
Third Age TravellersOver 65’s & Retired

Brett Spence, Kirsty McArthur, Sophie Köllmeier, Michael Bienick, Priya Patel, Madelon Vis and Patrick Bollen


Lot’s of spare time

Mobility problems

Disposable income


Resistance to change (perceptions)

Health issues

Technology gap


Seamless traveling from A B


Clear AV-announcements all the way

Security & Support

On station facilities

Adequate facilities on the train

Stress free travel

Interview Quotes

“Most of our generation does not know what routes are available”

“Within our generation there are some people who have the perception that rail travel is dirty and inadequate”

“I would suggest that travel information is far to complicated at times”

“We have done our part, we would like to feel special”

- Tim Sparrow – Sussex Community Rail Partnership

- Günter Eisebith – German tourist


Splitting up the solutions into two categories

Traditional/Digital Marketing:



Newspaper article


Visits to relevant websites(Digital element)

From A B:

Support on station

Improved facilities and connectivity

Simplified timetables

Clear and concise AV-announcements throughout the journey

Traditional Marketing & Strategieswith digital elements

Back to the basics!

High demand for hardcopy information

Clear and simple design

Easy accessibility to information of all available routes

Promoting stress-free traveling i.e. older people with their grandchildren

Face to face training

People of similar age will help each other with technology at a community centre

Volunteer capacity of older people

From A B

Making sure there are:

Enough available parking spots for disabled travellers

Ramps for easy access to the platform (rural stations)

Simplified timetable information (specific to individual routes)

Integrating local entrepreneurial shops or schemes at the station

Improving workability locals

Interdisciplinary workforce (travel information and retail?)

Clear and concise AV-announcements throughout the journey

Improved facilities i.e. toilets, shop/food trolley

Out of the box

“We have done our part, we would like to feel special”

Special cabin for older people

Get together for equal people

Access only with a senior card

Thank you for listening!Any Questions?
