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TC No Test Case Title1234Download and Install the Revenue Data Entry Application.Unable to download Revenue Data Entry Application User without having local adinistrator privilege unableto install Revenue Data Entry Application !avigate to the screen Energy "ervice #opanies$ #lassi%y the copanies as a &op #opetitor '("earch the copany by"tatus.)*odi%y the copany In%oration+eri%y user is able to search copanies by entering copany !ae.,+alidate that user is able to delete the #opany with !o association.SummaryAction1. #lic- on the lin- http.//rioappl100v/s/.2.#lic- on the lin- 1#lic- here to start the download o% the Revenue Data Entry Application2.3.#lic- on the Run button in pop3up window.4to "ave application on local achine54.#lic- on the Run button.4 to start installation5$.#lic- on the!e6t button.4Revenue setup wi7ard5'.#lic- on the !e6t 8utton.4#on9r installation5(.#lic- on the :es button in ;op3up *essage window.).#lic- on the #lose button.1. #lic- on the lin- http.//rioappl100v/s/.2.#lic- on the lin- 1#lic- here to start the download o% the Revenue Data Entry Application2.3.#lic- on the #ancelbutton in pop3up window.1. #lic- on the lin- http.//rioappl100v/s/.2.#lic- on the lin- 1#lic- here to start the download o% the Revenue Data Entry Application2.3.#lic- on the Run button in pop3up window.4to "ave application on local achine54.#lic- on the Run button.4 to start installation5.1.
