Kendras house. 6. Sun with Strength in 3rd house & Saturn in 6th house. 7. Lagna with Mercury in Virgo sign, Jupiter in 11th house, Venus in 2nd house & Moon in 10th house. 8. Maha- Bhaga Yoga in female's horoscope. 20. Examined both horoscopes individually before matching the Horoscope: Before matching of the horoscopes it is necessary that both horoscopes of the girl and boy are individually examined as regards 7th and 8th house. In this particularemphasis should be given to the role of Venus, the karka for marriage and Mars the significator of energy, force or sexual drive. It is also necessary to examine 4th house for mental peace and happiness and 5th house for ability to procurechildren. Many marriages are floundered for lack of children. Horoscopes shouldalso be scrutinized for a healthy and long life & his horoscope is good for earning decent amount of money to be able to support the family. In brief followingpoints should be observed in individual horoscopes: 1. Seventh house and seventh lords should be free from major afflictions. 2. Venus should not be afflicted.3. Fourth house, the house of happiness should be strong. 4. There should not be major affliction to the 5th house. 5. Horoscopes should be matched for Kuja Dosha. In male horoscope it is necessary that he should have good earning capacity. 20 Mangal Dosha:01. Mars or any other malefic planet if placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses called Mangal Dosha. Mars is the most dreaded than the other plants. 02. It has been said that the dosha is strongest from Venus, little less strong from Moon and least from Lagna.

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    No Mangal Dosha: - It has been said that this dosha does not operate after 28 years of life. It has been said that if such a dosha is found in both the horoscope of boy & girl then this dosha gets cancelled. Dr. BV Raman said in his book that there is no dosha if: 01. There is no dosha or Mars is not bad in 2nd house if it is in Gemini or Virgo sign (3 ± 6). 02. There is no dosha or Mars is not badin 4th house if it is own signs Aries or Scorpio (1 ± 8). 03. There is no dosha or Mars is not bad in 7th house, if 7th house has the sign of Cancer or Capricorn(4 ± 10). 04. There is no dosha or Mars is not bad in 8th house, if it is the signs of Jupiter. (9 ± 12) 05. There is no dosha or Mars is not bad in 12th house, ifit is the signs of Venus (2 ± 7) 06. When Mars placed in Leo or Aquarius than there is no dosha (5 ± 11). 07. There is no dosha or Mars is not bad if it conjunct with Jupiter or Moon 08. There is no dosha or Mars is not bad if this Mars is exalted, own house or exalted in Navamsha. 09. The dosha of Mars and other planets get neutralised or minimised according to the sign they occupied ± exalted, friendly, own, inimical etc. therefore we should use table for an assessment of the total dosha. It has been said that if the dosha in the male horoscope exceeds by 25% from the girl horoscope, it is passable. But if the female has more dosha, then the charts cannot be matched. Permanent Friendship of the Planets Or Graha Maitri of Rasi lords:Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Fiends Moon, Mars, Jupiter Sun, Mercury Sun, Moon, Jupiter Sun, Venus Sun, Moon,Mars Mercury, Saturn Mercury, Venus Saturn Venus Sun, Moon, Mars Neutrals Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. Venus, Saturn Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Saturn Mars, Jupiter Jupiter Mercury Jupiter Mercury, Jupiter Enemies Venus, Saturn MercuryMoon Mercury Sun, Moon Sun, Moon, Mars Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn, Venus

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    Mangal Dosha % in the Rashi, when any Planet placed in following House: When Planet in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 House Rashi Rashi Rashi Rashi Rashi Rashi Rashi Rashi Rashi Rashi Rashi Rashi Mars 60 80 90 100 70 90 80 60 70 50 80 70 2-7-8Mars 30 40 45 50 35 45 40 30 35 25 40 35 1-4-12 Saturn 75 52.5 52.5 67.5 67.5 52.5 52.5 67.5 60 45 45 60 2-7-8 Saturn 30 22.5 22.5 30 37.5 35 35 33.75 33.75 26.5 26.5 33.75 1-4-12 Ketu 52.5 75 60 52.5 52.5 60 67.5 52.5 60 67.5 67.5 37.5 2-7-8 Ketu 26.5 37.5 30 26.5 26.5 30 30 26.5 30 33.75 33.75 18.75 1-4-12 Rahu 67.537.5 60 67.5 67.5 60 52.5 67.5 60 52.5 52.5 75 2-7-8 Rahu 33.75 18.75 30 33.75 33.75 30 26.25 33.75 30 26.25 26.25 37.5 1-4-12 Sun 25 45 45 35 30 45 45 35 35 45 45 35 2-7-8 Sun 12.5 22.5 22.5 17.5 15 22.5 22.5 17.5 17.5 22.5 22.5 17.5 1-4-12Mangal Dosha given by Gopesh Kr Ohja: Awastha In 1st, 7th, 8th houses In 2nd, 4th, 12th houses Mars Sat, Rah, Ket Sun Mars Sat, Rah, Ket Sun Exalted 144 96 48 36 24 12 Mool Trikon 108 72 36 27 18 09 Own house 96 64 32 24 16 08 Fast Friend 36 24 12 09 06 03 Friend 48 32 16 12 08 04 Neutral 96 64 32 24 16 08 Enemy 168 112 56 42 28 14 Bitter Enemy 180 120 60 45 30 15 Debilitated 192 128 64 48 32 16

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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    1 2 3 4 5 6

    Mangal Dosha given by Dr. B.V. Raman: In 1st, 7th, 8th houses In 2nd, 4th, 12thhouses Mars Sat, Rah, Ket Sun Mars Sat, Rah, Ket Sun Exalted 50 37.50 25 25 18.75 12.50 Own house 60 45.00 30 30 22.50 15.00 Friend 70 52.50 35 35 26.25 17.50 Neutral 80 60.00 40 40 30.00 20.00 Enemy 90 67.50 45 45 33.75 22.50 Debilitated 100 75.00 50 50 37.50 25.00 Awastha

    21. How to check longevity in both horoscope: 1. If Lagna, Lagna lord, 8th house, 8th lord, 3rd house, 3rd lord and Saturn are strong in the horoscope then person will have long life. 2. If malefic planets are in 3rd, 6th, and 11th house and benefice in Kendras hoses then person will have long life. 3. If Lagna lord and Moon sign lord are in 11th house or Lagna lord in Kendra aspected by Jupiter and Venus then person will have long life. 4. If any benefice is in Trikona house aspected by Jupiter then person will have long life. 5. If Lagna lord, 8th lord and any planet in its exalted sign and no any bad influence on 8th house then person will have long life. 6. If Lagna lord and Saturn are with exalted planet then person will have long life. PAM Method by Jaimini RishiWhen Lagna Lord and 8th Lord are in the following signs then following result will be ªAº

    Long Life LL in 8th L in Moveable Moveable Fixed Common Common Fixed Lagna is Common Fixed Moveable Moon Sign is Fixed Common Moveable

    Medium Life LL in 8th L in Moveable Fixed Fixed Moveable Common Common Lagna isCommon Moveable Moon Sign is Common Fixed

    Short Life LL in 8th L in Moveable Common Common Moveable Fixed Fixed Lagna is Fixed Fixed Moon Sign is Fixed Common

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    Lagna is Hora Lagna Moveable Moveable Fixed Common

    Lagna is Common Moveable

    Hora Lagna Common Fixed

    Lagna is Fixed Moveable

    Hora Lagna Fixed Common

    OrWhen Lagna Lord and 8th Lord are in the following signs then result will be ªAº

    LL is in 8th L is in LL in 8th L in LL in 8th L in Moveable Moveable Common Fixed Fixed Common Moveable Fixed Common Common Fixed Moveable Moveable Common Common Moveable Fixed Fixed When Lagna sign and Moon Signs are in following then Life is: Lagna Moon Sign Lagna Moon Sign Lagna Moon Sign

    Life is Long Medium Short

    Life is Moveable Moveable Common Fixed Fixed Common Long Moveable Fixed Common Common Fixed Moveable Medium Moveable Common Common Moveable Fixed Fixed Short When Lagna of D-1 and Hora Lagna are in the Following Signs then the Life is: Lagna Hora Lagna Lagna Hora Lagna Lagna Hora Lagna Life is Moveable Moveable Common

    Fixed Fixed Common Long Moveable Fixed Common Common Fixed Moveable Medium Moveable Common Common Moveable Fixed Fixed Short

    If given below houses and its lords are strong then person will have long life:1.) Lagna and Lagna lord Moon and Moon sign lord 8th house and 8th Lord 3rd house and 3rd Lord And Saturn is strong then they give long life. 2.) Benefice in Kendra's, Malefic in Pushya house, 8th and 12th house vacant. The Lagna lord is stronger than 8th Lord, and then they give long life. 3.) Malefic, Lagna lord and 8th lord are in Aboulias houses: - 3rd - 6th - 9th - 12th, they give Long life Malefic, Lagna lord and 8th lord are in Paraphrase houses: 2nd - 5th - 8th - 11th.Then they give Medium life.

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    Malefic, Lagna lord and 8th lord are in Kendra's house, then they give Short life4.) Benefices are in Kendras give long life: 1st ± 4th ± 7th 10th houses Benefices are in Panapharas houses give Medium life: 2nd ± 5th ± 8th ± 11th houses Benefices arein Apoklimas houses give Short life: 3rd ± 6th ± 9th ± 12th houses 22 Koot Milan:Traditional Matching: There are 8 factors to be considered for judgment of suitability of couples . The total points allotted are 36 out of which it is considered necessary to score minimum of 18 gunas or points. Kuta Milan or traditional matching of horoscope is based on natal Moon of boy and girl. And eight Kutas or factors are involved. These Eight points known as Pts For 1. VARNA NO OF POINT GIVENIS 1 Ego development 2. VASHYA -- DO -2 Mutual attraction 3. TARA DO 3 Longevity & health 4. YONI DO 4 Biological attraction 5. GRAHA Maitri DO 5 Mental attraction 6. GANA DO 6 Temperament (Nature, Behaviour) 7. BHAKOOTA DO 7 Growth of family welfare 8. NADI DO 8 Hereditary factors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Points are 36 Pts. VARNA Points allotted - 1 Point This represents degree of spiritual development or ego development in the couple. Twelve rasis are classified into four categories.

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    Groom Shudras. Brahmins Kashatryas Vaishya Bride 4 ± 8 - 12 1±5-9 2 ± 6 - 10 3 ± 7 - 114 ± 8 - 12 1 0 0 0 1±5-9 1 1 0 0 2 ± 6 - 10 1 1 1 0 3 ± 7 - 11 1 1 1 1 Rashi 4 (Cancer) 8 (Scorpio) and 12 (Pisces)are Brahmins. Rashi 1 ( Aries ),5 (Leo) and 9 ( Sagittarius) are Kashatryas Rashi 2 (Taurus), 6 ( Virgo) and 10 are Vaishya Rashi 3(Gemini), 7(Libra) 11(Aquarius) are Shudras. Brahmin is highest Varna, then Kashatryas , then Vaish and last Shudras Varna of boy should be equal to or superior to that of girl. For this 1 point is given. In case of girl marrying a boy of inferior Varna ± no point is given. Cancelation: if girl marriage to inferior varna boy but lord of that rashi if placed in supirior rashi in boy chart than varnamatching is good VASHYA allotted 2 pts 2. Vashya : means natural mutual attraction Manush signs are human. These are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, first half Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Chatuspad or quadruped : Aries, Taurus, 2nd half of Saggitarius, first half of Capricorn. Jalachar rasis are Cancer , 2nd half Capricorn ,and Pisces. No Group: Leo and Scorpio have no group If boy and girl are from same group it is ideal and gets 2 marks. For human boy ± girl human 2, chatuspad 1, Jalachar ½ Simha 0, Vrischik 1 Chatuspad boy ± girl chatuspad 2, human 0, Jalachar 1, Leo0,Vrischik 1 Jalachar Boy ± girl Jalachar 2, human 0, chatuspad 1,Leo 0, Scorpio 1

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    Leo Boy ------- girl leo 2, human ½, Chatuspad ½, Jalaqchar 1, Scorpio 0 Scorpio Boy ± girl scorpio 2, human 0, Chatuspad 1,jalachar 1, Leo 0.


    Man ush

    Chatus Jalac Leo(Si pad har mha

    Scor pio

    Bride Manush: 3-6-7-1st half of 9-11 2 0 0 ½ 0 nd st Chatuspad: 1-2-2 part of 9-1part 1 2 1 ½ 1 of 10 Jalachar: 4, 2nd half of 10 & 12 ½ 1 2 1 1 Leo(Simha): 5 0 0 02 0 Scorpio: 8 1 1 1 0 2 3. TARA allotted 3 pts Fortune or luck, one brings forthe other Count from boys' nakshatra to bride's nakshatra, & divide by 9, if remainder is 3,5, 7, it is malefic otherwise benefic . Give 1-1/2 (one and one half Points) Now count from girls nakshatra to boy's nakshatra, divide by 9 if remainder 3,5,7, it is malefic otherwise benefic. Give 11/2 (one and one half Points). If both benefic result, then give 3 pts, if one benefic other malefic then give 1 ½ pts and in other cases where both side malefic then no point.Birth Star Prosperity Danger Favourable Inimical Helpful Obstruction Friend Great Frd 1 3 3 1½ 3 1½ 3 1½ 3 3 2 3 3 1½ 3 1½ 3 1½ 3 3 3 1½ 1½ 0 1½ 0 1½ 0 1½ 1½ 4 3 3 1½ 1½ 0 1½ 1½ 6 3 3 1½ 3 1½ 3 1½ 3 3 7 1½ 1½ 0 1½ 0 1½ 0 1½ 1½ 8 3 3 1½ 3 1½ 3 1½ 3 3 9 3

    4. YONI allotted 4 pts Mutual physical or biological attracion Nakshatrs have been alloted yonis of animal Nakshatra Yoni Bitter Enemy Yoni

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    1. Pushya Kritika Ram, 2. Sharavan , P Shadha Monkey 3. Uttarashadha, Abhijit Nakula 4. Rohini, Mrigsira Serpent 5. Jyeshta, Anuradha Deer 6. Moola, Ardra Dog 7. Punarvasu, Ashlesha Cat 8. Magha, Porva Phalguni Rat 9. Vishakjha , Chitra Tiger 10.Uttarbhadra, Uttarphalguni Cow 11, Ashwini, Satabhisha. Horse 12 Swat, Hasta Buffalo 13. Dhanishta, P Bhadra Lion 14. Bharani, Revati Elephant

    Monkey (Vanar) Ram (Mesha) Serpent ( Shanek) Nakula (Nakul) Dog (Kutta or Shawan) Deer (Mareeg) Rat (Chuyaha or Mushak) Cat (Billi or Majar) Cow (Gaya) Tiger (Bagh) Buffalow (Bheyansha or Mahish) Horse (Ghodda) Elephant (Hathi or Gaj) Lion(Sher)

    If Yonis are the same (S), 4 points are given , if friend (F) 3 Pt, Neutral (N)2, Enemies (E) 1, Bitter Enemies (B) then 0 pt. to be givenHorse Ele Ram Ser F N S=4 N N=2 S F N F=3 F N S N=2 N N S N=2 N N N F=3 F F E F=3 N N N F=3 N F N B=0 F F N E=1 N E N F=3 F F N N=2 F B N N=2 N F B E=1 B E N Dog Cat Rat Cow Buf Tig Dee Mon Nak Lio N F F F B E F N N E N F F F F E F N N B NF N F F E F F N E N E E N N N N N B N E E N N E B N N E S E B N N E N N N N S EB N N N N N N E S E N N F B N N F E S N N N F N N F S E N E E N B E E E N N S BF N F N E N N N S N N N N N E N N F S N N N N N N N N S N E N E E E N N N N S

    Horse Elephant Ram Serpent Dog Cat Rat Cow Buffalo Tiger Deer Monkey Nakula Lion

    6. Graha Maitri Friedship of rasi lords It shows mental qualities & attraction for each other Planets Friends Neutrals Enemies Sun Moon Mars Jup Mer Saturn Venu


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    Moon Mars Mercury Venus Saturn

    Sun , Mer Mon Sun ,Jup Sun Venus Mer Sat Mer, Ven

    Rest Venus, Sat Jup, Sat Mar Jup, Ma Jup

    None Mercury Moon Sun Mon Sun Mon Mar

    If lords of boy rashi and girl rashi lords are same ± 5 marks One friend , other neutral ( Saturn , Mercury) 4 marks Both neutral ( Jupiter , Sat) 3 marks One friend, one enemy ( Mon , Mer) One and half Others 0. Navamsa lords of rashis should also be considered.

    Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    Sun 5 5 5 4 5 0 0

    Moon 5 5 4 1 4 ½ ½

    Mars 5 4 5 ½ 5 3 ½

    Mercury 4 1 ½ 5 ½ 5 4

    Jupiter 5 4 5 ½ 5 ½ 3

    Venus 0 ½ 3 5 ½ 5 5

    Saturn 0 ½ ½ 4 3 5 5

    7. Ganas:- it shows nature, temperament or behaviour In this there are three categories, Deva, Manusha or Nar, Rakshas Deva Guna : These are nine nakshatras and are Anuradha, Punarvasu, Mrigsira, Shravan , Revati, Swati, Hasta, Ashvini andPushya. Nara Guna : Poorva Phalguni, Poorva Ashada, Poorva bhadra , Uttarphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadra, Rohini, Bharani and Ardra. Rakshasa : Magha, Ashlesha, Dhanishta, Jyeshta, Moola, Satabhisha, Krittika, Chitra Same gana Full 6 Boy Deva, girl Nara ± 6 Boy Rakshasa , bride Deva 1 Remaining 0

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    Deva Guna Nara Guna Rakshasa

    Deva Guna 6 6 0

    Nara Guna 5 6 0

    Rakshasa 1 0 6

    7. Bhakoota:- it shows groth of family & its welfare, health, Mental adaptability, ecconomic condition & overall mutual happiness Check position of Janam Rasis( rasi where Moon is located) of each horoscope If they are located in 2/12 , 6/8 , 5/9 it is malefic and no point is given. In other cases full 7 poits shouldbe given. Other points can be check:1. If both have same Janam Rasi it is benefic provided both are in different nakshatras. If they are in same nakshatras they should not be in same charnas. 2. 2/12 position should be avoided as it give bad financial position. Where bride is second from boy it is malefic. In 12 from boy it is not considered malefic. 3. For rasis Taurus Gemini, 2,3 - Cancer Leo 4,5, - Virgo Libra 6,7 - , Scorpio Sagittarius 8,9,Capricorn Aquarius 10, 11 - Pisces , Aries 12, 1, 2/12 position not bad as rasi lord are friends. 4. 3/11/ position is benefic 5. 4/ 10 is benefic and gets full 7 marks but in 2,5 ± 4,7 - 6,9,- 8,11 - 10, 1 - 12,3 positions are malefic as rasi lord are enemies. It is said to cause poverty. 5 / 9 ( Position ± Nav Pancham dosha , even though rasi lords are friends. position is bad. If Girl's rasi is 5th from Boy it is bad as may givechildren problems but 1/9 is not so bad. 6/ 8 position is called Shad Ashtak and

     is bad as rasi lords are enemies , but if like in Aries Scorpio , In Gemini / Capricorn, Cancer / Aquarius , rasi lords are friends or

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    same position is not so bad. 6/8 position causes disease and death. 1 / 7 position is good and gets 7 points. Except in Cancer / Capricorn , Leo and Aquarius Malefic Bhakkoota lose maleficience if 1. Rasi lords are friends. 2. Proper Nadi has been matched. 3. Navamsa's lords are friends. 4. Both horoscopes have benefic Tara . 5. Vashya and nadi matching is present.

    Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

    1 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0

    2 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7

    3 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7

    4 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0

    5 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0

    6 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7

    7 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0

    8 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0

    9 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7

    10 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7

    11 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0

    12 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7

    8. Nadi : Matching:- it shows Physiological, hereditaty factore There are threeNadis ,1. Aadi (windy) 2. Madhya (pitta) and 3. Antya ( phlegmatic) i)Aadi Nadihas nakshatras Ashvini, Ardra, Punarvasu , U Phalguni, Hasta , Jyeshta, Moola, Satabhisha, Poorva Bhadarpad ii)Madhya Nadi : Nakshatras are Bharni, Mrigsira, Pu

    shya, P Phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Poorvaashada, Dhanishta , Uttarabhadrapad.

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    iii)Antya Nadi has nakshatras Krittika, Rohini, Ashlesha, Magha, Swati, Vishakha, Uttar ashadha, Shravan and Revati. Boy and girl should not belong to same Nadi . If they belong to different Nadis give 8 points. If bride belongs to Bharni nakshatra and boy belongs to Chitra nakshatra it is same nadi and is called Nadidosha Exceptions : If boy and girl have same Janam Rasi but different nakshatrathere is no nadi dosha . Example both have their Moon in Gemini, one is born inArdra nakshatra but other is born in Punarvasu nakshatra, hence there is no nadi dosha. In case both are born in same nakshatra but different rasi , still there is no nadi dosha For example both are born in Krittika nakshatra , but one is born in Aries rasi and other in Taurus ±hence there is no nadi dosha. Krittika , one in Aries other in Taurus no dosha 111) Both may be born in same nakshatra butin different charnas even then there is no nadi dosha. Boy's nakshatra immediately after girl's nakshatra is considered inauspicious , For example boy's nakshatra isPushya whereas girl's nakshatra is Punarvasu. Aadi Madhya Antya Aadi 0 8 8 Madhya8 0 8 Antya 8 8 0 Note:- It has been said that Brahmins should check Nadi Dosha, Kashatryas should check Varna Dosha, Vaishya should check Guna Dosha and Shudras should YONI Dosha in couples horoscopes..Again this matching is not enough as said before also, we should check the following points before the matching:1 One should see longevity of both from their individual charts 1. See also Longevity from each other chart . Any combination for widowhood in one's chart must have a similar combination in other chart which will cancel out the dosha 2. Examine in both the horoscopes houses 2, 4, 5, 7 and12 house for happiness of married life.

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    3. Dasha in both charts are important and must be analyzed. 4. Kootas should beanalyzed in the end only... 5. Match the house wise dosha . If Mars is in the 7th house of a horoscope, it is important that it should be in the 7th in other horoscope also. Mutual Attaction:- Rashi wise:01. It has been said that if Lagna sign of girl would be the 7th sign of boy then it will be good matching. 02. If Lagna sign of the girl would be the exalted sign of the 7th house lord then would be good matching. 03. If Lagna sign of the girl would be the debilited sign ofthe 7th house lord then would be good matching. 04. It has been said that if Lagna sign of girl would be the same sign, where Venus of boy is place in the signthen it would be good matching. 05. It has been said that if Lagna sign of girlwould be the same sign, where 7th lord of boy is place in the sign then it would be good matching. 06. It has been said that if Lagna sign of girl would be the7th sign from boy's Moon sign then it would be good matching. 07. If Moon sign ofthe boy would be the Lagna sign of the girl. 08. The Dwadasam Sign of Moon can be girl Lagna 09. The navamsa sign of 7th lord can be girl Lagna 10. A sign thathave more bindu in Moon BAV of the boy. 11. Add up the longitudes of Lagna lord& Venus & find out the constellation, that can be constelltion of girl. 12. Addup the longitudes of Lagna lord & 7th lord & find out the constellation, that can be constelltion of girl. 13. Note:- Avoid the signs of the 6th, 8th & 12th house of boy as a Lagna of girl. 14. If 7th lord of Namashva of boy horoscope placed in Kendra / Trikona house in natel horoscope of the girl and same way if 7th lord of Namashva of girl horoscope placed in Kendra / Trikona house in natel horoscope of the boy then both of them have good understanding with eachother. If any of them have its lord in 6th, 8th or 12th house in the others horoscope then t

    he will not have any agreement and bleme the other.

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    Mutual Attaction:- Planets wise:01. If natel Mars of Female is having PAC with natel Saturn or Rahu of male 02. If natal Venus of Female is having PAC with natal Mars or vice versa of male. 03 If natal Venus of Female is having PAC with natal Rahu of male. 04. If natal Venus in 12th house in ones horoscope & Mars in other horoscope give strong mutual attraction. 05. If Lagna or luminaries in two horoscopes are in Trine, Sextile or Kendras from each others, then there is mutual attraction and friendship between the two. 06. Remember: - Lagna, Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn & Rahu play important role in mutual attraction and friendship. The nearer or same degrees in PAC, attraction will be very strong towards each other.


    Marriage Muhuratha

    Months: - Magha, Phalguna, Vaisakha & Jyeshta are good Pushya & Chaitra are also good if Sun is in Capricorn & Aries Tithi: - 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th, &13th of bright half Day: - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, are best. Sunday & Saturday Medium. Nakshatras: - Rohini, Mrigashira, Makha, Uttara, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Revati. (1st Quarter of Makha, Moola & Last quarter of Revati should be rejected) Sign: - Gemini, Virgo, Libra are best, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius & Aquarius are medium, House Vacant: - 7th house should not occupy any planet. Mars should not be in 8th house, Venusshould not be in 6th house,

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    The Lagna should not hemmed in between malefic or malefic should not be in Lagna. Moon should not be any planet. Benefice in Lagna & Malefic in 3dr & 11th house. Lagna & Lagna lord should be strong. Some good yoga on the day of marriage: 1.) Jupiter in Lagna, Venus in 8th & Sun in 11th called Mahendra Yoga 2.) Venus in Lagna, Jup. In 10th & Sun Merc in 11th called Vishnu Priya Yoga 3.) Ven in 2ndJupiter in 12th, Sun in 8th, Saturn in 6th Shree nath Yoga. 4.) Ven in Lagna, Jup in 4th, Merc in 2nd, & Sat in 11th called Samundra Yoga. 5.) Jup. Ven. Merc in Lagna is called Vijaya Yoga. 6.) Ven. Jup in Lagan is called Jaya Yoga. 7.) Sat in 3rd, Jup in 6th, Sun in 10th, & Mars in 11th is called PUSHYA Yoga. 8.) Venin Lagna & Jup in 11th is called Arhdama Yoga. Yoga: - Vyatipata, Dhruva, Mrityu, Ganda, Vajra, Soola, Vishkambha, Atiganda, Vyaghata, & Parigha should be rejected.24.

    D=30: Thrimsamsa: Thrimsamsa: - When a sign divided into 30 equal parts of 10 each & it is called Thrimsamsa. In odd signs In Even signs 0 Aries rules first 5 then Taurus rules first 50 Aquarius 50 then Then Virgo 70 Sagittarius next 80 then Then Pisces next 80 Then Capricorn next 50 Gemini next 70 then Libra next 50 Then Scorpio next 50 Total 300 Total 300(1,11,9,3,7) (2,6,12,10,8)

    In other wordsD= 30 1 2 3 4 05.00.00 10.00.00 18.00.00 25.00.00 1 1 11 9 3 3 1 11 9 3 5 1 11 9 3 7 1 11 9 3 9 1 11 9 3 11 1 11 9 3 2 2 6 12 10 4 2 6 12 10 6 2 6 12 10 8 2 6 1

    2 10 10 2 6 12 10 12 2 6 12 10

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    Result of Thrimsamsa as per classical books: - it should not apply littlely: IfLagna or Moon is in Cancer sign and rising sign in D-30 is of the following sign then: Mars: - Native will be self willed and uncontrollable, very independent,will have own way, free adulterous life, has physical strength, will be romantic with paramours. Jupiter: - Native will be endowed with many qualities, very virtuous admit able qualities Mercury: - Native will be skilled in fine arts, handicraft or sculpture and sciences Venus: - Native will be lascivious or lustful, unchaste, immoral, will bring ignominy to the family Saturn: - Native may tortures or kills the spouse, cruel or become widow If Lagna or Moon is in Leo sign and

     rising sign in D-30 is of the sign then: Mars: - Native will have talkative nature, masculine disposition, and wicked spouse. Jupiter: - Native will have royal spouse, will have all good qualities Mercury: - Native will have masculine disposition, manly habits, wicked by nature, Venus: - Native will have many sex relations and diseased, accepts undeserving and unworthy mate Saturn: - Native willbe despicable character, unchaste, unhappy, sorrowful, disgrace the family by giving up her own caste and go to other caste, rejected by spouse or family. If Lagna or Moon is in Aries or Scorpio sign and rising sign in D-30 is of the sign then: Mars: - Native will ill-behaved, cruel even in the childhood, unrighteous conduct, will have sex relation before marriage even she attains her age of maturity, bad character, May be Prostitute,

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    Jupiter: - Native will be chaste, virtuous, modest, dignified, worthy, respectful, rich Mercury: - Native will be deceitful, cunning, depraved, untidy, will conceal her evil action. Will never be straightforward in her words or actions, crooked mind Venus: - Native will be frail, adulterous, doubtful character, bad conduct, pretentious and helpless, addicted to paramour, wicked & cunning Saturn: - Native will be prostituting, slave, menial, dependent able, dancing girl but good nature. If Lagna or Moon is in Taurus or Libra sign and rising sign of D-30 is the sign of following planet then: Mars: - Native will be frail, unrighteous bend of mind, vicious, quarrelsome, wicked, bad character Jupiter: - Native willbe highly respected, virtuous, noble, generous, chaste, will have all good qualities. Mercury: - Native will be very Skilful, intelligent, fond of many Arts, music of both type i.e. vocal and instrumental Venus: - Native will be famous, liked in social circle, virtuous, good character, graceful, learned, found of wisemen, favourite of spouse, strong sensual desires Saturn: - Native will do second marriage after separation from the 1st marriage, hard life. If Lagna or Moon is in Gemini or Virgo sign and rising sign in D-30 is of the sign then: Mars: - Native will be a cheater, dishonest, untruthful, cunning, but will have son Jupiter: - Native will be chaste, virtuous, and graceful, devoted to spouse and worships the spouse Mercury: - Native will have good qualities, virtuous, graceful, famous, handsome, possessed of sharp intelligence. Venus: - Native will be repining, madly passionate, libidinous, commits adultery or whore, conspicuous for thedresses etc Saturn: - Native will be eunuch, hermaphrodite nature, does not like sex, frigid, lacks of feminine grace if it is girl

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    horoscope, childless or give birth to dead children, or become widow, bold by nature If Lagna or Moon is in Jupiter sign and rising sign in D-30 is of the signthen: Mars: - Native will be endowed with many good qualities, virtues, of all kind, fine cooks Jupiter: - Native will have many good qualities, very virtuous,rich, and chaste, has wealth and clothes Mercury: - Native will be skilled in Arts and science, virtuous and highly respected, proficiency in worldly knowledgescientific bent of mind Venus: - Native will be very chaste, possesses good children, clothes, ornaments, riches, very talkative. (She become adulterous, Says BV Ramam) Saturn: - Native will not have much sexual desire, indigent or poor, or attaches to others spouse, or will be servant and poor If Lagna or Moon is in the sign of Saturn and rising sign in D30 is of the sign then: Mars: - Native will be servant, sorrowful, dances to the tune of others, distressed or prostituteJupiter: - Native will controlled the spouse, chaste, loving the spouse, strictly adheres to customs or conservative Mercury: - Native will be unchaste, unrighteous bend of mind, knowledge of all things, wicked and deceitful Venus: - Native will be virtuous but barren and indigent, childless, profligate. (She become awicked woman, say BV Raman) Saturn: - Native will be serving /attached or fond of and have sex relation with low class, adulteress undeserving class, lacking in beauty, grace. Kindly note: - If Thrimsamsa lord were a malefic planet, be in Rahu/Ketu axis or eclipsed or be in its depression sign or with malefic planet, the person will very soon have misunderstanding with his relation

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    37. If female born in daytime with afflicted Venus is in 7th house navamsha in the sign of Mars or Saturn & aspected by Malefic. In such case female may have sex relation with the permission of her husband? 38. If Mars, Venus & Moon or Sun& Moon are in 7th house aspected by malefic then in such case female may have sex relation with the permission of her husband. 39. Any malefic in 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house & PAC with other malefic then female will loose in character. 40. Mars be in the 8th house of female chart, she will be unchaste. 41. Any sign of Mars or Saturn is a Lagna & Moon with Venus placed there & any malefic aspectsit then that female along with mother would take immoral way. 42. If Sun & Marsplaced in Cancer sign is in the 7th house, the female will be addicted to others & be an adulteress. 43. If Mars is Combusted or defeated in planetary war makea woman cold in her sex life. 44. Planets & houses to be seen for love & passion are Moon & 4th house, Mercury & 5th house, Venus & 7th house, Mars & 12th house. For any infatuation, scandals, suicides, or criminal, rape tendencies the 8thhouse & its lord and loss of balance of mind the 12th house & Mercury. (Deepak Basaria in JOA) From Dwadasa Bhavba Phala 6 to 8th house page 68 & 69 45.Person will have many relationship if Lagna lord, 2nd & 6th lord are together with malefic or Saturn with malefic placed in 7th house. 46. Person will have many relationships if 7th lord is with Rahu or Ketu aspected by malefic are in 7th house. 47. Person will have many relationships if 10th lord, 2nd & 7th lord are in 10th or 4th house. 48. Person will have relationship if waning Moon with malefic in the 7th house. 49. Person will have many relationships if Mercury is in the 10th house from Lagna lord & is strong; Moon is in the 3rd from 7th lord.

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    50. Person will have many relationships if lords of 12th & 2nd are in 3rd house, and aspected by Jupiter or the 9th lord. 51. Person will have many relationship if 7th lord is in Kendra or Trine in his friendly, own or exaltation sign with10th lord. 52. Person will have many relationships if 7th & 11th lord have PAC with each other & placed strongly in Trine house. 53. If Saturn or Mars placed in 7th house & 7th lord placed in Mars sign, the person's wife will be prostitute or having secret relationship with other person. 54. Saturn, Mars & Moon or Venus, Moon & Mars in 7th house. 55. Venus in Aries, Taurus or Aquarius aspected by Mars 56. Venus in Virgo or Cancer aspected by Saturn 57. Lagnesh with 6th lord aspected by malefic. 58. Lord of 7th in 2nd or 12th & afflicted. 59. Weak & afflicted 9th lord. 60. Moon & Venus in 2nd, 7th or 12th house & Mars or Rahu in 8th house. 61. If 7th lord is in the sign of Mars or Saturn & Mars placed in 7th house, the wife of person will have secret relation with other person. 62. If Moon, Venus & Saturn are placed in Kendra House or Kendra from each other then person will have sex scandals in his life. 63. 7th lord is in 6th house & 6th lord withRahu are placed there.


    Birth of Children

    Remember the first principle that if 5th lord goes into enemies sign, debilitate, combustion, lost into Graha Yudha or goes into 6th, 8th, or 12 house then there is loss of children, or no children.

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  • 8/19/2019 Marriage Children Lesson in English


    09 Pounarbhava: - A child born to widow or women abandoned by the husband. WhenSaturn is in 5th house aspected by Sun & Venus and Moon placed in 10 or 11th sign of Saturn. 10 Kanina: - A child born before real marriage. When very week Moon placed in any house and Sun is having PAC with 5th house. 11 Sahodha: - is oneborn to his wife after necessary rites trough the exact origin of child is not known. When 5th house happens to be 4 or 5th sign and Moon or Sun placed there &aspected by Venus. Categories of Rashis: Few children by sign: Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Barren Signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius Semi Fruitful: Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn Fruitful: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Beeja Sphuta: - Add longitudes of Sun + Venus + Jupiter, if total sum is in odd sign, in odd Navamsha & un-afflicted gives good power to have children Kshetra Sphuta: - Add longitudes of Moon + Mars + Jupiter, if total sum is in even sign & even Navamsha & un-afflicted gives good power to have children. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lord D=7 1 1 8 3 10 5 12 7 2 9 4 11 6 2 9 4 11 6 1 8 3 10 5 12 7 2 08.34.17 1 8 3 3 10 5 12 7 2 9 4 11 6 4 17.08.34 4 11 6 1 8 3 10 5 127 2 9 5 5 12 7 2 9 4 11 6 1 8 3 10 6 1 8 3 10 5 12 7 2 9 4 11 6 25.42.52 7 30.00.00 7 2 9 4 11 6 1 8 3 10 5 12 Categories of Planets: Sun: - few children, Moon: - many daughters,

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    Mars: - number of abortion, no issues, or very few issue Mercury: - Happiness from children, but if it is with Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu then there is delay in birth of children Jupiter: - obedient children, Venus: - many daughters and few sons, Saturn: no issues, or very few issue Rahu: - Childless, Ketu: - loss of children, 5th house lord in others house: When 5th lord in 1st house: - Happiness of children & successful children, but limited issue 5th lord in 2nd house: Many children, 5th lord in 3rd house: Children will have great attachment with relative 5th lord in 4th house: Give happiness to children, but limited issue 5th lord in 5th house: good children 5th lord in 6th house: Difference of opinion with children, no children or adoption of child 5th lord in 7th house: Will be blessed with good children 5th lord in 8th house: childless or delay of children, death of children 5th lord in 9th house: obedient children, good status for children 5th lord in 10th house: Children will be famous & wealthy, worries due to children health 5th lord in 11th house: Many and Gain through children 5th lord in 12th house: Some miseries for children, spending money on children but getting no help from them, few children, loss or no issue Other house lord in 5th house: When Lagna Lord in 5th house First child will not survive, happiness from children, successful children. 2nd lord in 5th house: Person will get money from children, 3rd lord in 5th house: Person will be under the care of children 4th lord in 5th house: Deeply attached to children, good children who hold good position in life.

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    5th lord in 5th house: good children 6th lord in 5th house: Enmities with children 7th lord in 5th house: Will have children who will look after their mother 8th lord in 5th house: Delay in birth of child or childless 9th lord in 5th house: Will have children who are lucky 10th lord in 5th house: Happiness of children11th lord in 5th house: Gain through children 12th lord in 5th house: Loss or some trouble from children Birth Time Of Child Birth: In Dasha /AD of Lagna, Lordof 5th, 7th, 9th or lord of sign occupied by Jupiter, or planets aspect the 5thhouse. In Transit, when Saturn & Jupiter aspects 5th or 9th house or 5th or 9thlord with in one years, Mars with in 45 days and Moon in 72 hrs. CHILDLESSNESS OR No Child Birth: 5th house in Papakatri yoga & 5th lord is in 6th, 8th or 12thhouse. Or Moon in 10th house, Venus in 7th house & Malefic in 4th house. Or malefic in 5th, 12th, 8th, & 1st house. 5th lord is if with malefic in 6th, 8th or 12th house and 5th house has malefic planet. Afflicted Beeja Sphuta or Kshetra Sphuta in D 1, D 9 or D 7 charts Or If the Jupiter the lord of Lagna, the 7th andthe 5th are weak the native will be childless. Or the same is the case when theSun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn are stronger and occupy the 5th house and the Karakas are endured weak. 1. If 7th house has Mercury, Saturn or Venus or with 7th house lord then there is no child. 2. There are many children if the ninth house isassociated with Sun, Rahu and Jupiter. 3. The Moon in 5th or 9th house gives one son only. (PAC is also workable) PAC of Saturn, Mercury, Venus with Sun, Rahu and Jupiter gives child in advanced age.

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    4. Mars and Saturn in 9th house give an adopted Son. 5. If the Gk is placed in the 4th house and aspected by AK show a change in the family means adoption 6. If 9th house is in odd sign, there are many children whereas even sign gives a few children. Parashara Hora Sara Combinations for Birth of Children; 1. Lagna lord and 5th lord in the fifth, trikona or Kendra. 2. 5th house aspected by strong Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, fifth lord strong will give many children. 3. 5th lord in exaltation and is in Lagna 2nd, 3rd, 5th or 9th house and these have the aspect of Jupiter. 4. Son is born. Should be considered from Lagna, 7th house, Moon and Jupiter.5th from Jupiter benefice and Jupiter with benefice, son long lived. Same results from 7th, moon and Lagna 5th with benefices and themselves withbenefices. (Jatak Parijat and Phaladeepika, Surya Jataka) 5. Jupiter in the 5thhouse confers 5 sons. 6. 5th lord exalted and in navamsha of a male planet. Andnot conjunct with malefic 7. Mercury, Jupiter, Venus in own signs or5 exalted and placed in Kendra or Trikona ±native gets a son as worthy as a king. 1. Debilitated 5th lord in 12, 6 or 8 and Mercury in the 5th wife will be kakbandhya (Sterile after giving birth to one child) 2. Wife sterile kakbandhya if 5th lord debilitated or he does not aspect 5th house and Saturn and Mercury in the 5th. 3. 9thlord in the 5th and 5th lord debilitated and Mercury and Ketu in the 5th house son will be born after great ordeal. 4. Debilitated fifth lord in 6, 8 and 12, or enemy sign and fifth house is aspected by malefic son after great ordeal. Adopted Sons: 1. Signs of Mercury or Saturn in the 5th house and Mandi or Saturn in the 5th house or aspect 5th house.

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    2. 5th house occupied by 6 planets, its lord in the 12th and Lagna lord and Moon strong. 3. If Sun and Moon are in the same sign and same navamsha. Native brought up by three mothers or two fathers 4. 5th lord in the 9th, Moon in a malefichouse and Lagna lord in 5th or 9th from Moon. 5. 5th lord Moon in Lagna. Saturnin the 5th and Jupiter in full strength. 6. 5th lord in the 9th. Moon in a malefic house and 5th from Moon occupied by Lagna lord. 7. 5th house owned by Mercury or Saturn and aspected by Saturn or Gulika. 8. 5th house has the sign of Cancer and Moon in Lagna. Saturn in 5th and Jupiter strong. Only Daughters: 5th lord with Moon and in drekkan of Moon only daughters. 2. Mercury, Venus and Moon in the 5th.

    Illegitimate Son 1.) 5th lord in movable sign in conjunction with Moon and Rahu, Saturn in the 5th Son as born as Parajata (illegitimate) 2. Moon in the 8th and Jupiter in 8th from Moon and Jupiter and Moon aspected by malefic These get cancelled if Kendra has a planet or benefice aspect Lagna or Moon or Lagna lords is in Lagna or Jupiter in the 4th house or Mars aspect Jupiter. Combinations thatDeny birth of Children / Son 5th lord in the 6th, 8th or 12th. 5th lord combust, in conjunction with malefic and also weak ± no son if born dies early. Person will not have any children, if malefic are placed in 5th from Lagna, Moon, and Jupiter & 5th lord is weak.

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    5th lord in the 6th and Ascendant lord with Mars ±first child will die and his wife will become kakbaandhya (one who cannot conceive after birth of first child) Female Example of Birth Time: 2.11. 195 9 50 Meerut. Got a son two year after marriage. Died after one and half year by snakebite. After some time wife has someproblem in ovaries ± operation and ovaries removed. No children after that.

    Child Birth tips: - By Jaimini Method 2. If 7th house has Mercury, Saturn or Venus or with 7th house lord then there is no child. 3. There are many children ifthe ninth house is associated with Sun, Rahu and Jupiter. 4. The Moon in 5th or9th house gives one son only. (PAC is also workable) PAC of Saturn, Mercury, Venus with Sun, Rahu and Jupiter gives child in advanced age. 5. Mars and Saturn in 9th house give an adopted Son. 6. If the Gk is placed in the 4th house and aspected by AK show a change in the family means adoption 7. If 9th house is in oddsign, there are many children whereas even sign gives a few children. 8. If native, have both combination of children and no children then predict late issue in life. In Sthir Dasha 07. :- 5th house from Rudra plays an important role in child birth. 27. There are twenty kinds of eunuchs as per Prasna Marga:01):- Person without Penny is called ªNisarga Shandaº; 02) Person without anda is called ªBadhaº; 0) Person who is capable of coitus only once a fortnight is called ªPakshShandaº; 04) Person who enjoy a woman soon after she is enjoyed by another is called ªKeelakaº;05) Person who is incapable of coitus because of Guru-Sapa is called ªSapadhi

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    Shandaº; 06) Person who is unable to discharge semen is called ªSthabdhaº; 07) A person who is capable of coitus only after he observes another doing it is called ªEar-Shakaº; 08) A Person who becomes incapable as the result of extreme sexual indulgences is called ªSevyakaº; 09) A person whose discharge of semen prevents coitus is called ªAkshipthbeejaº; 10) A person who is incapable of coitus even after women's sexual appeal is called ªMoghabeejaº; 11) A person who is capable of such enjoyment only after he sees sexual intercourse before him is called ªSaleenaº; 12) A Person is capable of enjoy other women {other than own wife} is called ªAnyapathiº; 13) A person who enjoys the facial portion alone is called ªMukhasaº; 14) When Gas is generatedat the time of coitus, he is called ªVatha Rethusº; 15) A person who enjoys women's hand only is called ªKumbheekaº; 16) A person who has no erection is called ªPandaº; 17)  person who is incapable due to ill-health is called ªNashtakaº; 18) A person discharge semen but does not have any erection is called ªAsevyaº; 19) A person who is capable of enjoyment only after smelling the Yoni is called ªSushandiº and 20) A person who is effeminate in action or cut off the peny is called ªShandasº 28. Some Impotence classical combination (These 22 combination are noted from Jyotish Ratnakarof Devinandan Singh) 1. If Sun is in odd sign & Moon is in even sign & having PAC with each other. (1) The Sun and the Moon are in opposition. 2. If Saturn is in even sign & Mercury is in odd sign & having PAC with each other. 3. If Sun isin even sign & Mars is in odd sign & having PAC with each other. Mars aspectingthe Sun that placed in an even sign 4. If Lagna & Moon are in odd sign & Mars aspecting from even sign. 5. If Moon is in odd sign & Mercury is in even sign & Mars aspecting them.

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    6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.


    19. 20. 21.


    If Lagna, Moon & Venus are in odd sign & again in odd sign in navamsha chart. If 6th lord is with Mercury & Rahu & having PAC with Lagna or Lagna lord. If Marsis in odd sign aspected by Sun or Mars aspecting Sun that place in even sign. If odd sign rising in Lagna with Moon placed there & Mars aspects from even sign.If Moon placed in even sign & Mercury is in odd sign & both are aspected by Mars. If rising sign in Lagna is even & Moon is placed in odd sign in main & navamsha chart aspected by Mars If Lagna, Moon & Venus are placed in odd sign in navamsha chart. If Lagna & Moon are in odd sign aspected by Sun. If Venus & Saturn are placed in 10th or 8th house without aspects of benefice. If Saturn is in debilitated sign place in 6th or 12th house. If Venus placed in the sign of retrograde planet then person is unable to satisfy his spouse. If Lagnesh is in own sign aspects the Venus that placed in 7th house then person is unable to satisfy his spouse. If Moon & Saturn are placed in one sign & Mars aspects to them from 4th or 10th house then person is unable to satisfy his spouse. If Moon is placed in Libra sign & Sun, Mars & Saturn aspect it then person is unable to satisfied hisspouse. If 7th lord with Venus are placed in 6th house then spouse of person wil

    l be impotent. If any sign of Mercury is rising in Lagna with 6th lord placed there & having PAC with Mercury then both male female are impotent. If any sign of Mercury is rising in Lagna with Mars & Saturn are placed then person will be impotent.

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    28. Adoption Of Child in Classicle Books (1) If Mars and Saturn are in the 5th and the Lagna is the house of Mercury and is associated with or aspected by Mercury the native will adopt a child. (2) If the 5th sign happens to be the house of Mercury or Saturn or if aspected by or associated with Saturn the adoption of the child is certain. (3) If the 5th house is that of Mercury and the Mercury amsa is aspected by Mercury and if the lord of Lagna is Saturn the native will adopt a child. (4) The same happens when the lord of the 5th is associated with Saturn and is aspected by Mars and if the lord of Lagna is in Mercury amsa. (5) When the lord of the 7th is in Lagna and the lord of the 5th is associated with a benefice and if either Saturn or Mercury is posited in the 5th house there will be adoption. (6) If the lord of the 5th is the 9th house the lord of the 9th in the 10th and if the lord of the 5th is aspected by a benefice the progeny is perpetuated by the adoption of a child. (7) When Mercury is the lord of Lagna and Saturn in exaltation is in 5th house and the karaka is strong assurance of progenythrough adoption of child is predicted. (8) If the lord of the 5th is the Moon and is in the Lagna and Saturn is in the 5th and Jupiter is fully strong the same result will happen. (9) If the lord of the 5th is the Sun and is in Lagna and Saturn and Mercury are in the 5th and they are associated with or aspected by the lord of the 5th the birth of son through adoption is predicted. (10) If the lord of the Lagna is Mercury and is in the 5th aspected by Mars and the Karka is in the 11th the same result will happen. (11) If the lord of the Lagna is Jupiterand is in the 5th aspected by Saturn and the lord of 5th is in the house of Mars progeny through adoption of child is predicted.

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    (12) If the lord of Lagna being Jupiter occupying the 5th house is aspected by Mars and the lord of the 5th is in the house of Saturn same result is predicted.(13) If 6 planets are in the 5th house and the lord of the 5th is in the 12th house and the lord of Lagna is week the native will have an adopted child. (14) If the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign and Amsa the adopted child will be protected by two mothers and two fathers. (15) Jara Yoga The lord of the 10th house is in the 10th house with the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses. The person will have extra-marital affairs with a number of individuals of the opposite sex. (16) Jarajaputra Yoga Lords of the 5th and 7th houses are strong and conjunct along with the lord of the 6th house, aspected by benefics. The person is sterile but his wife will have a child with another man. (17) Japadhyanasamadhi Yoga: Thelord of the 10th house is in the 9th house and is strong or in association withbenefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 7/2/40). The person will be engaged in meditation and spiritual pursuits. (18) Bahu Stri Yoga The Lagna lord and the lord of the7th house are conjunct or in mutual aspect with each other. The person will have a number of spouses. (19) Satkalatra Yoga The lord of the 7th or Venus are conjunct or aspected by Jupiter or Mercury. The spouse (or wife) of the person willbe noble and virtuous. (20) Bhaga Chumbana Yoga The lord of the 7th house is inthe 4th with Venus. The person will indulge excessively in masturbation (Bhaga Chumbana). (21) Bhaga Chumbana Yoga: The Lagna lord is debilitated either in theRashi or the Navamsha. The person will indulge excessively in masturbation (Bhaga Chumbana). (22) Jananatpurvam Pitru Marana Yoga: Sun is in a Trik house (6th,8th or 12th house), while the lord of the 8th house is in the 9th, and the lordof the 12th house in

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    Lagna, and the lord of the 6th house is placed in the 5th house. The person will be delivered to this world (perhaps by cesarean section) after the death of the mother or the father (posthumous birth). (23) Jananatpurvam Matru Marana Yoga:Moon is in a Trik house (6th, 8th or 12th house), while the lord of the 8th house is in the 9th, and the lord of the 12th house in Lagna, and the lord of the 6th house is placed in the 5th house (original source unknown). (This is a speculative Yoga based on another similar) There is a possibility that the person willbe delivered to this world (perhaps by cesarean section) after the death of his/her mother (posthumous birth). (24) If 7th house has Mercury, Saturn or Venus or with 7th house lord then there is no child. (25) There are many children if the ninth house is associated with Sun, Rahu and Jupiter. (26) The Moon in 5th or 9th house gives one son only. (PAC is also workable) (27) PAC of Saturn, Mercury, Venus with Sun, Rahu and Jupiter gives child in advanced age. (28) Mars and Saturn in 9th house give an adopted Son. (29) If the Gk is placed in the 4th houseand aspected by AK show a change in the family means adoption. (30) If 9th house is in odd sign, there are many children whereas even sign gives a few children. (31) If native, have both combination of children and no children then predictlate issue in life. (32) If Lagnalord & 5th lord are placed in 6th, 8th or 12thhouse & aspected by benefic then person will have own child as well as adoped child. (33) If 5th lord is in the Navamsha of Saturn, Jupiter & Venus are in own sign then person will adoped a child & after that he will have his own child.


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    (1) If the Rahu is the 5th and aspected by Mars or occupied the house of Mars the native will suffer loss of child due to snake curse. (2) The same effect ensures when the lord of the 5th is associated with Rahu and Saturn is in the 5th house aspected by the Moon. (3) If the karaka for offspring is associated with Rahu and the lord of the 5th is weak and the lord of Lagna is associated with Mars the loss of children due to snake curse is predicted. (4) Similar is the fate when the karaka for offspring is associated with Mars and the lord of Lagna is with Rahu and the Moon in the 5th house. (5) If Mercury as the lord of the 5th associated with Mars is posted in the amsa of Mars and Rahu and Saturn are in Lagna the native will suffer loss of child due to snake curse when the 5th house happens to be the house happens to be the house of mars and occupied by Rahu aspectedby Mercury the same fate overtakes the native. (6) The same tragedy happens when the 5thhouse is occupied by the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter and the lord of Lagna and the 5th house. (7) Another conjunction which precipitates such a tragedy is the association of Rahu with lord of Lagna and Mars with the lord of the 5th and Rahu with Karaka for offspring PROPITITATION FOR SNAKE-CURSE He should do Naga Pooja & donate cows, Land, & image of gold Nagas PITRU CURSES: 1. If week Sun in 5th house in Papa Katri yoga & in Saturn signs in Navamsha2. Sun being a lord of 5th house in Papa Katri yoga & evil planets in Trines position from Sun

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    3. If Jupiter is in Leo sign, Sun with 5th lord & Malefic in the 5th house. 4. A week Lagna lord is in 5th house, 5th lord with Sun & malefic in 5th house. 5. 9th lord is in 5th with malefic, 5th lord in 9th house, & malefic in Lagna. 6. Sun in 5th house, 5th lord in 1st or 9th house with malefic. 7. 9th lord if placein 6th, 8th or 12 house, Jupiter in malefic sign, & malefic Lagna lord in 5th house. 8. Sun, Mars, Saturn in 1st or 5th house, & Jupiter, Rahu in 8th or 12 house. 9. 12th lord in Lagna, 8th lord in 5th, & 9th lord in 8th house. Mother Curses As said above if there is Moon instead of Sun then it is curses by Mother. LOSS OF CHILD DUE TO BROTHER: 1. 3rd lord in 5TH house with Mars & Rahu, & Lagna &5th lord in 8th house. 2. Week Jupiter in 3rd house, Saturn in 5th house & 5th lord in 8th house. 3. Lagna lord in 12th house, Mars in 5th house, 5th lord in 8th house. 4. Both Lagna & 5th house in Papa Katri yoga, 5th lord or Jupiter in 6th, 8th or 12th house. 5. 10th lord in 3rd, Malefic in 5th, & 5th lord with Mars. 6. Gemini or Virgo sign with Rahu & Saturn in 5th house and Mercury with Mars in 12th house. 7. Lagna lord in 3rd, 3rd lord in 5th and Malefic in 1st, 3rd, 6th house. 8. 2nd, 8th lord in 5th and Mars, Saturn in 8th house. LOSS OF CHILD DUE TO WIFE: 1. 7TH lord in 5th & in the navamsha of Saturn and 5th lord in 8th 2.7th lord in 8th, 12th lord in 5th, and Karka Jupiter with Malefic 3. Venus in 5th, 7th lord in 8th, Jupiter with malefic

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    4. Venus in 9th, 7th lord in 8th and malefic in Lagna 5. Malefic in 2nd & 5th houses, & 7th lord in 8th house. Happiness or Unhappiness from Children: 01. If Lagna lord in the 5th, the 5th lord in the 10th and Jupiter in the sign of Mercury give a good education but unhappiness from children. 02. Putra Sukha Yoga: Jupiter and Venus are in the 5th house, or Mercury is in the 5th house, or the 5th house identical to a benefic sign occupied by a benefic planet The person will enjoy happiness due to his/her children. 1. Anapathya Yoga: Jupiter, the Lagna lord, the 5th house lord and the 7th house lord are weak (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/14): The person will be childless. 2. Sarpasapa Yoga: Rahu is in the 5th house, aspected by Mars or Mars rules the 5th, which contains Rahu: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to a serpent


    s curse). 3. Sarpasapa Yoga: The 5th house lord is conjunct Rahu while Saturn is in the 5th house conjunct or aspected by Moon: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to a serpent


    s curse). 4. Sarpasapa Yoga: Jupiter, or Putrakaraka, is conjunct with Mars, while Rahu is in Lagna and The 5th house lord in a Trik house(6th, 8th or 12th): The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to a serpent


    s curse). 5. Sarpasapa Yoga: Mars rules the 5th house, which holds Rahu, which is conjunct or aspected by Mercury: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to a serpent


    s curse). 6. Pitrusapa Sutakshaya Yoga: Debilitated Sun occupies the 5th house, or the Sun in the 5th in the division of Capricorn or

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    Aquarius, or hemmed in by malefic: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to father


    s wrath or curse). 7. Matrusapa Sutakshaya Yoga: The lord of the 8th house exchanges places with the lord of the 5th house and Moon and the lord of the 4th house are together in the 6th house: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to mother


    s curse). 8. Bhratrusapa Sutakshaya Yoga: The Lagna lord and the lord of the 5th house join in the 8th house and the lord of the 3rd house is in the 5th house with Rahu and Mars: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to brother


    s or sister


    s curse). 9. Pretasapa Yoga Sun and Saturn in the 5th house, weak Moon in the7th house, Rahu in Lagna and Jupiter in the 12th house: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to ghost


    s / preta curse). 10. Bahuputra Yoga: Rahu is in the 5th house, not in Saturn


    s Navamsha: The person will havevery many offspring. 11. Aurasaputra Yoga: The 5th house contains a benefice orthe 5th house is identical to a benefice sign or is aspected by benefices (Saravali 34/25): The person will have a child that is legitimately his/her own (witha legitimate spouse). 12. Aurasaputra Yoga: Jupiter aspects Lagna, Sun or Moon (Saravali 35/26): The person will have a child that is legitimately his/her own.13. Kshetrajaputra Yoga: Mercury is the owner of the 5th house, in the 5th house, which is aspected by Saturn, but without an aspect from Jupiter, Mars or Sun (Saravali 35/28): With the knowledge and consent of the husband the wife will give birth to a child which is not of the husband


    s seed (In

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    modern context this might be a test-tube conception or the roles might be reversed and a surrogate mother deliver the child). 14. Kshetrajaputra Yoga: Mercury is the owner of the 5th house which is aspected by Saturn (Saravali 35/28): (To a lesser degree than other Kshetraja Yogas) With the knowledge and consent of the husband the wife will give birth to a child which is not of the husband


    s seed(In modern context this might be a test-tube child etc.). 15. Kshetrajaputra Yoga: Mercury is the owner of the 5th house which is aspected by Saturn, but without an aspect from Jupiter, Mars or Sun (Saravali 35/28): (To a lesser degree than other Kshetraja Yogas) With the knowledge and consent of the husband the wife will give birth to a child which is not of the husband


    s seed (In modern contextthis might be a test-tube child etc.). 16. Dattaputra Yoga: Saturn is the lord of the 5th house, in the 5th house, aspected by Moon (Saravali 35/29): the person will adopt a child. 17. Dattaputra Yoga: Mercury is the lord of the 5th house,in the 5th house, aspected by Moon (Saravali 35/29): the person will adopt a child. 18. Dattaputra Yoga: Mars and Saturn are placed in the 5th house and the lord of the Lagna is placed in the sign of Mercury, conjunct or aspected by Mercury (Saravali 5/29): (To a lesser degree than other Dattaputra Yogas) The person will adopt a child. 19. Dattaputra Yoga: The lord of the 7th house is placed in the 11th house, while the lord of the 5th house is conjunct a benefice, and Mars and Saturn placed in the 5th house (Saravali 35/29): (To a lesser degree than other Dattaputra Yogas) the person will adopt a child.

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    20. Dattaputra Yoga: The 5th house is identical with Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius and occupied or aspected by Saturn or Mandi (Phala Deepika 12/8): theperson will adopt a child. 21. Dattaputra Yoga: The lord of the 5th house is weak and in no way connected with the lords of the Lagna and the 7th (Phala Deepika 12/8): the person will adopt a child. 22. Dattaputra Yoga: The 10th house and its lord are with or aspected by Saturn (Uttara Kalamrita 5/37): the person might adopt a child. 23. Kritrimaputra Yoga: The 5th house contains Saturn, unaspected by other planets, and the 5th house falls in a Saptamsha owned by Mars (Saravali 35/30): The person will adopt a grown up child without the consent of the parents. 24. Kritrimaputra Yoga: The 5th house joins Mars


    s Saptamsha with Saturn,unaspected by other planets (Saravali 35/30): The person will adopt a grown up child without the consent of the parents. 25. Mandavalokita Yoga: Moon is in the5th house receiving exclusively an aspect from Saturn, while the 5th house is in the Navamsha of Mars (Saravali 35/31): The person


    s progeny will be foolish and base. 26. Mandavalokita Yoga: Moon is in the 5th house receiving exclusively an aspect from Saturn, while Moon is in the Navamsha of Mars (Saravali 35/31): The person


    s progeny will be foolish and base. 27. Mandavalokita Yoga: The 5th joins in Mars


     Amsha with Moon, aspected by Saturn and unaspected by other planets (Saravali 35/31): The person


    s progeny will be foolish and base.

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    28. Gudhotpanna Yoga: Moon is in the 5th house receiving exclusively an aspect from Saturn, while the 5th house is in the Navamsha of Mars (Saravali 35/31): A child could be (secretly) born to the wife, secretly conceived by a man of the husbands stature, without the husbands knowledge. 29. Gudhotpanna Yoga: The 5th joins in Mars


     Amsha with Moon, aspected by Saturn and unaspected by other planets (Saravali 35/31): A child could be (secretly) born to the wife, secretly conceived by a man of the husbands stature, without the husbands knowledge. 30. Paunarbhava Yoga: The 5th house is in Saturn


    s Vargas and contains both Moon and Saturn, aspected by Venus and Sun (Saravali 34/34): The person will adopt a child from a prior marriage or relationship of the spouse (by the classical text:


    progeny will be begotten by a widow given to the person in remarriage


    ) 32. Kaninaputra Yoga: Moon is in the 7th house with Sun or aspected by Sun (Saravali, 34/35): Male: The person will have a child with an unmarried girl (a virgin). 33. Kaninaputra Yoga: Moon is in the 5th house with Sun or aspected by Sun (Saravali, 34/35): Male: The person will have a child with an unmarried girl (a virgin). 34.Kaninaputra Yoga: Cancer is identical to the 5th house and Sun is in the 5th house or aspects the 5th house (Saravali, 34/35): Male: The person will have a child with an unmarried girl (a virgin). 35. Kaninaputra Yoga: Moon is in the 7th house with Sun or aspected by Sun (Saravali, 34/35): Although the classical text assigns this Yoga to a man having a child with an unmarried girl (a virgin), in modern context this could

  • 8/19/2019 Marriage Children Lesson in English


    possibly apply to both sexes, thus the lady owning this Yoga might have a childwhile still young and not married. 36. Kaninaputra Yoga: Moon is in the 5th house with Sun or aspected by Sun (Saravali, 34/35): Although the classical text assigns this Yoga to a man having a child with an unmarried girl (a virgin), in modern context this could possibly apply to both sexes, thus the lady owning this Yoga might have a child while still young and not married. 37. Kaninaputra Yoga:Cancer is identical to the 5th house and Sun is in the 5th house or aspects the5th house (Saravali, 34/35): Although the classical text assigns this Yoga to aman having a child with an unmarried girl (a virgin), in modern context this could possibly apply to both sexes, thus the lady owning this Yoga might have a child while still young and not married. 3
