Page 1: Mark Scheme Summer 2007 - Papers

Mark Scheme Summer 2007


IGCSE Hist ory(4380)

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Summer 2007

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1. Sect ion A Mark Scheme - Paper 1F & 2H 5

2. Sect ion B Mark Scheme - Paper 2H 49

3. Paper 03 Mark Scheme 67

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Section A Mark Scheme - Paper 1F and 2H

A1: Revolution and Reaction: France, 1789-1830

1. (a) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge.

The Est at es met separat ely, t he f irst Two Est at es blocked



(b) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some knowledge, eg

bankrupt cy, no t axes et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg impossibi l i t y of any real change. Led t o

furt her demands for reform et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg some clergy j oined t he 3rd E, Tennis Court Oat h

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg 3rd E t ook mat t ers int o it s own hands

and forced t he pace, TCO was decisive, L16 caught out

et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg t hinking was a crime, it organised t he Terror et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Robespierre bel ieved in t he Republ ic of

Virt ue, he could force people t o be good, hence t he

CPS which accused people and execut ed t hem wit h no

t r ial et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg it was discredit ed, NB ret urned

f rom Egypt , Brumaire et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Direct ory very corrupt ,

NB desert ed t roops and ret urned t o France, t r ied t o

seize power, panicked and rescued by Lucien B when

conf ront ed in Chamber, set up Consuls et c.



Total 25 marks

2. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Parl iament , rel igious f reedom.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Chart er guarant eed f reedoms, Quad Al l iance

against France et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Chart er guarant eed rel igious t olerat ion,

chambers, Quad Al l iance al lowed for Al l ied

int ervent ion if… et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg at t acks on former support ers of NB, loss of propert y

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg undermined t he Chart er and L18,

weakened support for monarchy, Anj ou very unpopular

et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Vil lele PM, right wing shif t , Ult ras support ers of

monarchical revival et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg censorship revived af t er deat h of DDB,

suggest ed swing t o right wit h Vil lele, DDB only

surviving member of family, t herefore Anj ou heir et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg Charles t r ied t o crush t he

Assembly, appeared t o be act ing i l legal ly, middle class

react ed et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Det ails of act ions 1828

onwards, signif icance of Middle Class, July

Ordinances/ revolt et c.



Total 25 marks

A2: Reconstruction and Nationalism in post-war Europe, 1815-40

3. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Cast lereagh, Tsar A I.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg cont rol France, Holy Al l iance et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg ring of border st at es, Holy Al l iance t o

maint ain st at us quo and int ervene et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg t aken by Prussia and Russia et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg had been weak since end of C18, Russia

and Prussia vict orious Al l ies and want ed expansion

et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg The Quad Al l iance was aimed at France, it

cont inued t he wart ime co-operat ion, could int ervene

in France if necessary et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg det ails of t he QA, Troppau at t empt t o

int ervene in Naples and Spain, St at e Paper af f irmat ion

of independence. Clash bet ween Brit ain and Russia

et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg who was going t o occupy part s of

Turkey, Russia expanding int o t he east ern

Medit erranean et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg clash of empires, Brit ain

and Russia, how t o shore up Turkey, event ual ly

conf l ict bet ween Russia and Aust ria and problems in

t he Balkans et c.



Total 25 marks

4. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Hypsilant i, Het airia Phil ike.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg rising led t o furt her at t acks, support f rom Greeks

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Turkish defeat of r ising led t o Greek

insurrect ion, HP and Hypsilant i increased support for

insurrect ion et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Turks caught unaware, busy elsewhere et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Turks caught of f guard, suppressing a

revolt in Asia Minor, Greeks rut hless and murdered

Turks et c.



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(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg NA set up as Greek Parl iament , Missolonghi

defended et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg MA invaded Morea in support of Sult an,

t hreat ened t o t ip balance, defeat ed at Navarino, j oint

f leet sank Egypt ian force before breakfast , Al l ied

int ervent ion very import ant et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg Russian at t acks and Al l ied pressure

meant Greeks almost independent by 1829 et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg 1829 Al l ied pressure at

London Prot ocol forced Turks t o accept independence,

which was t hen ext ended f rom 1829 t o 1832 while a

form of government was sought . et c.



Total 25 marks

A3: The Making of the Nation States

5. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Parl iament , Cat hol ic Church losing inf luence.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Cavour could use Parl iament , gave Cavour great er

f reedom et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg King was less inf luent ial , Cavour able t o

develop pol icy, educat ion reformed, monast eries

closed et c.



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(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg He want ed t o forced Aust rians out , unify It aly et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Piedmont would not be able t o defeat

Aust ria wit hout modernisat ion, want ed t o unify

nort hern It aly and creat e modern st at e et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Cavour sent forces t o t he Crimea t o gain t he

support of France, Napoleon III agreed t o back

Piedmont against Aust ria in 1859 et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Cavour knew t hat Piedmont would not

be able t o defeat Aust ria on it s own and so at t empt ed

t o win support f rom ot her Great Powers, Napoleon III

became convinced t hat a f ree, unit ed It aly (nort hern)

was an import ant aim and agreed t o support Cavour at

Plombieres et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg Garibaldi invaded Sici ly wit h 1000

and t hen Naples, overran bot h Cavour sent army in

et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Garibaldi responded t o

Sici l ian uprising, easy vict ory and invaded Naples wit h

help of Brit ish f leet , Ferdinand evict ed and Garibaldi

t hreat ened t o invade Papal St at es, Cavour act ed et c.



Total 25 marks

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6. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Zol lverein, Railway Net work.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Zol lverein l inked German st at es t o Prussia, rai lways

advant age in t he war et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Zol lverein made Prussia much st ronger

economical ly, rai lways enabled t roops t o move much

more quickly et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Prussia was t he most import ant st at e in Germany,

defeat of Aust ria meant t hat t hey had l i t t le choice,

German Confederat ion et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Aust ria defeat ed in 1866 and excluded

f rom Germany, Zol lverein replaced by al l iances,

Prussia nat ural leader of Germany et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg indirect t axat ion only for Empire, Reichst ag lower

house but had l i t t le power et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg t axat ion spl it , direct for st at es,

indirect for Empire, t herefore st at es more import ant ,

universal suf f rage for Reichst ag but could not propose

legislat ion and could not crit icise minist ers et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg Bismarck want ed t o ban t he

Social ist Part y because he t hought t hey were

revolut ionaries, t he Reichst ag refused t o ban t he

Part y, t he Ant i-Social ist Law banned meet ings et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Bismarck at t empt ed t o

ban t he Part y by passing t he A-S Law, t his banned

meet ings and newspapers and al lowed t he pol ice t o

arrest social ist s, t he law was a fai lure and in t he 1880s

Bismarck began t o int roduce reforms which t he

social ist s demanded et c.



Total 25 marks

A4: The Road to War in Europe, 1870-1914

7. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Russia, Aust ria.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg isolat e France, avoid war on t wo f ront s et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg France very angry af t er 1870-1 would

want revenge, nat ural al ly was Russia which would

mean war on t wo f ront s et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg t o sort out East ern Quest ion, get Bismarck int o

l imel ight et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg t he Treat y of San St efano had angered

Aust ria and Bismarck want ed t o appear as an ‘ honest

broker’ , he could not af ford t o have Russia and Aust ria

at loggerheads et c.



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(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg The t r iple Al l iance was an at t empt t o draw in It aly,

t he Reinsurance Treat y was an at t empt t o keep Russia

f r iendly in 1887 et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Bismarck want ed t o isolat e France,

Reinsurance Treat y was t o prevent Russia being drawn

int o a French al l iance, t he t he second DKB was meant

t o pat ch up relat ions af t er t he Treat y of Berl in et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg Reinsurance Treat y not renewed,

Welt pol it ik, Navy Laws et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Kaiser adopt ed

Welt pol it ik, at t empt t o spread German inf luence in

Middle East , Af rica and Pacif ic, Navy Laws t hreat ened

GB, al lowed Dual Ent ent e by snub t o Russia et c.



Total 25 marks

8. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

The Drang nach Ost en, A Place in t he Sun.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Drang Nach Ost en was an at t empt t o ext end

German inf luence t o t he East , a Place in t he Sun was

an at t empt t o gain colonies in Af rica et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg t he Drang Nach Ost en, was an at t empt

t o chal lenge Brit ain and France in t he Middle East , t he

Empire was t o gain a ‘ place in t he sun’ , which

Germany deserved as a Great Power et c.



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(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg it was a chal lenge t o Brit ain, t o ext end German

inf luence, prot ect colonies et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg t o support Germany’ s posit ion as a

great power, chal lenge Brit ain’ s dominant posit ion,

overt ake Brit ain in 25 years et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg KielCanal t o al low warships t o get t o Nort h Sea, t he

First Moroccan Crisis was a visit by t he Kaiser t o

Morocco which was French cont rol led et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg The Kiel Canal raised fears in Brit ain of

a chal lenge t o cont rol of t he seas, t he First Moroccan

Crisis suggest ed t hat Germany was going t o chal lenge

t he French posit ion in Nort h Af rica and led t o t he

Algeciras Conference et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg t r iggered t he Al l iance Syst em,

sit uat ion in Balkans et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Aust ria appealed t o

Germany, blank cheque, ul t imat um, Russian

mobil isat ion, Germany et c.



Total 25 marks

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A5: Reform and Reaction in Russia, 1855-1917

9. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Limit ed indust rial development , t ransport dif f icul t ies.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg could not get suppl ies t o Sevast opol, indust ry

backward et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg few railways because indust ry poor and

t herefore very dif f icul t t o get suppl ies and

reinforcement s t o Sevast opol et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg The Serfs were not real ly f ree, plot s were small

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg The Serfs were cont rol led by t he Mir

and were not f ree t o act as t hey want ed, t hey did not

get t he land t hat t hey had expect ed and were only

given smal l plot s et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg zemst va set up, j udges paid, army service cut et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg zemst va creat ed but had l imit ed

powers, not al lowed t o work t oget her, army service

cut t o 6 years, equal it y before t he law for recruit s,

j udges paid and j uries used for f irst t ime, equal it y et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg Nicholas only adopt ed reforms

because he had t o, he did not bel ieve in t hem and

went back on his word, Duma, reforms t o agricult ure

et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Nicholas soon changed his

mind, as Russia appeared t o recover f rom t he event s

of 1905 he forgot his promises, t he Duma was largely

powerless, St olypin’ s reforms (abol it ion of payment s)

came t o an end when he was ki l led and t he

Fundament al Laws and aut ocracy remained in force

et c.



Total 25 marks

10. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

The Popul ist Movement , t he People’ s Wil l .


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg The Popul ist Movement worked wit h peasant s, t he

People’ s Wil l began t o use violence et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg The Popul ist Movement was not very

successful because peasant s were not int erest ed, t he

People’ s Wil l carr ied out assassinat ions, including

Alexander II in 1881 et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Lenin want ed a smal l group, Mensheviks would

accept anybody et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg disagreement on t act ics, Lenin want ed

commit ment t o Marxist revolut ion, had t he maj orit y at

t he meet ing et c.



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(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Rasput in appeared t o cont rol t he Tsarina,

Alexandra was accused of being a German spy et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Societ y horrif ied at act ivit ies of

Rasput in, seemed t o cont rol N and A and appoint

minist ers, N as C-in-C t ook blame for defeat s and

became very unpopular as a result et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg populat ion doubled, people

crammed t oget her, cut of f during t he war et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg indust rial cent re,

populat ion increased rapidly during t he war, rai l l inks

inadequat e, short ages, inf lat ion et c.



Total 25 marks

A6: The USSR, 1917-64

11. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Communist Part y Secret ary, Lenin’ s Wil l was ignored.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Trot sky was not appoint ed, he buil t up support for

himself et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg He appoint ed people t o posit ions in t he

subj ect areas of t he Russia empire, t his meant he had

many support ers, i t was never revealed t hat Lenin had

nominat ed Trot sky et c.



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(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg He want ed t o el iminat e Old Bolsheviks, he want ed

t o cont rol t he count ry et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg He want ed t o remove any chal lenge t o

his leadership, he want ed t o el iminat e opponent s Old

Bolsheviks who knew t he t rut h about Lenin’ s Wil l et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Magnit ogorsk was a new indust r ial cit y, GOSPLAN

planned product ion and set t arget s et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg new cit ies were buil t east of t he Urals

by slave labour, Magnit ogorsk was one example,

GOSPLAN cont rol led t he command economy f rom

Moscow et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg St al in want ed t o modernise

agricul t ure, export t o t he West et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Col lect ivisat ion was

int ended t o maximise agricul t ural product ion, al farms

were brought int o col lect ives, famine in 1932-4 and

Kulaks dest royed et c.



Total 25 marks

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12. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Fact ories moved beyond t he Urals, Scorched eart h.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Scorched eart h meant t hat everyt hing was

dest royed as t he Soviet forces ret reat ed, fact ories out

of German reach et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Scorched eart h meant t hat t he

Germans had very long supply l ines t hat t he Soviet

forces could at t ack, fact ories were dismant led and

moved east where t hey were unaf fect ed by war et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg He was able t o out -manoeuvre his opponent s, he

exposed St al in’ s pol icies et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Khrushchev was General –Secret ary of

t he part y and used his posit ion t o appoint support ers,

he made t he ‘ secret speech’ and t hen was able t o out -

vot e his opponent s in t he part y et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg The Virgin Lands were part of Krushchev’ s at t empt s

t o increase food product ion, he int roduced maize t o

feed people et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg The Virgin Lands were areas in

Kazakhst an and Siberia t hat had never been t i l led

before, t hey produced very good crops for a few years

but t hen were washed away, Khrushchev saw maize in

t he USA and int roduced it t o t he USSR, it did not work

because t he USSR was t oo cold et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg he reduced powers of Secret

Pol ice, opened Gulags, al lowed crit icism et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Khrushchev want ed t o

reduce t he cl imat e of fear t hat St al in had creat ed, he

al lowed crit icism of St al in and his pol icies but not of

communism or t he Soviet syst em, books publ ished,

places renamed, St al in out of mausoleum et c.



Total 25 marks

A7: The Rise of Fascism in Europe

13. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Demil i t arisat ion of t he Rhineland, t he War Guil t Clause.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg no German t roops in t he Rhineland, Germany t o

blame for t he war et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg German t roops banned wit hin 50km of

east bank, German had t o accept ful l blame for war,

very unpopular et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg reparat ions payment s, support for st r ikers in t he

Rhineland et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg reparat ions payment s in gold t r iggered

growing inf lat ion, t he of fer of st r ike pay meant t hat

paper money had t o be print ed in large quant it ies et c.



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(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Rent enmark replaced old currency, Dawes Plan was

US loans t o help wit h reparat ions et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg St resemann issued Rent enmark at

300,000,000 t o 1 t o rest ore conf idence af t er

hyperinf lat ion, Dawes Plan US loans t o help reparat ion

and get Germany going again led t o prosperit y in t he

Golden Years et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.

Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg elect ions won, Nazis largest part y,

von Papen persuaded Hindenburg et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg fai lure of Nazis in

November encouraged von Papen, he want ed t

reappoint ment as Chancel lor af t er von S but t r ied t o

use Nazi numbers in Reichst ag et c.



Total 25 marks

14. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

460,000 men kil led, Treat y of London ignored.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg It al ian losses very heavy, promises of land forgot t en

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg losses very heavy and very l i t t le t o

show for i t , It aly had been promised t he Ionian islands

and Adriat ic coast but Woodrow Wilson would not

al low it et c.



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(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

a secret Fascist , t he March on Rome et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg The King was looking for an excuse t o

appoint Mussol ini and was fearful of a coup by t he

Duke of Aost a, March on Rome suggest ed t hat

Mussol ini was a st rong man et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg The Bat t le for Land was an at t empt t o reclaim

marshes, Acerbo Law gave Mussol ini a parl iament ary

maj orit y et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg The Bat t le for Land was aimed at

increasing t he amount of land under t he plough by

reclaiming marshes such as t he Pont ine Marshes,

import ant for propaganda, Acerbo Law gave t he part y

t hat won t he most vot es a 2/ 3rds maj orit y in

parl iament et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg The Bat t le did not prove very

ef fect ive, prices began t o rise and wages did not keep

pace, many of Mussol ini ’ s plans had l i t t le ef fect et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Det ails of t he Bat t les,

Mussol ini ’ s use of propaganda t o glorif y himself was

found out t o be false, Corporat ions were ways of

spreading Fascist propaganda et c.



Total 25 marks

4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 22

Page 23: Mark Scheme Summer 2007 - Papers

A8: International Relations, 1919-39

15. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Experience of World War One, The Fourt een Point s.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Damage caused by f ight ing, t he Fourt een Point s set

out t he ground rules for t he League et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Nat ions want ed t o avoid fut ure wars,

his Fourt een Point s were int ended t o prevent

sit uat ions leading t o wars and t he League would

arbit rat e bet ween nat ions et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg It aly at t acked Greece, i t was a Permanent Council

Member et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg The Covenant was del iberat ely broken

by a senior member of t he League, it was a case of a

maj or power being al lowed t o get away wit h violence

et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.

Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Aaaland Islands a disput e bet ween Finland and

Sweden, Greek-Bulgarian border disput e set t led by

League et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Aaland Islands set t led by arbit rat ion in

favour of Sweden, example of success for League of

Nat ions, Gree-B border disput e also set t led

peaceful ly, anot her example of members st at es

referring disput es t o League et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.

Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg It was t oo European, Woodrow

Wilson had been away t oo long, isolat ion et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Monroe Doct rine was

t radit ional ly isolat ionist , did not l ike European

ent anglement s and resent ed WW’ s absence in Europe

for more t han six mont hs et c.



Total 25 marks

16. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Japan lef t t he League, Lyt t on Report ignored.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Japan was a Permanent Council Member, Lyt t on

Report suggest ed League was powerless et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Japan because it was crit icised in t he

Lyt t on Report and was a blow t o t he prest ige of t he

League, Lyt t on report suggest ed t hat t he League had

no t eet h and could not deal wit h Dict at ors et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Hit ler want ed t o show cont empt for Versail les,

Disarmament Conference was achieving not hing et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Hit ler had promised t hat he would

dest roy t he Treat y of Versail les, claimed t hat

Germany was disarmed but ot her count ries were

refusing t o do so et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Sudet enland was t he German area of

Czechoslovakia, Mussol ini suggest ed t he Four Power

Conference et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Hit ler claimed t he Sudet enland and

Chamberlain at t empt ed t o solve t he disput e, Mussol ini

st epped in wit h a suggest ion of a conference at Munich

when war appeared t o be inevit able et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg It appeared t hat war had been

avoided but t his was proved wrong in March 1939 et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg t he Munich Agreement

fooled Chamberlain but meant not hing t o Hit ler, he

got what he want ed and moved one st ep furt her in

March when he occupied west ern Czechoslovakia et c.



Total 25 marks

A9: The Road to Affluence; The USA, 1917-41

17. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Loans t o count ries in Europe, Increased export s.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg It sold goods t o Brit ain and France, it made loans t o

Brit ain and France et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Brit ain and France needed mat erials t o

f ight t he war and bought t hem f rom t he USA, US banks

loaned large sums of money ($10,000,000,000) t o

Brit ain and France t o help wit h t he war ef fort et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg t he poor man’ s club, Temperance Societ ies et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg it was bel ieved t hat drink was moral ly

wrong, i t was bel ieved t hat t he poor were dest it ut e

because men drank t oo much et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Henry Ford used t he Assembly Line t o produce

mot or cars, isolat ion meant t hat Americans could not

buy abroad et c.


4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 25

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Level 2 Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Ford was able t o reduce t he price of

cars by up t o 60%, t his persuaded people t o buy,

advert ising was used t o persuade people t o buy a new

model every year, isolat ion via t he Forney-McCumber

Tarif f prevent ed t he import of European goods and

raised prof it s et c.


(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg Farmers suf fered f rom over-

product ion and many went bankrupt et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Farmers had done very

wel l in t he war, over-product ion in t he 1920s led t o

low prices and 600,000 farmers were forced out of

business, isolat ion meant t hat produce could not be

export ed et c.



Total 25 marks

18. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Loss of Conf idence, Over-product ion.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg people did not t rust t he syst em, t oo many goods

had been produced et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg people st opped bel ieving t hat shares

would go on rising, prof it s depended on sales and

companies had produce t oo much, people could not go

on buying for ever et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg He promised t o do somet hing t o help, he had t r ied

t o t ackle t he Depression as Governor of New York et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg He appeared t o be genuinely concerned

and promised a New Deal, he had already faced

hardship himself and had fought against pol io et c.



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(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg CCCs were set up in March 1933 t o provide

immediat e work, Hundred Days was t he f irst period of

t he New Deal et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg priming t he pump was t he use of

federal money t o get t he economy going again,

Roosevelt bel ieved it was necessary t o spend t o get

people back t o work, EBRA was used t o close banks for

four days t o t ackle t he banking crisis and st op people

wit hdrawing money et c.




Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg Laws unconst it ut ional, Republ icans

opposed, Huey Long et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Det ails of Republ ican

opposit ion, Henry Ford, Social ism, Share our Wealt h,

Supreme Court on NRA and AAA et c.



Total 25 marks

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A10: A Divided Union? USA 1945-74

19. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

They became pilot s, t he NAACP expanded rapidly.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg t hey achieved seniorit y, NAACP f rom 50000-450000

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg being pilot s proved t hat t hey were

capable of complex t asks, NAACP much more

inf luent ial , Phil ip Randolph VV campaign et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg it showed t hat segregat ion was wrong, won support

of t he Supreme Court et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg NAACP support ed Brown as far as

Supreme Court which decided t hat separat e could not

be equal, showed t hat legal act ion could be very

ef fect ive et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Malcolm X led Black Power, j oined t he Balack

Musl ims, bel ieved in t he use of violence, Robert

Kennedy support ed civi l r ight s, set up Vot er Educat ion

Proj ect et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Malcolm X broke away f rom King,

rej ect ed Christ ianit y, adopt ed slave name, did not

want int egrat ion, Carmichael led SNCC but became

more violent and led t o Black Power and Black

Pant hers et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg CRA, 2CRA, Vot ing Right s Act ,

Housing Act , Educat ion Act et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg det ails of above et c.



Total 25 marks

20. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

General t ax cut , Publ ic works.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg t ax cut would al low people t o spend, publ ic works

would provide j obs et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg t ax cut was int ended t o encourage

increased spending which would creat e j obs, publ ic

works=road, buildings t o provide cont ract s et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Kennedy t r ied t o achieve t oo much t oo quickly, i t

became very cost ly et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg There was opposit ion f rom his

opponent s and wit hin his own part y, most of t he

reforms were expensive and he also spent more on

Viet nam and arms et c.




Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg prosperit y meant t hat more young people went t o

col lege, 3 mil l ion were draf t ed t o Viet nam = mass

prot est s et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg col lege st udent s broke away f rom t he

inf luence of t heir parent s and led t o count er cult ure,

Viet nam led t o mass prot est s f rom 1965 onwards and

encouraged make love not war et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg he would not hand over t apes, was

proved t o have l ied et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg break in, denied Whit e

House involved, t r ial showed t hat i t had, t apes only

handed over under pressure, foul-mout hed, had l ied,

t hreat ened wit h impeachment et c.



Total 25 marks

A11: The End of Empire

21. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Separat e Amenit ies Act , Group Areas Act .


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Separat e Amenit ies Act forced black and whit e t o

use separat e buildings, t he Group Areas Act cont rol led

where Af ricans l ived et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Separat e Amenit ies Act enforced pet t y

apart heid, beaches, parks, Group Areas Act set aside

areas for whit es, coloureds and blacks in Sout h Af rica

et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg apart heid was enforced, t ook part in t he Def iance


Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Mandela became a leader, formed

al l iance wit h Indian and Chinese groups, Def iance

Campaign led t o t he Freedom Trial et c.



4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 30

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(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Treason Trial result ed f rom Def iance Campaign,

Rivonia was af t er his arrest et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Mandela was one of t he defendant s at

t he Treason Trial but i t col lapsed when t he

prosecut ion could not bring evidence, Rivonia was

af t er his arrest in 1964 and led t o him being

imprisoned at Robben Island et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg t r ied t o do away wit h pet t y

apart heid, al lowed breaking of Separat e Amenit ies Act

et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Tot al St rat egy was an

at t empt t o save whit e dominat ion by al lowing some

aspect s of apart heid t o disappear, beaches and

buildings were no longer segregat ed et c.



Total 25 marks

22. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

There were many Af rican MPs, Nkrumah became Prime Minist er.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg it was administ ered by Af ricans, he was wel l

educat ed et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Ghana was largely governed by Af ricans

before independence, l i t t le whit e inf luence et c.



4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 31

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(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg fol lowed example of Ghana, inf luence of Azikwe

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Lit t le opposit ion f rom whit es, Brit ish

administ rat ors support ed independence, Macmil lan

support ed independence et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Ian Smit h was t he Prime Minist er of Sout hern

Rhodesia before UDI, wind of change speech urged

whit es t o accept independence et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Ian Smit h led UDI and rej ect ed maj orit y

rule, want ed t o preserve t he posit ion of t he whit e

set t lers, Macmil lan knew Brit ain could not support

colonies and favoured independence, want ed peaceful

change et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg t r ied t o beat sanct ions, support

f rom Sout h Af rica, SADF very ef fect ive et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg sanct ions not ef fect ively

enforced, SADF t racked guerri l las int o neighbouring

count ries, siege ment al it y, at t empt s t o f ind int ernal

solut ion et c.



Total 25 marks

4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 32

Page 33: Mark Scheme Summer 2007 - Papers

A12: India, 1900-49

23. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

The Part it ion of Bengal, t he Morley-Mint o Reforms.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg division of Bengal angered Indians, Morley-Mint o

Reforms did not go far enough et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg division of Bengal appeared t o favour

Musl ims and led t o prot est s f rom Hindus, Morley-Mint o

Reforms only gave t he vot e t o 2% of Indians, power

ret ained by t he Brit ish et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg t hey had support ed Brit ain, t rade, volunt eers et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg loyal support t hroughout t he war,

1,250,000 volunt eers, Gandhi had urged support et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Swaraj = home rule, Swadeshi = using Indian goods

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Congress consist ent ly demanded Home

Rule, leaders began t o dress in Indian st yle, cot t on,

1929 demand for independence et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg ML small compared t o Congress,

many Musl ims also members of Congress, Lucknow

Pact , at t i t ude t o Simon et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Det ails of role of Jinnah,

at t empt s t o increase inf luence of ML by agreeing t o

cooperat e wit h Simon et c.



Total 25 marks

4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 33

Page 34: Mark Scheme Summer 2007 - Papers

24. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Labour Government , Dyarchy not working.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Labour Government want ed t o give some form of

home rule, Congress was not cooperat ing wit h

government et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Simon had shown t hat Government of

India Act was not working, Labour want ed t o f ind a

solut ion et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg did not of fer Home Rule, Congress want ed st rong

cent ral government , ML want ed weak cent ral

government et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Congress want ed st rong cent ral

government wit h weak provinces t o creat e a unit ed

India, 1935 did not go far enough, ML want ed st rong

provincial government t o ensure t hat Musl ims would

be prot ect ed et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg ML support ed declarat ion of war in 1939, grew in

size t o 2 mil l ion because Congress was sidel ined by

Quit India et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Lahore cal led for Musl im st at e, st art of

Pakist an Movement , sought t o gain Brit ish backing by

support ing et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg rej ect ion of Cabinet Mission by

Nehru and Jinnah, communal violence et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg fai lure of Cabinet Mission

and violence convinced t he Brit ish t hat t hey had t o get

out as soon as possible, Mount bat t en decided t hat a

unit ed India was impossible, Nehru agreed et c.



Total 25 marks

A13: China in Crisis, 1911-49

25. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Lack of indust rial t echnology, China in debt .


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg l imit ed use of science and t echnology, unable t o

modernise et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg indust ry unable t o develop, no f inance

for import s of modern t echnology et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg He want ed t o modernise China, he want ed t o

dest roy t he monarchy et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Sun had t ravel led in t he West , he saw

what modernisat ion could do, he want ed an educat ed

China et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.

Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own know

Warlords increased t axat ion for personal prof it

government proj ect s were not f inished et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg peasant s’ burden became great er,

agricul t ure suf fered, road building came t o and end

inf rast ruct ure suf fered et c.



4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 35

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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.

Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg inf luence of Russia, support f rom

Moscow, Unit ed Front et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Comint ern, Unit ed Front

accept ed communist s in GMD, Nat ional ist s movement

encouraged CCP development et c.



Total 25 marks

26. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

End of Unit ed Front , growt h of CCP.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg end of UF al lowed Chiang t o act , growt h of CCP was

a t hreat et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Chiang was ant i-communist , saw CCP as

a t hreat et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Soviet was surrounded, It helped Mao t o escape

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg t he Jiangxi Soviet was surrounded and

t he CCP was in danger of ext inct ion, i t been at t acked

f ive t imes and Chiang want ed t o dest roy it et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg land reform at t ract ed support f rom peasant s, i t

emphasised t he leadership of Mao and he was

unchal lenged et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg land reform weakened inf luence of

landlords and won support in count ryside, Mao

emerged as t he undisput ed leader, propaganda

developed his role et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg fought against t he Japanese, role

of 8t h Rout e Army et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg t he GMD was corrupt ,

support ed landlords and fai led t o win t he support of

t he maj orit y of t he Chinese, t he CCP was ef fect ive

and won great support across nort hern China et c.



Total 25 marks

A14: Revolution in China, 1949-96

27. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Large populat ion, he dist rust ed expert s et c.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg he used manual labour for indust rial change, he

used t he commune et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg He want ed t o avoid t he growt h of a

bureaucracy, he want ed t o maint ain cont rol of t he

Part y et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Famine, fai lure of t he GLF et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg The GLF had result ed t o famine in

which more t han 20,000,000 people died, Mao was

seen t o be holding China back et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Red Guards were t he st rike force, Thought s t he

Lit t le red Book et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Red Guards at t acked any one who

opposed t he Cult ural Revolut ion, compet ed wit h each

ot her, Thought s t he bible of t he CR, cont ained Mao’ s

pol icies of dest roying t radit ional/ modern ideas et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg China in complet e chaos, Mao

ordered PLA t o int ervene et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg fact ories at a st andst i l l ,

aut horit y broken down, even Mao had t o agree t hat

t his was disast rous, PLA ordered t o at t ack and arrest

Red Guards et c.



Total 25 marks

28. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Links wit h West , Rehabil i t at ion.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg former leaders rehabil i t at ed, cont act wit h t he West

improved et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Deng ret urned t o prominence and

began t o int roduce reforms, st udent s were sent t o t he

West t o st udy et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg He want ed t o modernise China, he want ed t o

est abl ish his own posit ion et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg He want ed t o int roduce reforms t hat

would go against Mao’ s ideas, he want ed t o end t he

cent ral ised economy t hat Mao had set up, he want ed

t o give great er f reedom t o indust ry and agricul t ure

et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg SEZs were f ree f rom government cont rol and were

based on Hong Kong, t he Labour Cont ract Scheme was

meant t o make workers work harder et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg In SEZs indust ries were encouraged t o

compet e and market forces were al lowed t o t ake

ef fect , t his was an at t empt t o decent ral ise, t he LCS

gave out short t erm cont ract s as against a j ob for l ie

et c.



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(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg people bel ieved t hat Deng was

int roducing democracy, he was making changes,

west ern inf luences et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg St udent s ret urned wit h

west ern ideas, Engl ish corners, t he Democracy Wall ,

misunderst anding of Deng’ s aims, economic change,

but not pol it ical change et c.



Total 25 marks

A15: South East Asia, 1945-90s

29. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

He was only given a smal l area of land, al l key post s were held by



(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Ho Chi Minh refused, French t reat ed Indo-China l ike

France et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Ho want ed t o unit e I-C, French were

refusing any form of aut onomy et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Ho want ed t o unit e al l of Viet nam, sout h was non-

communist et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg US Domino Theory – increased support

and aid, Nort h want ed t o unit e Viet nam and t urn in

communist et c.



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(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.

Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg The Domino Theory suggest ed t hat count ries would

fal l t o communism, t he Gulf of Tonkin Incident was an

at t ack on US ships by t he Viet cong et c.

Level 2: Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant

own knowledge, eg The Domino Theory was used as an

excuse t o send US support t o Sout h Viet nam because it

would lead t o t he col lapse of ot her count ries, The Gulf

of Tonkin Incident was used by Johnson t o j ust if y

sending US t roops t o f ight in Viet nam et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.

Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg guerri l la t act ics, US forces unable

t o use t heir big weapons, use of draf t ees et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg US forces did not have

t he support of t he Sout h Viet namese people, search

and dest roy and body count worked against t hem, My

Lai, Tet O et c.



Total 25 marks

30. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

New vil lages, whit e areas.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg new vil lages were wel l defended, whit e areas f ree

of at t acks et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg workers were moved t o wel l defended

new vil lages, whit e areas cleared of communist rebels

et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg achieve independence, increase Malay inf luence

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg ot her colonies were t oo smal l for

independence, he want ed t o increase t he proport ion

of Malays in t he new count ry et c.



4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 40

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Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Lee Kuan Yew was Prime Minist er of Singapore, t he

PAP was t he main support er of a Malay Malaysia et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Lee Kuan Yew (Chinese) brought about

t he break away f rom Malaysia, PAP want ed Malaysia t o

be dominat ed by Malays and creat ed host i l i t y bet ween

Malays and Chinese, t his led t o separat ion in 1965 et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg Singapore concent rat ed on high

t ech indust ry, highly educat ed workforce, banking and

t rade et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Singapore was a smal l

count ry wit h few raw mat erials, but was wel l placed

t o act as a l ink bet ween East and West , Lee Kuan Yew

encouraged development of t he comput er indust ry and

at t ract ed invest ment f rom US and European count ries,

i t became a highly compet it ive societ y et c.



Total 25 marks

A16: Conflict and Crisis in the Middle East

31. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Jerusalem open, Palest ine part it ioned.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Jerusalem would be neit her Arab nor Israel i,

Palest ine would be shared et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Jerusalem was being shared bet ween

t he t wo sides, i t was an at t empt t o balance t he

int erest s of bot h groups et c.



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(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg t hey disl iked t he Part it ion, bel ieved t hey could win

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Palest inians had only 40% of land, Arab

st at es out numbered Israel is 80-1 et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Nasser appealed t o t he USSR for aid, Brit ain want ed

t he canal kept open et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Nasser received arms f rom

Czechoslovakia and aid f rom t he USSR when he

rej ect ed US support for t he Aswan Dam, Brit ain had

shares in canal, landed t roops t o secure it et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg many at t acks, 1957-67, UNEF,

Nasser speeches, Israel i opport unit y et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg det ails of above et c.



Total 25 marks

32. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Rise in t he price of oi l , heavy Israel i losses.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge. 3

Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Arab st at es raised prices, Israel is t aken by surprise

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Arab st at es real ised t hey could use oil

as a weapon, t he war showed t hat t he Israel is were

not invincible and t hey suf fered heavy losses et c.



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(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg They were persuaded by t he USA, t he losses in Yom

Kippur were t oo great , Sadat was prepared t o

compromise et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Cart er want ed t o bring t he t wo sides

t oget her and sponsored t he deal at Camp David, Begin

knew t hat t he losses in War of Oct ober 1973 were t oo

high, Sinai was of no value et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Al Fat ah Arafat ’ s group, forced out of Jordan and

Lebanon et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg PLO was an umbrel la organisat ion t hat

included Arafat ’ s Al Fat ah, renunciat ion of violence

import ant t urning point et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg The USA want ed agreement s,

Israel met Palest inians at Madrid and began t alks,

Rabin want ed a deal , Arafat gave up violence et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h sides were suf fering

heavy losses, US involvement put pressure on Israel,

Rabin was a former general and carried moderat e

opinion wit h him et c.



Total 25 marks

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A17: International Relations and the Superpowers

33. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Germany divided, Poland given land.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Germany would be occupied, Poland would lose

land t o Soviet Union et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Germany occupied by four powers,

Soviet Union given buf fer against at t acks f rom West

et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Roosevelt had died, St al in was not keeping his

promises et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Truman t ook a t ougher l ine wit h St al in,

St al in was not al lowing f ree elect ions in east ern

Europe, t he Iron Curt ain was appearing et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Iron Curt ain cut of f East f rom West , Deut schmark

was t he new currency et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Iron Curt ain was an at t empt t o prevent

west ern inf luence reaching t he East , seemed t o break

Yalt a promises, Deut schmark cut of f t he economy of

west ern zones f rom Soviet zone et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg St al in cut l inks wit h West , al l

goods carried by air et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg refusal t o al low St al in t o

force Al l ies out of West Berl in, 300,000 f l ight s, 8,000

t onnes per week et c.



Total 25 marks

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34. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

To unit e t he forces of t he East , West Germany admit t ed t o NATO.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg The Warsaw Pact was t he Soviet version of NATO,

posed a mil i t ary t hreat et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg The Warsaw Pact was was used t o crush

t he Hungarian Uprising in 1956, Soviet Union feared

German revival , bel ieved West was encouraging

Germany et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg want ed t o chal lenge t he West , change f rom St al in

et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg want ed t o prove t he Soviet syst em

bet t er, want ed t o win worldwide support et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Sput nik f irst in space race, O Games used t o show

Soviet syst em bet t er et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg part of Khrushchev’ s Peaceful Co-

exist ence, Sput nik and YG showed USSR

t echnological ly more advanced et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg refugees, brain-drain, fai lure of

peaceful co-exist ence et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg det ails of t he above et c.



Total 25 marks

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A18: Europe, 1945-1990s

35. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Economic and indust r ial co-operat ion, reduct ion of import and

export dut ies.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg made Europe more compet it ive, al lowed f reer

movement of goods et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg heavy indust ry could develop more

ef fect ively, t rade bet ween members easier and prices

lower et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg l inks t o Commonwealt h and USA et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Brit ain import ed food f rom

Commonwealt h, special relat ionship wit h USA et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg Commission enforces decisions, ECB cont rols

f inance et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg Det ails of t he Commission, Common

Fisheries Pol icy al locat es quot as t o members for

cat ches, t r ied t o maint ain st ocks et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.

Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg membership, closer t ies, pol it ical

unit y, single market , Schengen et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg Det ails of t he above et c.



Total 25 marks

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36. (a) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

Russian Civi l War, Appeasement of Hit ler.


(b) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg bel ieved t hat West want ed t o dest roy USSR et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg had want ed t o encourage Hit ler t o

at t ack USSR and dest roy each ot her et c.



(c) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg bet t er pay, get away f rom communism et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg many were highly educat ed or skil led

workers, t he West of fered f reedom, bet t er st andard of

l iving et c.



(d) Target : AO1 Recal l of knowledge.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s support ed by some own knowledge,

eg prices of goods subsidised, media censored et c.

Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant own

knowledge, eg prices subsidised by massive st at es

spending, 35% in USSR, media censored, st at e owned,

only int ernal news, foreign broadcast s blocked et c.



(e) Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ Comprehension of source.


Level 1

Level 2

Simple st at ement s using t he source support ed by some

own knowledge, eg The Soviet Union was bankrupt and

could no longer af ford t o support t he government s of

east ern Europe et c.

Developed st at ement s using t he source support ed by

relevant own knowledge, eg East ern bloc depended on

t he Soviet Union, but t he Afghan War was a const ant

drain, subsidies, support for count ries around t he

world, Gorbachev needed t o cut expendit ure and was

not prepared t o use force t o ret ain cont rol , t he Balt ic

st at es went f irst et c.



Total 25 marks

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Section B Mark Scheme - Paper 2H

B1: The Napoleonic Wars 1803-15

1. (a) Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about the

tactics used by the British troops in the campaign of 1815?

Explain your answer.

Target : AO2 Comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, OR referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Source B shows t he Brit ish forming a

square. Source A says t hey formed a square.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion referring t o t he t one or

at t i t ude of t he sources and referring t o t he cont ent of

t he sources, eg Some disagreement as Source B

suggest s Brit ish success whilst A ment ions casualt ies

and gaps in defences. Mainly similarit y in cont ent and

t one. Bot h suggest t he success of t he square wit h in A

t he French ret reat ing and in B heavy French

casualt ies.


(b) Source C portrays the charge by the British troops in a heroic

way. Why might the artist want to portray the charge in this


Target : AO1/ AO3 Making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg The art ist

suggest s t he Brit ish at t acked ent husiast ical ly and

ef fect ively OR t he Brit ish cavalry were event ual ly

ef fect ive at Wat erloo as shown by t he art ist .


Level 2 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

sources AND using relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h

Level 1 opt ions.


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(c) The writer of Source D suggests that the main reason for the

British and Prussian victory at Waterloo was the mistakes made

by the Napoleon’s senior commanders. Do you agree that this

was the main reason for the British and Prussian victory?

Explain your answer using the sources and your own


Target : A01/ A03 Making AN Int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and relevant

own knowledge, eg Yes because, as ment ioned in

Source D, t he French commanders fai led t o exploit

t heir advant age before t he arrival of t he Prussians.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg as Level 1 and uses

evidence of Source C and great er explanat ion of t he

ef fect s of t he mist akes made by t he French AND/ OR

st art s t o look at al t ernat ive view and ot her reasons for

ret reat using Sources A and B and own knowledge.


Level 3 Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge, eg balanced answer

which uses t he sources and own knowledge t o explain

t he ef fect s of t he weat her, using Sources C and D and

ot her fact ors such as t he t act ics used by t he Brit ish,

leadership qual it ies of Wel l ingt on and t he arrival of

t he Prussians, referr ing t o Sources A and B.


Total 25 marks

B2: Bismarck’s Wars 1864-1871

2. (a) Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about the

effects of Prussian fire-power during the Franco-Prussian War?

Explain your answer.

Target : A02 comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, OR referring t o t he nat ure of t he

evidence, eg Source B shows t he French cavalry being

mowed down by Prussian rif le f ire. This is support ed

by Source A which says t he leading French squadron

was dissolved in a heap.


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(b) Source C is from a secret Prussian document commenting on

the progress of the Franco-Prussian War? Why might the news

have been included in a Prussian document of 1870 which was

intended to be kept secret?

Target : A01/ A03 making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg The

document suggest s t hat Prussia is af t er French

t errit ory OR in t he peace t reat y which fol lowed

Prussia t ook Alsace-Lorraine


Level 2 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source support ed by relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h

level 1 opt ions.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he source as evidence

support ed by relevant own knowledge, eg Purpose of

secrecy t o avoid int ernat ional int ervent ion. Through

Ems t elegram Bismarck had skil ful ly managed t o

isolat e France. Knowledge of Prussian ambit ions might

arouse sympat hy and support for French. In addit ion

might encourage even more det ermined French

opposit ion during war.


(c) Source D suggests that the main reason for the Prussian victory

in the Franco-Prussian War was the French weakness. Do you

agree that this was the main reason for the Prussian victory?

Explain your answer using the sources and your own


Target : A01/ A03 Making an int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and own

knowledge, eg Yes, because Source D ment ions t he

slow mobil isat ion and isolat ion of t he French.

NB Answers t hat make use of only t he sources or own

knowledge can score a maximum of 5 marks.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg as Level 1 and

develops own knowledge AND/ OR st art s t o look at

al t ernat ive reasons ment ioned in Sources A and B and

own knowledge.


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Level 3 Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge e.g. balanced answer

which uses t he sources and own knowledge t o explain

t he int er-act ion of a variet y of fact ors including

French weaknesses, Source D, t he st rengt hs of t he

Prussian armed forces, Sources A, B and C, and

Bismarck’ s diplomat ic act ivit y in isolat ing French .


Total 25 marks

B3: The Balkans, 1876-1914

3. (a) Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about the

annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria in 1908? Explain

your answer.

et : AO2 Comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s referring t o t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, OR referring t o t he cont ent s of t he

sources, eg Source B suggest s t hat t he annexat ion was

opposed by B-H whilst A suggest s it wil l benef it t hem.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion referring t o t he t one or

at t i t ude of t he sources, AND referring t o t he cont ent s

of t he sources, eg Some agreement as bot h sources

suggest t hat Aust ria t r ied t o convince B-H benef it s

occupat ion. St rong disagreement as Source B says

occupat ion opposed by B-H whilst A suggest s be

benef icial .

St rong dif ferences in t one. A sees occupat ion as of

benef it t o B-H but B bel ieves has dest royed chance

union wit h Serba.


(b) The cartoonist in Source C shows the Austrians behaving

aggressively over Bosnia-Herzegovina. Why might the

cartoonist portray the event in this way?

Target : AO1/ AO3 Making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg Source C

suggest s t hat t he Turks have reluct ant ly accept ed t he

annexat ion OR alt hough Aust ria had been given cont rol

of B-H in 1878, t he annexat ion st i l l annoyed Turks and

sparked at int ernat ional crisis involving France’ s al ly,



Level 2 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source AND using relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h

Level 1 opt ions.


4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 52

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Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he source as evidence

support ed by select ed own knowledge, eg as Level

2.The French cart oonist may have want ed t o show

French support for her al ly, Russia, who was furious

about t he Aust rian annexat ion and demanded an

int ernat ional conference. Therefore t he cart oonist

depict s t he annexat ion as against t he wishes of t he

Turks, who t heoret ical ly ruled t he area. It could have

been t o roué int ernat ional sympat hy for t he Turks, B-H

and Russia.


(c) The writer of Source D suggests that the main consequence of

the Bosnian Crisis was increased rivalry between Austria and

Serbia. Do you agree that this was the main consequence of the

Crisis? Explain your answer using the sources and your own


Target : AO1/ AO3 Making an int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and relevant

own knowledge, eg Yes, because Source D says it

t hwart ed Serbia’ s ambit ions.

NB Answers t hat make use of only t he sources or own

knowledge can score a maximum of 5 marks.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg As level 1 and great er

explanat ion of t he ef fect s on Serbia AND/ OR st art s t o

look at al t ernat ive view and ot her ef fect s using Source

A, B and C and own knowledge.


Level 3 Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge, eg balanced answer

which uses sources and own knowledge t o explain

ef fect s of crisis on t he Balkans, t he Al l iance syst em

and on relat ions bet ween Serbia and Aust ria, using

Source D, Russia, and Germany and Russia and

Aust ria, using ot her sources.


Total 25 marks

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B4: The First World War, 1914-1918

4. (a)

Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about the

consequences of the Battle of Jutland? Explain your answer.

Target : AO2 Comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, OR referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Source A says Brit ain st i l l cont rol led t he

seas but Source B says Germany now had command of

t he seas.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion referring t o t he t one or

at t i t ude of t he sources, AND referring t o t he cont ent

of t he sources, eg Sl ight agreement as Source B

suggest s hammer blow and A ment ions heavy losses.

Most part st rong disagreement as B suggest s German

success but A German ret reat and Brit ish blockade

maint ained. St rongly cont rast ing t one. B German

opt imism but A conf ident Brit ish supremacy.


(b) Source C shows the sinking of the Lusitania. Why might a

British newspaper have publicised the event in this way so soon

after it took place?

Target : AO1/ AO3 Making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg The

drawing suggest s a sudden sinking wit h few survivors

OR t here were over 100 US cit izens who went down

wit h t he ship at a t ime when t he USA was neut ral .


Level 2 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source AND using relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h

Level 1 opt ions.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he source as evidence

support ed by select ed own knowledge, eg as Level 2.

The Brit ish newspaper would have want ed t o arouse

anger in Brit ain at t he sinking of a l iner and t he of

civi l ians in order t op encourage recruit ment for t he

armed forces. In addit ion t o gain sympat hy and

support ing t he USA for loss of US cit izens, possibly

encourage USA t o ent er on al l ied side or force

Germans t o cal l of f unrest rict ed U-Boat warfare.


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(c) The writer of Source D suggests that the U-Boats posed the

greatest threat to the Allies during the War at Sea. Do you

agree that this was the greatest threat during the War at Sea?

Explain your answer using the sources and your own


Target : AO1/ AO3 Making an int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and relevant

own knowledge Yes, because as ment ioned in Source D

and t he sinking of t he Lusit ania in C.

NB Answers t hat make use of only t he sources or own

knowledge can score a maximum of 5 marks.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg As level 1 and great er

explanat ion of t he t hreat of t he U-boat s espec 1917

AND/ OR st art s t o look at al t ernat ive view and ot her

t hreat s using Sources A, B and D and own knowledge.

Might quest ion int erpret at ion using convoy syst em in



Level 3 Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge, eg balanced answer

which uses sources and own knowledge t o explain t he

various t hreat s, such as Jut land, using Sources A and

B, U-boat s Sources C and D and surface raiders, Source



Total 25 marks

B5: Weimar Germany and its Challengers

5. (a) Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about the

importance of Hitler to the growth of the Nazi Party? Explain

your answer.

Target : AO2 Comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, OR referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Source B says t hat Hit ler was winning over

t housands. Source agrees t hat Ht ler I one of main

reasons for t he success of t he Part y.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, AND referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Very st rong agreement bet ween Sources A

and B. Bot h sources st rongly suggest t hat Hit ler’ s

qual it ies as a speaker key reason for i t s growt h.

Source B far more ent husiast ic t han A.


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(b) Source C shows the Nazi Party as opposed to the Treaty of

Versailles and Jews. Why might the Nazis have included these

items in their manifesto?

Target : AO1/ AO3 Making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg The

manifest o suggest s t hat t he Nazis wil l creat e a much

bet t er Germany OR t he manifest o was produced at a

t ime when many Germans humil iat ed by Versai l les and

want ed scapegoat .


Level 2 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source AND using relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h

Level 1 opt ions.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he source as evidence

support ed by select ed own knowledge, eg Hit ler was

t rying t o build up support for Nazi Part y and was using

t he manifest o t o appeal t o t he nat ional ist feel ings of

many Germans who want ed t he Treat y overt urned and

want ed someone t o blame for defeat and humil iat ion.

Ant i-Semit ism was already apparent .


(c) The writer of Source D suggests that the main reason for the

early growth of Nazi Party was the unpopularity of the Weimar

Republic. Do you agree that this was the main reason? Explain

your answer using the sources and your own knowledge.

Target : AO1/ AO3 Making an int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and relevant

own knowledge, eg Yes as Source D says t he Republ ic

accept ed t he Treat y and reparat ions.

N.B. Answers t hat make use of only t he sources or own

knowledge can score a maximum of 5 marks.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg As level 1 and great er

explanat ion of t he unpopularit y of Republ ic AND/ OR

st art s t o look at al t ernat ive view and ot her reasons

using Sources A, B and C and own knowledge.


Level 3 Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge, eg balanced answer

which uses sources and own knowledge t o explain t he

int er-act ion of a variet y of reasons for growt h of

opposit ion including t he unpopularit y of t he Republ ic,

Hit ler’ s personal appeal and t he Nazi programme.


Total 25 marks

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B6: Russia in Revolution, 1914-24

6. (a) Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about the

importance of Lenin’s leadership in 1917? Explain your answer.

Target : AO2 Comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, OR referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Source B suggest s Lenin was key f igure in

revolut ion. Source A says it was Trot sky. Source B

ent husiast ic about Lenin and Source A Trot sky.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources AND referring t o t he cont ent s of t he

sources e.g. St rong disagreement bot h in cont ent and

t one. In B Lenin seen as genius behind revolut ion

whilst in A work of Trot sky. Bot h ent husiast ic but for

dif ferent reasons. B for leadership of Lenin and A for

organisat ion of Trot sky.


(b) Source C shows workers and soldiers listening carefully to

Lenin in April 1917. Why might a Soviet artist have wanted to

show Lenin’s arrival in Petrograd in this way?

Target : AO1/ AO3 Making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg The

paint ing suggest s t hat Lenin had much support at t hat

t ime. Lenin had j ust ret urned t o Russia and was using

t he slogan ‘ Peace, Land and Reform’ t o get support .


Level 2 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source AND using relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h

Level 1 opt ions.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he source as evidence

support ed by select ed own knowledge eg The art ist

would be glamourising t he role of Lenin in t he event s

leading t o t he Bolshevik Revolut ion t o reinforce t he

idea t hat he brought much support for t he Bolsheviks

t hrough his promise of ‘ Peace, Land and Reform’ .

Candidat es may ment ion t he cult of Lenin which

fol lowed his deat h.


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(c) The author of Source D suggests that the main reason for the

success of the Bolshevik seizure of power was the mistakes of

the Provisional Government. Do you agree that this was the

main reason for the Bolshevik success? Explain your answer

using the sources and your own knowledge.

Target : AO1/ AO3 Making an int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and relevant

own knowledge, eg Yes, because as ment ioned in

Source D t hey made t he mist ake of cont inuing t he


NB Answers t hat make use of only t he sources or own

knowledge can score a maximum of 5 marks.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg As Level 1 and

great er explanat ion of mist akes of PG AND/ OR st art s

t o look at al t ernat ive view and ot her reasons such as

leadership Lenin, B and, and t he organisat ion of

Trot sky, A.


Level 3

Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge, eg balanced answer

which uses sources and own knowledge t o explain t hat

t he Bolshevik success was due t o t he int er-act ion of a

variet y of fact ors including mist akes and unpopularit y

of PG which in t urn brought support for Bolsheviks.

leadership Lenin and organisat ion Trot sky vit al in

weeks before t akeover.


Total 25 marks

B7: The USA,1917-29

7. (a) Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about the

impact of advertising in the 1920s? Explain your answer.

Target : AO2 Comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, OR referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Source B suggest s t hat advert ising boost ed

sales of everyt hing. This is support ed by A which

suggest s advert ising makes people want t hings t hey

did not know t hey want ed.


4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 58

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Level 2 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, AND referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg St rong agreement in t one wit h bot h

suggest ing t hat advert ising t hat very inf luent ial . In

addit ion bot h sources suggest t hat advert ising boost ing

t he sales of a variet y of product s.


(b) The advertisement encouraged women in the United States in

the 1920s to buy a vacuum cleaner? Why might the

manufacturer have wanted to advertise the product in this


Target : AO1/ AO3 Making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg The

advert suggest s t he vacuum cleaner is an essent ial

labour saving device. More and more labour saving

devices were being used in t he home in t he 1920s.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source AND using relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h

Level 1 opt ions.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he source as evidence

support ed by select ed own knowledge.

Much development in advert ising in 1920s wit h f irms

of t en t arget ing women especial ly for labour saving

devices. The advert del iberat ely suggest s t hat t he

vacuum cleaner makes housework easy for women. IN

addit ion it plays upon t he rowing demand for female

right s by referring t o men and labour saving devices at

work. This would encourage more of t he ‘ l iberat ed’

women of t he 1920s, who want ed more t ime t o

pursue a career, t o purchase t he vacuum cleaner.


(c) The writer of Source D suggests that radio was the main reason

for the consumer boom of the 1920s. Do you agree that this

was the main reason? Explain your answer using the sources

and your own knowledge.

Target : AO1/ AO3 Making an int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and relevant

own knowledge, eg Yes, because Source D ment ions

t he inf luence of t he radio.

NB Answers t hat make use of only t he sources or own

knowledge can score a maximum of 5 marks.


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Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg As level 1 and great er

explanat ion of impact of radio on advert ising AND/ OR

st art s t o look at ot her reasons using Sources A,B and C

and own knowledge.


Level 3 Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge, eg balanced answer

which uses sources and own knowledge t o explain t hat

t here were a variet y of reasons for t he consumer

boom including t he radio, advert ising t echniques, hire

purchase and t he increased prosperit y of some US

cit izens


Total 25 marks

B8: The Holocaust: 1939-45

8. (a) Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about Hitler’s

reasons for hating the Jews? Explain your answer.

Target : AO2 Comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, OR referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Source B says t he Jews wil l be

ext erminat ed. Source A says t he Fuhrer ordered t he

Jews t o be ext erminat ed now.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, AND referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg St rong agreement as bot h suggest t hat t he

Jews have t o be ext erminat ed as t hey are a danger t o

Germany. Source B goes furt her and blames t he Jews

for t he deat h of 2 mil l ion Germans during t he war.

Source A, however, seems t o have a more urgent t one

t han Source B.


(b) Source C shows German soldiers embarking on a train with

anti-Jewish slogans written on it . Why might the photographer

have shown the event in this way?

Target : AO1/ AO3 Making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg The

Source suggest s t hat t he German soldiers are f ight ing

a war against t he Jews. Nazi propaganda over several

years had done much t o t urn t he German people

against t he Jews.


4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 60

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Level 2 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, AND referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Bot h Level 1 opt ions.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he source as evidence

support ed by select ed own knowledge eg This was

possibly Nazi propaganda t o win even more support for

t he invasion of Poland and increase t he ant i-Jewish

feel ings in Germany. The t rain appears t o have ot her

graf f i t i al t hough t his has been part icularly highl ight ed

probably by an of f icial Nazi propaganda.


(c) The author of Source D suggests that the main reason for the

‘Final Solution’ was the large number of Jews in Nazi-occupied

Eastern Europe. Do you agree that this was the main reason for

the ‘Final Solution’? Explain your answer using the sources and

your own knowledge.

Target : AO1/ AO3 Making an int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and relevant

own knowledge eg Yes, because, as ment ioned in

Source D, t he numbers in t he East forced t he Nazis t o

int roduce a hast y solut ion.

NB Answers t hat make use of only t he sources or own

knowledge can score a maximum of 5 marks.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg As Level 1 and

great er explanat ion of Nazi expansion and numbers in

East AND/ OR st art s t o look at al t ernat ive resons using

Sources A and B and own knowledge.


Level 3 Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge, eg balanced answer

which uses sources and own knowledge t o explain t he

int er-act ion of a variet y of reasons including Hit ler’ s

bel iefs, Sources A and, t he st rong ant i-Semit ism in

Germany by t he early 1940s, Source C and t he

problems of t he East , ment ioned in D.


Total 25 marks

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B9: The Second World War, 1939-45

9. (a) Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about the

attitude of Japanese soldiers to being captured? Explain your


Target : AO2 Comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, OR referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Bot h suggest t hat Japanese soldiers would

not surrender. B shows how many died rat her t han

become prisoners. This is conf irmed by A which

st resses t hat t hey must never surrender.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, AND referring t o t he cont ent of t he

sources, eg Very st rong agreement . B explains refusal

of Japanese t o surrender at Guadacanal in 1942

despit e being surrounded and US loudspeaker appeals.

This is conf irmed by A in which t he Japanese soldier is

t old not t o surrender as it wil l be a disgrace. A

st resses quest ion of honour which is hint ed at in B.


(b) Source C shows US troops raising the US national flag after

capturing Iwo Jima? Why might this photograph have been


Target : AO1/ AO3 Making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg The

phot ograph suggest s a US vict ory. Iwo Jima was

capt ured af t er a great st ruggle and much loss of US

l i fe due t o t he refusal of t he Japanese soldiers t o



Level 2 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source AND using relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h

Level 1 opt ions.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he source as evidence

support ed by select ed own knowledge eg This could be

US propaganda t o increase morale amongst US t roops

and divert at t ent ion f rom t he many US casualt ies in

defeat ing t he Japanese. It could also be t o show t he

spont aneous react ion t o t he f inal vict ory.


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(c) The writer of Source D suggests that the use of Kamikaze pilots

was the main reason the USA found victory hard to come by in

the war against Japan. Do you agree this was the main reason?

Explain your answer using the sources and your own


Target : AO1/ AO3 Making an int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and relevant

own knowledge, eg Yes, because as ment ioned in D

Kamikaze pilot s caused considerable damage.

NB Answers t hat make use of only t he sources or own

knowledge can score a maximum of 5 marks.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg As level 1 and great er

explanat ion of t he Kamikaze pilot s using Sources A and

D AND/ OR st art s t o look at al t ernat ive reasons using

Sources A and B and own knowledge.


Level 3 Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge, eg balanced answer

which uses sources and own knowledge t o explain t he

int er-act ion bet ween a variet y of fact ors including t he

Kamikaze pi lot s, Japanese refusal t o surrender which

forced island hopping t act ics wit h great loss of US l i fe

and t he sheer scale of t he war in t he Pacif ic . Could

l ink fanat icism Japanese of A and B t o wil l ingness t o

be Kamikaze pilot s in D.


Total 25 marks

B10: China under Mao, 1949-59

10. (a) Does Source A support the evidence of Source B about the aims

of the Great Leap Forward? Explain your answer.

Target : AO2 Comprehension and cross-referencing of sources.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s cont rast t he t one or at t i t ude of t

OR referring t o t he cont ent s of t he sources, eg Source

t hat Mao want s t o quickly t ransform Chinese indust r

also suggest s t hat Mao bel ieved change had t o be mu

Bot h sources ment ion heavy indust ry.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s cont rast ing t he t one or at t i t ude

of t he sources, AND referring t o t he cont ent s of t he

sources, eg St rong agreement . Source B suggest s t hat

Mao want s t o cat ch up indust rial ly wit h t he West asap

and hint s at securit y. Source A is more expl icit about

t he need for rapid indust rial progress in order t o

st rengt hen China and compet e wit h t he West .


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(b) Source C shows a great number of Chinese people helping to

build a new canal. Why might the photographer have wanted to

show a large number of Chinese people involved in building a`


Target : AO1/ AO3 Making a j udgement about evidence relat ed t o

own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source OR using relevant own knowledge, eg The

phot ograph suggest s ent husiasm and mass support for

t he proj ect . Mao was det ermined t o harness t he

ent husiasm ad sheer numbers of Chinese peasant s t o

t he GLF.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s making inferences f rom t he

source AND using relevant own knowledge, eg Bot h

Level 1 opt ions.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he source as evidence

support ed by select ed own knowledge, eg Very good

example of propaganda put out by t he government

during t he GLF. The phot ographer wil l be highl ight ing

t he mass support and ent husiasm for t he proj ect t o en

courage even more support for t he GLF as wel l as

possibly convince t he out side world of i t s success.


(c) The writer of Sources D suggests that the main reason for the

Great Leap Forward was to strengthen Mao’s leadership. Do

you agree that this was the main reason for the Great Leap

Forward? Explain your answer using the sources and your own


Target : AO1/ AO3 Making an int erpret at ion of a key event relat ed

t o own knowledge.


Level 1 Developed st at ement s using t he sources and relevant

own knowledge, eg Mao, as ment ioned in D, fel t

t hreat s t o his leadership af t er react ions t o Hundred

Flowers Campaign.

NB Answers t hat make use of only t he sources or own

knowledge can score a maximum of 5 marks.


Level 2 Developed explanat ion using t he sources as evidence

and select ed own knowledge, eg As level 1 and great er

explanat ion of t he campaign and t he crit icism and

t hreat s using Sources A and B AND/ OR st art s t o look at

al t ernat ive view and ot her reasons using Sources A

and B and own knowledge.


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Level 3 Sust ained argument using t he sources as evidence and

precisely select ed knowledge, eg balanced answer

which uses sources and own knowledge t o explain t he

relat ionship bet ween a variet y of reasons, including

reassert ing his leadership, Source D, re-assert ing his

communist revolut ionary ideals, rapidly t ransform

indust ry, for securit y, A and B, and make use of mss

ent husiasm, C.


Total 25 marks

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Paper 03 Mark Scheme

C1: Medicine in the Nineteenth Century

1. (a) Study Source A and then answer the question which follows.

Write down THREE things that could have caused disease in

London in the 1930s.

Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of Knowledge/ comprehension of a source.

St agnant wat er, put refying animal, open dit ch, sewage.


(b) Using Source B and your own knowledge give TWO reasons why

there was opposition to attempts to improve public health.

Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ comprehension of a


NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s support ed by some knowledge, eg

The people do not want t o be bul l ied.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant

knowledge, eg It went against t he popular

cont emporary laissez-faire view t hat i t was up t o t he

individual who should not be forced.


(c) Using Sources C and D and your own knowledge, explain why

standards of public health improved in the second half of the

nineteenth century.

Target : AO2 Comprehension and use of sources.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1

Simple st at ement s, eg The phot ograph shows new

drainage works.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s, eg Source C i l lust rat es

improved drainage which reduced t he possibil i t y of

sewage and infect ed wat er.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he sources and own

knowledge, eg, Source C highl ight s t he signif icance of

t he cholera epidemics of 1866-67 which more or less

forced improved publ ic healt h legislat ion f rom t he

government s of t he day and led t o a range of

measures which furt her improved drainage, wat er

suppl ies and sanit at ion.


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(d) In 1861 Louis Pasteur proved that bacteria in the air caused

disease. In what ways did Pasteur’s work change people’s

understanding of the causes of disease?

gTarget : AO1 Recal l of Knowledge/ underst anding of change.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s support ed by some knowledge, eg

He developed a vaccine for chicken cholera.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant

knowledge, eg Past eur was t he scient ist who made t he

l ink bet ween germs and disease.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion support ed by select ed

knowledge eg Explains how Past eur’ s discovery of t he

l ink led t o past eurisat ion and immunisat ion against

deadly diseases.


Level 4 Sust ained argument support ed by precisely select ed

knowledge, eg As level 3 but emphasising his overal l

cont ribut ion bet ween what went before and lat er –

showing nat ure of l ink bet ween germs and disease,

t hus t aking t he idea furt her t han Henle, and t he next

st age, t he work of Koch, who showed t he connect ion

bet ween specif ic microbes and specif ic diseases.


(Total 25 marks)

C2: Medicine in the Twentieth Century.

2. (a) Write down THREE ways in which infection could be spread in

the trenches during the First World War.

Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of Knowledge/ comprehension of a


Taint ed wat er, f i l t hy dead horse, overcrowded ambulance, dirt y

medical van


(b) Using Source B and your own knowledge give TWO reasons why

wars brought advances in medical science.

Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ comprehension of a source.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s support ed by some knowledge, eg

Because t hey had t o prevent being fal l ing sick in WW2.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant

knowledge, eg Conscript ion WWI highl ight ed poor

condit ion many recruit s. Need for as many f i t men as

possible due t o heavy casualt ies on West ern Front


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(c) Using Sources C and D and your own knowledge, explain how

the two world wars encouraged the development of antibiotic


gTarget : AO2 Comprehension and use of sources.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s, eg Ant isept ics did not ki l l



Level 2 Developed st at ement s, eg Source C suggest s t hat

Fleming real ised t hat ant isept ics were of no use in

at t acking germs wit hin t he wounded person’ s body


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he sources and own


eg As wit h Level 2. Al t hough penici l l in ident if ied not in

use at st art WW2. War brought development of drug

and event ual ly mass product ion.


(d) In 1895 a German scientist, William Rontgen, discovered the

use of X-rays? In what ways did the discovery of X-rays change

medical treatment in the twentieth century.

gTarget : AO1 Recal l of Knowledge/ underst anding of change.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s support ed by some knowledge, eg

Enabled doct ors and surgeons t o locat e problem.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant

knowledge, eg It was First World War which conf irmed

t he import ance of X-ray in surgery.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion support ed by select ed

knowledge , eg X rays import ant because improved t he

success of surgeons during WWI in removing deeply

lodged bul let s and shrapnel which would ot herwise

have caused fat al infect ions. Marie Curie also worked

on t herapeut ic ef fect s of X-rays and use in t reat ment

of cancer.


Level 4 Sust ained argument support ed by precisely select ed

knowledge. eg More balanced view of change, for

example may look at early problems as some

radiologist s died f rom exposure t o radiat ion. Also

import ance mass X –ray unit s for large-scale healt h



(Total 25 marks)

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C3: The Changing Nature of Warfare in the Twentieth Century.

3. (a) Write down THREE effects of the atomic bomb on the people of


Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of Knowledge/ comprehension of a


Burnt , glass spl int ers, hair fal l ing out , deat h of baby, sickness


(b) Using Source B and your own knowledge give TWO reasons why

the USA and the Soviet Union developed nuclear weapons.

Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ comprehension of a source.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s support ed by some knowledge,

From 1945 t here was an arms race.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant

knowledge, eg Because of t he MAD t heory. This was

t he bel ief t hat because you had nuclear weapons it

would det er t he ot her side f rom using t hem.


(c) Using Sources C and D, and your own knowledge, explain why

nuclear weapons were not use in the second half of the

twentieth century.

gTarget : AO2 Comprehension and use of sources.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s, eg Because people campaigned

against t hem.


Level 2 Developed st at ement s, eg Source C suggest s t hat such

weapons were not used because of t he ext ent of

damage it would do t o bot h sides.


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he sources and own

knowledge, eg As wit h Level 2. Source D i l lust rat es t he

ext ent of damage t hat would be caused by a medium

sized nuclear bomb. Real isat ion t hat could self

dest ruct .


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(d) By the 1960s, the USA and the Soviet Union had developed

long-range nuclear weapons. In what ways did the development

of nuclear weapons capable of mass destruction change

warfare in the second half of the twentieth century?

gTarget : AO1 Recal l of Knowledge/ underst anding of change.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s support ed by some knowledge, eg

Before was warfare bet ween people, and l imit ed

dest ruct ion by weapons, af t er war dest roy everyt hing


Level 2 Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant

knowledge, eg War even more serious issue, weapons could dest roy planet . War had t o be undert aken mch

more careful ly


Level 3 Developed explanat ion support ed by select ed

knowledge e.g. explains how led t o furt her

development in arms race and MAD t heory.


Level 4 Sust ained argument support ed by precisely select ed

knowledge, eg explaining t he ext ent of change, t he

reluct ance t o use nuclear weapons and t he problems

posed by MAD. May ment ion t hat fear of nuclear

weapons led t o great er use of convent ional weapons.


(Total 25 marks)

C4: The work of the United Nations

4. (a) Write down THREE demands made by the United Nations

General Assembly to the Soviet Union in November 1956.

Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of Knowledge/ comprehension of a


Soviet Union wit hdraw forces, UN invest igat ion, UN decide fut ure

of Hungary


(b) Using Source B and your own knowledge, give TWO reasons for

the success of United Nations’ peacekeeping forces.

Target : AO1/ AO2 Recal l of knowledge/ comprehension of a source.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s support ed by some knowledge, eg

It has many more members.


4380 IGCSE History Summer 2007 71

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Level 2 Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant

knowledge, eg Included most powerful count ries in

world who were also on Securit y Council i .e. GB,

China, USA and USSR


(c) Using Sources C and D, and your own knowledge, explain why

the United Nations was unable to carry out its peacekeeping


gTarget : AO2 Comprehension and use of sources.

NB This mark scheme is t o be used for bot h part s of t he quest ion.


Level 1 Simple st at ement s, eg t he out break of t he Cold War


Level 2 Developed st at ement s, eg Soviet Union not accept

out side int erference in area of t heir inf luence


Level 3 Developed explanat ion using t he sources and own


eg Great er explanat ion of USA/ USSR dif ferences and

impact on Securit y Council


(d) Choose any one United Nations peacekeeping force after 1960

that you have studied. In what ways did the UN peacekeeping

force bring about change compared with the situation it found

when it arrived?


Level 1 Simple st at ement s support ed by some knowledge, eg

about any UN peace-keeping force


Level 2 Developed st at ement s support ed by relevant

knowledge, eg about any UN force


Level 3 Developed explanat ion support ed by select ed

knowledge of t he special ised agency e.g. explains how

it led t o furt her development s et c


Level 4 Sust ained argument support ed by precisely select ed

knowledge, eg explaining t he ext ent of success and

t he part icular problems it was able t o overcome.


(Total 25 marks)

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